Peanut planting and cultivation. Peanuts in the country: how to grow groundnuts

Groundnuts, or peanuts, are a member of the legume family. It belongs to those few plants whose fruits develop and grow underground. It is considered a valuable oilseed crop and is widely used in the food industry.

By appearance peanuts resemble pods from 1 to 6 cm long. The number of yellowish seeds contained in them is usually from 1 to 3, the maximum can reach 6 pieces. The seed coat takes on different shades: dark purple, red, pink or variegated.

As a result of pollination of flowers and subsequent fertilization, the lower part of the ovary grows. It forms a gynophore - a shoot that penetrates the moist layers of the soil and forms a fruit. If the flowers are located at a height of more than 20 cm from the ground, then they have no chance of forming seeds.

Translated from Greek, peanut means spider. The plant owes its name to the resemblance of the mesh pattern on the surface of the pod to a spider's web. A Due to the way the fruit ripens, peanuts are often called groundnuts.

The historical homeland of this valuable product is considered South America. It was from there that he began his journey around the world. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Portuguese introduced peanut seeds to India, the colony of Macau and Japan. The nut came to the Philippines and Madagascar from Spain.

IN late XVI centuries, Portugal founded a colony in Canton. The plant ended up in China, where local residents appreciated it. Peanuts helped solve the problem of hunger in the country and were called Chinese nuts.

The next destination was Africa, where it took root well on almost infertile soils. The area under peanuts grew rapidly, and the oilseed crop began to be grown for export.

Mass distribution of nuts in the USA began in the 19th century after Civil War 1861. On the advice of the American agricultural chemist George Carver, farmers alternated crops of peanuts and cotton, which were increasingly dying due to damage by the cotton weevil. Soon, nut yields exceeded the income from cotton many times over and became the main crop in the southern United States.

D. Carver has developed hundreds of varieties of products and products from the plant. Peanuts are included in drinks, dyes, cosmetics, medications.

Russia was able to appreciate all the benefits of culture at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. The most suitable climatic conditions for growing groundnuts are located in the Transcaucasus, Central Asian republics, in the southern part of Ukraine, and in the North Caucasus.

Calorie content and vitamin composition

Peanuts are high in calories: 100 g of product contains 551 kcal. People prone to obesity are not recommended to indulge in nuts, especially fried ones.

Despite the fact that peanuts belong to the legume family, their content useful substances and vitamins it is closest to nuts.

Chemical composition includes:

  • basic nutrients – proteins (26.3 g/100 g), fats (45.2 g/100 g), carbohydrates (9.9 g/100 g);
  • cellulose, sugar, starch;
  • vitamin complex(B, C, E, RR);
  • micro- and macroelements– phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, selenium.

Useful properties and disadvantages

Experts who studied the properties of peanuts came to the conclusion that the benefits and harms of the product are approximately the same. If you take into account contraindications for use and observe the measure, then unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

The beneficial qualities of groundnuts are as follows:

  1. Proteins and fats contained in peanuts are easily absorbed by the body. The rich vitamin and elemental composition puts the nut on a par with products recommended for a healthy diet.
  2. Presence of linoleic acid reduces the risk of developing sclerosis. With sufficient content of this important component the body synthesizes the necessary fatty acids– linolenic and arachidonic. They help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Peanuts help improve blood clotting, which reduces blood loss in wounds and in patients with hemophilia.
  4. Due to its high antioxidant content, the nut (especially roasted) is beneficial prophylactic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Slows down the aging process and division of cancer cells.
  5. Natural fiber from peanuts helps improve digestion, removing pathogenic bacteria from the body.
  6. Amino acid found in peanuts tryptophan produces the hormone serotonin in the body. Its increased content brings people out of depression, restores nervous system after stress.
  7. Possesses choleretic effect.
  8. Is a good helper in the fight against infections, improves immunity.
  9. With constant consumption of fruits in small quantities, people experienced improved hearing, memory, concentration of attention increased.

Products made from nuts have almost the same beneficial qualities:

  • peanut butter preserves the complex essential vitamins and elements;
  • peanut milk has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peanut paste provides the body with energy.

Walnut harm:

  1. Seed coat may cause allergic reactions, usually expressed by itching and redness of the skin. In rare cases, vomiting and laryngeal swelling are possible.
  2. For joint diseases Consumption of foods high in protein is contraindicated.
  3. If the technology of seed processing, transportation or storage has been violated, nuts can accumulate toxins. Therefore, when purchasing, you must make sure that there is no mold on the shell. Foreign odor is also unacceptable.
  4. People suffering from varicose veins should not eat peanuts due to their ability to thicken blood.

The famous peanut diet raises many questions. On the one hand, the nut promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. On the other side of the scale is the high calorie content of the product.

The decision to use peanuts for preventive purposes or to treat any disease should be made only after consulting a doctor. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists. Abuse of any product can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Peanut uses

The taste of nuts is familiar to everyone. Fried, salty, sweet, honey-sesame - they can be purchased at any store. In crushed form, peanuts are included in various bakery products , chocolate spreads, halva, creams, coffee drinks.

Most of the harvest is processed for production vegetable oil. The highest grade is used in canning and confectionery production. Low grades of peanut oil are used to make high quality Marseille soap.

Protein from nut seeds is integral part various types of glue, plastic. It is used in the production of vegetable wool - ardila.

The tops of the plant are used to feed cattle.

An interesting fact: in the USA, peanuts are even contained in dynamite; in Russia, this function is performed by soybeans.

Growing technology

To really grow quality product and reap a rich harvest, you need to strictly follow the recommendations:

  1. Pre-sowing tillage fertilizers can double the yield. Peanuts need good lighting to grow. warm ground. Optimal temperature for seed germination 25-300C. lower limit, at which their germination is still possible - not lower than 140C.

Soil moisture plays a big role in crop growth, especially during flowering. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering. Stagnation of water will adversely affect the harvest - rotting of the roots and the appearance of spots on the leaves will lead to the death of the plant.

  1. It is best to plant in early June. At this time, the risk of frost on the soil is minimal. Dried seeds and beans are used for sowing. Gardeners recommend choosing large seeds, otherwise you may not wait for germination.
  2. Place 3-6 pieces of nuts in a hole 7-10 cm deep (sometimes a little more), the distance between the sowing rows is left at least a meter. On moist soils, sow peeled seeds 3 cm from the surface.

Considering that the nut ripens underground, it is difficult to establish the exact date harvesting. On average it is 3-4 months for early varieties and up to six months for later ones. You can assess the degree of their readiness by tasting a few pieces.

Harvesting peanuts in dry weather. The bushes should be easily pulled out of the ground. When frosts begin on the ground, most of crops are at risk of remaining underground.

The beans are then dried in the sun for several weeks and taken away for storage or processing.

Rules of care

For getting good harvest The seedlings need to be looked after.

  1. To create the necessary humidity peanut water every 2 weeks. In dry times, this period is halved. Watering is stopped 3-4 weeks before harvest.

Cannot be used for watering bushes cold water, especially in hot weather.

  1. After the appearance of inflorescences, carry out regular hilling of bushes.
  2. Mandatory weeding.
  3. Fertilizer application at least 3 times during the ripening period. Fertilizing can significantly increase yield by reducing the number of underdeveloped beans.


Peanuts are a unique crop. As a representative leguminous plants, it ripens in the ground like potatoes. Has many benefits as a preventive and therapeutic agent. And the wide range of applications of nuts in various types industry makes it a universal product.

Many summer residents like to experiment with growing new crops. It’s nice to surprise guests by putting something so unusual on the table, proudly declaring: “I grew it myself in the garden.” If you are one of these enthusiastic people, try growing peanuts. By the way, this task is not so difficult, and in our article we will introduce you in detail to this crop and agricultural cultivation techniques.

It turns out that this is not a nut at all.

Although peanuts are called nuts, they are actually related to regular beans, because... belongs to the same family - legumes. This plant looks like this:

The bush has a height of 0.5-0.6 m.

The stem is branched.

The leaves are pinnate, dark green.

The flowers are yellow, small, sometimes their number reaches 2 hundred. The lower ones gradually descend to the ground, penetrate into it and there turn into a bean, which is called a nut. Each shell produces from 1 to 4 light pink seeds. 30-70 nuts are collected from one bush.

About the benefits of peanuts

Of course, peanuts are delicious, especially roasted ones, but these are not all of their advantages, because they contain what the body needs so much:


linolenic acid, vitamins B, E, if the beans are processed into oil.

These tasty nuts are also used to make peanut butter, which has the same energy value as meat, but is healthier due to its folic acid content.

We grow peanuts

To grow this legume family plant in our temperate climate, you should buy seeds of the following varieties:

Krasnodarets 13;

Krasnodarets 14;

Valencia 433;


Be carefull: Make sure they don’t sell you processed or roasted beans, otherwise you’ll waste money, time, and never see any sprouts..

To grow peanuts at home, you need to know what they need to grow.

Conditions for plant development

Since nuts can develop exclusively in the ground, a good harvest is possible only in loose chernozem, sandy loam or neutral soil. It is necessary to have magnesium and potassium, as well as humus in large quantities. By hilling the bushes up to 3 times per season, we will increase the amount of ovary.

Since the homeland of peanuts is South America, where it grows as a perennial, the second condition for its successful development is temperature. The optimal temperature is 20-27 degrees C, and as soon as it rises above +30 or drops below +15, the bushes stop growing.

The third condition successful cultivation is good lighting. It is unacceptable to have plants nearby that shade this crop.

It is important that the bed in which this representative of legumes is planted is well ventilated.

When peanuts bloom and underground beans are formed, they require constant moisture, but not stagnant water. In September, when the seeds ripen, excess moisture can slow down this process.

The plant develops well in beds where cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, grains were previously grown, but in no case beans, peas, i.e. its relatives are legumes. But after peanuts, any crops feel good in the garden.

If you are planning to grow it in large quantities and extract oil from it, then know that the color of peanuts depends on the soil. Beans grown in light soil will produce light oil, while beans grown in dark soil will produce darker oil.

Important: If the conditions necessary for the growth and development of peanuts are violated, the plant begins to hurt - spots appear on the leaves, which indicates the presence of root rot..

How to grow peanuts: ways

Groundnuts are grown through seedlings and by sowing in open ground. How planting material you should take grains collected no more than 2 - 3 years ago, because then they lose their germination capacity. In any case, the seeds should first be germinated. This is done at the end of April:

Dip the seeds into a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Wash and soak for germination. After 10 days, sprouts will appear.

We harden the sprouted seeds by keeping them indoors for 2-3 days at a temperature of about +3 degrees during daylight hours, and at night we transfer them to a place where the temperature is room temperature.

fill the cups with light soil in early April;

bury the seeds 3 centimeters into the ground;

place the cups on a sunny windowsill;

water moderately;

Meanwhile, we prepare the bed - we dig it up and remove the weeds;

Seedlings are grown from sprouted seeds or sown in a garden bed. First, let's look at how to grow peanuts from seedlings. So:

We plant the plants in early June with an interval of 15 - 20 cm from each other and 0.6 - 0.7 m row from row.

If you decide to plant peanuts directly in the ground, then as soon as it is established constant temperature air temperature is at least 20 degrees C, and the ground at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 15 degrees C, we begin to sow the sprouted seeds. The planting pattern is identical to that used when planting seedlings, and the depth is 60 - 80 mm. Sprouted seeds are planted in the ground not only to see the harvest faster, but also to protect them from damage by mole crickets.

Good to know : the shell in which the nuts are located contains many useful microscopic fungi, so it is crushed and also thrown into the ground when planting.

We fight the mole cricket

To destroy the mole cricket, we make bait:

we collect peelings and grain;

dig in the garden bed;

take a piece of roofing felt and cover it;

pour plant debris, manure or humus on top;

We periodically look through the bait and collect mole crickets.

For your information : as soon as the seedlings appear, it is necessary to protect them from birds, since the sprouts can be completely destroyed by crows and blackbirds.

Hilling, feeding peanuts

An important component of a good harvest is hilling, which is carried out several times a season:

Before the plants bloom, we hill up the bushes to a height of 50 to 70 mm.

10 days after it blooms.

Regularly with an interval of 10 days, gradually reducing the distance between the roots (gynophores) formed after flowering and the soil. We carry out the last hilling in early August.

Three times a season, namely when real leaves begin to form, buds begin to form, and then fruits, we apply mineral fertilizers per 1 hundred square meters:

nitrogen - from 0.45 to 0.6 kg;

phosphorus - from 0.5 to 0.6 kg;

potassium - up to 0.45 kg, but only in sandy loam soil.

Peanuts on a warm bed

When wondering how to grow peanuts in the country, consider this option: warm bed. It is better to prepare it in the fall or very early in the spring as a last resort:

We select a place and begin digging a trench to a depth of a spade bayonet. Optimal width 1 m, and any length.

We store the top layer of soil on one side of the trench, and the bottom layer on the other.

We cover the bottom with plant debris and sprinkle it with soil. Place half-rotted compost on top.

We cover everything top layer land.

If the soil is healthy, then after 60 days the bed will be filled with warm, nutritious soil suitable for growing groundnuts.

Growing peanuts in a greenhouse

Peanuts are comfortable in a greenhouse, especially when grown in tandem with tomatoes, but provided that the latter are not very densely spaced so that light still reaches the peanuts. Legumes share nitrogen with tomatoes, and you don’t need to hill up the bushes often - 2 times in June is enough. By September the harvest will be ripe.

Many summer residents like to experiment with growing new crops. It’s nice to surprise guests by putting something so unusual on the table, proudly declaring: “I grew it myself in the garden.” If you are one of these enthusiastic people, try growing peanuts. By the way, this task is not so difficult, and in our article we will introduce you in detail to this crop and agricultural cultivation techniques.

Although peanuts are called nuts, they are actually related to regular beans, because... belongs to the same family - legumes. This plant looks like this:

  1. The bush has a height of 0.5-0.6 m.
  2. The stem is branched.
  3. The leaves are pinnate, dark green.
  4. The flowers are yellow, small, sometimes their number reaches 2 hundred. The lower ones gradually descend to the ground, penetrate into it and there turn into a bean, which is called a nut. Each shell produces from 1 to 4 light pink seeds. 30-70 nuts are collected from one bush.

About the benefits of peanuts

Of course, peanuts are delicious, especially roasted ones, but these are not all of their advantages, because they contain what the body needs so much:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • linolenic acid, vitamins B, E, if the beans are processed into oil.

These tasty nuts are also used to make peanut butter, which has the same energy value as meat, but is healthier due to its folic acid content.

We grow peanuts

To grow this legume family plant in our temperate climate, you should buy seeds of the following varieties:

  • Krasnodarets 13;
  • Krasnodarets 14;
  • Steplyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskaya.

Be carefull: Make sure they don’t sell you processed or roasted beans, otherwise you’ll waste money, time, and never see any sprouts..

To grow peanuts at home, you need to know what they need to grow.

Conditions for plant development

  1. Since nuts can develop exclusively in the ground, a good harvest is possible only in loose chernozem, sandy loam or neutral soil. It is necessary to have magnesium and potassium, as well as humus in large quantities. By hilling the bushes up to 3 times per season, we will increase the amount of ovary.
  2. Since the homeland of peanuts is South America, where it grows as a perennial, the second condition for its successful development is temperature. The optimal temperature is 20-27 degrees C, and as soon as it rises above +30 or drops below +15, the bushes stop growing.
  3. The third condition for successful growing is good lighting. It is unacceptable to have plants nearby that shade this crop.
  4. It is important that the bed in which this representative of legumes is planted is well ventilated.
  5. When peanuts bloom and underground beans are formed, they require constant moisture, but not stagnant water. In September, when the seeds ripen, excess moisture can slow down this process.
  6. The plant develops well in beds where cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, grains were previously grown, but in no case beans, peas, i.e. its relatives are legumes. But after peanuts, any crops feel good in the garden.
  7. If you are planning to grow it in large quantities and extract oil from it, then know that the color of peanuts depends on the soil. Beans grown in light soil will produce light oil, while beans grown in dark soil will produce darker oil.

Important: If the conditions necessary for the growth and development of peanuts are violated, the plant begins to hurt - spots appear on the leaves, which indicates the presence of root rot..

How to grow peanuts: ways

Groundnuts are grown through seedlings and by sowing in open ground. As planting material, you should take grains collected no more than 2 - 3 years ago, because then they lose their germination capacity. In any case, the seeds should first be germinated. This is done at the end of April:

  1. Dip the seeds into a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.
  2. Wash and soak for germination. After 10 days, sprouts will appear.
  3. We harden the sprouted seeds by keeping them indoors for 2-3 days at a temperature of about +3 degrees during daylight hours, and at night we transfer them to a place where the temperature is room temperature.

Seedlings are grown from sprouted seeds or sown in a garden bed. First, let's look at how to grow peanuts from seedlings. So:

  • fill the cups with light soil in early April;
  • bury the seeds 3 centimeters into the ground;
  • place the cups on a sunny windowsill;
  • water moderately;
  • Meanwhile, we prepare the bed - we dig it up and remove the weeds;
  • We plant the plants in early June with an interval of 15 - 20 cm from each other and 0.6 - 0.7 m row from row.

If you decide to plant peanuts directly in the ground, then as soon as a constant air temperature of at least 20 degrees C is established, and the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 15 degrees C, we begin sowing the sprouted seeds. The planting pattern is identical to that used when planting seedlings, and the depth is 60 - 80 mm. Sprouted seeds are planted in the ground not only to see the harvest faster, but also to protect them from damage by mole crickets.

Good to know : the shell in which the nuts are located contains many useful microscopic fungi, so it is crushed and also thrown into the ground when planting.

We fight the mole cricket

To destroy the mole cricket, we make bait:

  • we collect peelings and grain;
  • dig in the garden bed;
  • take a piece of roofing felt and cover it;
  • pour plant debris, manure or humus on top;
  • We periodically look through the bait and collect mole crickets.

For your information : as soon as the seedlings appear, it is necessary to protect them from birds, since the sprouts can be completely destroyed by crows and blackbirds.

Hilling, feeding peanuts

An important component of a good harvest is hilling, which is carried out several times a season:

  1. Before the plants bloom, we hill up the bushes to a height of 50 to 70 mm.
  2. 10 days after it blooms.
  3. Regularly with an interval of 10 days, gradually reducing the distance between the roots (gynophores) formed after flowering and the soil. We carry out the last hilling in early August.

Three times a season, namely when real leaves begin to form, buds begin to form, and then fruits, we apply mineral fertilizers per 1 hundred square meters:

  • nitrogen - from 0.45 to 0.6 kg;
  • phosphorus - from 0.5 to 0.6 kg;
  • potassium - up to 0.45 kg, but only in sandy loam soil.

Peanuts on a warm bed

When wondering how to grow peanuts in the country, consider an option such as a warm garden bed. It is better to prepare it in the fall or very early in the spring as a last resort:

  1. We select a place and begin digging a trench to a depth of a spade bayonet. The optimal width is 1 m, and the length is whatever you want.
  2. We store the top layer of soil on one side of the trench, and the bottom layer on the other.
  3. We cover the bottom with plant debris and sprinkle it with soil. Place half-rotted compost on top.
  4. We cover everything with the top layer of soil.

If the soil is healthy, then after 60 days the bed will be filled with warm, nutritious soil suitable for growing groundnuts.

Growing peanuts in a greenhouse

Peanuts are comfortable in a greenhouse, especially when grown in tandem with tomatoes, but provided that the latter are not very densely spaced so that light still reaches the peanuts. Legumes share nitrogen with tomatoes, and you don’t need to hill up the bushes often - 2 times in June is enough. By September the harvest will be ripe.

How to grow peanuts at home on a windowsill

After growing peanut seedlings, you can leave a few plants at home and then harvest them directly on the windowsill. It's easy to do:

  1. We take a wide container and fill it with soil with humus and sand added to it.
  2. We plant a plant in it and place it in the brightest place, making sure that there are no drafts.
  3. We wait until a flower appears and a bean develops from it. It is important that the shoots do not hang outside the container, otherwise the set fruit will not develop.
  4. Water regularly and lightly loosen the soil.
  5. We collect the fruits when the bush stops growing and the leaves begin to turn yellow.


Peanuts cannot withstand even light frosts, so harvesting should be done before they occur. Wherein:

  • we sort the nuts into ripe and unripe;
  • throw away very small ones;
  • put it in a ventilated place, dry room for drying;
  • store in fabric bags;
  • peel as needed.

If we have provided proper care, we can count on a harvest of 100 to 150 g of dry grains per 1 square meter. m, or even higher.

Watch a video on how to grow peanuts:

Many adults and children enjoy eating delicious and nutritious peanut kernels. It is eaten independently and complemented with some dishes. Its kernels are highly nutritious and beneficial for the body. Peanuts quickly cause a feeling of fullness, so they are popular among those who are determined to control their own weight. Peanut kernels are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Peanut butter contains linolenic acid, vitamin B and vitamin E. Peanut butter contains folic acid.

Peanuts are annual plant, belonging to the legume family. The peanut bean is equipped with a constriction and a durable shell. There are fruits inside the bean. In peanuts they are called kernels. Today, peanuts are no longer considered exotic plant. Many amateur gardeners already know and share secrets of how to grow peanuts at home.

Necessary conditions for cultivation


An important condition for a rich peanut harvest in the garden is sufficient good level lighting. The peanut bush should not be shaded by other plants.

If growing peanuts occurs at home, then you need to allocate a place for it with good lighting so that it falls on the plant sufficient quantity sunlight.

Window sills located on the east and south sides are perfect for this. If there is still not enough light, then you can use artificial lighting.

Optimal temperature conditions

Plays an important role in growing peanuts temperature regime. A comfortable temperature for the plant is from 20 to 27 degrees. When the temperature exceeds + 30 degrees and falls below – 15 degrees, the growth of the peanut bush stops.

Humidity level

During the flowering of peanuts, beans are formed underground, which constantly need moisture. Under no circumstances should water stagnate. Too much high humidity slows down seed ripening. This is why peanuts should not be sprayed.

Containers for growing peanuts

Sprouted peanut seeds are transplanted from small cups into wide containers, since the shoots should not be allowed to hang down over the edge of the container.

As soon as the flowering period ends, fruits begin to form. Branches with ovaries begin to descend down and burrow into the ground, where the fruits ripen.

In this regard, peanuts can only be planted in a fairly wide container.

Soil selection and fertilization

Soil selection

Considering that fruits form in the ground, you need to carefully choose the soil. Loose black soil is perfect for this; you can also plant seeds in sandy loam or neutral soil.

Potassium, magnesium and a large number of humus.

Fertilizers for feeding the soil

Growing peanuts requires fertilizing the soil several times per season. Feeding mineral fertilizers made per one hundred square meters:

  • Nitrogen is added in an amount of 0.45 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Phosphorus - the amount varies in the range of 0.5 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Potassium is applied exclusively to sandy loam soil in an amount not exceeding 0.45 kilograms.

Feeding periods

Fertilizing the soil is carried out three times during the period of growing peanuts in the garden:

  • The period of formation of true leaves.
  • The period of bud setting.
  • The period of fruit formation.

Plant Formation

Seed selection

For planting, you can use grains that were collected no earlier than 3 years ago.

The most popular varieties currently are:

  • Runner;
  • Virginia;
  • Spanish;
  • Valencia.

For temperate climate The following varieties are perfect:

  • Krasnodarets 13 and 14;
  • Steplyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskaya.

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the seeds are not processed or fried.

Formation of bushes

From peanut seeds, a low bush is formed, which consists of branched stems with feathery dark green leaves and small yellow flowers.

Peanut has one amazing feature: its flowering period is one day. This means that within 24 hours the flowers of the plant must have time to be pollinated in order to ensure the formation of fruits.

Pest protection

The most common pest is the mole cricket. To destroy it, you can make bait. To do this, you need to collect peelings and grain, then dig them in the garden next to the peanuts and cover them with roofing felt. A little manure or humus is poured onto the top. From time to time the bait needs to be checked and mole crickets collected.

From seedling to first harvest

Planting peanuts

Growing peanuts begins with sprouting seeds. To do this, you can use a saucer on which the grains are soaked in a damp cloth.

In the first days of summer, the sprouts are transplanted into prepared soil in the garden. It is advisable to make the beds 45 centimeters wide; everyone chooses the length themselves. Plant the sprouts at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other and 60 centimeters from the other row.

At the beginning of April, the seeds should be planted in plastic cups. The planting depth should be about 3 centimeters. The glasses are placed in a sunny place and watered.

Peanut seedling care

To reap a rich harvest, peanut bushes must be hilled several times during the season:

  • Before flowering begins, plants need to be earthed up; the height must be at least 50 centimeters;
  • 10 days after flowering;
  • then hilling should be carried out once every 10 days. At the beginning of August, hilling should be stopped.

Several times a season it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.


When the peanut bushes stop growing, their leaves and stems dry out and turn yellow, you can begin harvesting.

The plants need to be dug up and, after shaking off the remaining soil, put away to dry. They should be dried together with the bushes. After about 10 days you can separate the beans.

It turns out that growing peanuts at home and in the garden is a very simple process and every gardener can do it.

Peanut crops in central and southern Russia are quite rare, but with some knowledge, even without the slightest experience, getting a harvest of this crop is quite simple. Peanuts belong to annuals, the family is legumes.. The bush of the plant is small, up to 40 cm in height, with pinnate leaves. Flowers yellow color small. After the flowers die, fruits, protected by a peel, begin to form in the ground.


Concerning pollination and production of peanut crop, then this process is quite complicated, because the flower lives for only a day and during this time it must be pollinated, therefore abundant flowering plants are invisible. Favorable conditions for the formation of the ovary do not always exist, but the peculiarity of the plant is that it can form up to 200 flowers during the entire period of vegetative development.

The peculiarity of peanut fruiting is the following fact - the fruits are not formed in root system like potatoes, and in mustache, which sends out plants from lateral branches in place of flowers. Based on the above, it should be noted that the plant during the period of fruit formation Frequent hilling is required loose soil.

Peanuts are considered to be native to South America, where their relatives grow in unprotected soil like weeds, thanks to the ideal balance of air temperature (high) and humidity (medium humidity). Under our conditions, fruits are not preserved in the soil during wintering; high humidity can contribute to the plant becoming infected with contagious fungal diseases, and low humidity causes flowers to fall off. This crop grows ideally at temperatures +20…+27 degrees. The plant is stunted at temperatures above +30 degrees and below 15 degrees.

In the open ground our crop can only be planted in the south of Russia, although many gardeners are cultivating “groundnuts” in other regions. This is possible thanks to a huge number of peanut varieties, more than 700.

It is recommended to plant peanuts in the soil sprouted seeds - in the southern regions seeds are planted in prepared holes in open ground, V middle lane It is recommended to plant seeds in a film greenhouse(possibly between rows between other crops, for example, between tomatoes).

If peanuts do not sprout, then the reasons should be sought in the seeds - they may be damaged or dry, so nuts from the market are not always full-fledged seed material.

Preparing seed material for planting

There are several methods for preparing peanut seeds before planting in the soil: germination And growing two-week-old seedlings V peat cups. In the latter case, the ripening time of the plant is accelerated, the plant is not damaged by the mole cricket. To protect plants from this pest, baits are made: peelings and rejected root crops are dropped into the soil, then the area is covered with a sheet of roofing material and sprinkled with earth. Traps need to be checked periodically when collecting mole crickets.

Peanut seeds should be soaked at the end of April., and germination lasts 10 days. To disinfect seeds, use a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate. In the middle lane It is recommended to harden the seeds, do it as follows: during the day, within 18-20 hours, the seeds are kept at a temperature of +2...+3 degrees, at night at room temperature.

The duration of seed hardening should last no more than three days.

After the sprouts appear, the seeds are planted in cups with previously prepared loose soil or in a permanent place in unprotected soil. When planting plants in open ground, leave a distance of 20 centimeters between plants, and 25 centimeters between rows. Peanut is a heat-loving culture Therefore, it is better to cover the plantings with a film pre-stretched over a prepared frame; remove the film only after stable warm weather has established.

According to folk beliefs Peanuts in the southern regions can be planted without the use of protective structures - this time comes with the flowering of viburnum.

Agricultural technology for growing peanuts

The main activity when growing peanuts is their hilling; the amount of harvest depends on the number and correctness of hilling. Peanuts bloom in the last ten days of June and continues to bloom almost until the end of August. At this time, experienced gardeners carry out several hillings peanut plants. For the first time, it is recommended to fill the root zone of plants by about 3 centimeters with a mixture of garden soil and compost. In August, you need to carry out two more hillings with the same mixture, adding up to 2 centimeters of the same bedding.

Peanut harvesting begin with the beginning of yellowing of the leaves in September. The plant must be carefully dug up so as not to damage the fruits and shaken to remove the soil. Drying beans in the sun, together with the above-ground part. After about two weeks, the fruits are ready for further use. It is recommended to keep the nuts for sowing with the peel, so they are better preserved.

Peanuts are used to make coffee, cocoa, and halva; they are eaten raw or fried, added with salt and served with beer, and used as an additive to chocolate and other products. Nuts contain linoleic acid, vitamins B and E.

Growing peanuts in the garden, watch the video:

Peanuts planting and growing (part 1)

Peanuts planting and growing (part 2)

Peanuts planting and growing (part 3)

Peanuts planting and growing (part 4)