Growing flowers. Delicate Bieberstein's moth: planting and growing in open ground

Felt is a Turkic word translated as “bedspread”. In reality, we are talking about dense felted material. It remains to be seen why some call them felt.

The heroine of today's article is Yaskolka. It is not fibrous and, moreover, not covered with wool, from which cloth is made. Here an analogy is drawn with the concept of “veil”.

Yaskolka Felt covers the ground like a carpet. That's why the plant is loved landscape designers. They are used to using Jaskolka in . Let's try too.

Description and features of the Felt Yarn

The “pile” of a carpet from Yaskolka does not exceed 30 centimeters in height. Minimum - 8 centimeters. Respectively, felt plant plant grassy. The rhizome of the heroine of the article is rod-shaped. Some species have knots. This is a sign of perennials. The rest of the Yaskolki are annual.

Yaskolka usually has several stems. This gives the plant bushiness, making the grass carpet dense. In addition, the shoots of Yaskolka are pubescent. The fibers are silvery. The leaves are often also whitish. It turns out silver carpet. Yaskolka Felt It can grow straight in it or spread along the ground.

At the bottom of the stems of Yaskolka, oblong leaves “sit” on short petioles. Towards the tops of the shoots, the stems of the greenery disappear. The leaves “sit” directly on the shoot. The plates are up to 3 centimeters long and up to 6 millimeters wide. 5-6 veins are visible in this space. They go flush with the sheet.

The inflorescences of the heroine of the article are half-umbrellas. They resemble forks. White buds bloom at their tips. They consist of a row of sepals and another circle of petals. They can be the same in length, stretching up to 6 millimeters. But, more often than not, the true petals are shorter than the sepals.

There are so many flowers on a plant that in the photo Yaskolka Voylochnaya it looks like a white carpet rather than silver. By the way, it is formed in a matter of weeks. Its rapid growth, its unpretentiousness and easy reproduction persuade many to classify Jaskolka as a weed.

Planting and propagation of Yaskolka Felt

Planting Yaskolka Felt carried out both by cuttings and by dividing the bush, seeds. The flower is thermophilic. Seed germination is 85 percent, but only outside of cool weather.

In the photo there are seedlings of Feltweed

Therefore, the heroine of the article is placed in open ground only in early to mid-summer. Before this, the seeds are grown by seedlings, planted in a house or greenhouse in mid-spring. At 18-22 degrees, seedlings appear in a couple of weeks.

Yaskolka seeds are planted in a heated, loose, slightly moistened substrate. But there are no requirements for its fertility. The heroine of the article grows easily on sand and even pebbles.

The distance between the seeds in it is 5 centimeters. When planting in open ground, they can withstand 20-25 centimeters. By the way, there are exceptions for planting dates.

You can place the sprouts in the flowerbed as early as mid-spring. Yaskolka Felt from seeds will survive, but will produce flowers only in the 3rd year. Accordingly, the risk is justified when planting perennial species.

Jaskolka is rarely propagated by cuttings, since ideal survival rate is observed in cuts taken after flowering. These can only be obtained in the second half of summer. An alternative is propagation by March cuttings. Their survival rate is worse and the plants are weaker.

It is important to root Jaskolka cuttings under a cover. Will do plastic bag or a plastic glass. Before covering, the cutting itself and the soil are sprayed. Covers are removed only for ventilation. Ventilate for 20-40 minutes daily.

The soil underneath should be loose, providing oxygen access to the soil. With its abundance, the branches take root in 1.5 weeks. As soon as they begin to grow, they remove the coverings, and after another couple of weeks they pinch out the shoots. This stimulates branching.

Dividing the bush growing Yaskolka Felt start in early spring. Cultivating perennial species It is necessary to give preference to division once every 3-4 years. During this time, the bushes grow, losing their decorative properties.

In particular, the stems of the flower turn yellow. Therefore, first the Yaskolka is trimmed. This makes working with the bush easier. Then, they wait until the shoots begin to grow and divide them into compact parts.

Caring for Jaskolka Felt

In order for the Yaskolka carpet to always look dense and beautiful, it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks after the buds wither. If you leave them, the plant itself will “wither”. The stems stretch sharply, and bottom sheets fall on them. As a result, the Yaskolka bedspread looks loose and unkempt.

In the photo are the seeds of the tomentose.

The heroine of the article also looks depressed, in the shadows. loves light. Therefore, Yaskolka Felt is planted in areas exposed to the sun. It’s warmer there, and the heat, as they said, is also to our liking.

At the same time, Yaskolka easily survives short-term droughts. This, by the way, is another explanation for the recommendations not to plant grass in open ground in mid-spring. Jaskolka does not like stagnation melt water, may rot and die. The plant is planted in gardens when the soil is not only warmed up, but also dry.

The average watering schedule for the heroine of the article is once a week. Moisturize slightly. This is especially important after pruning the bushes, but before flowering, watering is reduced to nothing. At proper care perennial Yaskolki survive wintering without shelter.

That is, plants do not need to be brought into the house or placed under fabric, film, or straw. If the heroine of the article spends the winter in an apartment, she will also endure the heat of heating devices.

Feeding is given to Jaskolka during the period of active growth. It has already been said that this growth is especially rapid in grass. Coupled with the flower’s tolerance to depleted soils, this makes it possible not to fertilize the bushes at all.

The abundance of fertilizing additionally stimulates growth, making it almost uncontrollable. Therefore, they feed Jaskolka a little at a time, carefully. Any kind is suitable, be it mineral, organic or complex. The heroine of the article is happy about everything, because in nature she does without “doping.”

Types of Yaskolka Felt

Jaskolka belongs to the Carnation family. The genus includes about 200 species. We list the popular ones in garden and pot growing. The least capricious is the “Alpine” Jaskolka.

However, its bushes are not dense. The height of the grass is approximately 15 centimeters. Another difference between the species of the group is round foliage. Against its background, large buds 1.5 centimeters in diameter bloom. They are shaped like bells, but point upward.

In the photo there is a felt bowl

Buy Felt Jigsaw“Alpine” type is possible even on the island of Lovkud. This is part of the Arctic. The flowers are not imported. Yaskolka is the only one with buds that tolerates such conditions. Further - only mosses and lichens. This indicates the resistance of the “Alpine” species to a harsh environment.

The Yaskolka “Snow White” species is more whimsical; it grows in nature only in the mountains of Greece. But gardeners are captivated by the unusual color of the leaves for the heroine of the article. They are rich green.

The color of the buds also stands out. Most species have petals, especially at the base, with a green or yellow tint. “White” Yaskolka Felt has no additional shades, pure as a snowflake.

The “Snow White” bushes are dense. The stems are either erect or creeping. But in Yaskolka “Biberstein” the shoots are always bent to the ground. The species is native to Crimea.

In the photo Yaskolka “Felt” “Crystal Waterfall”

The varieties are distinguished by particularly dense edges. It makes the grass look gray. The buds are full of youth, large and wide open. A distinctive feature is the partial dissection of the petals. At the top they are divided into 2 halves.

There are also independent species Jigsaw "Felt". "Crystal Falls"- one of her popular varieties. It, like other representatives of the species, has felt leaves.

They are so narrow and pubescent that they resemble threads of wool. The buds of varieties of this species are like stars white. You can admire them all year round. Varieties of the species bloom many times, and therefore are often chosen for the southern regions and potting. In the house, as well as on the plot, Yaskolka requires replanting every 4-5 years.

Yaskolka “Large-flowered” is also popular in floriculture. The name is justified by the 3-centimeter diameter of the buds with a bush height of 20 centimeters. The only disappointment is the late flowering.

It starts in mid-summer and ends in autumn. There is no need to wait for re-budding. But the plant grows without watering. Light moisture is required only after pruning. This is the rule for open ground. Indoors, of course, needs watering. It is meager, but constant.

"Large-flowered" Jaskolka has a record growth rate. It is important to remove excess shoots in a timely manner. Otherwise, the grass drowns out neighboring crops. The most low-growing varieties The splinters are found in the “Field” form.

It contains herbs not exceeding 8-10 centimeters. It grows naturally in Siberia, therefore it is ideal for planting in areas Novosibirsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Buryatia.

In these regions, “Field” Yaskolka is valued not only for decorative purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. The shoots have sedative effect, that is, they are capable of suppressing consciousness. Simply put, the herbal infusion is as calming as the famous Motherwort.

Diseases and pests of Feltweed

Jaskolka diseases are associated exclusively with waterlogged soil. In it, the plant rots and becomes vulnerable to. Under normal conditions, the heroine of the article has excellent immunity.

This is another reason to have Yaskolka in the garden or at home, for example, on the balcony. The newcomer will not pose a threat to other plants and will not inherit their diseases.

If we talk about the neighborhood in terms of Jaskolka’s absorption of weaker and slower-growing flowers, then the heroine of the article can be paired with Petunia, and. They will defend their territories, preventing Yaskolka from growing excessively.

If you want to effectively decorate an alpine hill or rock garden, but are not entirely confident in your abilities as a gardener, then you can safely give preference to a garden bed. This flower amazes with its simplicity and picturesqueness. The plant is suitable for growing in almost any area. You will not need to perform any complex actions in the form of growing seedlings, replanting, creating special climatic conditions, etc. Jaskolka is known for its unpretentiousness. This “Balkan” flower will cover your garden with a snow-white blanket on a lush green cushion. In this article we’ll talk about one of the most famous and easiest to grow groundcovers. flowering perennials- yaskolke.

Yaskolka is most common in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere with temperate climate. Characteristic Features of this herbaceous perennial are:

  • the word “kipper” (lat. Cerastium) comes from the Greek word “keras”, which means “horn”, “horned plant”. This is due to the fact that some varieties of jasmine have a fruit that is shaped like a horn;
  • the carnation belongs to the Carnation family;
  • There are about 100 species of woodworm, which are common in Asia, Europe, North America, tropical Africa, South America. Sometimes you can find jasper even in Australia;
  • yaskolka is a herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 15-30 cm;
  • jasmine can be grown both as a perennial and as an annual;
  • The stems of the lisp are erect and ascending, and sometimes creeping and branched;
  • leaves of the tree small size, solid in shape, abundantly pubescent, located on the stem opposite each other;
  • The plant is famous for its small white flowers. The flower reaches 2 cm in diameter. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences;
  • The fruit of the hopper is a round or oblong shaped capsule with seeds inside. The seeds are brown in color and kidney-shaped;
  • The jar is used for decorative purposes. The flower can often be found on alpine hills, in rockeries, mixborders, in pots and containers.

Jaskolka. Photo

Jaskolka. Plant varieties

alpine jasmine

  • Alpine jasmine in wildlife found in the mountains. This fact can explain its name. You can meet this snow-white beauty in North America, the Carpathians, Altai, and Europe. The stems are highly branched and creeping.
  • Alpine parsley reaches a height of 15 cm.
  • The leaves have a grayish tint.
  • The flowers reach a maximum diameter of 2 cm and are collected in small inflorescences of 4-5 pieces.
  • The flowering period in the wild is quite long - about 1 month.
  • Flowers begin to bloom in late spring.
  • Cultivated alpine carnivore is a little picky about humidity and soil composition and lighting. Does not like excessive moisture and heavy soil.
  • It tolerates winters quite problematically. Under winter shelter there is a high risk of damping off, and without it, damage to the shoots in the absence of snow.

Jaskolka Bieberstein

  • Bieberstein's jaskolka came from Crimea. The stems of this plant are so heavily pubescent that they are almost gray in color.
  • Small white flowers up to 1.5-2 cm in diameter are collected in semi-umbrellas of several pieces.
  • The Bieberstein jar rises 20 cm above the ground.
  • The flowering period of this plant is also quite long - about 1 month. This happens in May-June.
  • It tolerates winter very well even without shelter.
  • In order to prevent Bieberstein's sprout from “capturing” the entire area and growing too much, you need to pinch out each young shoot.

Yaskolka Felt

  • Yaskolka Voylochnaya has been known since 1620. Forms beautiful and compact “pillows”.
  • Doesn't grow as much as Bieberstein's mole. However, to maintain a compact planting, periodic pruning is recommended.
  • The seedling reaches a height of 30 cm, and the flowers are 1-1.5 cm in diameter.
  • The stems of the tree are creeping, abundantly branched and pubescent.
  • The foliage has a grayish color.
  • Tolerates winter well, but is afraid of heavy snow melting in spring.
  • This is an ideal plant for small flower beds and alpine slides. It can also be successfully grown in containers and pots.

Grandiflora grandiflora

Grandiflora was cultivated around 1820. The homeland is the Balkans. Just by the name alone you can guess about distinctive features this beautiful decorative flower. The size of the flowers of Grandiflora grandiflora really catches the eye. They reach 3 cm in diameter, and these are the most big size, which the splint can reach. A spectacular white carpet of Carrion grandiflora goes well with other plants in a flowerbed or alpine hill. Flowering occurs in mid to late summer. Grandiflora lily reaches 20 cm in height.

Purple parsley

In the wild, purple moth can be found in Iran, Turkey, and the Caucasus. Despite the fact that the chickweed has this name, the flowers are white. The plant reaches a height of 25 cm. The leaves have a green color, which remains until the first snow. Winters well. The flowers of the purpurea are small and collected in umbrella inflorescences of several pieces. The plant grows in a lush “carpet” and also has a high decorative value.

Silver jasper

As you can already guess from the name of this species, the plant has a rather spectacular appearance. All parts of the plant seem to be pollinated thin layer silver The contrast of the silver grass with a lush green lawn or other bright flowers will be especially noticeable and beautiful. Flowering occurs in late spring or early summer. The silver lily takes on a unique appearance on the sunny slopes of rockeries or alpine hills. If you are looking unpretentious plant If you have an unusual color, then feel free to choose a silver one. The plant can be replanted after 5-7 years.

Common parsley

The second name of this species is turf grass. This plant is very common in the wild in Russia. You could often see this flower and not even attach importance to the fact that it is a jasper. Creeping and branching shoots of the plant naturally decorate meadows, forest edges, and river slopes. The common parsley can reach a height of 30 cm, which depends on the place of its growth. Small flowers white in color, collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Yaskolka Silver carpet

An excellent ground cover that amazes with its growth rate and lushness. You will get a “silver carpet” up to 30 cm high on your site. It grows so quickly that it can even “capture” the growth territory of other plants. Take this fact into account when choosing a landing site. The advantages of this tree are its excellent winter hardiness and drought resistance. You can even achieve a second bloom of the season if you trim off spent shoots in time. Reaches its highest decorative qualities on moderately acidic and airy soils.

Yaskolka Snow Carpet

Jaskolka Snow Carpet is also quite popular among gardeners due to its excellent qualities. Firstly, it tolerates winter well. Secondly, the plant grows so quickly that it will very soon fill the space allotted to it with a snow-white carpet. The seeds have a high germination rate and germinate approximately 2 weeks after planting.

The use of woodworm in folk medicine

Along with the excellent decorative abilities of the moth, you will also receive a kind of “people’s doctor” on your site. Who would have thought that this plant, quite simple in appearance, also has medicinal properties. However, the efficiency of use of this plant V folk medicine has already been proven by several generations. The moth can have the following effects on the human body:

  • sedative effect. People who are in a state of stress, depression, nervousness, or emotional instability can try using this plant in the form of a decoction. The decoction is prepared very simply: pour boiling water over the crushed and dried parts of the moth and let it brew. For 0.5 liters of water, 2-3 tablespoons of jaggery will be enough. For the best effect, you should use this decoction systematically, in the form of a course. A calming and relaxing effect is achieved by adding this decoction to the bath;
  • anticancer effect. The entire above-ground part of the moth is suitable for preparing a special decoction, which will have this effect. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tsp of crushed cinder. The resulting mixture must be brought to a boil and cooked for 5-7 minutes. Then the broth needs to cool. After you strain it, take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day;
  • vitaminizing effect. A decoction of parsley is also taken orally for vitamin deficiency. Jaskolka is rich in flavonoids, coumarins, carbohydrates, etc.;
  • help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. In some countries, a decoction of carrion is often taken as a treatment for hemorrhoids;
  • anti-inflammatory effect for conjunctivitis. If you make lotions on your eyes from a decoction of jasmine, your recovery will come much faster.

Jaskolka. Landing

Depending on the type and variety of seedlings, planting and care may vary slightly. Let's consider the most general points, which you should pay attention to when planting this plant on your site.

Step 1. Choosing a place to plant the tree

  • Yaskolka is one of the most light-loving ground cover plants. You don’t need to think at all about how to create partial shade for the tree, how to reduce its exposure to scorching rays in the summer. Yaskolka can easily grow even on the south side of the site;
  • Due to their small height, the flowers are also not afraid of winds and drafts. This versatility and unpretentiousness to the planting site attracts many gardeners;
  • One of the main points to pay attention to when planting jasmine is the incredible growth of this plant. With its small height of 20-30 cm, one shrub can grow to an area with a diameter of 75 cm. You will have to limit the growth of the plant yourself, unless you choose a place where it will not be possible. For example, such places include rocky crevices, lower level alpine slide. If you are only happy about such intensive growth of the seedling, then do not limit its space.

Step 2. Choosing soil for the plant

The plant is also unpretentious to the composition of the soil where it will grow. The minimum requirements are:

  • the best option would be light, loose, loose and airy soil;
  • Jaskolka prefers any sand-based soil;
  • the nutritional value of the soil is practically unimportant for the wart;
  • The moth does not like acidic soils too much;
  • for decorative purposes, the plant can even be planted in rocky soil, but with the addition of peat.

Step 3. Planting technology

  1. Before planting, you need to lightly prepare the soil. It is best to do this not immediately before planting, but 2-3 weeks before. The soil needs to be dug up and about 6 kg of humus added there. If the soil is heavy or loamy, add sand as well. The soil must be dug up to at least a depth of 25 cm.
  2. Immediately before planting, digging up the soil should be repeated. The seedlings are planted in small holes at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. You can plant both seeds and sprouts. The landing technology is the same. When planting seedlings with seedlings, you will achieve earlier flowering. In May, plant the seeds in pots, and at the beginning of summer you can transplant the resulting seedlings into open ground.
  3. After the seeds or seedlings are planted, you need to water the plant.

Jaskolka. Care

Simple care for the plant after planting is another great advantage of this plant, for which even novice gardeners choose it. The main points that you should pay attention to when growing chickweed are:

  • Regular watering is practically the only action that will be required of you when growing a plant. This plant is classified as a relatively drought-resistant flower. But it’s still worth monitoring the humidity and watering regularly. It will be enough to water the plant once a week. In severe drought, the frequency can be increased;
  • weeding the plant. Removing weeds will help maintain the aesthetic and healthy appearance of this ornamental plant. In addition, timely removal of weeds is good prevention possible diseases and pest attacks;
  • timely removal of faded flowers and dried leaves and shoots. This will also allow you to maintain your flowerbed, alpine slide, rock garden with a tree stand always in a neat and pleasant appearance;
  • If the shoot grows strongly, but you don’t want this, it’s enough to simply shorten the shoots. This way, you will create the desired compact shape;
  • loosening the soil is not mandatory requirement bits, but sometimes it won’t be superfluous. By loosening you can maintain the lightness and airiness of the soil, which the moth loves so much.

Is it necessary to feed the eggplant?

Opinions experienced gardeners There are disagreements about the need for feeding. Some are sure that this flower grows well without fertilizers. Others argue that several feedings over the summer will only affect the growth and flowering of the geranium in a positive way. In specialized stores for gardeners you can purchase ready-made complex fertilizers for decorative plants. garden flowers. Organic fertilizers can be applied before planting in the ground and during flowering.

How does the moth reproduce?

There are several ways to propagate the moth. Which one you choose is up to you. The process of plant propagation can be carried out in spring or autumn, when the seedling has already faded. Typically gardeners choose one of three ways reproduction:

  • propagation by cuttings. You can root cuttings in spring or autumn. The cut shoots are planted in the ground and covered with a mini-greenhouse. The greenhouse must be periodically opened slightly, condensation removed, and humidity monitored;
  • propagation by dividing the bush. It is necessary to divide the sparrow bush in the spring, when the plant begins to grow. Carefully dig up the bush, carefully divide the rhizome into as many parts as its size allows. Each part needs to be replanted;
  • seed method. The plant is also grown from seeds. You can sow the plant directly into open ground in early spring or autumn, or grow seedlings in a greenhouse or even at home in March. The germination rate of the seeds is very high. You can see young seedlings 2 weeks after planting. When the jar is strong enough, it can be dropped into boxes at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. You can plant such seedlings in open ground as early as mid-summer. True, you will see flowering only next year.

Jaskolka. Transplantation and rejuvenation

The plant is a perennial plant. But in order for it to maintain its splendor and decorative appearance, you must remember to replant it after a certain period of time. Replanting the seedling is the way to rejuvenate this plant. After about 5-7 years, you can replant the tree or simply divide the bush into several parts. Another way to rejuvenate the shoot is to periodically trim the shoots.

Jaskolka. Possible diseases and pests

The plant is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. This is a huge plus that makes growing this beautiful flower even more attractive in your own area. In what cases can some kind of plant infection occur? As a rule, this is a fairly rare occurrence. If you finally decide to ignore this decorative flower, forget about watering it and pruning it, then it is quite expected that the resistance of the tree to disease will decrease. The flower does not like strong waterlogging of the soil. Root rot may begin. An abundance of weeds can increase the risk of insects appearing on parts of the plant. So that you don’t have to look for a remedy to treat measles, adhere to the following basic rules:

  • follow the watering regime;
  • get rid of weeds in a timely manner;
  • remove dried leaves, flowers or shoots in a timely manner;
  • Inspect the plant periodically.

Once you see a beautifully decorated flower bed or alpine hill, you will immediately be drawn to this simple but surprisingly effective flower. At the tree stand, planting and care open ground completely uncomplicated. Growing this flower will give you great pleasure. The plant looks beautiful both on its own and in combination with other ornamental plants. For example, a snow-white cherry can “perform in an ensemble” with tulips, calendula, bells, cineraria, saxifrage and other plants.

Cerastium (Cerastium)a genus of herbaceous annual or perennial plants belonging to the carnation family. Distributed in South America, Asia, Europe, North Africa and Australia. Growing a chickweed does not require much effort.

Did you know? The scientific name of the genus Cerastium comes from the Greek word "keras", which means "horn" - based on the shape of the fruit-box.

Description and characteristics of the jar

The genus Yaskolka has the following description: perennials drought-resistant, fertile and unpretentious, but cannot tolerate waterlogging of the soil, especially in winter. The plant has simple or branched stems, often forming dense tufts.
The stems either creep or erect; small, pubescent, entire leaves, arranged oppositely, white flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, grouped in corymbose inflorescences. Stems are simple or branched, creeping or erect. The leaves are opposite, small, entire, densely pubescent. The flowers are up to 2 cm in diameter, white, collected in corymbose inflorescences. They reach a height of 15-30 cm.

Loose, well-drained soil, not too fertile and not very acidic, preferably peaty, sandy or sandy loam will contribute to the good development of the moth. Before planting, the soil is additionally loosened, sand is added to the clayey soil, and crushed peat is added to provide the roots with moisture. The plant is photophilous and can grow in direct sunlight, but best condition for it is partial shade: in the shade it may not bloom at all. It is not necessary to protect the jar from the wind.

Popular types of parsley

There are about 200 species of woodworm, some of which are grown as garden plants in rockeries, mixborders in the foreground, in container planting.

The least capricious variety of moth. A compact perennial that forms a sparse short bush (up to 15 cm) during flowering. Alpine lily is distinguished by round leaves of a silvery hue, large, bell-shaped flowers, which are directed upward and collected in a small inflorescence. The plant blooms in mid-May and likes direct exposure. sun rays, but stagnant water is destructive for it. It is not recommended to cover the bush: it may rot. This plant is ideal for alpine slides, rockeries, looks great in garden flowerpots or containers, cut or in the form of small bouquets.

Did you know? A member of the genus Alpine alpine, it is the northernmost terrestrial member of the flowering plants found on Lockwood Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Further still, only some lichens and algae are found.

This is perennial herbaceous plant grows exclusively in Greece on high mountain rocks. Perennial jasmine of gray-green color with big flowers, in which the petals and sepals are dissected twice, upper leaves lanceolate-linear, and the lower ones oblong-spatulate, the plant forms elastic, dense carpets, and the stems create a lush bouquet. The fruit is an oblong-cylindrical capsule. The plants are gray-green and form dense mats. Their more or less erect stems form a lush bouquet.

I The Bieberstein chip is as beautiful and mysterious as its homeland - Crimea. This herbaceous perennial, forming dense cushions, is so densely pubescent that it looks gray. The shoots of the plant creep, the flower stalks rise 15-20 cm in height. The leaves are sessile and small, linear or oblong-linear. White flowers are 1.5 cm in diameter, grouped into a few-flowered umbrella, at the top the petals are dissected into two lobes.

The perennial blooms in May-June for about 25-28 days. Bieberstein's jar has been known in culture since 1820. It has significant frost resistance, one of the most prominent representatives of carpet plants. At the beginning of June, the chickweed envelops the ground in a snow-white carpet up to 20 cm high, which looks especially impressive surrounded by red or blue flowers. The Bieberstein plant is very elegant and can be planted in hanging boxes, for example on a terrace. It is easy to care for: trim the overgrown plant and replant it in a new place every four years.

Tomentosa is a herbaceous groundcover perennial characterized by felty silver-gray shoots, creeping or rising at the ends, which easily take root and have a nutritional effect on the plant along with the main root system. One plant creates a dense cushion, up to 50 cm in diameter and up to 25 cm in height. The cleaver has gray, small, lanceolate leaves covered with felt; white, small, but bright flowers. The perennial blooms early - in early May, blooms for a month, but even after this process is completed it remains decorative.

The jasmine plant prefers the following growing conditions: the sunniest places (for example, hills), due to its drought resistance and light-loving nature; absence of stagnant spring flood waters; well-drained sandy or rocky soils. You can sow the seeds in spring or autumn; it is possible to grow the seedlings using seedlings, having previously sowed the seeds in seedling boxes at the beginning of spring.

After several true leaves appear, the plant is picked and thinned, leaving about 5 cm between seedlings. In July, seedlings are planted on permanent place, where it blooms in the second year. In spring, the ground around the tree is cleared of old fallen leaves. The plant does not need watering or fertilizer; it is replanted every three years. For the winter, the perennial should be covered with agrospan. The tomentose moth propagates by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. IN landscape design Felt grass is often used in flower beds that imitate a pond in the garden: there it can look like sea foam.

Grandiflora grandiflora is a perennial herbaceous plant, its homeland is the Balkans. In culture since 1818. Reaches a height of about 20 cm, white flowers 3 cm in diameter, blooms later, begins in July, ends in early September. The plant is heat-loving, loves sunlight. It can survive short droughts well and is completely undemanding to the soil. Indoors, he needs fluorescent lamps or phytolamps. In winter it does not need shelter, does not like stagnant melt water in the spring, and the rest of the time it does not need to moisten the soil, except after pruning. Before flowering begins, watering should be reduced.

Important!It is necessary to promptly weed and remove the shoots of Grandiflora grandiflora, since it grows rapidly and can drown out the plants that are nearby.

Field parsley is a plant with a strongly branched, outstretched stem (sometimes bare), with lanceolate, oblong-ovate, short-pubescent leaves. White flowers at the top of the stem are collected in a small semi-umbrella, the petals are twice as long as the calyx. The height of the bush is 10-40 cm. Flowering lasts from late May to mid-August. Distributed in the mountains of Central Asia, Siberia, Ukraine, European Russia and the Arctic. Grows in fallow fields, sparse forests, and meadows. It has sedative properties, due to which it is used in folk medicine.

Tomentosa tomentosa - attractive with white small flowers shaped like a star; is decorative decoration any rock garden, although in nature it is more common as a weed. The representative Yaskolka comes from the Balkans, lives almost all over the world, and is most often found in northern regions. Larvae and lepidoptera often feed on the flowers of the carp.


There are more than 100 species of this plant in nature - inconspicuous, modest, complementing any landscape (from an alpine hill in the garden to endless steppe expanses). Many types of woodleaf have hairy leaves, the plant height varies from 5 to 45 centimeters.

The color of the leaves is green, with purple or red tips; some species have a silvery tint. The shape of the leaves is varied: narrow, wide, elliptical, ovoid. The flowers do not exceed 2 cm in diameter, appear in the spring and can bloom throughout the summer. The stems are simple, branched, sometimes valky (spindle-shaped).

The most in demand among gardeners is the felt grass, the cultivation of which does not require special knowledge or effort. Otherwise it is called “summer snow”. White flowers of the plant, which characterize the tomentosa ("crystal waterfall") in summer heat, resemble a snow carpet located on silver-gray leaves. Flowering for this variety lasts 30 days.

Yaskolka as an element of garden decor

The plant is used to decorate rose gardens, low borders, create hanging screens, and also as densely tangled stems form a dense carpet of silvery-white color, which is given to it by small pubescent leaves of a silvery hue. White flowers appearing in June make this carpet natural origin even more expressive. When planted between stones, the plant quickly covers them with a fluffy white carpet, enlivening the external picture.

Felt hopper, reviews of its unpretentiousness evoke a great desire to place it in own garden, grows close to the ground. Gardeners say that, despite the fact that this plant is a ground cover (that is, capable of covering the ground), it does not have any invasive growth pattern, although it spreads quite quickly to nearby areas.


Seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush are three ways in which the tomentose moth propagates. Growing from seeds is quite labor-intensive, so it is used less frequently than the other two methods. When propagating a flower indoors, seed germination will occur within half a month after planting. Sprouts are planted in the garden after all frosts have passed or in the fall. If the seedling is grown from seeds, it will begin to bloom only when next year. Cuttings are made in the spring; the resulting shoots are rooted in a garden bed in partial shade or a greenhouse.

Tomentose lily feels good on sandy-loamy or light soils; It is recommended to plant the plant in sunny places, maintaining a distance of 25-30 cm when planting. It would not be superfluous to fertilize with organic matter (5-7 kg per square meter). It is advisable to replant every 5-7 years. The tree is light-loving, drought- and frost-resistant.

Felt pickle: care

Caring for such an unpretentious, hardy plant involves weeding and getting rid of excess shoots, which can be used for its propagation. Shoots that have flowered should be pruned and removed. Tomentosa is easy on pruning, which should be done regularly to give the plant a neat, decorative appearance. The flower does not like excess moisture, so moderate regular watering is recommended. summer period and its reduction the rest of the time. Sometimes in snowless winters the plant may die, so it is recommended to cover it coniferous spruce branches. Felt lily is resistant to pests, but if there is too much moisture, it can be affected by fungus.

Natural garden carpet

The tomentose flower goes well with various plants, looks especially beautiful against the background of blue or blue bells. In small rock gardens they use low-growing species, forming picturesque rugs 5-10 cm high, not inferior in their decorative effect to the best tall representatives. It grows with enormous speed, quickly filling empty spaces, sweeping away small, weaker plants in its path, and resignedly yielding to strong and large representatives of the flora. Felt bevel is used to create a background, as well as under trees and shrubs.

It is precisely with a lily that you can fill devastated areas in the garden: unpretentious to water, it will revive stone areas, even those where other flowers do not take root. The flowers are solitary, white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts about 30 days. It can also grow quietly in the shade of trees and under bushes, feeling quite tolerable. Against the background of trees, the tree looks very harmonious, enlivening the external picture. This is a great background for bushes. Tomentosa, which has gained popularity as an ornamental plant, can be found in many gardens around the world.

Types of parsley

For decoration, gardeners also use alpine jasmine - a low-growing plant that stands out among its relatives by its peculiar pubescence. Decorative look It can be improved by timely removal of dried flowers and trimming leaves by a few centimeters.

Bieberstein's parsley is a herbaceous plant characterized by significant fluff. It can reach a height of 20 cm. The flowering period, which begins in spring, is approximately 20 days. The flower is completely picky, drought-resistant, but requires sufficient lighting. It grows at an incredible rate, so shoots need to be removed regularly. The leaves and stems are densely pubescent. Its origin is Crimean, therefore it has a second nickname - “Crimean edelweiss”. Used for decorative purposes to fill voids between stones and cover large dry areas.

Field parsley can grow in any conditions: both from the tap root and from its tangled system. Capable of taking shape vertical plant, vines, lump. It reaches a height of 30 to 45 cm. The plant is slightly hairy in structure, the leaves have a spear-shaped, oblong and linear shape. The inflorescence can consist of either a single flower, consisting of 5 petals, or a cluster of several.

White sparrow, like its relatives, grows very quickly. It reaches a height of 60 cm and above. The snow-white color created by white flowers and silvery stems gives the tall bush a special charm. The stem is creeping or erect. The leaves are stored until the onset of frost.

It has become extremely popular in landscape design, as it does not require much attention. At the same time, just a few plants are capable of covering very large areas with a flowering carpet. If you want to have these in your flower beds, below you will learn everything about the plant, its planting and care.

Growing chickweed from seeds in open ground

We will not dwell on the plant and its description, since you can see these in the photo, and by the characteristics of its cultivation you will be able to understand whether it is suitable for your flower beds or not.

When sowing seedlings, there is no need to grow seedlings - the seeds are sown directly in open ground. But growing from seeds is not the only way to propagate the plant, since it can also be propagated vegetatively.

When is the best time to sow seeds in the ground?

Seedlings are not at all afraid of cold weather, so they can be sown in the ground even in the fall. But still, when planting for the first time, it is better to do this in mid-spring, so that in the first year the plant will grow well and become stronger for wintering, and the first shoots will not encounter spring frosts.

If you want to achieve quick and early flowering, you can still sow the seedlings in boxes, and transplant the seedlings into open ground in the summer. However, this option is quite labor-intensive, since after the seedlings are strengthened, they will also need picking.

Choosing a landing site

But before you sow a seedling, it is important to choose for it appropriate place. Be sure to keep in mind that with a plant height of 20 cm, it can easily grow even to a distance of 70 cm.

For this reason, the tree should be given a lot of space for growth or should be limited to the walls of buildings. The place should be quite sunny, since the jasmine does not like shadows. Therefore, it can be planted even at higher elevations.

Yaskolka can delight with its flowering twice a year. To do this, it is necessary to remove wilted peduncles and part of the shoots.

The use of a tree in landscape compositions

It is also worth noting that you don’t have to think long about the combination of the tree with others - among its varieties there are many colors, and due to its short stature, it can only be planted in front.

The pegboard looks ideal on, and it is also used to outline the boundaries of any. It can be used to plant large stones in the garden, crevices or. Lushly blooming carpets of lilies look good on slopes, near borders, as a decoration for terraces or garden paths.

Experimental gardeners sometimes plant a flowerbed not as the outline of a flowerbed, but as its central part. Thanks to this, you can decorate a flowerbed in the form of a flower, where the place of the core will be taken by a white shoot, and more petals can be planted. vibrant views, such as or .

Did you know? The geranium has another name - cornea (this name for flowers is also used in the Ukrainian language), since this is how its international name "cerasrium" is translated from Greek. The plant received this name due to the shape of the fruits that form on it after flowering.

Frost resistance

The winter hardiness of the tree is high. Despite the fact that this flower came from the Balkans, it was successfully able to adapt to middle lane, thanks to which it can be grown without problems as a perennial plant.

Even if you live in the northern regions, you will not have to cover the tree for the winter - no frost can damage its roots, and in the spring it will be reborn just as lush and immediately begin to grow.

However, some varieties of parsley are not able to withstand winter without additional shelter. Information about this should be indicated on the packets of seeds, and to protect the plant from freezing, cover it with fresh spruce branches for the winter.