Choosing a Spanish textbook. Help for beginners to learn a language

Spanish - very beautiful language. This is the language with rich history, spoken by more than 500 million people worldwide. For a person who knows English, Spanish is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn, since both English and Spanish are heavily influenced by the Latin language. Spanish is even closer to French or Italian, since they belong to the same language group - Romance. For Russian speakers, Spanish has its advantages - for example, the fact that spelling and pronunciation are usually the same. Yes, learning any language takes time and effort, but the joy of having your first real conversation with a Spanish-speaking person will completely justify all the effort! This article will talk about how to learn Spanish easily and with pleasure.


Learning the Basics

    Learn the Spanish alphabet. The Spanish alphabet is the Latin alphabet you are familiar with. It is almost completely identical to English, with the exception of one letter, but the sounds are significantly different. Studying correct pronunciation is very complex and important stage learning, and therefore it’s worth starting to learn Spanish from the alphabet. Once you learn the pronunciation of individual letters, pronouncing words and phrases will become much easier. Below is a list of pronunciations of letters of the Spanish alphabet:

    Learn to pronounce letters. Once you learn the rules, you will be able to pronounce all the words correctly.

    • ca, co, cu = ka, ko, ku; ce, ci = se, si(or interdental sound closer to English, th in the word "think")
    • ch = h
    • ga, go, gu = ha, go, gu; ge, gi = hee, hee
    • h silent: hombre is pronounced like ombre
    • hua, hue, hui, huo = uh, uh, uh, uh
    • ll is pronounced like th. "Calle" is pronounced like Kaye
    • m and n at the end of a word, as well as n before c, are pronounced as a nasal sound n in English "think" or French "un"
    • n before v is pronounced like m
    • r at the beginning of a word and rr in the middle of a word are pronounced loudly, in other cases - as usual R
    • que, qui = ke, ke
    • v is pronounced like b
    • y is pronounced like And between two consonants and how th in conjunction with vowels.
      Listen to recordings of Spanish speech to understand how these letters sound, and also read.
  1. Remember simple words. The more your lexicon, the easier it will be for you to speak Spanish. Learn simple words used in everyday life and you will be surprised at how quickly your vocabulary will begin to expand!

    Learn basic conversational phrases. By learning the basics of polite dialogue, you will quickly be able to communicate with Spanish speakers, even at a simple level. Write down a few conversational phrases for daily use and memorize them 5-10 times a day. Here's where to start:

    Learn basic grammar rules

    1. Learn the conjugation rules regular verbs. Verb conjugation is an important part of Spanish grammar. As in Russian, here verbs have person, number and tense, by which you can understand Who And When performs the action. To learn the conjugation table for Spanish verbs, you should start with regular verbs in the present tense. It's easy to recognize the correct verbs - they all end in -ar, -er, -ir, and each of them is conjugated depending on the ending. Details are provided below:

      Learn the rules for conjugating commonly used irregular verbs. Having learned to conjugate regular verbs, move on to irregular ones. These verbs are called irregular because their conjugation model differs from the model of regular verbs. The reasons for this lie in the history of the Spanish language itself, and they will not be easy to explain. Some of the most common verbs, including ser (to be), estar (to be), ir (to go), haber (to have), are just irregular. Just learn the forms of these verbs.

      Learn the features of the genus category. In Spanish, as in Russian, all nouns have a gender. There are only two of them: male and female. At the same time, it is impossible to determine with certainty what gender a word belongs to by hearing or writing, so the gender of nouns must be learned by heart along with the words themselves.

      Learn the rules for using certain and not definite article. There are no articles in Russian. In English there is one definite article (the) and three indefinite articles (a/an/some). In Spanish there are eight articles: four definite and the same number indefinite. The use of one or another article depends on the gender and number of the noun.

      • For example, when talking about a cat (singular, masculine), you need to use the definite article “el” - “el gato”. Speaking of cats ( plural, masculine), the definite article “los” - “los gatos” should be used.
      • The definite article will change when talking about female cats. Thus, “cat” (singular, feminine) requires the use of the definite article “la” - “la gata”, and “cats” (plural, feminine), accordingly, require the article “las” - “las gatas”.
      • The four forms of the indefinite article are used in a similar way. “Un” is masculine, singular; "unos" - masculine, plural; “una” is feminine, singular; "unas" is feminine, plural.

      Immerse yourself in the language

      1. Find a native speaker. One of the best ways to improve your language skills is to communicate with a native speaker. Such a person will easily correct your grammatical errors, help with pronunciation, and also introduce you to colloquial phrases, which you will not find in the textbook.

        • If you have a Spanish-speaking friend who is willing to help, then you are very lucky. If you don’t have such a friend, find sites where you can get acquainted with the purpose of language practice, or courses that provide classes with native speakers.
        • If you can't find a Spanish-speaking person to chat with in real life, communicate via Skype. You may even find someone who will agree to teach you Spanish in exchange for Russian lessons.
      2. Try signing up for courses. If you need extra motivation or feel like you'll learn better in a more formal setting, enroll in a language school.

        • Look for foreign language schools or courses at local educational institutions.
        • If you're afraid or embarrassed to take a course alone, ask a friend to sign up with you. It will be both more useful and more fun.
      3. Watch movies and cartoons in Spanish. Buy Spanish DVDs with subtitles or watch movies and cartoons online. It's simple and easy way get used to the sound of Spanish speech and the structure of the language.

        • If you are eager to fight, then after all simple sentences press pause and try to repeat what you heard. This may make your accent less noticeable.
        • If you can't find anything suitable, ask around on forums or in groups dedicated to the Spanish language: people will probably share their sources.
      4. Listen to Spanish music. This is another one great way surround yourself with Spanish speech. Even if you don't understand all the phrases, try to highlight individual key words and use them to make guesses about what the song is about.

        • Get a Spanish radio app on your phone so you can listen to it on the go.
        • Download Spanish podcasts to listen to while you run homework or playing sports.
        • Among the good Spanish-speaking performers, it is worth noting Alejandro Sanz, Shakira and Enrique Iglesias.
      5. Learn more about Spanish culture. Language and culture are in a very close connection, so many expressions and mentality are explained by the peculiarities of the culture of the people. The better you know Spanish culture, the less problems will arise in the future.

        If possible, travel to Spain or another Spanish-speaking country. Once you feel confident enough with the language, consider traveling to a Spanish speaking country, there's no better way to immerse yourself in the language!

        • Remember that each country has its own accent, its own slang, and even words sometimes have different meanings. In Chile, for example, they speak completely differently from Mexico, Spain or Argentina.
        • Over time, it will make sense to focus on one branch of Spanish. You will get confused if you constantly go through word meanings and pronunciations. However, only 2% of words differ from the main vocabulary in each country. Aim to study the remaining 98%.
      6. Don't give up! If you are serious, the pleasure of speaking a second language will outweigh all the difficulties. Learning a language is difficult and time-consuming, and it is impossible to completely master it in a day. If this doesn’t convince you enough, then know that Spanish is far from the most difficult language:

      • Read, read and read again! This The best way learn a language because reading covers many aspects of a language: vocabulary, grammar, set expressions and so on. The more complex the work and the more difficult it is to read, the more useful it is in terms of language learning.
      • Many words in languages ​​derived from Latin (Italian, Spanish, French) are similar to each other. Learn the rules of so-called language conversion (for example, English word, ending in -ible, is written the same way in Spanish, but read differently). Thanks to conversion alone, you can expand your vocabulary by 2000 words.
      • Engage in all four components of language learning, i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking. Make time for them all.
      • You can install a language learning app on your phone, such as Duolingo.
      • Please contact Special attention on pronunciation. Remember that the position of a sound in a word determines how it sounds (for example, “b” and “d” are pronounced differently at the beginning and in the middle of a word). If you have good hearing, then by paying enough attention to your pronunciation, you can smooth out your accent.
      • Try to find a friend whose native language is Spanish. It will help you understand the intricacies of the language that are not covered in textbooks.
      • To improve your pronunciation as much as possible, sing songs in Spanish. Give preference to songs sung by native speakers. At the same time, do not try to understand the meaning - try to pronounce the words exactly as the singer does. One example of such a song is "Amor Del Bueno" by Caliber 50. If you want, you can look up the lyrics and translation later, but focus on the pronunciation first.
      • You can make complex sentences from simple sentences. For example, “I'm hungry” and “I'm hungry” can be turned into “I want to eat something because I'm hungry.”
      • Try using an electronic translator - it will come in handy to check whether you understand and speak everything correctly.
      • Try writing down new words and making sentences with them. If you recognize a word, use it!


      • To teach new language, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. The result in this case is directly proportional to the effort expended. Don't let classes become boring - enjoy the process!
      • The only way to learn a new language is to start speaking it. Speak out loud, even if you are talking to yourself. This will help you get a feel for how the language sounds.

Data from the Cervantes Institute confirms, and practice confirms, that Spanish ranks second after Chinese in distribution. More than 495 million people communicate on it. If we talk about international communication, then here too Spanish holds the silver, after English. And on the World Wide Web it is only in third place. However, experts are sure that this is not the limit. There is a forecast that by 2030, 7.5% of the world's population will speak Spanish. If you want to be among them, and at the same time read Borges, Cervantes, Lope de Vega in the original, then it’s time to study.

Today you can learn Spanish with the help of mobile applications for Android and iOS: dictionaries, phrase books, flashcards for learning words and topics, verb conjugators, communication with native speakers... Most applications are paid, but we suggest familiarizing yourself with the main programs that are available in a free format.

Words Run

The application is ideal for beginners and those who want to increase their vocabulary. “Running Words” suggests learning using the “unconscious mode of perception” method, and this speeds up the memorization of words by 5-10 times. Spelling and pronunciation trainers will appear on your phone. To improve your listening comprehension of Spanish, there are audio dialogues and videos. For the convenience of the user, all phrases and words are presented in solid thematic blocks - they can be opened at your discretion, at any convenient time and in any sequence.


The main tools for learning Spanish in the Busuu app are dictionaries and grammar. By devoting just 10 minutes to the application, you can improve your knowledge. Moreover, the user is prompted to immediately select his level: beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced or travel course. Each level has its own tasks, topics, dialogues and screening tests. A special plus is the ability to send completed exercises to a native speaker for verification.

The application has paid content.


More than 5 million people are already learning Spanish using the Wlingua app. The program allows you to choose the language variant you need: castellano, which is spoken in Spain, or español, which is practiced in Mexico. The course includes clear, cartoonish tasks on grammar, vocabulary, and reading. There is a large Spanish-Russian dictionary.

Two types of accounts are available: basic with free access to some tasks and premium, where you will have big choice materials for effective learning Spanish


Duolingo is the most popular simulator for learning foreign languages. More than 150 million people use it. Many people use the application as an addition to school lessons and university courses. But the most important thing is that learning is more like a game with interesting interactive tasks, video lessons and short exercises to consolidate knowledge.


The Babbel application is one of those educational resources that gradually introduce the student to the course of action. For this purpose, the rule “from simple to complex” is used. The methodological base of the resource is based on the use of interactive tools and effective technologies to use all types of memory at once. So you will be offered media materials, live dialogues, topics. All this will help you master the Spanish language at written, oral and spoken levels.


Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a unique application. Instead of asking you to learn Spanish in Russian, the service will force you to learn Spanish in Spanish. The app tries to teach you Spanish the way children learn it, i.e. without any extraneous information. You'll only be shown words, phrases, and videos in Spanish, and you'll have to guess what they mean. It's a completely immersive experience. This app is loved all over the world.

Open Language

Open Language takes a very serious approach to learning Spanish. The application offers several levels to explore. But each lesson focuses on one dialogue. After listening to the recording, you can read the transcript of the dialogue, find new words, study the grammar section, complete exercises and tests.

Linguist, teacher of foreign languages.
10 years of experience teaching Spanish.


From the author

They say that it has now become fashionable to study Spanish. According to statistics from the Cervantes Institute, it is studied by 14 million people in 90 countries. And every day he gains more and more influence in the modern world.

What reasons can force us to learn this language?

  1. Opportunity to communicate with other people in different countries.

According to statistics, more than 500 million people speak Spanish, which is 6% of the entire world population. In addition, it is the third language in the world in terms of the number of speakers, after Chinese and English. And also - the most studied language in countries of America and Europe where Spanish is not official language.

  1. The ability to travel.

In 21 countries around the world, Spanish is recognized as an official language. If you know this language, we can confidently say that your travels to Spain and Latin America will be unforgettable and interesting. Far from it full list countries where you can go to practice your language: Andorra, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru , Philippines, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, United States and Venezuela, Equatorial Guinea...

  1. Opportunity for professional growth.

Knowing one more foreign language makes it possible to open earlier closed doors. Who knows? Perhaps an additional point in your resume about knowledge of a second foreign language will help you find a good, well-paid job?

  1. Opportunity to study in another country.

There are many universities, schools and language centers that offer language study abroad, which, in addition to mastering another language, makes it possible to learn the country of the language being studied. And even if there is no need to know the language in advance, since training in these schools can be “from scratch,” it is always better to come to the country already having some knowledge, at least in order not to get lost in the city, buy groceries in the store, to meet new people.

  1. An opportunity to get to know your own language better.

You will be surprised to discover how much the Spanish and Russian languages ​​have in common, from phonetics to vocabulary and grammar.

  1. An opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of the countries of the language you are learning.

If you want to get to know the culture of Spain or Latin America better, knowledge of the language is essential. If you can read and understand Spanish on the streets, in the subway, in theaters, it will not only make your stay in these countries easier, but will also allow you to better understand their culture. Many people say: “I would like to read this work in the original language”... Isn’t that right? Everything is possible.

  1. Opportunity to enjoy music, theater, films.

What could be better than watching films in the original language? I often watch films in two languages. First in Russian to make it easier to understand storyline, then in Spanish to compare. And believe me, a lot is lost in translation. What about the music? Don’t you really want to understand what, well, at least Shakira is singing about? In addition, to expand your knowledge about the world of music. Believe me, the list of Spanish performers is not limited to Shakira and Julio Iglesias. There are wonderful singers from Argentina, Mexico, Peru, such as Diego Torres, Luis Miguel, Jean Marco. And personally, I started learning the language with their songs.

  1. Opportunity to find friends.

Who knows... maybe the Spanish language will help you find new friends or loved ones who do not speak Russian, but can become everything to you?

Taking into account that you work or study, do not have the time or opportunity to attend courses in specialized language centers, or simply prefer to do it at home, in comfort, in your free time from your main classes, we offer you this free course on-line. I would like everything to work out for you. For my part, I will do everything possible to help you. And finally, a few tips.

  1. Believe in yourself.
  2. Dedicate at least 15 minutes to the language, but every day.
  3. Don't get ahead of yourself. Remember - from simple to complex.
  4. Write. Because visual memory helps memorize words.
  5. Look at pictures regularly to learn words.
  6. Listen to the audio recordings offered in the course.
  7. Return to material you have already studied.
  8. Ask if anything is unclear.
  9. Turn on music, movies, news in Spanish - it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand anything at first.
  10. And again, believe in yourself. Everything will work out!

Let's look the immigrant truth in its shameless eyes: Spanish for you is not a whim, but a real necessity. The money for the first time drips onto the card, the documents are done, it’s time to worry about the essentials: How will you contact the local population?

Okay, in stores you can somehow use gestures, but in supermarkets it’s even easier: you put food in the basket, handed over your card at the checkout - you don’t have to open your mouth at all. How to get a job? Also with gestures? Like, I can “click-click” on the computer /here we play on an invisible piano for visualization/ and on the phone “blah-blah” /we wave our mobile phone demonstratively/? What if I go to college? Should I call a doctor and explain to him what happened and where it hurts? Also with gestures and facial expressions? But a temperature of +40°C can slightly cripple your acting talent, so what then?

You get the point: Spanish in Spain is must have. And, sadly, he will not teach himself. Therefore, we begin to work actively. By the way, working in Spanish is “trabajo”, remember.

Properly motivated? Definitely a winner!

The fact that you have decided to move to Spain may be enough. But having this fact only in your head is not enough! Your brain processes a million hundred thousand gigabytes of information every day. And if something is not paramount right now, then cunning convolutions can easily push it further away.

To avoid this embarrassment, we take and Let's get motivated! Desktop screensaver? Spain! Do you have any photos from past trips? To your avatar! “Letters of happiness” were hung around the house on regular A4 sheets.

The text is approximately as follows:

  • “In six months - to Spain!”;
  • “Whoever doesn’t finish learning Spanish lives in Voronezh”;
  • “Ready to conquer Spain!”

Are you going to see your loved one? Your general photos should be everywhere. Have you been offered your dream job in Spain? Hang up your professional awards, photos of your future workplace, etc.

There is only one goal: do not let the insidious brain forget about the main mission! By any means!

Spanish... What is it?

Did immigration force you to study Spanish? Don’t be sad, if a similar situation had happened to a Spaniard, it would have been much more difficult for him. Still, learning Russian is not an easy task.

Of course, if you started learning Spanish from birth, it would be easier. But then the teacher of an average Moscow kindergarten would have difficulty understanding you. Yes, and there would be difficulties at school. So, study now. As long as your brain is working, it's never too late.

Spanish words are written almost the same way as they are pronounced.. There are no burry “r”s or similar problems with pronunciation in this language.

It will be even easier for those who speak English. These languages ​​are similar, and Spanish is also considered easier. It has its own rules, but there are not as many of them as in Russian. And therefore... go for it!

How to teach? Who to teach with? What to teach?

Now about how to learn Spanish quickly and forever. There are two ways:

Looking for our guru

You can learn Spanish with:

  • Group language courses.
    This is an option for those who feel more comfortable in a team. But courses must be chosen: it is desirable that the school has certificates from the Cervantes Institute, CEELE and prepares students for the DELE exam.
    You can go to Spain to study at a language school. And you’ll plunge into the environment and look at the country, and you won’t be completely confused - the teachers will always be there.
    You can also take courses at the Spanish Embassy in your city.
  • Individual lessons with a teacher.
    Lessons can take place at your home, on neutral territory, at the teacher's home, or even on Skype. Don't trust teachers from your city? Via Skype you can study with those who are in Spain right now, and from there they will talk to you about tenses and verbs from kilometers away.

Let's learn proudly, independently and... on our own!

And what? That's possible too! All textbooks, rules, exercises are available on the Internet. You can download a tutorial, or you can learn the language on specially designed sites (for example,,, or

There are thematic communities on social networks, for those who learn Spanish. They post demotivators and memes in this language, learn words together, and understand complex issues. And everything is free, by the way. Search the VKontakte groups and you will see everything for yourself.

Important aspect: pronunciation and difficult questions grammars. Learn for yourself, write down all the situations that you still haven’t figured out. Later, go to at least a couple of lessons with a tutor: he will explain difficult questions, listen to pronunciation, and tell you what to work on.

An alternative option for staging pronunciation is to find yourself a Skype interlocutor who will be a native speaker.

Sir, practice!

Learning a language without practice is a dead end. But where can you get practice in Spanish in a completely Russian-speaking environment?

Here are some options:

  • Watch movies and . At first with Russian subtitles, of course.
  • Throw Spanish music into your player favorite genre. From time to time it is useful to read the lyrics of the songs you like, translations, watch videos, etc.
  • Choose Spanish on your phone, laptop and social networks. Do you know your computer/phone/Facebook by heart? Check it out!
  • Learn a language with the whole family. For children - Spanish cartoons and children's songs. And hang a sticker on every household item with its Spanish name. Do you want to take possession of the TV remote control, computer or delicious candy? First, name him/her correctly. And that’s right - we now have it in Spanish!
  • Read. Of course, in Spanish. Therefore, it is preferable to use a tablet or a computer to quickly view the translation if something happens. What to read? What do you want: adapted texts, classics in the original, world news, thematic sites, forums of Spanish mothers, etc.
  • Go to speaking clubs. Remember English speaking club? It is the same.
  • Don't grab everything at once. If in one day you reconfigure your whole life to the Spanish way, then... You are more likely to get confused and irritably throw aside all your activities. Therefore, we begin gradually with what appeals to you most. Have you added two films a week to your classes with a teacher? Well done! Turn on the next item when you begin to cope with this volume easily and without stress.

Dmitry (27 years old, Granada):

“I have been in Spain since I was 24 years old. He also transported his wife and son. It was easy for me: the goal was long ago, I learned the language from scratch gradually, with a good teacher. While I was settling into a new country, my wife and child lived in Russia. As a result, when I was able to pick them up, my son was already 4 years old. It seems that upon arrival you have to send it to kindergarten. But a change of environment, a new language, different rules... I was worried how the adaptation would go. Therefore, even in his homeland, the son began to study Spanish. My conditions were as follows: no grammar, rules, only game uniform classes. Plus, I came across a very experienced teacher who spoke excellent Russian, but never showed it to the children. The children thought that the teacher would not understand them in Russian and they simply had no choice. Therefore, my son mastered a basic set of phrases very quickly and without any stress: only games, fairy tales, cartoons, etc. My wife was greatly helped by the tutorials “Spanish in 30 days” by Koenigbauer and “Espanol en vivo” by Nuzhdin.”

Dasha made a video in which she told how she learned the language:

And one more review on the topic - from Marina:

We learn Spanish from here and... And actually, to what level?

Since you are planning to study or work in Spain, it means in Spanish you will have to take an exam. The exam will test your ability to read, write, speak, and listen to Spanish.

The exam is called DELE and consists of six levels:

  • initial or Initial (A1-A2);
  • medium or Intermedio (B1-B2);
  • high or Superior (C1-C2).

To receive in Spain higher education, a high level will be required:

C1 - fluency in language and communication on any topic;
C2 - all the same + use of highly specialized terms.

For simple work (nanny, cleaner, nurse, driver, builder), a household level is sufficient, i.e. B2. Do you want a position with a more attractive salary (doctor, programmer, engineer, teacher)? C1-C2 levels will help you.

Alina (32 years old, Madrid):

“Our family moved to Spain three years ago. I won't lie, it was difficult. Last time I learned something radically new at the institute, and then in a few months I have to master the new language at least to a level sufficient for everyday communication... But we managed! My husband has already confirmed his diploma and works in his specialty as a programmer. I’ve given it all up for now: my daughter was born, I’m taking care of the child. We plan to give it to a regular kindergarten, let him learn Spanish right away. And my husband almost stopped speaking Russian at home with me: he makes sure that I don’t forget the language.”

Information about this will be useful to everyone planning to live in this European country. There are nuances that are worth getting acquainted with at the stage of preparing for the move.

We've arrived! What's next?

In Spain, immigrants are treated... As they deserve, so they are treated. If everyone sees that a person is learning a language, is interested, is friendly to others, and works well, then they will help him, give him advice, and give him advice. For those who, after several years of living in the country, have not bothered to learn the language or remember the traditions, there will be no discounts. And where you come from, Spaniards, doesn’t care: everyone is treated the same.

The sooner you send your child to a local kindergarten or school, the faster he will learn the language. The method is simple, but proven. But try to prepare your child for the move: taking courses at home will be useful not only for you, but also for him. Of course, there is a Russian-language school in Madrid, but is that why you moved?

Before moving, find out what the conditions for assistance to immigrants are in your city. For example, in Madrid and Castile, the Alcalá Institute provides free training foreign students Spanish language. Similar projects can be found in other cities.

Are you learning Spanish? Teach! And most importantly, don’t be afraid to use it. Well, you’ll make a mistake a couple of dozen times, but you’ll see that you’ve been understood and feel confident. And then you’ll stop making mistakes and start thinking in Spanish... Buena suerte!

DONPROFESOR has a special course for students who want to learn Spanish and do not have any knowledge of this language.

This course lasts 9 weeks, 2 times a week and consists of 18 lessons. Each lesson lasts 2.5 astronomical hours.

Who is the teacher?

Your A1 level Spanish teacher will be a teacher with many years of experience teaching Spanish to Russian students. His name is Juan.

Over the past 2 years, more than 70 students have studied Spanish with Juan in Moscow. As a result, they almost all speak Spanish well.

Lessons with Juan are always intensive, competent and relaxed.

How are the lessons going?

Lessons follow a fixed and logically structured progression pattern. During the first part of the classes, we review the topic that we covered in the last lesson in order to consolidate the knowledge gained. Everything that students have already learned and know is always repeated.

Next enter new material, which begins with learning words related to the topic (eg work, health, leisure) from the dictionary. Then several grammatical structures are analyzed with minimal theoretical rules. But this is not always necessary.

In our lessons we speak Spanish and do not study the philosophy of the Spanish language.

The entire lesson is practically taught in Spanish, but, if necessary, you can always give clear explanations in Russian or English.

The lessons are accompanied by small but very interesting videos related to the Spanish language. In each lesson, students learn about some aspect of Spanish culture.

When studying with us, students feel that the lessons go by very quickly and look forward to the next lesson.

What topics are studied in A1

If you start learning Spanish with us, then in 2.5 months* you are guaranteed to gain the following knowledge and skills:
20 grammatical structures, a vocabulary of 250 words, the ability to confidently communicate in elementary life situations(food, drinks, clothing, daily activities and habits, numbers, dates, weather, dating etiquette, ways of greeting and farewell, body parts, descriptions of people and places).

* STANDARD course (60 academic hours in 9 weeks)

During the nine weeks of the SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS course, students will be required to study the following topics:

A WEEKSUBJECT 1 SER + adjectives describing personality, appearance, nationality. SER + professions. ESTAR + emotional state adjectives. 2 ESTAR EN Location. Verbs with endings -AR, -ER, -IR. Everyday activities, habits. 3 GUSTAR + infinitive verb/noun. ESTAR EN Relatives. 4 Reflexive verbs. Everyday affairs, habits." data-order="TENER + noun. Reflexive verbs. Everyday affairs, habits."> TENER + noun. Reflexive verbs. Everyday affairs, habits. 5 IR. IR EN/A. Types of transport. Futuro próximo (near future): IR A + infinitive verb. 6 DOLER Body parts. TENER QUE + infinitive verb. Tips and responsibilities. 7 QUEDAR BIEN/MAL Clothes. ESTAR + gerund. 8 HAY. HAY QUE + infinitive verb. Hay, ESTAR, hace - to describe the weather. 9 Imperative mood. Orders and advice. Reflexive verbs. El pretérito indefinido (past perfect tense)

Individual advice for students of Spanish level A1

We will give you some tips for learning Spanish to make your first steps more productive.

  • Exercise every day, even if it's for 10 minutes. Learning a language requires daily practice. It is much better to do 10 minutes every day than 70 minutes one day.
  • Don't be afraid to speak Spanish. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes. The more you speak, the more you improve your oral communication.
  • Listen to Spanish spoken as much as possible. After intensive Spanish classes twice a week at DONPROFESOR, in six months you will be able to speak Spanish. But in order to speak Spanish well, you will need more time. In general, it takes more than 3,000 hours to understand a foreign language.

Why is a native Spanish teacher better for level 0 students?

Many students, in order to take their first steps in learning Spanish, choose Russian teachers, and then, when they already have enough knowledge, continue classes with Spanish teachers.

They do this because they believe that a Russian Spanish teacher can explain grammar better, and they also believe that with a Spanish language teacher, there will be many communication problems and this will be an obstacle to learning.

In fact, in reality this is not the case. In the first weeks of learning, when the student has fixed the sounds and basic structures of the Spanish language in his mind, only a Spanish teacher can teach you the real Spanish language.

All non-Spanish teachers have the following disadvantages:

  • bad pronunciation
  • constant grammatical errors
  • lack of naturalness when using a language that does not belong to them
  • inability to write freely.

Have you ever wondered why Russian schoolchildren cannot communicate in English language, despite daily training for more than 10 years.

If you study with a non-native speaker from the very beginning, then at a certain stage of your training you will discover many errors in your pronunciation and grammar, which will subsequently be difficult to eliminate.

Studying with Russian-speaking teachers, you will spend almost your entire lesson in Russian. Your brain won't start working with real Spanish classes. Your ears will be deprived of dozens of hours of authentic Spanish from a Spanish teacher in exchange for lower quality speech.

Would you start learning piano with a teacher who doesn't know all aspects of technique? If you did this, you would receive the wrong skills from the first day of training, and, after that, they would be a real burden to overcome because you received them at the most sensitive initial stage.

Do you want a Russian teacher, despite everything I told you? Okay, but do it better at final stages Your learning when the Spanish teacher has already guided your learning in grammar, pronunciation and verbal communication very well. Before that, study the language with a native speaker teacher.

We wish you success in your studies!!!