Choose linoleum. How to choose linoleum for an apartment? The best linoleum for an apartment: quality, thickness, purpose and price

Linoleum for the home is a fairly democratic, publicly available material. As a practical flooring it has been used for over a hundred years. What explains its continued popularity? It has a relatively low price, is easy to install, and is available in many options. In addition, it is comfortable to use: soft and springy underfoot. At the same time, the coating has the necessary strength - it does not tear, crack, or swell from water, like laminate. The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose from numerous types offered by the market. A competent choice of good linoleum will be the key to its successful and long service. So how to choose and lay linoleum at home correctly, what should you pay attention to so that the linoleum serves faithfully for its intended time? Let's figure it out together.

  • Thickness from 0.15 to 3 millimeters.
  • Weight 1.25 - 2.25 kg per square meter.
  • It must have such elasticity and flexibility that it does not break or crack when wound on a standard rod d 45 mm.
  • The water absorption rate is no more than 1.5%.
  • Indicators and - from 13-18 dB.
  • Shrinkage during use should not exceed 0.2 mm per meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

This is linoleum from class 31 to 34, which is usually used in typical office premises and in official ones.

It is inherent the following characteristics: Belongs to classes 41-43. It is used as a floor covering in rooms where the floor bears a particularly high load, and where there is active movement of people and even equipment. It is equipped with a special reinforcing layer, has minimal shrinkage, and has a service life of up to 25 years. The combination of the high price of such material with technical characteristics that are not required for ordinary residential apartments makes its use at home impractical.

Individual linoleums of this group are produced for a special purpose, these are:

  • Sports coverings. They are characterized by special elasticity and softness, which provide excellent adhesion of the floor surface to shoes.
  • Antistatic coatings.
  • Coatings that are resistant to chemicals and have high bactericidal properties. Designed for various medical institutions.
  • Anti-slip coatings. Used in swimming pools and other areas characterized by high level humidity.

How to choose linoleum?

We looked in detail different types and types of linoleum. Based on their descriptions, we identified those important conditions, guided by which, it will be easier for you to select the most suitable material for.

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  • Modern household linoleum very different from the coating that was produced at the end of the last century and the beginning of the two thousandth. Now it is a safe material with high technical and performance qualities, which is not inferior to more expensive floor coverings.

    The variety of assortment is both surprising and involuntarily confusing. In the budget segment alone, there are more than three types of material with a dozen different characteristics. Let's look in more detail at which linoleum is best for an apartment.

    Requirements for household flooring

    Choice facing materials carried out taking into account a number of criteria

    A typical one-room and multi-room apartment consists of several types of premises: for sleeping, leisure, personal hygiene, household needs, moving and storing items.

    In each room, the load on the floor covering is different and depends on the degree of traffic, the amount of furniture and the conditions that are created during the life of the residents. This is worth remembering and taking into account when choosing linoleum for each room separately.

    In general cases, the requirements for linoleum are as follows:

    • safety – the coating must be environmentally friendly and not emit harmful substances, not be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and prevent their spread;
    • wear resistance is a basic requirement that applies to any cladding. The material must be durable, not scratched, and able to withstand abrasive loads;
    • strength - heavy furniture and accidentally dropped objects should not cause severe damage to the front layer;
    • ease of maintenance - the floor surface should provide the possibility of carrying out wet cleaning using detergents. Absorption of moisture and increased slipperiness are excluded;
    • ease of installation - the material should enable the buyer to carry out the preparation himself (after reading the instructions) old surface and linoleum flooring.

    Compliance with these points guarantees, especially in the case of linoleum, that the floor covering will not cause significant harm to human health. This is especially important for families with infants and small children.

    Which type of linoleum is better?

    PVC linoleum universal coating for use in apartments and houses

    There are several classifications and varieties of linoleum. We will consider the classification of only household varieties, since industrial options are not intended for use in an apartment.

    The simplest and most correct from the point of view of understanding is the division of the material depending on its scope. This sorting allows you to understand which linoleum is better, which coating is suitable for a particular room, and which one is better to refuse.

    Among the linoleums that are best laid in an apartment are:

    • natural – linoleum based on natural raw materials: recycled wood, cork flour, pine resins, flax oil, lime, natural dyes. The coating is completely environmentally friendly and safe. Has a long service life, high strength, good wear resistance and aesthetically pleasing appearance;
    • household - artificial coating based on polyvinyl chloride, chemical stabilizers and fillers. Has average technical qualities, designed for 7-10 years of careful use. It has low thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture and aggressive substances. Total thickness – 1-2 mm, thickness of the protective layer – 0.15-2 mm, wear resistance class 21-23;
    • semi-commercial - the coating is almost completely similar to the household variety of linoleum. The total thickness is 2-3.5 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.3-0.5 mm, wear resistance class 31-34. Service life in residential premises is at least 12 years;
    • commercial - produced in various variations, but for an apartment it is better to lay a PVC-based covering. It is an improved version of semi-commercial linoleum. That is, the material has even more impressive characteristics. In everyday life it can last up to 15 years or more. The total thickness is 2-4 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.7-0.8 mm, wear resistance class 41-43.

    Combination various types allows you to more accurately select the floor covering, focusing on the specific purpose of the room. This also saves money, since it makes no sense to lay a more wear-resistant coating where its qualities will not be used.

    Technical characteristics and qualities

    The main technical characteristics that will help you understand which linoleum is best for your home are the wear resistance class, the thickness of the protective layer, moisture resistance, and toxicity. In addition, you can consider materials on additional qualities security: class fire danger, flame spread, flammability.

    Wear resistance class is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a material

    According to European standard EN685 wear resistance marked digital code, which is printed on the pictogram next to the schematic drawing. An example of a pictogram is shown in the photo above.

    The first number in the code means:

    • 2 – living space;
    • 3 – office and commercial premises;
    • 4 – production premises.

    The scope of application of linoleum does not always indicate that it is in this area that the coating needs to be laid. Many manufacturers have commercial-type cladding, which they themselves recommend for use in rooms with high loads.

    The second number indicates the degree of load that the product can withstand. Designated similarly from 1 (low) to 4 (very high).

    The thickness of the protective layer is the second important indicator that is best taken into account when choosing. Protective layer determines the strength of the material and its resistance to abrasion.

    Gradation of thickness of the front layer:

    • up to 0.2 mm – for low-traffic areas intended for storage;
    • 0.2 mm – low-traffic areas for sleeping and leisure;
    • 0.3 mm – residential premises with average traffic;
    • 0.5 mm and above – for rooms with high traffic and load.

    To identify other characteristics, they are assigned a corresponding alphanumeric code. Toxicity is indicated by a capital letter “T” and a number from 1-4. The lower the number, the less ability of linoleum to evaporate and decompose into harmful chemicals.

    Fire hazard class in capital letters “KM” and a number from 0-5. It includes characteristics such as fire spread, flammability, smoke production, etc. Their designation is similar, that is, than less number indicated next to the capital letter, the safer the linoleum is.

    There is no need to remember all the additional characteristics, the main thing is to remember this rule. If necessary, you can make a short list of what is worth more detailed consideration.

    Covering for bedrooms and children's rooms

    Can be used in children's room and bedroom everyday look 23 classes

    In the bedroom and rooms intended exclusively for sleeping and private leisure, the load on the flooring is very low. A person uses premises strictly for their intended purpose, and effective area The premises are quite small.

    For the bedroom it is better to choose household linoleum class 23 with a thickness of 2 mm. You can choose a coating with a thermal insulation base, which will make the floor warmer and make staying in the room more comfortable.

    In a children's room, it is most important that the material is safe. Optimal installation natural linoleum minimum thickness. If the child is very active, then it is better to choose a household type based on PVC.

    For both rooms, a coating from the Tarkett company under the Europe Akron 6 brand is well suited. The total thickness of the material is 3 mm with 0.25 mm of the front layer, which allows you not to worry about the safety of the material even with increased activity of children. The cost of the material starts from 340 rubles/m2.

    Covering for the hall and living room

    The living room and hall are narrowly focused rooms where a person spends his leisure time and gathers with family and friends. The load level varies greatly and depends on the person’s social activity, the number of residents and family members.

    In general cases, we can recommend semi-commercial PVC linoleum class 31-32 with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm. The presence of a thermal insulation base and anti-slip coating It will only be a plus. The use of natural coating is irrational due to its high cost.

    For example, it could be Tarkett linoleum from the Moda, Colibri, Iskra collection. This is a moisture-resistant material with a thickness of 3.5 mm with a thickness of the front layer of 0.6 mm.

    Covering for the kitchen and hallway

    In the kitchen and hallway it is advisable to lay wear-resistant linoleum class 33

    Floor cladding in the kitchen, hallway and hallway faces the most unfavorable conditions. In the kitchen there is a risk of exposure to aggressive substances, moisture, falling heavy objects, etc.

    There is a high abrasive load in the hallway and corridor. Dust, sand, dirt in the warm season. Moisture, water and snow in autumn and winter. Moreover, these rooms are no different large area, which also affects the rate of abrasion of the cladding.

    It is optimal if it is semi-commercial PVC linoleum of class 33 for the kitchen and commercial homogeneous coating of class 34-43 for the hallway.

    For example, this could be a cladding from Tarkett IQ Monolit Cmoni. This is a homogeneous linoleum with a thickness of 2 mm and wear resistance class 34-43. Average cost from 900 rub/m2. You can also choose a simpler coating that costs from 600 rubles/m2.

    Covering for bathrooms and toilets

    The bathroom and toilet are rooms for personal hygiene. There is a risk of water ingress and constant high humidity. Oddly enough, the load in these rooms is high due to the very small area of ​​the room.

    It is best to lay moisture-resistant heterogeneous commercial linoleum at a minimal cost. Some manufacturers this material can be purchased from 400-450 rub/m2, since the material has a small width.

    Comfortable for feet, easy to install, durable, yet affordable and accessible to everyone - these are the properties of linoleum, which has been used for more than a century as a floor covering. There are many types of material on the market, a wide variety of options external design. Let's figure out which linoleum to choose for your home? When purchasing flooring, you should take into account the characteristics of the room and the technical characteristics of the material.

    A consumer who wants to purchase linoleum for their home often gets confused when they see a wide range of products. To buy suitable material, you need to consider the following:

    • what room in the house requires coverage (kitchen, hallway, children's room, living room, bathroom);
    • the maximum load recommended for a certain type of material, room parameters (how many people live in the apartment, what is the room’s traffic);
    • desired qualities of the future floor (level of heat and sound insulation, degree of moisture resistance);
    • the ability of the flooring to harmonize with the interior of the home.


    The material has the following advantages:

    • environmentally friendly, made from natural substances ( linseed oil, flax and jute fiber, limestone, wood flour, natural resin);
    • has high strength, wear resistance, bactericidal properties;
    • easy to maintain, the flooring can be easily tidied up using ordinary detergents;
    • does not electrify, is resistant to sun exposure and fire.
    Armstrong brand natural type

    The disadvantages of environmentally friendly linoleum for the home include:

    • high price;
    • exposure to moisture;
    • reduced elasticity, making styling difficult in a cold room;
    • a specific smell of freshly laid material, which disappears after several months.

    Polyvinyl chloride

    PVC linoleum for home is equipped with fabric or non-woven thermal insulation base, has one or more layers. The benefits of the coating include:

    • reduced thermal conductivity;
    • dielectric property;
    • environmental cleanliness;
    • rot resistance;
    • variety of options exterior finishing in the house;
    • ease of installation.

    Polyvinyl chloride type

    The material has the following disadvantages:

    • afraid of high temperature;
    • unstable to chemical solvents, fats, alkalis;
    • loses elasticity in the cold, which leads to cracks.


    Another name for the coating is glypthal. The material has a fabric bottom layer, on top of which resins are applied using a special technology. Flooring has the following advantages:

    • absorbs sound well;
    • retains heat well;
    • has high wear resistance;
    • ease of care.

    Alkyd look

    The disadvantages of alkyd material include:

    • decreased elasticity when exposed to cold;
    • need for professional styling;
    • low fire resistance of linoleum, limiting its use in wooden house.

    Rubber linoleum (Relin)

    The coating has a two-layer structure. The lining is made of rubber with the addition of bitumen. Upper layer It is obtained by combining rubber, filler, and coloring pigment. The undoubted advantages of flooring:

    • excellent elasticity, high resistance to moisture;
    • anti-slip property;
    • long service life.

    Rubber type

    The disadvantages of rubber sheeting are:

    • high toxicity;
    • impossibility of use in residential premises.

    Nitrocellulose (colloxylin)

    The material belongs to the category of baseless. The basic component used in the production of the coating is nitrocellulose. Colloxylin linoleum has the following advantages:

    • resistance to water;
    • excellent elasticity;
    • low flammability;
    • brilliant appearance.

    Nitrocellulose type

    When choosing linoleum for a bathroom in a wooden house, it is important to consider the disadvantages of the coating:

    • possibility of shrinkage after installation of the floor;
    • instability to sudden temperature changes.

    The best linoleum for the home

    Abundance of information on species floor finishing complicates the selection of material. What is better - laminate or linoleum in the house? Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to say definitively which coating is better. It all depends on the type of laminate or linoleum, type of room, operating conditions of the floor, features of the exterior decoration, personal preferences of the consumer and other factors.

    Choosing linoleum suitable for arranging heated floors in a particular room is also not an easy task. The canvas can be a combination of several different layers. Which linoleum is best for the home? Western manufacturers have developed special standardization based on the purpose of the floor covering and the strength characteristics of the flooring.


    Home covering is intended for installation of heated floors in residential premises. The flooring is affordable and has a short service life. The name suggests that this particular material is suitable for apartments and houses. The use of cheap household coating is justified when carrying out renovations in rented housing or if the property is planned to be sold or the owners like to frequently change the exterior finish.

    We sorted everything out: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

    Inexpensive household type


    This coating combines the characteristics of household and commercial materials. Semi-commercial linoleum is recommended for use in a frame residential building with a large load on the floor, for example, if a large family lives in the apartment. Another option is to use it in an office where there is not much traffic.

    The coating is more durable than household materials, costs less than commercial flooring, but costs more than home linoleum.

    Semi-commercial type in a residential building


    The material is laid in rooms where the load on the floor is especially high. The flooring is designed for active movement of equipment and people. A special reinforcing layer increases the service life of the decking, which is up to 25 years. The canvas gives minimal shrinkage after installation.
    The cost of commercial canvas is high. In addition, increased strength is not always required for an ordinary residential building. The use of commercial coating in an apartment does not make sense.

    Commercial type structure

    Protective layer thickness

    Linoleum in most cases is equipped protective film made from pure PVC. The thickness of the top layer varies, depending on the purpose of the coating and the degree of load on the floor. The gradation offered by manufacturers looks like this:

    • film thickness 0.15 mm suitable for floors in the living room, bedroom;
    • a layer of 0.2 mm is optimal for a children's room;
    • 0.25 mm film is intended for the kitchen, hallway, corridor;
    • a layer of 0.3 mm is recommended for offices with light traffic;
    • film with a thickness of 0.5 mm is designed for high and very high traffic.

    Linoleum marking

    When purchasing a covering for your home, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the canvas. The manufacturer leaves the logo and the necessary information on back side material:

    Graphic marking
    • Linoleum class. The first digit indicates the type of premises (2 - residential, 3 - public, 4 - industrial), the second indicates permissible load(1 - moderate, light, 2 - medium, 3 - intense);
    • Batch number. If you need to purchase a large amount of material, it is desirable that it be from the same batch. This will avoid discrepancies in external design;
    • Date of manufacture. The canvas can be stored for no more than 12 months after production, then it begins to lose its characteristics.
    • Additional pictograms. The applied drawings indicate additional properties of the coating.

    Advantages of linoleum in the home

    The coating has gained wide popularity thanks to:

    • Ease of transportation. The elastic fabric is easily rolled into rolls, which simplifies the delivery process;
    • Ease of installation. Self-sufficiency in the house is simple and does not require highly specialized skills or a perfectly level base;
    • Easy to care for. The coating is not afraid of water. The flooring is easy to clean with ordinary detergents;

    Coating in the interior
    • Strength, wear resistance;
    • Non-slip top. This property makes the material convenient for use at home;
    • Wide variety of exterior design options. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of colors and patterns, making it easier to choose linoleum for your home.


    When purchasing this or that coating, it is important to consider the disadvantages of linoleum in a frame house:

    • The presence of seams formed after installation. In a small room it is possible to lay a single piece of fabric. A spacious room cannot do without joints. Over time, the seams begin to separate, peel off from the floor, and curl up. This situation requires minor repairs. When choosing material for your home, it is better to give preference to a wider canvas. This will minimize the number of joints;
    • The appearance of air voids as a result of non-compliance with installation rules;

    Air voids during installation
    • Loss of elasticity. Improper care, long-term use leads to deterioration in elongation. The coating becomes hard and hard, which leads to cracks and deformation;
    • Susceptibility to mechanical damage. The flooring is afraid of physical impact. The flooring can be accidentally burned, damaged by a falling knife, or scratched by a metal heel. Picking up suitable covering, preference should be given durable options who are not afraid high humidity, sudden changes in temperature.

    Having prepared warm floors in a wooden house for linoleum, you need to competently approach the choice of suitable finishing. Accounting technical characteristics material, room features allows you to choose best option, arrange a beautiful and comfortable floor. Proper care behind the flooring, careful operation increases the service life of the coating.

    The Tarkett company, the world's largest manufacturer of flooring materials with a 130-year history, produces one of the highest quality and most durable coatings - PVC linoleum. Its factories are open all over the world, including in Russia. Since 1995 in Otradny Samara region there is a production plant operating:

    • Household roll floors intended for use in residential environments;
    • Semi-commercial materials used in premises with average traffic (offices, halls, conference rooms);
    • Commercial homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (multilayer) flexible PVC used for commercial, industrial facilities.

    In domestic stores, Tarkett products are sold under 4 brands:

    1. Tarkett- the most expensive segment of the best high-quality linoleum of classes 23, 31-33 and 41-43. The assortment includes more than 20 collections of household, semi-commercial, commercial and special purpose. Characteristic feature series is a variety of designs, as well as an interesting appearance with a believable imitation textured surface parquet, solid boards, porcelain tiles, etc.
    2. Sinteros - a budget option household and commercial PVC coatings of classes 21-23, 31-34. The advantages of linoleum are versatility, practicality and durability. An analogue of this line is the product of the Ukrainian plant Vinisin.
    3. Polystyl - vinyl material 23, 31-34 and 41 classes, combining affordable price and Tarkett quality. Available in 6 collections, the range is selected in such a way that each design can be used in any type of room.

    Thus, the Tarkett company produces high-quality PVC linoleum in a huge assortment for every taste, color and budget.

    Main advantages:

    • High level of linoleum resistance to abrasion and tensile loads. Thanks to the transparent polyurethane matrix and additional protective coatings Extreme Protection, Titan, R.MAX and others, the surface of the material is inert to water, aggressive household chemicals, abrasives, shoes. And the use of fiberglass ensures the resistance of the floor finish to deforming factors.
    • Sanitary and hygienic, Fire safety and environmental friendliness. Tarkett products are the only ones in the Russian Federation that have received the “Leaf of Life” voluntary eco-testing certificate.
    • A huge selection of designs and structures for parquet, massive board, marble, ceramics, natural stone, textiles and much more. The assortment includes more than 1000 decors of various shades.
    • Possibility of choosing linoleum on a felt basis or on the basis of foamed PVC. The first one is warmer, recommended for use on screeds. The second one is universal.
    • Approved for use in preschool, educational and medical institutions.
    • Easy installation and maintenance.
    • Price available in many collections.
    • Long service life - from 10 to 40 years.

    Despite the fact that today there is a huge selection of floor coverings, linoleum remains the most popular. By purchasing this material, the consumer receives reliable and solid foundation, which is not afraid of moisture or mechanical damage. Next, we will analyze in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of this material. The article will also tell you which linoleum to buy for your apartment.

    Main characteristics

    Until recently, the main drawback that prevented us from choosing linoleum for an apartment as preferred material, was considered a large number of synthetic components in it. However, today natural ingredients are increasingly used in production. Therefore, when asked by consumers whether linoleum in an apartment is harmful, manufacturers confidently answer in the negative. One of the most important indicators of a material is its strength. High-quality linoleum is not subject to mechanical damage from a fallen object or the heels of women's shoes. Thus, one more important indicator is the thickness of the linoleum. Preferable for an apartment average value. If the flooring experiences increased loads (for example, in the hallway), then it is more advisable to purchase a denser material. The elasticity of the coating is also important. Thanks to this property, it is almost impossible to damage it during operation or installation.

    Ease of installation

    For home craftsmen, it is important that the material can be easily laid. The process of covering a floor with linoleum does not require special knowledge or special skills. In this case, installation takes place without dust and dirt. Covering the floor with linoleum does not require serious financial costs, and you can easily cope with the work yourself.


    This indicator is also important. Technologies used in modern production, allow you to get various combinations of patterns, colors and textures. Thanks to the wide range, you can choose a coating for any interior style. Linoleum goes well with various materials used in interior decoration.


    Linoleum is produced in two types. The material can be hetero- or homogeneous. The second type of coating is thin. It is usually from 1.5 to 2 mm. The pattern is applied to the material using end-to-end technology. Due to this, the pattern does not wear off during use. It is this quality that allows this type of material to be installed in areas subject to intense traffic. If you need to purchase linoleum for the kitchen, then it is better to give preference to a homogeneous coating. Wonderful suitable material with such a structure for the corridor. Heterogeneous linoleum is considered to be of higher quality. Its density is much higher than that of homogeneous. It can be up to 6 mm. The structure of the material contains several layers. The back cover is made of foamed polyvinyl chloride. This is followed by a layer of fiberglass. It is quite strong and serves as reinforcement. Next comes a layer of PVC. A drawing is applied to it. The final one is varnish coating. It contains bactericidal impregnation, which, among other things, has protective and decorative purposes. Heterogeneous linoleum is perfect for bathrooms, balconies, and dining rooms. Coverings with this structure are often laid in hallways. Mixed types of material are also available. This linoleum also has a multilayer structure. A homogeneous material is used as a base. A layer of PVC is glued on top, then fiberglass and polyurethane film. The latter provides protection for the coating from mechanical damage. If you need to lay linoleum in a recreation room, then a mixed type material is ideal.

    "Household" coating: main characteristics

    Speaking about how to choose linoleum for an apartment, it is necessary to talk about some of the most important characteristics. First of all, the size of the load is important. For rooms where the floor covering does not require special requirements, household linoleum is perfect. Its thickness is relatively small, and its density is assessed as average. Weight per 1 m2 can range from 1.25 to 2.25 kg. The deformation rate can be up to 2 mm. Installation of the coating is quite easy. Its undoubted advantage is that when rolled into a roll, cracks do not form on it. In addition, household linoleum has a high level of sound absorption. You can purchase material with a width of 1.5-4 meters. As a rule, this type of covering is used in bedrooms.


    As practice shows, household linoleum perfectly attracts dirt. At the first stage you can see small gray islands near the rapids. Over time, numerous “paths” are observed, clearly showing the paths along which the inhabitants of the housing usually move. This type of coating is very easy to find in a store. The cost of the material is the lowest. In some stores the price per meter does not exceed 100 rubles.

    "Commercial" type of material: characteristics

    Many consumers ask: “How to choose linoleum for an apartment so that it will last long years"Experts give a very clear answer to this question: “You should purchase a commercial type of material.” The cost of the coating will, of course, be more expensive (from 500 rubles). However, as a result, you can purchase a high-quality and durable coating. This category offers a huge variety of textures and drawings. In the assortment presented by the manufacturers, it is quite possible to find a coating for any room in the house. They often purchase commercial linoleum for the kitchen and hallway. In these areas, the floor covering must withstand increased loads, be moisture- and wear-resistant. The service life of the coating is at least 25 years.The material has high degree sound absorption, providing acoustic comfort in the room. The degree of deformation of the material is no more than 1 mm. The covering can be purchased in widths of 2.5-5 m.

    Semi-commercial type of material: characteristics

    According to many experts, this is the best linoleum for an apartment. The average cost of a meter of material is within 250 rubles. The assortment is represented by both products of Russian and foreign companies. From the name it becomes clear that semi-commercial linoleum is something between household and commercial. This material is very practical. It is thinner than commercial ones. But this makes installation much easier. Moreover, its quality is much higher than that of household products. Thanks to this, semi-commercial linoleum is perfect for bedrooms and children's rooms. Its service life is about 10-12 years. The surface of the material is covered with a special protective film. This makes it easy to wash off dirt using a regular sponge and soap solution.

    Specialized Material Types

    In addition to those listed above, manufacturers produce varieties of linoleum that have some distinct properties. Among them are:

    Base material

    How to choose the right linoleum for an apartment? What should the material be like - with or without a base? It should be said that previously linoleum was produced on a felt basis. This material retains heat very well. In addition, walking on such a surface is pleasant - it is soft. Thanks to the felt base, the material perfectly absorbs sound. But the disadvantage of such a basis is that it is too short term services. Moisture penetration and mechanical damage are especially harmful to felt. This natural material was replaced by synthetic ones. The latter have everything necessary characteristics. At the same time, the artificial base is devoid of the disadvantages inherent natural materials. The synthetic backing layer may have different thickness. It all depends on the purpose of the room. For example, coatings with a base are produced for bedrooms, kitchens or children's rooms. In addition to the fact that the backing layer increases warmth and soundproofing properties material, it evens out minor surface defects. As a result, the floor covering becomes, if not perfectly smooth, then very close to it.

    Material without base

    This type of coating is usually laid on a well-prepared surface. Today there are a large number of self-leveling floors “like linoleum”. The actual surface produced should be perfectly flat, but without protective coating. This task is performed by linoleum. Material without a base is quite easy to identify. First of all, this coating is heavy. The material also doesn't bend well. Very often it is covered with a thick laminated layer. In this case, the problem of which linoleum to choose for an apartment, with or without a base, is solved taking into account the condition of the floor.

    Material color

    Speaking about how to choose linoleum for an apartment, it should be said that the material should fit organically into the interior. Today the range of coatings is quite wide. There are models in a wide variety of colors on the market. Linoleum in an apartment (photos of the coating can be seen in the article) must correspond in color to the purpose of the room and its design. For example, in the bedroom a coating of soft warm tones - golden, beige, cream - will look good. It is preferable to choose a material without a pattern, plain or with soft transitions. Most a good option can become an imitation of the surface of natural marble or wooden covering. Both bright and rich and calm shades are suitable for the living room. Linoleum with an ornament or pattern will look original. Bright colors are suitable for a children's room. In combination with a variety of contrasting patterns, they will look great.

    Which manufacturers should you give preference to?

    A successful combination of drawing and color range coatings are a definite plus. However, these characteristics are not the main ones when choosing linoleum. Special meaning has environmental friendliness, safety of the material, as well as its compliance with quality standards. If you choose a cheap coating, the composition of which is unknown even to the manufacturer itself, there is a high probability of getting serious illnesses as a result of exposure to toxic emissions. By purchasing a model from a trusted company, the consumer is guaranteed to receive a high-quality product that can be used in any room of the house without fear. Today, among domestic brands of flooring, the products of the Tarkett company are popular. This company uses only modern materials and technology. The products meet all sanitary, hygienic and fire safety standards. The products are also distinguished by a variety of design solutions.