Asbestos-cement wave slate: advantages and weight of the roof. What is the weight of slate - how much do sheets of different types of material weigh? Weight of slate 1 m2

8 wave slate is a material used for roofing, so its weight plays a very important role. Not everyone knows how much a sheet of 8-wave slate weighs when handling a roof covering. But it is so important to take into account the weight of the material, especially when developing the design of a future roof.

What kind of material is this?

Slate is a roofing material that has excellent performance characteristics and relatively low cost. It is quite easy to recognize it among other roofing materials. It is made from a mixture of cement and asbestos, supplied in corrugated sheets. If previously slate was a rather difficult material to install and operate due to its fragility, modern manufacturers offer us an improved version of it, mainly intended for covering the roofs of private houses.

Weight is an important aspect

Most often, 8-wave slate is used for work, as it is quite practical, inexpensive, and easy to install. The most important thing is to know how much 8-wave slate weighs. Weight of one square meter roofing is approximately 9.5-17.5 kilograms, where everything directly depends on the thickness of the sheet. So, if you take an average sheet, it can weigh 23 kilograms.

Modern slate can have a regular, reinforced or unified profile, where, accordingly, the weight of the sheet changes. Thus, slate with a regular profile has the lowest weight, and slate with a reinforced profile has the highest weight. As for such an indicator as the weight of 7 wave slate, it is slightly less, and its width is 980 millimeters compared to its “brother”. The weight of this and so popular roofing material is ~20 kg and it consists of:

  • amount of asbestos;
  • how evenly it is placed in the cement;
  • grinding fineness.

Traditional slate made of cement and asbestos is not the only option on the construction market. For example, there is commercially available plastic material, which is much lighter in weight and easier to install. But it is unlikely that he is a full-fledged slate.

When arranging your roof, it is worth remembering not only the availability of available tools and the material itself, but also taking into account the weight of the slate chosen for the work. Otherwise, incorrectly selected material may have a negative impact on general condition rafter system.

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Composition and types

Slate is a material made from a mixture of asbestos, Portland cement and purified water, which is used for roofing and wall cladding. During the production process, all ingredients are mixed into the required proportion, laid out in a mold and then left there until completely hardened. It is highly resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays, does not burn, is not afraid of temperature changes. Depending on the shape and purpose, there are 2 types of slate:

  • Wave. This type of material is a roofing material with sheets rectangular shape, which as a result of molding acquire a wavy profile. Wave slate used for laying on the roof slope, since due to the gutters it drains liquid better. Manufacturers recommend using it if the slope angle exceeds 12 degrees. Considering how much wave-type slate weighs, installation is carried out on a reinforced sheathing.

  • Flat. Flat slate, unlike wave slate, does not have a characteristic relief. He is flat sheet made of asbestos cement in the form of a rectangle or square. This material is most often used for cladding walls, building fences, and also for insulating areas in contact with elements of the chimney and heat-generating devices. However, flat slate is sometimes used as a roofing covering if the roof slope is greater than 25 degrees. It has greater mechanical strength, high resistance to low temperatures and moisture.

    Note! The weight of slate, depending on the size and type of sheet, is 23-39 kg. This means that per 1 m2 of area there is a load of 9-17 kg without taking into account the weight of the thermal insulation material. To make a coating from this material, you should take into account the possible weight roofing pie when calculating the foundation and rafter frame of a house. Without the necessary safety margin, the structure will collapse or warp.

    Number of combs

    However, wave slate is more often used to construct roofs. Manufacturers produce products various sizes, so that it is suitable for private construction, in which small-sized buildings predominate, as well as for the construction industrial buildings large area. According to GOST on this type products are distinguished between slate with standard, unified and reinforced profiles. But it is easier for the buyer to navigate using another classification based on the number of waves in the sheet:

    1. 5-wave. Slate with 5 ridges on the surface is an innovation in the construction market, effective application which has not yet been found. The sheet size of this material corresponds to the dimensions of an 8-wave, but due to the larger wave width, the useful coverage area is only 1.6 m2. It turns out that 20% of the surface of the material is “eaten up” by the overlap.

  • 6-wave. This type of slate is produced with a sheet size of 1125x1750 cm, a thickness of 6-7.5 mm, and the distance between the ridges is 20 cm. It has a reinforced profile and weighs 26-35 kg, therefore it is used for construction in regions with high wind loads, for roofing large production facilities.

  • 7-wave. This type of slate with 7 ridges is traditional, therefore it has standard dimensions of 850x1750 cm, a sheet thickness of 5.8 mm and a weight of 23 kg. Due to the small coverage area and lightweight weight, 7-wave asbestos-cement roofing is widely used in private low-rise housing construction.

    7-wave and 8-wave sheet

  • 8-wave. The dimensions of this type of slate are 1130x1750 cm, thickness 5.2 mm or 5.8 mm, useful sheet area - 1977 cm. It is popularly used in industrial construction due to its impressive dimensions. The weight of each sheet is 23-32 kg, depending on the thickness of the material.
  • Important! Slate is considered a reliable and durable coating; it lasts at least 20-30 years. This inexpensive roofing material can withstand temperatures in the range from -50 to +80 degrees and does not burn. The weakness of the cipher is pinpoint strikes, which can easily lead to the sheet splitting. This feature must be taken into account when transporting, storing, and installing asbestos-cement coating.

    Weight of main slate grades


    Knowing how much a sheet of slate weighs, it’s easy to imagine how strong and bulky the roof truss system that they plan to cover with this material must be. Significant weight is main feature work with asbestos-cement roofing coverings. Professional roofers give 3 important tips to avoid problems in the operation of a slate roof:

    • Draw up a project and perform calculations. Slate roofing puts enormous stress on rafter frame, as well as the foundation of the house, so you need to calculate everything before starting installation.
    • Calculate your options. Slate is considered one of the cheapest roofing materials, however, the significant weight of the covering forces the foundation and roof frame to be strengthened. Large volume of concrete and quality wood are expensive, so sometimes it will be cheaper to purchase lighter and more expensive material (ondulin, corrugated sheets, bitumen shingles).
    • Don't forget about overlap. Inexperienced masters when counting required quantity material and total weight roofing cake they forget to take into account the overlap of sheets. Because of this, the calculations bearing capacity frame, an error creeps in, which can result in a complete collapse of the roof.

    GOST for roofing products made from asbestos cement

    Remember! Slate is a construction product that does not require mandatory certification to be allowed for sale. Most manufacturers regulate the quality of their products not by GOST, but by their own technical regulations. Therefore, carefully inspect appearance material when purchasing, so that the roof covering lasts no less than the period stated by the manufacturers.

    Slate roof installation

    Why is it important to determine the weight of a slate roof?

    If you decide to choose classic wave asbestos-cement slate as a roof covering, it is important to carefully approach the choice of the material itself (slate sheets vary in size and weight), as well as to the design load-bearing frame roofs.

    The thicker the asbestos-cement material, the higher its strength!

    By choosing asbestos-cement material of increased thickness, you can build a roof with high strength values. However, such a roofing covering will place an increased load on the frame, that is, it will be necessary to design rafter system increased strength - it will have to withstand with a reserve:

    • slate weight;
    • snow and wind loads (their parameters depend on climatic features and the slope of the slopes);
    • operational loads (weight of structures installed on the roof, people involved in installation work, cleaning or repairing the roof).

    A reinforced rafter system requires the use of thicker timber and boards and the installation of sheathing with smaller pitches. This not only increases the cost of constructing the roof, but also significantly increases its weight. In turn, the walls and foundation of the building must be strong enough to withstand the load from this structure.

    Rafter system under a slate roof

    Obviously, the weight of the roofing covering should be calculated at the design stage of the building in order to select the optimal parameters for all structural elements of the roof, walls and foundation. To do this, you should have information about how much a sheet of slate weighs.

    Designing slate roof it is necessary to decide on the method of laying the elements and the amount of horizontal and vertical overlaps. This parameter directly depends on the degree of slope of the roof slopes, snow and wind loads: a flat roof should have increased strength relative to snow load and requires increased overlaps and reinforced sheathing. After calculating the asbestos-cement material for the roof (the required number of flooring elements is determined), you can calculate the total mass of the roofing covering.

    As for efficiency, asbestos-cement material is one of the most affordable. But if you are designing a reinforced roof, the investment in rafter system components may outweigh the savings in roofing costs.

    Main characteristics

    The material for making slate is a mixture of Portland cement with asbestos, with the addition of water (ratio 4:84:11), while asbestos fibers function as reinforcement, increasing strength sheet material and resistance to tensile loads. Not all manufacturers adhere to GOST, so the strength indicator of a particular product may depend not only on thickness, but also on such parameters as the size of asbestos fibers, the fineness of cement grinding, and the density of the finished material.

    Available in two varieties asbestos cement roofing- a flat and wavy leaf with a number of ridges from five to eight. Wavy slate is divided into three types:

    1. VO - sheet of standard profile, rectangular shape 1120x680 mm;
    2. VU - reinforced, designed for use in the construction of industrial facilities, characterized by a size of 2800x1000 mm;
    3. CF is a material with a unified profile, medium format (most often 1750x1130 mm), primarily in demand in civil engineering.

    Types and dimensions of slate

    Private developers usually prefer 7-wave or 8-wave slate for roofing. Roofing materials vary in ridge height and the distance between the top points of the ridge. Accordingly, popular profiles have the following parameters:

    1. 40/150 (crest height is 40 mm, wave pitch is 150 mm);
    2. 54/200 (crest height is 54 mm, wave pitch is 200 mm).

    The wave height indicator is indicated for ordinary waves and overlapping waves, while the height of the extreme, overlapping wave is 32 mm for type 40/150 and 45 mm for type 54/200.

    The standard thickness of seven- and eight-wave asbestos-cement flooring elements is 5.2 and 5.8 mm (profile type 40/150), or 6 and 7.5 mm (profile type 54/200). This type of wave slate is in high demand among private developers due to the relatively small difference between the useful and nominal area of ​​​​the elements roofing.

    How to calculate the weight of a slate roof covering

    Using table values You can get information about how much slate of a certain type and size weighs. But the actual weight of the material depends on the manufacturer - its composition may include chrysotile, the amount of asbestos and its mechanical properties may differ from those prescribed by GOST, etc. If you want to calculate the weight of the roof covering of a future roof as accurately as possible, it is recommended to select in advance a reliable manufacturer of asbestos-cement material - when making calculations, it is convenient to focus on the weight of the corrugated sheets that it produces.

    8 wave sheet with dimensions 1750x1130x5.2 mm type 40/150 weighs 20.6 kg.

    We calculate the sheet area (in meters) using a calculator: 1.75 x 1.13 = 1.9775 (m)

    Then divide the weight of the sheet in kilograms by the area of ​​the sheet in meters:

    20.6. 1.9775 = 10.417 (kg) weighs 1 m 2 of asbestos-cement sheet with the given parameters.

    This calculation allows you to find out the weight of one square meter. meters of wave material based on total area sheet, not useful!

    This point must be taken into account when calculating the weight of the roof. When designing a roof, the quantity is calculated required material, including asbestos cement sheets. The elements are laid overlapping, so part of the sheet is “lost” - this is why the concept of the useful area of ​​a flooring element appears. But when calculating the weight of the roofing, overlaps cannot be neglected - their mass does not disappear anywhere.

    It is also necessary to take into account that when laying slate with cutting corners, part of the mass is lost - this leads to a slight decrease in the total weight of the roofing deck!
    Trimming corners on a sheet

    This means that calculating the weight of an asbestos-cement coating by simply multiplying the mass of 1 square meter. meter of material per slope area is impossible. It is necessary to determine the required number of corrugated sheets, find their total nominal area, and multiply the resulting value by the mass of a square meter of material.

    Correct calculation of the technical characteristics and weight of the roofing covering at the design stage of the building will allow optimizing the costs of constructing the rafter system and arranging the roofing pie.

    Chrysotile cement slate is a traditional roofing material that has been used for over 100 years. Affordable price and high reliability have guaranteed it great popularity among buyers in our time. The composition of chrysotile cement slate includes elements such as Portland cement, chrysotile (a special fibrous mineral) and water. Depending on the properties of chrysotile, the properties of the slate itself may change.

    Yes, on quality characteristics chrysotile cement slate is affected by:

    • percentage of chrysotile input into slate;
    • chemical composition of the fiber;
    • features of grinding Portland cement;
    • storage conditions in production.

    Traditional chrysotile cement slate is quite easy to recognize - it has a gray color and a clearly recognizable texture. The color of a slate sheet can vary from light to dark gray depending on the intensity of the color of the cement included in it. Unpainted slate is in great demand due to its affordable price and versatility, as well as high frost resistance and impressive strength characteristics.

    Also, the advantages of this roofing material include:

    • non-flammability (due to which chrysotile cement slate can be used for roofing even the most fire-hazardous objects);
    • big mechanical strength(such a roof is quite capable of supporting the weight of an adult without damage);
    • long service life.

    At the moment, many models of chrysotile cement slate are produced, which differ in sheet size and number of waves. Depending on the parameters, sheets of chrysotile cement slate can be used both for roofing and for the construction of various objects (greenhouses and greenhouses, fences, canopies, gazebos, etc.









    Chrysotile has another name - “mountain flax”. This mineral is divided into bundles of fibers, the tensile strength of which is comparable to the best brands become. Due to its low electrical conductivity, chrysotile is an excellent dielectric. Resistant to chemicals solar radiation, ozone, oxygen, insoluble in water.


    The main purpose of slate is roofing. Slate is used to cover residential and public buildings, industrial and utility buildings - workshops, warehouses, storage facilities, livestock complexes, farms, shops, garages, arrangement of weather canopies over open areas.

    Slate universal material, which is suitable for any type and modification of roofing, from complex multi-slope options mansard type, to the very simple options roofs - simple single-pitched and double-pitched.

    Slate is also used for the construction of wall fences and ventilated facades in the construction of residential and industrial buildings.

    Such a wide use of slate is possible thanks to its unique properties, which have been proven by centuries of use of this roofing material. The slate produced in Russia today is a modern, aesthetic material, and the variety of sizes and colors can satisfy any most demanding customer.

    Also, wavy slate is used in private household plots for creating fences and fences, strengthening beds.


    Another type of product that is made from chrysotile cement is free-flow and pressure pipes of various diameters.

    Pipes are used for the device:

    • heating networks, hot and cold water supply;
    • pipelines of free-flow and pressure sewerage;
    • drainage collectors of reclamation systems;
    • telephone cable channels;
    • instead of metal or wooden supports for fences;
    • for chimneys, air ducts and gas ducts;
    • garbage chutes in residential multi-storey buildings;
    • for covering roofs industrial buildings(instead of reinforced concrete);
    • for drainage through roads and crossings, etc.
    • for foundation supports during suburban and dacha construction.

    Pipes are also used in the construction of wells, as casing pipes for various wells.
    A pipe cut lengthwise is an excellent drain, and a pipe cut crosswise can serve as an excellent decorative element For summer cottage- a flowerpot, an urn or even a flowerbed. Chrysotile cement trays (instead of reinforced concrete) are used for laying heat pipes with subsequent thermal insulation and covering on top with the 2nd half of the tray. The trays are made from chrysotile cement pipes of all diameters (100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500 mm) sawn lengthwise and with a length corresponding to standard length pipes, or other lengths at the request of the customer.



    Modern slate is various shapes and sizes, a huge selection of colors and high-quality coating, which makes slate even more durable and resistant to external influences: adverse weather, mechanical damage and time.


    This roofing material is made from natural ingredients: cement, water and mineral fibers. Not used in slate production chemical compounds. Chrysotile cement slate will make your home an organic part of the surrounding nature.


    Slate has the best sound insulation among roofing materials. Neither rain nor hail will disturb the silence in your home. The intensity of the sound that occurs on the slate surface is reduced due to the special structure of this material.


    Gray slate has been used as a roofing material for over 100 years!!! This is one of the most durable roofing materials used in mass construction.


    Gray slate is still the most affordable roofing material. It is advisable to use it for both residential and commercial buildings - the cost of slate sheets and the cost of preparing the roof will pleasantly surprise you.


    One sheet of slate can easily support the weight of an adult man. It is not scratched or damaged during installation (provided the technology is followed).


    Slate is produced in Russian Federation 15 enterprises covering the entire geography of our country. In any region you can buy both locally produced slate and those brought from neighboring regions.


    When working with a roofing material such as slate, it is very important to know how much a sheet of slate weighs, since this indicator is essential for calculating the building’s rafter system. Therefore, it is very important to understand everything technical features slate and in particular what is affected by the weight of the slate sheet.

    The word “slate” takes its roots in the German language, where this term previously referred to tiles of roofing slate extracted from special rocks by splitting.

    Such slate is practically not used on modern roofs, although its name remains tied to a special wavy or flat material from asbestos cement. That is why slate today is a standard and widespread material.

    Technical characteristics of wave slate made of asbestos cement

    The weight of 1 m2 of wave slate is 10 – 14 kilograms (it all depends on the thickness of the material). Its composition is based on a mixture that includes asbestos, water and Portland cement.

    When understanding how much slate weighs, you need to take into account that the thin asbestos fibers that make up it and are evenly distributed in Portland cement play the role of a kind of protective mesh, thereby performing protective functions and increasing the strength of the material.

    Wave slate has the following modifications:

    • wave slate having an ordinary profile;
    • wave slate with a reinforced profile;
    • wave slate having a unified profile.

    The difference between these sheets is in size: the smallest slate sheets have a regular profile, the largest ones have a reinforced profile. Naturally, they are different.

    If we focus on the characteristics of the profile, it is worth noting that it comes in two categories: 40/150 and 54/200. The first number corresponds to the height of the slate wave, and the second – to its pitch. Indicators are indicated in millimeters.

    According to GOST standards, the dimensions of wave slate must be determined as follows:

    Specific gravity sheet slate in 8 waves depends on the thickness of the material and usually ranges from 23 to 26 kilograms.

    Concerning mechanical properties slate, then the following factors have a decisive influence on them:

    • presence of asbestos in the material;
    • uniform distribution inside the cement;
    • grinding grain size, etc.

    It is important to remember that if the roofing material is asbestos-cement slate, then the fundamental factor for choosing certain parts of the rafter system with required thickness is the mass of slate.

    In addition, a process such as slate painting will add durability, reliability and beauty to the roof. This is done using phosphate or silicate paints, to which various pigments are added.

    The most common slate colors are red-brown, blue, yellow, brick red and others. Paint applied to the material can protect the material from premature destruction, increases its resistance to low temperatures and reduces its water absorption properties. The durability of slate when painted increases approximately 1.5 - 2 times.

    Technical characteristics of flat slate made of asbestos cement

    Main advantage flat slate– this is the versatility of its application.

    Slate is a flat weight sheet, which has a direct impact on the structure of the roof base, and has a much wider application than solely for roofing.

    Such widespread use of this material is undoubtedly due to its high properties, practicality and relative cheapness.

    Aggressive environments are also not a serious obstacle to the normal operation of slate; moreover, it is capable of being close to the soil for a long time. for long years. The material is fireproof and easy to process.

    If we take into account the weight of one sheet of slate, then this indicator is quite acceptable so that both the roofing and other objects used for slate are installed with high quality.

    Detailed descriptions of flat slate with all its technical characteristics with photos and videos of its installation can be found on our website.

    Technical characteristics of wave slate using bitumen

    The similarity of these two coatings lies only in the similarity of shape and relatively low price, while the remaining characteristics are radically different.

    If we talk about the mass of the material, then the weight of 1 m2 of slate is approximately 3.2 kilograms, respectively, if the sheet area is 2 m2, then the weight will be approximately 6.5 kilograms. If we compare this result with the indicators of other roofing coverings, then he is exceptionally outstanding.

    How to lay slate, see details in the video:

    Of course, one cannot fail to mention the entire process of creating corrugated bitumen slate sheets, or ondulin:

    • the mixture from which the material is made consists of bitumen, plant and synthetic fibers, plasticizers and dyes. It is subjected to special processing - pressing, performed at high temperature(read also: " ").

      The final density of the material is quite low, which explains the low weight of the slate sheet;
    • strict adherence to the sequence of all stages of pressing makes it possible to create a multi-layer sheet, which will certainly give the material additional strength and resistance to external influences.

      In this case, bitumen plays the role of a waterproofing agent, and organic elements provide the necessary rigidity;
    • bitumen impregnation is also carried out in several stages, carried out in special vacuum chambers. After this, the sheets are painted in the desired color.

    The main advantages of ondulin:

    1. The material is environmentally friendly. It does not pose any danger to humans or nature; moreover, after its service life has expired, it can be subjected to secondary processing.
    2. Ondulin is resistant to chemical influences, fungi and bacteria cannot grow on it, and it will not decompose organically either.
    3. Comfort and ease of installation of the material. Thanks to the low weight of the ondulin sheet, all work on its installation can be done independently, without resorting to the usually expensive services of professional roofers.
    4. Due to its flexibility and ease, the material can be cut using a regular hand hacksaw or jigsaw.
    5. Ondulin is durable; depending on the manufacturer, its service life can vary from 10 to 30 years.

    Speaking about methods of painting ondulin sheets, we can distinguish 2 categories: matte and glossy. Matte sheets are processed using acrylic, and they are rough to the touch.

    Glossy sheets are more effective, since silicone is added to the paint composition, which adds shine and the necessary gloss. Such sheets are more expensive, but their resistance to snow and dirt is noticeably lower than that of matte sheets.

    Do you know what the weight of 8 wave slate is? But this information is very important for carrying out calculations, for example, of the rafter system during the construction of buildings. As you might have guessed, our article will focus on roofing material such as slate, its types, technical characteristics and, in particular, its weight.

    The word "" came to us from German language, where previously this was the name given to roofing slate tiles, mined by splitting special rocks.

    When equipping modern roofs, slate is practically not used, while the “name” is firmly fixed on asbestos-cement roofing materials wavy shape, as well as behind sheets of alternative materials of similar shape, and is therefore now quite common.

    Characteristics of asbestos-cement wave slate

    Such slate is one of the most used materials in roofing, and has been for decades. And this is not surprising, since it is practical, inexpensive and very convenient to install.

    Parameters of reinforced profile slate sheet

    Wave slate – weight 1 sq.m. the roofing weight of which is 10-14 kg (depending on the thickness of the product), is made from a mixture consisting of asbestos, Portland cement and water.

    At the same time, thin asbestos fibers, which are evenly distributed in Portland cement, act as a reinforcing mesh, significantly increasing the impact strength and strength of the material.

    Produce following types modifications of wave slate:

    • With a normal profile.
    • With reinforced profile.
    • With a unified profile.

    Such sheets differ from each other in their sizes: the smallest of them are slate sheets with an ordinary profile, the largest are with a reinforced profile.

    As for the profile itself, there are two types of sheets: 40/150 and 54/200, with the first number indicating the height of the wave, and the second the pitch of the slate wave, indicated in mm.

    According to GOST standards, the dimensions of corrugated slate are determined as follows:

    • their length is 1750 mm;
    • The width, depending on the number of sheet waves, can be:
    1. 980 mm for slate in 8 waves;
    2. 1125 mm for slate in 6 waves;
    3. 1130 mm for slate in 7 waves.
    • the thickness for a 40/150 profile should be 5.8 mm, for a 54/200 profile - 6 mm or 7.5 mm.
    • The ordinary wave of the overlapping sheet, depending on the type of slate sheet profile, is produced with a height of 40 or 54 mm, while the overlapping one is 32 or 45 mm, respectively.

    If you take a standard 8-wave slate sheet, its weight, depending on the thickness, will be from 23 to 26 kg.

    Regarding mechanical characteristics of this material, then they are largely determined by factors such as:

    • asbestos content;
    • uniform placement in cement;
    • grinding fineness and others.

    Advice! Remember that if you choose asbestos-cement slate for your roofing, the weight of the sheet should serve as a guide for choosing elements of the rafter system of one thickness or another.

    In order to improve durability as well as decorative properties, slate is painted with phosphate or silicate paints using various kinds pigments.

    Often, wave asbestos-cement slate is painted blue, red-brown, brick-red, yellow and other colors. Paint applied to slate protects the material from destruction, reduces its water-absorbing properties and increases frost resistance.

    At the same time, the durability of slate sheets with a protective coating applied to them increases by 1.5-2 times.

    Characteristics of flat asbestos-cement slate

    Painted slate has great durability and attractive appearance

    Compared to wave slate, flat roofing sheet has somewhat similar properties, but still has some differences.

    Such sheets are made in two ways: with and without pressing.

    At the same time, the weight of flat slate produced using pressing will be significantly higher than without it, however specifications pressed sheet will be significantly higher.

    For example, pressed slate can withstand at least 50 freezing cycles, while an unpressed sheet is almost 2 times less.

    And even after the specified number of freezing cycles, the sheets remain quite strong, losing only about 10% in reliability from the original indicator.

    The rather high strength parameters of flat slate are impressive: depending on the manufacturer, the sheet can withstand a bending force of 20-50 MPa, and a compressive force of 90-130 MPa.

    However, the main advantage of flat finishing material serves the versatility of its use.

    Flat slate - the weight that allows the construction of a roofing base without additional reinforcing elements, is applicable not only as a roofing covering.

    It can serve as both external and internal lining buildings, as partitions between rooms, is in great demand in the agricultural sector and livestock farming.

    The versatility of using flat slate is due not least to the high practicality and low cost of the material.

    Flat slate is resistant to aggressive environments and can be in contact with open ground, fireproof, relatively easy to process.

    If we take into account the weight, flat slate is a completely acceptable material in this regard, both for covering the roof and for use in other areas.

    Characteristics of wave bitumen slate

    Flat slate: the weight of the covering allows the use of a roof truss system without additional reinforcement

    Wave bitumen euro slate or simply ondulin is a more modern product from a technical point of view than asbestos-cement slate sheet.

    These types of coatings are completely different from each other, and the only things that remain in common between them are, perhaps, their shape, relatively low cost and purpose.

    How much does slate weigh using bitumen? With a sheet area of ​​approximately 2 sq.m. its weight is only approximately 6.5 kg, which is simply phenomenal by roofing standards.

    Most types of bitumen corrugated sheets are produced as follows:

    • Fiber-bitumen mass, which includes bitumen, synthetic and vegetable fibers, dyes and plasticizers, are pressed at high temperatures. In this case, the final density of the material is achieved quite low, which largely determines the low weight of the slate sheet.
    • Pressing is performed in several stages in a certain sequence, which results in a multilayer sheet structure that gives the material high strength and resistance to mechanical stress. In this mixture, bitumen serves as a waterproofing agent, while organic matter gives rigidity to the sheets.
    • Impregnation with bitumen is also carried out in vacuum chambers in several stages, after which the sheets are painted.

    Euroslate has many advantages, including:

    • Flexibility and ease of processing even. The material is quite easy to cut hand hacksaw or a jigsaw.
    • Durability, which varies from 10 to 30 years among different manufacturers.

    Advice! With all the advantages of wave bitumen slate (ondulin), it is still not recommended for use in areas with a hot summer climate, since under significant thermal loads the bitumen softens slightly, due to which the sheet temporarily loses its declared rigidity and, accordingly, overall strength.

    By painting method bitumen sheets divided into 2 types - glossy and matte. Matte sheets are painted acrylic paint, while they feel rough to the touch.

    Glossy sheets look more beautiful and brighter due to the addition of silicone to the paint, which provides this same gloss and shine. Sheets with a glossy finish are more expensive and are less able to retain snow and dirt.

    In addition to the above mentioned slate options, corrugated roofing sheets made from plastic (PVC) have recently appeared on the market. They are currently used mainly for covering gazebos, terraces, all kinds of canopies and greenhouses.

    Plastic slate is quite lightweight, easy to process and install, and has many other advantages. However, this is a new product for the construction market, so few people yet decide to build more serious roofing structures from it.

    So, we found out what slate is, learned about some of its varieties, found out why and how much a sheet of slate of one type or another weighs.

    Let's hope that this information subsequently it will help you more clearly and quickly decide on the choice of slate for covering the roof of your own home.

    Words like "slate" or asbestos cement sheets familiar to many firsthand. Today, although this is an old-generation roofing material, it still does not lose its leading position in the construction market. It is easy to use, inexpensive and durable.

    How many people have ever wondered how much 1 m2 of slate weighs? Of course, this is not so important for people far from construction; it’s a different matter for professionals or amateur developers who intend to cover the roof with these materials. The weight of the slate is of particular importance for them, since, for example, the calculation of the rafter system depends on it.

    How much it weighs is also important because its installation is done manually, that is, it requires physical effort, and considerable effort. The weight of the sheet must also be known when organizing the transportation of building materials in order to select transport with the appropriate carrying capacity.

    Material characteristics and dimensions

    Today, the most common material is one that contains asbestos and cement mixed with water. The components are in the ratio of 85 to 11 and to 4. There are wave and flat ACLs, each of which has its own modifications:

    • – pressed and unpressed;
    • – reinforced, conventional and unified.

    They also differ in their dimensions, which, in addition to length and width, include wave parameters such as height and pitch, which determine the profile of the sheet. There are two of them - 40 by 150 and 54 by 200 mm. By the number of waves they are, say, .

    Another version of slate is bitumen, in which the bitumen base is added synthetic fibers and plasticizer. The mass is baked at high temperature, then it is molded under pressure. The resulting sheets are similar to asbestos-cement sheets only in shape. As for the characteristics of the materials, they differ greatly, for example, bitumen weighs much less, say, for one sheet of 2 m2 it is only 6.5 to 7 kg. This environmentally friendly material, easy to install, chemically neutral, resistant to the formation of fungus, mold and others.

    The most common among the available types is bitumen, etc., but asbestos-cement has become the most popular. The weight of the slate is determined primarily by the dimensions and thickness of the profile.

    Weight of sheet 7 wave, 8, 6

    ACL can be transported to the construction site using small-sized transport. It is obvious that its load capacity is strictly limited, so it is understandable why it is so important to have an idea of ​​how much 1 sheet of material weighs.

    Considering a large assortment ACL, let’s determine the parameters of the main varieties, in particular, how much 7-wave slate, 8-wave slate and 6-wave slate weigh. This parameter provides an answer to such important questions for construction as whether the structure will be able to support the entire mass of the coating, or whether it will cause excessive shrinkage.

    A certain confusion in the state of affairs is brought about by the fact that sheets made by different manufacturers according to their own specifications, they may have some variation in length and width. Naturally, this must necessarily affect the final weight of the product.

    Therefore, we will consider profiles made according to the requirements of state standard 30340-95. IN suburban construction 7-8 wave profiles of standard size 40 by 150 are predominantly used. As indicated in GOST, their thickness can take two values ​​- 5.8 and 5.2 mm. In the first case, the mass is:

    • eight-wave product is equal to 26.1 kg;
    • seven-wave – 23.2 kg.

    A thickness reduction of just 0.6 mm lightens the profiles by approximately 4–4.5 kg.

    It is performed with an overlap of one or two waves by the adjacent sheet, which reduces usable area. It is its value that is used when calculating the number of profiles required to cover a given roof.
    When making calculations, you can use the following hint: to cover 100 m2, you need 64 eight-wave profiles or 75 seven-wave profiles.

    Let's calculate the load exerted by a roof covering made of corrugated material per 1 m2. For an eight-wave profile, the number of sheets (64) is multiplied by the weight of each of them (26.1 kg), after which the result (1670 kg) is divided by 100. As a result, we obtain that the eight-wave profile affects 1 m2 roofing structure load of 16.7 kg. For a seven-wave one, this value is 17.4 kg.

    A larger load requires more floors, so for buildings with a light foundation, eight-wave material is used, since it acts on the walls and foundation with less force.

    When developing a roof project, the load created by natural phenomena, say, snowfall.
    The weight of products of standard size 50 by 200 (six-wave profile) is determined by its thickness: at 6 mm it is 26 kg, and at 7.5–35.

    The mass of this roofing material, in addition to its size and thickness, also depends on factors such as the composition and structure of the profile, say, the degree of grinding of raw materials at the stage of molding the product. Many homeowners today prefer painted material - it is more practical and more weather-resistant, not to mention the expressiveness of the roof. So, priming and painting also leads to a certain increase in the weight of the profiles.

    Increases the load from the asbestos-cement profile and increases humidity. This fact is also taken into account in GOST standards - calculations related to the mass of these products are performed taking into account a humidity of 12%.

    How much does 10 mm, 8 mm flat slate weigh?

    Widely used in various fields I also received flat slate. The weight of the sheet in this case is determined not only by its dimensions, but also by whether it is pressed or unpressed. If an unpressed flat ACL weighs 18–104 kg, then a pressed one weighs 20–162 kg.

    This material is often used as roofing. They cover both small buildings and fairly large objects, mainly in the economic sector. This is mainly due to the weight of the product, which is calculated at an average of 12 kg per 1 m2 ( minimum value– 10, and maximum – 14 kg). Parameters are selected depending on the project and construction needs.

    One of the oldest roofing coverings is slate. Despite the fact that today the market is oversaturated with modern roofing materials, slate continues to be used to cover garages and other technical structures, not least due to its low price.

    Slate characteristics

    Roofing slate is asbestos cement sheets. Their main advantages, besides price, are diversity overall dimensions, allowing you to perform the roof with a minimum of waste, non-flammability, water resistance. Service life - 40 years, with good care longer.

    Today's technologies make it possible to produce not only nondescript gray sheets, but also colored: blue, green, brown, red. The main disadvantage is the heavy weight. The technology for laying the roof is simple, but the weight of the sheets complicates the process.

    There is flat and profile slate. The profile is divided by the number of waves. GOST standards describe the range of standard sizes of asbestos cement sheets:

    Dimensions of flat slate: length from two and a half to three and a half meters, width 1.2 or 1.5 with a thickness of 8-20 millimeters;

    Five-wave. Slate dimensions: 5.8 mm thickness, length 1.98 meters, wave pitch 26.3 cm. With such dimensions, the sheet covers only 1.6 squares, so the material is not widely used;

    Six-wave. Width 112 centimeters, size 54/200 with thickness 0.6 and 0.75. The heaviest type, used primarily for covering the roofs of industrial facilities;

    Semivolnovoy is popular in private development. Standard sizes slate 1.78 meters by 98 cm, slate thickness 5.8 mm;

    Eight waves. 5.2 and 5.8, 1.75 by 1.13 meters.

    How much does a slate sheet of popular brands weigh:

    Seven-wave, depending on the size and thickness, the weight of the slate sheet is 18.5-23 kilograms, 9.5-12 - a square meter;

    Eight-wave – 21-35 kg, weight of 1 m2 of slate 10.5-18 square.


    The cost of a slate sheet depends on the brand of material, thickness, and color. The least popular color is gray, it costs less: about 400 rubles for an eight-wave sheet, from 350 for seven waves.
    Colored (green, red, etc.) sheets cost from 500 rubles for both seven and eight waves.