Your guardian angel and intercessor icon by date of birth. How old is your Guardian Angel

Mine life path We are not overcoming alone. We have a faithful and loving helper who will be with us until our last breath. We don’t know him by sight, but very often we feel his support and care - this is our guardian angel who communicates with us, and we hear him as our inner voice. We can turn to him for help and advice. How to find out the name of your guardian angel?

Do no harm!

Not only doctors, but also angels live by this motto. We can ask them for something important or necessary, but we can only receive this something if our desires do not harm anyone. Our evil intentions, messages and words insult first of all our guardian, which, in turn, leads to a weakening of our own protective forces. Priests advise communicating with your assistant as often as possible and asking only for the most important and necessary things.

Remember how children depict angels in their drawings? These are graceful creatures with transparent wings. They are tender and vulnerable, and ours evil words, actions and bad habits provoke diseases. They also have their own birthday on which to honor their companions. It is customary to bake pies and loaves as a treat, and on this day you should definitely visit the church and venerate the icon of your patron.

How to find out the name of your guardian angel?

Patrons have proper names and even age. For example, you can find out the age of your angel by adding the date and month of your birth (take, for example, March 20 - 20+03=23). He will always be as old as he is by adding the date and month of birth; angels do not age.

As for the name, try asking him about it yourself. Find a minute of free time when you are not bothered by everyday problems, sit down, relax, close your eyes and ask his name. Sit quietly for a few minutes and listen. Information may simply intuitively come to mind; you will not only hear the name, but also feel the warmth spreading throughout your body. There are often cases when angels draw various visions before us, thanks to which we can also recognize the name. Don’t be afraid to repeat the question if you didn’t get the name right the first time. Our patrons are patient.

You can also find out the name of the custodian from Orthodox calendars. Look at the name indicated on the 8th day after your birthday - this could be the name of your angel. And the method described above will help you verify this.

Our divine companions also have their own elements. Determining them is as simple as identifying age. You need to add up the birthday numbers. If you get 1, the element of your guardian angel is Holiness, 2 – Light, 3 – Air, 4 – Wisdom, 5 – Metal, 6 – Rainbow, 7 – Energy, 8 – Human, 9 – Body, 0 – Fire.

Imagine the situation: a man took a plane ticket, but suddenly something delayed him. Perhaps the car didn’t start, the taxi arrived late, the keys disappeared, although it seemed they should have been “right here,” the ill-fated passport disappeared somewhere again. In short, the man was late for boarding. Sadness and swearing! But suddenly, after 1-2-5 hours, they broadcast on TV or radio that the plane he was so eager to get on exploded in the air (fell, sank into the abyss, and so on). What is this: fate, providence or the help of the intercessors of humanity - the angels of God? And if the latter, then who are they, what are their names, how old are they and how to meet them? Let's try to figure it out. If you are interested in how to recognize your guardian angel, read on.

Are there angels?

You can not believe in the existence of celestial beings only in two cases: you do not Orthodox man or have never held a Bible in their hands. On the pages of this Christian book, heavenly protectors are mentioned more than 300 times. Jesus Christ himself, according to Matt. 10:18, said that they should not be offended or despised, for they always see the face of Heavenly Father and can tell him everything. The Lord, in turn, is able to convey His will to people through them.

Guardian Angels in Orthodoxy

In Christianity, they are considered to be God's messengers to protect earthly man. According to beliefs, they begin their duties from the moment the baby is baptized in the church and freed from original sin. After which they lead a person by the hand throughout his life and protect him to the best of his ability. They can renounce their own responsibilities in one case - if the former ward took an unrighteous path and was seduced by the promises of demons.

Celestial Guardian Abilities

Strength is given to angels by God, whom they can see. It is he who determines what ability this or that heavenly intercessor will have and what he will do. According to many Christian legends, celestial beings are able to protect not only people, but also entire states. If there is a war, they do not participate in it, but earnestly pray to the Heavenly Father for the admonition of people. All angels are given the opportunity:

  • be invisible or visible to the eye (at will);
  • influence the material world;
  • to see a person and his thoughts, to stand up for him;
  • destroy entire cities if necessary.

But they cannot punish a person for anything, since it is not in their power. The Lord himself does this. Many people are interested in how to recognize their guardian angel, but first try to determine whether you have one or have long since left.

Do you have a heavenly protector?

People who happily escaped any tragic situations are usually considered lucky and say that they have a heavenly intercessor. Allegedly, it was he who hurried to their aid and shielded them from trouble with his wing. But how do you know if you have a guardian angel, if someone invisible will come to the rescue if trouble happens? In fact, this is quite easy to determine; you need to look at:

  1. To your dreams. In them you can sometimes see a person who gives a hint or warns against something. This is the guardian angel.
  2. Real visions. Angels are able to appear before their charges in the form of a completely ordinary people. Therefore, if you saw a handsome old man (an old woman, a woman in white) and he warned you about something, it is better to listen.
  3. Otherworldly voices that sound somewhere from outside, but have no source. They can be heard when you wake up from sleep, when you are alone at home, or among others. An important sign is that no one but you hears voices and sounds.
  4. Signs - numbers, letters, symbols and so on. If, for example, you see the same number everywhere, you should pay close attention to it and try to decipher the message.
  5. Strange but pleasant sensations. For example, a delicious smell that only you smell may indicate that a guardian angel is somewhere nearby.

Evidence of the existence of your protector is also provided by seemingly random events that occur: you were late for the plane, and it crashed; unexpectedly left the place where they had been standing for a long time - a brick fell; moved from one seat to another on the bus - an accident occurred, half the transport was demolished, you miraculously survived. All this means that someone is carefully guarding you.

Man or woman?

According to the Bible, angels do not have a specific gender, nor do they have a physical appearance. But they can, if necessary, take on one form or another. If you are interested in how to find out your guardian angel by gender, you should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, this is November 29, 1968: 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 37. The result is an odd number, which means that the person’s heavenly patron is a woman or a girl. If you get an even number - respectively, a man or a boy, depending on how old he is.

How old is he/she?

After you have decided who it is - he or she, you can calculate the age of the guardian angel. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the date and month of birth. In our case, this is 29 + 11 = 40 years (quite an old lady, it’s worth noting). But it may also happen to you that the protector (or intercessor) turns out to be a very small child. You shouldn't worry about it. Even earthly children see and feel much better than their parents, let alone heavenly ones.

Who according to the elements?

The most interesting thing about how to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth is the opportunity to understand what kind of person he is - kind or mischievous, brave or touchy, and so on. To do this, it is enough to calculate the figure of his element. You should look at the date of the month in which you were born. If the number is single-digit, you need to look at it, and if it’s two-digit, look at the last one. In our case it is 9, look:

  • 0 - element “Fire”. Very strong and brave guardian angels, capable, like the legendary Phoenix bird, of being reborn from the ashes. They are ready to fight for the ward to the bitter end, to take any risk if necessary (within reason, of course). The people they protect are called lucky or fortunate.
  • 1 - element “Holiness”. These angels are considered the kindest, calmest and most capable of helping in resolving any problems. It is their faces, along with the images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Saints, that icon painters most often depict on their canvases. A person under their care is often ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.
  • 2 - element “Light”. If you're wondering how to recognize your guardian angel, then you're in luck. Heavenly patrons Lights love to appear in the mirror, communicate with a person and warn him of all sorts of dangers. In addition, they often kiss their charges. Why do you think there are so many cute freckles on your face?
  • 3 - element “Air”. These are angels with large invisible wings and a rather carefree character. They rush to help if the ward asks them for their protection, the rest of the time they mostly go about their own business.
  • 4 - element “Wisdom”. Very smart angels who can help in adoption right decisions. The people they protect are also quite wise, have developed intuition, and succeed in their studies and careers.
  • 5 - element “Metal”. Brave, cold and strong angels with powerful wings. They come to the rescue if a person is crying or grieving. The more pain you get, the stronger they will become. The wards of such heavenly protectors live for a very long time.
  • 6 - element “Rainbow”. These angels are very funny. They enjoy playing violins and flutes and are able to change their appearance. They give clues through dreams. Their students are extraordinary people with developed creative abilities.
  • 7 - element “Energy”. These are the most touchy defenders of man, but also very devoted and faithful. It is worth not heeding their warnings sent through prophetic dreams, they will fly away and not return until you strongly ask for it.
  • 8 - element “Human”. These angels are like ordinary people. In fact, they can be them, or rather the souls of deceased relatives or friends. They always come to the rescue, look after the person entrusted to them, and take care of him.
  • 9 - element “Warmth”. The most optimistic angels with warm wings. They can take the form of animals to be closer to their charges. For the people they protect, everything in life is usually harmonious and calm.

What is your angel's name?

If you are interested in how to find out the name of your guardian angel by date of birth, you must remember: there is nothing impossible about this. In Christianity, it is generally accepted that it is the same as the name given to you at baptism. However, this is not entirely true; a defender can be called differently. To hear how, you need to sit more comfortably, relax, renounce worldly thoughts, close your eyes and ask the angel a question of interest.
If the same name comes to your mind several times, that's it. To be sure, it is enough to ask the intercessor to give some sign. It is best to do this on the day of your angel, which is indicated in the Orthodox calendar. But remember that at such a moment you must be pure spiritually and in heart, otherwise he may refuse to communicate with you.

How to see a guardian angel?

So, we found out how to find out the name of your guardian angel, his gender, age and element. But sometimes this is not enough. I want to not only understand what he is like, but also see him. Of course, this cannot be done, but with a little practice, you can feel his presence very close. To do this, you need to sit in a warm environment on the floor or sofa, on which there is something beautiful (pillow, blanket, etc.).

You should sit as comfortably as possible, straightening your back and closing your eyes. Imagine that a bright golden color is spreading around, and roots are going from your feet to the floor. Ask the heavenly intercessor to come, whose name you heard before when you looked at how to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth. You can feel it nearby by a sudden feeling of warmth, a light breeze, or lightness spreading throughout the body (this is purely individual).

At such a moment, you should ask for a hug, touch or advice. After a few minutes, it is recommended to sincerely thank you for the communication and release the angel, since he cannot stay on earth for long. When you open your eyes, you will first find yourself as if in a fog, but not sticky and heavy, but light and airy. It will be good for your heart!

Prayer to your heavenly intercessor

The question of how to find out the name of your guardian angel is, of course, an interesting one. You can sit for days and count various numbers, figuring out the answer. But you should not forget to sometimes pray to your intercessor. You can do this at any time when you feel scared, sad, offended or hard. The words are simple, but very true: “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you."

It is worth saying this simple phrase so that the celestial will hear you and come to your rescue. You yourself will be surprised how light and calm your soul will become, as if someone really protected you from the outside world and its cruelty with their invisible wing.

Should we believe the results?

Well, the answer to the question of how to find out who your guardian angel is is given. Now you can independently determine his name, gender, age and character. But we should not forget that all these formulas and decodings for them were invented by people - just like you and me. No one knows how things really are.

It is believed that from the very moment of birth every person has personal guardian angel. It protects against rash actions and wrong actions. In moments of despair, he gives a helping hand and guides you on the right path.

There is an opinion that over the course of life a person can lose contact with his angel. This leads to a series of failures and increased vulnerability.

Guardian angel by date of birth

There are many ways to determine personal guardian angel. One of these includes a method based on the analysis of a person’s date of birth. Accordingly, the birth number is taken as a basis. If it is unambiguous, then that will be your angel number. If it is two-digit, then only the second number is taken into account.

Depending on what happened in the end, we determine character traits angel-keeper. They are as follows:

  • 0 – In this case, the angel’s element is fire. It is considered one of the most powerful. Such an angel is able to help out both in major matters and in minor problems.
  • 1 – Such an angel is called a saint. It is considered no less active than the previous one. However, as a rule, he instructs that category of people who really need the strongest support.
  • 2 – Under the number two there is a bright angel. In mythology, he is depicted larger than other angels and with large light wings on his back. It is believed that the wards of such angels have many moles or freckles on their bodies. They appear due to the kisses of an angel immediately after birth.
  • 3 – If, as a result of analyzing the date of birth, the number three comes up, then the person air angel type. It is believed that he indicates his presence to a person with various rustles and noises. Such an angel often leaves a person, which can cause him some trouble.
  • 4 – Number four counts symbol of a wise angel. It helps a person to analyze various situations and find the right ways to solve any problems. People under the protection of this angel always stand firmly on the ground.
  • 5 – Such an angel is called metal. It helps a person cope without fear and doubt With life's difficulties . Like metal, a person becomes strong and strong in spirit.
  • 6 – The number six refers to the rainbow angel. He is able to inspire a person to do any activity, revealing his hidden creative potential.
  • 7 – The number seven characterizes an energetic angel. Such an angel is very attached to his ward, always trying to help him, no matter how difficult the situation may be. However this type angels are very sensitive. If you offend him, he can stay for a long time leave a person. Therefore, his activities should be encouraged.
  • 8 – In the person of this angel appears soul of the deceased loved one . She, like no one else, understands and feels her ward. To establish maximum contact with an angel, you need to regularly honor the memory of this person.
  • 9 – This angel is called warm because he has a very available energy. He is very kind by nature, so he encourages positive actions of a person.

Guardian angel by name

It is believed that each person has several patrons at once. One is given to him immediately after birth, the other is acquired. Such saints include a patron who appears as a result of a person’s baptism.

There are even special prayers that are read specifically to this guardian angel. Only baptized people have this type of angel. His name completely coincides with the name that was given to the person at baptism.

How to find out?

Some people don’t even suspect that a guardian angel helps them cope with difficulties. Sometimes he gives signs of his presence that a person may not take into account. And this is not very good, because the closer it is installed contact with an angel the stronger his defense will be.

There are several ways to establish contact with your guardian angel. One of them includes sending a mental message to your patron or reading special prayers. The method of entering a trance or controlling one’s own dreams is also widely used.

Depending on the method of establishing communication, it is established permanent communication channel. For example, if a person managed to talk with an angel by controlling sleep, then subsequent meetings will take place in a dream.

In Orthodoxy

According to Orthodox faith, each person can have several guardian angels at once. Moreover, their maximum number counts as nine. Number of patron saints depends on the level of spirituality of a person. The higher it is, the more defenders there are.

There is an opinion that the most big number Saint Nicholas had angels. He was guarded by 27 saints. A large number of Guardians make a person more successful in life and resistant to failure.

If a person is unhappy, then most likely his angels turned away from him because he sinned a lot. Return trust of angels It’s not easy, but everyone can do it.

It is believed that there can be more angels if you turn to dark forces for help. However, in this case complications may arise. A person will be less vulnerable during his life because demons will protect him.

But at the borderline of life and death, these guardians will not let go of a person’s soul. They are trying with all their might to keep the person on the ground. Therefore people practitioners of dark magic, most often, die for a very long time and painfully.


You can not only get to know your angel by learning his name, but also determine other information about him. For example, you can find out what gender an angel is and how old he is. To do this, it is necessary to carry out some calculations.

For calculations we take Date of Birth- month and day. All numbers should be added to each other. The final number will be considered the age of the angel. For example, a person was born on the fifth of May. This means that the calculation will be presented as follows: 0+5+0+5= 10. The angel of a person born on May 5 is only 10 years old. It is noteworthy that he should look exactly at this age.

You can find out the gender of the keeper using a similar technology. To do this you need to add everything up date of birth numbers, but already together with the year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, then its components should be added together again.

If the result is an odd number, then the guardian angel is female, and if the result is even, then the sex is male. For example, a person's date of birth is May 5, 1985. The calculations in this case will look like this: 5+5+1+9+8+5=33=6. In the end it turns out even number, which means the angel is a man. Considering his age of 10, he is still a boy. It will look the part.

And if it is not there, then why?

Guardian Angels are, most often, the personal Patrons of a person, the bright Souls of people once embodied on Earth, or they can be light beings of the Subtle World (Angels and those higher in the light hierarchy), which are given by the Higher Powers to a person (his soul) at birth, or with a conscious choice of a bright path.

Guardian angels (Patrons) come in different statuses (their level of strength and capabilities) - they are given depending on the level of the person, his positivity and the complexity of his tasks in this life. About the levels of human development - read the link. Read about human positivity here.

Purpose of Guardian Angels:

1.They are responsible for a person’s energetic and spiritual connection with God (including transmitting “to the top” all his prayers, requests, thoughts).

2. Their task is to guide the Soul according to fate - so that a person fulfills his karmic tasks (in order to walk correctly, they try to protect against mistakes and falls, to suggest as much as possible).

3.Protect a person from Evil in the Subtle World (from unfair negative energy influences) and from fate in general (to lead away from troubles).

4.Teach the soul and man through his phantoms in the Subtle World in light egregors. About training phantoms - see the link.

Does every person have a Guardian Angel? No, not everyone, and it doesn’t matter whether the person is a Christian or a Muslim. Guardian angels are bright Patrons and they are given only to bright people (souls), to those who are worthy of the protection of God and the bright Forces. Dark, evil, vile people do not have Guardian Angels, they have their dark patrons who lead these people along a dark path, pushing them to commit evil and vile deeds. And there are people with initially dark souls (asuras), and even more so they are not entitled to light patrons.

The Guardian Angel (personal Patron) can change throughout life. For example, if a person has set higher goals, he needs a higher and stronger Patron. In this case Higher power they change their personal patron to a stronger and higher one (in terms of level, in terms of capabilities), one who is able to lead a person to his goals.

A person can lose his Guardian Angel! In what cases does this happen:

1. Refusal of your Karmic tasks. For example, a person by destiny should be some kind of reformer significant for society, but he gave up everything and went to graze cows in the village. This is a very serious violation of Spiritual Laws, and for such a refusal a person is deprived of the Patronage of Heaven, at least the high Patrons who were supposed to help him in his significant purpose for society - they leave him (the patronage is removed).

2. Crimes and significant violations of Spiritual Laws (commandments). Light protection is given to a person while he walks along the light path. If a person becomes angry, if he takes the dark path (the path of resentment and revenge, etc.) or commits a certain critical amount of evil (the number of meannesses, sins) - he loses his Guardian Angel and he is replaced by a gray or dark patron, depending on the severity of sins and the degree of evil committed.

Is it possible to return a Guardian Angel if it is lost? Yes, it is possible, if a person realized his sins and sincerely repented, asked God for forgiveness and really began to change for the better - his Guardian Angel is returned to him and his dark protection is removed. Read the link to learn how to atone for your sins.

What can you ask your Guardian Angel for and how to do it correctly? Only about something worthy, good; the bright Patron will not help fulfill any negative, evil requests or desires. The Guardian Angel always hears your thoughts, so to ask him for something, you just need to mentally turn to him and say your request. Asking correctly is to “help” you with something, and not to do it for you. That is, the wrong request is “I want a car” or “God, give me money,” the correct request is “I ask you to help me deserve a car and earn money for it.” Guardian angel is not gold fish, and fulfilling your desires is your task and your responsibility! The Guardian Angel and the Higher Powers help you with this: they create opportunities, situations, let you down the right people, teach, etc.

In addition to Guardian Angels and Patrons, a person can be helped by the souls of departed (deceased) relatives: parents, grandparents. If these are bright souls, then their help is always good. Just be grateful to them and don’t be afraid to bother them; helping you is a joy for them. If relatives come who are not positive, there are also downright dark ones - it is better not to accept help from them and to somehow try to protect yourself.

All people are under the protection of their guardian angel. He will protect, support and help in difficult times. It’s good when a person knows his guardian, which means he can turn to him and ask for help in trouble, during illness or before important event- wedding, exam, new job, quarrel with a loved one, etc.

When a person does not know his main patron, then you can turn to numerology and make calculations that help you find out who your guardian angel is by date of birth in order to maintain contact with him.

For example, a person was born on June 1, 1996, which means we count: 1+6+1+9+9+6=32=3+2=5. This is his number by which he can find out who his guardian angel is.

So, who is a person’s guardian angel?

Date of birth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1940 1941 1 942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196 8 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 199 3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 8 2019

Your patroness is Kazan mother of God. She treats you like a child who needs to be cherished and pampered, protected in difficult situations and lead through life by the hand. But you, like any child, want independence, which most often ends in trouble - debts, injuries and quarrels, health problems. But the Mother of God will forgive and understand if you realize your wrongdoings. When they are constantly repeated, you can receive a great punishment - serious illnesses, blows of fate with the loss of a loved one, and much more. Ask for forgiveness from your patron angel, go to church and place a candle near his icon. Everything will work out - Our Lady of Kazan cannot be angry for long.

Angels of light help you walk through life. A sign of their love are freckles on your body, as well as moles: the more of them, the stronger feelings to you. They give advice through dreams. Therefore, if you have any important questions, stand before going to bed by the window and stretch your hands to the sky, ask a question mentally and go to bed. You will see a prophetic dream. Try to remember it, but if it slips out of your head, it means the angels think that you do not need their advice and you should rely only on yourself. But you will still thank them by throwing a few coins on the Moon on your birthday.

Your guardian angel is Saint Barbara. She is quite strict, so she doesn’t like it when people don’t listen to her. She usually communicates her displeasure in a simple way- an unlucky day, full of various incidents: losing a small amount of money, stumbling, torn shoes or clothes, but all this can be easily fixed. Be sure to visit the temple the next day and place a candle near the icon of your guardian angel. So that your guardian angel can give you advice, get close to a girl named Varya, through her you can receive the necessary information. She will be faithful.

Your guardian angel, Saint Paul, as they say, cannot be spoiled; he does not tolerate wards who waste money, use foul language and lead an indecent lifestyle. He punishes such people strictly, but in good conscience, he takes money from spenders, forces lazy people to work, doing everything for this, and on those who express themselves in obscene speech, he sends diseases associated with vocal cords. And only awareness of wrong behavior gives a chance to start life in a new way - without problems and hassle. Those who Paul likes never need anything; he tries to thank them for their good deeds and efforts. But they should not forget to thank him for this, and go to church at least on major holidays.

If you are not clean of hand and tongue, then life will be difficult for you, since your guardian angel, Holy Mother of God, does not tolerate those who steal and lie. Her punishment is cruel - she can give a person a hard life with imprisonment or permanent serious problems. If you are an honest person, then the Most Holy Theotokos will make your life full of pleasant surprises. Just thank the Mother of God on August 28, visit the church and pray for the health of yourself and your loved ones.

This guardian angel takes pity on people living in poverty because of their wretchedness, forgiving them almost all their sins. Sergius of Radonezh did the same during his lifetime. Although he keeps those who can earn their daily bread in strictness, constantly testing their strength. But all his life exams are always strong. He always rewards them with some pleasant events or fulfills the plans of his ward. Never be angry with your guardian angel, then you will live with him in harmony and love.

You have received the kindest guardian angel - Saint Matrona. She always helps everyone, and not only her charges, but she especially loves them and takes pity on them, even where a person could handle it himself if he tried. However, if she gets angry, then her punishment is serious - for insults she makes a person an outcast, for deception - a serious illness, etc. Therefore, she cannot be put out of patience. On the day of her memory - May 2 - the ward must present gifts to those in need - money to the poor or do charity work, for example, by visiting a children's home or the elderly.

You are protected by the angels of deceased relatives who knew you well during your lifetime, so they can punish you as in earthly world and for the same offenses that they did not like during life. Pay attention to when you hit a low point and which of your deceased relatives might not have liked your behavior. For the peace of this person's soul, light a candle in memorial days and the days of his death. He will soften and help in solving problems, both small and serious.

Saint Tamara is your guardian angel, who will always be next to those who are purposeful and will help them achieve what they want. But those who are not used to fighting for their happiness will be punished by it with minor troubles, which should encourage them to do big things. But, if even after such a shake-up nothing works out, you should expect trouble - serious illnesses, quarrels, loss dear people and other. For help, you need to contact Saint Tamara women's days both men and women, light a candle for your health in her face, and also carry her icon with you.