What are socio-psychological methods of management. Socio-psychological methods of management

Socio-psychological methods are

ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. These methods are aimed at both a group of employees and individuals.

According to the scale and methods of influence, they can be divided into: sociological, aimed at groups of employees in the process of their production interaction, and psychological, purposefully influencing the inner world of a particular individual.

The modern concept of management puts forward as priorities: preservation, cooperation, quality, partnership, integration. At the center of the strategic concept of personnel management is a person as highest value for the organization. Such a complex organism as the personnel of a modern organization cannot be considered from the standpoint of containing only its formal structure and decomposing it into separate parts. Along with the structural approach, which reflects the statics of personnel, the behavioral approach, which considers a specific personality, a system of relations between people, their competence, abilities, and motivation to work and achieve goals, is predominant. The reasons that encourage people to unite in organizations and interact within their formal framework are the physical and biological limitations inherent in each individual, and the goals, the achievement of which requires collective efforts. Combining their efforts, each employee complements each other and thereby influences the behavior of the organization as a whole in order to increase its efficiency.

The main role in considering the life of personnel in the structure of the organization belongs to the science of management. A comprehensive solution to the problems of the organization requires taking into account that it includes objects of a dual nature:

Factors that determine the socio-psychological structure of the organization (staff with a combination of individual abilities, interests, behavioral motives, informal relationships, etc.);

Factors production structure(objects and tools of labor, technological standards, etc.).

The target task of management theory is to study the influence of individual and group behavior on the functioning of the organization.

Psychology studies and predicts the behavior of the individual, the possibility of changing the behavior of the individual, reveals the conditions that interfere or contribute to the rational actions or actions of people. Modern psychology focuses on the methods of perception, learning and training, identifying needs and developing motivational methods, assessing the degree of job satisfaction, and the psychological aspects of decision-making processes.

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Research in the field of sociology expands the understanding of the staff as a social system where individuals play their roles and enter into certain relationships. The study of group behavior is essential, sociological conclusions and recommendations regarding group dynamics, processes of self-realization, communications, status and power become relevant.

Issues of cause-and-effect relationships in the group activities of personnel are studied by social psychology. To assess the effectiveness of group activity, it is extremely important to analyze changes in people's positions, forms of communication, and ways to meet individual needs through group activity.

Management psychology analyzes aspects of people's behavior in the workforce, the relationship between the leader and the subordinate, the problems of motivation and the psychological climate. Psychological planning is an important aspect in management. Planning is a new direction in working with employees to form an effective psychological state organization team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person’s personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part labor collective. Psychological planning - involves setting development goals and performance criteria, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

Formation of units or teams based on the psychological conformity of employees;

Comfortable psychological climate in the team;

Formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the enterprise; System management in mass media 107 - minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, insults, stresses, irritations);

Development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees;

The growth of the intellectual abilities of the team members and the level of their education;

Formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

Methods of psychological influence are the most important components of psychological management methods. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological impact on personnel to coordinate the actions of employees in the process of joint production activities. The permitted methods of psychological influence include: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, inducement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, deception of expectations, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice, etc.

Suggestion is a targeted psychological impact on the personality of a subordinate by the leader by referring to group expectations and motives for inducing work.

The belief is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the psyche of the employee to achieve the goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual employee or social group through a personal example of a leader or other leader, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process (making agreed decisions, competition, etc.).

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Motivation is a positive form of moral influence on the employee, which increases the social significance of the employee in the team, when the positive qualities of the employee, his experience and qualifications, and motivation for the successful completion of the assigned work are emphasized.

Coercion is an extreme form of psychological influence in the absence of the results of other forms of influence, when an employee is forced to perform certain work against his will and desire.

Condemnation is a method of psychological impact on an employee who allows large deviations from the moral standards of the team or whose work results are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be applied to employees with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team.

The demand has the force of a command and can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In many respects, a categorical requirement is analogous to a prohibition, acting as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition provides a retarding effect on a person and, in fact, is a variant of suggestion, as well as restrictions on prohibited behavior (inactivity, attempts to steal, etc.).

Reprimand has a persuasive power only in those conditions when the employee considers himself a follower and is psychologically inextricably linked with the leader, otherwise the censure is perceived as a mentor's edification.

Command is used when accurate and quick execution of instructions is required without discussion and criticism. Deception of expectations is effective in a situation of tense expectation, when previous events have formed a strictly directed train of thought in an employee, which has revealed its inconsistency and allows him to accept a new idea without objection.

A hint is a method of indirect persuasion through a joke, an ironic remark, and an analogy.

In fact, the allusion does not refer to consciousness and logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since the hint is a potential insult to the person, it should be used taking into account the specific emotional state of the employee.

A compliment should not be confused with flattery; it should not offend, but elevate the employee, prompt reflection. The subject of a compliment should be things, deeds, ideas, etc., indirectly related to a particular employee.

Praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation.

The request is a very common form of informal communication and is an effective method of leadership, as it is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates a respectful attitude towards his personality.

Advice is a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion. In operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice should be limited.

The response to psychological techniques and methods of control are mood, feelings and behavior.

Mood is a weakly expressed emotional experience that has not yet reached a stable and conscious certainty.

Feeling is a special kind of emotional experiences that have a clearly expressed objective character and

roval and published on the website: PRESSI (HERSO N ] 110 System management in the media characterized by comparative stability. They reflect the moral experiences of a person’s real relationship with the environment in the form of emotions. There are: moral, aesthetic, patriotic and intellectual feelings. According to the degree of manifestation feelings emit emotional states: appeasement, involvement, experience, threat, horror.

Emotions are specific experiences of certain events in a person's life, depending on his inclinations, habits and psychological state. Depending on the reaction, emotions can be:

Positive (joy, surprise, pleasure, etc.),

Negative (anger, anger, irritation, envy, resentment, sadness, annoyance, etc.),

Ambivalent (controversial - jealousy, rivalry, hint, etc.).

Behavior is expressed in a set of interrelated reactions carried out by a person to adapt to environment. There are five main forms of human behavior in a social environment:

"angelic", in the form of a complete denial of evil and violence;

Highly moral, proclaiming strict adherence to high principles of behavior (honesty, disinterestedness, generosity, wisdom, sincerity, etc.);

Normal, based on adherence to the principles of public morality, allowing deviations and shortcomings, on the dialectical unity of good and evil;

Immoral, when personal interests, motives and needs are placed above the accepted norms of behavior in a social group;

"devilish", i.e. absolutely immoral, anti-systemic management in mass media 111 rightful and contrary to laws, public

morality and standards. The classification of people according to the above forms of behavior allows you to choose the right methods of psychological influence (Table 3.2). Table 3.2 Behavior and methods of influence Behavior Methods of influence Angelic Imitation, advice, request, praise, compliment persuasion, demand, suggestion, explosion Devilish Compulsion, condemnation, punishment, prohibition Sociological methods make it possible to assess the place and appointment of employees in a team, identify informal leaders and provide them with support, use staff motivation to achieve the final result of work, ensure effective communications and prevention of interpersonal conflicts in the team. Sociological methods of management include: social planning, sociological research, assessment of personal qualities, morality, partnership, competition, conflict management.

Sociological research serves as a tool in working with personnel and provides HR specialists with the necessary data to make informed decisions in the selection, evaluation, placement, adaptation and training of personnel. Modern methods sociological research are very diverse and may include: questioning.

Personal qualities determine the inner world of an employee, which is quite stably reflected in the process of work and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. These qualities are usually divided into business (organizational), which determine the effectiveness of solving specific problems and performing role functions, and moral (moral), reflecting the personal moral qualities of an employee.

Morality is a special form of social consciousness that regulates the actions and behavior of a person in a social environment through moral norms and rules. Questions corporate morality are reflected in the philosophy of the organization.

Partnership is essential to ensure a variety of forms of relationships in the team. In contrast to the formal chain of command, which determine the interdependence of employees, in a partnership, everyone acts as an equal member of the group. There are the following forms of partnership: business, friendly, hobbies, etc. Partnerships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable issues of persuasion, imitation, requests, advice, praise. Business relations built in the form of friendly partnership and common hobbies always contribute to the creation of a good social and psychological climate in the team.

Emotional discomfort leads to stress, which is caused by pressure or a condition called stressors. Stress is usually associated with negative reactions. However, it can also have a positive meaning for a person. Stress helps to mobilize the efforts of a person, so that he can quickly cope with the task, solve the problem. In order to reduce the losses incurred by the organization due to stress. First of all, it is necessary to identify the stressors leading to these incidents. Stress is inevitable. There are two ways to deal with stress. The first is through changes in methods, organization, technology, production structure, and, if necessary, through the elimination of a source of stress. The second approach is related directly to stress and is to try to cope with them individually. To neutralize stress, some techniques are used:

1. Planning

2. Exercise

4. Psychotherapy

5. Psychoanalysis

6. Meditation and relaxation

Socio-psychological methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups of people and a person's personality. The art of managing people lies in the dosed and differentiated use of certain techniques listed above. The principles of democratization of human relations, respect for the rights of the individual should in modern conditions dominate over purely administrative methods and authoritarian style guides. It is important to know and predict the impact of socio-psychological methods on the work of staff.


The relevance of this topic is explained by the trends that appeared in the twentieth century to consider management as a process of managing people and looking at a person as an object of management, and not part of a mechanism.

In today's world, people are in dire need of skills and the ability to get along with each other, society needs people who can offer new ideas, take on the leadership of other people. In solving these problems, a special place belongs to a new promising direction in modern psychological science - sociology and psychology of management, the purpose of which is the socio-psychological support for the effective operation of the organization, personnel and, above all, managers in market conditions.

Management is not just business management, it is business management through very thorough work with people.

Knowledge about the patterns of management, about the sociological and psychological characteristics of human behavior in organizations, including tourism ones, are considered today essentially as an integral component of the general culture of the personality of a specialist of any profile.

The most important task of a modern management system is to create favorable conditions to realize the possibilities of a controlled system, which appear only if the initiative and responsibility of each subject of self-government is expanded, the methods of self-development and self-government are more widely used.

To achieve this kind of goals, a wider application of scientific management methods (modeling, programming, experiment, information technology, etc.) is necessary.

The basis of any type of control is information that is organized in one way or another in “human systems”. Based on the information, goals and objectives are defined, formulated and fixed (in organizational and administrative documents). Goal orientation is an important element of social management, followed by a system of actions, measures, activities or management decisions. Management is organized in a certain way through the distribution of functions and the formation of organizational structures, the selection and placement of personnel (staff). In the management process, it is also important to link goals, objectives and decisions with resources - informational, material, labor, financial, temporary.

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of psychological methods of management in modern conditions, which play a very important role in work with personnel, since they are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is an appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise.

Today's leader should be a carrier of organizational change, a person who can develop new approaches to solving problems, a specialist who promotes new values ​​among employees and is ready to overcome long-term difficulties.

It is the individual activity of the manager that is ultimately the most important and determining link in the functioning of organizations. But activity is both a sociological and psychological category. Both sociological and psychological patterns and phenomena are clearly manifested in individual activity.

When working on data course project I set myself the task of considering the features and properties of socio-psychological methods of management in general, and each separately, as well as Special attention pay attention to the possible negative consequences of their use, as representing the greatest danger to the social and psychological stability of both individuals and society as a whole.

Chapter 1. The concept of management methods

The implementation of the laws and principles of management occurs through the use of various management methods. The control method is the impact of various techniques and methods on the controlled object in order to effectively achieve the goals. Usually in management practice a set of methods is used that complement each other.

1. Administrative.

2. Organizational (if these two groups are combined into one, then

they are called organizational-administrative or

organizational and administrative).

3. Economic.

4. Social.

5. Socio-psychological.

6. Psychological.

With regard to classification, there are the following approaches.

The first one consists in dividing management methods into separate groups with the aim of deeper knowledge of their content, "inventory" and, ultimately, the creation of an arsenal.

The second approach is called aspect. Its representatives believe that any method has different facets - organizational, administrative, social, economic and psychological. What is important is the combination of these facets, their correlation in order to strengthen or weaken one of them in accordance with specific conditions, goals, and tasks.

The third approach is empirical. Its supporters consider any classification of management methods meaningless, since it is not needed in practice. In a particular situation, the leader decides which method to use, and does not look for an answer to the question: “Which group does this method belong to?”

In the process of managing social work, various methods are used - organizational and administrative, economic, socio-psychological, psychological. Consider organizational methods, which include administrative ones.

The key word in this group of methods is "organization", which has three meanings.

The first value reflects various state, non-state, public, commercial, non-profit, international, industrial, non-industrial and other entities, institutions, enterprises or organizations. The organization, on the one hand, manifests itself in certain organizational forms (ministry, department, committee, management, service, department, etc.), and on the other hand, in the nature of specialized activities (trade union, financial, construction, trade, international organization etc.).

Organization is manifested both in the choice of one or another organizational form, and in the justification organizational structure, which must correspond to this organizational form, the nature of this organization. The organizational form and organizational structure are "visible objects of the organization", which has a certain degree of stability, static. Therefore, the considered meaning of the concept of "organization" is called the subject or static and determines the subject value of a number of organizational methods by which a certain organization and the corresponding organizational structure are created or disbanded.

The second meaning is used in the sense of a set of actions that allow you to do something, decide, streamline, systematize, prepare, combine, separate, etc. to achieve goals and accomplish tasks. It reflects one of the main management functions of the manager, administrator, and therefore is called functional. You can find another definition of this value - dynamic. It emphasizes the mobility of organizational actions under the influence of conditions, conditions, situations, goals, tasks. The third meaning of the concept "organization" reflects the level (quality) of interconnection, interaction, orderliness of elements and parts of the system, which must be achieved or has already been achieved. In other words, in this sense, “organization” is, on the one hand, the desired state of an element, part or system as a whole, and on the other hand, the result of their ordering. It is this meaning that is often given to the concepts of “organization of management”, “organization of finances”, “organization of social work”, “organization of personnel work”, “organization of documents”, “organization of a meeting”, etc.

Any element, subsystem and system is unthinkable without organization. It acts as a property, attribute of elements, parts, systems, their functioning, development, improvement. Therefore, this meaning of the concept "organization" is called attributive.

1. Social and socio-psychological - are used to increase the social activity of people.

2. Economic methods. They are associated with the achievement of economic goals of management using economic laws and categories. market economy. This includes economic incentives.

3. Organizational and administrative methods. The basis of these methods is power, discipline, responsibility. This method has the following types: instructions, rules, recommendations, control. The main task of these methods is to coordinate the actions of control objects.

4. Methods of self-management. Self-management enables a person to turn from an object of control into a subject of control. Self-management increases the efficiency of the entire management process, as it is based on the interest of workers and the involvement of their creative activities.

In the social management system, scientific methods of management are also distinguished. These methods include: modeling, forecasting, programming, experiment, expert opinions, information Technology.

In general, for effective social management, a combination of certain methods is used.

Social methods are designed to influence the socio-psychological relationships between people. They are based mainly on informal factors, the interests of the individual and the team in the management process. It is advisable to start the description with their enumeration and drawing up some diagrams that facilitate understanding of the essence and tasks of specific methods.

Social work management is a type of social management. This concept is multi-valued and expresses different sides, facets and aspects of management.

The meaning of social work management is a process involving a number of elements. The basis of any type of control is information that is organized in one way or another in “human systems”. Based on the information, goals and objectives are defined, formulated and fixed (in organizational and administrative documents). Goal orientation is an important element of social management, followed by a system of actions, measures, activities or management decisions. Management is organized in a certain way through the distribution of functions and the formation of organizational structures, the selection and placement of personnel (staff). In the management process, it is also important to link goals, objectives and decisions with resources - informational, material, labor, financial, temporary.

Chapter 2

Socio-psychological methods are methods of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. The object of influence of these methods are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interactions in the production process (the outer world of man); psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person (the inner world of a person).

Such a division is rather conditional, because in modern social production, a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However, the effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.

2.1. Sociological methods of management

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team. Elements regulated by sociological methods include:

social planning ensures the setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (standard of living, wages, the need for housing, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results.

Sociological research methods constitute a scientific toolkit in working with personnel, they provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow you to reasonably make personnel decisions. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparation before the conversation, then, during the dialogue with the interlocutor, obtaining the necessary information. Interview - perfect option conversations with a leader, political or statesman, require a high qualification of the interviewer and considerable time. The sociometric method is indispensable in the analysis of business and friendly relationships in a team, when a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built on the basis of a survey of employees, which also shows informal leaders in the team. The method of observation allows you to identify the qualities of employees, which are sometimes found only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, disaster). The interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational activities when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.

Personal qualities characterize the external image of the employee, which is quite stable in the team and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. Personal qualities can be divided into business (organizational) qualities that are necessary to fulfill specific functions and tasks, and moral (moral), reflecting the manifestation of a person's personal morality. In personnel work, it is also necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of employees, on the basis of which they select a workplace, plan a career and ensure promotion.

Morality is a special form of social consciousness that regulates the actions and behavior of a person in society with the help of moral norms. In the course of the historical development of mankind moral standards received everyday expression in the form of folk wisdom and ideological justification in religious teachings based on the ideals of good and evil, honor and dishonor, wisdom and stupidity, approval or condemnation.

partnership is an important component of any social group and consists in establishing various forms of relationships on the basis of which people communicate. In partnership, people act as equal members in the relationship between themselves, in contrast to the formal relationship between the leader and the subordinate, where there is a dependence of one person on another. There are such forms of partnership: business, friendly, hobbies, family - between relatives, sexual - intimate relationships between people. In partnership, relationships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable psychological methods of persuasion: imitation, requests, advice, praise. When at work business relations are maintained in the form of friendly partnerships and common hobbies, this always contributes to the creation of a good psychological climate in the team.

Thus, partnership is one of the key components of the corporate culture of the enterprise and sociological methods in working with personnel.

Competition is a specific form of social relations and is characterized by the desire of people for success, superiority, achievements and self-affirmation. The history of the competition comes from the depths of centuries. The competition was a form of survival of the best representatives of the family - strong, smart, courageous, healthy, and eventually became the driving force behind the development of society. The results of the competition are new discoveries, inventions, works of art, records in sports, achievements in production.

The idea of ​​competition and leadership was actively supported by the classics of Marxism-Leninism and materialized in the form of socialist competition: the Stakhanov movement, shock work and innovation, communist subbotniks, the movement for communist labor. The further development of the competition was recorded in an attempt to cover all workers in the 70s. and finally buried after the collapse of the CPSU and the economic crisis of the former USSR.

Interestingly, Western and, above all, Japanese companies, having carefully studied the experience of socialist competition, successfully applied it to the national mentality of their workers and the corporate interest of the company in the form of quality circles, workers' councils, etc.

Communication - it is a specific form of interaction between people based on the continuous exchange of information. Interpersonal communication occurs between different people in the forms of leader - subordinate - employee - friend and other more complex forms of communication between several people. Personal communication takes place in simple forms the relationship of a manager with a subordinate, employees among themselves, when there are two subjects of communication. Verbal, or verbal, communication occurs in the process of oral or written exchange of information. Non-verbal communication takes place when other sign forms of communication are used, such as gestures, facial expressions, sounds, posture, etc. Management communication includes three main stages: the issuance of administrative information, the receipt of feedback information, the issuance of evaluation information.

Negotiation - this is a specific form of human communication, when two or more parties with different goals and objectives try to link different interests together on the basis of a well-thought-out conversation (dialogue) scheme and, as a rule, avoid direct conflict.

Conflict - a form of confrontation between the opposing sides, which has its own plot, composition, energy, which, in the course of action, transforms into a climax and denouement and ends with a positive or negative solution to the problem. There are interpersonal conflicts, personal conflict between the external environment and internal morality, conflicts over the distribution of roles at work, business conflicts due to a clash of interests of various departments, family conflicts over various problems, etc.

Conflict signals are social crisis, tension in the group, misunderstandings due to actions, deviations from the norms, psychological and ethical incidents at work and at home, discomfort or intuitive feeling of awkwardness in the company or at work.

So, knowledge of sociological management methods allows the team leader to objectively carry out social planning, regulate the socio-psychological climate, ensure effective communications and maintain a good corporate culture. To do this, it is advisable to systematically (at least once a year) conduct sociological research in a team; it is especially useful to know the opinion of team members about the leader.

2.2. Psychological methods of management

Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise. Elements regulated through psychological methods include:

Psychological planning constitutes a new direction in work with personnel on the formation of an effective psychological state of the enterprise team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person's personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

The formation of units ("teams") on the basis of psychological

employee compliance;

Comfortable psychological climate in the team;

Formation of personal motivation of people based on philosophy


Minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, insults,

stress, irritation);

Development of a service career based on psychological orientation


The growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their


Formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and

images of ideal employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning and regulation be carried out by a professional psychological service of the enterprise, consisting of social psychologists.

Branches of psychology and knowledge of their research methods allow us to make a correct analysis of the state of mind of people, build their psychological portraits, develop ways to eliminate psychological discomfort and form a good team climate. Psychology is an experimental science that studies the relationship of mental processes in human life. The focus of psychoanalysis mental processes and motivation of human drives, especially mental and sexual ones. Labor psychology studies the psychological aspects of professional selection, career guidance, professional fatigue, tension and intensity of labor, accidents, etc. Management psychology analyzes aspects of people's behavior in a work team, relations between a leader and a subordinate, problems of motivation and psychological climate. Psychotherapy studies the methods of mental influence by word, deed, situation on a person with certain mental disorders for the purpose of treatment. Methods such as self-hypnosis (autogenic training), suggestion (hypnosis), meditation are gradually entering the practice of management.

Personality types characterize the inner potential of a person and his general orientation towards the performance of certain types of work and areas of activity. There are several approaches to the typification of a person's personality: 16-factor personality characteristics according to Cattell's quality, Freud's theory of dreams and drives, based on the classification of behavioral roles, etc.

Temperament is a very important psychological characteristic of a person for determining the purpose and place of each employee in a team, "the distribution of managerial tasks and psychological methods of working with a particular person. There are four main temperaments: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Traits determine the direction of the human world, the level of need for communication. According to the predominance of certain character traits, people are divided into extroverts and introverts.

Extrovert - extremely sociable, responds to everything new, interrupts the type of activity, sometimes without finishing work, if a new interlocutor appears, stimulus. Motivation of activity is fickle and is directly dependent on the opinions of others, altruistic inclinations are expressed, sometimes for the sake of others a person forgets himself. Typical extroverts in history were Peter I, the pilot V.P. Chkalov, in art - the film heroes of Ch. Chaplin.

Introvert - closed, in behavior proceeds only from internal considerations, therefore, sometimes his actions seem pretentious and eccentric to those around him. Intuition is well developed, he calculates the situation very accurately, his decisions are often promising and justified in the future. An introvert is emotionally cold, poor facial expressions and gestures alert interlocutors and prevent frankness in conversation.

Characters from the point of view of a person’s attitude to the external and internal world can be considered in relation to the surrounding reality and to other people (positive, neutral, negative), in relation to oneself (inflated, normal, underestimated) and to work (study).

Personal orientation is an important psychological characteristic of a person and is considered from the point of view of needs, interests, motives, beliefs and worldviews.

Intellectual abilities characterize the possibilities of understanding, thinking, consciousness of a person and are important for professional orientation, evaluation of people, career planning and organization of career advancement. The main attention should be paid to the level of intelligence of the employee, which has three gradations (high, medium, low). The ability of rational thinking is an essential requirement for management personnel and specialists. The level of consciousness determines the compliance of the employee with the moral code of the enterprise. Logic skills are indispensable in engineering and scientific activity. Intellectual abilities are revealed with the help of psychological methods. Human memory is an important component of intellectual abilities. There are significant differences in the amount of long-term and working memory of different people.

Methods of cognition are tools with which a person studies reality, processes information and prepares draft decisions. The most famous methods of cognition are analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Analysis involves the study of a phenomenon based on classification, division into elements, identification of alternatives, and the study of internal patterns. Synthesis, on the contrary, is based on the study of interelement relationships, the construction of a system of individual elements, the study of external patterns and relationships. In the process of cognition, analysis and synthesis are used together, for example, when building a diagram of the organizational structure of enterprise management.

Induction is a conclusion from the particular to the general based on the study of various facts and events, the results of which develop a hypothesis (general statement) about a certain pattern. Deduction, on the contrary, is a conclusion from the general to the particular, when hypotheses (rules, principles) are put forward in the form of absolute truth, from which a conclusion is drawn about particular patterns. An example of the application of methods of induction and deduction is the development of an enterprise philosophy.

Cognition of reality is carried out by sensing and perceiving the external world and information. They are the subject of psychology, and there are special methods for their development. Philosophy considers cognition as a process from living contemplation to abstract thinking.

Psychological images make it possible to train personnel on the basis of typical patterns of behavior of historical figures, major managers and production innovators. Artistic images are used for aesthetic and cultural education of the company's employees, especially young people. Graphic images are an integral part of engineering activities, especially with the use of modern multimedia technical means when the design of new technologies goes to the computer. Visual images are very useful in personnel work, because allow to ensure the recognition of a particular person in the work collective. Psychological images are an ideal form of reflection of objects and phenomena of the material world in the human mind. Psychological images at the sensory level of cognition are formed by sensation, perception and representation. In the process of thinking, images are formed on the basis of concepts, judgments and conclusions. Practical actions, colloquial language, writing, various sign models are the material form of the embodiment of images.

In the management process, historical, artistic, graphic, audiovisual and iconic images are most often used. Historical images are widely used by describing the lives of great people to educate young workers and justify decisions.

Artistic images are an important component of the design of office space, the formation of a culture of management and technical equipment. Graphic images are widely used in the regulation of management (schemes, graphs, models, master plans) and to justify decision-making. Audiovisual images are an inseparable part of modern computer and television technology, providing employees with timely information in the mode of human-machine dialogue. Iconic images allow you to use mathematical methods for making management decisions (matrices, management models, crossword puzzles, etc.).

Methods of psychological influence are among the most important elements of psychological management methods. They concentrate all the necessary and legally permitted methods of influencing people for coordination in the process of joint labor activity. The methods of psychological influence include suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, coercion, inducement, condemnation, demand, prohibition, placebo, censure, command, deceived expectation, "explosion", the Socratic method, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice. Let's consider them in more detail.

Suggestion represents the psychological purposeful impact on the personality of a subordinate by the leader with the help of his appeal to group expectations and motives for inducing work. Suggestion can cause a person, sometimes in addition to his will and consciousness, a certain state of feelings and lead to a person committing a certain act. An extremely negative form of suggestion is the zombification of a person, when strictly defined forms of behavior that go beyond moral norms are instilled in a person (mafia groups, formation gangs, religious sects such as "aum senrique", etc.).

Belief is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the human psyche to achieve goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a means of influencing individual worker or a social group through a personal example of a leader or innovator of production, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process, for example, the election of a leader, the adoption of agreed decisions, competition in a team, etc.

Motivation - a positive form of moral influence on a person, when the positive qualities of the employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence in the successful completion of the assigned work are emphasized, which allows increasing the moral significance of the employee in the enterprise. In the Soviet period, such forms as entering on the Board of Honor, presenting a Certificate of Honor, conferring the title "Winner of the Competition", "Drummer of Labor", etc. were widely used to induce labor.

Compulsion - an extreme form of moral influence, when other methods of influencing a person have not yielded results and the employee is forced, perhaps even against his will and desire, to perform certain work. It is advisable to use coercion only in emergency (force majeure) circumstances, when inaction can lead to casualties, damage, loss of property, people, accidents.

condemnation - reception of psychological influence on a person who allows large deviations from moral norms in the team or the results of labor and the quality of work of which are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be used to influence people with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team.

Requirement has the force of an order. In this regard, it can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical with a prohibition, which acts as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition suggests an inhibitory effect on the individual. We refer to it the prohibition of impulsive actions of an unstable nature, which, in essence, is a variant of suggestion, as well as the prohibition of unlawful behavior (drinking, inactivity, attempted theft or marriage).

This method stands on the verge of two main methods of influence - coercion and persuasion.

placebo has long been used in medicine as a method of suggestion. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor, prescribing to the patient some indifferent remedy, claims that it will give the desired effect. Psychological attitude patient on the beneficial effects of the prescribed medication often leads to a positive result. In the workplace, a placebo is an example of behavior of an authority figure, when workers are easily shown any action, overcoming pain, excessive fatigue, fear of heights, etc. Seeing this, workers can just as easily repeat the shown actions without experiencing unpleasant sensations. If the observers notice that the demonstration is carried out through force, then there will be no effect. In general, the placebo effect lasts only until the first failure, until the workers realize that the ritual actions that they so scrupulously performed have no real basis.

censure has persuasive power only under conditions when the interlocutor identifies himself with the leader: "he is one of us." In other cases, censure is perceived as a mentoring edification that can be listened to, but which does not need to be followed. Due to the fact that a person quite actively defends his "I", he often considers this technique as an attack on his independence.

Command is used when fast and accurate execution is required without any critical reactions. When executing commands, they do not reason. In life, there are prohibitive and incentive varieties of commands. First: "Stop!", "Stop being nervous!", "Shut up!" etc. - aimed at immediate inhibition of undesirable acts of behavior. They are given in a firm calm voice or a voice with an emotionally colored tone. Second: "Go!", "Bring!", "Perform!" etc. - are aimed at turning on the behavioral mechanisms of people.

Deceived expectation effective in a tense situation. Previous events should form a strictly directed train of thought in the interlocutor. If the inconsistency of this orientation is suddenly discovered, then the interlocutor is at a loss and perceives the idea proposed to him without objection. This state of affairs is typical for many situations in life.

"Explosion" - a technique known as instant personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. It is described in detail in fiction(heroes of the novels by V. Hugo "Les Misérables", A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo", etc.). The use of "explosion" requires the creation of a special environment in which feelings would arise that could amaze a person with their unexpectedness and unusualness. In such an environment, a person's nervous processes fail. An unexpected stimulus causes him severe stress. This leads to a radical change in views on things, events, individuals and even the world as a whole.

Socratic method based on the desire to protect the interlocutor from saying "no". As soon as the interlocutor says "no", it is very difficult to turn him into reverse side. The method is named after the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who often used it, trying to conduct a conversation in such a way that it was easier for the interlocutor to say "yes". As we know, Socrates certainly proved his point of view, without causing not only obvious indignation from his opponents, but even the most insignificant negative reactions.

Hint - reception of indirect persuasion through jokes, irony and analogy. In a sense, advice can be a form of hint. The essence of a hint is that it appeals not to consciousness, not to logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since the hint is fraught with the potential for insulting the personality of the interlocutor, it is best to use it in a situation of a particular mood. The criterion of measure here can be the prediction of self-experience: "How would I feel myself if I were given such hints?"

Compliment often mixed with flattery. If you say to a person: "How well you speak!", then it will flatter him. Flattery is not pleasant to everyone, although often people do not dismiss it. A French proverb says "" Flattery is the ability to tell a person what he thinks of himself. " A compliment does not offend anyone, it elevates everyone.

Praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation. Sometimes it is enough to say to a young employee: "Today you work much better and if you improve the quality even a little bit, you will achieve excellent results." However, such praise for an experienced worker can be perceived as an insult, and it is better to celebrate his success in a solemn atmosphere in front of the whole team.

Request is a very common form of communication between colleagues, young and experienced workers and is less often used in the relationship between a manager and subordinates. The applicant turns to another employee for advice, help, instructions when he doubts the forms and methods of performing work or is unable to do it on his own. The manager's request is an effective method of leadership, because is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates respect for his personality.

Advice - a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion, often used in the relationship of colleagues, mentors of young workers and experienced managers. You can say to the worker: "Ivanov, change the tool" - this is a form of order. You can say in another way: "I advise you to change the tool." However, in operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice and requests from the manager should be minimized and excluded in cases where the worker allows marriage and disruption of tasks.

Behavior - a set of interrelated reactions carried out by a person to adapt to the external environment. Human behavior can be represented as a Brownian motion within a fairly wide field formed by moral standards accepted in the social group to which the person belongs. Public morality depends on the economic structure of society, nationality, social class, standard of living, education and a number of other signs, the formation of public morality historically for many millennia has been carried out by religion and fixed in the scriptures (Bible, Koran) in the form of patterns of behavior of God, angels and the devil.

So, socio-psychological methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups of people and a person's personality. The art of managing people consists in the dosed and differentiated use of certain methods from those listed above.

Instability of the economic condition of the enterprise, financial difficulties, late payment wages, long-term downtime, of course, does not contribute to maintaining a good socio-psychological climate, because the manager has to devote much more time to human communication and personnel management functions, but directly to production, marketing, finance, i.e. other functions.

An example of socio-psychological methods of management is the satisfaction and stimulation of staff. To keep good employees, you should make sure that they are happy and satisfied, try to stimulate them for best performance their work, which in turn will benefit the company.

However, the psychological impact also has negative consequences.

At the moment when the manager exerts pressure on the subordinate, that is, in fact, when using power based on fear, strong psychological and emotional stress may arise and then not dissipate for a long time, and people who have experienced such an impact may experience a feeling of “lost” and "disorientation". [ 7 , Ch. 2]

As for the possible negative consequences of positive reinforcement, then, for example, if the leader makes a mistake in choosing a reward, it can be achieved reverse effect. The simplest example: the boss rewards the employee for the successful completion of the project with a ticket to the south. The employee, not wanting to spoil the established relationship, agrees, knowing that he cannot stand the heat and this ticket will not give him a real rest. But, being an adult and conscious person, he "has fun as best he can" and comes home better than he was before leaving. But internally, at the subconscious level, he may already have a formed attitude linking an active successfully completed work with a trip in which he felt uncomfortable, and the next time he, without realizing it, will strive not to do the work "on the highest class" .

Other negative consequences are also possible, expressed in neurosis and stress, which have been discussed more and more often in recent decades.

AT given time Stress is a common and common occurrence. Minor stresses are unavoidable and practically harmless, but excessive stress creates problems for individuals and organizations. The type of stress that has to do with leaders is characterized by excessive psychological or physiological stress. Research shows that physiological signs of stress include ulcers, migraines, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, asthma, and heart pain. Psychological manifestations include irritability, loss of appetite, depression, and decreased interest in sexual interpersonal relationships.

It is also important to understand that stress can be caused by factors related to the work and activities of the organization, or events in the personal life of the individual.

Many bosses have been accused of causing ill health to subordinates, and many well-meaning spouses have been lauded as stress relievers. However, new research has challenged both stereotypes: a boss can be a significant defense against stress, while some research suggests that family support can only make matters worse.

Chapter 3. Socio-psychological climate in the team

The cohesion of the labor collective depends on the socio-psychological climate that characterizes social face collective, its production potential.

The quality of the socio-psychological climate in the team determines the attitude of the leader to society as a whole, to his organization and to each person individually. If, in his understanding, a person is presented as a resource, raw materials and production base, then this approach will not give the proper result, in the management process there will be a bias and shortage or recalculation of resources to perform a specific task.

Under socio-psychological climate of the labor collective should be understood as a system of socio-psychological relations that reflect the subjective integration of individual workers and social groups for general business purposes. This is the internal state of the team, formed as a result of joint activities its members, their interpersonal interactions. The socio-psychological climate depends on the style of the collective activity and the attitude of the members of the collective towards it, the peculiarities of their perception by each other (assessments, opinions, reactions to words and deeds), mutually experienced feelings (sympathies, antipathies, empathy, sympathy), psychological unity (community of needs , interests, tastes, value orientations, the level of conflict, the nature of criticism and self-criticism), etc.

The influence of the socio-psychological climate on the cohesion and development of the team can be twofold - stimulating and restraining, which is the basis for its differentiation into favorable (healthy) and unfavorable (unhealthy).

The criteria for a favorable socio-psychological climate can be following characteristics:

First, at the level of collective consciousness:

1. a positive assessment of their production activities;

2. optimistic mood prevailing in the process

vital activity

3. team;

Secondly, at the level of behavior:

1. conscientious, proactive attitude of team members to

duties performed;

2. low level of conflict in interpersonal relationships;

3. absence or low staff turnover.

4. In teams where the importance of social

psychological climate, tense

relations between people, manifested in frequent conflicts.

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team

The formation of a favorable climate and good relations in each work collective is closely related to the process of adaptation of new personnel, especially young ones. In the socio-psychological aspect, adaptation is understood as the successful integration of a new employee into the team, i.e. the achievement of such a state when, according to his own assessment, he becomes a full member of the team. The adaptation process goes through a number of stages, each of which is characterized by its own duration (see Table 1)

Knowing at what stage of adaptation this or that employee is at the moment, it is possible to contribute to his successful transition to the next, higher stage by applying appropriate methods of influence.

Table 1

The process of social and psychological adaptation of an employee at the enterprise

Factors such as:

Employee confidence in their future;

Fair pay for his work;

Recognition of the employee's merits and the opportunity for his advancement

by service;

The presence of good leadership (the employee must be confident in

that the "wheel" on which this confidence depends is in

safe hands).

The performance of each task must be monitored and evaluated (forms of control should not be totalitarian); the lack of control can lead the employee to the idea of ​​the uselessness of the work performed by him. No need to turn control into petty custody.

If offered by an employee independent solution problems does not contradict in principle the point of view of management, there is no need to fetter the initiative of the employee and argue over trifles.

Each achievement of the employee and his initiative should be immediately noted. You can thank a subordinate in the presence of other employees. A person is encouraged by a positive assessment of his actions and upsets if they do not notice and do not appreciate success in work.

When an employee is in some way more talented and more successful than his manager, this is not something negative; the good reputation of subordinates is the praise of the leader and is credited to him.

It is not necessary to make comments to a subordinate who has committed a minor offense in the presence of other persons, employees or subordinates; human humiliation is not The best way education.

There is no point in criticizing people. It would be more constructive to criticize their mistakes, pointing out from what shortcomings such mistakes can occur. And even more so, it is not necessary to point out these shortcomings in a person - he must draw all the conclusions himself.

In a conflict situation, the use of harsh, offensive words (if the situation can be resolved without them) will be disastrous.

Very important: the spark of respect and even more sympathy planted by the leader in the soul of a subordinate is able to charge him for selfless creative work, regardless of time.

Precise formulation of one’s thoughts: professional literacy, managerial competence, common culture. An easily outlined and formulated thought encourages communication, eliminates the potential for conflict caused by misunderstanding.

Correctly made remark eliminates unnecessary irritation. Sometimes it is useful to make comments in the form of a question: "Do you think there is a mistake here?" or "How do you think..."

The ability of the leader to defend the interests of the entire team and each of the subordinates - good remedy gaining prestige and uniting workers into a single group.

Confidence and incredulity are essential quality personality, on which the socio-psychological climate in the team depends. Excessive, excessive gullibility distinguishes inexperienced, easily hurt people. They find it difficult to be good leaders. But worst of all is suspicion of everyone. The incredulity of the leader almost always breeds the incredulity of subordinates. By showing distrust of people, a person almost always limits the possibility of mutual understanding, and hence the effectiveness of collective activity.

Delegation of authority stimulates the disclosure of abilities, initiative, independence and competence of subordinates. Delegation often has a positive effect on employee motivation and job satisfaction.

In general, under conflict is understood as a collision of oppositely directed actions of employees caused by differences of interests, views, aspirations. Conflict is accompanied by tension in relationships.

Common causes of conflicts are:

Shortcomings in the organization of rationing and remuneration. The spiritual comfort of people largely depends on the degree of implementation of the principle of social justice. It is very important that those workers who work better get more.

deficiencies in the organization of leadership, caused by the incompetence of the leader, the discrepancy between his personality and the level of maturity of the team; his insufficient moral upbringing, as well as his low psychological culture.

Imperfection of the team itself or its individual members: lack of conscious discipline, which hinders the work of the leader and the development of the entire team; the prevailing inertia and inertia in the stele of the collective's activity, which leads to great resistance to innovation, unhealthy relations between personnel workers and newcomers; psychological and moral incompatibility of individual members of the team, the transfer of personal misfortunes, troubles of individuals to relations in the work team, etc.

Team building involves, first of all, identifying the causes of conflicts and carrying out appropriate preventive work, which can be carried out in the following areas:

Improving the organization and working conditions, ensuring the rhythm and strict coordination of the production process, which causes moral satisfaction among workers;

selection of personnel and the correct placement of personnel, taking into account their socio-professional characteristics and psychological compatibility, which reduces the likelihood of conflict;

development of criticism and self-criticism, etc.

However, it is impossible to completely avoid conflicts in the team. As a rule, not a single team can do without conflicts. Moreover, conflicts have, along with negative consequences, positive ones. They help team members get to know each other, get a better idea of ​​mutual expectations and claims, and the administration - about shortcomings in the organization of work, life, and production management. Therefore, it is very important that the clash of views and positions of the conflicting parties does not alienate them from each other, that the controversial issues are resolved and cease to be controversial, that the conflict does not go down a destructive path. In this connection special meaning acquires the behavior of conflicting employees, the culture of conflict.

Chapter 4. The effectiveness of socio-psychological methods of management.

Methods of socio-psychological management are the most important means of implementing the laws and principles of management. All their diversity (economic, social, psychological, organizational and administrative, etc.) is effective only when the subject of management, on the basis of system analysis, uses the combination of them that is necessary in this particular management situation, which today represents a complex of complex phenomena (economic, social, political, spiritual and cultural).

One of the main tasks of the modern management system is to create favorable conditions for the realization of the capabilities of the managed system, which appear only with the expansion of the initiative and responsibility of each subject of self-government, the wider use of self-development and self-government methods.

To achieve these goals, a wider application of scientific management methods (modelling, programming, experiment, information technology, etc.) is necessary.

System- this is a set of interconnected elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, constituting a holistic education. The systemic properties of social organizations are studied within the framework of systems approach, which performs a theoretical and methodological role in the knowledge and transformation of complex social systems. The system is divided into subsystems, each of which can be considered both separately and in their inseparable integrity.

Everything that is not included in the system and affects it, or that the system itself affects, is called its external environment, which differs significantly from its internal environment. They are in dialectical interaction.

Each social system consists, first of all, of two interacting, but independent subsystems: managed and managing. The managed subsystem includes: social relations, social processes, society resources, primarily social, social organizations and the people in them. To the control - all the elements that provide the process of targeted impact on the elements of the controlled subsystem. Its most important element is the organizational structure of management.

The development of education, health care and culture, housing and communal services, social services for the population should be decided at the level of state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments. It is necessary to increase the responsibility of federal, regional state authorities and local governments for the implementation of state social policy.


Management is to some extent an art. In some situations, leaders can become effective in their work by structuring tasks, planning and organizing tasks and roles, showing concern and providing support. In other situations, the manager may find it more appropriate to exert influence by allowing subordinates to participate to some extent in decision-making, rather than structuring the conditions for doing work. As Ajiris rightly points out: ""...effective leaders are those who can behave differently - depending on the requirements of reality"" .

Managing an organization in our dynamic time is a complex job that cannot be done successfully with simple, dry, memorized formulas. The leader must combine an understanding of general truths and the significance of the many variations that make situations different from one another.

Modern approach to the organization is a balanced combination of human values, organizational change and continuous adaptation to change external environment. All this requires significant changes in the principles, methods and forms of work with a person in an organization.

In order to interest a person not only in the performance of his work, but in the maximum effort, in the greatest return, you need to use the structure of people's needs that satisfy external and internal rewards; develop measures to improve the social situation at the enterprise in order to achieve staff satisfaction with work in the organization; to study the opinion of workers on various aspects of their lives, to conduct a survey. Recognition of the successes of employees is also a serious incentive for their own professional improvement and, as a result, for improvement and increase in the efficiency of the quality system.

The art of management lies in the ability to choose from a variety of important and urgent tasks those that have a fundamental priority, and focus on them. It is equally important to improve numerous routine processes, identify and eliminate bottlenecks, since they set the pace for all work and are the cause of low labor productivity.

In conclusion, I would like to add that a talented manager must achieve the maximum return from his subordinates. To effectively manage such an expensive resource as people, the manager needs to highlight certain parameters of the work assigned to subordinates, by changing which he can influence the psychological state of the performers, thereby motivating or demotivating them. Well-designed work should create internal motivation, a sense of personal contribution to the products. A person is a social being, which means that a sense of belonging can cause deep psychological satisfaction in him, it also allows him to realize himself as a person. Large firms have a great social responsibility to internal - company participants, consumers and society as a whole.


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Socio-psychological methods called such methods of influence of the subject of management on the objects of management (labor collectives and individual workers), which are based on objective laws the development of sociology and psychology, influence taking into account collective psychology (the mood of the team, group relations, public opinion), psychological features various social groups and individuals.

Socio-psychological methods of management are aimed at creating a favorable and stable moral and psychological climate in the labor collectives of the bodies, and contribute to the most successful solution of the tasks at hand. In addition, they are designed to ensure the social security of workers; improve the culture of production; encourage highly skilled and highly productive work; create a modern highly developed service sector; improve living conditions; improve health, improve physical culture and sports, to promote their introduction into everyday life; to strengthen care for the family, etc. These aspects of socio-psychological methods are enshrined in legislation that regulates the activities of internal affairs bodies. Yes, in federal law"On the Police" contains special articles on state insurance and compensation for damage in the event of the death or injury of a police officer, providing employees with living space, telephone; provides for the provision of places in children's preschool institutions children of police officers; police officers use all types of public transport and others. The Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies also contain norms on the social protection of employees of the internal affairs bodies. It, in particular, establishes the duration of the employee's working time, indicates the types of vacations, types of monetary allowance, benefits, guarantees and compensations and other types of social nature. Strengthened social protection of employees. In case of non-compliance with the guarantees of social protection of an employee, the guilty officials shall bear responsibility established by law.

Socio-psychological methods include two groups of methods: sociological and psychological methods of management.

To sociological methods controls include: methods of managing social-mass processes; methods of managing teams, bodies, groups, intra-group phenomena and processes; methods of managing individual-personal behavior.

The method of managing social-mass processes are, for example, the regulation of the movement of personnel, the planned training and distribution of personnel, the retention of personnel, the increase in the prestige of professions, etc.

To methods of managing teams, bodies, groups, intra-group phenomena and processes include social planning for the development of the team, methods for increasing social and group activity, the continuity of glorious traditions, etc. A favorable socio-psychological climate, the creative activity of employees are formed in the team with the help of such social methods as promotion and implementation of positive experience, innovation, mentoring, etc.

To sociological methods of management individual-personal behavior include : creation of favorable working conditions for employees (optimal degree of workload, rhythm, the presence of elements of creativity in labor, etc.); formation of an optimal management system (organizational structure, types of control, availability of appropriate job descriptions, etc.); proper organization of educational work; creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team; established traditions, etc. According to Article 35 of the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies Russian Federation, the head of the body, along with high demands on subordinates, is obliged to create the necessary conditions for work, rest and advanced training of subordinates; instill in subordinates a sense of responsibility for the performance of official duties; ensure transparency and objectivity in assessing the performance of subordinates; respect the honor and dignity of subordinates; avoid protectionism in dealing with personnel, persecution of employees of the internal affairs bodies for personal reasons or for criticizing shortcomings in the activities of the internal affairs bodies.

The use of sociological methods of management can be effective only if there is complete and reliable information about the processes taking place in the team. It is important to know the composition of the body's team, the interests, inclinations and actions of employees, the causes of many phenomena, the motives of behavior, positive and negative trends in the development of the team.

The study of the team is carried out through the collection and analysis of social information, which is a collection of information about the composition, needs and interests of employees, the nature of relationships, the susceptibility of forms and methods of stimulating activity in the team of the body (subdivision). The collection of information is carried out with the help of sociological research.

When conducting sociological research, a certain set of technical means and techniques, forms of collecting and processing social information about a particular team - the object of management is used. Such techniques are: interviewing, questioning, studying documents (work plans, personal plans of employees, minutes of meetings and meetings, personal files, letters and proposals from citizens, periodicals, etc.), observation; self-observation, experiment and some others.

The information obtained in the course of a sociological study can be used to identify the degree of influence of a particular social factor on the activities of the body's collective or its various divisions and groups. Based on the information, conclusions can be drawn and proposals can be made to change management practices.

Based on the results of sociological research, methods of social regulation, standardization and moral stimulation are also developed and applied. Methods of social regulation are used to streamline relations in the team. These include: methods of increasing social and service activity (exchange of experience, initiative, criticism, self-criticism, agitation, propaganda, competition); methods of social succession (ceremonial meetings, evenings, honoring veterans, meetings of advanced workers by profession, etc.). The methods of social regulation and rationing include methods that are designed to consolidate and develop relationships that correspond to the management system. It is the establishment of moral and other norms. Methods of moral stimulation are used to encourage collectives of bodies, groups, individual workers who have achieved high performance in their work.

Social information is known to serve as the starting material for planning social development body team.

Psychological methods of management influence the relationship between people by creating a workable team with an optimal psychological climate.

Labor activity is carried out on the basis of the functioning of the human psyche, i.e. thinking, imagination, attention and other mental properties. It is quite obvious that the mental state of a person in a given time period directly and directly affects both his personal results of labor and the labor achievements of the team in which he works.

To psychological methods of management relate: methods of acquisition of small groups and teams; methods of labor humanization; methods of psychological motivation (motivation); methods of professional selection and training.

Methods for recruiting small groups and teams provide an opportunity to determine the optimal quantitative ratios between workers in small groups and teams. Through sociological research, sympathies and antipathies within the team are revealed, the place of each of its members is determined on the basis of the psychological compatibility of workers in the team (group). The psychological climate in the team largely depends on the psychological compatibility of workers, based on the optimal combination of their psychological properties.

There are two types of compatibility: psychological and socio-psychological. The first compatibility implies the correspondence of the psychological properties of the employee to the management processes. The second compatibility is formed as a result of an optimal combination of employee behavior types and is based on common interests and value orientations.

Labor humanization methods consist in introducing elements of creativity into labor process, the exclusion of monotony (monotony) of labor, the use of the psychological impact of color, music, etc.

Methods of psychological motivation (motivation) . The achievement of the necessary activity of the employee is helped by the use of psychological motivation, the formation of labor motives. With the help of motivation, motivation, there is a direct impact on the object of management - the employee (s). Methods of psychological motivation are diverse. These include:

· belief- impact on the will of the employee with the help of logical means aimed at relieving tension in the team, psychological barriers;

suggestion- purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object of management through the influence of the leader on the psyche of the subordinate. This method is most effective when applied to conflict situations, since with its help it is possible to directly influence the will of the worker. Suggestibility largely depends on the authority of the suggestible. The high moral and psychological qualities of the inspirer are important in increasing the effectiveness of the application of the method under consideration;

imitation- influence on the will of the employee through personal example. The manager either demonstrates a model of proper behavior himself, or points to an employee whose behavior can serve as a model. The leader, first of all, must himself be a model in his behavior and activities, because he is in the center of everyone's attention, everyone looks at his behavior, his actions are discussed and evaluated. The leader, as a rule, serves as a standard of behavior for those who are led, for all those who are constantly in contact with him;

involvement- an incentive technique, through which the executor employee becomes a participant in the process of preparing and implementing decisions made by the manager;

providing trust- psychological impact, expressed in emphasizing, highlighting the positive qualities of the employee, his experience, qualifications, etc., in expressing confidence in his capabilities, which increases the moral significance of the assigned task;

coercion- psychological impact on the employee, forcing him (sometimes against his will and desire) to perform the corresponding task.

The motivation of an employee's activity can be of a prospective and current nature. The presence of long-term (distant) motivation helps the employee to overcome temporary difficulties in work, because he is focused on the future, the employee considers the present as a stage in achieving the set goals. If the employee has a current (close) activity motivation, then difficulties or failures in work can reduce his labor (service) activity or even cause a desire to move to another job.

Methods of professional selection and training . These methods include: selection of employees with such psychological characteristics that are most appropriate for the work performed (position held); development of the necessary psychological characteristics for the successful completion of the assigned task.

All of the above methods can have an effective impact on a person if they are applied taking into account the characteristics of the psychological make-up of a particular person, i.e. her character, abilities, temperament.

1.1 Introduction

1.2 General characteristics

2. Process theories motivation

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Vroom's expectancy theory

2.3 Justice theory

2.4 Porter–Lawler model

2.5 Requirements for a manager

3.1 Introduction

3.2 The main stages of preparation and methods of making managerial decisions

3.3 The most important functions of a manager

3.4 Leadership qualities of a manager

1.1 Introduction

In the face of fierce competition between enterprises for leadership in production, all more managers of these enterprises understand the importance of competent personnel management, which directly affects the economic performance of any production.

Any enterprise based on the work of a large number of people needs to improve the personnel management system. Every year there are many various principles and technologies for managing employees of the enterprise, but the fact that each employee is, first of all, a person with his own personal social, psychological and physiological characteristics and needs always remains unchanged.

It is these individual characteristics of a person, or rather a competent approach to him, that show how socio-psychological methods of management affect the efficiency of all departments of the enterprise.

In the personnel management system, there are various management methods such as administrative, economic, socio-psychological, which are closely intertwined and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

It is impossible not to say about the relevance and importance of the problem of personnel management, both for the organization and for the individual employee. In any business, the staff is the most important component of any organization. Correct and sound management staff ensures the success of the enterprise. In a market economy, it is necessary to constantly improve the system of labor organization and personnel management in order to achieve socio-economic stability in the country. Therefore, the relevance of improving the methods of personnel management in the organization is increasing.

1.2 General characteristics

Socio-psychological methods are designed to influence social environment between employees of the enterprise. It is expedient to begin the description with their enumeration.

One of the generally accepted classifications:

moral encouragement;

Social planning (establishment and development of social norms of behavior);



Personal example;

Regulation of interpersonal and intergroup relations;

Creation and maintenance of a moral climate in the team.

As part of this work, this classification can be supplemented by the following methods:

Formation of labor collectives taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of people;

Satisfaction of cultural and social needs;

In addition, there are several methods to identify factors affecting labor efficiency and the quality of work in general:


Application of special tests;


Practice shows that the moderate use of such methods is important for the enterprise. Because the constant use of such methods leads to a decline in performance due to the need to spend time filling out questionnaires, writing reports, or it simply bothers.

AT last years the role of socio-psychological methods has increased. This is due to the growth of education, qualifications of employees, which require management to use more complex and subtle management methods. The place of socio-psychological methods depends very much on the policy of the leadership, it is worth noting that in developed countries it is now becoming impossible not to use them, at least in part. This is due, in particular, to the growing level of needs of the population.

The purpose of socio-psychological management methods is to study and use the laws of people management to optimize the socio-psychological phenomena in the team, in order to create the most durable working team. And therefore, to achieve the goals of the enterprise. But between social and psychological methods, there is a difference:

With the help of social methods, relations in groups and between groups are managed;

With the help of psychological - managing the behavior of the individual and interpersonal relationships in the group.

The purpose of sociological methods is to manage the formation and development of a team, create a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, optimal cohesion, achieve a common goal by ensuring unity of interests, developing initiative, etc. Sociological methods are based on needs, interests, motives, goals and etc.

The choice of methods is largely determined by the competence of the leader, organizational skills, knowledge in the field of social psychology.

Knowledge of socio-psychological and individual characteristics performers gives the manager the opportunity to form and adopt an optimal management style and thereby ensure an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise by improving the socio-psychological climate and increasing the degree of job satisfaction.

2. Process theories of motivation

2.1 Introduction

Motivation is the process of motivation to work.

Theories of motivation:

“Policy of the carrot and stick”: Proponents of this theory were of the opinion that man is by nature lazy, cunning, selfish, wants to give less and take more. Thus, it is necessary to make it work. So that he is not a burden to constant coercion to work, he must be systematically encouraged for good work.

“Procedural theory of motivation”: Motivation arises in the process of work.

Varieties of the theory:

"Vroom's Theory of Motivation":

Motivation = Expected * Expected * Value

results reward reward

“Theory of justice”: People subjectively feel the fairness of remuneration for work. It is important to pay for work in such a way as to smooth out the feelings that arise between people.

“Porter-Lawler Model”:

2.2 Vroom's expectancy theory

This theory is based on the thesis that a person, upon achieving a certain goal, develops an adequate style of behavior, hoping to obtain the desired result. Before proceeding to the presentation of the essence of the theory, let us consider the concept of expectation itself.

Expectation is a person's assessment of the likelihood of a certain event.

In accordance with the theory of expectations, as the relationship in the pair "labor costs - results" decreases, motivation may weaken.

Expectancy theory has its roots in the concepts of the pioneering psychologists Kurt Lewin and Eduard Tolman regarding the process of cognition, as well as in the concept of behavior choice and utility of the classical economic theory. However, the first to formulate the theory of expectation in relation to labor motivation was Victor Vroom. Unlike most critics of content theories, Vroom offered his expectancy theory as an alternative. He believed that meaningful models do not adequately explain the complex processes of work motivation. In academia at least, Vroom's theory has become a popular explanation for work motivation and continues to stimulate a great deal of research.

According to expectations theory, not only need is necessary condition motivation of a person to achieve the goal, but also the chosen type of behavior.

Process expectation theories establish that the behavior of employees is determined by the behavior of:

a manager who, under certain conditions, stimulates the work of an employee;

an employee who is confident that, under certain conditions, he will be given a reward;

an employee and a manager who assume that with a certain improvement in the quality of work, he will be given a certain remuneration;

an employee who compares the amount of remuneration with the amount that he needs to satisfy a certain need.

Although the Vroom model does not directly contribute to the methods of personnel motivation, it is of some value for understanding organizational behavior. This theory helps to clarify the relationship between the personal goals of the employee and the goals of the organization.

2.3 Justice theory

The theory of justice implies fair pay for different types of work. And also, importantly, a fair attitude towards the employee in communication and evaluation of the work performed.

People always subjectively assess the measure of fairness of remuneration for their work. It is important to pay for work in such a way as to prevent possible antipathies between people, on the basis of the masses of money paid in the form of salaries, bonuses, etc.

Injustice occurs when a person feels that the ratio of the return he receives to his contribution to the performance of work is not equal to the corresponding ratio of other workers. The return received consists mainly in various types of rewards, such as cash payments, status, promotion, the degree of internal interest in the work itself.

Socio-psychological methods come from motivation and moral influence on people and are known as "persuasion methods":
1. Establishment of moral sanctions and rewards.
2. Development of initiative and responsibility among employees.
3. Establishment of social norms of behavior.
4. Creation of a normal psychological climate.
5. Formation of teams, groups.
6. Satisfaction of cultural and spiritual needs.
7. Social and moral motivation and stimulation.
8. Participation of workers in management.
9. Creation of a creative atmosphere.
10. Socio-psychological planning.
11. Socio-psychological analysis.

Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the use social mechanism management (the system of relationships in the team, social needs, etc.). The specificity of these methods lies in a significant proportion of the use of informal factors, the interests of the individual, group, team in the process of personnel management. Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of laws of sociology and psychology. The object of their influence are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the process of work; psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person.
Such a division is rather arbitrary, since in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However, effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.
sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.
The setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (standard of living, wages, housing needs, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results ensures social planning .
Sociological research methods, being scientific tools in working with personnel, provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow you to reasonably make personnel decisions. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then - in the course of a dialogue with the interlocutor - obtaining the necessary information. Interview- the ideal version of a conversation with a leader, political or statesman - requires a high qualification of the interviewer and considerable time. sociometric method indispensable in the analysis of business and friendly relationships in a team, when a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built on the basis of a survey of employees, which also shows informal leaders in the team. Observation method allows you to identify the qualities of employees, which are sometimes found only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster). An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.
Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, as they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.
Psychological planning constitutes a new direction in work with personnel on the formation of an effective psychological state of the organization's team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of the individual, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. It is advisable that psychological planning be carried out by a professional psychological service of the organization, consisting of social psychologists. The most important results of psychological planning include: the formation of units ("teams") based on the psychological compliance of employees; comfortable psychological climate in the team: the formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the organization; minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation); development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees; the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education; formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.