What to do if the window glass is cracked. What to do if cracks appear in a double-glazed window The double-glazed window has burst from the inside, what to do

Quickly replace damaged window glass the opportunity is not always there. But even small crack on glass or chips are annoying. Moreover, the crack may spread further, and the glass will definitely need to be replaced. Try to temporarily repair the defect, especially since there are several methods for such repairs, and none of them will require a lot of money or a significant expenditure of time or effort.

1, Use clear silicone glue or stationery glue. Basically it's normal liquid glass, only in different concentrations. To fasten a fairly large crack on a glass window and prevent it from spreading further, glue is drawn into a syringe and injected into the crack. If the crack is small, you can simply rub glue into it. Before repairing, degrease the glass surface. This glue will dry completely in a day. This is important if the glass in the window sash is cracked - after 24 hours it can be opened/closed.

2, You can fix the crack in the glass with #epoxy_glue. Recommendation: if you use glue (any glue: silicone, epoxy, stationery) to seal a crack, stick paper tape as close to its edges as possible. It will limit the surface that needs repair and leave the rest clean. Based on the fact that all adhesives are colorless, and the area to be sealed will be minimal, the consequences of the repair will be clearly visible.

3, You can remember how in the past, by gluing glass, they made the simplest home aquariums. Find a small piece regular polystyrene foam(for example, from packaging household or office equipment). You will also need acetone and turpentine. Pour acetone into a glass jar, put pieces of polystyrene foam there, add turpentine (the ratio of acetone to turpentine is approximately 3:1, that is, 3 times more acetone). Stir, wait a little until the foam dissolves and the mass becomes transparent and viscous. We have an excellent putty for cracks in glass.

4. If the crack in the glass is very thin, cover it with clear varnish. Such a bond can last a long time - about 3 years or more. Varnish applied with outside windows, the rains won't wash them away.

5. You may have repaired the glass by firmly sealing the crack, but the mark is visible and you are not happy with it. Just decorate it. For example, draw over the crack acrylic paint or glass paint a delicate tree branch or something else. Cover the top of your art with varnish. You did it original decor windows – glass painting.

6. You can do it quite simply: go to a car dealership and buy a glass repair compound.

When new plastic windows are installed in a home, the residents are filled with joy, and the rooms immediately become brighter, cozier and more comfortable. But, unfortunately, there are often cases when a crack appears on a double-glazed window for some reason. Such a phenomenon will not please anyone. The first question the owner asks is: why did the glass break? Please note that urgent replacement of double-glazed windows is carried out by specialists using the link to the website http://oknovita.ru/.

Causes of cracks in double-glazed windows

There can be several reasons why cracks appear on window glass. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Glass defect.
  • Frame distortion.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Mechanical damage (impact).
  • Installation errors.

Any of these factors can cause a crack to appear in the glass unit of a plastic window, and if they are present in combination, this risk increases several times.

What to do if a double-glazed window breaks

Some owners of plastic windows, upon discovering a crack in the glass unit, panic. Out of ignorance, they think that they are about to complete replacement windows, and this again means repairs, all the inconveniences that it entails and, naturally, unforeseen financial costs. But this is not true at all. If the glass in a plastic window cracks, it is enough to replace just the double-glazed window. You can, of course, go the other way and replace only the damaged glass. But this method has significant disadvantages:

  • This work is quite labor-intensive;
  • it takes a lot of time to replace one glass;
  • it is necessary to find identical glass;
  • the tightness of the glass unit is broken, which will lead to the accumulation of condensation inside it (perhaps this is the most unpleasant drawback).

Glass replacement process

Replacing a damaged double-glazed window with a new one is a very labor-intensive task for those who are not familiar with such work. But the whole process will take a specialist a few minutes. Therefore, it is better to entrust such a procedure to a master who knows his business.

The first step is to remove the glazing beads from the window. To do this, use a wide chisel or shoe knife. Now the glass unit is removed using a plastic spatula and special suction cups. Adjusting pads must first be installed in the fold. Very important point: The lining must be located under all the glass panes of the double-glazed unit. If the replacement takes place in a blind sash, one adjustment pad, which is placed in the middle, is sufficient.

When replacing a double-glazed window in an opening sash, two linings are used, which are installed at a distance of 10 cm from the edges. Then the glass unit must be aligned along the perimeter of the sealing rubber, for which the same plastic spatula is used.

The next stage is the installation of glazing beads, which is done in the reverse order. If, during dismantling, the long ones were removed first, then installation should begin with the short ones. Here you need to use a mallet or a plastic hammer.

The service was provided poorly - what to do?

Many clients of companies involved in the installation or repair of plastic windows have encountered the problem of poor quality service. It is quite understandable that the customer wants to receive partial or full compensation for the actions of negligent craftsmen.

Plastic windows (a glass unit burst)

But not everyone knows what needs to be done for this.

First, a client dissatisfied with the service must file a complaint, in which he must indicate his complaints and demand replacement or material compensation for the damaged property. The complaint must be completed in full form, that is, it must contain the details of the defendant, the name of the applicant, date, and basic requirements.

The document is written by hand in two copies; copies of receipts or warranty cards must be attached to it. The originals remain with the applicant. It is best to first try to resolve the conflict directly with the defendant company. But the customer’s claims are not always satisfied peacefully.

If the company does not admit its guilt and refuses to make compensation, the client with his complaint must contact the consumer rights protection society, which will appoint independent examination. If the results of the examination are on the side of the plaintiff, he can go to court and, by its decision, receive appropriate compensation for the received material damage. In some situations, it is possible to file a claim for compensation for moral damages.

Repair of a broken glass unit

If the glass in the glass unit of a plastic window is cracked, then do not despair. Such damage can be repaired. If you contact a specialist, the work will be carried out in as soon as possible. In winter, this damage is worth paying attention to Special attention, since cold air will penetrate into the room, ice may form on the glass. At the same time, it is worth considering that during the work itself in the house you will have to endure a drop in temperature for some time.

Causes of cracks

The reasons for the appearance of cracks in double-glazed windows can be various factors. The most common one is mechanical damage. An accidental impact may cause a crack to appear.

Damage may be caused by improper installation of the plastic window. If, during window assembly, the glass unit was installed incorrectly in the frame, with an offset, this can lead to excessive load. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of cracks. Also, if the frame itself was installed crookedly when installed in the window opening, this may cause damage.

How to install a plastic window correctly, read the article Installing plastic windows: tips and recommendations.

If the glass in a plastic window breaks, the damage may be caused by thermal shock. This phenomenon is observed in the case of uneven heating of glass in the event of a sharp temperature change. Pressure differences can also lead to glass cracking.

If you close and open a window with strong pressure, constantly slamming, this also leads to a decrease in the strength of the glass, even to the point of cracking. Therefore, careful handling of the structure is important.

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause (with the exception of mechanical damage). To do this, the glazing beads are removed from the window structure and the window is examined.

If the inner glass is cracked, then everything is clear without consulting a specialist. Such a defect appears only in the case of poor-quality manufacturing of a plastic window or when it is installed incorrectly.

Repairing cracked glass

Most reliable way Repairing a crack in the glass means replacing the glass unit. It is recommended to replace the entire glass unit. This is due to a number of reasons:

  1. Replacing only one glass is a very complex job that requires a significant amount of time: the glass needs to be separated from the glass unit, found a similar material of the same thickness and size, then glued.
  2. After removing one piece of glass, the tightness of the double-glazed window is broken. Inside it is silica gel, which loses its properties after the system is depressurized. This will lead to condensation constantly forming inside the glass unit.

When replacing the glass unit, these problems are eliminated. The master immediately determines the thickness and size of the double-glazed window and selects an analogue for it. Then a new node is installed.

However, in winter this method is accompanied by a number of difficulties. As a rule, replacement requires a certain amount of time: an inspection, a technician visiting the warehouse, selecting glass, returning to the installation site, and the installation itself. In severe frosts, this can lead to severe cooling of the room. However, there are no other ways.

If the warranty period for a plastic window has not yet expired, you should contact the company that installed the window. This is especially true if the damage occurred due to a manufacturing defect or poor-quality installation of the plastic window. In such cases, repairs must be carried out free of charge.

Replacing just one piece of glass will also cost less than replacing the entire glass unit. And if you repair double-glazed windows yourself, then you only need to spend money on the material. However, the quality of the work performed will be questionable. In addition, the possibility of maintaining the integrity of the structure will definitely be excluded.

Some companies remove the entire glass unit and replace one glass in production conditions. In this case, special equipment is used, which allows further drying and resealing of the glass unit.

If you have a small crack, then you can live through the winter with a cracked double-glazed window.

Why did the glass unit crack?

A small crack can simply be sealed with transparent tape. This method is short-lived, but with a small defect it is quite acceptable. And it will allow you to survive the winter with a completely comfortable indoor temperature.

For more information about the design of plastic windows and its elements, read the article How to choose a plastic window design.

Damage Prevention

Cracked glass results in additional costs and requires time and labor to repair. To prevent the glass unit from bursting, you need to prevent the possibility of damage. Of course, it is impossible to protect a window from accidental mechanical damage. The only option is to use impact-resistant glass. Can be installed in a double glazed window strained glass or triplex. Such materials will last a long time and reliably; you need to make every effort to break such glass. It is much easier to limit yourself from other factors.

You need to order a window from a reliable company. You can learn about it from family and friends, from consumer reviews, etc. The production of plastic windows in such companies is well established, which minimizes the production of structures with manufacturing defects. Qualified specialists will carry out the work in full accordance with the installation technology. In addition, products and services are guaranteed.

When operating the sash, it is necessary to open and close smoothly, without impacts or sudden movements. If over time the sashes have sagged a little, then they should be adjusted. It is also worth lubricating the construction mechanisms, so that the windows will work efficiently. You don't have to put in any extra effort to open them.

Do not heat the window too much or direct hot air at it. For example, if work is carried out with construction hairdryer, then contact with glass should be avoided.

Also find out the rules for the care and operation of plastic windows in this article.

Therefore, repair cracked glass in winter period not only possible, but also necessary. Decide which repair option fits better everything and with what forces it will be performed, independently or with the help of qualified specialists.

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If you find any defects in the window, then the question immediately arises: who is to blame for this and how it can be eliminated, whether the solution to the problem will fall on the shoulders of the window manufacturer or will have to be corrected at your own expense. In order to deal with glass unit defects, you need to know what influenced their appearance. Let's look at possible problems and the reasons for their occurrence, and also figure out what can be done about it. different types troubles formed on the glass.

What to do if there is a crack in the window

A double-glazed window is a separate part of a wooden window in which the glass is hermetically sealed. If there is a crack, the tightness is broken and repairing it is not economically profitable for the customer and it is easier to replace it. Possible reasons appearance of cracks on glass:

  • Mechanical impact. This is the most common cause of cracks in windows. The crack may not appear immediately after the impact. A crack on the street side may appear due to a branch or some object thrown by the wind.
  • Temperature difference.

    Why do double-glazed windows burst from the heat?

    If a crack formed due to this reason, then most likely the company that installed the structure is to blame, because she chose the installation method incorrectly, without taking into account the climatic conditions of the area.

  • Artificial temperature difference. This can happen if winter time years, when it’s below zero it boils on the windowsill Electric kettle, thereby artificially creating a large temperature difference with different sides glass unit.
  • Wall displacement. When the house shrinks, problems with double-glazed windows in houses made of timber or logs are possible. In these cases, the window is made taking into account further shrinkage. The problem can only remain if the double-glazed window was made with a mistake in the forecast for shrinkage. Installation companies usually warn about possible problems associated with shrinkage.
  • Installation error. This type of problem is usually not immediately apparent, but can also cause cracking and other window problems.

If you see a crack in your double-glazed window that was not your fault, first check whether the warranty period for the design and installation has expired. If the warranty has not expired, then you need to contact the company that did the installation.

If the warranty period has expired, you will have to repair it yourself. It will no longer be possible to repair the crack, because... the glass unit depressurized and fell into wet air and the window will no longer fully perform its functions. To repair, the glass needs to be replaced. You can do this yourself or contact a company to carry out glass replacement and necessary repairs. If you do not know about window structures, it is better to call a specialist. First you need to determine the reason why the window cracked in order to avoid recurrence, and then begin repairs.

What to do if condensation appears inside a double-glazed window

If condensation or, in other words, moisture appears inside the double-glazed window, for example, after rain, then you need to contact the manufacturer or the company that carried out the installation, because the seal of the glass unit was broken. Complex diagnostics will be required to determine the cause. Actions should be taken depending on the diagnostic results. One of the reasons for this trouble may be a manufacturing defect. In order to remove this moisture, a desiccant is poured into the glass unit. Perhaps the manufacturer calculated it incorrectly required amount desiccant. You should not delay this - when frost sets in, ice may form inside the double-glazed window. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be eliminated at home.

If condensation has formed due to the low thermal properties of the window, i.e. The glass and profile are not warmed up enough. In this case, you will have to replace the window with another wooden one or replace the double-glazed windows with double-glazed windows with a top coating (which reflects heat), which will be a cheaper option. If indoors high humidity, then this may also be the reason for the appearance of condensation inside the double-glazed window, then it is enough to ventilate the room more often.

If there is an installation error, moisture inside the double-glazed window does not appear over the entire area of ​​the window, but in narrow stripes. This can be solved by sealing the seams that allow air to pass through, using polyurethane foam, or dismantling the window. You will have to remove it, clean it of the remnants of the old polyurethane foam, and install it again.

What to do if you find bubbles and scratches on the glass unit

If in installed window If you find bubbles, then you should not sound the alarm ahead of time. There are standards according to GOST, according to which a certain number of bubbles inside a double-glazed window is allowed. If the number of bubbles exceeds permissible norm, then you should contact the manufacturer for a replacement, because This is a manufacturing defect and the glass unit must be replaced under warranty. If after installation you find scratches in the glass unit, then it must also be replaced under warranty; scratches are not allowed for any brand of windows.

What to do if you find stains on the window

If you find rainbow stains or spots on the window that look like reflections on water that has got oil or gasoline in it, then most likely the glass was poorly washed during assembly. The surface of the glass may be contaminated during manufacturing, for example, with oil or a special liquid, which should have been removed immediately before assembling the glass unit. In case of such stains, the glass unit must be replaced under warranty.

Rainbow spots and stripes may appear for other reasons:

  • Corrosion of glass surface. Occurs due to improper transportation and storage of glass. Must be replaced under warranty.
  • Defect in glass flatness. Rainbow stripes are visible on double-glazed windows with a special tinted coating; they appear when glass tempering technology is violated. If such stripes exceed the deviation allowed by GOST, then the manufacturer must replace the double-glazed window.
  • Stains on the bottom surface of the glass are also considered a manufacturing defect.
  • Small iridescent spots, like “leopard skin” on tempered windows, visible from a certain acute angle are not considered a defect.
  • Rainbow rings on the surface of the glass may appear due to deflection of the glass. This can happen if technological processes in the manufacture of double-glazed windows. It is considered defective and must be replaced under warranty, because The thermal properties of the window will be deteriorated.

As you understand, there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of streaks on a double-glazed window, mainly due to a product defect and subject to warranty replacement. In each case, diagnostics will be carried out.

Plastic windows are not at all uncommon; they are installed almost everywhere, in private houses, apartments and other premises. And this is not surprising, since they have good characteristics and when installing a window, most people hope for a long service life.

However, various troubles can happen, for example, a double-glazed window may burst. There may be several reasons for this.

1. Causes of cracks in double glazed windows

Very often, the window may not be defective at all, it may be new, and the glass unit may not cause any complaints, but a crack may form.

The reasons for the fact that the glass unit burst, can be:

  • Temperature fluctuations. In most cases, if there is a large temperature difference between interior space And external environment, this may negatively affect the strength of the product. In any case, the glass may begin to bend inward or, conversely, outward, which leads to the formation of a crack. In addition, the cause of a broken glass unit can be very low pressure in summer period and too high in winter.
  • Mechanical impact from humans. Very often people tend to place large quantities pots of flowers, and at one point they can be carelessly moved or dropped, which will lead to a crack in the glass. In addition, the cause may be excessive force when closing or opening the window.
  • Loads from the house structure. Quite often, installing plastic windows in new house, windows can crack because the house shrinks over a certain period of time, the window frame is compressed and a crack appears. In addition, old houses are no exception; the walls in them can deviate and create pressure on the frame, which will also lead to a crack.
  • Ingress of various debris during strong winds and other atmospheric phenomena.
  • Incorrect window installation or manufacturing defect. If installed incorrectly, the window structure may be distorted, or some inaccuracies may have been made during the manufacture of the window.

There are other factors that are very rare, such as window overheating.

2. How to protect yourself from cracks in double-glazed windows?

In order to prevent the window from cracking, it is necessary to determine in advance the factors that can affect this and prevent them in advance. In addition, there are a number of rules that can reduce the risk of a crack in a window:

  • When ordering a plastic window, you need to know that the frame ratio should not be more than 5 to 1.
  • When installing a window, it is important that the room temperature is not lower than 5 degrees, otherwise it is fraught with consequences.
  • When using the window, care must be taken to ensure that no significant mechanical stress occurs.

3. What to do if a crack appears in a double-glazed window?

In most cases, the window manufacturer is to blame for the appearance of a crack, so if there is the slightest crack, you must immediately contact the company that manufactured the window and carried out the installation. If the warranty does not pass, then the company must send its representative, who will determine the cause of the crack in the glass and replace the glass unit. In this case, you cannot remove the glazing bead from the window, since if it is damaged, the warranty will be void.

If the warranty on the window has long expired and a crack has occurred, then it is necessary to replace the full glass unit by ordering it according to size and paying money for it, or repair the crack yourself.

Is it possible to live through the winter with cracked glass unit ? It is possible only if the double-glazed window is double-chamber or more. In this case, the window will not fully cope with its functions, but the cold will not let in much.

3.1. Do-it-yourself double-glazed window repair

If there is no time to repair a double-glazed window, then you need to do the following:

This allows you to prevent moisture, dust and dirt from getting inside the double-glazed window through a crack in the glass, and will allow you to repair the double-glazed window in the future without much effort.

When the time comes you can start repair of broken glass. To do this, first of all you need to order 4 mm cut glass required sizes. Then you can start disassembling the glass unit and replacing the glass:

Conclusion, conclusion

If glass broke in a plastic window, you should not rush to extremes, you need to look at whether the window is under warranty or not, and if there is still a warranty, the manufacturer must repair the double-glazed window free of charge, or replace it with a new one.

When we begin spring cleaning, it may happen that in our windows we notice cracked glass, which naturally raises concerns about replacing it, reports the WINDOWS MEDIA portal.

We are visited by gloomy thoughts, and we begin to think about the avalanche of problems that will fall on us when replacing the window. Meanwhile, there is no reason to worry, since this process, entrusted to qualified installers, will not take as much time and effort as it seems at first.

What you need to know when changing a double-glazed window

To understand what to do next, you should familiarize yourself with the design of the double-glazed window. Modern heat-saving windows consist of two or three sheets of glass joined together to form a double-glazed unit. These glasses are separated by a spacer frame, and the space between them is filled with a noble gas, usually argon, which is responsible for the heat-saving properties of the glass unit. The double-glazed window is installed within the window sash on plastic linings, and with inside it is held in place by glazing beads, pressing it against the frame. If the integrity of one of the glasses in a double-glazed window is damaged, nothing can be done - you need to replace the entire double-glazed window.

Replacing only one glass in a double-glazed window, which consists of two or even three sheets of glass, is not an easy procedure. This is specific and far from cheap work that requires special skills. To carry it out, the master first removes the glazing beads, then removes all glass structure, takes it to the workshop, where new glass is cut strictly according to custom sizes, finally adjusts it to size, transports it again and inserts it into place, restoring the tightness of the glass unit. Naturally, it is impossible to perform such work efficiently at home. In addition, it is obvious that this is a very labor-intensive process, which also requires much more time than simply replacing a double-glazed window with a new one.

Causes of glass cracking

There are various reasons for window damage. This could be a blow from some object, or even a collision with a heavy flowerpot standing on the windowsill, with a strong draft causing the window to open. Also, a window can traditionally become a gate for yard football players or a target for flying debris during natural disasters.

But the crack may also be the result internal stresses, arising in glass. In a small - a few millimeters - chamber between the glasses, a temperature difference of several tens of degrees is compensated. Especially in winter, when the outside temperature drops below -20 ° C. Then every imperfection in the glass structure can cause cracks, cracks and even cracks.

In addition to aesthetic considerations, the basis for replacing a double-glazed window is the fact that damage to the integrity of one of the glasses contributes to the leakage of gas, which is responsible for the thermal insulation properties of the window.

What will a specialist visit tell you?

A specialist who comes for an inspection will be able to thoroughly determine the causes of cracks and check the dimensions of the glazing - not only the height and width, but also its thickness. He will then order suitable new glass from the window manufacturer and return to carry out the replacement.

This work includes: removing the beads, removing the damaged glass unit, properly securing the back of the new glass unit in window profile, installation of glazing beads to fix the double-glazed window from inside the room. Despite these simple steps, it is very important that you invite an experienced and trusted specialist to install and replace windows, because a minor defect is enough when installing a new double-glazed window and over time it will break, just like the previous one.

You should know that a more complex procedure is dismantling the double-glazed window in wooden window. The junction of the double-glazed window and the strip on the inside of the window and wooden profile With outside The windows are reinforced with silicone. To remove a double-glazed window from a window, you should very carefully remove the silicone protection and glazing beads, as well as after replacing the double-glazed window and complete cleaning windows from silicone, again treat the same surfaces with a fresh silicone coating

Important things to consider when replacing a double-glazed window

If, before placing an order with a window repair company, you find a package of documents for the window, which includes its drawing and passport indicating the basic characteristics, then you can significantly simplify the task for the installer and save time.

If the documents have not been preserved, it is not recommended to measure the glass unit parameters yourself. For this type of work, even fractions of a millimeter matter, and a minor mistake will lead to the fact that a double-glazed window made to your measurements will be impossible to insert. Moreover, in this case the company relieves itself of financial responsibility and you will have to make a new order.

Every cloud has a silver lining when replacing glass.

Replacement broken glass in the window is also a reason to think about improving the thermal parameters of your window. If you had more than old type glass unit - the heat transfer coefficient was close to 1.6 W/m2K, this great opportunity exchange it for much more modern type glazing - with a heat transfer coefficient U = 1.0 W/m2K. After such window repairs, you will have a source of energy savings that you can draw from for the next heating season, which also partially compensates for your current costs of replacing double-glazed windows.

At the same time, you can think about replacing the damaged one with special double-glazed windows that were not quite common before, such as sun protection, sound insulation, shockproof and others, based on the location of your home.

So if you notice broken glass in your window, you shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it - it may not be the most pleasant way, but still you have a real opportunity to improve the thermal or other characteristics in your apartment. The main thing is to entrust this to a specialist who knows his business and will help you choose the appropriate and effective type of double-glazed window and perform a high-quality replacement.

Sometimes owners of plastic windows come to us with the following problem - plastic window glass burst. As a rule, they do not know what caused this, because trouble does not always occur due to an impact from the outside or from the inside.

If the glass in a double-glazed unit breaks, one of four parties may be to blame. We are talking about the owner, the company that carried out the installation, the manufacturer metal-plastic construction, or external factors. In short, the owner is to blame for using the window incorrectly or carelessly, the installation company made mistakes during installation, the manufacturer produced a defect, and external factors are beyond human jurisdiction.

Without delving too deeply into the whole philosophy of the issue, we will consider the most basic reasons due to which a double-glazed window can burst, without taking into account direct mechanical impact. In fact, there can be a lot of them, but we have identified 6 of the most common. So let's get started.

Incorrect installation of windows and double-glazed windows in particular

If you make a mistake when installing a metal-plastic structure, there is a possibility that the window will be installed crookedly. Over time, the bevel will become even greater, and as a result, under the influence of mechanical pressure, trouble will occur, and then the owners will wonder why the double-glazed window burst in plastic windows.

It is also worth noting that the installation of the double-glazed window itself is the final stage in the installation of the entire metal-plastic structure. And quite often masters at the finish line try to finish quickly. As a result, due to banal haste, they Insulating glass gaskets are installed incorrectly- these are special plates that are laid out along the perimeter between the double-glazed window and the sash. What happens? Due to the incorrect position of the gasket, due to its incorrect installation or due to its size, uneven pressure is created on the window. If a double-glazed window bursts from the inside, then the first thing you need to do is look for the reason here, and only then check other options.

Window frame offset

Sometimes it happens that the plane window frame is changing. This usually happens due to an installation error. One of the corners of the window can be pulled either inward or outward. If not noticed in time, this will lead to the formation of a crack. The fact is that the glazing beads press the glass unit quite tightly. If it takes the shape of the frame, then most likely this will lead to the appearance of a crack.

Who is guilty? In most cases, the company that installed the metal-plastic structure.

Temperature shock

Some owners of plastic windows are interested in whether the warranty is valid if the glass unit bursts due to thermal shock. It is difficult to answer regarding the validity of the warranty, but if the window cracks under the influence of temperature differences, the fault lies with the installer company, which chose the wrong installation method. Temperature shock is the difference in temperature applied to window glass. For example, one glass of a double-glazed window can become very hot, while the other cannot. Can a double glazed window burst due to the sun? Theoretically, yes, it is possible. As a result of uneven heating, the glass will be deformed, and as a result, cracks may creep along it. However, the impact on the window structure does not necessarily have to be from the outside. If, for example, there is a big minus outside the window, and you start boiling a kettle on the windowsill, then you can create the same temperature shock.

Especially this problem concerns aluminum windows. The fact is that in them the glass unit is surrounded by metal. That is, even the slightest vibration can be transmitted to the glass. If the distance between the glass unit and the frame is small, then the glass will gradually begin to crack until it bursts.

Defects in production

Quite often it happens that the glass unit was initially defective. That is, a small, invisible crack formed in it at the factory, which could only manifest itself during operation. Unfortunately, this also happens.

Defects in the form of unfastened screws

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, this type of defect, such as an unfastened screw, is a fairly common thing in plastic windows. Moreover, despite its harmlessness, it can bring a lot of trouble. Over time, the glass unit can shift, rest against the same screw, self-tapping screw, anchor and begin to gradually crack. As a result, the crack will reach the middle, and the owners will be perplexed as to why the glass in the double-glazed window burst.

Whether a double-glazed window burst due to heat or for some other reason is absolutely irrelevant. Another thing is important - after a crack has formed on it, the window ceases to perform the functions assigned to it. Plus, the aesthetic appearance began to leave much to be desired. Is it possible to do something about this? Of course you can. With this question, you can contact our specialist, who will tell you in detail how and in what direction you need to move.