What happens if you splash water into an electrical outlet? How to check wiring for short circuit

    Tele2 paid well: D

    According to conscience, pistulina is required. For the most part moral, but maybe also material.
    According to the law - negligence. If the heater was oil-based or one that could be left on, then in general, according to the law, there are no problems for you. Let them contact the radiator manufacturer)
    If the fan heater is either a “sun” or a homemade heating element, then according to the “intention” factor, there is no intention. In fact, awareness of the consequences - I realized that such things could not be left. Negligence or carelessness resulting in material damage. Look at civil code and criminal. Too lazy to look) I don’t even know your country)

    1) Depending on which cable is routed to the outlet
    2) It depends what kind of outlet it is
    3) It depends what kind of extension cord it is
    By “depending” I mean what load they are designed for.
    Add up the cotton wool and convert it into amperes if required, if everything + 10% fits within the maximum permissible value in the specifications of points 1 - 3, then everything is reliable, if not there is a risk of fire in the wiring and (or) short circuit.

    In any electrical store

    In "636" there is, for example.
    2 meters is just a wire. After 5 meters it should already be active. That is, amplify the signal.

    go to any electronics store.

    cenuklubs also has it (I once bought it in alpha) maybe it’s close to you)
  • The ground pin is intended only for use in special applications where special grounding wiring is available. IN living conditions grounding is not used. \there is a classification of premises according to electrical hazard, high humidity, conductive floors, etc. \

    in any store more or less large with the presence of electronics. The minimum length of the wire will be 2.5 meters or 3..

    ....and on a flea too + all kinds of adapter plugs
  • Saw it in Cruz. I think it will be in K-raut, Depot and Tsenuklub.

    In quality, thick wires are installed; the thicker the conductors themselves, the better. Well, good plastic. If the plastic of the sockets bends under your fingers and the wires are light and very soft, most likely it’s g.. Because no matter how you twist it stranded wire, it is quite tight and weighs. Still copper.

If a really large amount of liquid gets into the socket (for example, neighbors from above poured it in), then a short circuit can occur, which can lead to a fire (although a fire is unlikely due to the wetness of the socket and the plugs being knocked out).

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to take a number of actions.

First turn off the electricity (in residential multi-storey buildings electricity is usually turned off at the meter).

Then check to see if it turns off (for example, try turning on the light).

Below it will be the outlet itself. Wipe the insides with a dry cloth. If there is a lot of water there, you can completely remove the socket from the wall. To remove the recessed socket, you need to loosen the screws on the side arms that hold the socket in the wall. If you are afraid that some wiring will come off and then you will not be able to put it back together, then do not remove the outlet.

After wiping with a cloth, leave the outlet and the wall around it to dry. Once dry, screw the plastic case back on and turn on the electricity.

If the wall and the outlet are completely flooded (for example, water is still pouring from the ceiling from the neighbors above), and it will take many hours to dry, and you need to use electricity right now, then you can simply “neutralize” this wet outlet for a while. You just need to take it out entirely, disconnecting it from the electrical wiring. Then it is good to insulate the ends of these wires with electrical tape, so that there are no bare spots left at all. And bend them further away from each other and from the wall along which water can flow. The ends should be suspended and not touch anything at all, because if they touch something wet, then firstly, water can soak the adhesive of the electrical tape, and secondly, water can seep into the cracks. Water conducts electricity well, plus if the wire touches the wet metal rim, then electricity can flow through it and close with another wire (this is if both wires touch the wet metal rim inside the outlet). It is necessary to insulate both wiring, since if you insulate only one, then in the event of a “flood”, the uninsulated wiring can run along a wet wall and along wet floor current flows and short circuits with some electrical device lying on the floor (although all electrical devices wet floors must be removed). Yes, they say that a certain part of the current is present in the person himself, and that, perhaps, it can close on a person. Once it happened that I held one contact of the wire from the subscriber loudspeaker (network radio) in my hand, and inserted the other into the radio socket, and the radio started talking (both ends had to be in the socket for this). This means, I believe, that the subscriber loudspeaker had enough electricity that was in me. Then I realized that I also had uninsulated electricity. This means that if electricity flows across a wet floor, it can short circuit with the electricity inside human body, therefore, when there is wetness, it is undesirable to leave one wire uninsulated.

In general, by disconnecting the wires from the outlet and reliably protecting them from touching anything conductive, you can turn on the electricity using other outlets. Next, after that part of the wall and the outlet device itself have completely dried, you can install the outlet back again (having turned off the current first).

An 18-year-old Muscovite was taking a bath with a tablet connected to charger. According to preliminary data, the tablet fell into the water, as a result of which the girl died.

Which electrical appliances cannot be used in the bathroom and why, see the infographics AiF.ru

What devices are dangerous in the bathroom?

With any electrical appliances you need to be especially careful in the bathroom and do not forget about safety precautions. If an appliance running from a socket falls into water, it may cause a short circuit. As a result, a person may receive an electric shock.

Electrical personal care products

Electric razors and toothbrushes

These devices are designed for use in the bathroom. However, we should not forget that they should be charged in a different place - away from water.

Electric epilator

Epilators may not be intended for use in the bathroom unless they are waterproof. The manufacturer indicates how to handle the equipment in the operating instructions.

You should be especially careful when using a hairdryer in the bathroom. Do not forget that the device may slip out of your hands and fall into the water, which is unsafe. Therefore, you should not dry your hair directly in a filled bath or near an open tap.

Electrical devices for entertainment and communication

  • mobile phone
  • tablet
  • laptop
  • radio
  • player
  • TV

Such electrical equipment has no place in the bathroom - a humid climate and condensation negatively affect the operation of the devices. Under no circumstances should you charge devices or leave them plugged in directly in the bathroom. If electrical appliances fall into water while connected to a power source, the electric shock can be fatal.

How to safely use electrical appliances in the bathroom?

If you need to take electrical appliances into the bathroom for entertainment and communication purposes, purchase special transparent, waterproof cases for them. Manufacturers also produce special radios and televisions for the shower.

Why is there electric shock in the bathroom?

If you notice tingling or mild shocks when you come into contact with running water, a bathtub, sink, faucet or water pipes, you need to call an electrician and eliminate the cause of the current leak. There may be several reasons:

  • Incorrect grounding of the bathroom, electrical appliances and outlets or lack of grounding.
  • Violation of the insulation of wiring installed in the walls.
  • Neighbors use the pipe as grounding or for unauthorized withdrawal of electricity. In this case, you need to contact the energy supply company or Energonadzor for help.
  • Plugged in (not even working) washing machine not grounded.
  • Your or your neighbors' water heater is malfunctioning (if you received an electric shock from the water).

Why do you need to ground your bathroom and household appliances?

Should be given Special attention electrical installation safety standards when installing a washing machine, water heaters and other equipment in the bathroom. Appliances must be grounded, as well as the bathtub itself, if it is made of cast iron, steel or other metals.

Grounding is a protection that takes electric current when it appears on devices and takes it to the ground.

Previously, for grounding, the bathroom bowl was connected to a sewer or water riser. Do it in apartment building it's not possible now. The fact is that neighbors below can exchange their iron water supply or sewer cast-iron riser for plastic pipes, and then the grounding system will be interrupted throughout the entire entrance.

According to electrical installation standards, the bathtub must be connected to a special grounding bus, which is located on the input distribution board in the entrance. If your bathroom has a shower with a device for instantly heating water, or other water heating equipment, as well as a washing machine, they must also be grounded. These devices are grounded according to the same principle as a bathroom. It is better to entrust this work to an electrician.

How else can you protect yourself from electric shock in the bathroom?

It is better to connect all electrical appliances in the bathroom to the network through a protective connection device - RCD. This mechanism detects current leakage and opens the circuit contacts. RCD protects a person from injury electric shock in case of touching its source or current-conducting surfaces, which are water and metal. Also, an RCD can prevent a fire in the event of a short circuit.

What requirements must the electrical wiring in the bathroom meet?

  • It is better to choose a two-core copper cable with a cross-section of 2.5 mm square or more
  • The socket in the bathroom should have a splash guard, usually in the form of a spring-loaded cover.
  • It is better to use sockets with high degree protection from external influences
  • Open wiring not recommended in the bathroom
  • All electrical appliances in the bathroom must be connected to shared network through RCD
  • Sockets in the bathroom should be located no closer than 0.6 meters from front door shower stall or directly from the bathtub and at least at a height of 18-20 centimeters from the floor
  • It is better to entrust the installation of sockets and electrical equipment in the bathroom to a specialist.

Constantly knocking out traffic jams - there is only one conclusion: the neighbors flooded it. Rarely will a child short out an outlet. The reason is obvious: the phase passes to ground. Happens in any branch, finding the fault is easy. Now we will tell you how this is done. Sometimes another event bothers people: let’s say the refrigerator breaks its plugs. The reason for this asynchronous motor compressor overloading an incorrectly selected circuit breaker. Today we will discuss why traffic jams in the apartment are knocked out.

Reasons for traffic jams

There are three reasons that provoke residential traffic jams:

  1. Short circuit.
  2. Short-term current overload caused by starting motors (especially asynchronous ones) and metal welding.
  3. Malfunction of automatic plugs/switches.

Short circuit: reasons

The machine keeps knocking out the plug - check for availability wet spots on the ceiling. Old wiring usually has broken insulation and leaks through wet concrete. Minor problems cause flashing LED lamps glasses (ceiling), difficult situations are accompanied by blown fuses of the switchboard. Situations like these are reasons to install reusable circuit breakers. In fact, there is a chance of getting a short circuit when the equipment is turned off, for example:

Neighbors' water flooded the outlet

Typical flood

A small thickness of the wet bridge is enough for current to flow. Sparks fly, noise effects occur, people see a blue glow, tongues resembling lightning. The situation, firstly, is dangerous, and secondly, it provokes a blackout. The differential circuit breaker would have tripped immediately. If you sense trouble, turn off the electricity while people are alive, then you need to wait patiently for the moisture to dry out.

A long drying period follows. Assess the readiness of the wiring, guided by the indicator help of the above LED lamps: there is a leak, the light is blinking. Complete drying takes several days. Good news: there is no damage to the insulation of the wires, just disassemble the socket, dry it with a hairdryer, wind blower (with careful supervision, excluding the occurrence of a fire or damage to property), and reassemble it.

Insulation melted

The worst option. Traffic jams and circuit breakers are installed in an attempt to avoid emergency situations. As planned, the insulation temperature should not rise excessively; aces like A. Zemskov recommend underloading the home network by 10-20% (in the worst case). We are guaranteed to stop the situation when a cable melts inside the wall and the current-carrying core is shorted to the ground.

The power supply to the apartment is cut off, the search begins problem area. If the apartment is divided into lines in the panel, the process is greatly simplified. You need to turn off the machines one by one, then call the phase to the common neutral wire bus: where it beeps, it’s burned out. Before the procedure, take the trouble to remove the plugs from the sockets, and unscrew the incandescent light bulbs.

Signed driveway plugs

The advantage of the situation is that the protection devices are labeled (see figure), the search direction is clear. More branches in the apartment, it is easier to localize the fault. Now let's describe a difficult case: there are traffic jams. The socket is called by the tester (the electricity is turned off, of course), where it beeps, there is a breakdown. Use extension cords actively, it will help you endure given point closer.

We examine distribution boxes ( round hole near the ceiling), disconnect the wires. We ring (the switches are turned off) for each pair, if there is no beeping, we try to supply power. We'll talk about wiring repairs below. We test lighting through sockets in the same way: with the plugs and switches cut out, there is no short circuit.

The device burned out

It happens that a short circuit occurs inside household appliances. If the microwave breaks the plugs, disconnect it from the circuit and try testing the power supply. It’s easier to start with a plug: 90% chance, there is a capacitor filter at the input to decouple DC. We start calling, insulation resistance is expected everywhere (three terminals, phase, neutral, ground). The fact is obvious, the housing is isolated from the other line, it is not known in advance which of the two pins has the phase.

If a breakdown is detected, a malfunction is found inside the device. It is difficult to buy equipment now that does not have an input filter; the dogma is often fulfilled. Soldering irons, table lamps, fireplaces have a resistance of 30 - 500 Ohms. Should not trigger protection (current up to 7A).

Connected electrical appliances

The children shorted the wiring

Children are rarely the cause. Strictly speaking, if an emergency situation occurs, first of all you need to check what they are doing and where they are. Secondly, the children's room is examined. According to the rules, sockets are installed there with curtains. Therefore, it is easy to notice problems. Let's see if anyone has decided to play with power supply networks.

Other reasons for plug failures

  • Engine start

A common reason for knocking out too sensitive machines. Breaker classes A, B. When starting most engines, the current consumption significantly exceeds the rated one. The difference reaches 7 times. The equipment is demanding, a machine that consumes 5 kW - the startup will probably trigger the protection.

Such a device should not knock out plugs. The short circuit arc current is much higher (measured in hundreds of amperes). The meter plug (with a fusible link) knocks out - the reason is unlikely to be explained by the startup of the equipment. We recommend plugging other equipment into this outlet to see if the emergency situation repeats.

The traffic jams were knocked out by the unbearable load. Having examined the machines supplied by the builders, you will see: the rating is limited to 16 amperes. The load of one plug is 2.5 kW; if the value is exceeded for a long time, shutdowns are possible. Majority modern devices cuts off the power after a couple of hours when the nominal value is exceeded by 15%.

Draw your own conclusions or install other protective equipment. Today it is possible to buy a meter equipped with relay protection against overload, if the light in the hall is not so important, the water heater will wait, it is logical to connect the branch to the appropriate terminal, and it will be cut off with a power exceeding the nominal value. “Important” devices will continue to work. Try to divide powerful consumers into equal groups, supply each branch with the same consumption. Some protection against possible overload is provided. In the future, turn on the equipment wisely: starting the washing machine knocks out the plugs, try using an outlet on a different branch where there is no current consumption. As for this particular device, an emergency shutdown is caused by a burnt-out heating element, and less often short circuits the motor windings. Infrequently, the electronic unit becomes the reason for the behavior of the washing machine.

Malfunction of traffic jams, household appliances

Circuit breakers cannot be tested (excluding differential ones). There is no test button; when closed, the tester gives zero resistance. A seemingly serviceable circuit breaker turns out to be unusable. Let's check the single-pole one like this: remove it from the panel, connect it through an extension cord to any outlet in the house. Let's turn on, for example, a soldering iron or table lamp, see if it knocks out (the second machine on the dashboard is known to be working). The lever flies out - the device is broken. You just need to buy a new one, choosing an equal rated current, number of poles (only a phase breaks - one pole).

Try to take an automatic machine with similar characteristics. The kettle knocks out the plugs, stop thinking that it will be enough to increase the rated current. A rash step will cause the insulation to melt, resulting in the worst case mentioned above. The kettle is not functioning properly - grab a Chinese tester. Device resistance alternating current is 30 Ohms, for the tester (auxiliary voltage is constant) the figure is sometimes different (lower than the real one). The main thing is that there is no short circuit.

When you are ready to ring the electric kettle, unplug the plug from the socket and press the switch. The water should be poured out. We call the mutual resistance of the plug pins. It turns out too many (more than 30), we flip the switch, the complexity is limited by poor contact. Zero resistance is noticed, it’s time to scold the burnt coil. There is a backlight LED inside, the current of which is limited by a resistor. The resistance is often black, be sure to call. You'll have to disassemble the body.

Often the washing machine knocks out plugs, a burnt-out heating element is to blame. Please note that the machines turn off when the outlet is grounded correctly. Sometimes the sump pump is to blame. In the first case, it is clear: the copper (steel) shell was pierced, the phase reached the housing and was grounded abnormally. In the second case, 230 volts are waiting in the wings, there are no direct leakage paths. If it hits one of the residents, it’s immediately clear why the plugs are knocked out and won’t turn back on. The drainage pump will start working, a bridge will be formed leading to the sewer, through which current will certainly rush. The latter will be the reason.

This case explains the undesirability of disposing of wastewater in an abnormal way. Residents fill the bathtub with drainage hose. The person washing may receive an electric shock. The result is determined by passing the charges.

Change the heating element. Before turning on the new heater, check according to general rules, insulation resistance (20 MOhm). Required external installation(standard 500 volt insulation meter). There are no other methods, you can put maximum scale measure the resistance of the tester, make sure: it shows the maximum. It will be enough to avoid accidents; with an insulation resistance of 20 kOhm, a current of 11 mA is generated.

The iron knocks out the plugs when water gets inside. Stop rushing to disassemble the device, first drain the reservoir and dry it thoroughly. Then ring from the side of the plug, fixing the break, try turning the temperature regulator. We are sure that readers now know the procedure - what to do if the traffic jams in the apartment are knocked out. The main thing is to stock up on new ones. The cause may be careless handling of electrical appliances. It happens that you know why the plugs are knocked out - but you forgot to buy new ones.

Another reason to install circuit breakers. You can experiment as much as you like, the cost of error is small.

Electrical circuit – direct connection conductors at opposite potentials. For example, “+” and/or “phase” – “zero” (“ground”). A short circuit occurs because the circuit resistance at the point of contact is very close to zero. In the event of a short circuit it is released great amount energy that nothing absorbs, so the short circuit effect is expressed in a bright flash, sound effect and high temperature at the closure point. As a result of a short circuit, the current increases abruptly. It can reach several hundred amperes, depending on the fault conditions.

Which often leads to failure of a section of electrical wiring, and not rarely to fires.

There are several reasons for a short circuit:

  1. Old wiring and installed elements, such as sockets. Over time, dust and dirt accumulate in the outlets, which can lead to a short circuit. Wire insulation also does not last forever. Over time, it dries out and loses its insulating properties. Or it completely crumbles.
  2. Old connections in junction boxes. The twists, no matter how well they were once made, will weaken over time, which leads to their heating due to poor contact. Insulation tape, like wire insulation, ages and loses its properties over time.
  3. There is too much load in the circuit; the cross-section of the wire determines the maximum load, and therefore the current that can be applied to it. When the load is higher than the calculated one, the wire begins to heat up. The insulation deforms and then boils. Over time, a short circuit occurs. It is necessary to follow the basic rules for using electrical appliances.
  4. Availability of water. If in junction box or water gets into the socket, then in 98% of cases this leads to a short circuit. This happens because water is a very good conductor of electricity.
  5. A short circuit may occur inside electrical appliance, connected to an outlet, or in a chandelier socket.
  6. Functional protection equipment will help to avoid serious consequences from a short circuit.

Short circuit, how to find it?

The search for short circuits begins with sockets. To do this, remove the plugs of all electrical appliances from all sockets and turn off all switches. After that it turns on circuit breaker(the plug is changed). If the short circuit does not disappear, then you need to open all sockets and boxes one by one. During repairs, it is advisable to replace the cable shelves with new ones; they are currently being produced good quality. A short circuit most often reveals itself as carbon deposits, traces of metal melting, and an odor. Most often, short circuits occur in junction boxes,

It happens that there are no visible traces. This means that the short circuit has occurred in hidden areas of the wiring. To detect such a short circuit, it will be necessary to disassemble the box circuit. After this, turn on the circuit breaker again. If the short circuit disappears, then you can look further in the directions that this box feeds. It is better to look with an ohmmeter. At worst, a regular 2.5 volt light bulb with a battery will do. In a closed section, the device will show low resistance (up to several tens of ohms), and the light will light up. It is better to replace a damaged wire.