Syrian cottonweed (asclepius, lastoven) application and medicinal properties. New problematic weed species - Syrian milkweed

The plant I want to talk about, unfortunately, is very little known; many have never heard of it. It’s a pity, this plant has a number of very important advantages, especially for unhealthy people who have serious serious illnesses. This plant has several names (garden ficus, Aesculapian grass, swallowtail, Syrian cottonweed (some call it Siberian for some reason)).

Garden ficus called because when the stem is damaged, the plant secretes white milky sap.

Eskulapova the grass is named for its healing properties. According to legend, Aesculapius, the god of healing in Greek mythology, treated people with this plant.

Lastovnem called because of the characteristic shape of the seeds - leafy, resembling a swallowtail.

A cottonweed named because its seeds have white, cotton-like, silky hairs attached to them.

Rodon-vatochnik (as it is known in reference books on medicinal plants) from North America. He came to Russia during the reign of Peter I and immediately settled in a pharmacy garden in St. Petersburg. Now it mainly grows in the southern regions of Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

It is impossible not to note the period when the cotton grass blooms.

Bees immediately mark this important event for themselves.

Even a person can notice the blooming of the Siberian cottonweed. With a weak sense of smell, aromas reminiscent of heliotrope and hyacinth fill everything around.

The flowers of the cottonweed are small, lilac-red, collected in corymbose inflorescences emerging from the axils of the leaves.

The plant grows quite successfully in gardens, vegetable gardens, and flower beds, delighting us with its beauty and attracting beneficial insects.

For a long time, cottonweed has been highly valued as a medicinal and industrial crop. And there were serious reasons for this. Rubber was extracted from the leaves of the cotton plant; paper, ropes, ropes were extracted from the stems; fiber was obtained from the ripened fruits, from which fabrics similar to silk and having water-repellent properties were made.

Industrial oil was produced from the seeds. But still, I want to dwell in more detail on medicinal properties this wonderful plant and tell you how and for what diseases it can be used.

An aqueous infusion of cottonweed inflorescences (1 tablespoon per 2 cups of boiling water), leave for 60 minutes and strain thoroughly, is used to treat long-term non-healing purulent wounds, ulcers, and to treat bites of various insects.

The plant is successfully used in phytocosmetics as a skin rejuvenating agent, as it contains a large amount of amino acids. Aqueous extract from seeds (pour 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds with 1 glass of boiling water) leave for 1 hour, then strain thoroughly.

The extract can be used to treat a wide variety of skin diseases (eczema, lichen, psoriasis) as well as for compresses and applications. For the same purposes, the milky juice of the milkweed, which appears on the cut of the stem, is also used. They lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

But one of the most important benefits of this plant is that it can treat several forms of cardiovascular disease.

Also, asclepius milkweed cures heart rhythm disorders, such as atrial fibrillation, tachycardia).

My aunt, who lives on the Black Sea coast, was suffering from cardiovascular failure, which developed as a result of progressive coronary heart disease. Swelling, shortness of breath, arrhythmia and almost complete loss of ability to work did not allow her to live!

But after a local resident of that region (herbalist - pharmacologist) introduced me to this plant and told me how to use it, in particular for heart diseases, my aunt gained hope for life, and now, two years later, she has gained strength and health! Since then, I began to recommend it to everyone who has serious heart problems.

The milkweed contains strophanthin-like cardiac glycosides, due to which it heals a diseased heart. And it should be used to treat the heart like this: 10 g of dry crushed rhizomes are infused for two weeks in 100 ml of 70% alcohol, filtered.

It should be taken very, very carefully (Syrian milkweed is poisonous!) 6-10 drops, and no more than three times a day.

My aunt took the root tincture for exactly a month, observing the exact dose indicated. Six months later, the course of treatment was repeated.

Growing cottonweed in the garden and varieties

He prefers powerful, tall perennials, therefore, he respects the power of nature and is not afraid of it, that is, he is brave and generous. If he takes the risk of placing such giants in his garden, it means he knows how to freely handle volumes and has spatial imagination. Prone to contemplation - for almost two months, cottontails provide the opportunity to observe the ballet of butterflies on their inflorescences. He is distinguished by his ability to see beauty in the original, because the inflorescences of cottonweed are far from the classical beauty of peonies and roses. Finally, a gourmet, a subtle connoisseur of smells, since the vatochniki have a strong and unusual smell - chocolate and vanilla.

The genus includes several dozen species of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs growing in North America and Mexico.

In our conditions, two are winter-hardy decorative type: red milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) and Syrian (A. syriaca). The name of the latter, as is sometimes found in botany, was assigned to this native North American by mistake, and it stuck.

Vatochnik meat-red

Develops a multi-stemmed bush 120-140 cm high and about 80 cm in diameter. The leaves are densely located on strong stems; the bush does without a garter. Ramtet enters adulthood at a moderate speed no earlier than the 4th-5th year of life. It can grow in one place for a very long time, without requiring rejuvenating division and transplants. It is winter-hardy, however, in places with cool summers it is worth choosing a warm, sun-warmed place for it - say, near the southern wall of the house. The soil must be fertile, deeply cultivated, since the root system is extensive, with many thick woody roots. Small roots, on the contrary, are almost absent. This circumstance makes it difficult to transplant a plant with a lump, since the soil crumbles, exposing large roots. However, a dormant plant (early spring) hardly suffers from replanting, although, like any other large perennial, it noticeably “loses weight” in the first season. Flowering begins in mid-July and lasts until September. The natural form of the flowers is purple-crimson; varieties ‘Ice Ballet’ with white inflorescences and ‘Cinderella’ with pink inflorescences are also commercially available. The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, each stem is branched at the top and bears several inflorescences. Interestingly, on the same stem you can see one inflorescence in buds, another in full bloom, and a third in fruit! The fruits are large, light green oblong boxes - can be used in arrangements. Cut flower stalks will also serve as an original decoration for the bouquet, only when cutting, you need to burn the ends of the stems so that the milky juice does not clog the blood vessels. Ripe seeds are equipped with numerous downy hairs (which is why the plant is actually called cottonweed), but I have never seen ripe capsules open - apparently, here on the Karelian Isthmus there is not enough heat for this.

Care is simple: watering during drought, mulching with compost, rotted leaves or pine needles. The need for weeding disappears over time: a powerful plant itself does not give weeds any chance.

In the garden, I would offer him a solo role near a bench or gazebo. In this case, you will be able to satisfy all the preferences of a lover of cotton wool: admire the butterflies, enjoy the aroma, and take your time to look at the fancy inflorescences. In a group, cottonweed will also look good, for example, with asparagus officinalis, against the backdrop of tall molinia or reed grass, or, conversely, with low grasses and sedges “at the feet.” By the way, you will also need crumbly gold from heleniums, goldenrods, and solidaster.

Syrian cottonweed

It is larger than the red meat one. It grows in an extensive clump 150-180 cm tall, quickly increasing the number of shoots. On dense soils the clump is relatively dense, on loose soils it is sparser. Round inflorescences are located at the top of strong, thick stems. It blooms somewhat earlier than the meat-red cottonweed - in mid-summer, and blooms for more than a month. Noteworthy are the large dense leaves, unusual for a herbaceous perennial.

However, the main charm of the Syrian milkweed is its color, a rare shade of cocoa, which contains a lot of milk and little chocolate. However, the aroma is distinctly chocolate. This species also has some inconvenient qualities for the garden, which not every gardener can approve of, even from the camp of cotton wool lovers. Its ability to grow too actively and far to the sides and sometimes pop up in completely inappropriate places - in the bushes of bluebells or, say, currants growing nearby, does not always meet with understanding.

In my opinion, Syrian cottonweed is most appropriate in large compositions that imitate tall grass. Its neighbors can be perennials with a similar growth pattern (lupine thermopsis, meadowsweet) or developing powerful bushes (variable knotweed, milkweed, goldenrod, sugar-flowered miscanthus).

You can try planting it with a strong limiter, achieving density of the clump. In this case, the soil inside a limited space will have to be made “tastier,” but even in this case it is not always possible to obtain an acceptable result, since the Syrian cottonweed loves space and freedom. The species is light-loving, undemanding to soils, tolerates dryness, and requires virtually no care.

Reproduction of cottontails

Fleeceweeds reproduce well by seeds.

You can grow seedlings in protected ground by sowing them in April, or you can sow them directly into the exploration bed in May. Seeds germinate in about two weeks and do not require pre-sowing treatment.

The usual care for seedlings is watering, weeding, fertilizing with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer at half dose. On permanent place It is convenient to plant already strong plants at the beginning of next summer. Reproduction by dividing the bush is also possible - for the Syrian cottonweed in the spring or at the end of summer, and for the red meatweed it is better in the spring.
As a conclusion - dear readers - be very careful with herbs and remember self-medication can very rarely replace a good doctor, who fortunately still exist.

In preparing the article, materials from S. Voronina were used, landscape designer, breeder different varieties and types of fleeceweeds.

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  • There are about 80 species of cottonweed growing in North and South America and Africa. One more official name- asklepias - the cotton wool plant was named after ancient Greek god healing by Aesculapius (Asclepius) for its healing qualities. When the seeds of this plant ripen, they are covered with fibrous, cotton-like fluff, giving them a rather distinctive appearance. appearance.

    Vatochnik types and varieties

    Syrian cottontail can be found wild in the eastern states of North America. It is a perennial, reaching a height of 1.5 meters, with erect leafy shoots and leaves elongated 10-15 cm in length (5-7 cm wide). The color of the foliage is dark green; in the middle part of summer it often falls off on the lower tiers.

    The diameter of the flowers is 1 cm, the color is light pink, they form large umbrella inflorescences. During the flowering period, which begins in July and lasts for about a month, the garden is saturated with the delicious aroma of chocolate cake. The smell of the Syrian cottonweed is somewhat more intense than that of some other species (for example, in comparison with the meat-red cottonweed described below).

    The silky seeds of this species can be carried long distances by the wind, but they need a dry and warm autumn to germinate, at least in middle zone. In addition, it is characterized by frost resistance, implying the complete absence of any shelter for the winter.

    (incarnate ) also grows in the central regions of North America. Slightly lower in height (1-1.2 meters), it has branched leafy shoots and opposite leaves with a light hairy cover, oblong or broadly lanceolate.

    The flower color is either red or pink-purple, they also form umbrellas and emit a pleasant aroma. The flowering period falls in July-August and lasts about the same as that of the Syrian cottonweed. Unlike the latter, the species in question is not so resistant to frost, so using a shelter, for example, from dry foliage, will not hurt it.

    In terms of the number of varieties bred, it is significantly ahead of others. Among them it is necessary to highlight the variety Asklepias meat-red ballet on ice with white flowers, cottonweed incarnate cinderella And milkweed meat-red soul mate (soulmate ) - with pink ones. The smell emitted by the flowers of this species is more delicate compared to the Syrian one and is more like chocolate butter.

    Tuberose cottonweed (tuberiferous)

    It is a low (50-70 cm), but very pretty plant. Lush bright red and dark orange inflorescences make garden composition especially colorful already in the middle of summer. This continues almost all autumn, and, like its “brothers,” this cottonweed has a subtle, spicy aroma. It is not frost-resistant, and does not always overwinter in mid-latitudes even with winter shelter.

    Variety tuberous milkweed Maharaja characterized by fast growth, erect shoots, elongated oval foliage and bright orange flowers that attract countless butterflies.

    Native to South America, it has a short growing season and is perennial in cooler climates it is grown as an annual. The inflorescences of the species are highly decorative; they are used for cutting, taking into account the important feature of all cottonweeds - toxicity.

    In case of contact with skin surface vegetable juice causes serious irritation, and certain people This effect is also observed from pollen. Red and orange flowers Butterflies also really like them.

    Syrian cottonweed planting and care in open ground

    Planting a cottontail first of all involves choosing a suitable location on open area. The fact is that new specimens of the Syrian species appear at a distance of up to 1 meter from the parent plant, and the meat-red one, although not so aggressive and mainly increases the number of stems, is still capable of displacing its own “ neighbors."

    When watering, regardless of the variety/type, you should stick to the golden mean. There is no need to allow the soil to dry out and, at the same time, not to over-moisten it. In the case of the more drought-resistant Syrian cottonweed, a deviation towards less abundant and frequent watering, while the moisture-loving meat-red milkweed can be watered more intensively.

    The plant is not picky about soil. Literally any soil will suit it, except that slightly acidic loams are the most preferred. It is worth weeding and loosening the soil only periodically, when the plant is still young.

    Oleander is also a member of the Kutrovaceae family and is grown with care at home as a houseplant. It blooms very beautifully if you follow everything the necessary conditions content. All necessary recommendations You can find it in this article.

    Replanting the cottontail

    Replanting is absolutely not important for the cottonweed plant itself for 15 years from the moment of planting. He is okay with this procedure, so if you want, move him to a new place.

    First, watering is carried out, promoting the accumulation of soil on the roots, and they are calmly tolerated. After transplanting asklepias, intensive watering is carried out for a short time.

    Fertilizer for cottonweed

    The first feeding is carried out before flowering, during the formation of buds. It consists of potassium sulfate and urea.

    After flowering ends, nitrophoska is added, and in the spring, after removing the cover, mineral compounds are added.

    Trimming the fleece

    Pruning, despite the fact that the weed grower does not like it, must be done, of course, if a perennial species is grown.

    Sanitary pruning is sometimes carried out before winter, cutting off the above-ground parts of plants, but it is recommended to leave shoots with leaves for this period, postponing cutting off old shoots until spring.

    When flowering comes depends on the chosen species - it is either autumn or spring. After wilting, the flowers are cut off immediately, which prevents self-sowing. Eradicating cottonweed that has grown next to another plant in a flowerbed is not an easy task.

    Preparing the cotton wool for winter

    The winter hardiness of fleece plants varies, as mentioned above. If you need to cover them, then use insulation materials such as dry leaves, spruce branches, and agrofibre. Additionally, the soil is mulched using peat and compost.

    In the spring, after the cover is removed, the perennial cotton grass will produce new shoots, but the species grown by annuals ( tuberous , Curasawa ) simply will not survive the winter in open ground. Species that are highly dependent on heat can be successfully grown at home, naturally (as perennial plants).

    Growing cottonweed from seeds

    Reproduction by seed in our climatic conditions is made difficult by weak seed setting, but if planting material a lot, most likely will not result in difficulties.

    Seed germination lasts approximately 3 years, they do not need stratification, sowing in open ground is carried out in May. The seedlings will sprout after 2-3 weeks and bloom in 3-4 years.

    Milkweed propagation by rhizomatous segments

    Often, cottonweed is propagated by rhizome cuttings, due to the good survival rates of planted plants and the opportunity to see flowering already in the 2nd year.

    The propagation procedure by this method is carried out in early spring or in August.

    Diseases and pests

    A good preventative measure in this case is simply spraying with water from a spray bottle; it’s even better to use infused onion skins(100 grams of husk per 5 liters of water, leave for 4-5 days, strain and use for spraying).

    From chemicals Acaricides such as Neoron are highly effective in controlling these pests. The drug destroys both the mites themselves and the eggs they lay. Typically 2 treatments with neoron eliminate the entire population.

    Syrian milkweed medicinal properties

    The medicinal properties endowed with Syrian cottonweed include bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional healers make from it water infusions and decoctions.

    The resulting medicines help in the treatment of skin diseases, for example, abscesses and long-lasting wounds, and serve as an excellent disinfectant of mosquito bites, gadflies and other insects.

    Syrian cottonweed is a perennial herbaceous plants. It is valuable to humans due to its medicinal properties. For the first time in Europe, the plant appeared as a technical crop, and then became widespread in Germany, England, Finland and France. In addition to being a source of fiber, rope, stuffing for toys and furniture, cotton wool is a good honey plant and is bred by beekeepers for honey.

    Description of the plant

    Syrian cottonweed is a perennial of the swallow family, growing as a bush. The plant reaches a height of 180 cm. Its distinctive feature is a long taproot, penetrating into the ground to a depth of 4 meters.

    All parts of the plant and their structural features are presented in the table:

    The base of the plant to its top. The flowering period spans several months and lasts from June to November. When ripe, the capsule bursts and shoots seeds over long distances. The cottonweed propagates by seeds and root shoots.

    The plant is classified as a weed; it is found in abandoned parks, alleys, and along fences.

    Honey production

    Milkweed is of particular value to beekeepers due to its honey-bearing properties. He is an excellent nectar grower. Honey harvesting lasts more than a month; honey productivity per hectare of continuous crops is up to 600 kg of honey.

    Bees work on flowers throughout the daylight hours. The nectar yield reaches 1000 kg per hectare. Honey obtained from the plant is considered a high-quality product, has a pleasant aroma and a light fruity taste. The bee product has a white or slightly yellowish tint. Does not crystallize and is stored for a long time.

    The consistency of honey is affected by weather conditions. It is best to pump out the sweet bee product in cool weather. On hot, dry days, honey becomes very thick and viscous; preheating is required.

    In funnels, nectar is released at high speed, 1 strong family bees collect up to 7 kilograms of honey per day.

    One flower releases nectar abundantly for 8 days - the entire flowering period.

    The cottonweed is grown next to apiaries, providing food for bee colonies and their offspring. Apiary owners willingly sow nearby fields with the plant, since bees actively visit attractive flowers and bring a decent harvest.

    The culture is of no interest to humans as a pollen carrier. Pollen collects into a viscous, heavy mass that is too heavy for bees to handle.

    It is necessary to use cotton wool for honey collection with caution; the flowers are equipped with a pinching mechanism. Bees often become trapped by collecting nectar in pollen pockets. It is difficult to get out of the trap; insects often die inside the flowers.


    In addition to the source of honey, Syrian milkweed is an ether-bearing plant. Essential oils are present in all parts of the plant. Due to the high content essential oils in spherical inflorescences, the plant enjoys success in creating perfume.

    During the flowering period, it is difficult not to notice the pleasant, bright aroma spreading over several tens of meters.

    Perfumers use only flowers as fragrant raw materials. Initially, the plant was bred precisely for the sake of obtaining oils; the beneficial medicinal properties of cottonweed became known later. The highest point of the plant's perfume value is reached on the 4th day after the opening of the first flowers, when the inflorescences bloom almost completely. To obtain perfumery raw materials (concrete), the inflorescences can be extracted, washed and distilled.

    Use in industry and folk medicine

    The herbaceous plant has many pharmaceutical properties and helps in the treatment of serious diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect on the body.

    The Syrian honey plant is used in folk medicine as raw materials for preparation:

    • tinctures;
    • decoctions;
    • powders

    The milky juice is used, which is extracted from different organs of the plant. Raw materials are harvested from June to July. Seeds, roots, flowers are dried, crushed, after which medicines are made from them.

    Tincture from the root system is used in the following cases:

    • kidney diseases;
    • dropsy;
    • tachycardia;
    • arrhythmia;
    • violation of skin integrity;
    • problems with the respiratory system;
    • increased swelling;
    • heartache.

    A tincture of dried leaves of the Syrian cottonweed helps with diseases:

    • skin wounds;
    • lichens;
    • papillomas;
    • rheumatism;
    • kidney diseases;
    • arthritis.

    The infusion is used both internally and externally. Depending on the nature of the disease, the course of treatment lasts from 1 to 4 weeks.

    A decoction of the roots of the culture has a laxative and diuretic effect, and is also used for health problems:

    • high blood pressure;
    • diabetes;
    • cardiopalmus.

    Powder from the dry rhizome of cottonweed is sold in pharmacies. It is used as a diuretic and to treat prostatitis. To get rid of cold-related coughs, you need to consume the powder up to 4 times a day, washing it down with plenty of boiled water.

    An aqueous extract is produced from cottonweed seeds. It is used for rinsing, compresses and dressings to treat ulcerative manifestations on the skin and open festering wounds. The solution relieves inflammation and promotes wound healing. The high content of essential oils in the fleece determined its affiliation with cosmetology. The culture has found application in dermatology and the creation of phytocosmetics. Amino acids contained in parts of the herb have a rejuvenating effect.

    In industry, the honey plant is used in different ways. In the southern part of the region it is grown as industrial plant. During the existence of the USSR, it was bred to produce fabrics and ropes, as well as to obtain rubber.

    Oil suitable for production is extracted from the seeds. liquid soap, which is used in the production of textile products. The cake remaining from the seeds becomes feed raw materials. In the 30s, cotton wool was used as insulating fillers for winter clothes polar explorers. It was also considered an anti-erosion plant and was used for landscaping cities. In gardens and parks, the crop is grown as an ornamental plant. Living hedges are created from it. The flowering time is considered to be the peak of the decorativeness of cottonweed.

    Agricultural technology

    There are 2 growing methods for the Syrian honey plant:

    1. planting seeds;
    2. propagation by rhizome.

    Under favorable conditions, seedlings raised from planted seeds do not always take root. The seedlings are weak and require careful care. Propagation by the root system is easier and faster. Rhizomes planted in autumn will bloom in summer next year. When planting seeds, expect the first flowering after 2 years.

    Planting of rhizomes occurs in October. Root sections should not exceed 10 cm in length. They are embedded in the soil at a depth of more than 10 centimeters. The soil is moistened before planting, and organic fertilizers. The distance between rows is 70 cm, between seedlings 50 cm.

    The optimal air temperature for the growth of the Syrian honey plant is +12+13 degrees. Maximum growth is achieved in May–June. With the formation of buds, the growth of the cotton wool slows down or stops completely.

    The cotton grass is growing rapidly. In one season, the cottonweed covers an area that exceeds the original planting site by a meter. It does not need weeding, since its overgrown rhizome easily displaces weeds.

    Cottonweed is a drought-resistant plant; its root goes deep into the soil layers, providing complete nutrition.

    Cultivated on any soil, it ascends without problems and grows mainly in loamy, slightly acidic areas. Wet and heavy soils are not suitable; plant growth is difficult on them.

    A lighted place is selected for planting. The soil must be prepared in advance - remove weeds and apply fertilizer.

    When planting, it is better to take seeds that have been stored throughout the year. This increases the chances of germination. No more than 12 days pass between the emergence of seedlings and the formation of the first leaves.

    The foliage falls in late October - early November. The rhizome remains in the ground for the winter.

    It is not recommended to cultivate Syrian milkweed together with small perennial plants. A powerful root system will ruin other seedlings. Bluebells, echinacea, aconite, reed grass, meadow grass, pearl barley, and veronicastrum can withstand proximity to cotton grass.

    Growing cottonweed near apiaries is recommended in order to create a food supply for bee colonies. In the fields of the plant, strong offspring of honey collectors are raised.

    Finding the hives next to fragrant inflorescences provides beekeepers with a consistently high yield of nectar and honey for a month and a half.

    The crops do not require special care; the fields need to be watered and weeded only during the first 2 years after planting. A perennial that has grown and established itself in the soil does not need additional attention.

    Cottonweed honey - characteristics and properties

    Honey collected by bees from cotton wool fields is considered high quality. It has a fruity aroma and excellent taste qualities. In warm weather there are no problems with pumping; in dry and hot weather, heating of the product is required. This is explained by the fact that at high temperatures and insufficient humidity the product hardens and becomes heavier.

    The smell of the sweet product is unique and resembles an expensive perfume, and its taste is similar to fresh raspberry juice. The aroma released by the flowers is comparable to a mixture of lily of the valley and lilac.

    Swallow honey has important healing properties. It is used to stabilize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

    Syrian cottonweed is a perennial honey plant. It is an excellent pollen carrier, a source of essential oils, a medicinal product and a raw material for making perfume. Due to its valuable taste, honey obtained from the plant is of great value to beekeepers.

    Cultivated by humans for use in industry and other fields of activity. In the wild it grows strongly and has a deep-rooted root system and is classified as a weed.

    This plant, as well as most of genus of cottonweed, common in North America. It came to Europe in late XVII- beginning of the 18th century. It spread quite quickly to England, Germany, France and Finland. Cottonweed was first brought to Europe as an industrial crop. The stems were used to produce fibers for coarse fabrics, ropes, and stuffing for upholstered furniture and toys.

    (Asclepias syriaca) is one of the most cold-resistant and drought-resistant species of the genus (Asclepias). It was grown mainly as a pleasant-smelling plant, but, in general, it is not clear what useful plant. Indeed, its flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences, have a lovely hyacinth aroma. In Nikitsky botanical garden in the 30-50s it was studied as an essential oil plant. Of the 26 studied species of the genus Asclepias L. (this is the “medical” name for the genus in Latin) it turned out to be the most promising. The yield of floral raw materials was 40-50 c/ha, but with a very low content of essential oil, only 0.05-0.1%. But it is obtained by extraction, which makes it possible to obtain a substance containing not only volatile substances, the so-called concrete.

    The essential oil was obtained from the inflorescences. Therefore, cotton wool belongs to the group of flower raw materials. On the fourth day from the opening of the first buds in the inflorescence, more than 90% of the flowers bloom. It is at this moment that the content of the concrete is at its maximum, and its perfume rating is the highest.

    In all parts of the flower, the concrete content ranges from 0.34 to 0.54% of the wet weight of the raw material; pedicels, calyxes, corollas also have a different smell. For example, the corollas and inflorescences have a strong heliotropic odor, the calyxes have a weak heliotrope odor, and the flower stalks have a resinous-terpineol tint.

    The Syrian cottonweed concrete from the inflorescences is a yellow-gray solid with a very pleasant resinous-hyacinth smell with a note of heliotrope. The inflorescences are extracted with petroleum ether for 30 minutes. followed by washing. After distillation, a hardening concrete is obtained.

    In the 30s, this plant was studied in detail for different purposes - the fluff from leaflets with seeds was proposed to be used to insulate the clothes of polar explorers (the Arctic was in fashion then) instead of eider down. And indeed, it practically does not get wet and holds its volume well. Something like a modern padding polyester.

    Cottonweed was used as an anti-erosion plant, since its horizontally diverging rhizomes and roots are arranged in several tiers and fix large volumes of soil. Recommended for landscaping.

    Another direction of its study at that time was the production of rubber. All parts of the plant secrete milky sap, and the USSR in the 30s was in great need of rubber. And as its source, they studied the Central Asian dandelions kok-sagyz and tau-sagyz, and, at the same time, cotton wool. He still has more mass.

    The whole plant contains triterpene saponins, which have an irritating effect, flavonoid glycosides, lignans, the milky juice contains the poisonous glucoside asclepiadin, the seeds contain a brown dye, up to 20% fatty oil, which was tried to be used in the textile industry, for the production of solid fats, manufacturing - development of protective coatings.

    The honey plant is an excellent honey plant; the productivity of one hectare is 600 kg of honey, which has a strong aroma and is not candied during storage.

    And now only the decorative function remains.

    Botanical portrait

    Va-tochnik Syrian (Asclepias syriaca) L. from the family Persianaceae (Asclepiadaceae)- a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant with a height of 0.7 to 1.8 m. The taproot penetrates to a depth of 3-4 m and has a system of horizontal roots that extend from the main one is almost at a right angle and is located in the soil in tiers of 3 to 5. The first is at a depth of 8-10 cm, the second is 16-18 cm, the rest are deeper. A large number of buds are formed on the core part and lateral branches, from which vertically standing stems develop.

    The leaves are entire, oblong-elliptic in shape, short-pointed, round, with a thick midrib, whitish below with dense tomentose pubescence, covered with scattered hairs above, short-petiolate.

    The flowers are collected in dichasia with greatly shortened internodes and form a cymose inflorescence - a false umbrella. Each flower sits on a peduncle attached to a flowering stem, the length of which is 4-8 cm. Both the peduncles and flowering stems are densely pubescent. Inflorescences are located in internodes mainly in the upper part of the stem. The flowers are large, color from white to purple. Although I personally only came across plants with dirty pink flowers.

    The fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet of elliptical shape, 6-10 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm wide, slightly extended towards both ends, whitish with dense short and soft pubescence. The seeds are flattened, ovoid, with a wide wrinkled edge and with elongated, keeled, darker tubercles on both sides.

    Cultivation and propagation of Syrian cottonweed

    Cottonweed grows on slightly acidic dry sandy and sandy loam soils; it develops better on alkaline, well-aerated soils, and worse on wet, heavy soils. This should be taken into account when choosing a location on the site. It is better to choose a sunny place. It is advisable to grow in one place for 10-15 years. Before planting, it is necessary to clear the soil of weeds and apply mineral and organic fertilizers. In summer, keep the area free of weeds.

    It is better to use for sowing seeds with a one-year shelf life, then their germination rate ranges from 80% and above. From the emergence of seedlings to the formation of the first pair of true leaves, an average of 10-12 days pass. By the end of the growing season, Syrian milkweed has one stem 20-40 cm high with 8-11 pairs of leaves. One-year-old plants develop a taproot going up to 30 cm deep, a system of horizontal rhizomatous vines (3-4) 25-30 cm long and small suction roots (up to 60) with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

    In October-November the leaves completely fall off. The underground part of the plant, on which renewal buds are located, overwinters.

    When breeding rhizome segments less hassle than using seeds. Rhizomes cut them into pieces 5-10 cm long with 2-3 nodes on each. Best term planting rhizomes - October-November. Their rooting rate ranges from 62 to 100%, depending on the length of the segment. In general, it is better not to make the segments too small; greed is not appropriate here. In spring, good results were obtained when planting in sections of rhizomes 7-10 cm long. The depth of planting is determined by the type and moisture of the soil and should be at least 10 cm.

    Rhizomes are planted in moist soil. The row spacing is 70 cm, the distance between plants in rows is 40-50 cm. The cottonweed is responsive to organic fertilizers.

    The cottonweed begins to grow at an air temperature of +11+13 o C. It grows most intensively in the third ten days of May and early June, and when budding and flowering occur, growth stops.

    The duration of flowering of one inflorescence is 4-8 days. But there are many inflorescences, so in general the flowering period is long.

    In some years, cottonweed may be affected by dry spotting, a fungus of the genus Alternaria tenuis, fusarium, fungus Fusarium sp. Defeats fungal diseases are not of a mass nature and usually do not require any measures.

    is a spectacular and prominent plant that can reach human height in size. Flowers in large inflorescences of cottonweed are either pink-lilac or pink-gray. The leaves of this plant are large and wide. It was this catchy appearance that was the reason that for many centuries people treated it with interest and attention. Vatochnik was discovered to have many beneficial properties that people tried to use in life. However, over time it became clear that some of the plant’s qualities were exaggerated and did not bring any benefit in practice.

    Syrian cottonweed (Asclepias syriaca) is a herbaceous perennial of the swallow family that first appeared in North America. It has long white roots, buried deep in the ground, and round, hollow inside, unbranched stems, which, like the leaves, are covered with short white hairs.

    The leaves themselves are elliptical in shape and reach a length of up to 30 centimeters. They clearly show networks of veins, which give this plant a special attractiveness. The leaves are attached to the shoots in opposite pairs, rarely in threes, their planes are located parallel to the plane of the ground. Characteristic feature vegetative organs cottonweed is that they are capable of secreting milky juice in large quantities.

    The cottonweed begins to bloom in mid-June and ends in mid-August. The beginning of autumn is the time for the fruits of this plant to ripen, but in the conditions of the middle zone they rarely have time to ripen, only in very hot years.


    In all organs of the Syrian cottonweed large quantities contains essential oils. In industry, only the flowers of the plant are used as raw materials to obtain ether. When cottonweed blooms, its pleasant aroma can spread over many meters. The essential oils of the plant have a memorable and bright aroma, similar to the smell of perfume. And, indeed, essential oils of Syrian cottonweed are actively used in modern perfumery.

    Honey plant

    Except great content essential oils, cotton wool has another useful property– honey production. From one hectare of field on which this plant is planted, you can get more than 600 kg of honey. Light yellow or white, it has a delicate fruity aroma and high taste. Honey collection from the plant occurs in July-August, lasting at least one and a half months. Bees visit the milkweed throughout the daylight hours.

    Use as an ornamental plant

    Decorativeness is one of the most important and indisputable qualities of the Syrian cottonweed. The beauty of this plant is associated primarily with unusual leaves, as well as its general appearance. The cotton grass is at its most beautiful during its flowering period.

    As an ornamental plant, Syrian cottonweed is good when used for the background in a composition of different plant varieties. It will also look great if planted in a dense group in a vacant lot or other unplanted areas of your site. It is possible to use the cotton wool as a kind of screen that will block an unsightly view on the site or unsuccessful buildings.

    The best solution for growing cottonweed on a site is an underground limitation device. Plants grown in cramped conditions underground conditions, will look like a beautiful, thick exotic bouquet.

    Miracles of unpretentiousness

    The unpretentiousness of the plant is one of the advantages of the plant, which hardly anyone can doubt. It is drought-resistant, sun-loving and not demanding on soil fertility. During the hot summer months, the cotton grass is still fresh and vigorous, while other plants dry out and burn, despite constant watering. All that the Syrian cottonweed needs for a normal life is a dry open space with light soil.

    The best way to propagate the plant is vegetative way, using root segments. The most suitable time for this is the beginning of spring or last month summer.

    Thus, Syrian cottonweed is an interesting and multifaceted plant with many talents, qualities and uses. It is possible that one or more of them will be useful to you.

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