Drawing of a cutting table. Do-it-yourself table: make a wooden and folding table by studying the drawings and step-by-step instructions

The dining table can easily be called the heart of your apartment. You come back to it after a hard day at work, you gather with your whole family for it, you invite friends and family to it on weekends, you set it up for the holidays.

Today, kitchen tables are made of glass, plastic, metal, wood, veneer and even stone. In stores there is big choice dining tables for every taste. You can always choose a table from the store’s assortment, but there is another option - try to make a kitchen table from wood with your own hands. In this case, you need to decide on the material. The easiest way to make a kitchen table with your own hands is from wood. The work will be carried out in several stages.

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Deciding on the shape and size

In order for the product to serve you for a long time and be convenient to use, you need to choose the right size and shape. Speaking of shape, let’s highlight several options for wooden tables:

  1. rectangular;
  2. square;
  3. round;
  4. oval.

Kitchen table rectangular shape- the most common model that will easily fit into any interior - it can be placed against the wall, or in the center of the kitchen.

Square products are compact. They are chosen for small kitchens. Such tables are suitable for small families consisting of no more than 4 people.

Round and oval products allow you to plant more people, so this form is in demand in large families. Round or oval table choose for large premises, where it will stand in the center of the room, since it will not be possible to place such a table in a corner or push it against the wall.

When choosing the shape of the product, consider the style of the kitchen, the dimensions of the room and the number of family members.

How to make a kitchen table with your own hands and not make a mistake with the size? There are standards for calculating the size of a dining table. The standard is a wooden table that can accommodate 4 people. Each person has a tabletop area of ​​60x40 cm. With this seating arrangement, people will not interfere with each other.

Size kitchen table should be such that there is at least 20 cm² of free space in the center for serving items (dish, vase of flowers, etc.).

Taking into account all the nuances, standard table will be 75 cm in height, 100-120 cm in length and about 80 cm in width.

Required tools and materials

To make a table you will need:

  • finished tabletop 60x120 cm or 4 pieces of wood 100 cm each;
  • two boards 80 cm long (for the frame);
  • two boards 40 cm long (for lintels);
  • furniture dowels;
  • ready-made table legs 73-75 cm;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • tape measure and gloves.

Before you assemble dinner table to the kitchen, prepare materials and tools: plane, Sander or sandpaper, a circular saw or a jigsaw, drill (with an 8 mm drill), wood glue or PVA glue. For finishing table you will need an antiseptic, varnish and stain. Don't forget safety glasses.

What wood to use

What kind of wood are kitchen tables made of? To ensure that the dining table lasts a long time, its surface does not swell or dry out, and is also resistant to various damages, give preference to hard and dense types of wood: beech, walnut, cherry or oak. This wood lends itself well to processing and drying, maintaining its structure. A table made from solid wood of these species will be durable and resistant to damage. It is better to avoid pine, fir, and willow - these types of wood are soft and loose, they will not withstand mechanical stress.

Preparation and processing of wooden parts

Before starting work, you should soak the boards with an antiseptic and let them dry. Parts can be processed at home.

Thoroughly sand the boards and tabletop with a plane or sander. Walk around wooden surface sandpaper. The better you process the wood, the smoother and more pleasant to the touch the surface of the product will be.


If you purchased a ready-made wooden table top in the store, you can skip this step. If you decide to make the countertop yourself, let's start making it.

You need to prepare 4 boards of the same length - 100 cm each. If the boards have not been pre-sawn, they need to be trimmed in length and width. To prevent the tabletop from swelling and splitting due to exposure to moisture, lay the boards in a pattern facing each other.

The easiest way to assemble a countertop is by joining. The boards need to be connected to each other using glue and furniture dowels. To do this, drill grooves 10-12 mm deep in the bars at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. If you have chosen thin boards for your future table, make holes 6-8 mm deep.

Thoroughly sand the surface of the boards, focusing Special attention edges This way the workpieces will fit closer to each other.

Pour glue into the holes made. Apply glue to furniture dowels and drive them into the holes, connecting all four bars one by one. Remaining glue can be removed with sandpaper.


The next step is to attach the legs. To do this, you will need table legs purchased in advance and two 40 cm boards. The legs will need to be fastened with a jumper board, drilling two holes in it, retreating 1.5 cm from the edge of the leg. Screw screws into the holes made and secure with glue. Connect the boards to the legs by tapping with a hammer. Let the glue dry; to do this, leave the parts for 12 hours.


The next step will be to make a support for the future table, which holds the surface of the tabletop and the four legs together - this structural element, called tsarga. To do this, you will need boards 80 cm long. Attach the frame to the legs in the same way - connecting the parts with screws and glue. Drill holes for the screws that will hold the tabletop. When the frame is completely dry, connect the tabletop to the frame using screws.

The interior of any apartment, house or cottage is absolutely impossible to imagine without such important element like a table.

And although it does not seem difficult to select in furniture showroom table of any sizes, shapes, designs and design solutions, it’s still much more interesting to make it yourself.

Firstly, it is much more economical, and secondly, you will not only enjoy the creation process, but are also guaranteed to achieve the desired result - the shape and dimensions that are ideal for your room. Let's consider the process handmade solid wood.

First of all, you need to decide on your goals.

Advice. The choice of species for the tabletop will depend on what functions your table will perform, how durable it should be and what characteristics of structure and color it should have.

Pine, spruce, alder
. The main advantage of these types of wood is their low cost. In addition, they have a uniform structure and, accordingly, are very easy to process. However, their safety margin is not very high.

Oak, beech. These are the options with the strongest wood. If durability is your priority, then optimal choice there will be oak.

It looks very beautiful in cross-section, and the oak tabletop will be very heavy. At the same time, the cost of the material is relatively high. Beech is also different high strength, it is somewhat cheaper than oak, but has practically no relief pattern.

Ash. The structure is practically the same as oak, although it does not look as luxurious. Its main advantage is the variety of color palette.

Birch, larch. Also representatives of hardwood. Their processing is somewhat more complicated, but moisture resistance and strength are at the highest level.


Many people think that having a drawing when making a table is not at all necessary. But still, in order to avoid future inconsistencies finished product goals, it is better to spend some time and protect yourself. Constructing a drawing is necessary for at least two reasons:

  1. When you decide to make a table, you, of course, think in advance about what functions it will perform and where it will be placed. Dimensions and the shape of the table are, of course, determined based on the availability of free space. But besides this, you need to take into account such nuances as comfortable space under the table for your feet, the distance from the chair to the wall, etc. In order to organically fit your table into the interior of the room and ensure its maximum functionality, you need to have a clear idea of ​​its dimensions. And in this matter you cannot do without a drawing.
  2. In addition, although at first glance the table is not very complex design, the possibility of making a mistake in the manufacture of any part still exists. To prevent this, a drawing will be useful - a visual reflection on paper of the table components showing all sizes.

Advice. If you do not have specific experience in drawing, you can always choose finished drawing in the Internet. In this case, you will only have to change some parameters, adjusting it to the table functions and interior conditions you need.


In order not to be distracted while working by constantly searching for the necessary means at hand, all the tools should be prepared and laid out in advance. Approximate list something that might be useful to you looks like this:


Important. Before starting any carpentry work, it is necessary to prepare the wood: thoroughly sand and treat all surfaces with an antiseptic: solid table top, boards for the frame, table legs.

  1. Making a frame. The frame is a rectangular base that connects to the tabletop and serves to secure and stabilize the legs.
  • We turn the tabletop over and measure a few centimeters horizontally and vertically from the corner of the tabletop inward. We make the same marks on the other three corners of the tabletop. The marks should be at the same distance from the corners;
  • Let's draw connecting lines. The result should be a rectangle (or square, depending on the shape of the tabletop), inscribed in the center of the table;
  • We cut four pieces of wood so that their dimensions exactly match the lines drawn on the underside of the tabletop;
  • We glue the frame to the tabletop and install clamps. To strengthen the structure, in addition to gluing, the frame should be screwed.
  1. Making legs. To do this, we make four bars of the same length indicated in the drawing. We glue the legs to the frame and tabletop so that there is no empty space left in the leg-frame and leg-tabletop joints. Leave it to dry for a while and secure the legs with self-tapping screws at an acute angle to the surface of the board.
  2. After completing the main work, we move on to processing. All sharp edges of the table top and legs must be sanded by hand. Then we apply varnish evenly over the entire structure. Transparent or colored varnish will not only protect the table from unwanted influence external factors, such as moisture, but will also highlight the natural pattern of the wood. It will look very impressive if you paint some parts of the table with paint.

Sometimes, in order to increase the durability of your product or give the table a brighter appearance, surface varnish(or painted) again.

In this case, it should be remembered that the second layer of varnish or paint can be applied only after the previous layer has completely dried. There is no need to rush, it is better to wait a few extra hours, but be sure that you will not spoil the almost finished table.

  • the first time after varnishing and painting, try to avoid contact with moisture and direct sunlight on the surface;
  • even after the varnish has completely dried, do not leave the table outside in the rain or at low temperatures;
  • Keep the surface clean, treat it with special cleaning agents in a timely manner, and polish it periodically.


You can design the resulting result in the style of the following photos:

Useful video

An excellent example showing all stages of the process can be seen in the following video:


Based on the above, we can conclude that making a wooden table with your own hands is not so difficult. Especially if we are inclined to the option with a ready-made solid wood tabletop, because... in this case, the “front of work” is significantly reduced.

In contact with

As you know, a table is needed in every home. Currently in stores there are very a large number of different options:

  • dining;
  • kitchen;
  • garden (for a summer house or private house);
  • transformer;
  • big;
  • small;
  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • square and so on.

However, many people want to make this piece of furniture themselves, especially since simple models require minimal tool skills.

Before you start working directly, you should prepare some
tools, as well as select materials. Let's take a closer look at these very important points. If you are planning to make a simple wooden table, then in this case a regular carpentry set (plane, chisels) and several saws (bow saw, for veneer cutting, tenon saw, hand saw) and a hacksaw will be sufficient. More delicate work with elaborate shapes will require additional tools. This is, in particular, electric jigsaw, grinding machine, milling cutter. In order to facilitate the process of corner cutting, you will need a miter box.

It is also important to choose the right material. In the absence of serious work experience, it is better to take cheaper wood, since you will need some supply “just in case.” For making tabletops special meaning have characteristics such as strength and moisture absorption. Most the best option there will be larch or pine at least 3 centimeters thick. However, if funds allow, the tabletop can also be made from oak. For compact tables Wood-based boards - OSB, chipboard, and so on - are quite suitable.

Birch is best suited for making legs. The thing is that this wood has very good strength indicators at a relatively low price.
However, you definitely need to take care of moisture resistance - we’ll talk about this a little below. The most optimal parameters for the legs are a cross-section of 5 by 5 and a length of approximately 76 centimeters. Dowels are best made from acacia. When choosing boards, be sure to inspect them carefully. Those that have a wormhole, falling knots, cracks or rot should be immediately rejected.

The structure will not be strong without reliable fasteners. Therefore, their choice must also be approached with full responsibility. Let us warn you right away - nails are not suitable in this case. Firstly, when using them, it is very difficult to place the leg strictly vertically. Secondly, the nail easily pricks dry wood, and for making furniture you need to take exactly this kind. Thirdly, such a product will be very difficult to repair, because dismantling fasteners is almost always accompanied by damage to adjacent parts.

Therefore, to make a wooden table you need to use dowels set with glue or self-tapping screws. If the structure requires additional reinforcement, then the best option would be corners, brackets, and metal strips. If planned collapsible design, then it is better to connect it with drawers.

It should be noted that the table should not only be reliable, but also practical. Its appearance is also important. Therefore, you should also take care of these points. In particular, it is possible to protect the table from rotting with the help of waste machine oil. This product is not only effective, but you can also get it completely free. It’s also a good idea to use a natural product - linseed oil. It protects the table well from fungus and mold. These are not all options. Will protect your product well acrylic varnishes or water-polymer emulsion.

To give the table an attractive appearance, you can use paint. Just make sure when purchasing that you intend to paint the wood. Another very common option is stains. The choice of these funds today is very wide, so there will be no problems with purchasing. Tables covered with tinting varnish look very nice. Generally speaking, you can give the table any shade. In this case, you can even conduct several experiments, taking some kind of rejected board.

The next stage is to decide on the design of the table. It is simply impossible to describe in detail all the possible options here, so we will focus on the simplest. We are talking about a regular stationary rectangular table. All parts here must be fixed rigidly - this ensures the required strength. You will need to make 3 main parts - a tabletop, a base and 4 legs. First, of course, you should decide on the size. If the table is small, then it is quite appropriate to take a solid tabletop, cutting it out of an OSB board.

The underframe is wooden frame. It is to this that we will attach the legs. The latter are easiest to make from timber with square section the right size. That is, you will only need to cut 4 legs to the required length. After this, all that remains is to connect all the elements of the table together. At the final stage, take care to protect the structure made by your own hands, and also give it the desired color. As you can see, there really is nothing complicated here.

Well, in conclusion I would like to give some advice. In particular, if you plan to assemble using self-tapping screws, you will first need to make a little holes in the wood with a drill larger diameter. When using an abrasive, first take the coarse one, and then the fine one.

You need to be prepared for the fact that multiple sanding will be required. Here, a lot depends on the type of wood and the quality of drying of the material. Chips and cracks can be easily removed using putty. Wood dust after sanding is removed with a vacuum cleaner. After this, it is recommended to wipe the product with a damp cloth. Well, the most important advice is that you should move on to making complex products only after you can confidently handle simple ones.

You should start working, of course, after a specific model of a given item has been selected. If there are no carpentry skills as such, then there is no point in aiming for a whole work of art. But even the simplest option in terms of production can look quite decent and even more beautiful because it will be made on its own.

A list of required tools or how to make a wooden table with your own hands using what is in every pantry

Having examined and gone through many drawings of wooden tables with your own hands, you can come to the conclusion that you will need the entire set of carpentry tools. Indeed, for a comfortable and fast work you will need to have the following:

1. Jigsaw.
2. .
3. Sander.
4. Screwdriver.
5. A set of drills of various diameters.
6. Brushes.
7. Sandpaper with zero granularity parameter.
8. Materials for processing (stains, varnishes or paints).
9. Materials for eliminating defects (wood putty and similar).
10. Carpenter's vice and glue.

The list is quite large and you can think about whether it’s easier to buy a ready-made piece of furniture than to rack your brains over how to make a wooden table with your own hands with a minimum of available tools. But hopeless situations does not exist, so let’s get creative and find new ways to achieve the goal.

  • The jigsaw is being replaced regular saw(however, there will be an order of magnitude more work to eliminate irregularities).
  • There is no need for a router if the tabletop is made from a single sheet rather than individual segments.
  • For the same reason, you can remove wood glue along with a vice from the list.
  • You can cross out the grinder, but it’s worth clarifying that it’s almost impossible to manually polish the surface to the required state. Therefore, we choose more a budget option- a grinding attachment for a screwdriver.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to do without a screwdriver, but this tool is available in almost every home.

Other parts and materials, even if they are not in the house, are not so expensive to purchase.

Assembling a table made of wood with your own hands according to the drawings of a simple and waste-free design

To assemble a table with your own hands from wood according to this drawing, you do not need to be a trained specialist. The design is simple and understandable, the main thing is to do everything carefully and slowly. Attractive this option also because it can be made in two types: both a coffee table and a dining table. The only condition is that when making the latter you will need support stands (they can be easily purchased at a hardware store).

Wooden table drawing of a wooden table diagram No. 1

So, the instructions on how to make a wooden table with your own hands are as follows (see diagram No. 1):

1. The canvas is prepared (sanding, stripping, treatment with antiseptics, sealing microcracks, etc.).

2. Transfer the separation lines from the drawing to the canvas.

3. If you move horizontally from the left edge laid sheet to the right, then the markup will look like this:

40 mm – line (this cut will serve as a support bar).
250 mm – curved line (this cut will act as legs, in the case of coffee table, and if the lunch option is chosen - how support post for tall legs).
900 mm – curved line (the largest segment, of course, will be used as a tabletop in the future).
250 mm is the last straight line (divides the remainder into the leg and the support bar).

4. The elements that will be supporting (legs and slats) must be shortened by 30 mm on the sides. This is done so that their edges are not visible from under the tabletop.

5. Having placed the leg with an arc downwards, we see that it rests on sharp edges. In this case, we will not get the stability of the product. Therefore, we measure 30 mm from the top of the corner and make a horizontal cut on both sides.

6. Attach the bar to the top of the legs with self-tapping screws. The step between them is 150 mm.

7. We retreat 250 mm from the edge of the tabletop and place the legs in this place. Self-tapping screws (4 pcs) will be screwed into the tabletop through the plank, so make sure that they do not get into the cross fasteners.

Our article on how to make one for your dacha with your own hands will be useful.

The fully assembled product is painted or varnished. To obtain high-quality mirror image smooth surface not enough sanding pure wood. After coating with the same varnish, one way or another, small fibers will “stand on end.” Therefore, after each applied layer it is necessary to sand the surface with fine sandpaper. And the applied layers must be at least three. The end result is a beautiful piece of furniture without breaking the bank.

Of the abundance of furniture on offer, wooden tables and chairs remain popular everywhere. Natural materials ensure environmental friendliness, safety and durability of the models. Solid wood furniture can be found in any country house, apartment or office.

In addition, you can make wooden furniture yourself.

Wooden kitchen tables

There are a few things to consider before purchasing a table. The comfort and mood of household members in the kitchen depends on them.


Due to the fact that in small apartments usually there are kitchens small sizes, do not forget about ergonomics. First of all, when choosing a wooden dining table, you should take into account the comfort of being around kitchen items furniture.

It’s not comfortable when you rest your elbows or feet on your neighbor or on the legs of the table. In addition there should be optimal distance from the table to other pieces of furniture. The table should be approximately 80 cm away from walls and other objects in the kitchen.

The height of the table also plays an important role. It should be selected depending on the height of the people sitting behind him. Low (70-74 cm) tables are recommended for short people. Those whose height is between 1.6 m and 1.7 m should buy tables with standard sizes(75-76 cm).

Appearance of the tabletop

Before choosing a tabletop design, you need to calculate how many people typically need to be seated at it. Shapes are found: oval, round and rectangular and square.

Tables that do not have corners should be placed in spacious kitchens. Tables with a square or rectangle shape fit perfectly into small spaces. You should see if the appearance of the table matches the overall interior.


There are many models that provide additional functionality, namely, they replace a cabinet and can be folded and unfolded if necessary.

A wooden extendable table is an excellent solution for those owners who suffer from a lack of space in the room for eating.

Like any furniture, these products have a number of positive and negative qualities. Wooden tables for the kitchen have the following advantages:

  • uniqueness and originality of wood texture, which cannot be recreated;
  • ability for a long time withstand shock and everyday use;
  • environmentally friendly, thanks to natural material that does not contain glue and does not emit harmful substances in atmosphere.

Negative characteristics include: high cost, vulnerability to moisture and dampness. At elevated temperatures, the material can dry out, thereby causing cracks and loosening of the table. Over time, the surface may darken or be attacked by pests.

Wood table in the living room

IN Lately It has become fashionable to decorate living spaces in white colors. A combination of white furniture and light-colored walls and windows is actively used. Dark and White color can also be combined in furniture.

For example, the tabletop may be white, while the legs and edging of the table are dark. Such furniture is often used when decorating a room in a minimalist style. In a spacious living room or studio, a white wooden table will be an excellent solution.

The glass and wood table is often found in front of the sofa, comes in a low size and is used as a fashionable piece of furniture in the living room. It is intended for drinking tea in front of the TV, storing books and magazines, and also for working in front of a laptop.

Solid wood table in the country house

On personal plot the most important place for gathering loved ones and guests there is a gazebo or outdoor space.

In nature, one is drawn to everything natural, so a wooden table for a garden is a combination of beauty and practicality in one item. In addition, this piece of furniture goes well with the overall rustic style.

Wooden tables for a summer cottage should not only be durable, but also moisture resistant. If the table will often be exposed to moisture, you should choose a product made of larch.

Country tables should have the ability not to deteriorate under the scorching sun. Due to its density, the best material For country table considered walnut or oak. This wood is considered hard and expressive. To resist pests, oak is stained, that is, kept in water for some time. Such material is more expensive than its counterparts.

You can save money if you choose a table from coniferous species tree. They are lightweight, pleasant in color, smell and moisture resistant. The increased resin content resists water absorption.

How to make a wooden table yourself?

Some summer residents make tables themselves. Creativity and hard work will allow you to save and create unique thing on your summer cottage. Making a wooden table with your own hands is not at all difficult. Enough to have in your arsenal necessary materials, tools and some time.

Tools and materials needed for manufacturing:

  • plane;
  • sanding machine or paper;
  • screwdriver with a set of bits;
  • jigsaw or saw;
  • chisel;
  • staining and varnishing agents;
  • metal corners;
  • yardstick;
  • building level;
  • accessories for fastening (screws, bolts, self-tapping screws);
  • boards 40 or 50 mm thick;
  • 4 blocks for wooden table legs measuring 50x50 mm;
  • auxiliary boards 40 mm thick for attaching the tabletop.

Procedure (step by step instructions)

  • Decide on the dimensions of the future homemade product. If the table length is greater than the standard values, it is necessary to install at least four racks.
  • Pre-plane the boards for the tabletop and saw them to the required size.
  • Place five boards in parallel, fasten them from below with self-tapping screws to the auxiliary cross boards. It is necessary to leave space for the table legs.
  • Install the bars for the legs using metal corners and secure them to the tabletop.
  • To prevent distortions and stability of the legs, pass the strips around the perimeter under the tabletop. If the table has more than four legs, an additional cross bar must be strengthened in the middle.
  • Clean the edges of the table top with sandpaper on all sides.
  • Cover the product with pest repellents (stain) and, if desired, apply a layer of varnish.

There are many ways to create a table with your own hands. The final version of the homemade wooden table we proposed can be seen in the photo.

Wooden tables for kids

When a young child grows up and begins to sit independently, the time comes to feed him various complementary foods.

A wooden feeding table is the most good option furniture designed for comfortable eating. Tables are usually made together with chairs and have a common design.

There are several types of children's chairs:

  • transformable chairs
  • chairs with adjustable backrest.

In the first case, the seat height is adjusted according to purpose. A child can not only eat at the table, but also play if you remove folding table made of wood and lower the seat.

In the second case, the adjustable seat height allows you to raise the baby higher or lower it to a safe distance from the floor. Even if the maneuver is unsuccessful, the child will not be able to harm himself and will give the mother the opportunity to do everyday chores in the kitchen.

Buying wooden tables for feeding, parents do not have to worry about the health of the child - he will not have allergic reactions. Therefore, natural wood material is most often used to make children's furniture.

When buying a table, you should pay attention to sharp corners, which can cause unwanted damage to its little owner.

Finally, I would like to say that thanks to wooden furniture There are many possibilities to arrange your home for different design. Particularly popular country style using natural materials and copying antique interiors.

Safety and your own health directly depend on the type of materials that are in your home.

Another important fact is that wood is a material that can be worked with without using complex tools and equipment. Thus, any man is able to create beautiful things on his own for reasonable money.

Photo of a wooden table