How to unclog a toilet: comparative characteristics of different types of cleaning.

Few people think about how to remove a clog in the toilet until the device stops functioning normally. But as soon as it becomes clogged, the eternal question immediately arises: what to do. Let's look at how to clean a toilet at home using improvised means, household tools and special drugs.

Sewage device

Sewer system apartment building was developed by engineers back in the last century. Standard scheme The collector in an apartment is a system of connecting all pipes into a single transport line, in which, due to the slope, the drains move by gravity into the house riser. Their further transportation from the house is carried out in the direction of a centralized collector. To ensure ventilation sewer system, the upper part of the house riser goes to the roof. At the lowest point of the apartment sewage system, a tee for entering the house riser is installed:

  • the diameter of one of the tee branches is 100 mm and a toilet and bidet are connected to it;
  • the other two outlets have diameters equal to 50 mm: bathroom plumbing is connected to one of them, kitchen appliances are connected to the other.

To prevent unpleasant odor A water seal is used in plumbing designs. It is a water barrier that forms in the curved channel of a technical device when filled with water. At the time of wastewater discharge, the water seal ensures the passage of wastewater and prevents blockages. After draining the water, the water seal is renewed.

Most often, the turning points in the residential sewage system become clogged. To prevent pipeline blockages in problem areas When installing a sewer system, certain requirements must be met.

  1. Pipes connecting technical devices kitchens, bathrooms and toilets with an input tee are installed at a slope towards the riser. This required condition uninterrupted passage of wastewater in the pipeline with a gravity sewer system.
  2. Pipe slope parameters according to SNiP:
    • for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm - 3 cm per meter of pipeline;
    • for pipes with a diameter of 50 to 100 mm - 1.5–2 cm per 1 m of pipeline;
    • if the diameter is more than 100 mm, then the slope should be 0.8 cm per meter of pipeline.
  3. In places where the wiring turns, it is not recommended to install pipes at right angles. Instead of one corner connection at 90 o, it is advisable to make two at 135 o. This design will significantly increase throughput sewer line and reduce the risk of blockage.

A water seal is a part of an apartment’s sewer system that prevents the formation of blockages and unpleasant odors.

Why a home toilet may become clogged: the main reasons

Blockages in the toilet and sewer system occur for technological, mechanical or operational reasons.

  1. Technological causes of blockage are associated with errors and inaccuracies during the design or installation of the sewer system. Such errors include: incorrect pipe slope, rectangular fitting, insufficient cross-section of the connecting pipe, incorrect installation toilet. Frequent blockages that arise due to technological errors can be eliminated only by re-installing the plumbing and sewer pipes.
  2. Mechanical causes of blockage are associated with foreign objects getting into the toilet water seal and sewer pipes. For example, it is unacceptable to throw paper, cat litter, leftover food, construction garbage And so on. By following the rules for using plumbing, you can prevent mechanical blockages. To remove the blockage you will need mechanical methods cleaning
  3. Operational causes of blockage are due to long-term operation of the equipment. When using a sanitary appliance, fatty deposits form on the inner walls of the toilet and sewer pipes over time. Small debris, such as hair, tea leaves, etc., sticks to them, which increases the size of the growth and thereby reduces the diameter for the passage of wastewater. Accelerates operational blockages, for example, pouring greasy liquids into the toilet. The blockage can be cleared using chemical, hydraulic or mechanical methods.

Determining the location of the blockage

If water does not drain only from the toilet, then the blockage may be in the water seal or at the junction of the device with the sewer pipe. It can be eliminated independently or with the assistance of a specialist. management company at the expense of the tenant.

If water does not drain from all sanitary fixtures installed in the apartment, then the blockage is in the house riser. A sign of such a global blockage is the filling of the bathtub wastewater from the sewer through the drain hole. Elimination of blockages in the house riser is carried out immediately by the emergency services of the utility company.

How to clear a clogged plumbing fixture yourself

If your toilet is clogged and you decide to fix the problem yourself, the methods suggested below will help you with this.

Cleaning using traditional methods

To solve various problems, in parallel with professional methods, there are many folk ways. In some cases, the use of various improvised means replaces professional methods. But it happens the other way around, when based on traditional methods are developed and put into production professional tools and funds.

How to clean a drain using a brush and a plastic bottle

One of the popular ways to clear a clogged toilet is to clean it using a plumbing brush and a regular plastic bottle, which replace a plunger.

  1. Use a brush to clean the water seal of the toilet. If you manage to reach the blockage, it will be destroyed.
  2. Change the bottle a little before use: cut off the bottom. The bottle cap must be closed.
  3. To remove the blockage, you need to lower the bottle all the way into the toilet drain hole. By making intense back-and-forth movements up and down, thereby creating pressure differences, you can remove the blockage.

Using a brush and a regular plastic bottle, you can remove a clogged toilet.

A quick way to break through a blockage using a brush and a plastic bottle - video

Removing blockages using film and tape

You can effectively remove the blockage using thick polyethylene or vinyl film and double-sided tape. The film should not be deformed, and its size and shape should be no less than the toilet lid.

  1. Lift the toilet lid and seat.
  2. Attach along the rim of the ceramic toilet bowl double sided tape. It should be a closed continuous line.
  3. Cover the surface of the toilet with film. Secure the film by pressing it at the points of contact with the tape. Thus, you create a hermetically sealed closed space inside the bowl of a clogged toilet.
  4. Press the toilet flush button. If you did everything correctly, the film will swell. If this does not happen, check the integrity of the film, the tightness of its connection to the toilet and repeat the procedure.
  5. Press down on the film, trying to return it to its original position. By doing this, you will create pressure on the contents of the toilet bowl and destroy the blockage.

How to clean a toilet using film and tape - video

Other ways to clean toilet fixtures

If you are sure that the blockage in the toilet is of an operational nature, you can try to eliminate it using any means that destroy fats. For example, using bleach or dishwashing detergent. Hot water dissolves fat well. This way, sometimes you can clear the blockage by simply flushing it down the toilet. hot water from the shower.

Pouring boiling water into the toilet is strictly prohibited! This leads to the formation of cracks in the toilet bowl.

You can effectively remove operational blockages using mustard. This is an environmentally friendly way.

  1. To clear the blockage, you can pour half a glass of dry mustard into the toilet drain hole and stir with a brush.
  2. For achievement best result mustard powder can be pre-dissolved in warm water and then pour it into the toilet.
  3. After 2 hours, rinse with water.

Mustard is an effective and environmentally friendly toilet cleaner.

How to Clear a Toilet Paper Clog Using Baking Soda

You can eliminate operational blockages using regular baking soda, which in most cases is available to every housewife.

  1. Dissolve half a pack of soda in warm water.
  2. Pour into the toilet drain hole.
  3. After 2 hours, rinse the toilet with water.

There are more effective method using baking soda. Since the soda solution is alkaline, if you heat it in a frying pan, it will become more active and will be better able to cope with the blockage. For this you will need:

  • 150 g of baking soda (about 5 heaped tablespoons);
  • 200 ml water;
  • pan.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour baking soda into a frying pan and heat over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring continuously. By the end of the process, the release should stop carbon dioxide, and the soda will become more flowable.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool for 10 minutes. This is a prerequisite necessary to prevent burns when the substance is combined with water.
  3. Pour the resulting powder into a working container and add 200 ml of water to it. Mix well. The sodium carbonate should either completely dissolve in the water or leave a small residue.
  4. Pour the resulting light brown solution into the toilet drain hole.
  5. After 2 hours, rinse the toilet with plenty of water.

Baking soda - effective remedy for cleaning the toilet

Special chemicals

To solve problems with a clogged toilet, you can use special means, which are widely represented on the shelves of hardware stores by manufacturers chemical industry. When using chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions for the drug: use the specified dosage and do not violate safety precautions. It is unacceptable to use several means at the same time. IN best case scenario this will not give any effect, and at worst, the reaction when combining drugs will be unpredictable. After clearing the blockage, the toilet should be rinsed thoroughly with water.

Pothan is an effective chemical for removing clogged toilets.

Review of chemicals for cleaning toilets - table

Product name Release form Active substance
as part of the drug
Cleaning time Price
Mole gel, granules
  • 60% sodium and potassium hydroxide;
  • 10% acetic acid;
  • 10% surfactant.
2 hours from 38 rubles
Tiret Turbo and
Tiret Professional
gel Surfactants and chlorine from 5 minutes to several hours 200–600 rubles
Selena and Anticlog granules soda and surfactant 1 hour from 16 rubles
Baghi Pothan gel soda and surfactant 3 minutes large package - 300 rubles
Mister Muscle gel, granules Surfactants and chlorine-based reagents 15 minutes 40–250 rubles
depending on packaging

Cleaning the toilet with a plunger

The plunger is very simple, but effective tool for cleaning the toilet. Designed for situations where, due to blockage, water does not drain from the appliance bowl. It has simple design: a rubber bowl mounted on a plastic or wooden handle.

  1. Cover the toilet drain hole with the bowl of the plunger, thereby completely immersing it in water.
  2. Press the handle firmly and make several back-and-forth movements up and down, without lifting the bowl of the plunger from the surface of the toilet.
  3. Remove the instrument from the water.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times until the blockage is completely removed.

The operating principle of a plunger: by pressing on the plunger handle, we create hydraulic pressure on the water column in the toilet water seal, as a result of which the blockage breaks through.

A plunger is the simplest and most effective tool for cleaning a toilet.

Cleaning the toilet with a “doll”

A small bag made from thick fabric and filled with sand - “doll” - used for quick removal clog. It should fit freely into the toilet drain hole. A clothesline or strong cord is firmly tied to the bag.

  1. Place the device into the toilet drain hole. In this case, the rope should not be taut, but its edge must be held tightly.
  2. Flush the toilet. The “doll”, driven by the flow of water, will move along the flow and, thanks to its own mass, will push through the blockage.

The effectiveness of this method raises a number of questions.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is that if the toilet is clogged and the water does not drain or drains slowly, then there will be no movement of the “doll” along with the flow of water, because there is no flow itself.
  2. The second, but no less important question is where to store the device after use or is it simply disposable. If you have to throw it away after each use and constantly remake it for the next blockage, then it turns out to be troublesome, expensive and ineffective.

Using a cable to clean a toilet yourself

Using a cable to unclog a toilet is the most effective way remove any blockages. That is why professionals always first try to clean the toilet using a cable and only then move on to other methods, for example, disassembling the structure. To remove blockages in the apartment sewer system, soft vibrating cables are used. For standard wiring, it is enough to have a cable 3 m long. Since the toilet is always installed in close proximity to the house riser, a cable 1 m long is suitable for cleaning only the toilet. When using a short tool, one person can carry out the cleaning work. If it has a length of 3 m or more, the work is performed by two people.

  1. The cable is lowered with its working side into the drain hole until it comes into contact with the blockage. It must be taut; no loops are allowed to form.

    When should you call a plumber?

    The help of a specialist is necessary in any situation when it is not possible to solve the problem on your own. If the blockage is in the house riser and the bathtub is filled with sewage through the drain hole, a plumber must be called urgently. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the water at the water supply riser and ask neighbors on the upper floors not to use the sewer until the blockage is cleared. Then you should contact the emergency service of the management company.

    Preventing blockages

    The best prevention of toilet blockages is to follow the rules for using plumbing:

    • use devices for their intended purpose;
    • do not throw leftover food, a lot of paper, tampons and other hygiene products and garbage into the toilet;
    • Rinse the toilet with water after each use: this will prevent the formation of deposits on its internal walls and pipes.

    Additionally, you can do salt prophylaxis for the toilet once every one or two weeks.

    1. In the morning or evening before going to bed, pour one glass of salt into the toilet drain hole. Having dissolved in the water of the water seal, the salt turns into saline solution, which well corrodes fatty deposits on the inner surface of the toilet.
    2. After 8-10 hours, flush the toilet with water.

    Compliance with these simple rules will save you from problems with toilet blockages.

    Following the rules for using the toilet will save you from having to call a plumber

    After reviewing the proposed methods, choose for yourself the best way unclogging the toilet. Once the problem is resolved, it is worth thinking about how to prevent a similar situation from reoccurring in the future.

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Effective ways to help clear a clogged toilet

A clogged toilet is a rather unpleasant event that occurs, although rarely, but always at the wrong time. And if such a nuisance does occur in the toilet, then you can try to clear a minor blockage with the well-known plunger. How to break through a toilet if it is thoroughly clogged? In this case, you can use one of the tips below.

To properly unclog a toilet, you need to know its structure, as well as the method of installation to the sewerage system.

Sewage system in the toilet

Sooner or later, any sewer system can fail in its well-functioning operation. This applies to both apartments located in multi-storey buildings, and private mansions. A clogged toilet always causes unpleasant emotions, because in this case the owners have to put aside all their business and look for options for cleaning the plumbing. At the same time, it is important to know and remember that any blockage of this plumbing device may lead to the formation of the same problem in other places of the sewer pipeline throughout the house. But for such a situation, there are several ways to clean a plumbing product.

For any clogged sewer system, experts recommend that you first find out the cause of the problem.

After all, when correct operation plumbing product, the occurrence of such unpleasant situations is impossible. Accordingly, this blockage indicates the appearance of a foreign object in the toilet, and quite a large one at that.

Most often these are rags, bags, paper and even children's toys. Removing this item from the sewer system is the solution to the entire problem. This situation is especially typical for apartments in multi-storey buildings, and first of all it concerns residents of the lower floors.

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Mechanical methods for cleaning a toilet

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Cleaning with a plunger

The plunger is relatively effective in loosening and cleaning small clogs of sanitary ware at the very initial stage. Therefore, it is recommended to have this item in every apartment or residential building, so that at the slightest suspicion of a blockage you can initial stage easy to fix the problem.

  1. At the beginning of cleaning work, the toilet drain hole should be filled as much as possible with water.
  2. The plunger is installed on the drain hole of the plumbing product, and using wooden handle several successive downward presses are made.
  3. Then the plunger is sharply removed from the drain hole. If necessary, you will need to repeat everything again.

With such simple and consistent movements, the clogged area is loosened. If the blockage is not very large, then soon the water will begin to flow freely into the sewer. And you will need to drain the water from the tank down to better cleaning. Otherwise, it will be necessary to apply other drastic measures.

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Cleaning with a bag filled with sand

  1. In this situation, you need to take a thick rag bag, fill it with sand, tie it tightly and tie a rope to it.
  2. Place the sandbag into the drain hole and drain the water from the tank. At the same time, relax the rope so that the flow of water carries the bag along with it into the funnel.

This sandbag is considered quite heavy to break through the clog in the drain. When the water in the tank is filled again, you can repeat everything from the beginning. The sandbag should be removed from the drain with extreme care so as not to accidentally get dirty.

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Cleaning with a flexible cable

The flexible cable is specially designed for clearing such blockages in the sewer pipe system. In fact, it is a rigid hollow axis equipped with a rotating handle. At the end of the axle there is a long extension of thick wire in the form of a spiral, which is connected to the cable using a flexible tube. Thanks to this flexible tube the cable becomes more functional and effectively protects the entire internal surface of the plumbing product from possible mechanical damage.

The spiral end of the cable is lowered into the toilet drain hole until it stops.

  1. The cable handle should be rotated clockwise, while at the same time it should be slowly pushed further into the water seal.
  2. When the cable reaches the very neck of the product, you should pull out this plumbing fixture using reverse movements. That is, the cable handle must be turned counterclockwise.

Using this method, you can break through almost any blockage in the toilet. And it’s best to complete it by flushing the entire sewer system hot water. To do this, you can specially boil 5 liters of water and pour it into the drain and immediately flush the water from the tank.

We often encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as a clogged toilet. Sometimes getting out of a current situation without extra effort it can be very difficult. If you understand the structure of the sewer system and know effective measures By clearing the blockage, you can keep your wallet intact and instantly improve the functioning of your plumbing unit.

Reasons why a toilet may become clogged

Knowing the exact cause of the toilet problem, you can quickly make an attempt to fix it. Most often, blockages form for the following reasons:

  • throwing down the toilet food waste;
  • flushing into the sewer pipe various items, insoluble in water(throwing it into the plumbing fixture toilet paper or paper towels, the situation can be aggravated, since pipifax in water tends to swell and noticeably increase in volume);
  • cat litter, thrown into the drain hole, becomes the culprit of the resulting blockage (only pressed sawdust used as a cat hygiene product will not clog the toilet);
  • improper installation of the toilet;
  • cluster salt deposits on the inner surface of the sewer pipe.

Determining the degree of blockage

Before starting the procedure for cleaning a plumbing fixture, it is necessary to clarify how serious the accident occurred. To do this, we begin to clarify two main characteristics: determine sewer clogging level and localization of the fault.

In the case of a serious blockage, water, as a rule, flows in a weak stream or there is a complete blockage of the drain. To diagnose a blockage, pour a liter of water into the toilet. After an hour, check whether the liquid has left or remains in place.

Locating the location of the clog is also extremely important. You need to open the water tap in the bathroom and kitchen. If everything is fine at these points, then the poor functioning of the toilet is explained plug in the pipe at the very exit. When problems are discovered with the drains of absolutely all sections of the water supply system, then most likely it is time to check the public pipes. Such renovation work should only be carried out by specialized service workers.

The owner of any home that has a bathroom sooner or later faces the problem of a clogged toilet. Drains in both the bathroom and in kitchen sink. Some punching methods are equally good at clearing clogs in any plumbing drain. But some are only suitable for toilets. In our article we will analyze in detail the answer to the question of how to break through a toilet at home, or, more precisely, how to remove the blockage that caused the blockage.

Where to start

Before you begin work, you should try to determine the location of the blockage. If the water does not flow not only in the toilet, but also in the bathtub, then the blockage is located somewhere in the main sewer pipe. Since it will be somewhat more difficult to break through a toilet at home in this case, it is worth choosing a more aggressive method of elimination.

In old-type multi-story buildings, it often happens that if a blockage has “organized” in the main sewer pipe somewhere in the basement, then all the liquid flushed by the residents will come out through the toilets of the residents of the first floor. This is a very unpleasant situation and there is no need to tinker with handicraft punching methods. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently notify all residents of the riser living in the upper apartments.

If the blockage is located directly in the toilet drainage system, then you can get rid of it yourself.

What tools can you use to get rid of blockages?

So, how to break a toilet at home? Several methods are used for this, namely:

  • Hydraulic method, which involves the use of a conventional plunger or its equivalent high pressure.
  • Physical method, which uses devices such as different types cables with or without brushes at the end.
  • The chemical method is best suited for clogs formed by accumulation in the drain various kinds fats washed into the sewer during life processes.

We break through the blockage using a plunger

What should you do if the toilet is clogged and the water categorically refuses to drain or does so very slowly? First of all, open the tap in the bathroom or shower and look. If the water drains normally, the blockage has formed in the toilet itself.

For punching, we will use a regular plunger, which should be present in everyone’s household. In appearance, this tool resembles a hefty suction cup. If you press it against the surface with the lower rubber rim and press on the handle, pressure will be created inside the rubber part of the plunger, which will tend to break out from under the pressed rim. We will use this.

Having placed the rim of the rubber part of the suction cup of the plunger over the hole where the sewage goes so that its edges are pressed as tightly as possible to the drain, we begin to make downward and upward movements. There is no need to tear the plunger itself away from the hole every time. The amplitude of movements should not exceed the tension of the rubber part.

The pressure created inside the drain pipe will gradually push the blockage towards the main sewer, or vice versa, suck it out. In any case, if the water begins to go away, the job is done.

If the blockage has formed somewhere in the main pipe further from the toilet, which is also indicated by water not leaving the bathtub, you can try to influence the blockage through the drain of the bathroom itself. The plunger fits more tightly to the surface of the bathtub and it will be easier to break through the blockage. We press, pump, that’s it, water flows into the hole with a squelching sound, the blockage is removed.

If not, you will have to use other methods. And since it was not possible to break through the toilet without a cable and without chemicals using pressure alone, we will try them one by one.

We break through the blockage using a cable

There are different types of cables for punching. Almost all of them have a kind of lever on one side, like a “crooked starter” that was used to manually start old cars. How to break through a toilet with a cable with such a lever?

We insert the opposite end of the cable into the toilet and begin to gradually move it through the drainage system. Sometimes the cable starts to bump into something (this could be a turn of the pipe or a joint). In order for the end of the device to overcome the obstacle, you can slightly turn the “twist” (lever) on its opposite side.

Since breaking through a clog in the toilet using a cable is a more labor-intensive task, you should be patient when Once again the cable will hit something. But you shouldn’t think that at some point, when it exits into the main pipe, the cable will go in the wrong direction. In a properly installed system, all pipes entering the main drain system should be located at a gentle angle towards it. Otherwise, cleaning with a cable will initially be a difficult thing to do.

When the edge of the cable encounters a blockage, that is, it “refuses” to go further, you should again begin to turn the lever, thereby unpicking the resulting blockage. Such blockages, as a rule, quickly respond to mechanical action and after a couple of turns of the lever, the water will quickly drain. The punching process is completed.

But how can you break through a clog in the toilet with a cable if there is a brush at the end? In principle, everything happens the same way as with a simple cable. You just have to twist the lever more actively. And when you get to the blockage, with the help of such a cable you can not only break through it, but also clean the surface of the pipe from impurities, sticking to which, after some time, the dirt can again form a blockage.

We break through the drain using chemicals

If you like to flush leftover food, grease from frying pans and other waste down the toilet, you should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later a grease clog will form in your toilet drain. Little by little the fat settles on internal sides pipes Over and over again, with subsequent washings of liquids containing fat, its layer increases more and more until, at one point, it completely blocks the cavity of the pipe. Let’s say the toilet is clogged in exactly this way, how can you clear such a blockage yourself without a plunger?

This is where special toilet cleaning products will come to the rescue. Some of them are capable of breaking down and dissolving not only fats. They can soften any organic matter, even human hair, without harming the ceramic or plastic from which most of today's sewer pipes are made.

How is this done using toilet cleaning products? Regardless of which product you choose, be it Domestos, Tiret, Anti-Clog or Mole (there are a great many of them in specialized stores now), each of them has its own instructions for use. Most likely, you will be asked to add so much liquid to the sewer pipe toilet and wait. Sometimes the process takes a fairly long period of time - up to 24 hours.

Therefore, it is best to “inject” the toilet bowl cleaner into the system in the evening. If, when you wake up in the morning, you find that the water has gone, but when flushing on duty, the liquid goes into the drain just fine, congratulations! You managed to remove the toilet with just one tool, which, to be honest, is rarely possible. Most often, housewives cannot stand the wait, or do not wait for a positive result and call plumbers.

Non-standard and little-known method

Increasingly, our specialized stores began to sell special polyethylene with an adhesive rim to fit the ceramic top of the toilet rim. This idea belongs to foreign “sages”. How to clean a toilet if you don’t have a plunger, chemicals, or other tools at hand? It will be enough to go to the store and buy such a film.

The method for using it is this:

By means of a film glued to the upper rim, a kind of plunger is created over the entire area of ​​the toilet. There is nothing new here, that is, we glue it, swing it, punch it. As is the case with the plunger itself.

Vinegar and baking soda won't help.

In the case of a toilet, the improvised means that we use in the kitchen to clean sewer pipes will not work. Many people, for example, ask how to break through a toilet with soda and vinegar. The answer is no. The very structure of the toilet flush is not conducive to this.

Theoretically, of course, this is possible, but the hassle is not worth it. In order for the solution of soda and vinegar to work, the drain hole will need to be completely blocked, since without it the method will be completely ineffective. The gas-evolving reaction must occur internally drainage structure, and not spill out. The bends in the drain prevent this from happening. In addition, the pipe is too wide, and you will need a lot more baking soda and vinegar.

The clog is usually located much further than the toilet itself, and it is not a fact that soda and vinegar will even reach there. The main reaction will still occur in the foreground. Well, in order for the reaction to create at least some pressure in the system to facilitate cleaning, you will have to take care to properly plug the drain hole in the toilet itself. To do this, you will have to scoop out the accumulated sewage in it - an unpleasant task. In addition, the cleaning itself is usually preceded by pouring boiling water over the drain hole. This will create an unpleasant odor. And then you will have to scoop out the liquid again.

In short, vinegar and soda are not an option for the toilet. And there is no guarantee that even if everything is done correctly, the blockage will be broken, since, whatever one may say, this method has a very weak effect.

Plastic bottle

Often some people like to flush down the toilet cat litter. The lion's share cases of clogged toilets are precisely his fault. What should you do if the toilet into which you recently flushed cat litter is clogged, and you don’t have a plunger, chemicals, or steel cable at hand?

In this case, you can resort to using a regular one and a half liter plastic bottle of any soda. Moreover, the wider it is to the toilet drain hole, the stronger the punching effect it will have. In order to begin removing the blockage, you must first cut off the bottom of the bottle at the point where the plastic stops bending and turns into a smooth cylindrical shape.

When the bottom is cut off (the cap on the neck should never be unscrewed), we take the resulting device by the neck and lower it into the toilet drain. Then we raise it and lower it again. In general, we begin, so to speak, pumping water into the hole. Through these forward movements, the pressure in the toilet drainage structure begins to jump and at one point the plug breaks through. You can also learn how to break through a toilet at home using a plastic bottle by looking at next video.

Prevention measures

Blockages are not a problem for those who keep their plumbing fixtures clean and use them correctly. In order not to rack your brains over how to clean the toilet at home, you just need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • Do not pour liquids containing fat into the toilet. You should not hope that all of it will slip into the main sewer without leaving a trace. Because part of it will definitely flop against the wall of the pipe and stick to it. And where there is an initial greasy “blot”, after a while there will be a blockage.
  • Do not flush liquids down the toilet that contain debris such as vegetable trimmings, radish tails, apple peels, etc. All this can be the basis for creating a very persistent clog.
  • Do not flush cigarette butts or thick newsprint down the toilet. The latter is an excellent blocker. A single sheet may not be so scary. But about ten sheets stuck to each other are a strong obstacle even for a steel cable.
  • You should also not flush cat litter down the toilet, especially one that does not say that you can actually put it there. Usually such varieties have a special icon. So, if it’s not there, then it’s better not to do it. Filler granules can get stuck in the sewer system. At the same time, they tend to swell very much. Therefore, even if you were blown away the first and second time, in the future the blockage may occur in such a remote place in the sewer system that it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

Rather than clearing the toilet over and over again from blockages, it is better to protect your devices from them altogether by periodically cleaning them with special preventive chemicals for plumbing maintenance. Only then will the toilet in your home work like a clock.


These were tips on how to break a toilet at home. Do not think that all of the options listed are complex and require great experience in handling tools. The plunger was originally created specifically for housewives who “work magic” in the kitchen all alone. Therefore, any child can use it. The same can be said about the steel cable. The main thing is to start. And then everything will work out on its own.

Sometimes plumbing fixtures become clogged. What contributes to the formation of blockages? main reason their appearance is an excessive amount of salts contained in hard water and urea, as well as other types of sediments entering the sewer line. Both methods help narrow the internal opening. But it often happens that the cause of blockage is the careless attitude of the owners of the premises.

Often, clogs occur with toilets, because housewives do not hesitate to place the remains of half-eaten food, as well as fermented pickles (for example, red tomatoes) in them. And sometimes it happens that after wet cleaning The floor rag also “goes away” along with the dirt. After this, work is blocked completely.

Now the owners are faced with a choice:

  • Should I call a specialist?
  • Do we need to look for other ways to solve the problem?

If the first option is unrealistic, then you have to do the work yourself.

If the water in the toilet no longer flows, you should use the three most common cleaning methods. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • Plumbing;
  • Domestic;
  • Chemical.

The choice of drainage method or their combination will directly depend on the type of blockage. To do this, you need to remember what could have clogged the toilet and what Lately fell into the cavity.

How and with what to quickly break through a blockage?

To quickly get rid of a blockage, you need to determine its type. So, if the blockage is organic, i.e. the reason for its formation was organic waste, then you should opt for various types chemical methods. Today in retail outlets you can purchase products of any volume intended for cleaning sewer pipes and toilets.

In most cases, they are created on the basis of acid and alkali. It is these chemicals and compounds that lead to the partial or complete destruction of organic matter. Before making an actual purchase, you should take the help of an experienced sales consultant.

How to fix it?

If a blockage was discovered and you couldn’t call a plumber, you should try to fix it yourself.

At home

For example, to get rid of a blockage in a sewer pipe, the following folk remedies are used:

  • Whiteness. This is an alkali solution. IN large quantities The substance can easily cope with organic blockages. Moreover, it is not inferior in quality to any branded product. You need to wait a while.
  • Citric acid. A very aggressive substance. But it must be used only when excess moisture has been removed from the toilet. The concentration of the substance must be high. It is best to use 7-10 bags at a time.
  • Baking soda. If there is nothing more suitable in the house, then you can use ordinary soda. They pour as much of it into the toilet as possible. It is prohibited to use it for some time.

With a special tool

In order to unclog a toilet, you can use various branded products. This applies to drugs such as “Mole” or “Domestos”. They have various features and technical capabilities. In a couple of flushes, you can completely get rid of soft organic clogs.

If the problem is complex and of a solid nature, then you need to use special plumbing cords.

You can also use a plunger, but the effect is not as strong as the combined use of a cord and a chemical substance. However, the plunger is used not only to clean the toilet, but also to “break through” sinks and even blockages in the bathroom. The plunger cleaning method is based on water hammer. The more pressure applied to the clog, the higher the likelihood of getting rid of it.


Another cleaning option is to use a regular plastic bottle. In this case, it will be necessary to cut off from it top part and use it like a regular plunger. Moreover, it should be noted that the deeper the “device” goes, the stronger the water hammer will be.

To see clearly how exactly to use plastic bottle When cleaning the toilet, you should use the video below:

Who pays for damage in the event of a blockage?

If a clog forms in the toilet, the tenant who caused the clog to form is obligated to compensate for the damage. We are talking about situations where a person’s actions led to an accident.

If the jam has formed directly in centralized system common use, then the problem and its consequences are solved by the housing management company.

How to prevent it?

Many people wonder: how to prevent blockages in sewer pipes and the toilet in principle?

You should also be careful when cleaning your plumbing fixtures.

No matter how trivial it may seem, you should regularly use chemical additives that are placed in the drain barrel, and also do not give up using a brush. In addition, you should carefully ensure that large debris does not fall into the toilet.

How much does it cost to clear a clogged toilet?

If it is still possible to call a plumber to your home, you should understand that these services are not provided free of charge. Moreover, the cost plumbing work will depend on the degree and complexity of the blockage. For example, the average price for this type work will vary from 1,500 rubles to 4,000 rubles.


Watch the video original way cleaning a clogged toilet:

Attention! Must be adhered to certain rules: Do not flush solid waste (such as stones) down the drain.

But you can put solids there, such as cat litter. They really do it in small portions. Moreover, it will be necessary to lower the barrel after each portioned descent.

Oct 14, 2015 Tatiana Sumo