Are professions in the field of economic security in demand? Economic security service specialists, what kind of profession?

Today, the key to successful and stable development of almost any company, business or enterprise is the concept of “economic security.”

The profession of people involved in its protection bears the same name. It appeared on the domestic labor market relatively recently and includes several related specialties, united by common specifics.

About the profession in a nutshell

Its growing popularity is due to the presence of a large number of risks associated with conducting production, consulting, trading or other economic activity. unprofessionalism or negligence of employees and the actions of competitors.
To identify violations, a specialist must have knowledge the whole system concepts and knowledge related to areas such as economics and finance. Such unique workers are hired by both government agencies and managers of private companies who are concerned about economic security. The profession allows a specialist to receive many advantages and opportunities when looking for work. Employers note that they value the systematization and breadth of their knowledge.

What does an economic security specialist do?

Economic security is a complex profession, as it includes a combination of economic and legal aspects. Working in this area, specialists analyze the economic and financial activities enterprises or organizations in order to identify violations of legislation and abuse.

The company's counterparties are also subject to study and analysis. That is, the task of such workers becomes to support the economic security of the enterprise.

Specialties within the profession

There are several specialties with a narrower focus under the general name “Economic Security”. Profession (where to work after graduation will depend on the quality of knowledge acquired, desire young specialist master a particular field of activity, the ability to quickly understand the essence of production problems, etc.) is associated with economics and law, therefore, in the process of mastering it, students study the following subjects:

  • Features of the activities of banking and financial institutions taking part in ensuring the security of the state.
  • Forensic examination related to tax, investment and other issues.
  • Carrying out control and financial accounting in law enforcement agencies.
  • Organizational rules to which sensitive enterprises are subject.
  • Legal aspects guaranteeing economic security.

“Economic security” (profession or specialty) can be mastered upon admission to higher educational institutions with a social, economic, scientific or law enforcement profile.

What do you need to enroll in a university?

First of all, the decision to enroll in such a specific course must be accompanied by the person’s desire to work in this field. It is important to carefully study individual aspects of this difficult work. “Economic security” (a profession whose reviews from successful graduates only confirm this) is an occupation for the strong-willed.

If the decision is made, you need to prepare to pass the following exams:

  • Russian language.
  • Mathematics at a basic level.
  • Foreign language.
  • Social studies.
  • Stories.
  • Computer Science.

The university may add or remove some subjects (Russian language and mathematics are required), but often the list looks exactly like this.

“Economic security” (profession): universities, training program

Part basic course includes several subjects drawn from economics, financial management, taxation and law. By studying them, students become familiar with:

  • Economic theory and economic analysis.
  • Accounting.
  • Administrative, financial and tax law.
  • Banking, insurance, credit management.
  • Transactions with securities.
  • Enterprise management.

After choosing a narrower specialization, students are taught exactly those subjects that directly relate to their future work activity.

Responsibilities of an economic security specialist

As a result of training, having acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the graduate becomes a sought-after specialist. Many companies are interested in it, whose managers expect a new employee to perform the following functions:

Development of methods to combat corruption, identify concealment of income or attempts at legalization financial results criminal activity is one of most important responsibilities, assigned to graduates of the Faculty of Economic Security.

The profession (the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government agencies are interested in competent personnel) is in great demand in tax and law enforcement agencies. However, employers claim: in order to get a job a good place work and progress career ladder, the specialist must be very diligent, knowledgeable and active.

Profession “Economic security”: who to work with

Working as an economic security specialist requires a person to be able to think logically, analyze large amounts of information and draw relevant conclusions. Such an occupation is never monotonous, and it certainly cannot be called boring, because within the competence of this employee is not only a guarantee of compliance with the law when concluding agreements between individuals and legal entities. It carries out a set of measures to control finances, detects violations and offers solutions to critical situations.

Graduates of this faculty can occupy positions:

  • consultant on tax legislation and practical tax calculation.
  • Specialist or consultant on economic security.
  • Forensic expert in the investigation of violations in the economic sphere.
  • Analytics for a private enterprise, municipal or government agency.
  • A specialist working in the control service of a bank.
  • A specialist performing economic competitive intelligence.
  • Teacher at a university with an economic profile.


The information presented above concerns the topic “Economic security”. The profession, where to work, what is needed for admission, what is included in the study program, in what areas the acquired knowledge can be applied, are of interest to applicants who want to build a career in the field of finance, economics or security, as well as their parents.

Our society has come to understand the need to create reliable systems of economic security within the enterprise and at the state level not so long ago. But the problem has arisen. And we needed those who were able to solve it effectively. In this regard, universities began to conduct training in the direction of “economic security”. The first graduation of specialists in this profile in Russia took place in 2006. Over the subsequent years, the demand for the profession has increased many times over. Today, the importance of the role of security experts in building state economy everyone realizes.

So what do those whose daily work is to ensure the security of the economy do?

Professional responsibilities and interests

Those who have managed to prove their professionalism in practice are working on the problems of economic security of our state. They identify external and internal threats security of the country, choose mechanisms and tools for their neutralization. Their job is to protect Russia’s economic interests, government agencies authorities, budgetary organizations, corporations, banks and other public and private companies.

But in order to get closer to these heights, you need to become an ace and earn a name for yourself. Daily hard work and plenty of practice will help you do this. . And the very first step on the path to a brilliant career will be admission to one of the universities that graduate specialists in economic security.

By the way, not everyone can prove themselves in this profession. In order to achieve success, you must have an analytical mind, a penchant for scientific research, a passion for carrying out calculations, and a good memory and attention. You will also need the ability to focus on details and the ability to communicate your thoughts, both in writing and orally.

Where are these specialists waiting?

University graduates who have received diplomas in the specialty “economic security” do not have to worry about finding a job. Needs modern society they are extremely high. Here's what the head of the Faculty's "Economic Security" program says about it national security(FNB) RANEPA, I. Yushin: “Graduates are in demand, first of all, in government agencies and municipal government, FSB of Russia, economic security and anti-corruption units of police departments, control and audit departments and the tax service."

As you can see, such a diploma allows you to take a place in prestigious government services and hope for decent social security and a high salary.

In addition to serious government offices, you will be welcome in private companies and banks. You can find yourself in companies providing insurance and leasing services, as well as those involved in securities. Today’s activities cannot be done without specialists in this profile. financial, analytical and economic departments of any organization.

This is a truly prestigious and sought-after specialty that guarantees a stable income and career. But success in it is achieved only by those who are focused on results, serious and painstaking work, as well as constant professional self-improvement. Be prepared to start small. Don’t think that a university diploma will be your ticket to the world of economic security experts. It will have to be confirmed by practical skills, and authority will have to be earned through tireless work.

And even more so, in this matter there is no place random people and amateurs. Therefore, before you decide to connect your life with him, weigh everything carefully. Think about whether this job will really interest you. After all, without this, you will not be able to become a competent specialist, which means you will not be in demand., when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

Full development economic activity impossible without properly ensuring its safety. As a result, the labor market has created a need for specialists working to solve this problem. In 2006, Russian universities for the first time presented to applicants a new specialty in economic security, who can work after graduation - a tax consultant or inspector, a specialist in the investigation of economic crimes or competitive intelligence, an analyst of a certain profile, a specialist in leasing and control banking services, and much more.

Specialty "economic security" - what to take, passing score

Currently, there are about 680 universities throughout Russia that train students in this specialty. The largest number of them is concentrated in Moscow (44 institutions) and Rostov regions(29), as well as in the Krasnodar region (31).

According to approved state standards, only applicants who have achieved a passing grade in three school disciplines can be enrolled in the economic security specialty training group. Two compulsory ones are Russian language and mathematics, the third is chosen by the university from a number of disciplines (the most common: social studies, history, foreign language, Informatics). The passing score is set by the university and in the current academic year varies from 30 to 83.

Specialty code "economic security"

The Classifier of Specialties of the Russian Federation displays the following information: specialty 38.05.01 Economic security. This code corresponds to a specific state standard- Federal State Educational Standard. It provides comprehensive information about the specified specialty, requirements for applicants, competencies that students will acquire, and opportunities to work in their profession. The conditions for drawing up the curriculum are also spelled out in detail here and it is indicated required amount academic hours.

- form and duration of training

Training in the specialty of economic security is carried out in full-time, part-time, evening and mixed forms. Full-time students receive a specialist diploma after 5 years of study. Other forms of education take a little longer - from 5.5 to 6 years. By decision of a special commission of the university, this term can be extended if necessary (by no more than a year).

During their studies, students undergo practical training, and at the end - a final state certification, which is carried out in the form of defending a thesis or passing a state exam.

What will be taught, characteristics of the specialty "economic security"

If we leave aside the clutter of economic terms, the essence of the specialty economic security can be expressed in the following - this is the ability of a specialist to find and eliminate “pitfalls” in the economy, as well as be able to predict their appearance. This would not be possible without the extensive and varied knowledge base available to him. Therefore, specialist training is divided into three cycles, covering a huge range of information:

  • humanitarian and social (compulsory subjects - philosophy, history, psychology, foreign language, official etiquette and professional ethics);
  • mathematical and natural sciences (mathematics, econometrics, Information Systems in economics);
  • professional (life safety, statistics, accounting, finance, insurance, organizational management, audit, taxes and taxation, control and audit, administrative law, economic analysis, risk assessment, economic history, theory of economic teachings, etc.).

In addition to the compulsory subjects, the curriculum also has a variable part - a list of disciplines established by the university to deepen the knowledge of students in the specialty. From the elective part, up to a third of all subjects are chosen by the student independently (from the list provided by the university).
Lecture hours make up no more than 40% of the total teaching time, and interactive classes (trainings, workshops, business role-playing games, computer simulations, etc.) – at least 30%.

Internship in the specialty "economic security"

Students are required to undergo two types of internship – educational and industrial. It is designed to establish, develop and consolidate the skills of future specialists. This is also an opportunity for the student to clearly learn what work in the specialty of economic security is like. The objectives, goals and form of completion are determined and approved by the university.

The internship must take place in third-party organizations or at the students’ place of service. It is allowed to undergo internship in the structural units of an educational organization, but only if the necessary personnel, scientific and technical potential is available.

Specialty "Economic Security" - who and where to work

With a specialist diploma in hand and the knowledge that he has thoroughly mastered the specialty of economic security, a recent student will not even have time to think about where to work and where to go next. Thanks to the fact that in curriculum a very large list included economic specialties, a novice specialist has the opportunity to try himself in a wide variety of areas of economic activity.

As a rule, most university graduates with this specialty are sent to serve in tax authorities, banks, financial companies, analytical organizations, divisions and structures of executive and legislative branch, corruption and audit departments, the Federal Treasury and many others.

By by and large, a diploma and knowledge in the specialty “Economic Security” is the key to the gate to the business world at the state level. Whether to use it or take a position as an economics teacher (which is also possible) depends on the student himself.

You might be interested.

Have you heard a lot about the profession of economic security, but don’t know what it is, where and in what specialties you should study? Do you also want to know how in demand, paid and promising it is? Then read detailed review professions.




Entry barrier



The profession of economic security specialist is quite young. This is due to the fact that the need for this type of activity has appeared recently. A specialist in the field of economic security performs important functions in an enterprise. His responsibilities include creating economic sections of plans for buildings and structures, calculating economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of entities, developing various design solutions that are necessary to put the building into operation.

Specialists in the field of economic security also take on many other jobs. The responsibilities of such employees include the production of forensic economic examinations, economic examination of regulations, development of recommendations in the field of ensuring economic security commercial enterprises, assessment of possible financial losses. The responsibilities of economic security specialists can be listed endlessly. It all depends on the field of activity in which the person will work. We'll talk about this a little later.


Currently, the profession of an economic security specialist is quite in demand. Moreover, working in this position, you can earn good money. This, of course, is provided that you become a good specialist. Ensuring economic security is a complex area of ​​activity. To become one of the best, you will need to put in a lot of effort. Certain qualities are also important: an analytical mind, perseverance and hard work. Will have to master a large number of disciplines.

Economic security specialists can work in a variety of fields. The most widespread include the following:

  • Design-economic and settlement-economic activities.
  • Law enforcement.
  • Control and audit activities.
  • Information and analytical activities.
  • Expert and consulting activities.
  • Organizational and managerial activities.
  • Research activities.
  • Teaching activities.

As you can see, you can choose many areas in which it will not be difficult to find a job in the future. The main thing is to get a quality education and study the subject perfectly.

Where can I study?

You can get an education as a specialist in economic security at the following higher educational institutions:

What specialties should I study?

If you are determined to get an education in the field of economic security, you should decide on your future specialization. Actually them great amount. Now we will voice some of them.

  • Economy
  • Economic security
  • State audit
  • Legal support of state security

For the entrance exams, you will need to successfully pass Russian, mathematics, foreign language or social studies.

What do you have to do at work?

Having received an education in the specialty "Economic Security", you will be able to get a job without any problems. If you decide to connect your professional activity with science, you will be engaged in conducting scientific research in strict accordance with your chosen area. In general, the responsibilities of economic security specialists include assessing the effectiveness of budget expenditures, conducting tax audits, drawing up budget estimates, generating and analyzing tax reporting, ensuring law and order in the economic sphere, planning and conducting financial control.

Who is this profession suitable for?

If you like to do calculations, you have an analytical mind, you know how to think consistently, you are highly attentive, you have a good memory, you like to conduct scientific research, you express your thoughts well, then the Economic Security specialty is for you. However, you must understand that to get a successful result, you will need to put in maximum effort. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to reach great heights.


Of course, economic security specialists are in high demand. Economics is the basis of any enterprise. As long as the business exists, you will remain a sought-after specialist. So if you want to connect your life with this profession and you have all the data for this, then you can safely receive higher education. You definitely won't be left without work.

Is it difficult to get a job and is it easy to build a career?

Having a diploma in economic security, you can easily get a job. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that initial stages professional activity you will occupy low positions. You need to start small. If you prove yourself as good specialist If you show initiative, then you have every chance to climb the career ladder. Economic security specialists are needed in various fields of activity. Having settled in large enterprise, you can count on good fees.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The salary of an economic security specialist depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the direction of activity and the level of the organization in which you will work. Employers also take into account work experience. You'll be lucky if you get a job at a big company commercial organization or the Ministry of the Interior. In this case, over time, high salaries are guaranteed to you.


If you feel that economic security is yours, then feel free to enter higher education. educational institution and get an education. You definitely won't be left without work. However, this is provided that you study well. Economic security specialists work in various fields. So you can even get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Your profession will always be in demand. Try to become the best of the best.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of “Economic Security” is your calling, do not rush. After all, you can spend your whole life regretting the years you lost studying and working in a specialty that simply doesn’t suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career aptitude test or order consultation "Career vector" .

If you have often heard of such a specialty as economic security, but cannot understand what it is, where you need to study and who to work after, then you should carefully read the description of this one.

How did this specialty come about?

This specialty appeared quite recently. This is due to the fact that the need for an economic security service has arisen only now. Thus, employees of an enterprise working in the field of economic security play an important function in the work of the entire company. Their functions and responsibilities include: production of plans and sections of buildings and structures of an economic type, taking into account all economic and socio-economic characteristics that affect the work of the enterprise, development and adoption different solutions related to the projection, which must be compiled in order for the building to be successfully operated and used.

Also, employees in the economic security sector must be responsible for other functions. These features include: creation of judicial-type economic examinations, examination of economic regulations, development of rules in the field of ensuring the economic order of commercial types of production, assessment of all possible losses of the enterprise. Thus, all the functions of economic security workers can be listed for a very long time, because here all the responsibilities of employees directly depend on the enterprise and the specialization for which they got a job.

Description and characteristics of specialization

Nowadays, the service of an economic security officer is quite in demand and profitable. Working here you can get good financial income. Of course, all this will happen if your work has a clean reputation and high performance. Providing enterprises with economic security is hard and difficult work. To fully explore this specialization and ensure your career growth, you will need to put a lot of effort and ingenuity. So, for this profession, an employee must have an analytical mind, hard work, perseverance, and endurance. The employee will have to be trained a large number disciplines in service.

Economic security, who to work with? Graduates can find employment in various areas of the enterprise. The most popular and widespread of them include:

This way, you can choose different areas of specialization in which it will be easy to find the job you need. For this it's important to get a good education and study this subject in detail.

Where can you go to study?

It is possible to obtain this specialization if you enroll in following higher institutions :

  1. Moscow State University named after V.M. Lomonosov.
  2. Moscow State University of International Relations.
  3. Southern Federal University.
  4. Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  5. St. Petersburg State Economic University. Institute of Management.
  6. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Which specialty is suitable?

If you are sure that you want to get an education in this field, then you need to clearly define your future specialty. There are a large number of them. The most common are:

  1. Economic sphere.
  2. State audit.
  3. Legal support of state security.

As entrance exams to the institute, you will need to pass well the Russian language, social studies (at the institution’s choice), mathematics (major or general) and English language.

What duties should you perform at work?

As soon as you complete comprehensive training at the institute for the specialty Economic Security, you can easily find the job you need. If your specialization borders on the field of science, then your responsibilities will include conducting scientific research that will be responsible for your chosen specialty.

The main responsibilities of specialists in this field are: conducting assessments of expenditure indicators from the enterprise’s budget, conducting audits of the enterprise’s tax base, compiling accounts of budget expenditures, forming and analyzing tax reporting, ensuring the legal flow of financial transactions, exercising financial control in production.

Who is this specialty suitable for?

If you like to make forecasts, make and plan calculations, have an analytical mind, can think correctly and consistently, are attentive, have a good memory, love to research and can adequately form and express your thoughts, then this profession, like no other, is better suited to you. for you. But at the same time, you must remember that in order to achieve truly high results, you will need to put in a lot of effort and time. Otherwise, you will not be able to reach heights.

Practice in specialty

Students must undergo training courses and practice in two types - educational as well as production. It should help the future specialist develop and consolidate skills and abilities. Also this good opportunity for the student to understand what this specialty is. The tasks, goals, and type of internship must be determined by the university itself.

What is the demand for specialists?

Certainly, employees economic sphere security have high rates of demand, because economics is the main component of any enterprise and industrial production. Until the business grows steadily, you will be able to remain one of the sought-after specialists. So if you dream of connecting your future life with this particular area and you have all the data for this, then you can not be afraid to go and get a specialty at any suitable university in the country, taking courses and training. You definitely won’t be left without work in this area.

How is a career built and is it difficult to get a desired profession?

If you complete all the courses and training and have a diploma in the field of economic security, then you can easily get into any specialty. But you must be prepared that during the first time of your work you will be in low-level positions. A university graduate should start small and gain the necessary qualifications. If you recommend yourself as a good and qualified specialist If you show initiative qualities, you will have many chances to climb up the career ladder.

Specialists in the field of economic security can easily get a job various enterprises and production. So, if you find a profitable and large company, you can count on a high income rate.

How much do people who take up this specialization earn?

Income indicator and wages employee will depend on many factors. They will be mainly influenced by the level of the enterprise and the direction of specialization in which you are going to work. Also for employers, the main indicator is the level of qualifications and work experience. You will be very lucky if you get a job in a company large size or to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, over time, a high income will be guaranteed to you.

Future prospects

If you feel that the economic security specialization is for you and want to connect your future life with this profession, then feel free to enroll in training courses at a higher educational institution, receive a higher education and a specialty. The main thing is that you have potential, desire, as well as the initial inclinations for this work, then you will definitely not be left without a profession. Economic security specialists can find employment in various fields. So, you can even enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Your work will always remain appreciated. Try to remain the best specialist in this field and you will definitely succeed.