Which is cheaper: pellets or liquefied gas. A competent approach to choosing fuel for organizing an autonomous heating system: liquefied gas or pellets? Consumption of liquefied gas and pellets for heating

What to choose – main gas or pellets?

As comparative projects, we are considering the option of connecting a house to an existing gas line at a short distance (up to 100 m) and installing a pellet boiler in a house in the Moscow region.

Connection costs:

1. Main gas

The approximate scope of work for connecting to the existing gas main includes:

— preparation of documentation (gasification project and various approvals, inspections);

— acquisition and laying of pipes (+, if necessary, acquisition of a step-down station);

construction works in the house (preparing a place for the boiler, inserting pipes, painting chimneys);

— purchase of additional gas equipment(cranes, meters, couplings, etc.);

— installation of the boiler and its direct connection to the gas supply;

— pressure testing of the pipeline;

— payment for the fact of connection;

- additional fees.

Costing and majority technical work performed by Mosoblgaz.

As other “helpers” of the project, in addition to employees gas service, we can note the employees of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, carrying out various inspections (in particular, the chimney and grounding) and construction workers (including digging a trench for pipes, if this is permitted by the gas service).

2. Wood pellets

The costs of equipping a place to install a boiler are comparable to a gas boiler (chimney, fire safety measures, etc.).

Installation and connection of the boiler is possible without the involvement of external participants (you can do without the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

On average, a 10 kW boiler requires 2 kg/hour or 2 bags of pellets per day (50 kg), respectively, you need 14 bags for a week and about 1.5 tons for a month.

In order not to bring pellets for heating every day, you need to purchase them in advance and select a storage location. To store a large supply of fuel (for example, for a couple of months) it is required dry room, quite a significant volume. But, taking into account the properties of pellets (including biological inactivity), in the summer it is also possible to use a street canopy.

When storing pellets, there should be no direct contact with moisture, and in winter, under a canopy, beware of thaws.

Which is safer?

1. Gas

Possible problems are a gas leak (quite rare today) followed by a spontaneous explosion from any spark.

2. Pellets

The safest fuel to date. Pellets are difficult to ignite and do not burn without a strong air flow (fan). The pellet will not burn from a spark, match or lighter.

How much does the equipment cost?

1. Gas

A good imported gas boiler with full automation costs around 2-3 thousand dollars. You can purchase a burner separately and install it in an existing boiler, and it will be correspondingly cheaper.

2. Pellets

The cost of a pellet boiler with a power of 5-25 kW is about 4 thousand dollars.

How to use it then?

1. Gas

Cleaning, checking, adjustment - once a year, the cost depends on your region. The incoming gas meets the standards, the quality of the fuel is unchanged.

2. Pellets

It is necessary to clean the boiler and throw away the ash - once every 2 weeks, cleaning the burner of a pellet boiler - depending on the quality of the fuel, but at least once every 2 months. The frequency of cleaning primarily depends on the quality of the pellets. The quality of wood pellets depends on the raw materials used by manufacturers, the manufacturing technology used, the conditions of storage and transportation of pellets, etc. There is no Russian standard for pellets yet.

Which is more environmentally friendly?

1. Gas

Not everyone likes the smell of gas. High level CO. A large number of harmful impurities are released into the atmosphere when gas is burned.

2. Pellets

The smell of burning wood. CO emissions are considered neutral because During its life, a tree has absorbed exactly the same amount of CO as it emits when burned.

How much will heating cost me per month?

1. Gas

Gas calorific value – 33 MJ/cubic meter (7500 Kcal/cubic meter)

The cost of 1 thousand cubic meters of gas is 2905 rubles

2. Pellets

Calorific value of pellets (depending on quality, etc.) – 19 MJ/kg (4500 Kcal/kg)

The average cost of 1 ton of pellets is 3,500 rubles

Heating cost calculations:

If heating a room requires 1 thousand cubic meters of gas, then, accordingly, heating the same room will require 1.73 tons of pellets or in monetary terms 2905 rubles or 7000 rubles (i.e. the difference will be 2 times).

Costs for the season are determined depending on the volume of the house, the degree of its insulation, the temperature difference in cold weather (external - outside and internal - at home). Exist various techniques Calculating the boiler power required for heating can be roughly estimated as 100 sq. meters = 10 kW (with an average temperature difference over the season of 40 degrees - 20 outside and + 20 at home).

Other advantages:

1. Gas

Ease of use, connectivity gas stove for cooking food. There is no need to think about where and when to purchase fuel and how to load it into storage.

2. Pellets

Autonomous and environmentally friendly. Independence when choosing a fuel supplier (there is no GAZPROM monopoly). No approvals are required for the design and operation of the boiler room.

Possibility of using wood pellets in an unconventional way(as a filler for cat litter, absorbent substance (for example, in case of leakage of technical fluids - oil, etc.).

Further development:

1. Gas

Considering that on the domestic market the cost of gas is $100 per 1000 m3, and on the external market $250, i.e. 2.5 times more, OJSC GAZPROM announced that prices would be equal by 2014. And Russia's accession to the WTO will only accelerate and contribute to this.

On the other hand, Gazprom continues the program of gasification of villages and villages and it is possible that blue gas will soon come to you, and the costs of connecting it will be commensurately lower than those indicated by us.

2. Pellets

Their cost most likely will not decrease, due to a significant share going for export, however, the availability of pellets will increase every month, more and more enterprises are starting to produce pellets.

Considering that the technology for using pellets is quite new, further improvement is possible thermal equipment(increasing overall efficiency, production of mini power plants running on pellets).


There are many unique benefits to using gas or pellets as a fuel and the final choice depends on the consumer's attitude towards these specific benefits. For some, the environment is important, while others cannot tolerate rudeness and extortion from representatives of various services.

On average, the initial costs of connecting to the main line (subject to certain restrictions: distance to the main line, attitude of the gas trust towards you, etc.) and installation gas boiler exceed two to three times the cost of installing a pellet boiler of the same power.

Therefore, in our opinion, if the savings from subsequent heating costs justify the high cost of organizing (connecting) gas supply, then it is definitely worth choosing gas. If not, then it is more logical to opt for pellets. In any case, we are confident that the buyer will make the right choice.

Approximate calculation for the graph:

money spendings A gas boiler Pellet boiler
boiler room approval 450000 0
boiler cost 90000 150000
chimney 20000 20000
boiler room piping 30000 30000
annual maintenance costs 15000 4500

What and how to heat Vacation home in winter? IN Lately appeared on the market the new kind fuel for home heating - pellets. How profitable and convenient is this? The article we bring to your attention provides a comparison with the cheapest fuel today - gas. The purpose of this article is not to convince the reader to choose one or another option and, accordingly, to denigrate the second, but to give food for thought and talk about the possible “pitfalls” of one or another option.

Many people who have built a house outside the city are faced with the choice of connecting the house to the existing gas main pipe or purchase an autonomous boiler that runs on liquid or solid fuel. Exist different kinds boilers, but the cheapest to operate (but, unfortunately, not in terms of acquisition cost) today are pellet boilers (wood pellets). So, the following are being considered as competing projects: the option of connecting the house to an existing gas line at a short distance (up to 500 m) and installing a pellet boiler in the house.

The approximate scope of work for connecting to the existing gas main includes:

  • preparation of documentation (gasification project and various approvals, inspections);
  • acquisition and laying of pipes (+, if necessary, acquisition of a step-down station);
  • construction work in the house (preparing a place for the boiler, inserting pipes, painting chimneys);
  • purchase of additional gas equipment (taps, meters, couplings, etc.);
  • installation of the boiler and its direct connection to the gas supply;
  • pipeline pressure testing;
  • payment for the fact of connection.

The calculations and most of the work are carried out by a third party - the gas trust.

Other participants in the project, in addition to the gas service employees, include employees of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who carry out various inspections (in particular of the chimney and grounding) and construction workers (including those digging a trench for pipes).

Having assessed the prices in your region, you can calculate the approximate cost of the work. Based on the experience of connections in the Moscow region (with the purchase of a step-down station), connecting to a pipe at a distance of up to 100 meters can cost around 5 thousand. On the other hand, if you are the first to connect in a cottage village, then in the future, with an increase in the number of connections within the framework of this gasification project, a partial return of your costs by new participants is possible.

The costs of equipping a place to install a boiler are comparable to a gas boiler (chimneys, fire safety measures).

Installation and connection of the boiler is possible without the involvement of external participants (you can do without the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

On average, a 10 kW boiler requires 2 kg/hour or 2 bags of pellets per day (50 kg), respectively, you need 14 bags for a week and about 1.5 tons for a month. In order not to go every day for pellets, you need to store it all somewhere. To store a large supply of fuel (for example, for a month), a special container of quite a significant volume is required, however, taking into account the properties of pellets (biological inactivity), in the summer it is possible to use this storage for other purposes.

In principle, there should be no direct moisture during storage, but storing pellets under a shelter in winter will not improve their quality.

Possible problems are gas leaks (quite rare these days).

The safest fuel to date.

Cost of equipment
A gas boiler with full automation costs around 1.5-2 thousand USD. You can purchase a burner separately and install it in an existing boiler, which is correspondingly cheaper.

The cost of a pellet boiler with a power of 15-20 kW is 3-4 thousand USD. It is also possible to purchase a pellet burner, costing 2-3 thousand USD, and install it in an existing TT boiler.

Cleaning, checking, adjustment - once a year, the cost depends on the region. The incoming gas meets the standards, the quality of the fuel is unchanged.

Ash release - once every 2 weeks, burner cleaning - depending on the quality of the fuel, but at least once every 2 months, complete cleaning with removal decorative panels 1 time per year. The frequency of cleaning primarily depends on the quality of the pellets. The quality of pellets depends on the raw materials used by manufacturers, the manufacturing technology used, the conditions of storage and transportation of pellets, etc. There is no Russian standard for pellets.

Subjective opinion, but not everyone likes the smell of gas. High CO level.

The smell of burning wood. Much lower CO emissions compared to gas.

Heating cost
Gas calorific value - 33 MJ/cubic meter (7500 Kcal/cubic meter)
The cost of 1 thousand cubic meters of gas is 1200 rubles

Calorific value of pellets (depending on quality, etc.) - 19 MJ/kg (4500 Kcal/kg)
The average cost of 1 ton of pellets is 3500 rubles

Cost calculations
If heating a room requires 1 thousand cubic meters of gas, then, accordingly, heating the same room will require 1.73 tons of pellets or in monetary terms 1,200 rubles or 7,000 rubles (i.e., the difference will be 5 times).

Costs for the season are determined depending on the volume of the house, the degree of its insulation, the temperature difference in cold weather (external - outside and internal - at home). There are various methods for calculating the boiler power required for heating; quite roughly, you can estimate it as 100 square meters. meters = 10 kW (with an average temperature difference over the season of 40 degrees - 20 outside and + 20 at home).

Other benefits
Ease of use, possibility of connecting a gas stove for cooking. There is no need to think about where and when to purchase fuel and how to load its storage.

Autonomy (although quite subjective, pellet boilers require electricity to operate).
Possibility of using pellets in an unconventional way (as cat litter, an absorbent substance (for example, in case of leakage of technical fluids - oil, etc.).

Considering that the price of gas on the domestic market is 50 USD. for 1000 m3, and on the outside 250 USD, i.e. 5 times more, then it is most likely to assume an increase in prices on the domestic market and a gradual approach to world prices, as happened with gasoline.

On the other hand, Gazprom continues the program of gasification of villages and villages and it is possible that the blue light will soon come to you, and the costs of connecting it will be commensurately lower than those indicated in the article.

Their cost most likely will not decrease, due to a significant share going for export, however, the availability of pellets will increase every month, more and more enterprises are starting to produce pellets.
Considering that the technology for using pellets is quite new, further improvement of thermal equipment is possible (increasing the overall efficiency, producing mini power plants running on pellets).


There are many unique benefits to using gas or pellets as a fuel and the final choice depends on the consumer's attitude towards these specific benefits. For some, the environment is important, while others cannot tolerate rudeness and extortion from representatives of various services.

On average, the initial costs of connecting to the main line (subject to certain restrictions: distance to the main line, attitude of the gas trust towards you, etc.) and installing a gas boiler costs are one and a half to two times higher for the installation of a pellet boiler of the same power.

At the same time, the use of gas for heating five times cheaper than using pellets.

Therefore, in our opinion, if the savings from subsequent heating costs justify the high cost of organizing (connecting) gas supply, then it is definitely worth choosing gas. If not, then it is more logical to opt for pellets.

In any case, we are confident that the buyer will make the right choice.

At the time of buying country house or a dacha, every owner is faced with the question of choosing a heating system, at a minimum, or a life support system.
In many regions of our large Gazprom country, owners are faced with the problem that, as a rule, there is no main gas. Or the cost of connecting it, even with the possible proximity of the highway, is too high and unprofitable.

What do you prefer, heating with diesel fuel, heating with granular fuel (milled peat or pellets) or electricity? What are the evaluation criteria: cost, ease of use, safety, etc.?

In this article we will talk about the features and differences between heating systems using a gas holder and a gas boiler and pellets on a pellet boiler.

We have repeatedly mentioned the convenience of using gas in the heating system, as well as any other gas-powered equipment, stove, water heater, etc. The main element autonomous system heating is a gas holder, which is installed on the site, located underground and liquefied gas is supplied to the house through pipes. Once or twice a year, the gas tank requires refilling, depending on gas consumption.
It does not require such additional maintenance. Read more about the autonomous gasification system in the article: installation of a gas tank

A pellet boiler is designed for heating and some models can support hot water supply, but does not have the same versatility as a stand-alone gasification system.

What are pellets? This is pressed waste of various types of wood generated during wood production. Requirements for pellet boilers require a separate room for equipment to maintain a certain temperature regime and humidity. A pellet boiler has a special fuel loading system, which must be maintained and the boiler must be periodically loaded with pellets.

If your permanent place of residence is in a country house, this may cause certain difficulties and additional expenses. Other possible problem If the fuel is of insufficient quality, you will have to periodically clean your boiler. In the event of a power outage, which is not uncommon in rural areas, it is necessary to have backup system. Poor-quality granules burn, pellets emit carcinogenic combustion products and this is one of the reasons separate room for equipment.

The cost of heating with pellets, the cost of pellet fuel is cheaper than the cost of liquefied gas. However, the cost of a separate room, manual loading of fuel, control of the functioning of the heating system make this design more difficult to operate.

At woodworking enterprises, the installation of heating boilers using solid fuels, pellets, has an economic rationale for installation, which also makes it possible to create waste-free production and minimize heating costs. However, in private households, the ease of use, environmental friendliness and safety of using gas holders is obvious.

In order not to plunge too deeply into the jungle of calculations and know the real consumption of pellets for heating a house, it is worth looking at the statistics of owners of pellet boilers who post their reports in direct access.

Pellets are an autonomous fuel for a heating boiler, as well as liquefied gas, etc. And if to use LPG you need a gas holder and the services of a specialized organization, then to install a pellet boiler or a boiler on diesel fuel none of this is needed.

You can compare these two types of autonomous fuel – pellets and diesel fuel. In general, in terms of calorific value, 1000 liters of diesel fuel are equal to 2 tons of pellets. Here we are talking about the so-called “white pellets”, which have good calorie content and stable combustion and ash content.

Why doesn’t it make sense to compare, for example, main gas and electricity with pellets? Because the first two types of fuel are network fuels. If you have networks, you have fuel. There is no gas main and there is no sufficient one - there is no heating of the house.

Next, there is also coal. However, although we live in a country that is one of the three most coal-producing countries in the world as of 2016, Russia does not have sufficient infrastructure to supply high-quality coal to the population.

Only in coal-mining areas can one hope for regular supplies of coal. And as the experience of Kuzbass shows, in the area where coal is mined, during the day with fire you will not find good quality coal for heating a private house.

If the situation with the supply of high-quality coal in Russia were different, every second owner of a private house would have a Carborobot in their boiler room, which would supply hot water to the heating and hot water system.

As a result, we have a situation where, to ensure autonomous heating In a private house, the owners actually choose between pellets and diesel fuel.

It is difficult to take firewood into account in this case, since it is impossible to provide automated heating of a house using wood for at least a week. We have already written about this in the material “?”

Calculations are calculations, but reality sometimes gives us food for thought. That’s why we have collected in this material reviews from owners of pellet boilers on pellet consumption for specific houses in the winter.

Look at the reviews on pellet consumption, you can see almost a “picture of your home” by region, heated area, insulation and understand how much your boiler will consume.

Pellet consumption – reports from pellet boiler owners

Below are owner reports on pellet consumption. The data is structured and includes the following items:

  1. House area / heated area.
  2. Wall material/wall thickness/house insulation.
  3. Pellet boiler / pellet burner.
  4. Outdoor temperature at which measurements were taken.
  5. Pellet consumption during different periods of the heating season.
  6. Specific consumption of pellets per 1 sq.m. heated area (kg/sq.m.) per month.

So what do we have?

House 330 square meters in the Moscow region, Kaluga direction. The house is made of 30 cm foam block, the walls are insulated with 15 cm foam plastic, the ceiling is 25 cm foam plastic. R=6.15. Boiler KChM 50 kW and .
Consumption at a temperature of -9C = 30 kg/day, at a temperature of -13C = 35 kg/day, at a temperature of -25C (January) = 55 kg/day.
The specific consumption of pellets for heating a house is 5 kg per 1 sq.m. per month.

House of 180 square meters in the Smolensk region. House made of 150mm timber, insulated with basalt wool 50mm, ceiling 200mm basalt wool, floor 150 mm basalt wool. Boiler OPOP Woody (OPOP Woody) 16 kW. Consumption amounted to 5500 kg per heating season.
The specific consumption of pellets for heating a house is 3.5 kg per 1 square meter.

Now the Northwestern region.

House made of wood concrete 160 square meters near St. Petersburg. Wall thickness 30 cm. Ceiling 20 cm mineral wool, floor 20 cm mineral wool. Insulation according to wooden joists. Boiler KChM 5 Combi and Obshchemmash. The heat loss of a house at 0C is 50W per sq.m.
Pellet consumption in the coldest months of the year (January, February) is 6.5 kilograms per 1 sq.m. per month.

Let's return to the outskirts of the capital.

Frame house 180 square meters in the Moscow region. Insulation of the frame is 150 mm basalt wool, the ceiling is 250 mm wool and the floor is 200 mm wool. Boiler DON 16 and pellet burner Obshchemmash 10/20.
Expenses by month 2013 – October 660 kg/month, November 990 kg/month, December 1620 kg/month.
The specific consumption of pellets for heating a house was 3.7 kg per sq.m. in October, 5.5 kg per sq.m. in November and 9 kg per sq.m. December.

House of 170 square meters in the vicinity of Riga. The walls are timber 15 cm and insulated with ecowool 15 cm. The ceiling is ecowool 30 cm, the floor is ecowool 20 cm. Pellet boiler Grandeg Bio 25.
At a temperature in December of -6C during the day and -9C at night, the consumption is 25 kg of pellets per day.
The specific consumption for heating a house is 4.5 kg of pellets per 1 sq.m.

And again the Moscow region.

A house with an area of ​​135 square meters in the Moscow region is used as a summer house. The temperature in the house is maintained at +15C for a week. Pellet power 16 kW.
Pellet consumption at a temperature outside the window of -5C (delta 20 degrees) is approximately 700 grams per hour (GSM monitoring data).
The specific consumption of pellets for heating a country house is 3.6 kg per square meter per month.

Let's see what's happening in Belarus.

House with an area of ​​200 sq.m. near Minsk. The walls are timber 22 cm, the second light is 5 meters high, the ceiling insulation is 20 cm. Pellet boiler TIS (Poland) 25 kW.
Pellet consumption in December at -1C is 1000 kg per month.
The specific rate is 5 kg per 1 square meter of heated area per month.

And finally, the very north.

House of 250 square meters in the city of Novy Urengoy. The walls are made of gas silicate 370 mm and the insulation on the walls is 50 mm basalt wool. Floor 150 mm wool and ceiling 150 mm wool.
Pellet boiler OPOP Woody 16 kW and boiler indirect heating(BKN) per 200 liters for the production of hot water supply.
Pellet consumption at -17C is 2 kg per hour, at -0C fuel consumption is 1.3 kg/hour.
Specific consumption of pellets for heating and production hot water ranges from 3.6 to 5.6 kg per 1 sq.m. Houses.

In the latter case, the floors, especially the ceiling, through which the main heat loss occurs in the house, are clearly not insulated enough.

We hope that this material will allow you to form your own opinion on fuel consumption.

Write comments on the material; comments do not require registration. After mandatory moderation, your comment appears below the review.

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What type of fuel should I use to heat a country house or other premises? Many people ask this question. As a result, they come to an argument about what is better: pellets or gas.

What to heat: pellets or gas

One of the most modern species fuels are pellets. First, let's try to figure out gas or pellets, which is more profitable. Let's find out which is cheaper. Let's also try to compare these two elements. We will find out and convince you that one of the options is ultimately better and more promising. One of the main tasks is to provide the pros and cons of both materials in order to make a final decision on how to heat a room.

Very often, residents of private houses and cottages are faced with the choice of heating their homes. And here a very specific question arises, which boiler is better. Kotlov exists great amount, but we can say for sure that a boiler that runs on wood fuel is much more economical and profitable.

Let's try to find out what or gas.

Connection: gas vs pellets

So, for a high-quality and quick gas connection you need:

  • draw up documents (it is necessary to agree on the project, go through all the necessary checks in various structures);
  • buy and install pipes (you can also make a fire alarm);
  • prepare a place for installation of equipment;
  • purchase various matching devices (faucets, etc.);
  • install and connect the boiler to the system;
  • press off the pipeline;
  • remit payment.

In most cases, almost the entire range of work is performed by workers of specialized services.

In addition to these workers, employees of gas services, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, pipe laying builders and other specialists also take part.

Depending on the region, the cost of connection may vary. On average it ranges from 3-7 thousand USD. This amount includes a connection to the main pipe of no more than 100 meters. As a result, if in the future someone wants to use your pipe, then you can try to pay off the costs.

The price for arranging places to place a pellet boiler is not much different from a gas one (preparation of chimneys, other activities related to boilers). But there is one advantage - the ability to install this equipment without the participation of various specialists.

The consumption of fuel pellets is approximately 2 kg/hour for a 10 kW boiler, or about two bags (30-50 kg) of pellets per day, and for one month, about 1.5 tons of pellets will be required. There is no need to purchase this material every day, as this will be quite uneconomical.

Safety gas or pellets

The possibility of a gas leak is small, but it still exists. Pellet is the safest among all types of fuel.


Gas boilers with all extras. instruments and automation are estimated at 1.5 thousand USD, depending on the brand. To save money, use a separate boiler and a separate burner. This can significantly reduce the cost.

Solid fuel pellet heating systems with a power of 15–20 kW are sold at a price of 3-4 thousand. You can also buy a pellet burner - the price will be 2-4 thousand.


All systems must be inspected and cleaned once a year. This type of fuel is considered one of the highest quality and environmentally friendly.


Once every two weeks you need to clean out the ash; the more often you clean, the better the quality of the material will be. Once every 1 year, a thorough cleaning should be carried out, which includes removing the panels.

Environmental requirements

  • The gas has a smell that not many people like. When it burns, CO is produced in large volumes.
  • The combustion of pellets occurs with the smell of burning wood, and the CO emissions are quite small.

Heating price

  • About 1 thousand cubic meters of blue fuel fluctuates around 1,500 rubles.
  • Typical price of 1 ton wood material- approximately 3000 rubles

Bottom line

Each fuel type offers specific benefits. However, each owner decides for himself what to choose. Prices for installing a blue fuel boiler and connecting it to the main line are higher than for a wood boiler. But the first one is more economical than the second one. Based on the conclusions, you can decide for yourself what you need.