White beam black ear exam problems. "White Bim Black Ear": analysis of the work of Troepolsky G.N.

There is not only good in the world, but also evil. There are not only good people, but also evil ones. This is exactly what Troepolsky’s book “White Bim Black Ear” is about. Reviews of the story have never been indifferent. Neither in the early seventies, when the book was first published, nor today, more than twenty years after the death of the writer.

about the author

Before we talk about reviews of the work “White Bim Black Ear,” it is, of course, worth paying attention to the writer who created it. Gabriel Troepolsky composed a story that brings tears to readers regardless of age. A story the likes of which, unfortunately, take place in our cruel world.

The rest of Troepolsky's works are little known. However, even when we talk about “White Bim”, many remember the film adaptation by Stanislav Rostotsky, nominated for an Oscar. But the topic of today's article is not the film, but the literary source.

Gabriel Troepolsky was born in 1905 in the Voronezh region. I started writing during my school years. In 1924 he graduated from the agricultural school, after which he worked as a teacher. And then he worked as an agronomist for many years. He was engaged in literary creativity throughout his life, with the exception of a short period after the publication of his first story. The author was quite critical of this work. Later, Gabriel Nikolaevich recalled that after reading his debut story, he decided that he would not become a writer.

However, Troepolsky was wrong. He became a writer. Moreover, one of the best Soviet prose writers who created works for young readers. Although the book “White Bim Black Ear”, about which there are only enthusiastic reviews, is read by both children and adults.

A book about devotion and compassion

Gabriel Troepolsky wrote such works as from “From the Notes of an Agronomist”, “Candidate of Sciences”, “Land and People”, “Chernozem”. Most he dedicated books to nature, native land. In 1971, Troepolsky wrote a touching story about devotion, love, and mercy.

Reviews and responses to the book “White Bim Black Ear” in the early seventies were not long in coming. Critics immediately responded to this work. Two years later, Rostotsky decided to make a film.

Alexander Tvardovsky did not leave a review of the book “White Bim Black Ear”. The writer, poet, journalist, chief editor of the famous literary magazine passed away in December 1971 and did not have time to read his friend’s work. But this story, as you know, is dedicated to Tvardovsky - the man thanks to whom the name of the author of the story “White Bim Black Ear” became known to Soviet readers back in the sixties.

Critics' reviews of Troepolsky's book were positive. This is evidenced by state award, which the author received in 1975. Literary figures appreciated artistic features works, its instructive and even in some way pedagogical value. But let's finally talk about reader reviews about the book “White Bim Black Ear”. What conquered ordinary people, far from art and literature, a sad story about an English setter of a strange, atypical color?

Troepolsky's book shows the ordinary world of people through the eyes of a dog. The writer sacrificed his main character in order to show that evil sometimes outweighs good. The death of a sincere, kind, devoted creature at the hands of cruel, selfish people, of whom, according to the writer, there are more in this world than the kind and merciful - that is the whole plot of the story.


Ivan Ivanovich is an elderly, lonely man. He lost his son in the war. Then his wife passed away. Ivan Ivanovich got used to loneliness. He often talks with the portrait of his deceased wife, and these conversations seem to calm him down, soften the pain of loss.

One day he acquired a puppy - a thoroughbred, but with traces of degeneration. The puppy's parents were purebred English setters, and therefore he should have been black in color. But Bim was born white. Ivan Ivanovich chose a puppy with an atypical color - he liked the eyes, they were kind and smart. From that moment on, the friendship between man and dog began - sincere, selfless, devoted. One day, turning out of habit to the portrait of his wife hanging on the wall, Ivan Ivanovich said: “You see, now I’m not alone.”


One day Ivan Ivanovich fell seriously ill. The wound received during the war took its toll. The dog was waiting for him, looking for him. Much has been said about dog loyalty, but none of them literary works This topic is not addressed so touchingly. While waiting for the owner, Bim encounters different people: both good and evil. The cruel ones, unfortunately, turn out to be stronger. Bim dies.

The dog spends the last minutes of his life in the dog catchers' car. Returning from the hospital, Ivan Ivanovich finds his pet, but it is too late. He buries Bim, and the boys who managed to fall in love with the smart one good dog during his absence, says nothing about it.

There are works not only Russian, but also Soviet literature, not to read which means to seriously deprive yourself. Such books must be read, more than once and in at different ages. They make you think about eternal truths and enduring human values.

"White Bim Black Ear": summary

In terms of plot, this is a very simple story. About smart dog, whom the writer and hunter took in, about his life with his beloved owner. The story is told as if from the perspective of three narrators: the owner, Bim himself and the author. Moreover, the author also conveys Bim’s impressions, but the style of narration changes radically. Childhood, hunting, communication with a wise and selflessly loved person - here happy life Bima before the owner's illness. This dog is White Bim Black Ear. The summary cannot give an idea of ​​Bim’s perception of the human world, of all the dog’s experiences, of all the misadventures that befell him.

Bim is looking for his dear owner and dies literally a few hours before he is discharged from the hospital. If you don’t read the book “White Bim Black Ear”, the summary will not help you sympathize with Bim; he will remain one of the dogs who were simply unlucky.

A film was made based on the story, which is now known even better than the work itself. It must be admitted that the director repeatedly used common melodramatic techniques. The film is a heart-warming story, while the book, if you read it carefully, is also a story about Soviet society. There are many like this: they got lost, found themselves homeless, abandoned due to the death of their owners or due to their irresponsibility. Not all of the “lost ones,” of course, are as smart as Bim, they understand words, they are as intelligent, but they all look at the world with the same confidence as he does. In the book, Bim, of course, is strongly humanized; he thinks and acts not according to instincts, but like a person. This is what causes such a strong emotional reaction.

The film “White Bim Black Ear”, a brief summary of which can be summarized in two lines, is a two-part series. And all of this is Bim’s misadventures, which are watched in one breath.

But while sympathizing with Bim in the book, is everyone ready to behave the same way in life? The work “White Bim Black Ear” touches and makes you cry, but does it teach anything? Or do emotions remain on their own and do not influence actions? Is anyone ready to adopt a stray dog? There are a lot of these in our cities, but for almost all people they only cause irritation. The book “White Bim Black Ear,” the contents of which many knew from childhood, taught kindness to absolutely not everyone. Why is this happening? Why don’t the most wonderful literature, the most exquisite ones, automatically change a person, simply because of the strong impression they made? In order to become kinder, more humane, it is necessary to carry out enormous internal work. Every new generation should definitely read books like this in order to learn to be more attentive to those around them.

Why does the author kill Bim?

I read the sad book by G. Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”. This book tells about the sad fate of a dog.
Bim is a smart and cute dog, but he had a non-standard color. Setters are usually black, raven-colored, with reddish spots. And Bim is white, with a black ear and a black paw, and his other ear is red. Bim has kind and smart eyes.
Ivan Ivanovich, Bim’s owner, was a participant in the war, and a shrapnel hit him in the chest. Ivan Ivanovich often felt bad, his heart ached. And when Ivan Ivanovich became very ill, he went to the hospital. From that moment on, Bim's troubles began.
When Bim wandered in search of his best friend, master Ivan Ivanovich, he exposed his life to danger and injury. During the search, Bim became disabled: his paw was pinched on the arrow, the evil Gray guy hit him hard on the head and posted advertisements stating that Bim was mad.
On his way, Bim learned a lot of bad and good people. He was in a village hunting, where he was injured by the evil hunter Klim, who kicked him hard.
At the end of his adventures, near the house, Bim met an uncultured aunt who sent him to the slaughterhouse. There he met his death. Bim died from long agony and longing for Ivan Ivanovich.
But Bim did not live his life meaninglessly. His traces remained on the ground. Perhaps Bim is the kindest, patient, loyal, purposeful, intelligent dog. Bim made friends with the guys who were looking for him when he was wandering around looking for a friend. He helped Ivan Ivanovich find new acquaintances. Bim influenced many people, including Tolik’s parents. They allowed their son to keep a dog at home.
I don't really like this book because I love animals, and in this story an innocent dog is tortured. But perhaps the writer wanted to talk about real events. G. Troepolsky killed Bim in order to create serious literature. Bim could not die the usual death of a dog, because he himself is unusual. He is smarter than other dogs. And Bim thinks almost like a person.
Sad books can sometimes help solve a problem. When people read such books, their hearts do not become stone.

From the site administration

I found it interesting story about the creation of one of my favorite films. I watch it very rarely and in pieces, it’s a sad film... Another confirmation that our most faithful friends are dogs, not people...

In 35 years, I have never watched this film to the end.
...to little people who will later become adults. A word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children.”
— Words from the author of the book Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky to all readers “White Bim Black Ear

The circumstances of the creation of the story and the film of the same name are already history. The Regional Archives contains the issue of the newspaper “Commune” for September 23, 1977. Here is an enthusiastic article by writer Viktor Popov - in fact, the first review of the film. This was six years after the first publication of the story in the magazine “Our Contemporary”. And “White Beam - Black Ear” became, as they say now, a bestseller.
The first book edition of the famous story. The text was submitted for typesetting to the publishing house "Soviet Writer" in March 1972. The author dedicated the story to Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky; this dedication is absent in most subsequent editions.

In 1971, a book by the Voronezh writer Gavriil Troepolsky was published, in which he told the sentimental story of a dog devoted to its owner who unexpectedly got into trouble. The owner, Ivan Ivanovich, former journalist, and now a philosophizing hunter and military man, due to a disturbing shrapnel in his chest, he is suddenly taken away for surgery in a Moscow hospital.
A dog in search of its owner meets many people, good and bad, old and young, and all of them are described through the eyes of the dog, through the prism of its perception.
The end of the story is tragic: after going through many trials and almost waiting for his master to return, Bim dies, becoming a victim of betrayal and slander from his neighbor.

Immediately after the first publication of the story in the magazine “Our Contemporary”, it became, as they say now, a bestseller. And director Stanislav Rostotsky, who by that time had directed such famous films as “It Happened in Penkov,” “We’ll Live Till Monday,” “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet,” became interested in her.

Stanislav Iosifovich himself wrote the script based on the book and soon began filming on location, which, by the way, took place in Kaluga.
However, while preparing for the filming of “White Bim”, the director had to face difficulties.

The start of filming was delayed for three years - sometimes at the studio. M. Gorky was demanded to make changes to the script, then he had to wait for the actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov to become available (in the role of Bim, Ivan Ivanovich, Rostitsky had only seen “Stirlitz”), then the director suddenly took pity on the dog actors... An interesting story is connected with the last fact.

“White Bim Black Ear” is the only Soviet film of those years that was entirely shot on expensive Kodak film. The domestic “Svema” had extremely low sensitivity, and in order to have a clear image on the screen, the actors were “fried” with powerful spotlights.

But the artists got used to it: “They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to act,” Rostotsky harshly cut, but the director felt sorry for the dogs. In order to prevent the four-legged performers from suffering on the set from the heat and bright light, Stanislav Iosifovitch spent a long time begging money from his superiors to buy sensitive Kodak film. And he knocked it out - as much as a fourfold margin. Only after this did filming begin.

Rostotsky invited famous actors to play roles in the two-part film. Vyacheslav Tikhonov agreed to film with great pleasure, because by that time he was already fed up with the tightly stuck label of Standartenführer Otto Stirlitz. And the image of a good-natured dog owner came in handy.
Tikhonov agreed to film with great pleasure

But the director had to suffer with the image of Bim. In the book, the dog is described as a Scottish setter, born “with a defect”, with the wrong color - instead of black, it was white with red spots, only the ear and one paw were black. Expert cynologist Viktor Somov, who worked in the film, suggested replacing the Scottish setters with English ones of a suitable color.

Stepka turned out to be especially capable, who participated in the most important scenes. The most difficult scene on the set was the episode in which Ivan Ivanovich has a heart attack. The dog had to play affection, care, sympathy for his sick owner, concern about his health. Even Stanislav Rostotsky, who was delighted with Styopa’s acting talent (“He is so smart that he seems to be reading the script,” the director once said), doubted that the dog could do it.

The task was complicated by the fact that the filming had to be done in one take - a dog cannot, like a person, play emotions to order over and over again. The solution was proposed by dog ​​handler Viktor Somov.

Dogs are always truthful in their actions,” he said in an interview. - Therefore, it was necessary for Bim to truly love and worry about his “master” - actor Tikhonov.

The fact is that dogs cannot play or pretend to be anything. They are always truthful in their feelings and actions. Therefore, it was necessary for Bim to truly love his master, artist Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Tie and make a hunting dog fall in love with you short term only possible by hunting. To do this, Tikhonov had to spend considerable time hunting with Bim, walking through forests and swamps, shooting game from under him, and sharing the joys of hunting together.

Then on a short time they were separated and Bim was not taken hunting. Now the moment of Bim’s meeting with V. Tikhonov was supposed to throw out all his dog-like feelings. The shooting was responsible, since it was impossible to get a double. The scene was rehearsed without Bim, and when everything was ready, they let the dog in. How it all turned out, you saw on the screen

In this film, many scenes were done without rehearsals, since for them the dog had to be specially prepared for a long time and trained only for one time. It was an interesting job. I had to constantly show ingenuity and resourcefulness, based on knowledge of the psychology of the dogs that I had to meet throughout my life. It was necessary to take into account the character traits of the main character, Bim.

The main character of the film was undoubtedly the dog. And it was the setter that Rostotsky selected for a long time and carefully, arranging many hours of castings. As a result, two candidates were selected - the English setter Steve (aka Styopa) and his backup Dandy.

Dandy appears on the screen very briefly, but very vividly: in the scene where Bim gets his paw stuck in a railroad switch and desperately looks at the lights of the train rushing towards him. They say that two years later, when “White Bim” was nominated for an Oscar in the category “Best foreign film"The Americans gave this episode a standing ovation.

Stanislav Rostotsky offered Vladimirova the role of a villain in the film “White Bim Black Ear.” The actress had to play the aunt who brought the poor dog to death. As if sensing evil, Valentina Kharlampievna refused for a long time, but then took pity on the director. He hit the mark with his choice, she really played this role brilliantly. But no one imagined that the film would become a box office success, and that White Bim would turn into a four-legged hero and millions would weep over his fate.
- After the release of this tape, even my neighbors stopped saying hello to me! - the actress recalled with bitterness. “I received a lot of letters from viewers who asked why I don’t like dogs so much.” And one day, when I came to a creative lesson with students from one of the schools, they flatly refused to meet with me. Unfortunately, people began to associate me with this villain, they thought that I really tortured dogs!

When the persecution of neighbors and acquaintances began to resemble bullying, Valentina Kharlampievna got a dog to prove that she really loved animals. After which she swore off playing negative roles. But the directors already realized that Vladimirova is a master of disguise.
And the role of Dasha, who almost became Bim’s new owner, was played by Irisha Shevchuk, a young actress familiar to the director from her role in his “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” (in which Irina played Rita Osyagina).

In 1978, the film “White Bim - Black Ear” was nominated for an Oscar in the category “ Best movie on foreign language"and won the Main Prize at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Czechoslovakia).

What happened to the fate of “White Bim” - Stepa after the completion of filming, alas, is unknown. There were rumors that the real owner had rented out the pet more than once - to film studios and hunters. Styopa was sad, then became attached to his new owners, then again he was sad from separation... And one day he simply died, in the prime of his dog years. My heart couldn't stand it.

However, this is just the bottom of near-cinema legends. Be that as it may, “White Bim” became one of the most poignant children's and at the same time adult films of Soviet cinema. “And life goes on, goes on because there is hope, without which despair would kill life. It’s winter now, but I know that there will definitely be spring, and there will be snowdrops. I know, I believe..." (Ivan Ivanovich).

The monument to Bim in Voronezh was erected in front of the building of the puppet theater "Jester" in the fall of 1998 in honor of the literary hero White Bim from the book of the Voronezh writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky "White Bim the Black Ear". The authors of the monument to Bim in Voronezh are Voronezh architects I. P. Dikunov and E. N Pak.

The story “White Bim Black Ear” is one of the most touching and difficult works of Russian literature. And yet it is studied in elementary school. And often children are tasked with preparing a written review of a book they have read. We present to your attention one of these works: “White Bim Black Ear” - an essay written by a 4th grade student.

I love dogs so much. I have a dog at home named Mouse. She is small and agile. And also gray. Just like a mouse. She is mine best friend. And when I read the book “White Bim Black Ear,” I constantly thought about my cute dog. It was very difficult for me to read such a story. She made me feel great pity for Bim, as well as for his owner Ivan Ivanovich.

I believe that main character the story is exactly White Bim Black Ear. Although he is not a person, but just a dog, he knew how to worry, make friends and truly love. This is a positive hero.

Ivan Ivanovich is also a positive hero. He is kind, smart and honest. Once this man fought with the Nazis and was wounded in the war. Since then, a fragment has remained in his chest.

Ivan Ivanovich took Bim into his house when the puppy was only one month old. The former soldier immediately liked this tiny creature. A friendship began between a man and a dog. Ivan Ivanovich looked after the baby, devoted a lot of time to him, and took him hunting with him. He took care of the puppy like a mother takes care of her child. And when Bim grew up, he repaid his master with boundless love and devotion and tried to help him in everything. They understood each other even without words. When I read the book, sometimes I even forgot that Bim was just a dog. He was so smart and understanding. And Ivan Ivanovich didn’t care that his pet was different from other dogs of the same breed. The color of the coat did not matter to him, because it was not the main thing.

Terrible times came for White Bim when his owner was hospitalized. Because of a shrapnel in his chest, Ivan Ivanovich died, but his favorite did not know this. How long had he believed and hoped that the owner would return! How he grieved and cried! My heart was breaking with pity for the poor lonely dog. And then Bim decided to look for his master. He ran for many kilometers, and once even got injured on railway. His paw was injured. But this did not stop his faithful friend.

Some people came to Bim's aid. And others showed themselves to be vile, cruel and ruthless. At the very end of the story, Uncle Sery posted advertisements in which he wrote that Bim was mad. And the dog was sent to the slaughterhouse. This is the saddest episode of the book, which is impossible to read without tears. How Bim whined and scratched about iron doors! How he wanted to escape the trap! It was as if he felt that he was being taken to his death.

G. Troepolsky's book ended very badly. Ivan Ivanovich died. His faithful friend also died. What did the author want to tell us with this? Why didn't he at least leave the dog alive? Probably the writer wanted to show what anger, cruelty and indifference of people lead to. He also hoped that after reading his book, people would begin to treat dogs better and would not offend them, much less kill them. After all, these animals are our best friends! How can you kill a friend?