Growing garlic at home. Garlic on the windowsill is a gardener’s pride: the secrets of growing a tasty and healthy spice at home

Growing garlic for subsequent wholesale or small retail sale is a good business idea for those who want to make a good profit in a short time with little effort, and there is nothing shameful in this, because garlic, as a food product, is a non-perishable option and is in incredible demand for a reason the presence of beneficial vitamins, microelements, as well as taste qualities in the root crop. Moreover, garlic, as a natural antiseptic, has qualities that help in the treatment of many infectious and viral diseases. Both young and old love to eat it. The popularity of the root vegetable has not lost ground for centuries.

The essence of another reason that growing garlic is a profitable business is that the implementation of an entrepreneurial idea does not involve the purchase of expensive equipment and the hiring of staff. This type of business is seasonal, so it can easily take on the status of a family business. In short, you can turn a project into reality either independently or with the help of loved ones.

Before planting garlic for sale, you need to determine for yourself which varieties of vegetables are best to use, how to prepare the land, as well as how to harvest the crop and properly sell it.

Characteristics of garlic as a food product

This root vegetable is usually classified as a species and subfamily of onion plants. It is able to retain its seeds in the ground for a long time. From year to year, every spring, garlic produces its shoots, as if it had recently been sown in the ground. Most of the famous onion millionaires have been selling garlic for the culinary and medical fields for many years. The first industry uses the product because of its exceptional taste and specific smell, which adds its piquancy and spiciness to dishes from the cuisines of different nations. In medicine, or more precisely in pharmaceuticals, this culture is used to produce the most useful essential oils and tinctures. Due to the content of organic sulfides and thioesters, the resulting drugs successfully cure many viral and colds. If you build a business on this product, then you need to rely on these qualities.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of garlic is Central Asia, it grows well in conditions of low and high temperatures. Here it is necessary to follow the simple rules of planting and care that have been practiced by Chinese farmers since ancient times. Thus, the amount of root crop harvest within Russian arable lands can be very high if you study a little about the rules of crop rotation. More precisely, it is important to know after which crop you need to plant garlic in order to get a good harvest.

The most favorable varieties of garlic for sowing for sale

When planning to grow garlic for subsequent sale, it is important to know which varieties are best suited for this type of activity. As practice shows, the most exceptional candidates are:

  1. Variety "Spas". It has great durability, which makes it easy to store. The head of one root vegetable can reach 120 grams of net weight. Productivity is highly favorable.
  2. Variety "Lyubasha". Cold-resistant, easily withstanding heat and drought. This garlic can be stored for one year. Head weight is 90-130 grams. By planting this crop, at the end of the season you can harvest a harvest weighing up to 20 tons per hectare.
  3. Lilac and white culture has amazing qualities. For several months, heads of garlic weighing 140 grams are able to maintain their original appearance and shape. Compared to previous competitors, the yield of this crop is lower and amounts to slightly more than 12 tons per hectare.
  4. "Gulliver"- no less good variety. A garlic bulb weighs on average 80 grams. It is possible to store the crop for as long as conventional varieties. It has good fertility.
  5. "Benefit"- a favorable option in terms of resistance to temperature changes. Able to continue growing both in cool weather and in too warm weather. This species is minimally susceptible to diseases and easily tolerates transplantation into different soils.
  6. "Messidor"- a winter variety, characterized by a large “offspring”, in quantitative terms - 25 tons per hectare of land.
  7. "Rocambole"- the weight of a garlic bulb of this variety can be 150-300 grams. It has a yield of 15 tons per hectare. Farmers love this variety, as this plant pleasantly harmonizes the taste qualities of both onion and garlic. It is unpretentious in care and not as bitter as other brothers. The most favorable type of propagation of this crop is sowing seed heads in open ground.
  8. "Egyptian onion"- hair-bearing crop with a head mass of 0.5 kg. This is quite a large size when compared to the weight of a regular onion, which reaches a maximum of 300 grams.

Based on the qualitative characteristics of the crops considered, we can assume how profitable the business of growing and selling garlic will be. This type of activity can be classified as a group in the “Business from Scratch” series, which is good news. And if you do not make a mistake with the choice of seeds and decide on the sales market, you can safely begin a good cause that is useful for yourself and people.

Peculiarities of propagation of garlic crops to increase profits

When building your business plan, it is important to know some of the features of garlic, as well as the technology for growing it. Let's look at it in more detail below.

The garlic crop planted for sale must be annual, and for a favorable harvest this root crop must be replanted every year, since the head is formed in one summer. If you do not do this, the next season the garlic will form an onion with smaller cloves.

Siberian breeders have currently developed two of the most favorable crops of this vegetable:

  • Novosibirsk garlic that does not shoot arrows.
  • Siberian - bolting variety.

For business, the best option would be the second type, since this plant is larger and, at the time of ripening, produces a large arrow with a seed basket. The height of the stem is from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. As a result, you can reap a good harvest of garlic bulbs weighing 50 grams or more, with 10 to 15 cloves.

Onion umbrellas are “laid” in the seed cup of the arrow, and propagating garlic with their help in the initial season will bring heads for sowing in the ground. Next year, having planted the resulting crop, you can expect fully formed, large garlic fruits. Siberian garlic is a winter variety, so it is planted on the eve of cold weather, i.e. in the fall. Thanks to this property, bolting garlic is considered frost-resistant.

After the main sowing, when the crop sprouts, you need to be extremely careful and careful, since young shoots are still afraid of hypothermia. If the snow cap is not yet too large, they must be covered with film, eliminating the possibility of complete freezing.

Novosibirsk garlic, in turn, is divided into late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties. The first one is the least whimsical and capricious, which is why business gardeners love it so much. In terms of the method of reproduction, the non-arrowing breed also differs from its counterpart, and to obtain a good harvest, such garlic is planted with cloves. The Novosibirsk culture is suitable for planting in the autumn, winter and spring seasons. Due to the latter feature, it is also called spring.

How to grow garlic?

If you plan to grow a spring variety, it is important to know that this type of garlic is afraid of the cold and is not at all ready for extreme weather conditions. The method of planting such a crop is sowing in open ground, where the seeds take root in early spring and grow the fruit until fully ripe.

During the germination process, you need to ensure that the garlic shoots do not freeze and die. For this occasion, you should always have a film or other type of insulation in your stash.

The selection of “spring” seeds for planting must be approached as responsibly as the care of the garlic crop. It is important that the vegetable slices for sowing are as hard as possible, i.e. they should not have a sluggish, flabby structure that has lost moisture.

If you ignore this step, you may end up with a catastrophically low yield. Moreover, favorable teeth will be the most resistant and resistant to bad weather conditions and environmental influences.

Growing garlic within the household

When growing garlic at home, it is also important to follow the basic rules, and careful selection of cloves has not been canceled. Land for planting requires good fertilization, watering, and weed removal.

Garlic is grown in the beds of a personal plot, cottage, greenhouse, as well as within a house or apartment, on a windowsill. Naturally, this practice will not yield a large harvest and is more suitable for home consumption. Many apartment residents who do not have additional square meters in the form of a plot do just that - they grow onions and garlic on the windows in warm rooms. Regardless of where the garlic crop grows, it will always require light, fertilized soil mixed with clay.

In order to grow garlic on a windowsill, you need to first prepare plastic containers, for example, disposable cups. Wooden niches are also a good option. It is important to prepare the soil in which garlic will grow by mixing it with peat or compost. So, you can fertilize the soil well.

For the “window method” of growing garlic as seedlings, you need to choose heads that are not large in size. Bulbs that are too large will cause shoots and tops to grow.

For greenhouse plantings, the algorithm of actions is the same. For garlic, the main factors will be the level of humidity, temperature and proper agricultural technology.

When planting winter varieties of this crop in the soil, you need to pay attention to its composition. If the soil has excess melt water, it will no longer be suitable for sowing cloves. It is this phenomenon that can cause rotting of the root crop. If you approach the cultivation of this vegetable with great responsibility, you must definitely acquire a set of fertilizers and complex compounds. Crop rotation is also important. So, for planting garlic, the most favorable predecessors on the site will be cucumbers, cabbage, peas, and beans. Potatoes and onions should be avoided.

Methods for planting garlic

In agricultural practice, several options for planting this root crop have emerged. These are the recommendations that many agronomists use:

  • Traditional way requires preliminary fertilization of the land. Its surface should not have depressions or depressions. This will help avoid the accumulation of excess groundwater and melt water in the resulting pits. Before planting garlic, make furrows and, having fertilized them with compost or peat, dig up the soil to a height of about 30 cm. Recesses for garlic sprouts are made in increments of 20 cm.
  • Double landing. Garlic is planted in this way in late August-early September. The main feature of this option is planting garlic in two planting layers, one of which is higher, the second lower. In this case, the first furrow should have indentations of 10-12 cm, the other - 7 cm.

The bed that lies higher warms up and ripens faster.

  • Sowing method, perhaps the simplest. Garlic cloves, which must be in the peel, are placed sideways in the soil furrows at a distance of 20 cm. After planting, they are sprinkled with fertilized soil.

  • Growing from seeds. This planting method is practiced in the autumn-spring period. The beginning of work is considered to be the sowing of land with an area of ​​up to 1.5 hectares. It is precisely such coverage that is used if garlic is grown in order to implement an entrepreneurial plan.

Garlic as a business

For further sale, the most favorable varieties are winter crops. Land for planting must be used after growing cabbage or legumes on it.

For a good harvest, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Compliance with the sowing period. It must be autumn time.
  • Maintaining temperature conditions. The soil in which you plan to plant garlic should not be too warm or, conversely, too cold.
  • It is important to ensure that the grooves for the seeds have a smooth surface and are moderately moist.
  • Preliminary soil preparation. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with manure, compost or phosphorus.

Garlic should not be planted in fertilized soil with fresh manure. This can affect the condition of the root system, which under such circumstances will simply rot. Aged and settled manure should be used to cultivate the land.

  • Upon completion of the preparatory work, the ground must be dug up and leveled with a rake.

Proper tillage is carried out 30 days before the main sowing.

  • Before loosening the planting bed, you need to fertilize it with urea or nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  • Competent selection of seed material. If this condition is met, you can get a harvest weighing 1 ton per 0.10 hectares of land. So, from 1 hectare it is possible to get up to 10 tons of garlic.

The crop for planting must be chosen to be healthy and not spoiled. So, it is important not to use dry seeds or cloves with spots.

How to get large heads of garlic

Having even a small piece of land, you can get a fertile harvest with large garlic bulbs by fulfilling certain conditions:

  • When planting, root segments are taken from above the head. This way the garlic will germinate quickly and give a good harvest.
  • Seed cloves should be planted correctly in the ground. When placing them in the grooves, you need to straighten the sprouts and dig in the seedlings evenly.
  • After planting, garlic requires moderate watering.
  • The sprouts of garlic cloves should never be cut off.
  • The land on which the crop is planned to be grown must be well illuminated by sunlight and also receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  • The soil with planted cloves likes moderate dryness.
  • Ripe garlic must be collected 10 days before sale. So, you will give the root vegetables time to dry and rest.

If the garlic is overripe, as a result of long-term storage in the ground, it may crack and lose its presentation.

  • The Siberian winter variety should stand in this form for a while after releasing the arrows. After that they break off. You need to leave a few arrows to determine the ripening time.

To get a good harvest for sale, it is important to follow planting rules. So, you cannot plant seedlings in the spring, when the earth has not yet warmed up.

The need for agricultural machinery in growing garlic

If you plant this crop for sale on a large scale, then, of course, you will need to spend money on purchasing the following types of equipment:

  1. Cultivator.
  2. Watering machine.
  3. Equipment for harvesting garlic.
  4. Conveyor.
  5. Mini tractor.

Calculation of necessary costs to start a business

With all its advantages, growing garlic for sale still requires some investment. They are simply not as significant as in other areas.

Let's estimate the approximate size of financial investments for 40 acres of land

  • Preparing the soil, plowing it and harrowing it will require funds in the amount of about 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of garlic for sowing - 80,000 rubles based on 100 rubles. for 1 kg of product.
  • Costs for fertilizers will be approximately 5,000-10,000 rubles.

Thus, the approximate amount for starting a “garlic” business will be from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles. This number may fluctuate, because forty acres of land is a fairly large area and twenty is enough to start an activity, and this is 50% less than the original amount.

Definition of the sales market

Garlic, like any other product, can be sold wholesale and retail.

  1. Option 1. Renting a point on the market. Here it is possible to sell the product at existing market prices, and this is many times more than what was spent on the purchase of planting material.
  2. Option 2. Wholesale sales. To organize this type of sales, it is important to first find potential buyers who are only interested in wholesale supplies. These could be large restaurant chains, pharmaceutical companies, as well as hypermarkets and supermarkets.

The feasibility of growing garlic as a business

The profitability of the planned business does not require complex calculations and lengthy deliberations. It's quite simple.

With proper planting, care, fertilization, and watering of garlic, you can get 15 tons of product from one hectare of land. On the market, the average cost of this product ranges from 50 to 80 rubles per kilogram. Thus, the net profit from growing garlic crops will be approximately 700,000 rubles.

Of course, the figure is impressive, so you can get by with less spending and planting. Anyway, you will get a good income.

What is needed to register a business

Since the new business will generate profit, it is important to pay taxes to the state regularly. This is our legal system. To formalize your activity, you need to take your passport, TIN and go to the tax authority office. Here the employee will ask you to pay a state fee of about 1000 rubles. Based on personal data, the state, after a week, will provide you with a document on the official registration of an individual entrepreneur. In principle, you can start your business with this paper, paying a quarterly tax in the amount of 6% of profit.

Advantages and pitfalls of a garlic business

Of course, this type of profit-making is a profitable business, but you should not ignore its disadvantages, since one wrong step and the costs may exceed the amount of profit received.

Advantages of growing garlic for sale:

  • Minimum investment.
  • Unpretentiousness of the grown product.
  • Seasonal high demand for garlic.
  • A long shelf life, which allows you not to rush into sales for fear that the product will spoil.
  • Poor competitive environment.
  • Easy to care for.
  • No need to use agricultural products. technology.

Disadvantages of the activity:

  • Relatively high costs for fertilizers.
  • A long search for a responsible supplier of seed material.
  • Possible problems with implementation.

To obtain higher profits, many businessmen, in addition to garlic, grow other compatible vegetable crops, such as onions, herbs, etc.


Having compared all the pros and cons of growing garlic for sale, as well as having learned the main features of the root crop as a crop and making simple calculations, we can safely say that this type of business activity is very profitable and not difficult to implement. In conclusion, I would like to give some tips on storing garlic at home.

Garlic is the spice that most housewives buy for future use. But, unfortunately, few manage to preserve the purchased goods: in a warm apartment, garlic quickly germinates and becomes soft. To prevent this from happening and to avoid having to pay for the same product several times, every housewife needs to take into account the following tips for storing garlic in an ordinary apartment:

  1. Remove stems and roots from the heads, dry them thoroughly if necessary. Prepare the jars: wash them, sterilize and dry. Place garlic in prepared jars. Sprinkle each layer of spice with flour. When the jar is full, add another layer of flour and close the lid tightly.
  2. Take a plywood box, fill its bottom with table salt, then put the garlic prepared in advance into it. Each layer of garlic in such a box should be sprinkled with salt.
  3. A small amount of garlic can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, the product should be placed in a nylon stocking and this stocking should be placed in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.
  4. Peeled garlic cloves are stored well if you put them in a jar, cover it with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. This “semi-finished product” is very convenient to use and saves a lot of time if you need to cook something with a large amount of this spice.

Good afternoon friends!

In winter, many people grow green vegetables on their apartment windows or balconies: , sprout . But garlic is rarely found on windowsills in winter. Although it is no more difficult to grow than green onions.

We'll talk about it today.

The benefits of young garlic have been known since ancient times. This greenery appeared in peasant gardens long before other vegetables and served as an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency and scurvy. This spicy vegetable contains an incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.

Tender young garlic leaves do not yet have time to acquire a pungent odor, but they add a spring aroma to any salad. Spring garlic arrows are used not only as a seasoning, but also for preparing individual dishes. These shoots can be salted or pickled, and stored for future use. Fresh garlic herbs decorate the holiday table at any time of the year. The collected leaves are used to make sandwiches: finely chop and sprinkle on a piece of buttered black bread. Chopped garlic will decorate any salad and add flavor to the first or second dish. Both tasty and healthy!

Garlic is a perennial plant that is grown as an annual or biennial plant. In closed ground conditions - on a window or on a balcony, garlic is grown to produce aromatic and vitamin-rich greens. Already a month after planting, you can harvest young, soft green leaves of garlic. If the planting containers in which the garlic cloves are planted are installed in cool rooms where the temperature ranges from 0 to +15C, small heads sometimes grow. They, of course, do not grow as large as in the open air, and the number of cloves in them is smaller.

A flower pot or seedling box is suitable for planting. Drainage holes are required. You will need soil and some fertilizer.

Which varieties to choose?

They are better suited for growing on a windowsill, but spring ones can also be used. Heads of garlic whose cloves have sprouted in the refrigerator can be planted.

Where to place it?

Containers with planted garlic cloves should be installed in well-lit and poorly heated rooms. This could be a glazed veranda, balcony or loggia.

Which planting mixture should I choose?

The planting mixture should be fertile, well seasoned with complete mineral fertilizer. You can mix universal soil for seedlings with specialized fertilizer for onions or garlic. Garden soil mixed with sand, humus and crushed charcoal is also suitable.

How to plant?

To get garlic greens, plant garlic cloves. If planted, a one-toothed tree may grow. Sprouted cloves are buried 2-3 cm into the soil. It is better to plant winter varieties in the fall; sprouted cloves of spring garlic are “consigned to the ground” in the spring.

How often to water?

Garlic crops need high soil moisture, especially during clove germination and during green growth. But at the same time, stagnation of water should be avoided. Bottom line: water rarely, but abundantly.

Should the air around the plantings be humidified? There is no need to constantly spray garlic seedlings, but maintaining optimal air humidity is desirable.

What to feed?

Garlic loves to eat well. You can feed it with mineral sticks or flower fertilizer granules. A solution of liquid fertilizer will also work. Foliar feeding is not used.

Is anything else needed?

Periodically loosen the soil in the container after watering. Diseases characteristic of garlic are rare when grown indoors. Pests do not damage. Garlic does not need to be planted separately; it grows well as a compactor among other plants.

To summarize: to carry out growing garlic at home You need to take a container for planting with drainage holes. Fill it with soil to the top. Plant the garlic cloves in the ground. Place the container on a drainage tray. Place all this on a well-lit window in a cool room. Water periodically. After waiting for the sprouts to grow to 15-20 cm, trim them with scissors. You can ensure a continuous process of collecting greens if the cloves are planted in several containers at different times. See you later, friends!

Garlic has firmly entered our gastronomic life. We add it to first and second courses, use it as a spice for appetizers and cold salads, and for sandwiches. However, few people know that this plant has an ancient history.

History and myths

According to various sources, Southeast or Central Asia is called the homeland of this culture. From there, garlic spread to Europe, America, and then throughout the world. Even in the times of primitive people, wild garlic was considered edible. And only after more than 5000 years, it was domesticated and began to be cultivated.
Garlic is one of the most commonly used products in Eastern cuisine. Garlic appeared in our country back in the days of Ancient Rus'. It was immediately loved for its many useful properties. Bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating - an excellent replacement for many drugs and tablets, not inferior to them in effectiveness!

In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, garlic was considered one of the effective medicines. Garlic juice, mixed with opium (an equally popular means of treating patients) was added to wine. This drink was given to the patient before surgery. It was also used externally, moistening bandages and bandages.
Roman gladiators consumed garlic in large quantities. It was believed that it gives a man courage and bravery, strength and dexterity.

They say that the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids were required to eat garlic. The fact is that a lot of people worked on this grandiose construction site. Garlic made it possible to avoid many infectious diseases, epidemics, and the pyramids were successfully erected. In the 15th-18th centuries in many European countries, during epidemics of typhoid, plague, and dysentery, people also ate garlic.
In many cultures and ideas of peoples, including ours, garlic was a symbol and method of fighting evil. Thus, garlic in the form of a talisman was hung on the chest or in the corners of the house, scaring away vampires.

What's the benefit?

The bactericidal properties of the plant are explained by the content of allicin, a substance that inhibits the activity of many types of bacteria. The effect of garlic is equated in this regard to the effect of antibiotics.
Alkaloids are biologically active substances contained in large quantities in garlic. They lower blood sugar levels, so garlic is not contraindicated for diabetics.

The substances allixin, eychoen, pectins and others, also contained in garlic, suppress microorganisms that cause infection. Antitumor effects of garlic have been observed. Also, these substances contained in the dry residue normalize blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, and prevent the formation of blood clots.
In addition, garlic contains vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, sodium, silicic, sulfuric and phosphoric acid, as well as zinc and iodine.

With regular use of this product, blood pressure is regulated, since hydrogen sulfide contained in garlic has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. Therefore, garlic is recommended for use in the diet of the elderly and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

In new experiments on mice, the properties of hydrogen sulfide, contained in large quantities in garlic, showed benefits for the heart. Scientists have proven that hydrogen sulfide prevents strokes and heart attacks.
Essential oils, which are present in large quantities in garlic, suppress putrefactive microorganisms with their phytoncidal (bactericidal) properties. Therefore, garlic is widely used in canning, pickling, and fermentation.
The presence of a large number of antioxidants that rejuvenate the body has been revealed. There are many recipes with garlic that prolong youth. For example, a tincture of garlic with the addition of milk, which is drunk in courses, repeated every 5-6 years. The so-called elixirs of youth mainly contain garlic, among other components.

They say that those who regularly eat this specific taste product are less likely to suffer from viral and pulmonary diseases, and are not prone to cancer. Regular consumption increases the body's defenses, a person becomes more resistant to infections and various diseases.

During wars, garlic was used to treat wounds. It was believed to have an antiseptic and healing effect.
The dry matter of garlic contains elements that help remove waste and toxins.
Dishes to which a zest in the form of garlic is added are well absorbed in the stomach and intestines. In other cases, on the contrary, it is believed that it irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach, causing ulcers and other diseases with frequent use. Therefore, garlic (as a spicy food) is not recommended for those suffering from stomach diseases.

Often girls resort to various diets to look young and beautiful. Garlic will help them! There are several types of diets based on garlic. But many are mistaken in believing that garlic, due to its unique properties, promotes weight loss. It simply strengthens the immune system during stress that the body experiences when dieting.

Tip: to preserve the healing properties of garlic, try to eat it fresh, or add it to dishes a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

Garlic stored in the refrigerator for a long time loses half of its beneficial properties. At room temperature, the bactericidal properties are lost after 8-9 months.
Is there any harm?
Apart from individual intolerance, no cases of obvious harm were identified. The only trouble is that the pungent taste and strong aroma can leave bad breath for others. You can get rid of it in several proven ways:
1 drink a glass of milk
2 chew a bay leaf briefly
3 drink tea with aromatic herbs (fennel, mint)
4 sometimes they advise not to chew the cloves, but to swallow them whole
How much should you eat?
There is no scientific data that could, based on experiments, determine the amount of garlic needed to maintain health. Everything is very individual. For some, a clove a day is enough, while others love garlic for breakfast, lunch and dinner. An adult can eat up to 10 kilograms of this fragrant plant per year!

Several recipes with garlic

The rejuvenating effect can be achieved in this way: take a head of garlic (along with the peel), divide it into cloves. Pour boiling water over it. Place in a ceramic, clay or glass container. Pour in vodka and let it brew for 24 hours. Take a few drops daily (1 drop of infusion per kilogram of weight).
Sometimes garlic is poured not with vodka, but with boiled ordinary water (1 medium-sized head per half liter of water). Leave in a dark place for several days. Take 30-50 grams in the morning before breakfast, on an empty stomach during infectious and viral diseases, as well as for their prevention. Garlic infused in water can also be given to children, only in very small doses.

Garlic in the garden should be fine

Indeed, although garlic is cold-resistant (it begins to sprout even at a temperature of 3-5˚C, and is not afraid of frost), it still requires care and attention.

The plant itself has narrow, tall arrow-shaped leaves and a bulbous head consisting of cloves. It blooms with beautiful white or greenish flowers collected in a spherical umbrella. Cultivated types of garlic are divided into two types:
1 bolting, or winter, forming an arrow with an inflorescence in which so-called bulbs are formed;
2 non-shooting, or spring, in which only the bulb is formed, without the arrow.

In individual amateur gardens, mainly local forms of garlic are grown. However, there are gardeners who are engaged in growing selected varieties. The most popular varieties for the climatic zones of Russia are Polet, Otradnensky, Yubileiny Gribovsky, and Moskovsky.
If you dream of a large harvest, plant winter garlic. It grows quickly, reaching the size of a human fist. Summer (spring) garlic has a small bulb with small cloves.

Where to start to achieve good results in growing garlic?

Soil preparation
1. Garlic is quite picky about its location and loves change. Therefore, it should be planted every year in a new place. Preferably in the area of ​​the garden where cabbage, zucchini or cucumbers were planted. Garlic also loves to be surrounded by fruit trees and roses.
2. Like any other plant, garlic loves fertilized soil. Before working on the beds, fertilize the soil with humus, compost, and liquid concentrated fertilizer “Rainbow”. You can also fertilize the soil with superphosphate or potassium chloride (20 to 40 grams per sq.m.)
3. Dig up the area for sowing garlic, preferably more than once. Garlic will produce a good harvest if planted in loose soil.
4. Before planting, the soil can be treated with a weak solution of manganese, and the cloves themselves, prepared for planting, can be dipped in vitriol water.

Selection of planting material

When harvesting, set aside the largest heads of garlic for sowing. When selecting for sowing, choose only large, hard, healthy cloves, without signs of wilting, disease, etc. It is better to store planting material in a dry, ventilated area.

Winter garlic is planted in September-October, summer garlic - after the snow melts, in April-May. The distance between the cloves is kept at 5-8 cm, between the beds - 20-25 cm. Planted garlic is covered with peat or humus, as well as hay or straw (less hassle with weeds).

In principle, garlic does not require as much care and attention as, say, cucumbers. It is enough to follow simple rules to reap a good harvest.
Everything is clear with weeds - they need to be removed. But many people do watering incorrectly: they either overwater or forget to water altogether. Meanwhile, garlic requires moist soil, so until the bulbs have formed, it should be watered every 2-3 days, depending on the prevalence of sunny or rainy days. If sufficiently large bulbs have already formed, then the soil from them needs to be “scorched off”, after which watering should be stopped. Otherwise, the harvest may be spoiled.
It is important not to forget to loosen the rows. Garlic loves loose soil that allows oxygen to circulate. Even if you have already stopped watering, you need to loosen until the arrow leaves turn yellow.
Don't forget to cut off the leaves of young garlic, which will look great in a vegetable salad. They can also be pickled. Cutting arrows increases yield.
During June-July, garlic beds need to be fed. Manure is perfect for this (dung - cow dung - soaked for a couple of days in a bucket of water, water the plants with this water), compost, humus.


Have you noticed that the leaves have begun to turn yellow? This means the garlic is ripe! Pull one out and look at the bulb. If the teeth are in a hard shell, then it’s time!
It’s better not to be late with cleaning. Otherwise, the plant will become overripe and the bulb will disintegrate into teeth, which is extremely undesirable: such garlic will not be stored for long.
The garlic is either carefully pulled out of the ground or dug out with a shovel. The dug up garlic is left on the beds to dry. Therefore, it is better to harvest in dry weather, when the sun is shining or the breeze is blowing.
Dried garlic is collected into braids, after cutting off the roots and tops. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas: in the attic, in a country house, in a utility room.

If there are no beds, does that mean there is a mess?

Not everyone can enjoy spending time on their favorite legal plots, but everyone wants to grow something themselves. Garlic, like any other plant, is easy to grow at home. But here there must be “order”, that is, everything must be done correctly. How to do it?
Plant the pre-selected cloves in a pot or box. For indoor conditions, varieties such as Sochinsky-56, Dungansky, Kharkovsky are suitable. You can take smaller teeth. Plant them in biosoil at a short distance, planting depth - 2-3 cm.
The box is best placed on a balcony or window. It is advisable that the room be sufficiently humid and cool.
After 30 days, the first young leaves will appear.
Now, perhaps, you know everything about garlic and how to grow it in your beds.

Everyone is proud of their compact vegetable gardens on their summer cottage or even on the balcony of their apartment. In the autumn-winter period, when a person lacks vitamins, we think of onion or parsley seedlings that have turned green, for example, on a windowsill. But garlic is considered especially popular among gardeners. This is not only an excellent seasoning for any homemade dishes, but also an excellent antiviral agent. This is the best medicine for colds. Therefore, if you decide to cultivate this plant at home, you need to understand in more detail how to grow garlic at home.

Planting material

What is growing garlic at home? In order to be ultimately satisfied with the results, it is recommended to strictly follow the recommendations from real experts. Garlic is an unpretentious crop, but you also need to know how to care for it. First of all, it is necessary to correctly select planting material.

As a rule, almost all winter plant varieties produce special arrows, on which bulbs then form over time. You will grow such a crop for too long, since this plant is a perennial, and during the first year after planting it in the ground it forms its root system. Therefore, it is not advisable to use this method if you want to get the first results quickly enough.

The best solution for you is to plant garlic cloves in the ground. Examine them carefully, select large ones. They can even be slightly dried - this will not affect the result. The main thing is that there is no damage to the teeth. At the same time, it is also undesirable to select yellow or too soft cloves for planting.

If you notice that small green shoots have appeared on some of your garlic cloves, be sure to plant them in open ground first.

Such planting material will emerge from the ground much faster.

Soil preparation

How to grow garlic at home? Some novice gardeners believe that they can simply collect soil from the garden into pots. However, this is not really the best solution. The thing is that garden soil can most often be used exclusively as a base for a substrate. The reason is quite clear: the crop is mainly planted in small compact containers. Due to frequent watering (and you can’t do without it), all nutritional components will gradually be washed out of the soil. In addition, the structure itself feels compacted to the touch and does not conduct air well. Be sure to take care to include peat or sand in your culture substrate.

In order for the garlic to be large, it is necessary to consider the presence of fertilizing. It is best to add humus to the soil. It is noteworthy that garlic requires mandatory mineral supplements. Wood ash can serve as such.

How to prepare the soil for planting garlic cloves at home? It is necessary to disinfect the earth mixture. To do this, place it in a hot oven for about half an hour. If you decide to purchase a ready-made substrate in a specialized store, choose a universal mixture that also includes fertilizers.

Landing rules

How to ensure the process of planting garlic cloves in the ground, taking into account all the basic recommendations? First, mix the soil with sand. Fill the container with the mixture, leaving about 2 cm of space. Plant the garlic cloves (the pointed end should be at the top). When all the planting material is in the container, place it in a sunny place, for example, on a windowsill.

Be sure to ensure that the plants have constant access to light: garlic requires approximately 8 hours of sunlight per day. Another important point when planting garlic at home is the presence of a stand. The container must be placed on some kind of base, where excess water will drain. Knowing how to properly plant garlic cloves in the ground, you will get a high harvest and in winter you will be able to add the favorite spices and vitamins of domestic gardeners to your food.

Seedling care

Growing indoor garlic is not a very labor-intensive process. You just need to understand the theory in order to then create an algorithm of actions for yourself. In general, you won’t face anything difficult; even novice gardeners will be able to cope with this task. Moreover, if you have already grown onions on a windowsill, the experience gained will be useful to you in this process.

So, the first sprouts will appear 1-3 weeks after they are planted in the ground. Why such a big discrepancy in time? The thing is that the speed of garlic germination depends on several factors, for example, on the depth of planting of the cloves. As soon as the first garlic shoots appear, it’s time to get down to business more actively. The key task of every farmer is a full-fledged harvest. And this can be achieved without much effort.


How to care for garlic sprouts planted on the windowsill? First of all, it is recommended to ensure adequate watering of the soil. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of the golden mean: not to over-moisten the substrate, but it is also undesirable to wait until its top crust dries.

Water or spray the soil after about 2-3 days. However, if your room maintains a consistently high temperature, the frequency of watering can be increased slightly.

Top dressing

In order to grow a full-fledged harvest of homemade garlic on your windowsill, it is not enough just to know how to plant cloves in the ground. It is necessary to be able to create all the conditions for the full development of the plant. For example, feeding garlic is of great importance. It mainly prefers organic matter, especially nitrogen. You can also feed the soil from time to time with mineral fertilizers.

Regarding the composition that will be most effective for garlic, it is difficult to determine one thing. In this situation, farmers use both store-bought mixtures and homemade fertilizers, for example, mullein or poultry manure. Interestingly, you can also experiment with the consistency of fertilizers. Garlic takes well both liquid nutrient mixtures and granular fertilizers or mineral sticks. It all depends on the cost of funds and your preferences.


It cannot be said that garlic is a heat-loving plant. It will be enough to maintain the room temperature at about 20 degrees. However, experts recommend not leaving containers with seedlings in the room, but placing them on a windowsill, balcony or loggia. The main thing is that the balcony in this case should be glazed, since drafts are undesirable for any plant.

Sometimes gardeners prefer to grow garlic in order to obtain not only a harvest, but also heads. However, it is not always possible to achieve this goal at home, and if it is possible, the heads for the most part turn out to be too large. Therefore, this method of growing garlic is impractical. And for this you need to ensure an individual temperature regime: -15-16 degrees. Therefore, experienced experts advise gardeners to abandon such an undertaking.

In general, the process of cultivating garlic at home is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to approach this wisely. Follow all the basic recommendations of experts, and the results will not take long to arrive, and you will be able to enjoy fresh garlic even in early spring.

Video “Secrets of garlic productivity”

From this video you will learn about the most interesting secrets for an excellent garlic harvest.

Garlic is divided into winter and spring. Each has pros and cons. Winter crops produce a large harvest, but are poorly stored. Spring yields a smaller harvest, but lasts until next year.

Plant species

How to distinguish spring from winter by appearance? A hard rod sticks out from the middle of the winter crop bulb - the remnant of the arrow. The spring one does not have such a rod, so it does not shoot. The teeth of the winter onion are large and form one layer. The denticles of the spring onion are small and can be arranged in two or more layers. And the main difference is different planting times. Spring crops are planted in spring, and winter crops in autumn. And now about the main thing – the landing rules.

Video about growing garlic

The technology for growing garlic is constantly being improved. This is how several planting methods appeared, which we will now tell you about.

Method No. 1 - traditional

Space is allocated for the crop from early harvested plants: cucumbers, early cabbage, radishes, legumes. The site should not be located in a low-lying area and should not be flooded with meltwater in the spring - the teeth will rot and die. The soil is fertilized: humus or rotted manure is added, dug up with a shovel and furrows are made every 25 cm. Unpeeled cloves are planted every 10-12 cm. The plantings are covered, watered and mulched.

Photo of planting winter garlic

Method number 2 - double landing

Double planting of garlic is relevant for small areas. The main secret is that garlic is planted in 2 levels (tiers). This is done in the fall or at the end of August. The first row is located below, the second - above. We dig a groove deeper and lay out the first level of cloves at a depth of 11-12 cm. Some will say deep. Do not worry. They will feel great there.

We fill it with earth and lay out the second row at a depth of 6-7 cm. Make a distance of 10-15 cm between the cloves, and 25 cm between the grooves. Sprinkle with earth. It turns out one clove on top of the other. No one bothers anyone, there is enough for everyone.

Method No. 3 - sowing

You can also not stick the cloves into the ground, but sow them, that is, lay them out on a side or simply throw them in rows. The only thing that might confuse you is the garlic head lying on its side and the crooked neck. But this does not affect the quality of the product, taste and size of the onion.

The photo shows garlic sowing

The teeth were planted and mulched. In the spring they immediately begin to grow. The clove that turned out to be lower is in more favorable conditions. He's deeper and he's warmer there. It has developed a better root system. And the one that is higher warms up faster in the spring.

When to harvest garlic? The bulbs are removed when the arrow bursts. Why then break out the arrows? If you leave them, the garlic heads will grow less. The arrow takes up the food, as bulbs form on it, but it’s worth leaving a few. Garlic arrows will show you when it is ready to harvest. The arrows are broken off not when they have just emerged from the stem, but when they have made a circle.

When to plant garlic?

Every autumn this question arises among all gardeners. And here, as they say, how many people, so many opinions. Some people prefer to plant the bulb 2-3 weeks before the soil freezes. The tooth has time to take root and readily begins to grow in the spring. But early August and September planting is considered incorrect, since the tips of the plant’s feathers begin to turn yellow early. We will not convince you of the correctness or incorrectness of a particular method. We will tell you about the interesting experience we have done.

We planted garlic on three dates: August 20, September 20 and October 20. The best harvest was produced by August planting. He overwintered best. If you think about it, it immediately becomes clear why this is so. We planted it early, it managed to take root well, gained strength and immediately began to grow in the spring. And the worst harvest was from the October planting. It didn’t really take root, didn’t overwinter well and grew little.

If the plant managed to sprout from the August and September planting, then nothing bad happened. That's how it should be. To check whether August planting is effective, plant some of the cloves early, and some when it seems more appropriate to you, and then compare the results.

You may ask why sprouted garlic does not freeze? When it produced roots, the composition of the cell sap changed and it contained more sugar. Try freezing the syrup. The syrup won't freeze, but the water will. That is, after germination it goes into another state, simply “falls asleep” for the winter.


Feeding garlic in the summer closer to harvest is already useless. If you are going to feed him, then you need to do this in May - June. Then, from the feather, it gains the weight of the bulb itself. When he wakes up, he needs it. An infusion of vermicompost or horse manure is used as a top dressing. It is advisable to mulch the plantings with humus or straw cut into pieces.

The row spacing is sprinkled with ash to prevent pests. Mulching helps retain soil moisture and protects the bulbs from overheating. You don't have to mulch the garlic. Cultivation and care then consist of fertilizing, regular loosening, weed removal and watering.

Another rule: choose the largest cloves for planting. Let's plant small - small bulbs and get it. If the tops turn yellow, this indicates damage to the root system. Causes: root gnawing by pests or the action of soil rot.

If the plantings are mulched, there is no need to water them. Under normal weather conditions, rain moisture is sufficient. After all, the clove has already grown roots, will draw moisture from the soil itself, and form a good bulb.

Also prefers fertile soil. If necessary, humus or rotted manure is added to the soil in an amount of 3-5 kg/m2. The teeth are planted in rows at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other. A distance of 25-28 cm is maintained between the rows. The approximate depth of planting garlic cloves is 3 cm. We will describe two methods.

Method No. 1 - traditional

Planted in early spring, April 15-25. Before planting, the heads are divided into cloves and sorted by size. It is advisable to plant slices of each size in separate grooves. Care consists of regularly loosening the rows, watering and removing weeds. If the plantings are mulched, as mentioned above, there is no need for watering.

Method No. 2 – with sprouted teeth

Garlic heads are stored all winter at a temperature of 20 0 C. At the end of March, the bulbs are disassembled into slices, soaked for 3 hours in water at room temperature, taken to the cellar, where they are laid out in one layer and covered with rags or film. When the roots grow 2-5 cm long, the cloves are planted in moist soil.

Photo of planting garlic

Spring plants are fed in the same way as winter plants, with an infusion of mullein, vermicompost or horse manure. Of the inorganic fertilizers, urea is used at the rate of 1 matchbox per bucket of water when seedlings appear, then after 10 days and a third time at the end of June. To prevent pests, ash is scattered between the rows.

Spring bulbs are harvested when the feathers of the lower tier of the plant dry out massively in the third ten days of August - the first ten days of September. The bulbs selected from the soil are laid out in one row to dry under a canopy. The tops must be completely dry. Do not rush to cut off the green shoots of garlic, as the bulb receives nutrition from them and continues to grow during drying. Dry tops are cut off, leaving 5 cm.

Garlic tends to degenerate, just like potatoes. When propagating by cloves, diseases gradually accumulate in the crop and the yield decreases. To prevent this from happening, from time to time the garlic is renewed from bulbs (balloons). In the first year, the balloons produce one-toothed ones. In the second year, full-fledged bulbs grow from them. The garlic turns out healthy and there is no need to run around looking for planting material, especially since it is quite expensive.

Garlic in the photo

Bulbs are taken from plants from which the shoot was left. When the inflorescence bursts and the bulbs turn the color characteristic of this variety, the inflorescences are broken off and placed in a dry place to ripen. For planting, take bulbs with a diameter of 4-5 mm.

Method No. 1 - traditional

Bulbs are sown in the first days of October. Humus of 3-4 kg per 1 m2 is added to the soil and dug up. Make rows up to 4 cm deep at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The rows are watered, air balloons are laid out every 3 cm and sprinkled with earth. In spring and summer, caring for crops is the same as for ordinary garlic. By the beginning of August, one-toothed bulbs grow from the bulbs, which are dug up when the tops turn yellow. They are dried and used for autumn planting on a full-sized bulb.

Method No. 2 - direct

In the first year, one-toothed ones are grown from air plants using the traditional method. In August, the one-toothed ones are not dug up, but are left in the soil for the winter. Next spring, the plants are carefully thinned out, thus increasing the distance between the remaining bulbs. By the end of May, the distance between the rows should be 25 cm, and between the single-claws in the row - 10-12 cm.

Video about growing garlic and caring for it

Method No. 3 - growing through winter

In the first half of June, bulblets are sown. Before this, they are stored unthreshed in the refrigerator. By the second ten days of September, the plants already have 4-5 leaves, a good root system and a thick stem as thick as a pencil. In October, winter plants harden and winter well. The next year, full-fledged bulbs develop from them.

We shared with you all the secrets that we used ourselves. Now you know how to grow garlic. It's up to you. Choose the method you like, or better yet several, so you can compare the results later and grow a huge harvest, to your delight and to the envy of your neighbors.