Children's games for the birthday boy. Concentration and attention competition “Whisper”

Is your baby turning 5 years old soon? Then let's get to work! Let's organize a wonderful bright holiday.

A five-year-old child already has his own preferences, clearly knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. The five-year-old is waiting for guests, counting down the days until the holiday, confidently ordering gifts. By the way, the future birthday boy can invite guests himself. Therefore, to avoid confusion, agree with your child exactly how many people he invited, so that festive table and all the paraphernalia corresponded to the number of guests. By the way, if previously parents were together with young guests, then older children (from 4-5 years old) are already brought to the holiday, and then taken away after the event.

5 year old birthday games are no longer as simple as before. Children at the age of 5 can already play almost adult games (“the sea is agitated once,” “crocodile,” etc.).

Scenario for a 5 year old child’s birthday: ideas

1. It would be interesting if the holiday was themed. This idea is always relevant. Was there a pirate party last year? Then we’ll organize an intergalactic “party”, or a rally of wild west cowboys, or... Think, dear parents! What is your child interested in? We came up with it! We recommend spending a little time and preparing invitations for friends and relatives with your child in advance.

2. Start interesting right away. So while the guests are getting ready, you can already distribute the first task. For example, draw a picture on a holiday theme. And then reward the best artist. Or arriving guests can put together a puzzle together with the birthday person. In general, organize interesting leisure activities for those who have already arrived while you wait for everyone else.

3. Consider the option of a quest. Children love looking for treasures using maps. Nothing could be simpler. Hide surprises around the apartment in advance (even better if the holiday is at the dacha), make a map with interesting tasks and riddles. Don’t drag out the game, let the treasure hunt take about 30 minutes - it’s both interesting and not tiring. The birthday boy receives a “treasure” (the main gift), and the guests who helped him receive candy.

4. Also, in between children's feasts, you can watch an interesting cartoon.

5. Children's disco - also interesting time accompaniment for the birthday of a 5 year old child. It can be done at the end of the festive table, or simply in another room.

6. A prize competition for the best toast in honor of the birthday person will also diversify the holiday. Children guests are also welcome to participate. Don't limit toast-making to adults.

7. If there is space in the apartment, give children the opportunity to move around. So, let's play the prize relay race. Think through the tasks yourself, for example: we jump from start to finish on one leg, on all fours, etc.

8. Also have a drawing competition, solve riddles, read poems and play games. See options for games for the birthday of a 5-year-old child.

9. At the end of the holiday, of course, you need a birthday cake with candles, and under the supervision of your parents, you can light sparklers and arrange a fireworks display with balloons (release balloons from the window).

To organize an unforgettable holiday, plan in advance birthday script for a 5 year old child. It's not as complicated as it seems. Just take into account your child’s preferences and think about what interesting things you can do in between meals so that both the child and the guests will find it interesting.

We offer you options game program. Choose those games and competitions for a 5 year old child’s birthday that you like.

Creative games and competitions for the birthday of a 5-year-old child:

  • Collaborative drawing. We divide the guests into two teams, giving each a Whatman paper with felt-tip pens/pencils. Set the theme of the drawing. Set a time limit (for example, 5 minutes). On your marks! Based on the results of the competition, we award the team whose drawing is the best.
  • "Draw the birthday boy with your eyes closed"- 2 participants are enough. They are blindfolded and need to draw a portrait. Whose one is closer to the original?

Fun games and competitions for a 5 year old child’s birthday:

  • Fanta. We read it out for each guest in turn. comic tasks. Guests perform them in turn.
  • Tower. For this game you will need wooden cubes, and more of them. Children take turns placing cube on cube. Thus, we get a high pyramid-tower. The player loses, after whose die the tower still cannot stand it and falls.
  • Mice and cat. While the music is playing, the little mice run and dance, as soon as the music dies down, the leader, the cat, goes hunting, and the little mice must sit on a chair as quickly as possible. Whoever did not have time to sit down becomes the leader along with the cat.
  • Traffic light. All children stand near the wall. The leader - the traffic light - names any color. Those children who have the named color in their clothes calmly cross, those who do not have it must cross the road, and the leader tries to hit them with the ball. The child who is hit with the ball becomes a traffic light himself.
  • Wave. Children must have time to run under the cloth that the leader is waving so that the cloth does not hit them.
  • Confused charging. The presenter shows the movements and at the same time names others. The children's task is to repeat only what he shows. More difficult option- repeat what he calls.
  • Warm-cold. A toy is hidden in the room, secret from the child. The child must find the toy. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: “Warm”, “Cold”.
  • The sea is agitated once. The presenter turns away from the other participants, who are dancing to the music, imitating waves, and says loudly:

“The sea is agitated once,
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
The naval figure, freeze in place!”

At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The leader turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever is the first to move is eliminated from the game and becomes a “supervisor” - he helps the presenter find those who have moved.

  • Let's guess the word. The driver thinks of an object on a topic discussed in advance (furniture, animals, a holiday, etc.), and the players must guess what kind of object it is by asking questions to which the driver answers yes or no. Whoever guesses the word becomes the leader.
  • Volleyball with a balloon. The game requires two teams. Chairs are placed at a distance of one meter opposite each other, on which the players sit. The floor is divided with a rope in the middle between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball must fly over the rope; players must not get up from their chairs or pick up the ball. You can only push the ball away. If the ball lands on the opponent's territory, the team gets a point. The game goes to 15 points.

4. How to entertain children at a birthday party

The older your baby is, the more varied the games and competitions at his birthday can be.

Your baby is 3-4 years old.
Options for entertaining games and competitions for the birthday of a 3-4 year old child.

Riddles and tricks. Activities for a 3 year old's birthday don't have to be complicated. To please the children, you can prepare a couple of simple tricks. Also hold simple competitions with prizes. For example, you can ask children riddles about animals or organize a search for treasure on a map (with the help of adults or older children).

Dancing and karaoke. Children your baby's age will enjoy dancing and children's karaoke, where everyone can jump and scream to their heart's content. You can prepare to jump on a trampoline, play in the pool with inflatable balls. Collective games that can also involve adults will greatly amuse children, such as “train with carriages”, hitting the target with balls, building houses from a large construction set and its subsequent noisy destruction.

Quiz "Wonderful bag". At the birthday party of a 3-year-old child, you can play fun game « Wonderful bag", where a disguised adult wizard will ask questions, for the correct answers to which kids can receive prizes and toys.

Puppet show. Your birthday boy and his guests will definitely enjoy the puppet theater, but you need to prepare for this fun in advance. This kind of entertainment will be more interesting for children aged 3-4 years. After the premiere of the fairy tale you staged, you can invite all the children to stage a joint story with them in the puppet theater.

Quest around the house. If you have big flat, you can prepare exciting game for the birthday of a 3-4 year old child. Draw a map and hide clues in different places. Children will be happy to participate in such an adventure with the help of their parents.

Playing with basins.

Yes, oddly enough, small children love this activity! It’s worth preparing in advance as many basins as there are kids coming to your birthday party. Perhaps some parents will be able to bring the basin with them. Here are some games:

Sitting in basins. You can put toys in basins to create a “fun seat”. Some even manage to lie down in their own basin.

Riding in basins. If there is a carpet or rug in the room where the holiday is taking place, adults can roll basins with children sitting in them across the floor. And children, in turn, can roll their toys - dolls and animals.

Turtles. Children can be “turtles” by crawling under their upside-down basins.

Pedestal. Standing on an inverted basin, like a pedestal, children can sing songs, recite rhymes, or simply jump from it.

Let's make a little noise. An inverted pelvis makes an excellent musical instrument- drum. If conditions permit, have children tap it with their hands or spoons.

Your baby is 4-6 years old

Options for entertaining games and competitions for the birthday of a child 4-6 years old.

As the child gets older, it is advisable to choose more active games; they should also be educational, since the baby is full of energy and positivity, which needs to be directed in the right direction.

Here are a few competitions as an example (for the birthday of a child 4-6 years old):

Game "Repeat".

Children sit in a circle, the first player shows a movement (for example, jumps), the next one repeats, but adds his own movement. Thus, the one who goes astray leaves the game;

Airplane game.
Teach children how to make airplanes and organize a competition for the most beautiful airplane (don't forget to prepare markers, pencils and colored paper);

Game "Gold Digger": Show the children an object that resembles gold (for example, a golden piggy bank), hide it, and divide the children into groups. Let each group develop a plan-strategy to find the “treasure”;

Riddle questions. Prepare a list of simple (take into account the age of the children) general educational questions. Give a small prize to each child who answers correctly.

"Guess the beast."

"In the bag". Children stand in a circle. Find a beautiful summer hat with a brim and place it on the head of one of the children. As soon as the music starts playing, the child turns around, takes off his hat and passes it to his neighbor. He puts it on, turns around, and passes it clockwise again. The music stops suddenly. The one wearing the hat drops out and sits down at the sweet table, waiting for the others.

Give your child an unforgettable and Holy holiday birthday is not only the direct task of the parents, but his happy eyes and radiant smile will be your greatest reward for your efforts.


Dwarfs and giants

The sea is agitated once

The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,

Do it on cue

If you have fun, do it.
Let's clap.

If you have fun, do it.
We clap our hands together three times.


Day - night - hunter

Let's play snowballs

Fun games for children 4-5 years old for their birthday

Continuing the theme of celebration children's day birthday, we have selected a variety of games that will help make the birthday of children 4-5 years old unforgettable.


The host (father, mother, grandmother or grandfather) announces to each child who comes to visit that entry is by password only. If you have time, come up with a “ceremonial gate” to pass through. It could be just a doorway to a room, decorated with balls or flowers from corrugated paper. Or you can come up with a narrow and low gap between two chairs. Decorate them too with balls or soft toys.

The password can be written in advance in the invitation. If you didn't give them out, just teach the guest from front door: “Woof-woof, meow-meow, happy birthday.” For many, the end of the phrase sounds “congratulations”.

Fireworks in honor of the birthday boy

Our birthday boy is 5 years old, so we will clap exactly five times. All children stand in a circle. Throw a lot of colorful balloons inside the children's circle. At the leader’s command, the children clap their hands 5 times, then quickly bend over to pick up the balls and throw them up with the word “Salute!” They immediately bend down for the next ball and again shout “Salute!” And you can shout like this while throwing balls for a couple of minutes. Play a funny song and write down this funny greeting for your family chronicle.

finger tree

To make your child’s 5th birthday memorable for a long time, I suggest making a painting “The Magic Tree” with finger paints. It is advisable, of course, that each guest has his own color. There are as many fingers on the hand as the age of our hero of the occasion, so we will dip each finger in paint. I took the idea from a wedding tradition, you can see how beautiful the tree with finger leaves looks. Such a panel may well decorate a child’s room for many years to come.

Use a pen to sign the names of the guests. Now is the time to wash your hands before treating yourself! We all go to the bathroom.


Immediately after eating active games It’s not recommended to do this, so let’s do a giant applique. Spread it on the floor roll paper for drawing or unnecessary wallpaper (pattern down). Cut out clouds, sun, trees, flowers, mountains, sea, fish, etc. from colored paper in advance. We will also need types of transport in which we will send the birthday boy on a trip: a car, an airplane, a hot air balloon, a boat, an elephant. If you also print and cut out a round portrait of the child, that would be absolutely wonderful.

Together with the children, lay out the applique, come up with a trip together, and glue the figures using a glue stick.

Candy soup

This is a relay race. Bring two pots, place them on stools or just on the floor. Choose two participants, give each a ladle (from experience, five-year-old children can handle it easier than a spoon). Now, at a distance of 2-3 meters from the pans, place 2 handfuls of candies. You need to transfer one candy in a ladle. Try to help the one lagging behind so that friendship wins and the children receive the same prizes.

Read also:

  • Birthday of a 5-6 year old child. Scenario for birthday celebration

  • Where to celebrate and how much does a child’s birthday cost?

Guess the beast

We blindfold the child. We give you a soft toy. You need to guess who it is. I advise you to involve adults in this fun. Let them show that this is not a very serious task - you can joke, make assumptions for a long time and in the end call the hare a dragon. Children quickly adopt the style of comic guessing and laugh a lot. Prizes for everyone are a must!


The most common game with searching for a hidden toy. The children leave the room, the leader hides the bear and calls everyone back into the room. According to the words “cold-warm-hot” children understand where to look. Children as young as 5 years old find this game very mysterious.

Seven-flowered flower

While the children are eating the cake, we tell them the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers.” Not everyone remembers the plot and moral of Valentin Kataev’s work; they listen with great pleasure. Now we take out our flower. It is not necessary to make a leg for him, it is difficult. You can use a ball mount. Your seven-flowered flower should have multi-colored petals. Before saying goodbye, we ask guests to tear off a petal and wish our birthday boy something really important. Get the adults involved, they already know what to say.


Music from “Barbariki” or “Multconcert” will do. If the kids are tired, at the end of the holiday, arrange to watch your favorite cartoons together - this is always a success.

4th birthday - games and competitions. Ideas for organizing a 4th birthday party

Today we are faced with the task of thinking about how to make the birthday party of a 4-year-old child interesting and bright.
Parents should choose a theme for the event (pirate party, animal planet, treasure hunt, space adventures, princess ball, etc.), decide how to hold the event - on your own or hire a host with your own competitions, and also where to celebrate - at home, in the yard, in the country, in a kindergarten, in a children's club, game room etc.

Games and competitions for 4th birthday

How to introduce children, see the scenario for a 3-year-old birthday - A game for children to get to know each other.

An interesting solution - task cards
We draw animals with the child in advance. Or we just print from the Internet. So, on one side we have a drawing. But on the other hand, we write a variety of tasks according to the child’s age. You can complete several tasks even before the guests arrive, so that the baby has good mood. To do this, reward your child (for example, with candy or a small gift) for completing a task (telling a poem, jumping on the first leg).
This idea can be used for children of any age, just make the tasks easier or more difficult.

Dwarfs and giants
The players stand in a circle. The presenter explains that if he says “dwarfs,” everyone should squat down, and if he says “giants,” everyone should stand up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.
First the presenter gives correct commands, and then replaces the words “dwarfs” and “giants” with similar ones. So he can deliberately give incorrect commands, for example: “Potato! Rope! Pockets! Ve-derko!” The one who makes the least mistakes wins.

The sea is agitated once
The presenter says some words, and the children move chaotically:

The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Marine figure freeze in place

After these words, the players freeze, depicting “sea” figures. The presenter approaches any player, touches him with his hand - the player depicts who exactly he is showing. The presenter's task is to guess what kind of figure this is.
If the player portrays something different, he becomes water for next stage. Of course, sometimes the presenter himself specifically “sues” a certain player, but then the controversial issue can be resolved collectively. There was another complication to the rules: if any player moved or laughed during the “performance” of another, then he became water.
They also make riddles: an animal figure, a bird figure, a clown figure, etc.

Do it on cue
Children go, stand in a circle with the leader and move in a circle. The presenter gives pre-agreed signals - sound signals (clap of palms). For example: when the leader claps his hands once, the children freeze; when he claps twice, the children run; when he claps three times, the children walk. Whoever makes a mistake is out. The game helps develop attentiveness, coordination and thinking.

Dance game “If you have fun, do it this way”
If you have fun, do it.
We clap our hands together three times.

If you have fun, do it.
Let's clap.

If life is fun, we will smile at each other.
We smile at our neighbors to the right and left.

If you have fun, do it.
We clap our hands together three times.

The game continues, clapping is replaced by stomping, jumping, turning.

A toy is placed around the room, in secret from the child, and should be in plain sight. The child must find the toy. One selected participant leaves, the toy is placed somewhere in the room, and the child is brought in blindfolded. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: “Warm”, “Cold”.

Day - night - hunter
If the presenter says the word “day”, everyone runs around the room. If it’s “night,” they squat down and close their eyes. Having heard the word “hunter”, they quickly climb onto a chair, into an armchair, that is, into a house, and whoever didn’t have time becomes the leader and catches the unwary players.

Let's play snowballs
Snowballs can be made from sheets of paper, newspaper... We give our snowballs to each of the children, put a bucket or basin. Let's throw it one by one. The winner is the one who hits the bucket with snowballs the most times.

Don’t forget that children love everything bright and beautiful, so it is advisable to hold games with interesting props and organize costume competitions. For example, we prepare an unusual hat and put it on the presenter’s head. This competition will be hosted by mom - we’ll put the hat on her. Then dad? Great, now he has the presenter's hat.
Of course, such preparations will take more time, but it's worth it. A 4-year-old child's birthday will not be boring, and games and competitions will be fun and memorable.

Games for a child's birthday

For children 7-10 years old, you need to come up with an unusual plot (intertwine the events of different fairy tales or update it “in a modern way”).

The fabric will act as a screen (children or parent volunteers hold it by the two upper ends)

2. Teremok - funny game . Parents' help will be needed again. The fabric now needs to be stretched parallel to the floor at a height of 1 m, holding the corners.
Children, wearing glove dolls on their hands, climb into the “house”. Now the animator plays the role of a bear who wants to crush the tower. You artistically come to terms with whichever side you want to lean on the roof from, sit down slightly, and the children run away screaming.


There are several options here, a very successful prop :-).

1. Limbo. It's always fun with a group of any age group. Two people pull the rope parallel to the floor at neck level, then 10-15 cm lower, even lower, and even lower. All participants in the celebration must walk under the rope to cheerful music, arching their backs.

2. From a rope (5-7 meters) you can lay out tracks for a relay race on the floor. Children walk a winding path like a tightrope at speed.

3. You tie prizes to the rope, which the children cut off with their eyes closed.

4. One end of the rope is tied to the box with the gift, the other to the pencil. Whoever winds the entire string around the pencil the fastest wins a prize.

5. We divide the children into 2 teams, each with the same piece of rope. Each team member needs to be “strung” on a string through a loop in a jacket, through a belt, jacket or T-shirt (from one sleeve to another), through laces in sneakers or even bows on the head. The winners are those children who did it all faster and funnier.


Well, it's actually a win-win. I use them when filming a video for a funny children's song. Beautiful, funny, looks very cool in the video. You can hold a competition for the biggest bubble.


In principle, you can also use a cucumber. Or something inedible altogether. The point is this. Remember the cartoon "38 Parrots"? There they measured the height of a boa constrictor in parrots. And we'll be covered in bananas! This is such a height meter. From the floor to the top of the head we measure the birthday boy with a banana, and if it turns out that the height is 8 and a half bananas, we demonstratively peel and bite off the excess part. The birthday boy himself, his parents or one of the guests can take a bite.

Skittles and ball

Everything is clear here, let's play bowling. When there are several children of about the same age, the entertainment is very exciting. We give several attempts, count the pins knocked down for each participant or team, and reward the winner. .

If this is happening at a children's summer camp, factory-made skittles can be replaced with bottles of sand or water (fill them one-third full).

Magnetic darts

The boys really like it. Be the most accurate children's party- a very important victory. It's convenient that it's like this darts are rolled into a small tube(the target is soft, you only need a strong nail on the wall).

Rhythmic music, such as the Radetzky March, should be recorded.

Box and cracker

Any box with a lid will do (shoe boxes can be covered with bright paper). Children stand in a circle and place the box in the center of the circle. Let's play psychics. You need to take turns naming the items that may be in this box. Invite children to make movements with their hands like psychics, close their eyes and do shamanism in every possible way :-). We give three attempts. Whoever is closest to the answer wins. You can add candy, prizes, toys... or a firecracker! Let the confetti fly out and shower all the participants. Girls like it when there are rose petals in the firecracker...

Cards with comic tasks

Not only the animator, but also the children get tired of constant noisy and active games :-). All sorts of cards with pictures will be very useful here. Children, as you know, love tasks with random answers; they find it incredibly funny. Suitable for ages 5-7 years.

The animator asks questions. For example: “What will you fly to the sea?” Children take turns drawing cards with cards: “On a cloud!”, “On a donut,” “On a vacuum cleaner,” “On a soap bubble!” etc.

Or this: “What do you most want as a gift for your next birthday?” Children: meat grinder, paper airplane, crocodile, stone, sunflower seed, etc.

I take the pictures from children's bingo games.

Board games

This is also a break from running around. Convenient to use if there are no more than 5-6 small guests.

To the children themselves who have known computer games, it's boring to play adventure games. But if together with an animator, it’s a completely different matter. Some people get so carried away that they can't stop. I recommend! The box does not take up much space, chips and dice are included.

Discs with disco music

It is best to make a selection of songs from “Children’s Radio Disco”. My children and I often listen to them; they have excellent modern compositions. For children 3-7 years old you can take “Barbarikov” discs.

Disco ball

If you can darken the room, turn on the disco ball. It costs very little, and the disco turns out much more spectacular, believe me!

Chalks for face and body, paints for face painting

For a person who does not have special skills in face painting, crayons are just a godsend! You can draw simple patterns on the face and hands (entertainment, naturally, is more for girls): flowers, hearts, cats, mice, emoticons, etc. If you already have experience, buy the right paints for face painting.

Toilet paper rolls

It’s you, dear animators, who are tired of playing mummy! And every year children are born who wrap themselves for the first time toilet paper! Let them have lots of fun!

Another option (you can do it at the table). Pass the roll around and let the children tear off as many squares as they want. This is a test of greed (just don’t warn us in advance). Just come up with a “punishment”: say as many wishes to the birthday boy as you tear off the squares (do push-ups from the floor, crow, hug as many people, and so on).

Large fireplace matches or counting sticks

There are several interesting puzzles on logical thinking. Keep in mind, sometimes even adults get involved in solving the problem :-). Here are puzzles that will captivate both children and their parents (we copy the link):

Rolled drawing paper

A good idea even if there are a lot of children. Roll out several meters of paper on the floor, give wax crayons or thick felt-tip pens. You can paint a huge picture on the topic. For example, “Underwater World” or “Sky”.

Materials for a creative master class

They are quite expensive, so discuss with your parents in advance whether you will paint glasses or cups with ceramic markers, draw on round stones , make gel candles, soap, paint photo frames, etc. .

It’s entirely possible to take the “Wishing Tree” wedding idea and use finger paints. .

Awards and prizes

If you choose the prizes for the holiday yourself, take ideas from my article “100 ideas for 100 friends under 100 rubles.”

If not, you should have some supply of stickers for clothes and comic medals (at least drying on a line).

Prizes for children: 100 ideas for 100 friends up to 100 rubles.

I absolutely know what questions need answers?:

  • What are the best prizes for children?
  • where can I order them so that the courier brings everything in one box directly to school?
  • what to buy so that there is a lot and cheap, but at the same time from safe materials?
  • where to buy so that you can easily provide a report on the money spent?

I will answer most questions immediately. After much wandering, I settled on the online giant “Ozone”. Consider that I have given a decent answer to the last three questions. Always clear, on time, polite, no problems with documentation. The prices are good.

What are the best prizes for children?

I have chosen the most interesting little things for younger children school age by price from 13 to 100 rubles. In some cases the amount is slightly higher, but this only means that there are many small prizes in one package that can be given separately.

Trite, but always popular:

Soap bubbles, wax crayons, stickers, stickers on clothes, in the form of tiny soft toys, kinder surprises and lollipops, small wind-up bath toys, bouncy balls, Carnival masks and glasses with a nose, colored wigs, ears and horns.

Flashlights, kaleidoscopes, whistles, small magnifying glasses. This is sold EVERYWHERE :-).

Smart toys

Puzzles kids like it.

Rubik's cube, many metal puzzles, "snakes".

Excellent prizes that develop logical thinking - puzzles made from different materials.

Just fun stuff

These things have no practical purpose, which is probably why children like them so much. Give rattle magnets (they click loudly in the air), lickers and jumpers (there are several of them in a package, give one at a time) as prizes for competitions.

Unusual stationery

This is where I got interested in the pens. I don’t know if the teacher will allow you to write with a grape pen at school, but it’s quite suitable for filling a notebook with girls’ secrets. There is a lot of such goodness in newspaper stalls.

Well, and, of course, erasers. We never dreamed of such diversity! What fascinated me most were the samples combined with sharpeners - chocolates and cookies. This is not just a prize! It's a pleasure for everyone academic year. .

For boys

In total up to 100 rubles you can choose a water pistol, a 30-piece construction set, a small play set with people (Vikings, orcs, special forces), Bakugan. I buy all this in large supermarkets, it’s cheaper there.

An excellent option is folding rooms made of paper (living room, kitchen, bedroom, children's room), which girls can cut out and glue together. Here is an example for 199 rubles. There are bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms... My daughter loves it!

Inflatable suit

If you spend a lot of holidays, it makes sense to invest in an inflatable costume. Host several competitions or a disco as a fat ballerina or personal trainer. Children really like this unexpected transformation. .

Throwers, knockers, hits

There is no need for intelligence here, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103.

From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very exciting. It’s hard to guess what exactly your guests will like, I’ll just list the options, and you decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game.

  • if there is any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to award a prize to the most accurate, there will definitely be interest in the competition
  • skittles or plastic bottles, filled with beans, peas or water, are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
  • throwing “snowballs” from a newspaper into a basket (what if someone gets a 10 out of 10 result?). Distance - 2 meters!

Blindfold your eyes!

A standard set of comic competitions, but they are always a success on New Year’s Day.

Here are 3 options:

  • cut the prize from the ribbon (it’s more fun if you don’t tie the string to the cabinets, but give it to two guests - let them change the height after the player has stopped seeing the target. A blindfolded person will have to work harder, and it will make the observers laugh!)
  • sticking a plasticine nose to a drawn snowman is also not so easy (blindfold, spin, let the participant go to the poster with the drawing)
  • build a pyramid from plastic cups. Before blindfolding, we show the “drawing” of the tower - 4 inverted cups at the base, then three, two, one on top. The fastest and neatest builder wins

Comic concert!

We collect all music, circus and dance competitions here.

Noise orchestra

Great entertainment for a mixed group of adults and children from 2 to 12 years old. Here are my ideas for choosing instruments and music.

Poetic horoscope!

We remember what Symbols of the year are in the horoscope, let the guests name theirs. If there are 2 dogs or 3 snakes, joint execution is allowed.

Exercise: read Mikhalkov's poem

They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true

How… rat, pig, dragon, snake, cat, dog, bull, tiger, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster!

Neon show

To be honest, it was unexpectedly impressive even for me, although I came up with this idea and implemented it. For seven children who, together with adults, met New Year, I bought neon glowing accessories. Previously it was only bracelets, now there are glasses, beads, head decorations, ears and sticks. By the way, I bought earrings for myself.

So... I gathered the children in a separate room and dressed everyone, from toddlers to teenagers, in these decorations (bracelets for arms and legs are possible):

Then I turned on “Jingle Bells” in a rock version, turned off the lights in the room and launched all the glowing children. It was really cool as the kids started jumping and spinning around, the neon decorations seemed to fill the entire space. I'll tell you, the light show was no worse than those for which they pay a lot of money at corporate events :-). All these accessories are sold in almost all holiday tinsel stores.

Dance "Locomotive" + family disco

This is a reason to distract all guests from eating salads. We invite adults and children, line them up by height and ask them to put their hands on the waist of the previous dancer. This picture touches me. A long, long teenager may be standing in front, all the grandparents behind him, and the “last trailer” is a two-year-old baby. The video turns out great, don't forget to film it.

I must say, the train falls apart quite quickly, but this is also good for us, since the guests are already ready to dance a little. It’s boring to stomp along to one long song at a family party, so we turn on the following cuts from hits one by one (copy the link):

New Year's karaoke (battle of the choirs)

As a rule, karaoke sites have a selection of winter songs. If not, put it in your “favorites” folder in advance so as not to search in New Year's Eve these songs:

  • “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest...”
  • “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky”
  • "Three White Horses"
  • “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
  • "Blue frost"
  • "Snow is falling"
  • "Five minutes":
  • "Song about bears"

Not everyone likes to sing solo, so you'll have four nominations: children's choir, women's choir, men's, mixed.

Dancing with obstacles

All guests stand in right side rooms. We need you again plastic cups. We build a low fence (2 floors) from them, which guests can easily overcome, dancing, moving into left side rooms.

We are adding another “floor”. Everyone moves over the wall again, doing dance moves. We build this way until the participants need to jump. The most dexterous one wins a prize!

If there are no machines, we pull the rope (held by two people) at a height of 20, 30, 40, 50 cm from the floor, and so on.

Photo proofs

You will laugh twice. During the process itself and after some time, when you receive the finished pictures.

We use New Year's accessories and don't skimp on facial expressions and gestures!

For each guest you come up with a casting with photo tests for the role:

  • the kindest Santa Claus
  • the greediest Santa Claus
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden
  • the sleepiest Snow Maiden
  • the most overfed guest
  • the most cheerful guest
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga
  • the most evil Kashchei
  • the most powerful hero
  • the most capricious princess
  • the biggest snowflake
  • and so on…

Little things from Santa Claus

In Europe, this entertainment is called “Secret Santa,” but we are patriots, we have our own wonderful grandfather. I came up with this legend... Santa Claus was walking through the forest with gifts, got caught on a branch, and slightly tore the bag. The big gifts remained in the bag, but the small ones fell out. We have selected them and will now give them to all guests!

We buy small and pleasant little things in advance and wrap them in opaque wrapping paper. Personally, to speed up the process, I simply put the souvenir in a square piece of paper, shape it into a bag and tie it with a ribbon. I have been purchasing throughout December - 2-3 items with each shopping cart in the store. By the end of the month I have a whole bag of kinders, liquid soap in the form of animal figurines, candles, frames, calendars, chocolate bunnies, key chains and lanterns.

You ask “Who is this gift for?” You can pull pieces of paper from a hat, but my son likes to nominate the lucky winner himself: “Uncle Zhenya!” We give the gift, wait until he shows everyone the lost change from Santa Claus, then the next question “Who is this gift for?” Every time I am surprised with what trepidation guests wait for these gifts... Even adults :-).

Let's laugh and think

If you have a lot of adults at your party, buy ready-made collections with tasks on cards.

I honestly admit that I accidentally opened these wonderful cards with tasks at a ridiculous price. We were entertained by a real presenter, but I remembered the box with tasks... We laughed until we hiccuped, some words from related languages. Actually, they had to be guessed (options were proposed).

"Naughty guy"- 120 double-sided cards. Well, for example, who is “t-shirt” translated from Bulgarian? Mom, cousin or grandmother? Or what should you imagine if the word in Czech sounds like “hammer”? And there are all sorts of stinks, battles and darkness (these are all decent words in translation).

What else happens?

  • "Nonsense"- collection rare words Russian language (so rare that even from the proposed options it is difficult to choose the right one to clarify the meaning)
  • "Whymeter"- 120 questions with answers, such as “Why is there a camel on the flag of the Chelyabinsk region?”
  • "Cytatomer"- 120 cards on which you will be asked to complete a quote from a great person
  • "Personometer"- 120 cards with names. You just need to remember and choose the correct answer: Rabindranath Tagore is WHO?

Snatch it up

It’s somewhat similar to a game with chairs, when some of the gape people have nowhere to sit. Just no chairs are needed - just a small table or stool with a tray on which there are carnival accessories - noses, glasses, wigs, caps. The one who doesn't get the decoration at the end of the music is eliminated. Naturally, the accessory must not only be grabbed, but also put on. For the second round, we put everything on the stool again and continue until 1 winner is identified. Here is an example of funny points for such a competition.

Take a gift

Two participants. Two boxes (possibly from shoes) with prizes, wrapped in beautiful paper. Tie a ribbon (2 - 2.5 m) to each box, the other end to a pencil.

We put the participants on one line and give them pencils. 1-2-3! We begin to wind the tape around the pencil. The one who does it faster takes the prize.

You can joke too. Let a child and an adult compete. We put something very light in the “children’s” box, and in the “adult” box - dumbbell... Let him reel in!

Success Prediction

Everyone is pleased to know that only success awaits in the future. Therefore, we put the names of everyone present, written on pieces of paper, into a hat and voice questions like these:

Who will study best in the new year? (pull out the piece of paper...)

Kate! (well, or Grandma Tanya...)

  • Who will make the great discovery?
  • Who will find the treasure?
  • Who will win the lottery?
  • Who will receive the most gifts?
  • Who will have the most good news in the new year?
  • Who will travel a lot?
  • Who's in for the biggest surprise in 2015?
  • Who will be the most successful at work (at school)?
  • Who will be the most athletic in the new year?
  • Who will be the healthiest?
  • Who will become famous?
  • Who will have the biggest dream come true?

What's in the black box...

Now we will all be psychics. Place a box (perhaps a shoe box) on a chair in the center of the room and ask them to guess what is in there. Allow guests to approach the box and make movements with their hands, copying the magicians.

We begin to accept one answer option from each person present. Children naturally assume the presence of toys, adults - anything.

You can put a really valuable thing in the box that is suitable for any gender and age (a cup with the symbol of the year, for example), or you can put a cracker. Let everyone receive confetti for their efforts :-). By the way, now there are firecrackers from which $100 bills fly out.

How to arrange a birthday for a child aged 3, 4, 5. Script and Interesting games for a holiday at home

Birthday is a fun holiday. What makes him happy? Of course, entertainment! This is exactly what little guests are waiting for. No matter how delicious the food is, and no matter how beautifully the festive table is set, children are most looking forward to games and competitions. The choice of entertainment is significantly narrowed if a birthday is celebrated at home, but despite this, you can always choose interesting and original children's games for a birthday at home. Here are some options fun entertainment for babies.

This game is good to play at the very beginning of the holiday, especially if the children do not know each other. It allows you to remember the names of those present, as well as relax and join the new team.

How is the game going? The first child says his name, the second says the name of the first and his own, the third says the names of the first two and his own, and so on in a circle. Thus, the chain of names becomes longer and longer and players can get confused. Usually, when a child gets confused, it causes fun for everyone else and the game starts all over again. The game ends when all players correctly name the chain of names.

The game can be complicated and diversified by adding the name of your favorite dish or favorite cartoon to the names.

Funny story

A good option for entertainment at home. A piece of paper is taken, on which the first participant writes a phrase, then the piece of paper is folded and passed to the next participant, where he writes his phrase, and so on until the end of the piece of paper. Then the piece of paper is unfolded and read. The stories turn out to be very funny! You can specify the topic of the story in advance to make the text more coherent.

Invisible round dance

Participants stand in a circle and hold hands. In the center of the circle is one participant blindfolded. The leader gives a signal, such as clapping, and the children begin to move in a circle. You can do this with music. At the command of the leader, the round dance stops and the child in the center approaches any of the children. He can touch it and try to guess who it is. If it didn’t work out that way, he asks you to make some sound, for example, meow. A child who has been “declassified” becomes a driver.

Guess the fairy tale

For this entertainment you will need the help of an adult who will read the fairy tale. Only the fairy tale must be read, omitting names and titles, or replacing them with other names and titles. It turns out quite funny, and the children’s task is to guess what fairy tale the presenter is reading.


For this entertainment you will need sheets of paper and pencils. On the sheets we first draw simple geometric figures- circle, square, triangle. The children’s task is to complete the remaining details to create a complete drawing. A circle, for example, can turn into a sun, and a square into a house. This game perfectly develops imagination and creativity in children.

Lottery with riddles

This is a win-win lottery option for little holiday guests. Prepare small souvenirs for the kids in advance and number them. You will also need pieces of paper with numbers and riddles. The player draws a piece of paper, solves the riddle and receives a prize under the number indicated on the piece of paper. In such a lottery you can win sweets, fruits, books, small toys, and souvenirs.

Hide and seek

A traditional game for a children's home birthday or any other holiday. Yes, you can play it on a weekday. If in an apartment there are not many places where a child can hide, then you can somewhat transform this entertainment and hide not the baby, but an object. Then it will be more like “hot and cold”, but still quite interesting.

Ball and color

Children sit opposite the leader. The presenter names the color and throws the ball to one of the children, and the participant must name an object that comes in that color and quickly throw the ball back. For example, blue is the sea, yellow is the sun. A more complicated version of entertainment is to name only vegetables and fruits. The player who does not name the object and does not throw the ball to the leader is eliminated from the game.

guess the word

We determine a topic and think of a word on this topic. If the theme is animals, you can wish for a cat, dog, cow, etc. One of the participants makes a guess, the rest guess. The person who made the wish can be asked questions to which he can only answer “yes” or “no.” For example, “Can this animal live in an apartment?” or “Does this animal eat mice?” and the like.


A universal version of the game for a children's birthday at home. In order to organize it, you must first prepare a list of questions. You can make a thematic quiz dedicated to a specific cartoon or book. Thematic quizzes are especially appropriate at themed holidays. If you're celebrating a Peppa Pig-themed birthday, why not have a quiz based on the cartoon?

Puppet show

Props for this fun can be found in every home. If there are no special dolls, it is quite possible to use the most ordinary ones. Children love to play different games role-playing games, just give them an idea. Let it be a performance based on a certain fairy tale. And the parents will act as spectators.

Ring-ring, go out onto the porch

A game from our childhood, but I think modern kids will also like it. Participants sit in a row, one of the children picks up a ring. He holds it between his palms so that others cannot see it. The rest of the children also put their two palms together. The driver passes his hands between the palms of each participant, but only one of them quietly passes the ring. Then he stands in front of all the participants and says, “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” The task of the participant with the ring is to jump out to the driver, and the rest of the children try to detain him. If he succeeds, then he becomes the driver; if not, the game is repeated.

Find the color

The presenter says the phrase “One, two, three, green color find it!”, and the children look for something green and touch it with their palm. Each time the presenter calls different colors. If the child does not find the color, he is eliminated from the game.


Before the holiday, prepare a story on a random topic. It may not be too long, a few sentences will be enough. Remove all adjectives from the story by first counting their number. Already at the holiday, ask the children to name the adjectives that first come to their minds and insert them into the text, and then read this “work”. The result is quite funny.

To introduce all the children at the beginning of the holiday, let's play the first game:

What is your name? Game for kids

The presenter throws the ball in a circle, asking all participants the same question: “What is your name?” Children say their names. Second round: you can no longer give your name; you need to quickly come up with a nickname that matches the character or appearance of its owner. For example, a girl with blond hair is Goldilocks, a gallant boy is a Knight, etc. Whoever makes a mistake and says his name is eliminated. A prize is awarded to the most attentive child.

Cat and mouse game for birthday

Two drivers are selected - a cat and a mouse. The remaining players stand in a circle, holding hands, thereby forming a goal between themselves. The cat stands behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle.
The cat's task is to enter the circle and catch the mouse. In this case, the cat is allowed to break through the chain of players, crawl under clasped hands, or even jump over them.
The players try not to let the cat get inside the circle. If the cat manages to get into the circle, the players immediately open the gate and let the mouse out. And they try not to let the cat out of the circle. At the end of the game, when the cat has caught the mouse, they stand in a circle, and the players choose a new cat and mouse.

Birthday game Basketball

Place the two quietest children or those who simply do not want to play in different ends rooms on low, stable chairs. If there are none, adult guests will help.

Ask them to create a hoop for a ball using their hands clasped in front of them. The ball will be a balloon. Explain to the children two basic rules: the ball should not fall to the floor and it should not be held in your hands - only tossed and hit it in the direction of the ring.
Let's get started and enjoy the spectacle of the little ones running around and making fun noises. Dad or another adult should act as an arbiter.

A goal is counted if the ball goes into the ring. At this time, the “ring” can catch the ball and substitute it for the passes of his teammates. The match can drag on for a long time, so provide an intermission or time limit for each half.

Mini windball championship

You will need a smooth, level small table and a couple of players. Let them stand by different sides table. Place a plastic lid from your child's favorite juice or drink in the middle. This will be the ball.

Players must score goals against each other using only the force of blown air. Do not use hands, teeth or implements. Know to blow on both cheeks. When the lid falls to the floor on the side of one of the participants, a goal will be counted.
Give the winner of the competition a crystal goblet filled to the brim with a delicious drink that the children played with the cork.

Game River

For this task you will need a piece of fabric of blue color. Fold it several times to make a thin strip. At first the stream is thin, the children jump over it. Gradually it becomes wider. The water increases, and we lift and release the fabric more and more sharply. Children crawl around, trying not to touch her.

Test for the birthday boy

They place a column of glasses of water (3-4 pieces) on the floor in front of the birthday boy and invite him to walk along the path, stepping over each of them. Then the eyes are blindfolded with a scarf. At this time, someone quickly removes the glasses, and the birthday boy is asked to repeat the path he took the first time. At the same time they comment that he should tread more carefully. When the test is over, they open his eyes and show that he was in vain to be afraid of stepping on: there are no glasses in sight.
One two Three! Ticklish ones, run!

Let's amuse the children and tickle them a little, check whether they are in a happy mood or not. The presenter counts to three, and then says: “Ticklish ones, run!” Anyone caught is tickled for a few seconds and released. Children try not to get caught.

Strongman Competition

Announce to the children that they will compete in a competition to become the strongest. Let them show off their biceps. And then tell us about the essence of the test. You need to hold the felt-tip pen between your nose and lip, whichever is longer. At the same time, adults try in every possible way to make the “strong men” laugh. Who can resist temptation?

Delicious birthday contest

The child is blindfolded and a piece of some fruit or berry is placed in his mouth. The assortment should be extensive - bananas, oranges, apples, pears, pineapples, kiwi. You can add grapes, plums, cherries, watermelon. The baby must taste what kind of fruit it is.

It is allowed to be naughty - putting gelatin candies, a slice of chocolate, a piece of cake or sour lemon in the children's mouths.
Before the competition, take the trouble to find out the culinary preferences of the guests and be sure to take into account the wishes of their parents. The one who guesses correctly receives the same fruit as a reward.
Also, don’t forget to arrange for the children to dance, play forfeits, and sing.

If the party is mainly attended by peers, you can also organize school competitions. Since at the age of six children are already fully prepared for school. Just let them read and write. We determine who is better and faster.

A child's birthday is always a huge holiday for parents! After all, it was on this day that a child appeared in their family. little man, which constituted the meaning of their existence. Is it possible to have a children's birthday party in an apartment? Easily! First, you should understand that a child’s birthday is not only his holiday, but also yours, so it is not at all necessary to put everything entirely on your shoulders. Children are quite capable of helping you. They can decorate the room, set the table, and clean the apartment before and after receiving guests. Also, together with your children, think through competitions and games for your birthday so that they are interesting to both you and your child.

Birthday competition "Who's offended?"

One child is blindfolded and turned with his back to the others. Someone lightly touches him with their hand, you have to guess who it is? If he guessed right, the person who touched him is blindfolded and becomes a “guesser.”

Competition "Crosses"
Necessary: checkered pieces of paper, pens or pencils
All children receive leaves and pens.
Exercise: Draw a lot of crosses in a minute
Winner: The one who draws the most crosses

Birthday competition "Fruits on a string"
Necessary: rope, thread, fruit, blindfolds, scissors
Stretch the rope by securing it on both sides to something, such as handles on cabinets. Tie a string to each fruit and hang the fruits on the string.
Blindfold your child. He must reach the rope, cut any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.

Competition "Scarecrow"
Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a “scarecrow,” go to the middle of the room and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: “Sparrow!”, then you need to wave your hands. If the presenter says: “Crow!” - You have to clap your hands.

Competition for a child's birthday "Tie a scarf"
Necessary: three chairs, three scarves or scarves
Two or three boys compete. In front of each boy, a girl sits on a chair; headscarves hang on the backs of the chairs. At the signal, the boys tie scarves on the girls.
Winner of competition: the boy who can tie a scarf the fastest

Birthday games "Dress the baby"
Necessary: table, 2 dolls, 2 diapers, 2 caps, 2 rompers and 2 shirts.
At the presenter’s signal, 2 girls begin to dress the dolls.
Winner: the girl who can dress the doll faster.

Competition "Tender Words"
Necessary: balloon - 2-3 pieces
Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game.
Win the remaining 2-3 people are rewarded with balls.

Birthday games "Pass the parcel"
Necessary: prepare the package - take a piece of candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper (you can use adhesive tape, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for children to unwrap).
The children sit in a circle and the leader says: “We received the package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let’s find out!”
Children begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time.
Whoever unwraps it last gets the package.
This game teaches children to share.

Birthday competition "Chain"
Required: 2 boxes of paper clips
Children are divided into 2 teams. You need to make a chain using paper clips in the allotted time.
Winner: the one whose chain is longer

Competition "Inflate the balloon"
Necessary: 8 balloons.
8 children are selected. They are given Balloons. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but in such a way that the balloon does not burst when inflated.
Winner of competition: the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Speak without mistakes"
Whoever pronounces these proverbs better will win:
* Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
* Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
* The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
* He reported, but didn’t report enough, but when he began to report more, he reported.

Hot Potato Birthday Games
Necessary: rubber ball
Children sit on the floor, forming a circle, but as far apart as possible. Turn on the music and while it is playing, the children should pass a small rubber ball to each other in a clockwise direction, getting rid of it as quickly as possible. Each player must have the ball in turn. The player who has the ball in his hands when the music stops is eliminated. The circle becomes smaller and the game continues until one player remains.

Competition "Medusa"
Necessary: silk scarf
Children should throw the silk scarf into the air without dropping it on the floor.
Wins the participant who managed to hold the handkerchief in the air for as long as possible.

"Stick Your Nose" Competition
Necessary: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Competition "Wind the Cord"
Necessary: cord, pencils
A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and a simple pencil is attached to the ends. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever reaches the knot faster is the winner. Instead of a cord, you can take a thick thread.

Four participants are selected. Two are blindfolded, the rest are dictated where and what to draw. Task: draw a birthday boy. The team with the most beautiful drawing wins.


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A birthday without a birthday person(s)?

Guests came to the birthday party. But there is no birthday boy. Children ask their parents, ask questions to which parents can answer YES or NO.

For example:
Is the birthday boy (name) in his room?
Is the birthday boy (name) hiding in the closet?
The birthday boy (name) is behind the chair?

Those. You can’t search, but find the birthday person (-tsu) by asking questions. Whoever hits the mark is the winner. He (she) brings out the birthday boy, receives a prize from him (her) and the celebration begins.


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Guess what's behind?

Participants are seated in a circle, facing the back of their neighbor. A sheet of paper is taped to each person's back. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house. He must draw with a pencil what he heard on his neighbor’s back. The neighbor, guided only by his feelings, while they are drawing on his back, must understand what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. When all participants have completed their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works, based on the results of voting, whoever has the most beautiful and accurate drawing, except for the first participant, wins and is awarded a prize.


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Dance on the newspaper!

3 couples participate. All participants dance on the newspaper to cheerful music. After each turn off the music, the newspaper is rolled up and its area decreases. The task is not to step over the edge of the newspaper. Those who fail are eliminated from the game. The most persistent ones win and are awarded a prize!


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Skittles are placed on the floor and two people participate. The presenter says that the driver needs to drive at night without lighting. The participant will be blindfolded and given commands to “move the car.” The participant must knock down as few pins as possible. Then the next participant starts driving. Whoever knocks down the fewest pins wins.


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Move the coin!

Participants are divided into two teams. At the end of the room you need to place two jars. Each participant is given a coin, which he must place on his leg. After this, participants take turns carefully and quickly carrying the coin on their feet and putting it in the jar. The team that completes the task faster wins.


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Magnetic fishing!

The players are divided into two teams. Magnets are placed in the basins. The first player on the team is given a fishing rod with a magnet, he needs to run to the basin, catch the “fish”, put it in a nearby bucket and return to the team to pass the fishing rod to the next one. The team with the most catch wins.

Birthday contests at home

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Air battle

The room is divided in half by tape. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of balloons. The task is to throw all your balls to the opponent, while they must also send the balls from their opponents back to their field. The competition begins with a sound signal and after the second sound the children must stop. The team with the fewest balloons on its field wins.