Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs article. What are reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

Non-refundable verbs are verbs without the postfix –sya; returnable– verbs with the postfix –sya. Historically education reflexive verbs associated with the pronoun Xia, which was originally attached only to transitive verbs ( wash + xia (“yourself”) = wash).

All verbs in Russian can be divided into several groups:

irreflexive verbs,

from which returns are formed



a) wash + wash

build + xia education return

different forms

meet + xia

b) turn white + xia

darken + xia – morphological synonyms

c) look - look enough verbs

work - get enough SD

d) write - impersonal is not written

sleep - can't sleep verbs






Thus, we can conclude that the postfix –sya in the Russian language can perform several functions:

Form reflexive forms of verbs ( wash, whiten);

Form reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs lexical meaning (forgive - say goodbye, finish - achieve).

It should be noted that some verbs in –sya have a synonymous reflexive combination ( to deprive - to deprive oneself, to cover oneself - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive was established in the Russian language without regard to the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix –sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and voice correlation is provided only by the reflexive forms of the verb.

Pledge category

The category of voice is one of the most difficult problems of Russian grammar. Linguistic scientists define the content of this category differently, and therefore resolve the issue of the number of voices differently: some count up to 17 voices, others deny the presence of voices altogether.

In Russian linguistics there are the following definitions of voice:

1) pledge means “an act that passes from one thing to another, and an act that does not pass from one thing to another” (Lomonosov);

2) voices are verbal forms that denote a difference in the relationship of the verbal action to its subject. On this basis, a refundable deposit can be allocated ( the book is being read) and non-refundable deposit ( read a book) – Aksakov, Fortunatov;

3) pledge is the relation of action to object (Buslaev, Shapiro);

4) pledge is an expression of the asset and liability of the subject (Isachenko, AG-70);

5) deposit – is the relation of action to subject and object(Vinogradov, Golovin, Gvozdev, Shansky).

In all the above definitions of collateral there is general criterion– the relationship of action to subject and object. This feature is, indeed, important in voice content, since voice, like other verbal categories, manifests itself primarily as a certain grammatical relation - the relation of an action to its source and to the object. The category of pledge reflects objectively occurring processes, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of an actor and an object of action.

The mother (subject) washes (action) the child (object).

The child (subject, object) washes himself (action).

But in the Russian language there are verbs that name such actions, for the implementation of which only the doer, the subject of the action is needed:

Clouds (subject) float quietly across the sky.

Thus, all verbs in Russian can be divided into two groups:

1) verbs capable of conveying collateral relations (vocal verbs);

2) verbs that do not convey voice relations (non-voice verbs).

Schoolchildren and linguistic students need to be able to correctly determine the reflexivity of verbs. This is required to complete morphological analysis, competent presentation of thoughts. There are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when determining the reflexivity of a verb. It is not enough to simply remember that the reflexive verb ends in –sya or –sya: this method of analysis causes regular errors. It is important to understand the uniqueness of this morphological category of the verb.

Reflexivity as a verb category
To correctly determine the reflexivity of a verb, you need to know exactly the features of the category under study.

Reflexive verbs are a specific type of intransitive verbs. They denote an action directed by the subject towards himself and have a postfix – xia. The postfix –sya is part of a word that reflects historical changes in the Russian language. In the Old Church Slavonic language, the postfix denoted the word “oneself”, performing the functions of a pronoun.

You definitely need to know that the reflexivity of a verb is directly related to morphological category transitivity. First, find out whether the verb is transitive. You need to remember: determining the reflexivity of a verb takes time and should be based on an analysis of the word. The presence of the postfix –sya does not guarantee that there is a reflexive verb before you.

Algorithm for determining verb reflexivity
It is advisable to determine the reflexivity of a verb according to a specific scheme, then the likelihood of errors will noticeably decrease. You will need to be familiar with the basic terms used in the Russian language course.

  1. First, determine the transitivity category of the verb. Remember the signs of transitivity and intransitivity of a verb:
    • A transitive verb denotes an action directed at oneself (the subject). It combines freely with a noun that is in accusative case, without pretext. For example, do (what?) a task. To do is a transitive verb because it is combined with a noun without a preposition, and the noun is in the accusative case. To determine transitivity, simply model a phrase where there is a noun in the accusative case dependent on the verb being analyzed.
    • Intransitive verbs denote actions that do not transfer to an object. Nouns cannot be combined with such verbs in the accusative case without a preposition.
  2. If the verb is transitive, it is not reflexive. The repayment category for it has already been determined at this stage.
  3. If the verb is intransitive, you need to continue analyzing it.
  4. Pay attention to the postfix. The postfix –sya is a mandatory sign of a reflexive verb.
  5. All reflexive verbs are divided into 5 types.
    • Reflexive verbs are needed to express changes emotional state subject, his physical actions. For example, rejoice, hurry.
    • Verbs from the group of proper reflexives denote an action directed at the subject. Thus, one person becomes object and subject. For example, dressing up means dressing yourself up.
    • Reciprocal verbs denote actions performed between several subjects. Each subject is simultaneously an object of action, that is, the action is transferred to each other. For example, to meet - to meet each other.
    • Verbs from the group of objectless-reflexive verbs denote actions that are constantly inherent in the subject. For example, metal melts.
    • Indirect reflexive verbs imply actions performed by the subject in his own interests, for himself. For example, stocking up on things.
    Try to determine what type the verb is. The reflexive verb must be included in one of the groups.
  6. Please note: the postfix -sya is not always a sign of a reflexive verb. Check if the verb belongs to one of the groups:
    • Transitive verbs reflecting the intensity of the action. For example, knocking. Postfix increases intensity.
    • Verbs with impersonal meaning. For example, I can’t sleep.
If a verb is included in one of the groups, it is not reflexive.

If a verb does not fit into any type from paragraph 6, but clearly belongs to one of the groups in paragraph 5, it has a reflexivity category.

A verb is a word that denotes an action and answers the question “What to do?” The last clarification is very important, because the word “walking,” for example, also denotes an action, however, it cannot be classified as a verb.

Action is always directed towards some object. It may be the same thing that does it, or some other one. In the first case we will be talking about a reflexive verb, and in the second - about a non-reflexive one.

Identification feature of reflexive verbs

The fact that an action performed by a certain subject is directed at himself may indicate reflexive pronoun. In the Russian language there is only one such pronoun, which does not even have a nominative case - “yourself”.

Language always strives for brevity, so the reflexive pronoun in combination with verbs was shortened to “sya”, and then turned into a part of these verbs - a postfix, i.e. suffix that is after the ending. This is how reflexive verbs arose, the identifying feature of which is the postfix “-sya”: “dress yourself” - “ ”, “wash yourself” - “wash”. Verbs that do not have such a postfix are called non-reflexive.

Types of reflexive verbs

The semantic content of a reflexive verb is not always so simple. An action that someone directly performs on himself is only one reflexive verb - proper reflexive.

A verb of this kind can also imply a certain action that the object performs not on itself, but in its own interests. For example, if people are said to be “being built,” this can mean not only “forming themselves in a line” (a self-reflexive verb), but also “building a house for themselves.” In the latter case, the verb will be called indirect reflexive.

The joint actions of several objects are also denoted by reflexive verbs: “meet”, “negotiate” - these are reciprocal verbs.

However, not, which has the postfix “-sya”, is reflexive. Verbs that have a passive voice cannot be classified as such, i.e. implying that an action on an object is performed by someone else: “a house is being built,” “germs are being destroyed.”

A verb cannot be reflexive if it is transitive, i.e. denotes an action aimed at another object, although in an impersonal form such verbs may have the postfix “-sya”: “I want to buy a car.”

Verbs starting with -sya are called reflexive. They can be non-derivative, reflexiva tantum (to be afraid, to laugh), and formed from both intransitive and transitive verbs (trade - bargain, wash - wash).

Some intransitive and reflexive verbs derived from them can denote the same situation (Something is blackening in the distance and Something is blackening in the distance). But in most cases, reflexive and non-reflexive verbs name different situations, for example, trade means “to sell something”, and bargain means “to try to buy cheaper”, wash refers to a situation with two participants (Mother washes the girl), and wash - a situation with one participant (Girl washes her face); in the sentences Misha hit Kolya and Misha and Kolya hit a tree we are talking about two boys, but the situations in which they are participants are not the same. In this regard, the components of meaning (except for the meaning of the passive voice) introduced into the word by the postfix -sya are considered word-forming. -Xia is a multi-valued affix (A. A. Shakhmatov counted 12 meanings for him). In grammars the following are most often noted:

1) proper reflexive meaning: wash, dress, put on shoes, take off shoes, comb your hair, powder, blush;

2) mutually reciprocal meaning: hug, swear, quarrel, kiss, make up, correspond, meet;

3) mid-reflexive meaning: admire, be angry, be angry, have fun, rejoice, be horrified, be scared;

4) indirect return meaning: stack, assemble, pack, build, stock up;

5) active-objectless meaning: butt, spit, swear (pronounce obscene words), bite;

6) passive-qualitative meaning: bend, tear, heat up, cool, expand, contract, wear off;

7) passive reflexive meaning: to be remembered, to be remembered, to be introduced (= to seem).

A reflexive verb can be formed using -sya in combination with other morphemes (run up, get tired, wink).

Reflexivity is associated with voice (when voice is determined at the morphemic level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs are combined into the so-called reflexive-medial voice). The affix -xia is a sign of intransitivity. Combinations found in colloquial language such as I’m afraid of my mother, I obey my grandmother are non-normative and few in number.


F.I. _________________________________________

Reflexive and non-refundable verb.

Remember: in Russian languagein reflexive verbs, -sya is used after a vowel, and after a consonant -sya: rush, learn. Suffix–sya (-s) differs from other suffixes in that it comes after all morphemes, including after endings.

1. After reading the poem, underline the reflexive verbs.

The fly was going to visit
It's a very long drive.
I washed my face
I was getting dressed,
She was worried, she was curling, she was rushing about in front of the mirror, she was gaping... And she fell into the milk.

2. Write down the verbs with the suffix -sya (-съ) and label it. What are these verbs called?

To knock, to descend, to blacken, to surprise, to construct, to be guided.


3. Extract from the fableI. Krylovareturnable Verbs.
Swan, Pike and Crayfish
When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
It is not for us to judge who is to blame and who is right;
Yes, but things are still there.


4. Correct the mistakes of careless students.

1. I am in seventh grade. 2. My notebook has already been found. 3. Zhenya went to the station by tram. 4. After a while she sat down to write the letter. 5. Tanya looked at him for a long time, and then met him. In the morning I washed my face, combed my hair, had breakfast and got dressed.

Most reflexive verbs are formed from non-reflexive ones: wash - wash, scold - scold. Some of the reflexive verbs without -sya (-сь) are not used: laugh, fight.

5. Form reflexive verbs.

Angry - __________________, warm - _____________________, captivate - _________________, calm - _________________, make happy - _______________, hug - _____________________, cry - ________________, comb - ___________________, button up - ____________________.

6. Replace with one word.

Greet each other when meeting().

To be in an anxious state, to experience excitement().

Give consent().

Pack your things before the trip().

To make a mistake().

Show interest in something().

Feel offended().

Pay in full as required().

7. Eliminate the shortcomings in the word usage of careless students.

A girl plays with a doll. Three people play this game. Washed clothes sway in the wind. The passenger began to wait for the next stop. My sister made friends with a neighbor.