Time to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings. Sowing cabbage for seedlings

" Cabbage

Today cabbage is considered one of the most important and necessary garden crops. It is grown from seedlings at home. The timing of planting and proper care at home largely ensure the quality of the future harvest. Unfortunately, purchased seedlings often leave much to be desired, and they were grown in spite of all technologies. It is unknown from what planting material. That is why it is best to plant and grow cabbage yourself, personally monitoring the entire process. And this article will show you the step-by-step process.

The timing of sowing seeds can vary significantly depending on the specific region and its climatic conditions. As a rule, they begin to engage in this business in the second half of March. It's usually late in May. However, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the selected varieties, as well as the ripening time. Often gardeners resort to tricks and do not sow all the material at once, but do it gradually (over several days). This allows you to extend the harvest period.

Cabbage grows quite quickly. When sowing early cabbage, it must be taken into account that it must be planted in a permanent place of growth at the age of 30 to 40 days. For mid-ripening varieties, this period is slightly longer - 40-50 days, and for late-ripening varieties it can even be 2 months. In addition, the seedlings will need up to 1 week to germinate. Over the course of another 1 week, the transplanted seedlings will take root. Thus, you can accurately calculate the timing of when to plant cabbage specifically for your region.

Planting cabbage seeds in boxes

Favorable days for planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar

There are certain days in the lunar calendar on which it is best to sow cabbage. It is believed that if all procedures are carried out at this particular time, the plant will grow better, suffer less pain and produce an excellent harvest.

For each type of cabbage, as well as regarding the timing of its ripening, the lunar calendar has certain favorable days in each month. This is associated with a certain phase of the moon. This calendar changes annually. The following lucky days are provided in 2017:

White and red cabbage, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi:

Red cabbage:

Broccoli for picking:

Broccoli without picking

Planting Chinese cabbage:

Successful dates for early cabbage are March 15, 25 and 26, for middle cabbage - April 1, 2, and also April 7-10. As for late varieties, they are sown in the same period as the middle ones. During the full moon or new moon, sowing cannot be done at all.

How to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground in May

Cabbage is considered an unpretentious crop. But the future harvest depends on the care and practical skills of growing seedlings. So that it is not scarce, you need to choose the right soil, as well as create the most comfortable conditions for plant growth.

Preparing soil mixture for sowing and growing seedlings

Absolutely all types of cabbage love loose soil. That is why peat must be included in its composition. It can be mixed with sand, as well as humus or rotted compost. You can also add wood ash to the mixture.

Soil for planting seedlings can be purchased either ready-made in the store or prepared independently. Only after the mixture has been obtained should it be disinfected. There are plenty of ways to do this. The most common, affordable and simple is to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sometimes a microwave is used for the above procedure, turning it on at full power and keeping it for 5 minutes.

The soil mixture for cabbage should be loose mixed with peat

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds at home and required temperature

Now let's talk about instructions on how to care for the seeds until planting. Regardless of what type of cabbage you are going to plant, the preliminary seed preparation will be the same. The first step is to sort them and select those whose diameter is at least 1.5 mm. After this, gauze is taken, folded into three layers and the selected seeds are wrapped in it.

The resulting package is placed in a thermos with water heated to 45-50 degrees and kept there for 15 minutes. Then the seeds in gauze are dipped in cold water for a couple of minutes, taken out and left in a damp cloth for another two days.

If the seeds were purchased at a specialized store, then most likely they have already gone through all the stages of preliminary preparation and no longer need it. The only thing that is recommended to do is to keep them in damp gauze for a couple of days. This procedure will speed up the emergence of seedlings in the future, since the seeds will already be well swollen and ready to sprout the first shoots.

Cabbage seeds must be the correct size without visible defects

Step-by-step sowing technique at home

Seeds are sown depending on whether it is planned to plant the seedlings or not. If you plan, you can sow in a common box or other suitable container.

If picking is not planned, then sowing is done immediately in separate containers (pots or cups, peat tablets).

When choosing the picking method, you need to prepare boxes with a depth of at least 4 centimeters. A layer of prepared soil mixture is poured into them, the thickness of which is 3-4 centimeters. Small grooves about 1 centimeter deep are made at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Cabbage seeds are sown in them, the distance between which should also be about 1 centimeter. At the end, the crop is covered with soil.

Proper care of planted seeds

After the cabbage has been sown, the container is placed on a well-lit windowsill. The minimum air temperature in the room should be between 18-20 degrees. After 5 days, the first shoots should appear. After this, the box is moved to the most well-lit place. The temperature should be reduced to 10-12 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings will become very stretched.

Initially, the seedlings do not increase their growth much, but then the rate increases significantly. Three weeks later, the third leaf begins to appear. It should be taken into account that the temperature regime for cauliflower should be increased by 6 degrees compared to other varieties.

Cabbage seedlings are very demanding on lighting. In the spring, when it gets dark early and dawns late, you need to take care of additional lighting. This can be done using an LED or phytolamp. Daylight hours should thus be at least 12 hours.

Incandescent lamps cannot be used, because there is almost no benefit from their light, but the air heats up additionally.

Plantings need to be watered as the top layer of soil dries out. Lack or excess of moisture can destroy seedlings. To avoid this, the soil should be loosened periodically. Watering is carried out only with settled water heated to room temperature.

As the seedlings grow, they need feeding. A week after picking, you can add a solution of ammonium nitrate, potassium fertilizer and superphosphate in a ratio of 2:1:4 grams per 1 liter of water. After another couple of weeks, you can re-feed, but the amount of fertilizer per liter of water is doubled. If necessary, a few days before planting in the garden, a third feeding is carried out. The proportions are the same as for the first one.

Before planting cabbage, it must be hardened well. To do this, take it out into the open air and into direct sunlight every day for several hours. The first takeout is done for an hour, and then the time is increased. Before planting, you can leave the boxes for a whole day. Watering is stopped a week before transplanting to the garden bed, but under no circumstances should the plants be allowed to wither.

Growing your own seedlings is a troublesome task, but it is completely worth it. Only in this way can you get strong and healthy seedlings of a certain variety, as well as harden them well and properly prepare them for planting in open ground. Often, when buying a ready-made crop on the market, we notice that it takes a long time to get sick, does not take root well, and does not subsequently produce a proper harvest. Yes, and with the variety you can miss. You can grow your own seedlings according to all the rules, harden them and get the best results in terms of yield. Yes, and it initially looks many times better than the store-bought one.

There is a deep meaning in the Russian folk proverb – what goes around comes around. But the meaning is not lost at all if we apply this saying to gardening work. So, for example, to grow a good harvest of cabbage on your plot, which will be discussed in our article, in the spring you need to plant strong and healthy seedlings.

In order to grow healthy and strong cabbage seedlings on your own, you need to adhere to just a few basic rules. In addition, you need to have a general idea of ​​what this seemingly unpretentious vegetable likes, and what conditions are detrimental to it. So, where to start and when should you sow cabbage seedlings? Let's try to figure it out.

  • We choose a variety.

Planting any garden crop begins with choosing a variety. Cabbage is no exception. But before you visit a specialty store to buy seeds, you need to decide why and when you need cabbage. The question seems strange only at first glance. But not only the choice of variety, but also the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the answer. So, if in the middle of summer you want to enjoy delicious tender salads from white cabbage, then it is better to plant early varieties, such as Iyunskaya, Podarok, Kazachok F1, Ditmarskaya. If cabbage is grown for the purpose of pickling, then the most suitable varieties are Slava, Amager, Belorusskaya. Those who want to enjoy tasty vegetables in winter should sow such late-ripening varieties as Zimovka 1474, Kolobok, Geneva.

Planting any garden crop begins with choosing a variety

As you understand, each variety has its own characteristics. Therefore, the final choice must be made when you become familiar with the varietal characteristics and what you really want. For example, early cabbage is not characterized by keeping quality, and it is unlikely to be fermented for cabbage soup.

  • We buy seeds.

Buying seeds is a simple and common thing at first glance. But experienced gardeners approach the acquisition process with feeling, sense, and arrangement. You should not make spontaneous purchases of seeds, be it root vegetables, vegetables or even flowers. It is necessary to make at least an approximate list of what you will sow and only then go to the store. In this case, it is best to choose a specialized, proven point of sale, otherwise the purchase is similar to the game of “Russian roulette”. The “maybe you’ll be lucky, maybe you won’t” method is not at all suitable for a gardener. It’s better to know for sure that you will be planting high-quality seeds that have been stored in proper conditions and have not lost their viability for one reason or another.

  • We prepare the soil for planting.

It would seem that soil suitable for seedlings can be purchased in a store or simply dug up in the garden. But if the first option is still acceptable, then we advise you to refuse the second - you can’t just take soil from the garden, especially from those places where cruciferous crops (radishes, radishes, turnips) were previously grown and sow seed material in it, as it may contain infectious microorganisms characteristic of cabbage plants, which greatly increases the risk of infecting the plant with various diseases even at the seedling stage.

The best option is to prepare the soil mixture yourself

The best option is to prepare the soil mixture yourself, in the fall or early spring. To do this, you need to take one part of turf soil and humus, add a little ash to this mixture (approximately 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of soil mixture), which is not only a source of necessary macro and microelements, but also acts as an antiseptic. The resulting substrate must be mixed well so that it is completely ready for use. Other options for preparing the soil mixture are also possible - the main thing is to ensure that the resulting substrate is breathable.

  • We decide on the landing dates.

Video about sowing cabbage for seedlings

To be very scrupulous, planting dates need to be calculated based on many factors - the climatic features of the region, the timing of the harvest, the speed of seed germination, the position of the moon, etc. If you don’t go into such details, you can take the average values ​​and plant:

  • early cabbage - March 20-28;
  • mid-season varieties – March 25 – April 20;
  • late-ripening varieties - from the first days of April until the end of the month;
  • preparing the seeds for planting.

In fact, the preliminary preparation of seeds for planting is a whole science that not everyone, even an experienced gardener, is familiar with. But all the methods used in this case are suitable for untreated seeds, or seeds collected with one’s own hands in the garden. If you want to plant seeds that have been previously processed, then light preparation of the seed will be enough. To do this, soak the cabbage seeds in hot water (approximately 500C) for 20 minutes. After warming up, it is necessary to cool the seeds with cold water. Such simple manipulations will increase the resistance of cabbage to various diseases, primarily fungal ones. But be careful! Not all seeds that have been processed in production can be pre-soaked. When you have pelleted and encrusted seeds, as well as seeds in a gel shell, they should only be planted dry, otherwise the layer with nutrients will be damaged.

When the cabbage “hatches” and grows to at least 10-15mm, the seedlings need to be trimmed to improve the quality of the seedlings

This process should not be taken lightly. Each stage of growing good seedlings is important, so sowing seeds must be done correctly. Before sowing cabbage, prepare containers by filling them with prepared soil mixture. Trays with a depth of 70-100 mm are ideal as such, where you can plant seeds in several rows to facilitate further care for them. Before sowing, water the soil in the trays generously, since cabbage seeds require a lot of water to germinate. But after this, watering is not done (only if the house is too hot and the air dries out the soil). Refusal to water at normal temperatures and humidity is an excellent prevention of many diseases, including “Black Leg” - a disease of young seedlings, which is a real disaster for many gardeners.

When the cabbage “hatches” and grows to at least 10-15mm, the seedlings need to be trimmed to improve the quality of the seedlings. The optimal step for thinning is 20x20mm, since it provides not only excellent nutrition for the cabbage, but also aeration of its root system, and will subsequently facilitate the transfer of seedlings into individual containers for further germination. By the way, you can immediately sow the seeds in individual containers or cassettes, and then you won’t have to go through the next stage, but in this case you should be prepared for the fact that by the time of planting there will be much fewer viable seedlings than the seeds were sown.

It is necessary to pick seedlings approximately 7-14 days after thinning, when the young plants are slightly stronger and can withstand transfer to an individual pot or cassette for seedlings (cassette scheme 3x3 seedlings with a step of 50 mm). It is best to use cardboard cups or peat pots. Diving is necessary to strengthen the root system of cabbage and ensure its survival in open ground.

It should be noted that treating the soil in individual pots or cassettes with antifungal solutions, although not strictly necessary, is highly desirable, since getting rid of fungal infections at an early stage will ensure the health of the plant for the entire growing period.

Diving is necessary to strengthen the root system of cabbage

To ensure high quality seedlings, four basic rules must be followed:

  • light. Since during germination the daylight hours are not yet sufficient to ensure high photosynthesis, the seedlings are illuminated for up to 12-15 hours a day. For additional illumination, a conventional fluorescent lamp of any glow temperature is suitable;
  • watering. It is necessary to water as the soil dries, but you should not overwater the cabbage, nor should you overdry it. is selected individually. After watering, loosening is strictly necessary;
  • temperature regime. The initial stage before emergence is +18...+22C. White cabbage should be germinated at significant temperature changes - during the day +15...+17C, at night +8...+10C. Colored at higher temperatures (5-7 degrees);
  • feeding

The feeding scheme is quite simple. The first fertilizers are applied before you are going to sow the cabbage seeds. Then the seedlings are fed only 7-10 days after picking. Potassium fertilizers, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are used in the proportion of 2/4/2 grams per liter of water. A liter of fertilizing is enough for fifty seedlings. Fertilize only after watering. The second fertilizing is applied 14-16 days after the first, the fertilizers are the same, but in double quantity per 1 liter of water. The third feeding is the same fertilizers, but the proportion is already 8/5/3 per 1 liter.

The first fertilizers are applied before you are going to sow cabbage seeds.

Many experienced gardeners harden seedlings, for which, 7-10 days before planting in the ground, they first begin to place them under an open window for several hours, and 5 days before planting they take them out onto the balcony if the weather is sunny.

Video about planting cabbage seedlings

Seedlings can be considered ready for planting if they have 4-5 leaves. Unfortunately, this is not the best place for white cabbage. It is worth planting seedlings in open ground in good weather; first (1-2 hours before) they are watered abundantly. To prevent “temperature shock” when planting in the ground, seedlings are placed on the balcony for 20-30 minutes, which is enough to cool the root system.

“Garden lady”, “the first vegetable in the garden” - this is how people have long called cabbage for its unique combination of taste, benefits, and decorativeness. Not every gardener can boast of its excellent harvest. Often the cause of a dacha fiasco is weak, ineptly grown seedlings. Learn the rules for selecting and pre-sowing preparation of seeds for growing cabbage seedlings, understand when to plant young specimens in the ground, and how to properly care for them in order to get strong plants.

Success in growing cabbage seedlings can be achieved if the following primary conditions are met:

  • successful selection of variety;
  • proper preparation of seeds for sowing;
  • qualified approach to preparing planting soil;
  • maintaining precise sowing dates;
  • careful care of seedlings.

Seedlings in the process of growing

Variety selection and seed preparation

The variety of types of garden cabbage is impressive. The list of preferences of Russian summer residents is headed by the traditionally beloved white cabbage. Colored and red cabbage are somewhat less common in dacha beds. Recently, species such as Chinese cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, and Brussels sprouts are increasingly gaining a place in plots. And each species is not represented by a single variety or hybrid.

You need to select varieties in accordance with the goals that you pursue when growing cabbage. If you want summer vitamin salads, you need to buy early cabbage seeds, which will produce heads 43-55 days after planting the seedlings, such as:

  • ultra-early hybrids F1 - Express, Parel, Start;
  • variety with the telling name Skorospelka.

Variety of species

If you intend to use the grown cabbage fresh and can it for future use, mid-late and mid-season hybrids and varieties are suitable, for example, the well-known varieties Slava and Podarok. For winter storage and pickling, late varieties are good - for example, Moskovskaya late.

Seeds need to be prepared for sowing:

  1. Select the largest, full-bodied seeds with a diameter of about 2 mm, pour them into a 3% solution of table salt for 20 minutes, select those that have settled to the bottom, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and lightly dry.
  2. To prevent fungal diseases, place the selected seed in a thermos with hot (50°C) water for half an hour, then remove it, immerse it in cold water for a minute, and dry it. Treatment of seeds with Fitosporin according to the instructions will serve the same purpose.
  3. To increase growth energy, it is advisable to soak the seeds for half a day in a solution of microelements, using the products “Ideal”, “Epin” and the like. An infusion of ordinary wood ash is also perfect for this.

Important! Dried and brightly colored seeds cannot be processed at home - they have already been processed by the manufacturer!

Seed disinfectants

We prepare the ground taking into account all needs

Land for cabbage seedlings needs to be stocked up in advance; ideally, it should be waiting in the wings since the fall. But, if in the fall you forgot or did not have time to do this, there is no big problem - the main thing is to prepare a nutritious soil mixture before the seeds are prepared. Its main components: peat, sand, turf (garden) soil in equal parts. Instead of peat, well-decomposed humus is suitable.

You can also use other soil mixtures that contain a large percentage of humus, are loose, air- and moisture-permeable. For example, a good substrate is made of compost, sand, sawdust scalded with boiling water (2:1:1). It is highly advisable to add wood ash to the composition (2 cups to a bucket of the mixture) - it will enrich the soil with micro- and macroelements and prevent seedlings from becoming infected with blackleg.

To prepare a seedling substrate, you cannot use garden soil after growing cabbage crops and other cruciferous crops (turnips, radishes, radishes). Such soil probably contains causative agents of infections characteristic of cabbage. Soil from under tomatoes is also not suitable - they are bad predecessors for the “garden lady”.

This is what a high-quality soil substrate looks like

It would be useful to add agroperlite to the soil for cabbage seedlings. It perfectly loosens the substrate, absorbs excess water when watering, and then little by little gives it to young seedlings, for which this is very significant. If you intend to use steaming or calcination to disinfect the soil mixture, you should add perlite after this procedure.

In the process of preparing the soil mixture, it is necessary to remove foreign inclusions by sifting the components through a grid. You should know that even such an earthworm, which is useful in open ground, developing in a limited volume of a seedling pot, can significantly harm the plant, even to the point of its death. The soil preparation does not end there: the prepared substrate still needs to be treated against pests and diseases.

Disinfection of soil mixture for seedlings

The future harvest, and sometimes the very life of young seedlings, depends on a competent approach to soil disinfection. Proper disinfection will help rid the soil of pathogenic microorganisms, insect eggs, and fungal spores, which will ensure the development of healthy seedlings.

The simplest disinfection with potassium permanganate

You can disinfect the prepared substrate using one of the following simple methods:

  1. Treat with Fitosporin, Extrasol or another product intended for this purpose, according to the instructions for the specific drug.
  2. Sprinkle with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per liter of water) twice: 7 and 3 days before sowing. You can also use a solution of copper sulfate for this purpose.
  3. Pour boiling water over it, place it on a baking sheet in a 5 cm layer, bake in the oven (90°C) for half an hour.
  4. Steam for an hour on a wire rack lined with a cloth over boiling water.
  5. “Bake” in foil or a sleeve. In this case, the effects of calcination and steaming will be present simultaneously, and moisture will be retained in the substrate.
  6. Freeze and thaw repeatedly. The method is effective against weeds and pests, but does not protect against diseases (clownroot, late blight).
  7. Treat with EM preparations 20 days before sowing.

Calcination of the soil

Important: Heat treatment reduces soil fertility, destroying beneficial soil microorganisms along with pests and pathogens. To “revive” such soil, it is necessary to populate it with beneficial bacteria: for example, add vermicompost in an amount of 5% of the volume.

Such seedlings cannot be grown without observing the requirements for planting them.

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings: timing and step-by-step instructions

Successful cultivation is unthinkable without a clear understanding of when to sow early June cabbage for seedlings, when to sow late June cabbage, and when to sow medium-ripening “ladies”. The timing of sowing this crop varies significantly depending on its variety and type. Approximate sowing times for various types of cabbage are given in the table.

Timing of sowing seeds

The sowing dates are also affected by the characteristics of the varieties, the presence of a greenhouse, a nursery, or a greenhouse. You can determine the landing time based on these factors using the table below.

The given dates are approximate: they also depend on the region. But you can more accurately determine them for yourself, remembering that seedlings appear on approximately 5-7 days and taking into account the period of plant development from seedlings to full-fledged cabbage seedlings:

  • 40-45 days for early and late cabbage;
  • 35-40 days for mid-season.

Suitable timing for sowing varieties

When the time has come, the soil and seeds have been prepared, the exciting time of planting begins. City dwellers' apartments, as a rule, do not have an abundance of space for growing, and vegetable growers often use the method of sowing seeds in common containers (schools) followed by picking. In this case, planting seeds should be done according to the following scheme:

  1. Sterilize seedling containers in a solution of bleach or potassium permanganate. Fill them with prepared moist soil.
  2. Make grooves 10 mm deep with a distance of 30 mm between them. To make seedlings more friendly, it is better to make indentations by pressing a wooden plank into the substrate.
  3. Place the seeds along the furrows at intervals of 10 mm and cover them with soil mixture.
  4. Spray the soil with a spray bottle, cover with glass (film), and leave in a warm place.

Sowing in a cassette

Some gardeners prefer to grow cabbage seedlings in individual cups or seedling trays without subsequent picking.

Video: Sowing cabbage for seedlings

Caring for cabbage seedlings at home

After sowing the seeds, you can relax a little, but only for a few days. The crops need constant monitoring, and the emerging seedlings will need to create favorable conditions for development.

What microclimate is needed for success?

Before emergence, the seedling box, covered with film, should be kept at a temperature close to 20°C; lighting at this time is not particularly important. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the film should be removed, and for the container with seedlings, select the brightest place with a temperature of 8-10°C at night and about 15°C during the day. This requirement is important, since it is impossible to grow cabbage seedlings so that they do not stretch out without providing them with the proper temperature and light.

Stretched seedlings

At high temperatures and low light, seedlings become stretched, become sick, and may even begin to die. The best place in an urban environment would be a glass balcony (loggia). If there is no such room, more acceptable conditions for seedlings can be created by covering the window on the side of the room with plastic film at night. In the morning, this “curtain” must be removed to avoid overheating.

Important! The temperature levels above apply to white cabbage. And, for example, colored cabbage does not tolerate low temperatures; for it they should be maintained at 5-6°C than for white cabbage.

Additional lighting of plantings

While the days are short, plantings should be supplemented with light, providing up to 15 hours of daylight. Additional lighting can be done using ordinary fluorescent lamps or special lamps designed for this (phytolamps). In cloudy weather, it is a good idea to turn on the lamps all day. To increase the efficiency of natural light, opposite the seedling containers on the side of the room, it is worth strengthening a screen made of foil or white paper.

To dive or not to dive - the solution to the problem

After a couple of weeks, if the seedlings have two cotyledons and the first true leaf, the young plants need to be picked. For cabbage seedlings grown without picking, this technique is skipped. Pros of diving:

  • there is no need to thin out seedlings;
  • it is possible to cull weak seedlings, selecting strong, healthy ones for further cultivation;
  • seedlings grown using diving have a developed root system, which contributes to their good survival rate and increased yield;
  • The root system of pruned seedlings is mostly concentrated in the upper, most fertile, warm layer of soil.

Growing without diving

It is worth noting that the last plus listed above may turn out to be a minus under certain conditions. Picking is the transplantation of plants from a common container-school into individual containers. Moreover, during transplantation, the tops of the main roots are pinched in order to create an extensive system of lateral roots. This provides the plant with increased opportunities to obtain nutrition from the soil.

As a result, diving increases productivity, but somewhat delays growth and fruiting. And the absence of a tap root, which could grow deeper to obtain water, reduces the endurance of plants. They suffer greatly in the heat, look lethargic, depressed, and need frequent, abundant watering. By experimenting with seedlings and observing mature plants, you can decide for yourself whether to plant seedlings.

Diving seedlings

Diving seedlings into seedling pots

Picking technique:

  1. Before transplanting (about two hours), water the seedlings with water.
  2. Fill the seedling pots (desired volume 0.5 l) 3/4 full with nutrient soil mixture and lightly compact them.
  3. Using a picking peg (many people use their own index finger), make holes in the soil so that the roots fit into them freely.
  4. Using a picking peg (fork), pry up some of the seedlings along with the soil.
  5. Separate one of the plants, trying to hold it by the cotyledon leaves so as not to damage the stem. Pinch off up to a third of the main root.
  6. Lower the seedling into the hole down to the cotyledon leaves, sprinkle the roots, lightly press the soil around the stem so that there are no voids around the root.
  7. Water the soil around the transplanted plants generously. After moisture is absorbed and the soil settles, add soil to the first leaves.
  8. To protect against blackleg, it is advisable to sprinkle the soil in pots with calcined sand.

Dive scheme

Before rooting (3-5 days), place the picked seedlings in a cool, shaded place, then return them to the windowsill. Maintain the temperature for them at 15-17°C.

How to water and feed young seedlings

If you are seriously concerned about how to grow strong cabbage seedlings, you should know exactly how to properly water and feed them. Everyone knows that cabbage loves water. The popular proverb adds: and good weather. The “weather in the house” has already been mentioned, but it is also worth noting that seedlings need fresh air. Regular ventilation is vital for her, especially after watering.

When watering seedlings, it is very important to choose the “golden mean”: excessive drying of the soil leads to wilting and yellowing of plants, and waterlogging provokes their diseases. No watering is needed from sowing until seedlings emerge. Next, watering the seedlings for growing cabbage is required about once a week, but you need to be guided by the state of the top layer of soil in the pots: water the plants only when it dries out.

Water for irrigation should be used at room temperature. Melt water is especially good: it not only quenches the thirst of plants, but also stimulates biochemical processes in them. To prevent the sun's rays from burning the leaves, it is better to apply water at the root, leaving the tender greens dry. After watering, the room should be ventilated, avoiding drafts: cabbage does not like them very much.

Important! The soil in pots should be loosened - this will reduce the number of waterings, promote soil breathability and protect plants from diseases.

It is better not to water on the leaves

How to feed growing seedlings

You need to observe the appearance of the plants. If they look great, you don’t need to fertilize the cabbage seedlings. But when you are not satisfied with the appearance of your pets, you can carry out one or more feedings using one of the following means:

  • infusion of wood ash;
  • infusion of mullein, bird droppings;
  • urea (if the plants are pale) - dissolve 30 g in a bucket of water;
  • ready-made complex fertilizers with microelements intended for seedlings.

It is very convenient to use ready-made fertilizers: they contain everything necessary for the development of young plants and allow you to accurately dose the concentration in the fertilizer mixture. Therefore, there is no hassle with them, and the effect is wonderful. There is also no particular hassle with home remedies. Preparing an ash infusion, for example, is not difficult:

  1. Boil 8 liters of water, add a glass of ash.
  2. Leave for a day.
  3. Filter and use for fertilizing.

Preparing an infusion of bird droppings is no more difficult:

  1. Fill the droppings with water (1:3).
  2. Leave for 3 days.
  3. When feeding, dilute with water 1:20.

Important! Any fertilizing should be done after watering done the day before, so that a high concentration of nutrients does not harm the young roots.

Ready-made fertilizers

How to prevent pests from appearing

Pest attacks on seedlings located in the apartment are practically excluded. But if growing cabbage is carried out in a greenhouse, then one day you can see that the leaves of the plants are in some places dotted with dimples and through holes. The number of damages increases rapidly literally within hours. If you look closely, you will find small jumping bugs of a dark color with a metallic tint on the soil and leaves.

These are the ones who eat the cabbage seedlings, the voracious cruciferous flea beetles. When in large numbers, they are capable of completely destroying greenery in a matter of days - measures against them should be taken immediately. The use of chemicals on cabbage crops is limited; it is allowed only before the head of cabbage begins to curl. But young seedlings can still be sprayed with solutions of drugs: Bankol, Iskra-M, Fury.

Cruciferous flea beetles do not spare the “garden lady”

It would be safer to use biological products against fleas. In this case, Actofit will be the most suitable, which should be used to treat the plants and the soil under them. The drug is effective against gnawing and sucking pests. But you need to know that biological products are highly active at temperatures of 18°C ​​and above. Therefore, in early spring it is still necessary to carry out chemical treatment.

When deciding how else to treat cabbage seedlings against pests, you can give preference to folk remedies: for example, pollinate the plants with tobacco dust or a mixture of ash and dry mustard.

How to properly plant cabbage seedlings in open ground

Most often, seedlings at the age of 45 days can be planted. Is it time to do this? You should take your cue from the appearance of the plants; they should be strong, squat, have 5-6 leaves, and a strong root system. It’s not scary if frosty mornings still occur: this crop can withstand short-term cold snaps. But if it’s cold all day, it’s better to delay replanting: due to such conditions, bolting may occur in early varieties.

It's time to plant this cabbage in the ground

Here's how to prepare for the transplant:

  1. Start hardening 10-14 days before planting. First, take the cabbage out into the open air for about an hour, placing it in partial shade. Gradually increase the daily duration of exposure to the air, place it in a sunny place to accustom it to the wind and sun. By the day of disembarkation, increase the time spent in the fresh air to 24 hours.
  2. 7 days before transplanting, limit watering, but do not allow wilting.
  3. On the eve of planting, feed the seedlings with potassium fertilizer. It’s also a good idea to treat with Epin.
  4. At this point, in an area illuminated by the sun full day, prepare the soil: remove plant residues (if any), dig up and add soil for each square meter. meter bucket of humus or compost and a glass of ash.

Planting scheme for different types of cabbage

Plants should be placed on the ridge at fairly large intervals, depending on the variety. You can determine at what distance to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground using the table below.

Cabbage should be planted on a cloudy day (in the evening on a clear day), in this order:

  1. Using a spatula or seedling planter, make holes at intervals appropriate for the specific type of cabbage.
  2. Pour a liter (at least) of water into the wells.
  3. Remove the plants from the container with the earthen ball and place them in the holes.
  4. Bury the seedlings to the first true leaf and water.
  5. During the first week, shade the plantings and spray with water in the evenings.

Factory-made planter

You can get a clear idea of ​​cultivating “garden lady” from educational videos.

Video: Caring for seedlings

Video: Planting cabbage in the ground

Having studied the instructions and scrupulously followed all the recommendations, you will certainly receive excellent seedlings that will produce an excellent cabbage harvest at home. If any uncertainty remains, you can always get advice from experienced vegetable growers and specialists in this field.

Cabbage is rightfully considered one of the oldest cultivated crops. Today it is represented by about ten varieties, and these, in turn, consist of varieties of different ripening periods. Cold resistance, high yield, wide use in cooking and “flexibility” are the reasons why cabbage is ranked on a par with potatoes and tomatoes in its importance. However, it is worth noting that some gardeners do not adhere to planting dates for this crop at all, but prefer to plant everything at once.

But it is early cabbage that gives us the opportunity to receive vitamins and microelements already in the middle of summer. And if you grow it in seedlings, then the ripening time will come even faster.

High yields can hardly be considered an advantage of early varieties, and storage during the winter in this case is out of the question. But in almost every garden you can find a small piece of land allocated for several early heads of cabbage. After all, no one can refuse the pleasure of trying the first salad in the middle of summer.

The most common varieties that ripen in 100-120 days include:

If you grow them through seedlings, you can speed up the ripening time by a few more weeks, which is why most gardeners prefer the seedling method.

Features of seedling cultivation

In fact, all varieties of cabbage are grown using seedlings using the same technology, and the differences may only be in minor nuances. But regardless of whether the varieties are early or late, the work begins with preparing the seeds: they need to be sorted, then pickled, that is, soaked in hot water for about twenty minutes, then in cold water for another two. At the end, the seeds should be thoroughly dried.

Important information! Only seeds of “own” production need to be treated, while grains purchased in a store do not need to be prepared, since this has already been done by the manufacturer himself.

When to plant early cabbage seedlings?

If we talk about the differences between cabbage varieties, then we should not forget that the seeds should be sown only taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region and the individual characteristics of a particular type of crop. Sowing seeds must be done within a certain period of time, after which the seedlings can be transplanted into open soil. Thus, the sowing time will look something like this.

Table. How many days before transplantation should cabbage be planted?

Name of varietiesTime after which the transplant is made (in days)

From 45 to 60

From 30 to 35

From 30 to 50

From 35 to 45

From 45 to 50 days

Based on this information, it is possible to determine the approximate timing of sowing planting material.

  1. Early varieties of red and white cabbage should be sown from March 10 to March 25.
  2. For broccoli and cauliflower, the optimal time for sowing is from the end of March to the beginning of June. What is typical is that several crops should be done at once, and the interval between them should be 15-20 days.
  3. Savoy cabbage is best planted from the second half of December to April, and early varieties should be planted first.
  4. The best time to sow Brussels sprouts is mid to late April.
  5. Finally, planting of kohlrabi cabbage begins at the beginning of March, thanks to which you can get early greens. Although, if desired, this process can be continued until the end of April.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the theory, you can begin to practice, that is, planting cabbage seedlings.

The procedure for sowing and growing seedlings

Regardless of the cabbage variety you choose and the specific sowing time, you should take the time to pre-prepare the soil. It is important that the soil is loose and moisture-permeable, so be sure to ensure that it contains sand, turf soil and peat.

In addition, decide in advance whether you will resort to picking or try to avoid such a traumatic event for the root system of young seedlings. It is worth noting that the technology of both methods is almost the same, and the differences are only in minor nuances.

Method one. Using picking

The algorithm of actions in this case should look something like this.

Step one. Take a large, deep box and fill it with pre-prepared soil mixture. Carefully level the surface of the soil and then water it.

Step two. Make shallow furrows. Place the early cabbage seeds in these furrows, keeping a space of about one to two centimeters between them.

Step three. Sprinkle the planting material with a small amount of soil, then tamp it down lightly. Place the box on a sunny windowsill, try to maintain the room temperature between 18-20 degrees.

Step four. When the first shoots appear (and this usually happens about five days after sowing), reduce the temperature to 8-9 degrees.

Step five. After another two weeks, plant the seedlings in small individual containers measuring approximately 7x7 centimeters. Remove the seedlings along with the soil, being careful not to damage the young roots.

Step six. For several days, keep the seedlings at a temperature of about 17-18 degrees, then you can reduce this figure to 10-12 (at night) and 13-14 degrees (day).

Important information! Do not forget that cabbage seedlings are extremely demanding in terms of lighting, so caring for them should include, among other things, additional lighting. In open soil, additional lighting is not required, which makes the task much easier.

Method two. Without using picks

In fact, there are no significant features in terms of sowing or conditions here, since all this is identical to the previous method. The only difference is that seedling containers with cassettes or, alternatively, peat/coconut tablets, inside of which the seeds will be sown, should be used as containers for planting.

In the absence of such containers, a simple box will be quite suitable, which will need to be divided inside into “compartments” using some kind of partitions.

And in the process of caring for early cabbage seedlings, you should:

  • observe thermal/light regime;
  • periodically ventilate the room with seedlings;
  • Water moderately when the top layer of soil dries out;
  • harden off seedlings before planting in the garden.

Video - How to sow cabbage for seedlings

Transplanting cabbage seedlings

Any experienced gardener will tell you that you can grow this crop in one place for a maximum of two to three years, after which the plot should “rest” for about five years.

If speak about predecessors of cabbage, then the best of them include:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • beets;
  • beans;
  • cucumbers

Select a well-lit area of ​​the garden for planting. Do not forget that the plant responds well to organic fertilizers - apply them in the spring, and also in the first year (if we are talking about early species) or in the second (if we are talking about late ones).

The planting scheme itself depends on the specific variety and should look something like this.

  1. Early red and white cabbage varieties should be planted according to a 30x40 centimeter pattern.
  2. As for Savoy cabbage, this figure should correspond to 70-50 (late/medium varieties) and 70x30 centimeters (early).
  3. Broccoli should be planted in a 40x60 cm pattern (for side shoots to grow) or 20x50 cm (for heads to grow).
  4. For early varieties of kohlrabi, a 25x35 centimeter pattern should be used.
  5. For Brussels sprouts this is 60x70 centimeters.
  6. Finally, cauliflower should be planted in a staggered pattern, approximately every 35-40 centimeters (although a 25x50 centimeter pattern can be used).

After the plants “move” to the garden bed, caring for them, of course, will not end. You should continue to periodically water the cabbage, loosen the soil and apply fertilizer in a timely manner.

Features of watering

Water the seedlings with special care immediately after transplanting. The interval between watering should be on average two or three days. Apply approximately eight liters of water for every square meter of beds. In the future, water less often, but more abundantly.

Loosening the soil

Try to loosen after each rain, but do not do it too deep - no more than six to eight centimeters. The fact is that the root system of cabbage is located superficially.

Three days after transplantation, hill up the seedlings; subsequently repeat this procedure every eight to ten days.

Fertilizer application

The first thing you must do is increase the green mass. In this regard, three weeks after transplantation, begin fertilizing. In general, during the entire development period, fertilizing should be applied no more than three to four times.

Video - Features of growing early cabbage

Cabbage has always been considered one of the most favorite vegetables, which is why it received the “title” of garden lady. It occupies one of the leading places in the diet; in addition, it is often used in folk medicine. Therefore, it is not surprising that gardeners rarely refuse to grow this vegetable on their site. And without high-quality seedlings, getting a large harvest of cabbage is very difficult, sometimes even impossible. For this reason, it is worth figuring out how to grow cabbage seedlings at home.

First, we note that successful cultivation in this case is associated with compliance with several key conditions at once - the correct sowing time, suitable conditions (temperature, lighting), as well as mandatory disinfection of the soil mixture and seed.

Before purchasing seed, you must decide what kind of cabbage you want to get, when and for what purpose you will use it. This is what primarily affects the sowing time. If you want to enjoy a salad with early cabbage, that’s one thing, but if you intend to use it for storage or fermentation, that’s another.

As for white cabbage, it can be early-, mid- and late-ripening. Representatives of the first category are low-yielding, with an average density of heads, and the size of the fruits is small (weigh a maximum of 1.5 kg). As for mid-season cabbage, it is suitable for canning and summer use, but late types are optimal for long-term fresh storage.

Note! The timing of not only ripening, but also sowing of cabbage for seedlings differs. This should not be forgotten. Although these terms are interrelated.

Step 2. Decide on a deadline

Here are the approximate sowing dates for different cabbage varieties:

  • March 10-25– white and red cabbage (early ripening species, as well as hybrids);
  • April 5-15– mid- and late-ripening white cabbage;
  • from March 15 to mid-April– Savoy;
  • March 10-30– kohlrabi;
  • from late March to early April– Brussels sprouts;
  • March 15-25– cauliflower and broccoli.

It is worth noting that all these terms are conditional, since much depends on the specific growing region. But if you wish, you can determine your own favorable planting date. As a rule, cabbage seeds germinate approximately 8-10 days after planting. The seedlings are planted in the ground after about 50-55 days. And if you cannot keep containers with seedlings in a greenhouse or on a glazed balcony with a temperature of +15°C to +17°C, then you will need to grow them in warmer indoor conditions. In this case, early varieties will have to be sown 14 days later, approximately in early April. The length of daylight will increase, the plants will not stretch out and turn yellow, and the chances of acquiring high-quality seedlings will be high even with excess heat.

Stage 3. Sowing seeds for seedlings

The process consists of several simple steps; let’s get acquainted with the features of each of them.

First prepare a suitable soil mixture. For this, take peat, sand and turf soil, mix in a 1:1:1 ratio and add a little ash (about 1⁄4 cup per 1 liter of mixture).

Sift the finished mixture, then steam for 60 minutes in a double boiler. Then you can add perlite - an excellent soil loosener that provides oxygen access. In addition, during watering, perlite absorbs excess liquid and then gradually releases it (this is extremely important for young plants).

Note! If the soil mixture has not been steamed, be sure to water it before sowing with a solution of potassium permanganate (it should be pink)!

Now it’s time to start preparing the seed. Take the seeds and place them in the same solution of potassium permanganate (but its color this time should be dark pink) for about 20 minutes, then rinse them thoroughly with running water.

In addition, to prevent the development of mold, blackleg and other fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat with Fitosporin-M or its analogue.

After finishing processing, dry the seeds until they become loose, then spread them over the surface of the soil mixture according to a 1x1 cm pattern (the fact is that cabbage seedlings do not like thickening). If there are several varieties, put labels with their names.

Cover the seeds with a small amount of soil (the layer thickness should be approximately 1-1.5 cm).

If the seeds are not planted deeply enough, they may sprout in a shell, which, in turn, will be carried to the top along with the seedlings and interfere with the subsequent development of the seedlings. Moisten the top layer using a spray bottle.

Step 7 Place the container in a PET bag and hold until the first shoots appear, at a temperature of approximately +20°C.

Video - Proper sowing of cabbage for seedlings

Stage 4. Care for the seedlings

In 9-10 days the first shoots should appear. This is the most critical stage in growing cabbage seedlings. Reduce the temperature to about +10°C, and be sure to do this, since a suitable temperature regime is perhaps the most important condition. If the temperature is higher, the seedlings will most likely stretch out, get sick and die. By the way, it is for this reason that cabbage seedlings do not develop well at home. As for a city apartment, the most suitable place here is a glass balcony.

Temperature is an important point in growing cabbage seedlings

After 7-14 days, raise the temperature to +16...+17°C, do not forget about regular ventilation, and also that the seedlings now benefit from temperature changes during the day/night. Watering should be moderate. It is important to let the soil dry out between waterings. And when the plants have 1-2 true leaves, proceed to the next stage - picking.

Stage 5. Plant seedlings into separate pots

First, prepare the soil mixture for diving. To do this, mix peat, sand, turf soil and humus in a ratio of 2:0.5:2:1. Also add wood ash (a glass for every 5 liters of mixture). All components must be thoroughly mixed.

Take the prepared pots and fill them about 2/3 full with soil mixture, then compact it. Make a hole in each pot of such depth that the root system of the seedling can freely fit there.

If you find roots that are too large, pinch them back by a third. Replant all seedlings, compact the soil around each of them. Water them carefully, starting from the edge of the container. When all the liquid is absorbed, add a little more soil mixture (as a result, the latter should reach the cotyledon leaves).

Note! After picking is completed, place the containers with seedlings in a lighted place with a temperature of +15°C to +17°C.

Water the seedlings sparingly, using water only at room temperature for this purpose. Of course, a lack of moisture is harmful to seedlings, as it inhibits their growth, but an excess can also cause negative consequences - lodging of cabbage, development of blackleg, or rotting of the root system. Do not forget about the same temperature changes and regular ventilation.

Seedling disease - black leg

How to feed seedlings?

Before the seedlings are transplanted into the ground, fertilizing should be done twice.

Step 6. Transplant the seedlings into the soil

Start replanting when each plant has 5-6 true leaves. It’s okay if there are still frosts in the morning - cabbage seedlings tolerate short-term cold snaps well (down to about -5°C). But if it is cold enough throughout the day, it is better to wait until transplanting, since some early varieties may experience bolting when exposed to low temperatures for a long time.

Note! The best predecessors of cabbage are potatoes, garlic, carrots, onions and almost all legumes. You cannot plant cabbage after representatives of the Cruciferous family.

A couple of hours before transplanting, water the seedlings generously; you can even keep them on a tray of water for half an hour, adding Epin-extra (0.5 ml per 1 liter).

Table. Master class on transplanting cabbage seedlings into the ground.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

While the plants are saturated with water, you can begin preparing the holes. Add to each hole (more precisely, to the place where you plan to make it) a glass of wood ash, 1 teaspoon of urea (you can use another nitrogen fertilizer) and 1 tbsp. spoon of double superphosphate. After this, dig the soil thoroughly.

Next, dig holes. Their depth should be such that the plants fit there up to the first leaf. Then place an earthen cube with a seedling in each hole.

Next, fill each hole with water.

As soon as the liquid is absorbed by 1⁄2, you can fill the holes with soil. Typically, there is no need to compact the soil in this case.

Mulch the soil around the plants. Thanks to this, the water will remain in the ground longer, and after watering the characteristic crust will not form.

Together with cabbage, you can plant seedlings of tall tagetes. This way you will protect the crop from a number of pests, including cabbage whites.

Note! Directly during planting, you can apply complex fertilizers containing all the necessary nutrients. You can use, for example, Floromix-K - an excellent product that is specially balanced for cabbage. In addition, you can use “Master” or “Vermisol”.

The images below show the process of planting cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse and applying fertilizer.

Video - How to grow cabbage seedlings

Disease Prevention

As noted above, cabbage is susceptible to diseases, which are mainly caused by fungi. In most cases, blackleg and root rot are observed.