Honeysuckle honeysuckle replanting an adult plant. Honeysuckle honeysuckle planting and care in the Moscow region

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a beautiful and fragrant decorative vine, the name of which translates as “captivating dream.” Gardeners have been widely using it for many years. vertical gardening on private plots and dachas. Unusual elongated inflorescences attract not only their shape, but also their variety of colors.

Botanical description

Honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) belongs to one of the species of climbing multi-flowered shrub plants, members of the honeysuckle family. Its name comes from the Latin caprifolium (literally “goat leaf”) and refers to a plant in which the stem grows from the central part of the leaves. Among the people it has several original titles: “goat leaf”, “Italian honeysuckle”, “fragrant”, etc.

The country of origin of the honeysuckle vine is the South-East of Great Britain, but in nature it can be found throughout Europe. It is used as an ornamental plant to decorate gazebos and parks; in some countries it is used medicinal features for astringent and diuretic properties. There are edible varieties, the fruits of which can be eaten, and the dried flowers are often added to tea for pleasant aroma. These same properties are used in the perfume and cosmetics industry.

The height of the vine can reach up to 6 m, the shape of the leaves differs depending on the variety: variations from ovoid to ellipsoid. Honeysuckle leaves grow in pairs, forming “saucers”, from which inflorescences then begin to grow. The color of the leaves is also original: shiny dark green above, gray-blue below. The lowest ones grow from short stems and have a wide base.

Flowers and fruits

The fragrant honeysuckle vine honeysuckle usually begins to bloom in mid-May, but also depends on the region and weather conditions. The entire vine is covered with fragrant beautiful flowers, which attract many bees, bumblebees and other beneficial insects.

Flowers of an unusual “sessile” shape are decorated with long stamens and are collected at the ends of the branches in bunches of 3-6 pieces, each up to 5 cm long. They grow from the axils of leaves fused at the base. Honeysuckle bloom lasts about 3 weeks, and the life of each flower is even shorter - 3 days. Flowers can tolerate cold temperatures down to -7ºС.

Fruits - juicy berries bright red or coral color, in honeysuckle they are inedible. In some varieties they are edible and have different taste qualities: sweet, sour, etc. Fruiting begins 3-4 years after planting annual shoots. Ripening occurs quite quickly: fruits appear almost in the first half of June, earlier than wild strawberries. The berries also fall off quickly, which is a disadvantage, so you need to harvest the crop using a film spread under the plant on the ground.

Fruits are juicy and rich in sugars, vitamins, acids and others. useful substances, used fresh or processed, preparations (compotes, jams, juices) are made for the winter. The juice can be used as food coloring.

Legends and symbols

In ancient tales and works of literature, the honeysuckle plant was often associated with the devoted feeling of love. For example, in the legend of Tristan, his beloved Isolde is compared to a gentle and beautiful flower honeysuckle, in others it symbolizes passion and devotion, eternal love.

Except beautiful flowers, this plant has a pleasant, amazing aroma that becomes stronger in the evening.

Planting and care

One of the most important advantages honeysuckle honeysuckle - planting, caring for and propagating it is quite simple and not difficult. The main condition for good growth- the presence of a support with which you can direct its growth so that it quickly trudges upward. Moreover, the higher the support, the faster and higher it will climb to a height. By the fifth year of life, the plant usually reaches its maximum height, which can reach 5-6 m. During growth, young shoots cling tightly to both the support and the nearest rough surfaces, which can facilitate the reproduction process.

It should be borne in mind that it does not like replanting, so it must be planted immediately in a permanent place in prepared, loosened and moistened soil. The plant prefers neutral-acid soils and does not tolerate heavy loams, especially dry ones.

The size of the planting hole is 50 cm in depth, width and height, drainage (gravel, brick chips, etc.) is placed at the bottom. Planting is carried out in the spring, for which they take a sprout with several buds, from which young shoots will grow in the future.

Many gardeners prefer to plant honeysuckle in peat compost mass prepared from plant waste; it can also be added to a planting hole or trench where several plants are planted in a row.

Before planting, be sure to add peat compost, organic and mineral fertilizers, which are thoroughly mixed with the soil. Then the sprouts are planted. If planted correctly, by the end of the summer season young shoots will begin to grow, adding up to 2 m in length annually. After reaching the required height of the bush, the top needs to be pinched, which will promote the growth of side shoots.

According to the experience of gardeners who have honeysuckle honeysuckle on their plot, caring for the plant in the summer months consists of regular and frequent loosening and watering so that the soil does not dry out. The bush is fed monthly with humus with the addition of 500 g of wood ash.

Wintering and spring pruning

With the approach of cold weather, there is no need to cover or remove grown shoots, since the plant is quite cold-resistant. There is also no need for pruning. If severe frosts are expected, then for the first 2 years the young bushes are covered with spruce branches on top, and the roots are insulated with peat or dry leaves.

In spring, the plant immediately begins to sprout fresh shoots and it will be clear which of them overwintered well and which ones died and need to be pruned. However, this will not be noticeable immediately, because the buds on honeysuckle appear late. You will have to wait a little until it becomes clearly visible where the dead sprouts are and where the living ones are. In addition, new shoots always grow from hidden pockets, and it is then that it becomes clear at what level to prune.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be planted both in a sunny place and in partial shade, however abundant flowering occurs only when good lighting.

Propagation of honeysuckle by seeds

There are 3 ways to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle: using cuttings, seeds or layering.

Propagation by seeds is a rather lengthy process; moreover, during storage, their germination rate will decrease every year: after 4-5 years it is already only 5%. They are collected during the flowering period of the bush (July), separated from the pulp, washed well and dried at room temperature.

Before sowing, they need to be stratified: placed in damp sand for a long time in a cool place for at least 2 months. Experienced gardeners make a mixture of seeds and moistened sand in a ratio of 1:3 and put it in the refrigerator. When they are old enough, they are planted in separate pots to a depth of 2 cm and continue to grow in a greenhouse, then planted in open ground in the shade. Care consists of regular watering and weeding. In the fall, the grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place and mulched with peat before winter.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings begin when mature plant already fading (early July). Cuttings with 2 internodes are cut, lower leaves removed, the upper ones shortened. Young shoots are planted in a greenhouse in a mixture of peat, sand and garden soil(in a ratio of 2:2:1) with a distance of 20 cm, and the pots are covered with glass or polyethylene. For good growth, it is recommended to spray the cuttings three times a day.

The first leaves appear after 30 days, after which the shelter is removed. For the winter, the sprouts are mulched with peat, and with the onset of veins they are already planted in open ground, deepening the root collar to activate adventitious roots. The rooting percentage is 50%.

Formation of layering

The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle is by rooting cuttings, which are cut and buried in the ground, and the vine itself continues to grow. At the place where the incision is made, the formation of roots begins. After this, the branch should be separated from the bush and planted in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is susceptible to mold and the invasion of certain pests: garden aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers and others. Chemical control agents are selected taking into account the type of insect.

When growing this plant for prevention, you must follow some rules:

  • after fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, honeysuckle juice becomes unpalatable to aphids and many leaf-eating pests, so to combat them it is recommended to sprinkle ash, lime and superphosphate into the tree trunk;
  • to destroy insects that can overwinter along with the foliage, it is necessary to spray the plants with a 5% urea solution;
  • To combat pests, you can use biological products: “Lepocid”, “Bitoxibacillin”, containing bacteria that destroy harmful insects from the inside.

Medicinal properties

IN medicinal purposes They use flowers of fragrant honeysuckle honeysuckle, stems and leaves, which are best collected during the flowering period, then dried and crushed. The first ones contain essential oils, emitting a pleasant juicy aroma, in homeopathy they use the alcoholic essence of this aphrodisiac, the smell of which soothes nervous system, lifts your mood and improves your well-being. The berries are poisonous and inedible and can cause stomach upset.

Honeysuckle tincture or decoction has an astringent and diuretic effect when taken orally; it is also used to reduce temperature (has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect for colds), externally - to heal wounds and relieve inflammation in the form of lotions or compresses, rinses for sore throat and stomatitis. Honeysuckle infusion is also often used to strengthen hair and treat baldness.

Varieties of honeysuckle

This plant has many varieties and classification options according to various properties: by height of the bush, by decorativeness (bushes and vines), by taste qualities fruits (for edible species).

As reviews about honeysuckle honeysuckle testify, caring for it does not present any difficulties. Many gardeners grow several varieties of these plants at once, because they have a positive effect on each other and increase productivity. Therefore, it is better to plant several bushes and vines in one area. different types.

Popular varieties of honeysuckle honeysuckle:

  • Belgica - the name comes from the country of Belgium, the flowers are pink and purple, the berries are red.
  • Harleguin - flowers are very picturesque pink in color, edged with a light border.
  • Munster - light pink flowers with white edges.
  • Grahm Thomas - flowers are elongated, tube-shaped, the petals are painted in white and yellow shades.

The use of honeysuckle in landscape design

Among the many plants used for vertical gardening, honeysuckle honeysuckle, planting and caring for which is quite simple and does not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners, is ideal option. The liana grows quickly at the top (up to 6 m), entwining supports and adjacent surfaces, it has a lot of greenery, it blooms beautifully and also has a beautiful unforgettable aroma.

With the help of pruning, the plant can be given any desired shape, so it is planted along the fence, and to decorate the gazebo, to create complex decorative sculptures and compositions. With proper care, this fragrant vine will decorate any garden or personal plot.

Family Caprifoliaceae, reaching a height of 2-2.5 meters. The plant's homeland is South-Eastern Britain.

The cultivated species of honeysuckle are divided into blue and blue.

The plant blooms in July, the flowers have cream, yellow, and red shades. The leaves are green above and grayish below, their shape is elliptical.

If you have chosen this plant to plant in your garden, then you need to know how to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle. The main ones are seeds, cuttings, layering.

Did you know? The name of the plant was given by the German scientist Adam Lonitzer, and Carl Linnaeus called it honeysuckle.

How to grow honeysuckle honeysuckle from seeds

The plant is cross-pollinated, so propagation by seeds does not retain its properties. mother plant. Collect seeds in summer, at the end of July.

Landing dates

To make honeysuckle from seeds most effective, Seeds are planted in spring, March or April: You can first plant them in a container, and after germination - in open ground. It is also possible to sow seeds into the soil in the fall, then they will undergo stratification under natural conditions.

Seed stratification

This method is to facilitate seed germination. To do this, in February they are taken out, carefully separated from the paper, and then mixed with sand (1:3 ratio) in a specially prepared container with a lid. Next, the seeds need to be moistened and stored in a cool place (for example, a refrigerator, basement). If necessary, repeat moisturizing; storage lasts about two months.

Important!Stratification will help speed up and improve the cultivation of honeysuckle from seeds at home.

How to prepare the soil and planting material

To germinate seeds, you need light, fertile soil, for which sand is mixed in equal proportions. In order to prepare planting material, choose ripe fruits large size. They need to be squeezed out and the seeds placed in water. After this, they are taken out of the water clean and without excess particles of berries, dried on paper, wrapped in it and put in a warm place.

Important!Before the sowing procedure, planting material can be kept in a weak solution of manganese.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle

Seeds that have passed stratification are sown in open ground. To do this, prepare grooves 1.5-2 cm deep, where the seed material is laid out along with the sand in which it was located. On top of the seeds, the layer of sand should be about 1 cm high. Then you need to cover the crops plastic film to keep them warm and at the right level of moisture. The first shoots appear after 30-35 days. The very next year, future bushes can be transplanted to the place chosen for them.

Caring for young seedlings

Moisturizing is very important for young seedlings, however, it must be done very carefully so as not to wash out the seeds located at a shallow depth. It is also important to protect plants from weeding them out as they emerge. After transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings need to be covered for the winter, the ground around them with peat.

Cuttings of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle cuttings are most frequently used and effective way propagate it. One bush can produce planting material in the amount of about two hundred cuttings. In order to know how to grow honeysuckle from cuttings, you need to take into account that both green young cuttings and already lignified ones are used - both types are suitable for propagation.

When to take cuttings

To carry out cuttings of honeysuckle in the spring, you need to use lignified cuttings, In this case, the material must be prepared before the buds open. If you want to use green cuttings, then they are selected before the green berries appear. If you did not have time in the spring to cut cuttings of honeysuckle honeysuckle for its propagation, then in the fall you can also prepare them in their lignified form.

How to prepare honeysuckle cuttings

Before propagating honeysuckle by cuttings, you need to prepare them correctly. To harvest the lignified species, you need to select those shoots that are about a year old and at least 1 cm thick. The length of the cuttings should be approximately 20 cm, and four buds should be left on each.

Shoots for green cuttings, on the contrary, should bend and break easily. It's better to choose central part escape. Each cutting should contain two or three buds, its length should be from 7 to 12 cm.

The cuttings are cut at an angle of 45 degrees from below, but the cut from above remains straight, it should be 1.5 cm higher than the remaining buds. If there are leaves left on the cutting, then they need to be removed from below and shortened from above.

Rooting cuttings

Rooting of lignified cuttings occurs within a month, so that it is more effective, it is better to cover them. If harvesting was carried out in the fall, then they are stored in a cool place until spring, and then planted in the ground.

The green variety is planted in the ground immediately after cutting, but you can keep them for one day in a container of water. The soil mixture is prepared as follows: mix 1 part peat and 3 parts sand.

The success of rooting depends on compliance with the following conditions:

  • Maintenance high humidity soil and air
  • Maintaining the temperature at 20-25 °C.
The roots of green cuttings appear within 7-10 days.

Planting a seedling

Before you plant honeysuckle in your garden, you need to choose a place to plant the cuttings. The plant loves sun and fertilized soil. The lignified species is planted in the spring, leaving at least one bud above ground level. into the ground is carried out in the fall. The most important thing in further careThis means regular watering and maintaining optimal temperature.

The green species is planted in the ground or greenhouse immediately after harvesting, and transplanted to the place chosen for them in the second year, and starting from the third spring, you can expect flowering and the appearance of the first fruits.

Important! Honeysuckle bushes propagated by cuttings retain the species characteristics of the mother bush.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle by layering

The best time for propagation of honeysuckle honeysuckle by layering, as well as for transplantation, is June. This method is the easiest for both the plant and the gardener to perform it.

The attractiveness of landscape design near a private room or country house largely depends on the green spaces with which the site is covered. Therefore, many summer residents are increasingly asking themselves the question of effective landscaping of the accessible territory with the help of exotic plants. And among the wide variety of design methods, vertical seating is especially popular, for which you can use a wide variety of annuals or

Features of planting honeysuckle and caring for it

IN Lately A unique method of landscaping using hedges is widespread, What is climbing honeysuckle used for?. You can see what such compositions look like using photos available on the Internet.

Today we will look at the main varieties of such ornamental plants, understand the features of planting, care, propagation and treatment, and also talk about the mistakes that gardeners make when growing such a unique green space.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: description of the species

Currently, honeysuckle is represented by a huge variety of species and varieties. In total, there are about two hundred of them. Conventionally, varieties are divided into three groups:

  • trees;
  • vines;
  • shrubs;

If we highlight those varieties that are suitable for home cultivation, then no more than 10 species are available. Shrub and climbing specimens are especially in great demand, including honeysuckle honeysuckle . This type is used to design the most various parts personal plot, including:

  • terrace;
  • porch;
  • gazebo;
  • house wall;

Gardeners appreciate this variety due to high decorativeness and lack of difficulties in care. Abundant foliage, beautiful fruits and a wonderful aroma can transform any area beyond recognition. To make sure that such a plant should appear on your site in the near future, just look at how it looks in the photo.

Representatives of the honeysuckle species belong to the curly type group. At home growing The flower grows as a bush and is distinguished by beautiful pale green leaves with 50 mm inflorescences of different colors.

Most often, the bush is represented by the following tones:

  1. red-violet;
  2. white;
  3. yellow;

The particularly intense flowering of honeysuckle begins in summer period when a fabulous aroma comes from the bush. By the way, in the evening the magical fragrance only intensifies. Representatives of the species have far protruding stamens, which form group bundles of 5-6 pieces in one. The flowering period of honeysuckle lasts no longer than three weeks, after which the floral elements fade. If you take one flower and place it in a vase, it will only last 3 days and then wither.

The blooming beauty is an excellent honey plant, because The amazing aroma from the flowers greatly attracts bees. Honeysuckle fruits acquire a bright red color as they further develop.

In one season, the vine grows up to two meters in height, with a life expectancy of up to 30 years. The shrub freely tolerates low temperatures, so growing it in the Moscow region is quite possible. Honeysuckle leaves, which turn bluish-green, are of particular decorative value.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: planting and care, propagation at home

Looking at the photo, you can understand that honeysuckle honeysuckle is considered a very beautiful ornamental plant, therefore its presence in the garden will significantly emphasize the taste and style of the owners of the site.

In addition, such an exotic resident is distinguished by its unpretentious character and endurance to various diseases. In this regard, more and more novice gardeners are thinking about growing crops at home.

It is known that all the features of caring for a flower consist only in arranging good support for the formation of a climbing bush. If this is not possible, it is enough to plant honeysuckle near the walls of the house or gazebo. For support, you can use any vertical surfaces along which the crop will spread. With proper care, a garden vine can grow up to 4-5 meters in height within 5 years from the moment of planting.

Honeysuckle shoots have tiny roots, which are able to cling to any rough structures. In the absence of reliable support, the branches begin to spread out, so the process of further development occurs without difficulty.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is planted in open ground in early spring. The quality of planting material determines the effectiveness of the upcoming growth of the bush in the future. Liana does not respond well to frequent transplants, so it is better to choose in advance suitable site for permanent stay. When searching for a suitable soil composition pay attention to loose, well-moistened soil. If you provide the cuttings with proper care, they will soon turn into young seedlings, and then into an indispensable decoration for the landscape design of your territory.

If planting occurs through a hole, then after a short time the newly formed shoots will begin to form a bush. Trench planting is carried out when arranging vertical gardening. It is known that the vine develops well in abundant light, so key attention should be paid to this feature. The splendor and abundance of flowering depends precisely on the illumination, so it is impossible to plant the bush in shaded areas.

Useful tips and care instructions can be found on the Internet, where they are presented in a large amount of video and photographic material.

Features of feeding honeysuckle

And although honeysuckle honeysuckle does not need extra care, following some rules and recommendations will have a positive impact on further development decorative vine. One of the valuable tips is in regular feeding of the plant with special fertilizers, which will give the plant the opportunity to actively develop and delight the eyes of others with its unsurpassed beauty.

It is better to use for feeding the following fertilizers:

  • humus from manure;
  • organic and mineral complexes;
  • microelements;
  • peat;

The above ingredients can be combined with the substrate, after which suitable planting material is planted there. When grown in well-fed soil, the first shoots can be seen in late May or early June. By the way, in one year of life the length of young shoots reaches two meters.

Further feeding is intended for preventive purposes and improvement of growth activity. A two- to three-year-old bush responds well to the use of fertilizers based on nitrogen or potassium. Herbal complexes prepared independently also perform well.

For example, some gardeners dig a special compost pit where they dump all kinds of waste plant origin. Then they are sprinkled with peat and used as highly effective peat compost for feeding garden crops.

Propagation of honeysuckle from seeds, cuttings and layering

You can propagate decorative vines different ways. One of the most popular is seed. Propagating honeysuckle by seeds is the best way to get beautiful flowering shrub behind a short time. To successfully implement the task, you need to select suitable planting material, wait until it takes root, and then plant it in suitable substrate. No less popular is the method of propagation by layering and cuttings.

It is customary to plant cuttings in the spring., summer or autumn. In the latter case, the strongest cuttings, 10-15 centimeters long, are selected for planting. They must have at least 4-5 eyes. After choosing a suitable planting material, all that remains is to plant it in a prepared substrate with good moisture and looseness. You need to leave only 1 bud on the surface, and sprinkle the rest. Next, you should thoroughly mulch the soil using leaves.

When propagating by cuttings in the summer, the planting procedure should begin at the end of July, when the plant has finally flowered. For action, you should choose cuttings with two internodes, from which the lower leaves are removed. The finished planting material is placed in a greenhouse and stored protected from the aggressive effects of direct sunlight. Optimal distance between cuttings is 15-25 centimeters, and the depth at which seedlings are placed is 2-3 centimeters. For more productive development, it is better to cover the cuttings with glass, which is removed as new leaves appear.

Rapidly developing buds should be moistened several times daily. IN winter period they can be mulched with a layer of peat, after which all you have to do is wait spring transplant into open ground. Propagation of honeysuckle by seed- enough difficult process, but especially if the planting product was prepared by one’s own efforts. Seed selection is carried out immediately after honeysuckle blooms, that is, at the end of July. The selected seeds must be thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a dry place. In February, they can be mixed with a moist substrate and refrigerated for 2 months. Only after this can you start sowing in open ground.

Features of pruning and bush formation

If you intend to beautifully decorate your landscape design with the help of the above-mentioned garden vine, pay due attention to the formative pruning of honeysuckle. In addition, such an action is a good prevention of various diseases, and sometimes is included in the complex treatment of some problems.

To make the planted climbing bush look attractive, he needs to provide correct pruning. Otherwise, the plant will never become good decorative decoration and will grow in a chaotic manner. Key feature of successful development beautiful bush is making the right choice supports. It must be strong and high.

Very often gardeners use wooden or metal constructions, and sometimes they make do with a regular nylon mesh. To give the vine the proper shape, it must be independently directed in the desired direction. The growth and development of shoots occurs very quickly, so the correct formation of a well-groomed appearance should occupy one of the key places in the list of care features.

If honeysuckle grows to a certain height, its top can be trimmed. This procedure will be a good stimulation for the rapid growth of side shoots. In most cases, honeysuckle vines often shed their lower leaves, which is why experts recommend planting them near them. low growing plants, to hide such a defect.

It is known that honeysuckle has a mass useful properties And unique features. The leaves, flowers and stems of the vine contain many valuable substances that are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures that can become good remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Considering a number of such healing properties, honeysuckle can be not only a beautiful addition to landscape design, but also useful medicinal plant.


Compositions based on the decorative honeysuckle vine honeysuckle look simply irresistible. This is confirmed by numerous photos and examples ready-made compositions. A beautiful, well-groomed plant can transform your landscape design beyond recognition, making it truly stylish and elegant. However, for a planted bush to become truly original, it needs to be provided with proper care and attention. Fortunately, such measures consist of observing simple recommendations and main points. Otherwise, nature will do everything itself, without your participation.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera caprifolium), or goat honeysuckle, or sweet honeysuckle- the type species of the genus Honeysuckle of the Honeysuckle family, which in wildlife found in the Caucasus and southern Europe in well-lit places with moist soil, in forests and along the edges. In culture, this type of honeysuckle is grown as ornamental plant. "Caprifol" is translated from Latin as "goat leaf."

Planting and caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle (in brief)

  • Bloom: for three weeks in June, starting at age four.
  • Landing: in April-May or during leaf fall.
  • Lighting: bright light or partial shade.
  • The soil: moist, fertile, well fertilized.
  • Watering: infrequent, but plentiful: the soil under the bush should not dry out. Water consumption per plant is 1-2 buckets.
  • Feeding: in spring - organic matter containing nitrogen and complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants In summer, the plant is sprayed on the leaves with solutions of microelements.
  • Trimming: sanitary, rejuvenating and formative - in the spring, before the start of sap flow.
  • Reproduction: seeds, cuttings and layering.
  • Pests: aphids and cabbage caterpillars.
  • Diseases: rust and powdery mildew.

Read more about growing honeysuckle honeysuckle below.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - description

Decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle is a climbing deciduous shrub up to 6 m high, the young shoots of which are light green, sometimes with a purple tint, becoming brown with age. Honeysuckle leaves are broadly elliptical, opposite, 4 to 10 cm long, dark green on the upper side, bluish below. Several pairs upper leaves can grow together at the bases and form an elliptical plate. Yellowish-white fragrant flowers, often having a reddish tint on the outside, are collected in whorls in the axils of the upper leaves. The orange or red inedible honeysuckle fruits, 6-8 cm in diameter, ripen in late July or early August. They are located on such short stalks that it seems as if they were glued to the leaves.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle in open ground

When to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle and caring for it is no more difficult than growing any other ornamental shrub. Best time for planting honeysuckle honeysuckle in the garden - April or May, although some gardeners advise planting the plant during leaf fall. When choosing a place for the plant, remember that abundant flowering can only occur in bright sunlight, although honeysuckle can tolerate partial shading. Liana honeysuckle honeysuckle loves moist, fertile soil, into which minerals and minerals must be added for digging before planting. organic fertilizers: potassium, nitrogen and rotted cow manure. Moreover, you need to dig up the soil with fertilizers at least two weeks before planting.

How to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle

Depending on your intention for planting the plant, dig a hole or trench. The size of the pit should be approximately 50x50x50 cm, and the trench should be 50 cm deep and 50 cm wide. If planting is carried out in an area where water stagnation may occur, lay a layer of drainage from broken bricks, ceramic tiles or crushed stones, then fill the hole almost to the top fertile soil. Then a seedling is placed in the hole, its roots are straightened and the remaining space is filled with soil. Planting is carried out taking into account soil subsidence, so the root collar is left 5 cm above ground level. After abundant watering, the earth will settle and the neck will be flush with the surface. Once the water has been absorbed, mulch the tree trunk with organic material.

In a trench, honeysuckle seedlings are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from each other, and in group plantings they are placed no closer than 1.5 m. And do not forget to immediately dig in supports for the plant if you are not going to use the walls of the building or a fence for this purpose . Honeysuckle honeysuckle support may look like metal or wooden structure, slats with stretched cords or mesh.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle care

Watering, fertilizing, loosening and weeding

During the hot season, you need to ensure that the soil under the honeysuckle bush never dries out. Honeysuckle is watered infrequently, but abundantly: one plant will need 1-2 buckets of water. After watering or rain, the soil around the honeysuckle is loosened and weeded. To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture and reduce the need for loosening and weeding, the soil around the bush is mulched.

In order to stimulate abundant flowering of honeysuckle honeysuckle, organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants are added to the soil in early spring. During the summer, honeysuckle can be treated with fertilizers or solutions of microelements on the leaves.

Diseases and pests of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Despite the fact that honeysuckle honeysuckle is almost not affected by diseases and pests, it still has enemies: aphids and cabbage caterpillars can cause trouble for insects, and rust and powdery mildew can cause trouble for fungal infections. Since honeysuckle honeysuckle berries are not suitable for food, feel free to use them in the fight against pests and diseases chemicals protection. For example, acaricidal preparations Actellik, Aktara, Biotlin, Akarin or Antitlin will help you get rid of aphids, and insecticides are used to get rid of caterpillars. As for fungal diseases, they happen not only due to poor care, but also for reasons beyond your control. The gardener’s task is to take measures to eliminate the infection as quickly as possible, and fungicidal preparations, which can be easily purchased at any garden pavilion or flower shop, will help you with this.

Preparing honeysuckle honeysuckle for wintering

A species-specific adult plant does not need shelter for the winter. But it is better to insulate varietal and hybrid honeysuckles, as well as newly planted cuttings and seedlings: cover the trunk circle with a thick layer of dry foliage, remove the plant from the support and lay it on a bed of leaves, as you do, for example, with clematis, and cover it on top Honeysuckle with spunbond, lutrasil or spruce branches.

Pruning honeysuckle honeysuckle

Curly honeysuckle honeysuckle needs both formative and sanitary pruning. Immediately after planting, the shoots of the plant are cut to one third of the length, and in the second year, 3-4 of the strongest shoots are selected from the regrown shoots - these shoots will become the skeleton of the bush. The remaining shoots are cut out at the root. During the season, shoots that grow to the height of the support are trimmed or directed along the support into the right side. Subsequently, diseased, broken, frozen or thickening branches of the bush are regularly cut out, otherwise the plant will look untidy. However, fanaticism in pruning is inappropriate: if you cut off the honeysuckle, it will lose its attractiveness.

Do not rush to prune honeysuckle in the spring: it may seem to you that some shoots look lifeless, but the peculiarity of this plant is that with the onset of warm days, its dormant buds awaken, and it suddenly turns green and begins to grow, and those shoots that do not will remain black and bare, it is never too late to remove.

If you notice that on an adult honeysuckle bush there are fewer and fewer flowers every year, perform anti-aging pruning of the plant: cut off all shoots at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground so that young shoots grow from the buds located at the base of the bush, from which you will subsequently form a new crown. Rejuvenation is carried out every 5-6 years, but it is better to do it in two steps: in one year, only half of the shoots are cut off, and the rejuvenation procedure is completed in next year.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is propagated by seeds, cuttings or layering.

Propagation of honeysuckle honeysuckle by seeds

Generative propagation of honeysuckle is a labor-intensive process, so gardeners usually resort to more reliable and faster methods. vegetative methods. However, in certain cases seed propagation preferable to vegetative. How to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle from seeds? Stratified for two months at temperatures from 0 to 5 ºC, the seeds are sown in March in a moist mixture of equal parts of sand, peat and humus, sprinkled on top thin layer sand and covered with plastic film or glass. Keep the crops in a bright, warm place, removing the film daily for ventilation and, if necessary, to moisten the substrate. The grown seedlings are promptly planted in separate pots. They are planted in open ground only next spring, and they will bloom in the third or fourth year. Until then, the seedlings need to be covered for the winter with peat, spruce branches or lutrasil.

You can sow honeysuckle honeysuckle directly into the ground, and it is better to do this in the fall, so that the seeds undergo natural stratification in the soil over the winter months. In the spring, the seedlings will sprout together. It’s easy to care for them: water them, loosen the soil around them, remove weeds, feed them, and most importantly, plant them in time so that they don’t interfere with each other’s development.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle by layering

This is the simplest and reliable way honeysuckle propagation. In the spring, a flexible vine branch is placed in a shallow trench, leaving the top above the surface, the shoot is secured in the recess and covered with fertile soil. All summer the cuttings are watered and fed, and in the fall they are separated from the bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

Cuttings of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle by cuttings also gives good results. Cuttings with at least two internodes are cut from the middle part of the shoots after flowering. When planting, one internode is completely buried in the substrate, having previously removed the leaf from it, and on the upper part of the cutting the leaves are only shortened. Rooting occurs in a bright place, protected from direct sun rays, and in humid environments. It is best to root cuttings in a greenhouse or greenhouse under a film. The substrate should be light and fertile, such as a mixture of sand and peat in equal parts.

The cuttings are watered, weeded, ventilated, the soil around them is loosened, and as soon as new leaves begin to form on them, the cutting process can be considered successfully completed. The cuttings are planted in a permanent place after a year, and after another year the seedlings will bloom.

Photo: Honeysuckle honeysuckle in the Moscow region

Lonicera caprifolium

Once upon a time, bouquets of honeysuckle were given to lovers as a sign of fidelity and devotion, and artists depicted it on their canvases as a symbol of long-term love. Now few people know about the former popularity of this vine in matters of the heart, but its decorative qualities are still in demand and continue to delight. Especially in the climate middle zone Russia, where the list of wintering spectacular perennial vines, and especially fragrant ones, is not so large. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is one of them. Among its advantages are unpretentiousness and very fast growth. At good care it grows up to 6 m, adding a meter or more per year. And it lives for a very long time, without losing its attractiveness for several decades.

Honeysuckle is also known as fragrant honeysuckle. This name was given to it for the extraordinary aroma exuded during flowering - a rare quality for a vine.

In the wild, it grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Europe - where it is often called Italian honeysuckle. Honeysuckle leaves are a favorite delicacy of local goats, for which it is also called goat honeysuckle, and the botanical “caprifolium” means nothing more than “goat leaf”.

Honeysuckle has taken root in gardens for a very long time. Its attractive bright pink and white flowers with a pleasant scent and dense greenery are a real boon for vertical gardening. It looks great with roses and coniferous plants and can decorate walls and gazebos. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is good for decorating fences, arches, outbuildings, and old trees, both on its own and in combination with other climbing plants.

Photo: Honeysuckle honeysuckle flowers


Honeysuckle honeysuckle - Lonicera caprifolium - is the most striking representative of the genus Honeysuckle, which unites deciduous, less often semi-evergreen and evergreen shrubs (the majority of them) and a few vines. Honeysuckle is the most fragrant among them.

Its flowering begins in June and lasts up to two weeks. The fragrant bush looks very impressive; every 4 days, new buds open to replace the faded ones. They are concentrated on annual shoots and cover almost the entire vine. Only in old plants the bottom of the shoots remains open. But with proper care, this can be corrected by pruning or planting other plants nearby that mask this “decorative flaw.”

The two-lipped flowers of honeysuckle are located at the upper leaves and are collected in bunches. Protruding stamens give them airiness. Flowers large sizes(up to 5 cm) and unusual color. They are light in color on the inside, but on the outside they can be creamy or bright shades of red, violet and purple. As they wither, they acquire a yellowish color. The flowers are very attractive to bees, which willingly visit the vine. In July, red inedible berries (fruits) ripen on it and remain until October. From them you can collect seeds, they are numerous, and propagate honeysuckle (if it is not a hybrid variety).

There are two forms of honeysuckle: with numerous white flowers - alba, and rarer red-pink ones - pauciflora.

Leaves fragrant honeysuckle located opposite, dark green in color, with reverse side gray. The upper leaves are fused and form something like a plate. The dense foliage does not change its color until late autumn. Expressive flowers and bright fruits stand out on it, so all summer and autumn the vine decorates the garden.

Although honeysuckle honeysuckle is of southern origin, it grows successfully in Moscow and St. Petersburg without winter shelter. Only its young shoots freeze, but in the spring they quickly regenerate from new buds, growing up to a meter per year. Sellers of seedlings assure that honeysuckle can withstand short-term drops in temperature to -40. But she is most comfortable in zones 6-9, where the temperature does not drop below -20 degrees - in such conditions she winters without loss. In zones 5 and 4, problems may occur after wintering.

Do not be afraid of frost resistance indicators. After all, we have long learned to grow such heat-loving crops as roses and clematis in our climate. Compared to them, honeysuckle seems like a completely “northern” plant.

For reference: Moscow, St. Petersburg - zone 5, Moscow region, Central Russia - zone 4, Crimea, Sochi - zone 8, Italy - zone 9.

Photo: Fruits of honeysuckle honeysuckle


In addition to the natural species Lonicera caprifolium, varieties and hybrids of honeysuckle caprifolium are cultivated. They are not so reliable and in the Moscow region they require additional care.

A very decorative and resistant variety of honeysuckle honeysuckle "Inga" (Inga) with pink buds and cream flowers. Its shoots grow up to 3 m.

Derived from honeysuckle and Etruscan honeysuckle American honeysuckle (Lonicera americanum) , introduced to Russia from America in the 19th century. In the Moscow region it freezes slightly, and grows better in the southern regions and Crimea. She has bright red corollas, yellow on the inside.

Natural hybrid Heckrott's honeysuckle (Lonicera x heckrottii) appeared from American and evergreen honeysuckle, which means honeysuckle is in its pedigree. The shoots of Hekrota honeysuckle are less climbing than those of honeysuckle, and sometimes it can even grow like a bush. Blooms on the shoots of the current year. Popular variety -"American Beauty" . In the conditions of the Moscow region, at temperatures below -15 degrees, the tops of its shoots freeze slightly, but in the spring they grow again, so the vine continues to flower. Hekrota honeysuckle blooms very beautifully and for a long time, has no smell. The color of the corollas is fuchsia and orange, yellow on the inside. In the fall, “American Beauty” is not as spectacular in our country as real honeysuckle, since due to the not entirely comfortable climate, it does not produce bright fruits in this region. But to the south (zone 6-9) the berries ripen and the vine looks elegant.

More frost-resistant variety Honeysuckle Hekrota/Hekrota "Gold Flame" - zones from 5 to 9. It has fragrant flowers, yellow inside and pink-red outside, similar to the species.

Photo: Honeysuckle honeysuckle variety “Inga” and honeysuckle Hekrota variety “American Beauty” and “Gold Flame”


Place and soil

Honeysuckle grows best on slightly alkaline or neutral soils, always fertile, with plenty of humus. Does not like heavy and dry soil.

Select for landing sunny place or light partial shade. Honeysuckle can exist in the shade, but there will be no flowering or fruiting here. Honeysuckles are especially comfortable near southern walls and fences, in places not blown by cold winds. But on a hot afternoon in summer, it is advisable for her to be in partial shade.


When planting a vine, you need to take into account that it grows for a long time, and the plant requires a supply of food. The planting hole is dug at least 50 cm in size in all directions. To avoid stagnation of water, drainage is done. Then they fill it with fertile soil. Apply at least a bucket of old manure or compost and potassium-phosphorus or complex fertilizers according to the instructions on the package.

If several plants are planted and they are intended for vertical gardening of a wall, building or gazebo, then it is worth digging a trench in which the seedlings are distributed at a distance of at least a meter.

Planting is carried out taking into account subsequent soil subsidence. Therefore, the root collar is placed 5 cm above the ground level. Do not add soil above the root collar.

Young seedlings are watered and care is taken that the soil does not dry out. It is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle. If this is not done, the plant is watered more often, the soil at the roots is loosened shallowly, and weeded.

For a beautiful shape, the vine requires strong support. It can be made of metal or wood, in the form of slats, stretched cords, mesh or in another way. The first shoots are evenly distributed over the support, taking into account that the vine twists clockwise.

Seedlings planted in September will have time to grow and become stronger by winter. To ensure good survival rate, seedlings are chosen no older than three years. In the first year after planting for the winter, the root system must be additionally mulched with peat.

Watering and fertilizing

In summer, make sure to water the climbing bush; the ground around it should not dry out. Water not often, but deeply - at least a bucket of water per plant. To retain moisture in the soil and protect against weeds, the soil at the base of the stems is mulched.

For better flowering and aroma, from the second year they use universal fertilizers or organic matter. They are introduced early in the spring. Foliar feeding “on the leaves” with diluted complex mineral fertilizer gives a good effect.

Photo: Perennial shoot of honeysuckle honeysuckle with annual branches

Trimming honeysuckle

For a vine to be beautiful, it needs to be shaped. So that honeysuckle shoots branch at the base and the trunk is not exposed, they are cut off immediately after planting, leaving 1/3 of the length.

In the second year in the spring, 3-4 of the strongest shoots are selected from the regrown shoots, which will form the main skeleton of the vine, and the rest are removed. Over the course of the season after pruning, the vine will grow, and thick greenery will cover the gazebo or wall right from the ground. When the height of the support is reached, the shoots are cut or directed in the desired direction.

Subsequently, thickening, broken and dried parts of the plant are pruned annually. If this is not done, the vine will look abandoned. If you overdo it with pruning, honeysuckle will lose its attractiveness and splendor.

If honeysuckle does not turn green for a long time after a frosty winter, do not rush to remove the seemingly lifeless shoots. With the onset of warm weather, additional dormant buds awaken (its peculiarity!), after which the branches begin to grow. If this does not happen, then it is not too late to cut out the dried shoots.

If an adult plant has fewer and fewer flower buds every year, it is rejuvenated by completely cutting off the stems. Then new shoots grow from the buds at the base, and the life of the vine is revived. Anti-aging pruning should be carried out every 5-6 years, preferably every two years, cutting out half of the old shoots at a time.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very rarely affected by diseases and pests, but still has its enemies. These can be cabbage caterpillars, aphids, powdery mildew, and rust fungi. They are fought with the help of specially developed drugs, which are presented in trading network.

Shelter for the winter

Honeysuckle does not need shelter for the winter, but its varieties and hybrids may suffer more from frost (young shoots). Although they are all capable of regrowth, it is best to protect them during the winter. In October, the vines are lowered from their supports to the ground like clematis and covered, for example, with spunbond, dry foliage or spruce branches.


Growing new honeysuckle plants is carried out from seeds, cuttings or using layering.


This is the most labor-intensive process, starting with seed stratification. It is carried out in damp sand for 2 months at a temperature from 0 to +5°C (basement, refrigerator...). Prepared seeds are sown in nutritious light soil based on peat, humus and sand taken from in equal parts. The top is lightly sprinkled with sand, covered with any transparent material, creating a greenhouse, and until the shoots appear, it is ventilated daily and moistened if necessary. Keep in a warm and bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Sowing is carried out in March (for seedlings) or in open ground after completion spring frosts. When sowing in winter open ground seeds often germinate only a year later in the fall.

After sowing, the seedlings are looked after and planted in a timely manner. The seedlings will be ready for planting next spring, and flowering will occur in the third or fourth year, fruiting will begin a year later. Until this time, it is advisable to cover the plants for the winter, for example, by covering them with peat, or laying spruce branches, or covering them with lutrasil.


The easiest way is propagation by layering. The lower branches of the vine often grow to the soil themselves, and this happens very easily. Therefore, if necessary, you need to pin the shoot and do not forget to water it. In the fall, you can plant the rooted branches in a permanent place.


Cuttings for propagation are cut after flowering and planted in a greenhouse. They are taken from the middle part of the shoot. The cutting must have at least two internodes. The lower one is placed in the ground, having first removed the leaves, and the upper one is placed above the soil level, its leaves are slightly shortened.

For rooting, cuttings require a moist environment and a bright, non-sunny place. They can be planted in a greenhouse or in a special box under a film and shaded. The substrate should be light and fertile and contain a lot of peat and sand.

Growing honeysuckle honeysuckle from green cuttings - standard process, requiring periodic watering, weeding, loosening, and ventilation. The fact that the cuttings have taken root, that is, they have formed root system, it will be possible to judge by the new leaves that appear on them.

For the winter they need to be covered (leaves, peat, spunbond or another of your choice). Next year, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent location. In the second year after transplantation, honeysuckle begins to bloom. This method of propagation is suitable if required a large number of plants.

In addition to summer cuttings, autumn cuttings are suitable for propagation - they are cut and planted before winter or early spring, keeping them in the sand in the basement during the winter. You can take spring cuttings, they are cut before flowering, when new shoots have grown at least ten centimeters.


Admiring the aroma and decorativeness of honeysuckle, many do not assume that it has healing power. These medicinal properties people have used for hundreds of years.

Infusion from dried leaves, stems and flowers of honeysuckle, honeysuckle has an antiseptic and diuretic effect.
A decoction of dry leaves is used to gargle for sore throat and pharyngitis.
Crushed fresh leaves of honeysuckle with the juice appearing are applied to wounds and ulcers, which then quickly heal.
An infusion of honeysuckle flowers has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties.

To prepare the infusion, you need a teaspoon of dried raw materials and a glass of boiling water. It is infused in a warm place for 30 minutes. At the reception - a tablespoon of infusion. Frequency: 3–4 times a day.

A decoction will be obtained if, instead of infusion, you use low heat for 5 minutes or a water bath.