What does the year of the ox mean? Bull and Tiger

People born in the year of the Ox - how they manifest themselves in love and marriage, in work and in society. Distinctive features character, description of the signs of the Chinese horoscope, Ox man and Ox woman. What years does the Year of the Ox fall in? Security amulets and lucky talismans for representatives of this eastern zodiac sign.

Years of the Ox in the 20th and 21st centuries: 1901,1913,1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997, 2009, 2021, 2033.

general description

People born in the year of the Ox (Ox or Buffalo) are reserved, modest and responsible. They are distinguished by unprecedented endurance and perseverance in achieving goals. However, when the Ox is overcome by anger, it is better to avoid him, as he loses control over himself and is not responsible for his actions. Most Buffaloes are endowed with brilliant intelligence and remarkable physical strength at the same time. They clearly see their goal and confidently move towards its implementation, but they will never resort to dirty methods or go over their heads. The main disadvantage of those born in the year of the Ox is stubbornness.

Even in childhood, oxen are distinguished by their independence and curiosity; they love to participate in public life. They give the impression of being nice and friendly people, but try to offend them - and even from the little Ox you will get a strong rebuff.

The Chinese horoscope distinguishes two types of people born in the year of the Ox. One is very sociable and sociable, loves to be the center of attention, will always and everywhere make many friends. The other is very calm, even unsociable. He is often considered insecure, but this is not at all true. This type of Ox loves to philosophize, tries to unravel the mysteries of the universe, which is why he needs solitude.

The best rest for any Buffalo is digging in the garden, hiking; everything that makes him closer to nature. Almost all Oxen can achieve success in sports due to their innate physical endurance.

Oxen in love and marriage

People born this year are true conservatives. As a rule, they adhere to traditional views on relationships, value monogamy, and are opposed to casual relationships and fleeting hobbies. Those born in the year of the Ox require stability and peace from their partners. The monotony in their relationships does not bother them one bit. On the contrary, they feel protected and happy. There is no need to say that Buffalo never forgives betrayal. No amount of gifts or kneeling will allow you to make amends; Bulls have a short conversation with traitors.

It is difficult for oxen to express their feelings; they are not used to flaunting relationships. Even after many years of marriage, talking about love with the other half puts them in an awkward position. Although you don't hear tender words from Oxen, they express their love through their actions. It is the Buffalo who will rush in when you need help and will do everything possible to make your life easier.

The Ox is a wonderful family man, a breadwinner, and always strives for prosperity. Having created his own family, he does not forget about his parents, continues to take care of them and strives to provide them with a decent old age. Vol raises his children in strictness, gives them a good education and excellent manners. However, someone born in the year of the Ox can hardly be called a subtle psychologist, so problems between fathers and children in their families occur frequently.

Ox Man

He is true to himself and his habits, so he chooses the most suitable partner and remains faithful to her. Usually the Ox man prefers girls who are modest and predictable; he is not attracted to eccentric young ladies. Vol tries his best to keep the relationship strong. As a rule, he creates a family once and for all, and holds on to it until the last, even if he understands that this is a path to nowhere.

The Ox man is very reserved and taciturn; you can’t expect romance from him. Sometimes it can be very difficult with him, because he is extremely demanding of his partner. The bull is jealous of his lady at every pillar, even if there is no reason for this. Such a man is more suitable for women who grew up in a patriarchal family; because he wants his wife to obey him, to be soft and flexible. It is important for him to feel his status in the family; a woman must respect him and instill this in her children.

Ox Woman

She is very shy in relationships with the opposite sex, especially at a young age. She needs a strong partner with whom she will feel at home. stone wall. Financial position potential husband has for her great importance. The Ox woman cannot live in poverty; money for her is a symbol of stability and peace.

Macho guys with fans flocking around them are definitely not suitable for such a woman. They seem vain and unreliable to her. Rather, she will prefer an intellectually developed man, restrained and modest. A woman born in the year of the Ox never rushes headlong into the pool; her relationships develop slowly, but they always move in a serious direction.

Such women do not like to waste time on short-term romances; they would prefer self-education or meetings with family. Those born in the year of the Ox prefer equal partnerships. They love to earn money and invest it in family budget on par with a man. Often an Ox girl marries her first boyfriend, loves him and remains faithful all her life.

The Ox Woman is a caring wife and a wonderful housewife. In appearance she seems cold and harsh, but this is not at all the case. She shows her love with homely comforts, delicious food, not hugs and kisses.

Career, work, finances

As a rule, Bulls are financially very successful, money just sticks to them. This is no accident, because Vol is very hardworking, resilient and has extraordinary mental abilities. People born this year often occupy high position in society, but at the same time they always strive even higher. They know that nothing comes for free, and only perseverance and work can achieve something. As bosses, Oxen are very responsible and caring, but do not tolerate when their orders are not followed or their decisions are questioned.

Buffaloes are suitable for painstaking work that requires perseverance and concentration. They should not engage in activities related to frequent business trips and an unstable schedule. If the Ox receives satisfaction from his work, he feels fulfilled, which has a fruitful effect on his personal life.

The characteristics of those born in the year of the ox are as follows. The bull always looks around for a long time, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. In life he is a contemplative: he notices Interesting Facts that others don't see. The Ox is attentive and careful with people. The Ox loves to be alone. Only when alone with himself does he show his true essence: temperamental and passionate. He is always reserved in front of people, but with himself he can be very relaxed.

It is very difficult to anger a bull; this is one of the characteristics of his personality. He is calm and calm for a long time. But if the bull is angry, then his anger falls on the culprit like a powerful waterfall. If you resist him at this moment, the bull can even become dangerous. The person who finds himself in the path of an angry bull is pitiful.

According to their own personal qualities and characteristics, the bull is a born boss, a leader. He is always calm, calm, and when necessary, however, shows all his eloquence. The Ox is powerful, and its power is especially felt in the family. The Ox will not tolerate from his loved ones anything that is contrary to his nature. The bull will not allow his daughter to wear miniskirts or his son to grow long hair if he himself does not accept it. For the bull, his personal traditions and laws, which he himself compiled for his family, are very important.

The bull has no equal in his work. He is a real hard worker, for the benefit of his family he can work seven days a week and without vacations. The bull will not allow his children to be malnourished. The Ox is suitable for both physical and intellectual work; he will achieve success everywhere good results. The Ox is poorly versed in commerce, but in agriculture or tourism it will have no equal.

In love, the bull does not use romance. He is capable of tenderness, love, devotion, but his loved one will never receive any gifts or gifts from him. beautiful words love. The Ox does not accept flirting and outbursts of passion. This will bring him a lot of disappointments in love, since the chosen one of the bull may get bored with his apparent indifference and begin to look for romance on the side.

When a bull gets married, he will be faithful to his chosen one. Loyalty is the key family life for a bull. He will also trust his partner. In such a family there will be no jealousy or suspicion.

Bull woman everything free time spends time at home, very rarely visits or attends social events. The Ox woman is an excellent wife, an excellent and caring housewife. Her house is always a full cup.

Often the bull encounters misunderstanding from his family, as he sometimes uses his power unnecessarily. But despite this, he loves his family very much and is proud of his children.

The first half of the bull's life will pass calmly, without exceptional events. The second part of life can bring difficulties for the bull in creating a family, as well as problems in family life. The bull's old age will be calm only if he preserves his family during his maturity years or acquires a new one.

A bull can choose a rooster as a life partner. Against the background of the bull, the rooster will shine with its beauty and brightness, and the bull will allow him to do so. A rat, having fallen in love with a bull, will remain faithful to him until his death. The snake will cheat on the bull right and left, but he will not even guess about it, so their marriage will be long and quite happy. A monkey can easily charm a bull, but he can just as easily laugh at him. An ox should not choose a goat as a spouse - she will torment him with whims and inconstancy. Under no circumstances is an alliance between a bull and a tiger possible: in such a family a real war for power will begin.

Metal Bull

Water Ox

Wood Bull

Fire Bull

Earth Bull

Metal Bull

Water Ox

Wood Bull

Fire Bull

Earth Bull

Metal Bull

Water Ox

Ox - female principle of yin, second triangle, element of earth

The Ox (Ox, Buffalo) embodies external solidity, independence, consistency and the desire for order. He is attached to his habits, conservative and pragmatic. The Ox is very persistent, tenacious and stubborn, so it succeeds where others retreat. Practical and cautious, not inclined to change his principles and change. The Ox is endowed with enormous fortitude and is often physically resilient. He is hardworking, knows how and loves to ensure the well-being of the whole family. The Ox is angry, can suddenly lose his temper, and is difficult to suggest and manipulate. Synonymous with reliability and consistency.

Those born under the sign of Buffalo in spring and summer are real workaholics, and in autumn and winter they are distinguished by a tendency towards laziness and earthly pleasures.

Positive qualities of the sign

A born leader, a responsible leader who cares about the welfare of his subordinates and people dependent on him. The Ox is patient and hardworking. The main quality of character is reliability. Consistently and strategically achieves his goals. Has a well developed logical thinking. He is not prone to impulsive choices, rather slow in making decisions, and approaches any matter thoroughly.

Negative qualities of the sign

The Ox is stubborn and too conservative, dogmatic and authoritarian, does not recognize other authorities except himself, due to stubbornness and ambition. He may have stricter demands on close people and give more to strangers than to his family. In love, the Ox can be too cruel and touchy, selfish and full of prejudices.

Good in the year of the Ox learn a new specialty, work hard, increase equity, both in knowledge and economically. This period is good for construction family home, traveling around your home country. A marriage entered into this year will be long and happy and will bring prosperity and prosperity to the spouses. Possible adverse natural phenomena, you can’t overexert yourself. This good period for Ox, Monkey, Rooster and Horse. A difficult year for the Tiger, Snake, Goat and Dog. Neutral year for the Rat, Dragon, Pig and Rabbit.

Celebrities of this sign

Ivan Sechenov, Ivan Krylov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexey Arakcheev, Jawaharlal Nehru, Alexander Pokryshkin, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Hans Christian Andersen, Johann Sebastian Bach, Napoleon Bonaparte, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Diana, Walt Disney, Vincent Van Gogh . Actors: Charlie Chaplin, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins, Jane Fonda, Eddie Murphy, Jessica Lange, Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, Adrien Brody, Sergei Bezrukov, Keira Knightley, Danila Kozlovsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Ox

He is distinguished by tenderness, caring towards his loved one, surrounds the lives of loved ones with comfort, and is not indifferent to beauty. Helps the disadvantaged, philanthropist and philanthropist. Doesn't like to talk about love, but does noble deeds. An exalted romantic, a persistent admirer, a reliable protector of the family who will ensure a comfortable and comfortable existence.

Green Wood Bull

It differs from representatives of other elements of its sign in its restraint in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. More strive to occupy an influential position in society. Prefers order and routine to extreme situations and impulsiveness. Not susceptible to suggestion or manipulation. He hesitates for a long time before making any decision. Needs support from loved ones in important life situations.

Yellow Earth Ox

Representative of the earth element the best way demonstrates the capabilities of this sign. Hard work, optimism, generosity and brilliant logic allow the Earth Ox to achieve high social status, regardless of personal starting capital. A good athlete, has physical endurance. Faithful to his obligations, not too passionate, but a faithful lover who can surprise with his endurance.

White Metal Ox

He is distinguished by a more free and open manner of expressing his feelings in love. Metal gives the leisurely pragmatic sign a dose of activity and a readiness for moderate experiments. Adapts to new conditions more easily than others. A strong character and will help to overcome any difficulties in the marathon of life. It’s not boring with him, he’s less ordinary, he’s able to go beyond routine and everyday life.

Red Fire Bull

The most passionate of all representatives of this sign. A tireless lover, a born high-flying leader, decisive and irresistible. The Red Bull is too straightforward in expressing his feelings and categorical in his opinions. The ideal family man will not forgive betrayal; he is a dictator in the house, who provides well for the family, but demands strict adherence to rules and order.

Even those who are not into astrology know that a totem animal is responsible for each year. The outgoing year is the year of the Rooster, the coming year will be the year of the Dog, and which year will be the year of the Ox? Those born under the sign of this animal will have to wait a little. We will prepare for the Year of the Water Ox only in 4 years. We invite you not to forget about the coming 2018. What 2018 has in store for the Ox (women and men) - you will find out in the article.

General characteristics of the sign

What year will be the Year of the Ox? The nearest one, as already mentioned, is in four years. That is, this symbol will be worn in 2021. Let's see what a person's belonging to this sign of the eastern horoscope says.

The Chinese zodiac of the Ox gives a person such qualities as determination, perseverance and seriousness. By nature, the Ox is very curious, but stingy in showing emotions. But in stressful situations The Ox does not panic and is able to act without interfering emotions.

These are perfectionists who always strive for the ideal. They cannot be led astray by obstacles and difficulties. The Year of the Rooster gave them a little respite, and they relaxed a little. The dog is not very friendly with representatives of this sign, so many of them will want 2021 to come quickly. Difficulties await representatives of the sign literally from the beginning of the year. It is already known what year the Year of the Ox will be in; now all that remains is not to give in to the obstacle course.

Why is everything so unfair towards people born this year? Maybe this is karmic retribution for good luck in the past 2017? It's all about the symbol of the coming year. The Dog does not understand the straightforwardness of the Ox and his passion to go ahead in everything. She considers him to be very stubborn and a narcissistic egoist, so she can’t count on help.

Advice for this year: be patient and work, sparing no time and effort. The dog is considered a totem of family and fidelity. Many Oxen will have to understand that the world revolves not only for their sake, and learn to understand their loved ones, show sympathy and live in their interests, including.

Men's horoscope

What will 2018 bring? We will consider the horoscope of the Ox man further. Money problems will bring disagreements in your relationship with your spouse. Do not despair. The irritation will go away if you show patience and your significant other shows loyalty and understanding. A year will pass zigzags - failures will alternate with a wave of success.

To restore your official authority, you will have to try hard. Find an interesting hobby or do something you haven't had time for. A hobby will restore your vitality and emotions, will help you find correct solution in a difficult situation.

Women's horoscope

What will 2018 be like for the Ox woman? The dog has prepared a little less tests for them than for strong representatives of this sign. Such ladies are naturally the heads of families. The ability to tactfully manage your family will bear fruit and smooth out difficult moments in your relationship with your spouse. Walking with children, jogging in the morning and physical activity will give you a boost of strength and energy.

As for work, unfortunately, not everything will be rosy. The reason for the difficulties that arise may be unsuccessfully signed contracts. Please read all terms and conditions carefully. In the middle of the year, the Ox woman can be unbalanced by gossip, speculation and empty talk. The stars advise not to give up. You have enough professional skills to cope with all troubles and get out of the situation with dignity.


For single representatives of the Dog sign, the Dog has prepared delightful romantic encounters in the second half of the year. Pay attention to gifts given during this period of time and save them. They will become your amulets and talismans. If you and your significant other are planning a wedding celebration, then the Dog favors this in any month of the year. The Dog will show the Oxen how important it is to compromise with loved ones, how much tact, trust and patience can decide. If you show softness and tenderness, your loved one will gladly give you many times more love than he has now.

Finance and career

It will be especially difficult for those who have climbed high up the career ladder and occupy a leadership position. From the beginning of the year, the Ox may lose some of his connections, tempting prospects and major projects. At times, things will not go as expected. The stars advise to perceive the period of calm not as a crushing defeat, but as a time for rest and recuperation. In May, gather with your family at the seaside and have a good rest. A break will not harm you and will give you new emotions.

Advice: in professional matters, rely solely on own strength. You will have trips and movements related to professional sphere. The stars recommend paying attention to appearance. The habit of looking good will help you out more than once.

Several times during the year, the Dog will give the Bulls an unexpected gift; they will be able to make a profit literally out of nothing. However, easy money will not stay in your pocket for long and will go away as quickly as it came.


One person to envy in terms of health is, of course, the Ox. Hobbies for sports and love for nature make his body strong and his body hardened. However, in the coming year, the stars advise, despite your iron health, not to forget about preventive measures. It is better to schedule an examination with a doctor every six months. Don't forget to monitor your well-being. Being passionate about your work makes you an indispensable worker, but don't forget to eat on time.

Another important point in self-care is maintaining a daily routine. The body will be very grateful to you. Try to minimize overwork and do not take current events too seriously to avoid stress. Too much physical stress gym may give an unexpected backfire.


The coming 2018 will bring problems from an unexpected direction. Relatives may interfere in relationships. Quarrels can drag on if you are not patient with your significant other. If a new addition is planned to the family, then the coming year is ideally conducive to this.

Now representatives of this sign know what year the Year of the Ox will be. Hopefully their animal will give them happiness as a reward for waiting. 2021 is still far ahead, we wish you to enjoy life in the coming 2018. Let him bring with him only good news, and all troubles and tears will be carried away on the wings by the symbol of the outgoing 2017 - the Fire Rooster.

Ox according to the Eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph of Ox: Chow.

Motto: “I’m achieving.”

Sign location: second.

Triad: second (Thinkers Triangle)

Element of the sign Ox: Earth-Yin.
Nature of the sign: Yin.
Direction: northeast.

The Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period is: Capricorn.

Time of day ruled by the Ox: 01.00-03.00.

Color: yellow.

Gemstone: aquamarine.

Food traditions: dishes from game, pork, vegetables.

  • February 19, 1901 – February 7, 1902 Year of the Metal Ox
  • February 6, 1913 – January 25, 1914, Year of the Water Ox
  • January 24, 1925 – February 12, 1926, Year of the Wooden Ox
  • February 11, 1937 – January 30, 1938, year of the Fire Ox
  • January 29, 1949 – February 16, 1950, Year of the Earth Ox
  • February 15, 1961 – February 4, 1962, Year of the Metal Ox
  • February 3, 1973 – January 22, 1974, Year of the Water Ox
  • February 20, 1985 – February 8, 1986, Year of the Wooden Ox
  • February 7, 1997 – January 27, 1998, year of the Fire Ox
  • January 26, 2009 – February 13, 2010, Year of the Earth Ox
  • February 12, 2021 – January 31, 2022, year of the Metal Ox
  • January 31, 2033 – February 18, 2034, year of the Water Ox

Characteristics of the Ox

Sign of the second year of the Chinese 12-year cycle. The bull symbolizes strength, perseverance, reliability, calmness and conservatism.

Despite the obvious manifestation of the masculine principle, in many indicators of planetary properties this sign has the nature of Yin, the nature of the elements is also Yin, therefore Yin qualities - unshakable calm, stability, conservatism - are expressed to a very strong degree in Oxen. They are the foundation of his character, which nothing can shake. The bull is rightfully considered the strongest and most powerful of the animals of the 12-year cycle, but since, according to legend, he was unable to appear before the Buddha first and gave way to a small but agile rat, he contains not only strength, but also weakness, which allowed people to tame it (a manifestation of Yin tendencies).

Years of the Ox according to the Eastern horoscope

The direction associated with the sign of the Ox is northeast, which in turn corresponds to the end of winter: the sign of the Ox corresponds to the 12th month chinese year(January to Gregorian calendar). The time of day 00.01 -03.00 is under the control of the Ox - the so-called “second watch”.

The yellow color, with which the sign of the Ox is associated, as the bearer of its inherent element Earth, in Chinese mythology symbolizes the Center of the world - China itself, Celestial Empire, and means stability, fertility, support, law, success and eternity, associated with glory and achievement. Being a sign whose natural element is Earth, the Ox is strongly influenced by Saturn, which, by the way, is also associated with the color yellow.

The Ox enters the second Triangle of Spiritual Relationship - the Triangle of Thinkers, the vertices of which are the second, sixth and tenth branches, that is, the Ox, Snake and Rooster, respectively. In this trio, Bull acts as a performer.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship or business, the Ox develops with the Snake and Rooster, as well as with the Rat, Tiger and Ox. On the other hand, the worst partner for a rat is its antagonist - the Goat (Sheep).