Insulation with penoizol. Insulation of walls with liquid foam plastic

Among various kinds insulation materials, penoizol has the highest thermal insulation properties. This material is excellent for performing various types of thermal insulation and sound insulation work. We’ll talk about its positive qualities and installation features further.

Penoizol is a type of urea-formaldehyde type of insulation. The history of its use originates from Germany. Now it is actively used in many countries not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity and low bulk density, which ranges from 6 to 60 kg per cubic meter. Externally similar to expanded polystyrene. It has the appearance of a white fine-mesh material, on which there are practically no large air inclusions.

After penoizol dries, it becomes more elastic, has no odor, and can easily recover under the influence of minor deformations. When the cut is touched, small bubbles fall off. In addition, the material is resistant to microorganisms and insects.

According to manufacturers, one slab of penozol 0.1 m thick can easily replace a layer of concrete almost 3 m thick, a brick wall - 1.8 m, mineral wool - 0.2 m, and polystyrene foam - 0.15 m. From this It follows that it is penoizol that has the highest thermal insulation properties.

In relation to the density of the material, urea-formaldehyde insulation has various strength characteristics. Penoizol has a light structure, similar to polystyrene foam, it is without special effort shrinks like a sponge.

If we consider the difference between penoizol and expanded polystyrene, then, first of all, penoizol is absolutely non-flammable material, not capable of ignition. This quality is based on its composition, namely the presence of nitrogen. To make the material, thermoactive resins are used, which after cooling are not able to become liquid again, so the insulation does not melt. Penoizol is able to function normally even at temperatures above 110 degrees. If the technology for laying the material and its correct operation is followed, the service life of penoizol is more than 90 years.

Penoizol - scope and features

Since this material is organic matter with a cellular structure, it is characterized by high density, low thermal conductivity, good resistance to fire, microorganisms, rodents, affordable cost and ease of installation - its main area of ​​​​use is the insulation of buildings with multi-layer building structures.

Since this substance is poured directly during the process construction work, it is easy to use. Penoizol is not capable of expanding, but has a certain shrinkage. To avoid the formation of cracks, you must strictly observe all technological aspects associated with its installation, and in particular, pour the surface at a temperature of more than 6 degrees and use high quality materials.

It is possible to use slab or tiny material. Its dry state facilitates pneumatic laying on any hollow surface. In this case, a seamless insulating and sound-proofing layer with excellent strength characteristics is formed. Structures filled with penoizol are not capable of allowing moisture to pass through, even if there are small cracks.

This material is used:

  • for thermal insulation of various types of external fences;
  • insulating walls of a simple or combined type;
  • for thermal insulation of three-layer brick structures;
  • when filling reinforced concrete wall panels;
  • as a soundproofing and sound-absorbing layer;
  • as insulation for laminated panels consisting of prefabricated structures;
  • when insulating roofs, attics, attics, and balconies;
  • for interfloor insulation;
  • insulation of garages, hangars, storage rooms, open areas;
  • when carrying out thermal insulation at the dacha, in vegetable stores, cellars, basements;
  • when arranging wall panels with both wooden and metal frames;
  • when warming the soil;
  • as an absorbent substance during oil spills.

Advantages of foam insulation insulation

Usage of this material in construction it has the following advantages:

  • Fast insulation work - this advantage carried out thanks to convenient form material and its application.
  • Unlimited service life - since the life of the building is about 100 years, penoizol will last the same, so the use of this material as insulation will not require additional thermal insulation in the future.
  • Fire safety is explained by the presence of nitrogen in the composition of penoizol, which is a non-flammable material. In practice, ignition of the material is possible, but subsequently it will only lose a little volume due to the evaporation of moisture, but no harmful substances will not highlight.
  • The absence of shrinkage is ensured by adhering to a certain technology for installing penoizol. If during the installation of thermal insulation all the conditions specified by the manufacturer were met, then there will be no shrinkage.
  • In addition, this material has good moisture resistance and vapor permeability. Therefore, a healthy microclimate is ensured in the room and comfortable conditions accommodation.
  • Due to the presence of a certain composition, the insulation does not emit harmful environment substances, and therefore belongs to the category of environmentally friendly materials.

  • Penoizol perfectly resists the influence of various types of chemical aggressive substances; fungus and mold do not form on its surface.
  • It is resistant to microorganisms and not eaten by rodents.
  • Due to the absence of joining seams, reliable thermal insulation and sound insulation are ensured.

Insulating houses with foam insulation: manufacturing technology

Penoizol is called insulation, which allows you to carry out thermal insulation work quickly, efficiently and effectively.

The process of making penoizol consists of mixing carambide resins with water foam and substances in the form of a hardener. Next, the process of its hardening polymerization occurs. After complete drying, the material resembles fine-mesh porous insulation.

The primary phase of using insulation provides the opportunity to apply it in the form of liquid foam, reminiscent of dense thick foam. It does an excellent job of insulating private houses built of brick or sandwich panels. Filling of air spaces is carried out due to the presence of a certain air pressure. Then polymerization and hardening occurs, the material takes the form of a lightweight insulation material with excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

Insulating walls with foam insulation can significantly save on heating costs. Within a maximum of three years, all work costs associated with thermal insulation will be fully recouped.

Working with this material begins with filling. In order for penoizol to serve its owner efficiently, a certain technology for carrying out this process must be followed. In addition, when purchasing penoizol, you should require certification of its quality and written guarantees from the manufacturer.

It is possible to build equipment for insulation with foam insulation at home. This will allow you to significantly save on hiring intermediaries and builders. Thermal insulation of an average-sized house occurs within a maximum of 6 hours.

If you use the services of specialized companies involved in insulation using penoizol, then average cost carrying out work on 1 square meter is $30. If you carry out the work yourself, the amount is reduced by 50-75%.

The insulation procedure consists of pouring foam insulation into all voids and air gaps building. This happens through special drilled holes. It is thanks to the presence of a certain pressure that the material is able to fill all the cracks and crevices.

When hiring a specialized team, you should be very careful about the quality of the product, since there is a large number of scammers who use cheaper resin in the production of penoizol, in which case its quality is significantly reduced. For example, there is the option of using furniture resin, which is a cheaper, but at the same time dangerous type of hardener.

If you follow the insulation technology with penoizol and use high-quality material, then insulation with this material is the best in terms of quality, price, durability, efficiency and thermal conductivity.

It is possible to pour this insulation under plasterboard, wood and plywood surfaces, if the thickness of the material from which the wall is made is at least 5 cm. Since the pouring process uses equipment that provides pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres, fragile walls are not capable of withstand it. If you use less pressure, there is a risk of the formation of cold bridges, material shedding and uneven distribution, which significantly reduces the energy efficiency of the building and the quality of the insulation.

There is an option for manufacturing sheet penoizol. This is appropriate when there are no voids in the walls to fill and it is attached directly to their outer or outer surface. For the manufacture of sheet material special cubic molds are used, which are filled with material under pressure. After it dries, they are cut in proportion to required size. The remaining material is used to make crumbs that fill the cavities.

Penoizol: safety of use and disadvantages

High cost is one of its disadvantages. This is explained by the fact that among alternative types Penoizol insulation has the lowest thermal conductivity. Another disadvantage of this material is its fragility and instability to deformation, so it is used exclusively as a middle layer of insulation, but not as an outer or inner layer. In addition, penoizol requires compliance with a certain technology for its installation; if you do not adhere to all the rules for its application and drying, then everything positive traits will turn negative.

Since penoizol is not capable of expanding, sticking to anything or sticking to the surface, to fill the voids it is necessary to use a special apparatus, with the help of which the material is supplied under pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres.

Penoizol is retained on the surface due to its solidity. In addition, shrinkage is possible, amounting to 1 to 3% of the total treated surface. As a result, they form small cracks, which are covered with penoizol crumbs.

When applying penoizol to the surface of brick walls, the shrinkage is only 1%, since the material fits tightly to the brick and fills all the cracks. To minimize the appearance of voids or cold bridges, the material should be applied under a pressure of at least five atmospheres. But not all structures can withstand such strong pressure.

If the temperature at which penoizol is used exceeds 90 degrees, then it loses some of its properties and begins to gradually deteriorate.

The use of penoizol is prohibited in the following cases:

  • when insulating a car engine or hood;
  • when installing heated floors of any purpose and type;
  • when heating heating pipes for ventilation or chimney purposes;
  • in the process of insulating the water supply system, since penoizol is characterized by a lack of adhesion and will not adhere to them;
  • during the arrangement pitched roof consisting of a plasterboard layer;
  • as inter-crown insulation for door and window structures;
  • in baths it is used only if they are made of brick.

If high-quality raw materials are used in the production of penoizol, it is absolutely safe. This material has been subjected to various tests and studies that confirm this fact.

Although, if the technology of pouring penoizol into the cavity between brick walls is violated, it leads to negative consequences of its use, and in particular to the release of formaldehyde, which causes irritation, allergic reactions and other negative disorders.

To avoid the risk of formaldehyde release, high-quality vapor barrier of the interior of the room should be carried out. In this case, if this substance is released, it will only be outside the building.

Also, when choosing the quality of products and the specialists performing the filling work, you should pay attention to the availability of appropriate quality certificates confirming the harmlessness of penoizol. If penoizol is of poor quality, using cheaper resins, it will be very difficult to remove it from the surface.

Insulation with penoizol video:

Insulation with penoizol

Insulation with penoizol

How is insulation done?

For example, to insulate walls in a residential building, pouring occurs through small holes and allows installation of insulation without disassembling building structures. And for thermal insulation of houses under construction, penoizol is pumped into the voids of the walls, without joints and seams, thereby filling all the smallest cracks and cracks in the masonry. Penoizol has been used in Russia from the 50s to this day, and in the 70-80s, filling was carried out en masse. In addition to insulation by pouring material, it is possible to produce insulation with ready-made penoizol in the form of sheets or crumbs (crushed penoizol). This type of work is usually carried out on horizontal surfaces ( interfloor ceilings, attics, floors, etc.)

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Insulation of the roof of a historical building by pouring foam insulation from the outside into the under-roof space. Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Two-story old building, early 19th century. The walls are made of logs, plastered, and insulated with felt from the inside. Roller pitched roof made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick. The rafter system is wooden, the attic floor is insulated with sawdust. By wooden sheathing vapor barrier installed. There is no roof insulation. During the operation of the building, significant heat leaks through the roof were discovered due to the lack of thermal insulation of the roof covering.

It was still possible to combat the coolness in the rooms on the second floor by increasing the heating power, but freezing and failure of the expensive system automatic fire extinguishing forced us to take urgent measures to insulate the roof.

It was not possible to insulate the roof from the inside due to lack of access to attic space occupied by the air conditioning system. Insulate the roof from the outside traditional methods It was also not possible, because no one will dismantle the roofing in the middle of winter. The only possible method of roof insulation in this situation was considered to be insulation of the roof from the outside by pouring penoizol into the under-roof space. Penoizol was poured into the ventilation gap between the sheathing and the counter-lattice from the side of the roof overhangs along the entire perimeter of the building onto the vapor barrier layer, which in this situation performs the function of the enclosing structure.

To access the roof overhangs, it was necessary to use a telescopic aerial platform (installing an aerial platform in a cramped Moscow courtyard turned out to be quite a problem).

To pour penoizol into the under-roof space, a rigid and long tube made of pvc diameter 50 mm and 7 m long. The operator on the aerial platform inserted the tube into the ventilation gap and pushed it under roofing covering to the roof ridge. Then the supply of penoizol was turned on and the operator pulled the tube back as the under-roof space was filled.

All operations were carried out in a given sequence every 1.5 meters, along the entire perimeter of the roof overhangs.

The quality of penoizol pouring was controlled by tapping and visually, by the material exiting through the ventilation holes. As a result of roof insulation, the functionality of the fire extinguishing system was restored, and the temperature in the rooms on the second floor began to meet the standards.

The building's heating costs have decreased significantly.

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye village.

Insulation of the walls of a multi-apartment 4-storey residential building. Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye village.

During the construction of a residential building, the project provided for technological cavities between the walls of the building, made of cellular blocks and external cladding from sand-lime brick. Penoizol insulation was poured through pre-drilled inside holes. Holes were drilled through the walls made of cellular blocks in a checkerboard pattern, with a step of 1 meter vertically and horizontally. The drilling depth of the holes was calculated in such a way as to penetrate into the technological cavity without damaging the outer layer facing masonry. After finishing pouring penoizol, the holes were sealed with a non-shrinking cement composition, the inner surface of the walls was prepared for further finishing work

Theater of Nations

Moscow, Petrovsky Lane. Ancient building, 19th century.

The walls are brick, the ceilings are wooden, and during reconstruction they were replaced with reinforced concrete.

The rafter system is wooden, the roof is pitched, made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick.

The roof has unglazed dormers.

The air temperature in the attic is almost equal to the air temperature outside.

There is no roof insulation.

The attic floor is insulated with a 100 mm thick layer of expanded clay and 100 mm thick mineral wool.

At low ambient temperatures in the autumn-winter period, the attic floor freezes, because... insulation with expanded clay and mineral wool turned out to be insufficient for complete thermal insulation of the interior. The air temperature in the rooms located directly under the ceiling is significantly lower than normal, which negatively affects their operation.

Insulating the ceiling by pouring penoizol allowed us to solve several problems at once:

  • High-quality insulation of the attic floor;
  • Comply with fire safety standards;
  • Make the attic space usable.

Penoizol was poured in several stages.

On initial stage the mineral wool and expanded clay were dismantled, bagged and manually carried into the trash container.

Then, a polyethylene film was laid on the surface of the ceiling, with releases along the edges. The joints of the canvases were taped with tape.

According to the laid plastic film a wooden beam frame was assembled. On wooden frame outlets were wound up and plastic film was laid.

At the next stage of work on top polyethylene film a floor was laid from plywood sheets 20 mm thick in such a way that a technological cavity 200 mm wide was formed between the surface of the attic floor and the floor. Holes with a diameter of 20 mm were drilled in the plywood floor in 1 m increments in length and width.

Through the drilled holes into the technological cavity between the floor and the ceiling, non-combustible penoizol insulation was poured. Penoizol was poured under pressure until all cavities were completely filled.

Liquid foam plastic is a modern building material used to insulate buildings or produce facing products (sandwich panels). This substance has certain advantages that make it popular. Let's take a closer look at how it is used, manufactured and what differences liquid foam has from other materials.

What is the substance?

So, this insulation has a liquid consistency, which is why it can be used in any hard-to-reach places. Despite the paste-like primary structure of the substance, the material quickly increases in size and hardens. In this case, all the voids are filled.

Liquid foam is made from polystyrene foam with the addition of some additional substances that promote long-term storage material in a paste state and changing properties during use.

What components are used in production?

In order to manufacture the presented product, it is necessary to prepare raw materials. To work you will need:

1. Water (it should be heated to 40 degrees).

2. Foaming agent.

3. A catalyst that promotes hardening of the material.

It should be noted that liquid foam can harden at low temperatures, which makes its use as convenient as possible.

Properties and advantages of insulation

Now let’s see what advantages the material has:

1. Small mass. This parameter allows the use of this insulation even in those buildings that stand on soft soils. The material does not weigh down the structure.

2. Ease of use.

3. Low cost and efficiency.

4. Good sound and heat insulation properties.

5. Resistant to temperature changes.

7. Resistance to rodents.

8. Non-flammability.

9. Reduced transportation costs.

10. Liquid foam plastic, reviews of which are mostly positive, does not rot, does not allow moisture to pass through, and provides high energy savings in the home.

11. Possibility of use in both residential and industrial premises.

11. Use of raw materials in places where it is impossible to install other types of insulation.

Disadvantages of the material

It must be said that liquid foam, reviews of which will help you decide whether it is worth using or not, also has some disadvantages. There are few of them, but they are there:

An unpleasant odor of formaldehyde, which dissipates over time. It must be said that formaldehyde is a component unsafe for human health, but it evaporates quickly enough, so the final material is harmless.

If you use this insulation on horizontal surfaces, it can shrink up to 5%. Naturally, this result can happen if you apply the material without pressure.

Areas of application

Liquid foam is usually sold in cans, so delivering it to your destination is quite easy. In general, this material is used in the following cases:

1. For thermal and sound insulation of walls. To do this, you can pour it into the masonry, between the main surface and the facing material, or apply the product to the outer surface of the walls.

2. Thermal and sound insulation of the roof and floors. The material can be applied under flooring and under suspended ceilings.

3. Insulation liquid foam can be produced on pipelines.

4. Used in the production of sandwich panels. This allows you not only to insulate the building, but also to beautifully cladding it.

5. This material is used in industrial buildings, drying and refrigeration chambers, vegetable storage facilities.

In any case, the presented substance is used primarily for sound and thermal insulation.

Features of insulation

In order to carry out the procedure, you must first clean the surface to be treated. Insulation with liquid foam is carried out under pressure, that is, the material is poured into the required areas using special equipment. Naturally, after processing it should be dried. Only in this case will it swell and dry well.

It should be noted that fresh foam has high fluidity and penetrates into the most hard to reach places. At the same time, it seals even small holes well. At the same time, in construction there will be no need to use heavy building materials, which are large in size and quite expensive. Liquid foam in containers can solve this problem.

It should be noted that this material can be manufactured right where the construction is taking place. That is, you can make this substance yourself. A small layer of insulation can retain heat as much as a very thick one.

Insulation technology

Insulation with liquid foam, reviews of which are positive and help to increase the rating of this material, is carried out according to specific instructions. That is, it is necessary to follow the sequence of work. The procedure itself is not complicated, but requires the use of special equipment. So, insulation technology involves the following stages:

1. Cleaning the surface to be treated from dust and debris.

2. Calculation of the amount of material. In this case, you should take into account all those voids that exist in the walls, attic or under floor covering. In principle, the cylinders indicate how many cubic meters the insulation is designed for.

3. Insulation with liquid foam is carried out using a special installation that is capable of supplying material under pressure. That is, you need a foam generator. It perfectly doses all components. Simply install the required program.

4. Actually pouring the raw materials. Moreover, if there is a gap between the masonry where the old insulation has already rotted or lost its functions, then you should not dismantle the entire wall. Simply make small holes and pour foam through them. They need to be drilled in different places.

5. Polystyrene foam should be poured from bottom to top in a checkerboard pattern. It is necessary to fill the void until the raw materials begin to pour out. Do not be afraid that the material will begin to burst. The fact is that its density is very low, so it will not be able to destroy the structure.

Now you need to wait for the insulation to harden. After this, you can cladding the walls. If you produce liquid foam in the attic, then it is enough to fill the gaps between the beams.

What equipment is needed to make the material?

In order to produce this substance, it is necessary to have suitable machines. That is, you need to buy the following equipment:

1. Compressor.

2. Installation for mixing gas and liquid. All ingredients will be mixed in it.

It must be said that making liquid foam at home is quite simple. However, you will need a container in which you will package the resulting raw materials. If you want to make solid insulation, then you will also need forms.

Please note that different installations may produce different quantities material. Therefore, you should buy only equipment that will produce the required mass of raw materials.

Insulation manufacturing technology

Making liquid foam with your own hands is quite simple if you have the appropriate equipment and raw materials. First, you need to prepare the installation for operation. Please note that the equipment must be of high quality and all hose connections must be tight. In addition, the electrical wiring must withstand the load.

Next, you should prepare a foaming agent. To do this, you need to make 2 liters of concentrated solution and dilute it with 48 liters hot water. To prepare a foamy substance, an 85% concentration (half a liter) is required. It should be mixed with water (45 liters). The liquid must be heated to 40 degrees.

Now both solutions can be mixed, that is, you must combine the prepared foam substance with 5 liters of foaming agent. After this, the resulting solution is poured into the appropriate container.

A polymer resin is also added there, which helps harden the foam. To improve the qualities of the material, various modifiers should be added to it. All components are thoroughly mixed in a gas-liquid installation under the influence of compressed air. If you want to reduce the cost of construction, then try to produce liquid foam with your own hands right at the construction site. This will allow you to finish faster Finishing work and will significantly reduce their cost.

Naturally, all actions should be performed carefully in compliance with all necessary standards security. The point is that you will be dealing with acids. Try to wear protective clothing, gloves and a respirator.

Insulating houses with liquid foam plastic can reduce energy costs several times. In principle, these are all the features of making liquid foam. Good luck!

The term "liquid foam" refers to the group thermal insulation materials, forming a dense, quick-hardening foam without large cells with a partially or completely closed structure. It includes many varieties: penoizol based on urea resins, produced using ejector units, and one-component polyurethane foams in cylinders. Despite different composition, they have similar performance properties and, according to reviews, outperform conventional slab polystyrene foam in terms of thermal conductivity, fire safety, absence of cracks and cold bridges, speed and ease of installation.

Foaming is carried out due to the absorption of moisture from the air by the components, the liquid foam quickly gains the required volume and hardens. This insulation has adhesion to almost all building materials(in terms of adhesion quality it outperforms all slab types) and fills all existing voids. It takes about 20 minutes to achieve a solid state; it is allowed to proceed to the next stage after 2 hours. The structure of frozen cells depends on chemical composition: for urea foam it is open (capillary), for ready-made foams in cylinders it is denser and closed. Characteristic feature is bad smell formaldehyde, which weakens and disappears completely as it hardens.

Properties, characteristics, useful qualities

Performance indicators depend on the type of liquid foam and the discharge of the foam, in particular:

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient varies between 0.012-0.047 W/m·K.
  • Water absorption by volume - up to 20% (penoizol with open cells removes moisture on its own, while other brands liquid insulation it is almost not absorbed).
  • Flammability group – G2 (non-flammable, self-extinguishing materials).
  • Durability – up to 50 years.
  • The specific gravity of penoizol is from 12 to 30 kg/m3.
  • Elasticity – from 30 to 100%, depending on the balance of components.

Recommended areas of application for liquid foam: thermal insulation and sealing of voids, pouring between walls. Varieties in cylinders are optimal for gluing expanded polystyrene products inside and outside a building (installation of slabs on the facade or panels on the ceiling), fixing tiles, and erecting structures from round concrete blocks. Consumption per m2 or m3 depends on the work conditions: optimal temperature is +20 °C; accordingly, it is recommended to heat or cool the cylinders to this state. The insulation of pipelines using the “pipe-in-pipe” principle with foam insulation deserves special mention; according to reviews, this method is considered one of the most reliable when laying underground communications. A prerequisite is to moisten open work surfaces; leveling is not necessary.

Review Reviews

“Used Point Penoplast to glue insulation boards to external walls when arranging the facade of a private house. The work was carried out in the fall; I chose this brand because of its all-season versatility and good adhesion to brick. Thanks to the evenness of the walls, the consumption was economical: one cylinder was enough not for 6 m2, but for 7-8; for additional fixation I used ordinary disc dowels. As a result, the insulation holds up just fine, despite installation at the wrong time of year.”

Igor, Moscow region.

“Seven years ago I ordered a service for insulating interior masonry with ecowool, despite the tangible positive effect at first, after a few years the material settled and the walls began to lose heat. IN construction company I was offered to fill the resulting voids with foam insulation. I liked the result: the expense was insignificant, everything was done in a day, the house maintains the desired temperature at any time of the year.”

Maxim, Kyiv.

“I worked with one of the varieties of liquid foam - Zigger 65 foam from Kimtek last year when filling cracks at the joint load-bearing walls and rafters. Completely satisfied with the quality and price, a lot of foam comes out, the bolt is on mounting gun helps regulate flow. To achieve the desired result, it was necessary to fill the voids no more than a third.”

Pavel, St. Petersburg.

"Work in construction industry For many years, I have positively assessed the properties of penoizol and its analogues. There are a number of nuances for installing this material: the optimal temperature of the cylinder and the surrounding air is +20 °C, it is advisable to slightly moisten the exposed surfaces with water before applying the insulation, a smell will be felt for one or two days (some brands smell only during the foaming process), it is better to cut off the excess, and hide the layer itself.”

Oleg, Moscow.

“Having chosen insulation with liquid foam plastic in a private house with my own hands, I did not expect that the investment in equipment would pay off so quickly. This method is suitable for frame and brick houses, attic floors, in general, in the private sector the owner of a foam generator and compressor will not be left without work. I advise you to start with a unit with a productivity of about 8 m3 per hour; for private construction this is more than enough.”

Roman, Rostov-on-Don.

Pros and cons of the material, feasibility of use

The main advantages of liquid foam in cylinders include: safety of use, ease of installation, excellent adhesion to surfaces, minimal coefficient of secondary expansion (foam does not deform structures), resistance to biological threats, good sound absorption and low thermal conductivity. The hardened material is in no way inferior to sheet foam, but unlike it, it is self-extinguishing (flammability group - not lower than G2). The main advantages include the absence of joints and cold bridges; penoizol is suitable for filling voids in insulation materials that have shrinked: mineral wool, ecowool and granular heat insulators: expanded clay, expanded polystyrene chips.

Vapor permeability deserves special mention: penoizol in cylinders forms a breathable layer, brands with a closed structure allow both moisture and air to pass through much worse. This cannot be considered a disadvantage, but this property should be taken into account when carrying out work. According to reviews, there are no problems in houses with well-thought-out ventilation. There are two significant operational disadvantages: the smell during the pouring process (disappearing within the first two days) and shrinkage during insulation horizontal structures(within 5-20%). It is noteworthy that when liquid foam is supplied under pressure (between two walls or surfaces), the amount of shrinkage is almost imperceptible.

Considering the above, we can conclude that foam insulation insulation is optimal for layered and well masonry, frame houses and any objects with false walls. Ideally, it is used at the time of construction of the house. Spraying a liquid grade of foam plastic produced in cylinders is advisable when carrying out balcony insulation, insulation of containers, voids and seams. Ready-made formulations More versatile and multifunctional, they are worth buying for small amounts of work.


According to reviews, the leader in this area is the products of the German company Kimtec (brands Zigger, Liquid and others). Price professional services the preparation and pouring of penoizol directly on the construction site depends on the amount of work and the complexity of the design (the need for an additional frame, for example), on average 1 m3 costs 1200-1600 rubles.

The content of the article:

Insulation of walls with liquid foam plastic is lightweight and reliable way creating a comfortable indoor microclimate. The porous substance is effectively used for thermal insulation of building structures made from almost any material. Today you will learn how to insulate a house with liquid polystyrene foam from our article.

Features of thermal insulation of walls with liquid foam

Liquid foam, also known as Penoizol, is obtained by foaming urea-formaldehyde resin. It is noteworthy that all manufacturing process thermal insulation is carried out directly on site: there the product is manufactured, supplied in a liquid state under pressure into prepared cavities, fills them, and then hardens.

With this organization of work, there is a significant saving of money and time on transportation costs, storage of insulation, purchase of fasteners and work related to their installation.

The resulting coating has a density of 10-30 kg/m3, excellent insulating properties and low thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.038 W/m*C. According to the latest indicator, Penoizol retains heat 2 times better than ordinary polystyrene foam, surpassing even mineral wool.

For clarity and proof of the effectiveness of insulating houses with liquid foam, it can be compared with traditional insulation: a layer of this material 10 cm thick has thermal insulating properties equivalent to 30 cm regular polystyrene foam, 20 cm mineral wool, 34 cm wood, 90 cm brickwork or 210 cm of concrete.

Liquid foam plastic is used not only in new construction, but also as a material intended for repairing areas of thermal insulation destroyed during the operation of the building. Penoizol, for example, can fill cavities that have formed due to shrinkage bulk insulation, its poor-quality filling, or those that arose in foam damaged by rodents.

Advantages and disadvantages of wall insulation with liquid foam

Made attractive and popular this method insulation of houses, industrial buildings and outbuildings, the undoubted advantages of liquid foam:
  • The fine-cell texture of the foam plastic, which perfectly conducts steam, actively passes moisture from the walls out through its entire volume, making them dry and counteracting the accumulation of condensation and the development of accompanying fungal mold. This property classifies the material as “breathable”, and this is of particular value for any, and especially wooden, walls.
  • The fire safety of cast foam is quite high and its flammability is not lower than group G-2. The material does not support combustion, and given the organic composition of the insulation, this phenomenon can be considered unique. IN open flame the hardened foam becomes charred and loses its bulk, evaporating without forming molten drops, soot and toxic gases.
  • Penoizol tolerates changes in air humidity and temperature perfectly, without changing its internal structure and at the same time having rare durability. Studies have determined the service life of this insulation at 60-80 years.
  • Like all insulation materials, cast foam has excellent soundproofing properties. A layer of Penoizol 5-7 cm thick reduces mid-frequency airborne noise by 3 times, and structural noise by two times.
  • The cost of liquid foam is low and quite affordable. Using this material, you can save at the stage of building a house, but more significant savings can be obtained on heating during its operation, since this insulation has better thermal insulation characteristics.
  • A significant advantage of liquid thermal insulation is that there is no need for thorough surface preparation. This circumstance significantly reduces construction costs. If a special machine is used at the site for the production of Penoizol, it will be enough to provide only access to electricity and water for its operation.
Like any other thermal insulation, wall insulation with liquid foam has its disadvantages:
  1. Compared to extruded foam, Penoizol has low mechanical strength.
  2. When water comes into contact with the insulation for a long time, it is able to absorb a certain amount of it, which worsens the thermal insulation properties of the coating. However, Penoizol can quickly evaporate accumulated moisture due to its capillary structure.
  3. During the polymerization process, liquid foam releases a small amount of formaldehyde and water fumes into the air, but after completion this process and getting rid of moisture within 2-3 weeks, the indicator of the presence of harmful substances does not exceed their maximum permissible concentration.
  4. In the case of injection of liquid insulation not into permanent concrete or brick walls, and in frame ones, due to the problem of creating significant pressure in such structures, the poured foam plastic has an unpleasant property - shrinkage of the insulation during its polymerization and drying, amounting to up to 1%.
Many of these shortcomings can be eliminated. Thermal insulation made of liquid foam is protected by sheathing from climatic factors and mechanical damage. IN frame walls it is reinforced, this eliminates the shrinkage of Penoizol for the entire period of its operation, and also makes it possible to obtain a monolithic coating reinforced throughout the entire volume with fibers.

Technology of wall insulation with liquid foam plastic

Many slab insulation materials are made by polymerizing foamed raw materials. But if it is applied directly to the structure, the adhesion of the base and material will be much stronger. For this reason, mobile stations for the production of liquid foam in Lately became very popular. With their help foam insulator prepared at the place of its use. Let's take a closer look this technology insulation with liquid foam.

Selection of material for wall insulation

Casting foam is made by foaming with compressed air a mixture consisting of urea resin, acid curing catalyst, foaming agent and water. To increase the thermal insulation properties of the future coating and improve it technical characteristics Various modifiers can be added to the composition in amounts up to 5% of the weight of the resin.

The ingredients of the mixture are mixed and whipped until foam is obtained in a special installation. Air is supplied into it by a compressor with a capacity of at least 300 l/min.

The machine for producing foam insulation can be rented or purchased. Its cost ranges from 20,000 rubles and above. Expensive installations are controlled using microprocessors, which greatly simplifies the process of insulating structures.

If the amount of thermal insulation work is small, you can use special cylinders filled with liquid foam, which are also commercially available. Before use, the container must be shaken vigorously 15-20 times. This is necessary so that the propellant, an inert substance that provides excess pressure to displace the active composition, is evenly distributed in its contents.

In addition, when working with liquid foam in cylinders, you need to monitor temperature conditions mixtures. Its temperature of +20°C is optimal for application. If it is lower, the cylinder should be preheated in warm water, the temperature of which should not be higher than +50°C. In summer, it is recommended to cool very hot cylinders to the desired condition.

Features of calculating liquid foam

Material calculations should be made in cubic meters. The formula for it, taking into account a margin of 10%, looks like this:

V (volume) = wall length * wall height * thickness of the insulation layer (i.e., the cavity between the walls that needs to be filled with liquid insulation).

Example 1. It is required to pour 10 cm of foam plastic into a wall measuring 10x4 m. Calculation of the volume of material: V = 10 * 4 * 0.1 = 4 m 3.

Example 2. It is necessary to insulate the walls of the entire house with dimensions of 8x10 m and a height of 4 m. The thickness of the insulating layer should be 10 cm. In this case, to calculate the consumption of liquid foam, it is necessary to take into account 10% of the area of ​​door and window openings. The total volume of material, taking into account all openings, will be: V = (8 + 8 + 10 + 10) * 4 * 0.1 = 14.4 m 3. Excluding openings: V = 14.4 * 0.9 = 12.96 m3.

Price required material can also be calculated, taking into account its average price of 70-80 rubles/m2.

Instructions for pouring liquid foam

This procedure is distinguished from other insulation methods by the absence of the need for surface preparation. After preparing the foaming mixture in the apparatus, fill the cavity between the outer and internal wall carried out using a special hose with a diameter of 30 mm. The insulation is quite dense and of high quality.

This technology provides three options for its use:

  • Filling in the cavity between the walls of the building in use. This procedure can be performed if the free space is 3-5 cm in size. Holes with a diameter of 32 mm are made in the wall in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 1 m. Then foam is poured into each hole under pressure through a hose until it appears in the hole next to it.
  • Pouring into the cavity between the walls of a building being constructed. In this case, the cavity is filled with a mixture in several layers.
  • Pouring insulation between the wall and the false partition, which can serve as finishing from profiled flooring, plasterboard sheets, plastic and other things. This method of insulation with liquid foam is also relevant for frame houses.
All cavities are filled, starting from the bottom and ending with the top of the wall. Penoizol does not increase in volume and completely fills hard-to-reach places, cracks and open pores.

After 20 minutes, the poured mass begins to harden, gaining initial strength over the next 3-4 hours. Final polymerization and drying of the material must be carried out in natural conditions from two to five days. After 3-4 weeks the insulation will be completely stabilized.

How to insulate a house with liquid foam - watch the video:

By choosing liquid foam for home insulation, you can get one of the best thermal insulators on the construction market due to its high performance, durability and affordable price of this material. Good luck!