Wooden beams for large spans. Beam section

Before construction, read which timber is best for building a house - choose the type of timber, size and thickness depending on the purpose of the future construction. Let's consider and compare the types of wooden building materials.

We will also determine what thickness of timber is suitable for the construction of a bathhouse, a summer house and a house for permanent residence.

Types of wooden building materials on the modern market

Currently, there are several types of materials used in wooden construction:

  • laminated timber,
  • profiled timber,
  • non-profiled timber,
  • calibrated log,
  • cylindered log,
  • hewn log.

Advantages of timber buildings

Why timber is better than logs for building a house:

  • smooth and even surface of the walls,
  • “easy” construction due to the lighter weight of the timber,
  • geometric accuracy of the entire structure,
  • strong fastening of the beams to each other, which, as a result, prevents the penetration of cold and the formation of cracks,
  • pleasant atmosphere and aesthetically pleasing appearance, both outside and inside the house.

The most popular competing wooden building materials are: laminated timber and profiled timber. Both have their supporters and opponents.

Before starting construction, the customer must clearly understand which timber is best for building a house, and which timber is best used for a summer house or bathhouse.

What type of timber to use for building a house

Profiled timber

The most popular material for low-rise wood construction. The beam is made of wood, often coniferous species. It is a solid solid wood, processed to obtain a groove on the planer and milling machine. When making it, it is important to maintain the exact dimensions and correct geometric shape, otherwise the beams will not fit together and a gap will form. Therefore, the main requirement for obtaining high-quality profiled timber is high-precision equipment.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is also often used for low-rise construction of private houses, cottages and bathhouses. The beam is made of wood, most often coniferous species - spruce, cedar, larch, pine. The logs are sawn into boards (lamellas) and planed until they achieve perfect smoothness.

Which timber is better for building a house - glued or profiled

Let's compare the main characteristics of these types of timber.

Environmental friendliness

Here, profiled timber has no equal. This natural material, absolutely harmless to people living in a house built from it. The environmental friendliness of laminated veneer lumber depends on the glue that was used for its production. The more harmless the glue (and over time it will still evaporate little by little), the more expensive the laminated timber. If you use low-quality glue, the boards may even come apart over time.


The length of the profiled timber depends on the length of the source material (most often the length of the timber is 6 m.) The length of laminated veneer lumber can reach 18 m.


The question is complex. At first, laminated veneer lumber is stronger than profiled timber due to gluing and pressing, and is also drier (laminated laminated timber contains 11-14% moisture), while profiled timber contains up to 20%. Due to dryness, laminated veneer lumber exhibits very little shrinkage (about 1%). But over time, laminated veneer lumber is saturated with moisture from the environment, which brings its properties closer to dry profiled timber.

Well-dried profiled timber that has undergone the shrinkage process does not rot, does not crack, and can serve for more than a hundred years.


The cost of laminated veneer lumber is much more expensive than profiled timber - 2-3 times, which is due to the peculiarities of manufacturing the materials. It happens that the price of laminated veneer lumber on the market is significantly reduced, by 1.5-2 times, but then you need to pay attention to the quality of the material (what glue was used, what kind of wood, how dry the material was, etc.).


Which timber is better for building a house - glued or profiled - everyone decides for themselves; there is no universal answer. Briefly summarizing the features of each type:

  • profiled timber - profitable price, environmentally friendly, less likely to crack or become damaged;
  • laminated veneer lumber- high strength, reduced shrinkage time, you can do without exterior finishing.

The main thing to remember is: do not skimp on materials, because in the future this will affect the quality of the house.

What size and thickness of timber is best for building a house?

The answer to the question of what size timber is best suited for construction depends on the purpose of the building being constructed. The thickness of the profiled timber can be different: in final size, taking into account the profile, 90 mm, 190 mm.

The thinner the timber, the more of it there is in cubes, for example,

  • timber 100 x 150 mm - 11 pieces per cube;
  • timber 150 x 150 mm - 7.5 pcs. cubed;
  • timber 200 x 150 - 5.5 pieces per cube, so the final price of the house is less for thinner timber).

But the thicker the timber, the better the heat will be retained in the room.

For a bathhouse, a beam with a cross section of 100 mm is sufficient.

Country seasonal house

Beam with a cross section of 100 mm is quite suitable option for a country house economical home, in which the owners do not plan to live in winter.

Winter house for permanent residence

  • A beam with a cross section of 150 mm is ideal for a seasonal house where people live in spring/summer/autumn. Such a house may be suitable for winter version, it all depends on the quantity and quality of the insulation and on how and with what the house will be heated.
  • Timber with a cross-section of 200 mm is made only under a specific order for “premium” class houses. It holds heat better, but many will consider its cost to be unreasonably high. This thickness allows you to easily withstand temperatures down to -25 ºС.

So, to build a house for permanent residence, choose timber with a thickness of 150-200 mm. 150 mm is a more economical winter home and is suitable for the middle zone, 200 mm is more expensive and suitable for the northern regions.

The DomBanya company builds houses from profiled timber up to 200 mm thick. Contact the company’s specialists and they will advise what thickness of timber is best for building a house or bathhouse.

Wood is one of the the best materials for the construction of houses, baths, saunas. However, in order for lumber to fully reveal its advantages, you should carefully study its characteristics and make right choice. The starting material is ordinary round log. What kind of timber is there? This lumber most often has rectangular shape(less often - arbitrary) with a section thickness of 50-400 mm. IN modern construction it exists in several forms.

All types of timber on the building materials market

  • Solid (non-profiled) timber

Externally, it is a log, sawn on 4 sides, more than 50 mm wide. This material is the most popular in construction and has a multifunctional value. They build from ordinary timber wall structures, rafter system roofs, partitions between floors of the house. It may well be replaced wooden block. Considering what types of timber there are, it should be noted that the low cost of logs is explained by the ease of their processing. This means that the material requires additional protection.

The cross-section of the material can be from 150 to 220 mm, the humidity is natural. The diameter of the material is selected depending on the type of object being built: in the construction of houses for permanent residence, lumber with a diameter of 200-220 mm is used, for a sauna, bathhouse or cottage - 150-220 mm.

The ease of installation and low cost of non-profiled timber makes it one of the most popular in the construction industry.

Advantages of houses built from solid (non-profiled) timber

  1. Availability. Today this is one of the most popular offers. Unprofiled lumber can be purchased at any construction market. At the same time, after placing an order, you do not have to wait for a long time for delivery. The ease of preparing the material explains its ubiquity.
  2. Low cost. Considering the fact that the natural importance of the material is preserved, the process of its preparation is simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the cost of the timber.
  3. Convenience and high speed of house assembly. No specialized equipment is needed to lay non-profiled timber. Installation work Carpenters can carry out 3-4 grades. Moreover, the assembly of a 6*6 m house is carried out in less than one week.

Disadvantages of houses built from solid timber

  1. The need for finishing works or planing. The best option is cladding with a block house or forcing. In addition, you will need to trim excess jute after natural drying and shrinkage at home.
  2. Non-compliance of non-profiled timber with GOST requirements (relates to the evenness of the cut and the size of the cross section). As a result, differences in the placement of crowns can reach 5 mm, and the seams can be different heights. The only way to minimize such problems is to purchase solid timber High Quality. In this case, the cost solid material is as close as possible to the price of profiled timber.
  3. Fungal infection. During the harvesting process, the material is not subjected to special drying, which significantly increases the risk of wood being damaged by fungus. Today, more than 15% of non-profiled (solid) timber has this drawback. In this case, it is necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment, as a result of which the fungus is destroyed and its reappearance is prevented. However, this event significantly increases the cost of production.
  4. Imperfect appearance. Compared to its profiled counterpart, solid timber has a less attractive appearance. After planing the walls, the seams and insulation between the crowns may become noticeable.
  5. Corner connections are made without overhangs.
  6. Cracking of the material. As a result of shrinkage and shrinkage of the walls, noticeable cracks appear that spoil the aesthetics of the house. The solution to the problem is the exterior decoration of the building.
  7. Blowability of inter-crown seams. If there are no tongues and grooves when assembling the walls, the house will retain heat less well.

This type of material has clearly defined parameters. It is presented in the form of a planting bowl with tongues and grooves; there are also vertical cuts, which greatly simplifies installation. In production, the log is cut with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The use of profiled timber in the construction of houses makes it possible to obtain a structure without cracks, which means that the risk of moisture getting inside the structure and wood rotting is reduced.

In addition, a house made from profiled lumber is very warm, which minimizes the use of insulation. It is worth noting the unsurpassed appearance. Such timber has smooth and even walls and does not require finishing. But profiled timber also has weak spots. It must be properly dried, otherwise there is a risk that the house will “lead” over time. Its humidity is about 10%. Drying lumber requires significant areas, and the maintenance of such areas affects the cost of the final product.

Advantages of profiled timber

  1. Unsurpassed appearance. The use of this material allows you to build houses with ideal smooth walls. This eliminates the need for additional external finishing of the building.
  2. Connections are made with projections (into the bowl). Since the connections are created in the factory, they are smooth and high-strength, which ensures high reliability of the structure and uniform shrinkage during operation.
  3. There are tighter connections between the crowns and in the corners, which significantly increases the thermal characteristics of the structure and ensures minimal ventilation.
  4. There is no need to trim the jute and there is no need to caulk the house. The only exceptions may be end and corner connections.
  1. The need for a technological break during the construction of a house. It is caused by the fact that the material must dry. After assembling the structure, the house should “stand” for 10-12 months, after which you can proceed to finishing work.

Cracking of the material. Profiled lumber, like other types of timber, is made from solid wood, which inevitably entails the appearance of cracks.​

  • Glued laminated timber

Today they are most popular. In production this material from pine, larch, spruce or cedar. The log is sawn into boards, after which they are dried. Next, the lamellas are processed protective compounds and stick together. One beam can have from 2 to 5 lamellas. The shape of the elements is cut out with maximum precision. The result is a high-quality, durable material with less than 1% shrinkage.


  1. The material is not subject to cracking.
  2. There is no need for finishing or additional processing.
  3. Minimal shrinkage and the risk that the structure will “lead.”
  4. The optimal moisture content of laminated timber will eliminate the risk of rotting and damage to the wood by microorganisms.
  5. Thanks to high strength This lumber can be used in the implementation of highly complex projects.


  1. Relatively high cost (2-3 times more expensive than non-profiled lumber).
  2. The use of glue in production reduces the degree of its environmental friendliness in comparison with logs or profiled timber.
  3. The presence of glue impairs air exchange and moisture circulation.

Glued laminated timber – the best choice for “fast” construction. On a ready-made foundation, you can build a house in just 5-6 weeks.

Wooden beams 150x150 and 200x200 made of pine and spruce are universal edged lumber used for general construction work: walls, partitions, frames, etc.
A convenient and advantageous offer from the Prommax timber mill for supplying construction projects is timber excellent quality manufactured on Finnish circular saw equipment LAIMET -120 in full compliance with GOST 8486-86 for edged lumber.

The most common are 150x150mm and 200x200mm, which are used in house construction as the main load-bearing material for the construction of walls and ceilings.

Beam 150x150 mm is the most optimal size in terms of price + quality ratio, meets all the requirements for strength and thermal conductivity when building a suburban house or cottage.

Four-edged timber 100x100 and 75x75 mm from coniferous species of the real northern forest of Karelia is most often used in frame housing construction and for floor joists.
The price of timber in Moscow GOST 8486-86 for the sizes indicated in the table is 6100 rubles per 1m3

Special sizes according to GOST 8486-86 to order 100x250; 100x300; 200x250; 200x300; 250x300 length 6 meters price 7700 rubles 1m3
Delivery by our transport to your site on the day of order with payment upon receipt of the material
Wooden construction timber 150x150x6000mm; 100x100x6000mm; 200x200x6000mm; 100x150x6000mm; 150x200x6000mm; 100x200x600mm (calculated dimensions are indicated, nominal dimensions with a deviation of 1 cm, used in construction in which exact adherence to architectural dimensions is not required - floor beams, floor joists, wall frames)

timber wooden price for construction size manufactured without GOST 5100 rubles per 1m3

Special construction dimensions of timber 200x250; 200x300; 100x250; 100x300; 250x300 6 meters long at a price of 6,700 rubles per 1m3

Wooden beam dimensions
Regular (sawn) timber of natural moisture is one of the most common building materials for the construction of wooden country houses for seasonal accommodation. Regular timber is made from softwood (spruce, pine). The standard size of timber can be 100×150 mm, 150×150 mm. Thickness outer wall 150 mm is enough for living in such a house from April to October. The main disadvantage of this material: during the drying process, cracks appear on its side surfaces, therefore, a house made of sawn timber may require additional wall cladding after shrinkage. The “fly in the ointment” is that an ordinary beam tries to “turn out”, it is “led”, which leads to the appearance of uneven gaps between the crowns and deformations of the entire house. Also, in the first 1–2 years, blue discoloration (cyanotic rot) may appear. Therefore, you should not neglect the use of antiseptics and, preferably, fire retardants. A layer of insulation is placed under the sheathing; linen tow is most often used as a cushioning material.
Unlike frame houses, inside - natural wood, not vapor barrier film. Another advantage of the ordinary one is that it is extremely affordable; you can purchase ordinary timber for building a house in many companies and on the market.

What is important to consider when building a house? As you know, structures made from timber with natural moisture shrink significantly (3–5%), which does not allow you to start covering the walls immediately after its construction. Wall cladding should be carried out no earlier than one and a half to two years after completion of construction. For the internal cladding, ordinary wooden lining is used, and for the external cladding, a block house (finishing board imitating timber or rounded logs, the so-called Vologda) or vinyl lining is used. If such casing is damaged, it can be replaced with a new one. If a 50–100 mm layer of insulation such as Isover, Paroc, Rockwool, Penoplex is laid under the cladding of the external walls, then such a house becomes conditionally suitable for year-round residence(you will have to think about the heating system).

Cost of building a house from ordinary timber can reach 15–16 thousand rubles/m². The cost of finishing a house and laying communications can be 100–200% of the cost of the building itself. Production time complete set materials for the construction of this from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. Timing for timber construction depends on the size of the house. Standard house 6x6 m on a columnar structure is erected in 2.5–3 months by a team of two to three people.

timber wooden dimensions are given in the table below (wooden blocks sizes)

Types of beam connections


and its main properties

Laminated timber structures have also contributed to a wealth of possibilities in individual construction. In wooden house construction it has become possible construction spacious rooms with a large volume of air - swimming pools, winter gardens, etc. Glulam houses are now subject to large scale glazing, which previously remained an advantage of wooden-frame buildings. The minimum settlement of cottages made of laminated veneer lumber made it possible to produce the device hidden wiring fireproof cables transmitting television, Internet signals, etc.
Some, although still small, companies have permission even for hidden electrical wiring(when a corrugated channel made of self-extinguishing material is used). Such possibilities are even unthinkable in the case of houses made of traditional wood, since pinching and damage can occur due to intense settlement internal wiring. Laminated timber houses are characterized by higher energy efficiency than other prefabricated buildings. Thanks to factors such as precision of profiling of parts and geometric stability, the beams are ensured to fit perfectly together.

The absence of inter-crown gaps eliminates the need to use insulation and sealing gaskets. On walls made of laminated veneer lumber, the appearance of cracks is completely excluded. Thus, a uniform heat-insulating barrier is formed along all walls. Glued laminated timber structures differ from those made from solid wood, the possibility of detailed and precise profiling. This advantage also results in the geometric stability of the material. Glued parts provide for the creation of small-sized profile elements (small grooves, ridges, etc.), which is impossible in the case of a rounded log or solid beam.

Although it is, of course, possible to make them using woodworking equipment, however, during the process of drying and cracking of such a profile there is a risk of it splitting and losing its shape (this occurs due to the same tensile stresses). This does not affect glued products. So, laminated wood attracts not only its strength, durability and aesthetics. Its value lies in the fact that it can be used more rationally and intelligently than natural wood.

Wooden beams and its advantages in the construction of wooden houses

Rectangular or square in cross section structural element, made from whole piece wood


All wooden blocks offered by our company have an ideal geometric shape, are absolutely dry, planed on 4 sides, packed with tape, and have a beautiful presentation.


As a rule, a small wooden block with a cross section of 20x40, 30x40 and 30x50 (mm) is filled with various wall materials- wooden eurolining, block house, plastic lining, panels, siding, etc.

The block has a cross-section of 40x40, 40x60 and 50x50 (mm), is thicker and is used if under finishing material it is necessary to use some kind of insulation (foam plastic, isover), or install spotlights in the ceiling.

The block is still bigger size 50x70, 50x100 and 50x150 (mm) in section, used as joists for laying various floor coverings, for example, floor boards.

A block of 20x95 (mm) in cross-section can rather be called a planed board, which is used as a picket fence, or for self-made various shelves, or for other purposes.


  • With a slight difference in cost compared to freshly sawn wet timber, our wooden timber has a number of advantages:
  • firstly, it does not turn blue and will not be susceptible to rotting and molding, like fresh sawn wood.
  • secondly, it will not be unscrewed, because it has already taken the desired shape after technical drying.
  • thirdly, it is much lighter and simply pleasant to pick up.

What is a wooden block and where can it be used?

Block, planed block, edged block - all these terms denote lumber, the thickness of which is up to 100 mm, and the width is no more than double the thickness.
The structure of the bar

Terms that refer to the definition of lumber up to 100 mm thick, with a width not exceeding double the thickness - these are timber, edged timber, calibrated timber.

In order to give the bar the correct geometric shape, it must be cut on 4 or 2 sides. The wide side of the bar is called the face, and the narrow side is called the edge. The point of intersection of perpendiculars issued from the face and the edge is called an edge. The end transverse side of the bar is called the end.

Application of the bar

In construction, the use of bars is quite diverse and ubiquitous. At the right approach to store the bar, it can last a long time without changing its operational parameters. The main factor influencing the quality of the timber used is the type of wood. They can be coniferous or deciduous. The most commonly used softwoods are:

- cedar;
- fir;
- spruce.


- beech;
- aspen;
- birch;
- ash.

The strongest will be a block made from larch. During the construction of various construction projects, lumber is used, both naturally moist and force-dried in drying chambers. Naturally dried lumber has an average moisture content of 18%, after drying chamber– 8-12%. The use of bars of different humidity is quite varied. It is best to use lumber with natural humidity when there is a danger of wet deformations. It can be used as: logs for flooring, for lathing ceilings and walls, as well as for making load-bearing structures buildings.

The use of hardwood bars is more widespread in the production of door blocks, the manufacture of various furniture, and partitions between rooms.

The characteristics of the bar make it possible to use it for all types of construction work. These qualities include: light weight and strength of the bar, ease of installation and durability, low thermal expansion and good thermal conductivity. One of the positive qualities of the bar is that purchasing raw materials and making the bar is not very difficult.

Bar storage

The bars must be stored in stacks so that they have air access and circulation. From being hit sun rays and atmospheric precipitation, the top of the stack is covered with roofing felt or film.


The use of laminated veneer lumber in the renovation of premises

The quality of the finished laminated veneer lumber depends directly on the source material - raw materials. In addition, certain requirements regarding manufacturing technology and conditions for transportation and storage of the material must be met. The purchased material must be stored in a warehouse in strictly specified temperature and wet conditions, eliminating the possibility of contact with fungal growths and mold. The material must not be stored on damp ground or damp boards placed under the panels; temperature changes or increased dampness in the room are not allowed.
The material used for the production of laminated veneer lumber is larch and coniferous trees (pine, spruce and cedar). The use of such raw materials allows the manufacturer to produce a high-quality product for the population at an affordable price.

Depending on what materials are included in the house construction project, it is recommended to purchase various lumber at one time - from timber with boards to lining of one batch, and store them on the site in a specially prepared room. A beam is a log blank, equally processed on four sides in order to give the correct geometric shape. Boards can be of different sizes, depending on the thickness and the degree of processing - edged and unedged, semi-edged, processed and unsanded. Lining is a facing board used as a material when working on external or internal decorative finishing premises.

Eurolining – universal material when finishing surfaces with panel blanks. Modern technologies for the production of Euroboards make it possible to use them for external and interior work. With the help of this facing material You can easily imitate the surfaces of natural wood. For the production of eurolining, wood is used as a raw material. coniferous trees- pine, spruce and fir, hardwood - oak, linden, aspen, alder. Sheathing walls with Euroboard is much more economical and faster, since it does not require preliminary preparation walls Euroboard can be coated with natural or transparent acrylic varnish, this will ensure long-term preservation of the appearance of the board and will allow the production wet cleaning in room.

It is important that the work of covering the surface of walls or ceilings wooden clapboard You can do it yourself in short term, without the involvement of hired workers.

Almost everyone relies on standardized dimensions, particularly standard timber dimensions, in the design and construction of timber structures and industrial products. Why is standardization so important in an industry like woodworking?

The need for standardization

Humanity has long come to understand that it is necessary to voluntarily perform certain rules and requirements in the process production activities, because it:

  • simplifies the exchange of information necessary in the development, design and manufacture of final structures and structures;
  • makes it possible to use standard measuring equipment;
  • allows the use of the same type of processing equipment in the process of wood preparation, pre-processing, storage and transportation;
  • allows the use of unified methods for calculations during design;
  • allows for preliminary calculations of storage areas and the use of rolling stock;
  • standardized dimensions of lumber make it possible to easily calculate volume and weight, which is extremely necessary for planning deliveries and storage;
  • statistical data grouped by type of wood in accordance with standards allows for long-term and strategic planning related to the production of individual grades of lumber.

Lumber, depending on the type of tree from which it is made, is divided into coniferous and deciduous.

The quality of wood is determined by the presence of knots, inclusions, rottenness, etc. Coniferous wood is divided into 5 grades based on quality, and deciduous wood is divided into 3 grades.

The quality of wood is determined by the worst element and marked at the ends. The letter “O” denotes products of the highest quality.

Depending on the cross-sectional shape, all lumber is divided into several large groups:

  1. Gorbyl. It is made from the side part of the log, and, accordingly, has 1 sawn side.
  2. Sleeper. A type of lumber obtained by trimming all 4 side surfaces, but without forming edges.
  3. Beam. It is made from the central part of the log, and, accordingly, has all 4 sawn sides. The cross section of the beam is determined by the ratio of width and height less than 2.
  4. Board. It differs from timber in the ratio of width to height greater than 2. In accordance with the classification methodology, according to the processing method, it is divided into one-sided edged, unedged and edged.

In accordance with existing standards for our country (similar standards exist throughout the world), all lumber is divided according to the processing method into the following:

  • unilaterally edged lumber- wooden blanks, in which 3 surfaces were formed by sawing, and the fourth has retained its natural shape;
  • edged lumber - these are wooden blanks in which all 4 sides are formed by sawing;
  • unedged are blanks in which 2 sides were formed by sawing, and 2 sides retained their natural shape.

Types of timber

Timber as an element building structure, is characterized by a ratio of width and height of the cross section of less than 2. Standard timber in accordance with GOST has a width selected from the following size range: 50, 60, 75, 100, 130, 150, 180, 200, 220, 250 mm. But the following standard sizes are most in demand in construction: 100x100 mm, 150x150 mm, 200x200 mm. It is to these standards that metal fasteners are manufactured and cutting tools are designed.

Based on the manufacturing method, the following types of timber are currently distinguished:

  1. Solid timber. Made from the central part of the tree. Most traditional technology manufacturing by longitudinal sawing of a wooden blank, which produces 4 unedged boards: slab and central part.
  2. Rounded timber. It is produced in a similar way, but the cross-section of such a product is not rectangular. By appearance rounded timber resembles a sleeper, but has longer length. Rounded beams are used as load-bearing elements wooden structures.
  3. Glued laminated timber. Modern manufacturing technology, first used by Finnish woodworking specialists. Wood blank dissolves into several thin boards - lamellas. These lamellas unfold relative to each other in such a way as to minimize warping during the drying process. After which everything is glued under pressure. Such laminated veneer lumber is practically not subject to temperature changes; the opposite direction of the boards compensates for this.
  4. Thermobeam. A modern high-tech solution that combines thermal insulation and mechanical properties. Structurally, the thermal beam consists of 2 boards connected to each other with a polyurethane-based filler. To provide mechanical strength a special insert is glued through a certain space between the sidewalls.
  5. Packet timber. Represents wooden structure, assembled from thermal timber. The connection is made using special polyurethane screeds, which long time retain the ability to compensate for temperature expansion.

A building material that has been widely used since ancient times to this day. A striking example This is evidenced by the superbly preserved monuments of ancient architecture throughout Russia. If previously a wooden beam was a log processed (planed) on four sides to obtain the same cross-section along the entire length, then modern production this building material it has not been limited for a long time classic look and shape.

What will we talk about:

Types and forms

There are three main types wooden beam:

  • solid (classic, smooth) timber;
  • profiled timber;
  • glued wooden beams.

Their shape is only square and rectangular for all three types of timber, with a flat surface of all four ribs. So it is with grooves and protrusions of different shapes and sizes on two (opposite) sides of the profiled beam. Photo. Glued laminated timber can be either solid or processed with a profile plane.


Due to its natural properties and characteristics, not every tree can serve as a basis for obtaining from its trunk construction timber. The main types of wood for construction timber are:

  • pine;
  • fir;
  • larch;
  • cedar.

Much less commonly used are aspen and birch. The wood of these species, despite their low cost, is used only for auxiliary elements.

Dimensions, GOST section

Along its length wooden beams(timber) range from three to nine meters, but the main lengths are considered to be 300 - 600 cm. As the most optimal sizes for transportation, storage and construction. In some cases, timber can be manufactured according to custom sizes(up to 9 m). This mainly applies to standard typical structures made of profiled timber.

The cross-sectional dimensions of wooden beams start from 100 mm (10 cm) and reach 300 mm. At square shape sections are:

  • 100 X 100 mm;
  • 150 X 150 mm;
  • 200 X 200 mm;
  • 300 X 300 mm.

And correspondingly:

  • 100 X 150 mm;
  • 150 X 200 mm;
  • 250 X 300 mm;
  • Or a different size (100 X 200 mm, etc.).

Standard sizes wooden beams state standards(GOST) are mandatory for all enterprises producing such products and are listed in the following table:

  • GOST 8486-86 “Softwood lumber”;
  • GOST 2695-83 “Hardwood lumber”;
  • GOST 23431-79 “Wood. Structure and physical and mechanical properties. Terms and Definitions";
  • GOST 18288-87 “Sawmill production. Terms and Definitions";
  • GOST 24454-80 “Softwood lumber. Dimensions".

In addition to the size of wooden beams according to GOST, there are a number of tables with standards for its grade, humidity, properties, and so on.

Technologies for the production of wooden and construction timber

Solid timber

Today, due to the low cost, the most popular look products. The low (relatively) price is formed due to the fairly cheap and simple equipment used for its production. Availability and a wide range of applications not only in the construction of houses (baths, pavilions, etc.) make this material a bestseller.

Wooden profile beam (profiled)

Like the classic (solid) one, it is made from whole logs, according to the same dimensions and sections of wooden beams indicated in the table above. With one but significant difference. The two sides, the lateral ones, of such a beam are even. And 2 (top, bottom) respectively have a groove and a protrusion (ridge) for tight alignment with each other. The number and shape of grooves (ridges) depend on the width of the beam and design features general construction from it. Thus, at a higher cost compared to solid timber, profiled timber is an order of magnitude more economical. When working with it, there is no need to additionally seal (caulk) the walls. The adhesion of the beams to each other increases. And what is not unimportant is the construction process itself is significantly reduced in time.

Glued laminated timber

A modern technological method for manufacturing timber, which appeared a little over 30 years ago. Home distinctive feature The advantage of laminated veneer lumber is that it does not require solid tree trunks to produce it. Depending on the required thickness use N number of boards glued together under pressure. An example is the production of plywood. Glued laminated timber not only does not lose any quality characteristics in comparison with the analogue (solid), on the contrary, it receives a number of differences. Such as increased resistance to deformation and strength. Due to the additional cost of production (glue, press), laminated wood beams are usually produced in profiled forms.

Advantages of building with timber beams

What are the advantages of building houses from wooden beams? various types First of all, it should be noted that it belongs to the so-called - green technologies construction. Technologies that cause minimal harm environment, both at the time of construction of the building, its operation, and in the case of its dismantling and disposal. It takes three to four weeks to build a house once the foundation is ready.

When using profiled or laminated timber there is no need for external and interior decoration. The heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties of wood have been known for centuries and do not require additional descriptions. The main problem of the past - the danger of fire, mold and various bugs - wood borers, today can be easily eliminated with the help of modern fire-resistant and biological impregnations.

Life time wooden buildings not inferior stone houses, and for many economic indicators surpasses them. Natural wood creates its own microclimate inside the room, which has a beneficial effect on the physical health of residents.