Cots for babies: options, components, equipment and materials, manufacturing technology. A method for making a house bed with your own hands, the nuances of the work Drawings of a crib with dimensions for newborns

For the proper development of a child, it is important not only the play area, but also the recreation area. The life of a child is associated with play, with copying the everyday life of adults, and if you have a desire, you can greatly diversify the life of your children by making beds for children with your own hands, for example, in the form of a car, a house, or even a ship.

Such a bed can be purchased in a store, but it will cost a lot of money and, as a rule, furniture with such a design is not mass-produced, and it is not easy for production to complete an individual order, as it requires large expenses. Therefore, the cost of such furniture has always been high. But you can make a crib for a newborn with your own hands according to drawings and photos.

What material to choose for making a bed for children with your own hands

In order to make a children's bed yourself, you need to purchase some materials and tools. It is best to make baby cribs from wood with your own hands; coniferous species are suitable for this: pine, cedar, spruce. You can use plywood or MDF. It all depends on your capabilities and abilities.

When making beds for children with your own hands, it is preferable to use natural wood, as it is more environmentally friendly than other materials. Wooden furniture has always been highly valued for its qualities, which include strength, durability of the product, and beauty. Using wooden bed, children's sleep It will be much stronger and calmer. But before you begin the creation process, you need to purchase a mattress. Because the stock will be made exactly according to its dimensions. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a bed for a girl with your own hands or for a boy. It is better to buy a mattress in a store. Fortunately, modern industry makes them for every taste.

Choosing a mattress

When purchasing, you just need to take into account some features of the product you are purchasing:

You also need to take care of purchasing paint and varnish materials. you can choose a shade depending on whether you are making a bed for a boy or a girl with your own hands. Well, in addition, you will need to purchase carpenter's glue for the possible connection of parts of the structure being created.

What paint is best to use when painting a crib?

In furniture manufacturing industries, as a rule, they use oil paints, they add antiseptic agents to protect the wood from rotting, and they give the products a bright color. This has a positive effect on the appearance of the product.

The varnishes used to cover the surface of the bed are made using water based. They highlight texture and are pleasant to the touch. But there is no need to wash the surface treated with such products with active detergents, as it quickly becomes unusable. It will be enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth. To paint a homemade children's bed, you should buy compositions with non-toxic components.

In this case good option May be:

Some people want to see the wood grain makeshift bed, not covered with paint, then it is necessary to use acrylic varnish. It has no pungent odor and can withstand ultra-violet rays. All other varnishes are either highly toxic or short-lived.

If it is possible to purchase more expensive types of wood, such as ash, larch, your product will look richer, but remember that these types are more difficult to work with, since they have a completely different, (more dense) wood structure and are difficult to process.

All materials can be purchased at hardware or specialized stores and timber trading centers.

Painting a crib

Paints on acrylic base cover furniture when finishing. The process is simple, but it takes time.

Before painting the surface, you must carry out the following steps:

  1. Disassemble the bed into its component parts.
  2. Prepare surfaces for painting: sand the surface sandpaper. If there are old layers of paint or varnish, treat them with remover and remove them with a spatula.
  3. Degrease the surface, especially if there are resinous places in the form of knots on it. This can be done with any solvent (it is better to use solvent or turpentine).
  4. If necessary, repair minor surface damage with putty.
  5. Before painting, after sanding, be sure to prime the surface.
  6. Apply paint or varnish (at least three layers) using a brush, paint roller, sponge or rag. You can use a spray gun, but this will result in a large consumption of paint and varnish material.

After applying the first layer of paint or varnish to a previously primed surface, you need to wait until it dries. The painted surface can be sanded again. This is done in order to remove small wood fibers from the surface that have risen as a result of staining. After this, apply two more thin layers of paint or varnish one by one.

It is recommended to carry out work on making a bed and carrying out paint and varnish finishing outside the living space, preferably in a specially designated room for household needs.

What tool do you need to have?

To make a children's bed with your own hands at home, you will need a minimum of tools. As a rule, every owner has everything he needs in a drawer.

To do sleeping area child will need:

  1. Plane. Necessary for possible trimming of the ends when assembling a do-it-yourself crib from wood.
  2. Drill with a set of different drill bits
  3. with a set of bits or just a set of screwdrivers, but it is better to have both tools.
  4. Chisel, hammer or mallet.
  5. Carpentry clamps, you can make them yourself to compress parts while gluing them. It all depends on the complexity of the project you choose.
  6. A sanding machine with a set of sanding pads, or just sandpaper of various grits. But then the processing process will take longer.
  7. Electric jigsaw with a set of saws for sawing wood, plywood, MDF, or hand saw. But then again the quality and speed of work will be significantly reduced.
  8. You will also need wood screws and furniture fittings to assemble a children's bed.

The number of tools will depend on the materials from which you will make the children's bed. If it is a board, then you need to take into account the degree of its carpentry. In the case when these materials are made of plywood or MDF, their sizes and appearance.

What details are the main ones in the design of a bed?

All the parts for making cribs for children with your own hands can be purchased at ready-made version, and then complete the assembly yourself or purchase a “semi-finished product” and make all the structural components from it, based on the size of your bed.

The main details include:

  • bed legs;
  • tsars, transverse and longitudinal;
  • slats for setting the bottom of the bed;
  • headboard;
  • side guards.

All the above parts connected together form the basis of the product. The methods for assembling a children's wooden bed with your own hands and attaching the parts may be different, as it depends on the design features and the material from which it is made.

For example, if the bed is made of wood:

  1. The drawers must be well planed and sanded. Make grooves in them for installing slats on which the mattress will lie. The distance between the holes should be no more than 5 cm. This indentation is necessary to prevent the mattress from falling through the cracks between the slats, which will lead to premature wear of the mattress. The slats are either glued to the frames or screwed with self-tapping screws.
  2. Side rails are designed to prevent a child from falling out of bed while sleeping. Making your own children's bed with sides will help protect your baby from injury. They are attached to the backs of the structure using self-tapping screws, or they can be inserted into pre-prepared grooves.
  3. Bed headboards can be of different designs. If the system is framed, then it can be filled with a plywood panel, which is easy to make yourself, or you can order it from craftsmen to make a wooden panel, but this will cost more.

After assembling the bed, the question arises about choosing decor for the product. Inaccuracies made during the manufacture of parts will appear during the assembly process in the form of cracks. If there are any on a wooden product, they will need to be covered with putty and subsequently cleaned with sandpaper.

It is also necessary to prepare a primer, stain and varnish. We must not forget that paint and varnish materials must be environmentally friendly, since the bed is made for a child.

What design of a children's bed to choose

There are many options on how to make a child’s bed yourself. Which model to create depends primarily on your skill.

When choosing a design, you must take into account:

  • dimensions of the children's room;
  • child's age;
  • the child's wishes;
  • your capabilities.

If you are looking for how to make a bed for a girl with your own hands, you can consider several options. For example, it is not difficult to make a two-tier bed: with a bed at the bottom and at the top, if you have two children. A two-tier bed is also suitable for one child. In the area of ​​the second tier you can make a bed for relaxation, that is, a bed itself. And the lower part will be a play area, or combine play and work areas. For example, put there desk where the child will do his homework. You can make improvised windows from fabric and give the bed the look of a small house. Since making a bed for a child yourself is not difficult, you can get creative and create something very original. For example, build a baby rocking bed with your own hands using drawings and photos from the Internet.

Crib in the form of a house

If you want to make your own children's bed from 3 years old, we offer an option in the form of a house. Such a design is not difficult to manufacture and with the minimum of tools listed above, you can safely get to work. When making such a bed yourself, you can adhere to a free style and experiment with proportions and colors, while taking into account the preferences of children.

As an example, let's take a bed design with dimensions:

  • height 178 cm;
  • length 175 cm;
  • width 91 cm;
  • mattress measuring 80 x 165 cm.


  • hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drills with a diameter of 6, 10 mm;
  • measuring instrument, pencil, ruler, square, tape measure;
  • wood glue;
  • sandpaper for grinding and cleaning the surface;
  • self-tapping screws size: 4.5 x 30, 6 x 70 mm;
  • wood glue for gluing parts together.

For this design you need to take 13 bars square section, preferably 45 x 45, the length of the beam should be:

  • standing supports 1200 mm – 4 pcs;
  • cross beam 829 mm – 2 pcs;
  • roof rafters 730 mm – 4 pcs;
  • axial bars for roof 1660 mm – 3 pcs.

To make the bottom of the bed, two beams are suitable, the size of which is 38 x 67 x 1660 mm and 2 slats 9 x 67 x 1660 mm, as well as slats.

Since you need to make a bed house for a child with a roof, we choose gable option To ensure that the parts fit tightly together, we file the upper edges at an angle of 45 degrees.

To make the walls, we use 1200 mm long posts in this design. They will act as load-bearing supports to which the roof of the bed - house - will be attached. For its manufacture we use timber 730 mm long.

Bed in the shape of a car

Your children's delight will know no bounds. What are the features of making this type of bed? Considering the activity of children, it does not matter to them whether it is a regular design or whether it has play functions. A child's bed is subject to greater stress, despite significant differences in weight.

Features of the crib-car:

  1. An important requirement for such a product is the strength of this design.
  2. When creating, you should take into account the dimensions and make it for growth, since in this case you won’t be able to make an extendable children’s bed with your own hands.
  3. Equally important is compliance with safety during registration and further operation. This refers to the selection of paints and varnishes, the material from which the bed itself is made, various stickers and electric lighting. All this must comply with a certain safety class.

When making a bed frame - a machine, you need to take into account your experience and the weight of your child. The base is a frame structure with legs, or a box, which is reinforced with transverse crossbars. When making a car bed for a boy with your own hands, a beam with a cross section of 50 x 70 mm is used; during assembly, the frame is reinforced with metal corners. The headboard and headboard, as well as the sides, are attached to it. We must not forget that the size of the frame must correspond to the size of the mattress, a difference of +1.2 cm is allowed.

It is preferable to make the bottom of the frame where the mattress will be placed from slats, although it can, if necessary, be made solid from plywood 10 mm thick.

The main design detail of this design will be the side panels, imitating the silhouette of a car. They are made from plywood, chipboard or MDF. It can be made from wood, but if you do not have the skills to glue wood, then it is better to choose any of the above materials.

DIY crib for a newborn - drawing, video

Assembling a machine bed

First, you need to develop a design for a children's bed. A sample is taken specific model car. Here it is important to observe the parameters, colors, and line bends. In general, you will need a design drawing. Then you need to make a template for the part and cut the material according to it. Also, using the children's bed project with your own hands, you need to prepare the details of the headboard and footboard of the bed. Next is your improvisation and imagination: you can make headlights and a car bumper by drawing them, or you can make them from scrap material.

The machine can make a children's bed in two ways:

  1. All decorative elements are attached to a wooden frame.
  2. The components themselves decorative elements, depicting the outline of the car, are the frame.

In both cases, you will need to make your own drawings of children's beds. The blanks are made using templates, cut out of plywood or MDF using a power tool, the edges must be sanded, and thermal tape is glued to them.

Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to equip this bed design with fake wheels and a steering wheel. But masters do not always create such details. The presence of a steering wheel can create problems in maintaining the bed. But you can draw the wheels or make them yourself, this will complicate the design a little, but what can you do for your beloved children. The bed can also be equipped with night lights and installed in the form of sidelights and car headlights.

As you already understand, the choice of materials for this crib design is quite extensive. When using plywood, furniture wooden shield or MDF, this type will take 1-2 sheets. You can purchase confirmations and keys to them at a hardware store. Using screws you will connect the parts of the bed - cars.

The holes into which fastening materials enter are best closed with plugs, or, at worst, puttied. But if it becomes necessary to tighten the fasteners, the putty will have to be picked out for a long time, and it will clog the screwdriver socket. Therefore, it is better to stick to plugs. The drawer fastenings must be reinforced with metal corners, this will strengthen your structure as a whole.

6 basic steps on how to assemble a bed machine

  1. We assemble the frame in the form of a frame structure or assemble a box with the installation of partitions. It is better to fasten parts using confirmations, having previously drilled holes for them.
  2. Prepare the sides and end backs by cutting them according to a template from plywood or MDF, or other material.
  3. Carry out an approximate assembly of the structure in order to identify and eliminate errors during the manufacture of bed parts. After removing defects or if there are none, the parts are prepared for painting.
  4. In the bed model, where the side decorative designs are a frame, preliminary assembly is also required.
  5. After painting and subsequent drying, the bed parts are assembled using self-tapping screws and confirmators. The screw heads must be hidden with plugs. Rollers can be installed at the bottom of the bed frame, if desired.
  6. The last step will be to decorate your crib - car with various attributes, such as a steering wheel, imitation car tires, headlights and so on. It all depends on your imagination.

Advantages of making a baby crib with your own hands

In fact, you can make many models of children's sleeping places, as well as beds for teenagers, with your own hands. It all depends on your desire and imagination, as well as the child’s dreams. A do-it-yourself sleeping place has a number of advantages over what the manufacturer of consumer goods offers us.

Advantages of DIY design:

  1. A do-it-yourself add-on baby crib is created taking into account all the needs and wishes.
  2. You can build in drawers for things. This will save you from purchasing additional furniture.
  3. That the quality of their own work differs significantly from what is offered by enterprises that produce consumer goods.
  4. The bed is made only from safe materials.
  5. The cost of the product will be much less than the price of the product offered for sale in a furniture store.

If you have an urgent need to buy a sleeping place for your child, don’t hesitate, feel free to get down to business. There are always ideas for making a baby crib with your own hands. And you will not only gain the experience you need in life, but also receive respect and recognition from people close to you. And how happy your children will be.

Drawings of children's beds of different designs

DIY bunk bed for children - video

The birth of a child is new stage in the life of a young family. They prepare for it in advance, at this moment the parents become closer, jointly showing care for their child. Things necessary from the first days appear in the house: oilcloths, diapers, nappies, a bathtub, special means hygiene, personal sleeping place. The cost of all the required items can be very burdensome for young couples, sometimes unaffordable. Many people try to save money, for example, they make their own toys or make a crib with their own hands.

If you draw up a drawing correctly and plan the design of the bed, then the furniture can be used for a long time, from the moment the child is born until his fourth or fifth birthday. It is extremely important to teach your baby to sleep separately from the first day. It is unacceptable to put him to bed in his parents' bed. Although most mothers sleep very lightly, something irreparable can happen in their sleep. In addition, it is difficult to wean a child from the parental bed.

Advantages and features of making a bed with your own hands

Furniture stores sell many models of cribs made from various materials. Wood and its derivatives are mainly used, but there are also plastic options. It is not always possible to find furniture for a newborn that meets all requirements, and suitable products are very expensive. In this case homemade designs will be an excellent alternative, they have a number of advantages expressed in the following:

  1. Price. Furniture made by yourself will cost much less than purchased analogues, which will help save the family budget.
  2. Reliability. During the preparation and assembly process, the strength of all components is checked at each stage.
  3. Environmental friendliness. A bed for your son or daughter is made only from natural wood, which does not emit harmful substances.
  4. Exclusivity. A independently drawn up drawing will be the key to an individual, unique product.
  5. Gaining experience. While working, a person acquires new skills that can later be used in the production of similar items.
  6. Compatible with the interior and style of the room.

When making a bed, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • for work it is necessary to use exclusively environmentally friendly clean materials, which include natural wood;
  • the surface should not have sharp corners, roughness, chips, or protrusions;
  • The product must correspond to the height, weight, and physiological parameters of the baby.
  • It is necessary to provide protection against falling and rolling of the child.
  • For small apartments or houses, multifunctional structures are suitable; for this you can use the free space under them, install additional drawers, or create a play area.

Designs and sizes of children's beds

The easiest way to make standard furniture, which consists of four legs, a frame, a mattress and a headboard. The model is used exclusively for baby's sleep. If you fence the sleeping area around the perimeter with walls with bars, you will get a classic crib for a newborn. Although for this category you can use a cradle, playpen, rocking chair, and attached options.

IN small rooms It is more practical to install multifunctional items. To do this, they are equipped with drawers, a chest of drawers, and other useful elements. A bed with a loft, where the sleeping place is placed on the second tier, is very functional. Below you can organize a play area and install lockers for storing items.

Furniture made in the shape of a typewriter looks unusual. This is an option for older children who have not reached adolescence. Non-standard design will allow you to create invisible cabinets inside, hidden under the hood or behind the door. You will have to tinker with many elements, which will require certain carpentry skills.

Among non-standard designs You can choose a house bed. This model is suitable for children over 3 years old. There are all the elements of a standard item, as well as doors and windows, gable roof. Decorative items They will decorate any interior and will delight every child.

What material are beds made from?

When constructing children's furniture yourself, you need to decide on the materials that will be used in the work process. The main requirement is that the raw materials used must be environmentally friendly and not harm the baby’s development. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, consider best option for all components of the structure:

  1. Mattress. It is recommended to purchase it in a specialized store, since purchased models are produced taking into account the recommendations developed by orthopedic doctors. If you plan to use the bed for more than one year, then it is better to choose double-sided products with different degrees of hardness. For children under three years of age, a hard, rigid covering is required, which helps support the back and the proper development of the body. The filling should be wool; you should not take models that contain cotton wool and foam rubber. The upholstery should also be made of natural fabric and have an antiseptic coating.
  2. Frame, slats, legs, sides. For your beloved child, you should choose only a tree. Coniferous species are suitable for work: pine, spruce. Natural wood It breathes, it is quite durable, and will suit any interior. Those who decide to use MDF or chipboard should remember that the boards contain phenol and formaldehyde resins, so it is necessary to take only models with emission class E-0.
  3. Protective means. To extend the service life, wooden surfaces They are treated with special compounds, painted and varnished. For these purposes, nitro enamel, acrylic, water-based paint for children's rooms. An excellent option would be to use wax. To preserve the wood texture, you can use acrylic varnish, other options are highly toxic.

Subject to availability Money You can purchase dense types of wood: solid oak, larch. This is the most durable material, the products look rich, but processing the raw materials is quite difficult.

Making a bed with your own hands

Having firmly decided to build a structure yourself, you should understand all the nuances associated with its creation. Initially, a drawing is developed that displays all constituent elements. Then they acquire the materials necessary for the work, prepare the tools, and if any of them are missing, they buy them in addition.

Based on the diagram, raw materials are divided into component parts. They are cut out, combined into a single structure, treated with special compounds, painted, varnished, and decorated. For clarity, we will consider in detail the main stages that the process of making a classic crib includes.

Drawings and diagram

The creation of any object is impossible without a drawing. IN graphic representation, made to a certain scale, the dimensions of the nodes are indicated. To compile it, you will need minimal drawing skills; you can also use special programs. When developing a project, you should consider:

  1. Dimensions of the room where the product will be installed. The spacious room can accommodate a larger bed.
  2. The dimensions of standard products for children under three years of age are 120x60 cm. If you plan to use the design in the future, preference should be given to larger models 150x60 cm, 180x70 cm.
  3. At the bottom of the crib you can equip cabinets in which children's things will be stored.
  4. For preschoolers, it is worth providing removable sides that will protect them from rolling and falling.
  5. Design and decorative design is selected depending on the preferences of the parents.

Required tools and materials

To make and assemble the bed you will need the following materials:

  • board;
  • MDF sheet;
  • varnishes and paints;
  • screws, fasteners, rubber heels for legs.


  • wood saw, jigsaw;
  • hammer, screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • drill, drill bit;
  • measuring instruments, a simple pencil.

Main parts and their preparation

A standard bed consists of 4 legs, 2 backs, sides, removable sides, frame, slats, mattress. The last element from the list is purchased ready-made, the rest are made by hand. The process looks like this:

  1. In accordance with the drawing, markings of all components are applied to the tree. This can be done using a tape measure and a simple pencil.
  2. The elements are cut using a jigsaw or saw.
  3. The components are sanded with sandpaper.
  4. Depending on the length of the sidewalls, they are cut with a grinder metal corners, used to install the mattress. Holes are drilled in them for self-tapping screws to secure them to the wood.
  5. All components are painted and varnished.

Main assembly steps

Work on assembling the bed is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The backrests located at the head and foot are assembled. They are connected to the legs.
  2. Prepare the base for the mattress. To do this, metal corners are attached to the wooden sides using self-tapping screws. The lamellas are fixed to them from above, perpendicular to the side walls.
  3. The backs and base for the mattress are connected using furniture fittings; for reliability it is better to use corners.
  4. A mattress is installed on the frame.
  5. Removable protective sides are added to the sides, secured to special metal or wooden fittings.
  6. If necessary, the finished product is decorated.

Manufacturing and assembly of a bed-machine

Children will be delighted with this design. Anyone can make it. To do this, you will need to draw up a drawing or download it online. After which you can start cutting out the components and assembling. The work consists of the following stages:

  1. From furniture board side and front walls are made.
  2. Cutouts are made on the side surfaces, imitating car doors, through which it will be convenient for the child to get inside.
  3. On one of the end parts, using a jigsaw, carefully cut out holes for the headlights and radiator.
  4. Next, several more planks are cut out to imitate a car hood and windshield.
  5. The wheels are being prepared.
  6. Attached to the side walls wooden corners, on which the base for the mattress is laid.
  7. A rectangular frame is assembled from the prepared parts and mounted on wheels.
  8. The resulting workpiece is painted or varnished.
  9. The base is fixed inside the frame and the mattress is laid.

Features of assembling a bed for newborns

For newborns, the bed design should be slightly different. Its standard size is 120x60 cm; when the child reaches 3 years old, it will become a bit cramped for him. When planning, it is worth considering the possibility of adjusting the height of the bed. When the child is small, it is convenient to place him higher, but as soon as he learns to stand up, the bottom will have to be lowered for safety.

For a comfortable sleep for the baby, parents, neighbors, it is worthwhile to provide one removable side or end wall in the crib, which will allow it to be placed near the parent’s wall. The distance between the rods around the entire perimeter is made within 2.5 - 6 cm. These are the optimal sizes at which the child will not be able to pinch his fingers or stick his head through. Do not forget about the strength of the product and good fixation of removable elements.

In addition to the listed features, the legs of the bed are often installed on wheels, making it mobile. They will also equip pendulum mechanisms or rocking chairs. Their use is recommended by pediatricians. This makes it easy to lull your baby to sleep. It is advisable to use the bumper only in the first months; subsequently it should be removed to increase the overview of the child’s understanding of the world.

Bed decor with soft sides of your own making

Not only dad can contribute to the family budget by building a ready-made crib. Mom can also join this process by decorating the product with soft sides. Externally, the craft resembles covers stuffed with filler. In addition to a decorative function, they also have a practical function: they protect the baby from accidental impacts on the bars, and do not allow him to stick his hand between them. When sewing them, certain requirements must be observed:

  • The fabric should only be natural; linen, calico, and cotton are suitable. Wool must be used as filler.
  • It is better to choose the material in light, pastel shades that have a good influence on the child's psyche.
  • If a drawing is provided, then it should be made in medium size; a small one will irritate him.

Master class on making a bunk bed

This is an ideal option for a family with two children of the same age, be it a boy and a girl or same-sex babies. The design of a bunk crib is similar to a single-tier crib. The only minor differences are the presence of a ladder, the height of the product, and the mounting of two stocks on the same supports. For safety, there is a side on top located around the entire perimeter. To understand all the intricacies of the model, consider a master class on making such a bed:

  1. We prepare boards with a section of 3.5x10 cm. According to the chosen pattern, we cut out 4 blanks of 190 cm, 4 of 180 cm, 4 of 80 cm.
  2. On 190 cm boards, retreating 30 cm from each edge, on both end sides We make grooves at the top and bottom for the width of the crossbars 3.5x10 mm.
  3. Assembling the side backs. To do this, two support legs are connected using 80 cm segments.
  4. The finished backs are connected using 4 pieces of 180 cm each, installed in the outer end grooves.
  5. We make the base for the mattress from above and below. To do this, slats are nailed along the perimeter of both tiers on top of the sidewalls. Here they can not be recessed, thanks to the sides located in a circle.
  6. We install the stairs. Its length should be the distance from the lower edge of the side partition to the upper edge of the support.
  7. We install the sides and lay the mattress.

Making your own bed with storage drawers

As a basis for the manufacture of such a design, you can take any drawing of a standard bed. The only difference will be the presence of full side walls and drawers. First of all, it is necessary to determine their number. This could be one element that occupies the entire space under the crib, two, or even three. It is also worth considering the type of retractable parts. There are two cardinal different options: independent from the main body, attached to the frame, retractable on guides.

The process of constructing the product will be similar to preparing and assembling a regular single children's bed. Here it is necessary to provide not legs, but side walls and intermediate partitions on which the guides will be attached. It is also worth considering the fact that the gap between the floor and the bottom of the tray should be at least 1 cm.

To make the box itself, you will need to prepare four pieces of wood; their dimensions depend on the size of the space under the crib. Next, they are connected into a rectangular or square box, a sheet of chipboard or plywood is nailed to the bottom. To strengthen the structure from the inside, 4 support strips are installed from below along the entire perimeter, and an inset bottom is made, which allows you to store heavier items.

Decoration methods

For a children's bed, comfortable conditions and practical design are equally important. To improve the baby's conditions, auxiliary decorative elements are used, which also carry a number of useful functions. Let's consider the most popular options for decorating this item:

  • Canopy. An elegant canopy that is sewn from any natural fabric. This item is recommended to be used for up to 4-5 months.

In addition to decoration, the product serves as protection against insects. It collects a lot of dust, so it needs to be washed often.

  • Canopy. Unlike the previous option, only light, transparent materials are used: tulle, organza, veil. Fastening is done using a rod.
  • Valance. This is the frame of the lower edge of the bed. It covers the lower part of the furniture, which will perfectly disguise some mistakes made when making the crib yourself.
  • Hanging toys. Often hung in pairs with a music mobile. This type of decor is made from cardboard or fabric. Contribute to the development of the child. May have the most varied look, be it snowflakes, animals, flowers or others.
  • Stickers. You can buy them at any furniture store. When fixing them, you should make sure that the child cannot reach them.

Painting a bed - which paint is best to use?

At industrial production children's beds use oil paints. They improve the appearance, protect the surface from damage, and are easy to clean from dirt. When choosing coloring agents yourself, you should study their composition to make sure that it does not contain toxic, poisonous elements. These requirements are met:

  • Water-based acrylic paints. They are distinguished by high cost and good performance.
  • Nitro paints. They have no pronounced odor, are inexpensive, and dry quickly.
  • Water-based. Characterized by a long service life. With their help you can hide shallow cracks.
  • Wax. The most expensive option. It's flawless high-quality coating with water-repellent properties.

A person cannot live without a pillow. This is due to the structure of the human body. The element supports the curvature of the cervical spine and promotes blood flow to the brain. This item begins to be placed on the child at the age of 1-2 years, depending on his physical development. The product must have a rectangular shape from 30x40 to 40x60 cm. Its thickness must be: for children under three years old - 3-4 cm, after - 5-6 cm. Important place It takes away its elasticity; a pillow that is too soft will lead to pain in the cervical vertebrae and rapid fatigue.

Bird down is used as filler, natural wool, buckwheat husk, holofiber, latex. The last three options are the best in terms of elasticity. When selecting fabric material, preference should be given natural fiber, treated with antiseptics. It is better to choose models in which the cover is fastened with a zipper, then you can control the condition of the filler.

Unlike a pillow, a mattress is necessary from the first days of a child. It must be hypoallergenic, safe, and absorb and evaporate liquids without problems. For kids too great importance has elasticity, so it is necessary to take only orthopedic products. Otherwise, the requirements for filling and covering are almost the same, as for pillows.

Choice of bed linen

Any person gains strength during sleep, and babies still grow and develop. Every parent wants to make this moment calm. In this matter, they are helped by bed linen, which must be of high quality, made from natural materials. The following types of fabric are used for these purposes:

  • cotton,
  • chintz,
  • satin,
  • calico,
  • bamboo.

The color of the selected canvas should be neutral, it is better to use pastels, bright hues, conducive to sleep. For newborns, a product without a pattern is suitable; for older children, but not teenagers, underwear with a print of their favorite characters from cartoon series is suitable. Also, when choosing bedding, you should pay attention to:

  • the material should not lose its structure and color from frequent washing;
  • Do not take underwear with buttons, ribbons, or lace;
  • Conclusion

    Having studied ready-made diagrams, having considered all the positive and negative aspects associated with self-production cribs for their baby, any parent will build a similar structure. In this case, all family members can participate in the process. Dad will prepare and assemble the frame, and mom will select a mattress, pillow, bed linen, and make decorative elements with her own hands. This will not only save the family budget, but will also show the child that he is cared for and loved.

It is important for parents that their children grow up in a comfortable atmosphere, and that their sleep is not threatened. If a person has a minimum set of tools and basic knowledge, then DIY children's bed it won't be difficult to do, provided you have it on hand photo, product sketch, blueprints. The arrangement of such furniture is simple.

Layout and dimensions of a crib for a newborn

Parents know that a crib for a baby, especially between the ages of one and four years, is especially important, because the child sleeps a lot. The right furniture is the key to a comfortable sleep. For small apartments, such a crib in a nursery can also replace a playpen.
It is easy to make in two to three days and provides all the subtleties and nuances for the child’s comfort.

The right furniture is the key to a comfortable sleep

The first step is to figure out what elements this structure will consist of.

  • Mattress. It is selected based on the weight and age of the baby, so it is better not to make it yourself, but simply purchase it in a store. The purchased mattress was developed jointly with orthopedists and takes into account all the body’s needs for comfortable sleep and the correct formation of the child’s spine. Mattresses are divided into two main types: spring block and without springs. The version with springs can be on an independent spring block (each spring is placed in a separate bag made of non-woven material and the load on such a mattress is distributed pointwise) and on a dependent spring block (the springs are united by a metal frame, and the weight of the sleeper is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the product).

    Comfortable hanging baby cot

    These mattresses are best purchased for children over 5 years old. And for children with low weight, products on a springless block are recommended, where the frame itself, as a rule, consists of polyurethane foam or foam rubber and, depending on the degree of rigidity, can be supplemented with coconut coir or other materials.

  • Frame. This element is made based on the size assumed by the mattress of the sleeping place. The material for it is most often planed board.
  • Lamels. These parts of the product are designed to support the mattress from below and are strips inserted into the furniture frame. They form a lattice with a distance between each other of about 5 cm (for ventilation of the mattress).

    Making a baby crib with your own hands, master class with drawings and photos

  • Sidewalls. They provide a barrier to prevent the child from falling out of the crib. Depending on the wishes of the parent, they can be high or low, solid or carved. Byltsa (back of the product). At the headboard their height will be higher than at the feet.

    Drawings and photos of a crib for a master class

  • Legs. This element can be made with your own hands or purchased at a specialized furniture fittings store. They can be initially planed on the sides of the crib, or they can be screwed to it.

Crib drawing

Deciding on the model

In a children's room, several types of beds are most often used:

  • With drawers
  • Loft bed
  • Bunk bed (if there are two kids in the room)

If the room in the children's room does not allow you to put a large bed in the room, but you need a compact model that can save money square meters, then it is better to choose a design with drawers. Drawers are used to store bedding, toys, children's things and anything that does not fit in a child's chest of drawers or nightstands.

Baby cot on two levels for small children

In order for the furniture to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to select environmentally friendly materials for its manufacture. Ideal material there will be thick plywood or wood. MDF or chipboard, which are popular in the furniture industry, should not be purchased for the manufacture of structures due to the adhesives used in the manufacture of materials. Chemicals can negatively affect the baby's body, causing allergies.

An original bed for a stylish interior of a children's room

Advice: It is not recommended to make a crib smaller than 1.5 * 0.6 meters, but you should not make it larger than 1.8 * 0.7 meters. A child will quickly outgrow a small crib, and if you make it too big, the baby will not feel comfortable in it.

The base for such furniture is made solid; it can be purchased ready-made, or you can simply use a sheet of plywood instead.
Its dimensions should be based on the size of the purchased mattress. A lattice can be purchased as a base, but plywood can be used as an option, since the child’s weight is not so large.

The ideal material would be thick plywood or wood.

Wooden shield. It is better to use wood with a low resin content, for example, birch, linden. The size of the shield is recommended to be two meters long, 60 centimeters wide and about 3 centimeters thick.

On the furniture board, the future outline of the workpiece is drawn with chalk according to the dimensions of the sketch. If it is necessary to make holes on the sides of the structure, then they are drawn using a champagne glass or using a regular glass.

Furniture board and plywood can be cut by purchasing them in a store. As a rule, most stores have such services, but it is necessary to provide dimensions in millimeters and patterns. It is recommended to make the cut yourself using a jigsaw, but if you don’t have a jigsaw at hand, you can cut the materials with a regular saw.

Furniture board and plywood can be cut by purchasing them in a store.

After cutting, all wooden elements are sanded using sandpaper so that the materials from which the crib is made do not scratch the baby’s delicate skin.

If it was not possible to find aluminum corners, then they are cut from an aluminum profile. The details of the bed must correspond to the sketch drawings. And the length of the corner from the profile should match the length of the side back of the furniture. These fasteners have holes for inserting self-tapping screws. The sides are attached with corners to the bed frame or plywood base, and this structure is tightened with eight self-tapping screws.

Original children's bed in the shape of a car for a boy

Initially, the parts are attached on one side, then the future workpiece is turned over to the side. According to the diagram, you should periodically check the order of fastening of the elements and the location of the parts. To ensure that the product is stable and strong, watch out for distortions and displacements of parts relative to each other. The bed walls are attached to each other and pulled together; if there are no holes in the walls, then they are made using a drill.

The frame part of the product is ready, it’s time to assemble the back, which will be located above the child’s head. If desired, it can be made in any shape, the main thing is that this piece of furniture fully fulfills its function, that is, protects the baby from injury.

Carved wooden crib for a newborn baby

Very often, small children raise their heads up in their sleep, so the sides here should be at least 10 centimeters in height. Another benefit of high sides and headboards is that they prevent toys and bedding from being thrown out of the bed.

Original baby crib for a boy

We make a headboard: we take a furniture board, from it, if desired, you can make a carved back that looks beautiful and noble or decorate it. The design of the headboard and backrest at the feet should match so that the design looks organic.

We make a headboard: we take a furniture board, from it, if desired, you can make a carved back that looks beautiful and noble or decorate it.

We screw the legs to the bed body itself, which we purchase at a furniture fittings store. We do this using long-length self-tapping screws.

All elements of the bed frame are additionally carefully polished, right down to the slots and cutouts, so that the child does not get hurt by putting his fingers in the slot.

Tip: A smooth sanded surface can be achieved using a drill with an attachment or a grinding machine.

Decorated, polished backrests are attached to a frame frame. So that the fasteners are not visible, they are drilled from below, pointing the drill upward. Cutting holes should be as careful as possible, because this part is easy to damage. We make the hole for the tie ourselves; it will be difficult to make it in this place with a drill. If the wood used to make the crib is soft, the hole will easily break through.

So that the fasteners are not visible, they are drilled from below, pointing the drill upward

The configuration of the crib suggests that the storage boxes are not attached to the bed frame, but have the form of roll-out cabinets. Drawers should be equipped with wheels so that the storage container can be rolled out.

Stylish wooden crib for a baby

If the apartment owner decides to change the configuration of the crib so that the drawers can be pulled out, then a transverse rail is attached to the bottom of the workpiece, and the product itself will stand on the side slats. In this case, the sidewalls are made higher than previously planned by several centimeters, equal to the height of the drawers. The drawer itself is placed on guides.

Wooden crib for a bright and airy room

For the boxes, we take plywood with a thickness of 1.2 cm, cut out the bottom and walls of the box, and tighten it together with self-tapping screws. Additionally, the box is glued, because the things in the box carry a load on the structure. We attach the wheels to the bottom of the assembled box.

Bright spacious room with a cot

The legs on the bed, if you decide to make them yourself, are made from the remains of furniture panels or from scraps of square-shaped timber. Attach the legs to the furniture frame with self-tapping screws.

For the boxes, we take plywood with a thickness of 1.2 cm, cut out the bottom and walls of the box, and tighten it together with self-tapping screws.

Decorating the bed

When the work is completed, it is recommended to give the product a finished look. It is recommended to pass it upholstery fabric for furniture. First, parts 2–3 centimeters larger than the main parts are cut out of the fabric and overlocked so that they do not fray. The fabric is fastened with a furniture stapler, and its sections are hidden inside the crib so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the structure. During decoration, the fabric is stretched to prevent creases, folds and bubbles from appearing.

A crib for the smallest family member and a small bedroom

Another finishing option would be to varnish the crib frame, headboard, and backrest at the feet. To do this, it is recommended to use quick-drying water-based varnishes. Treatment with stain will be more environmentally friendly for furniture in a children's room. It is recommended to first sand and polish all parts using a drill with an attachment.

Everyone has different requirements for children's bedroom furniture. Some people prioritize extreme lightness and minimalism, giving preference to models with hollow bases, under which it is so easy to keep clean. Some people like the extreme functionality of each furniture module - these are the parents who are interested in how to make a bed with drawers with their own hands in a roomy, practical and comfortable design.

How to make a bed with drawers with your own hands, where to start

Before making a bed with drawers with your own hands, you need to decide on several points:

  • The width and length of the bed. The mattress can be used as standard sizes, and be made to order. Usually length teenage bed varies between 1800-2050 mm, and the width of the berth is 750-1250 mm (from a single to a semi-truck).
  • Type of base. The mattress can “lie” on a bottom made of laminated chipboard or slats - in this case, the bed frame is load-bearing. Often the basis is independent metal carcass on the legs - orthopedic base. In this case, the bed box is assembled around it.
  • Number of boxes. One drawer can be built under the base of the bed - its design can be adapted to accommodate a guest bed. Or use the space for storing toys and build two or three drawers into the base.
  • Drawer pullout type. There are two radically different design options: independent from the body, rolling out on wheels or attached to the body, sliding out on guides. Each option has its own advantages. The only thing is that if the flooring in the nursery is laminate, I would advise you to abandon the wheel supports for practical reasons.

How to build a drawer under the bed with your own hands

Easier to assemble are inset drawer designs that are independent of the bed frame itself.

An inset structure can also be a single, monolithic structure, without division into two or three parts.

The orthopedic base gives a rigid connection to the installation of drawers: it is necessary not only to “bypass” the support legs with the frame design, but also to fit into the given height. As a rule, the height of the legs of the orthopedic base is about 190 mm, +/- a couple of centimeters for adjustment. But it is better to focus on an already purchased product, since local manufacturers’ standards may differ slightly.

The inset design for drawers is made in the same way, it is simply shortened by the amount of indentation of the support legs of the orthopedic base from the edge of the box. But it’s easier to implement the option with independent boxes on wheels - you don’t need to assemble an insert structure for them. It is enough to place a partition in the center to make it easier for the child to slide each drawer into its own “department.”

DIY bed with drawers, example of calculation based on the drawing of the basic model

As a basis for calculations, you can completely take a do-it-yourself drawing of a children’s bed of the basic model considered. The only difference is that the front bar needs to be reduced in width so that the built-in drawers are deeper.

Among the constructive points it should be noted:

  • The front strip is attached last because it covers top part inset design (inlay height is 300 mm, the bar is attached at a level of 280 mm from the floor).
  • The box is mounted above the floor level, the width of the gap above the floor is at least 10 mm (more if there is carpet on the floor).
  • The bottom of the box must be reinforced with a stiffening rib if it will be used to store heavy objects (toys) and may not be reinforced if it is planned to store a seasonal set of linen (blankets, pillows, blankets, etc.).

Calculation of the details of a children's bed with drawers with your own hands according to a given drawing will look like this.

From the cutting maps you can see that a DIY bed with drawers takes about two sheets of chipboard.

For model with orthopedic base the consumption will be less - after all, there is no need to make the bottom, the lamellas will serve as the base. The material consumption if the drawers in the bed are rolled out on wheels will remain approximately the same. Yes, there are certain savings due to the fact that the liner itself does not need to be assembled. But do not forget that the role of the bottom of the boxes on wheels in the bed will be played not by fiberboard, but by laminated chipboard.

Parents strive to provide the best for their children. In stores and markets, prices are rising all the time. This applies to any goods, including furniture. Adults are forced to save on a lot. They often have to arrange housing on our own. A children's bed made with your own hands will cost less than one bought at furniture showroom. Making a cozy bed for your baby is easy. This is done in a couple of days. Here you need to have a desire to work.

Children grow up quickly, and furniture is quite expensive.

To make a bed with your own hands, you need boards and beams made of wood that does not absorb moisture well, for example, pine or oak. First, two pairs of legs are made. For the headboard, the supports should be longer, since the back is higher here. This is necessary in order to be able to raise the pillow higher and recline in bed, for example, while reading. Typically, a do-it-yourself baby bed is made using the following materials:

  • bars;
  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • PVA glue;
  • stains;
  • varnish

In a regular crib, a child can sleep for three, maximum four years.

Natural wood does not emit harmful substances, so babies do not have allergic reactions. Such furniture is reliable, durable and looks good. A properly made crib is the key to a comfortable sleep. If the room is small, the product is made in such a way that it serves as a playpen during the day. The size is taken based on the length and width of the mattress.

The bed should be as comfortable and functional as possible.

Usually you don’t make it yourself, but buy it in a store. Children's mattresses, as a rule, are developed together with orthopedists. Here is given Special attention correct formation of the spine, and also takes into account the needs of the child’s body to obtain healthy and full sleep.

In fact, a do-it-yourself bed for a child is made “on time”; you can do it.

For children over 4 years old, buy a mattress with a spring block, where the individual elements are combined by a metal frame. On it, the weight of a sleeping child is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the product. For infants, it is better to use mattresses without springs, consisting of foam rubber. In a child's bedroom, it is advisable to install the bed away from the window opening. This will guarantee that the child will not be blown through by a draft.

To make a baby crib with your own hands, you do not need any professional skills, and the process will take a maximum of 3-4 days.

There should not be a chandelier hanging above the child’s sleeping place. Light bulbs often burn out. Sometimes it happens that when a lamp fails, its glass shatters into different sides. A glass shard can easily injure a child. If there is a shelf for books hanging above the baby, you should make sure that it is nailed to the wall firmly enough.

The main thing is to use only quality materials and carefully think through the entire process from start to finish.

Basic details of wooden beds

Although wooden crafts for kids they are expensive, but individual parts can be purchased at a reasonable cost. It is advisable to carefully sand the purchased blanks with your own hands so that the child does not get hurt on any protruding splinter. The product consists of the following parts:

  • frame;
  • slats;
  • sidewalls;
  • backrest;
  • legs

As a result, both the child and the baby himself will be happy.

The frame is made of planed and well-polished boards. The slats that support the mattress from below consist of slats. They are inserted into grooves cut into the frame and form a grille for ventilation of the mattress. The distance between them is approximately 5 centimeters. The sides serve as a fence, thanks to which the child will not fall down. The supporting backs are filled with plywood sheets.

But if the baby has a large build, the parameters of the blanks can be changed upward.

To support the mattress, special grooves are cut into the frame. Wood glue is applied to the slatted ends. The slats are inserted into the holes. To make the fixation more reliable, with outside screws are screwed in. The backrests are made using vertical beams connected by crossbars. Next, plywood or wooden rods are installed.

Furniture stores have a huge variety of crib models for different ages.

The back and front sides are filled with strips and fixed with glue. The near side is made one third lower than the far side. This makes it more convenient to care for your baby. The holes in the cross bars are filled with PVA glue. Then the wooden fencing rods are inserted there. The parts must fit into each other tightly, without any backlash. Use a square to check the correct angles. All angles must be 90 degrees. The assembled sides are placed on a flat surface until the glue dries completely.

But the first factor in choosing a crib for a child should be the material from which the piece of furniture is made.

Necessary tool

If you poured a lot of adhesive into the grooves, some of it will, of course, come out. There is nothing to worry about here, since in the dried state the glue can be easily cut off with a knife. Next, the remaining panels are attached, which will serve as the headboard and footboard. They are screwed to the sides with countersunk screws. Each screw must be completely recessed so that their heads cannot be felt. Later, these recesses are covered with putty and sanded. During operation, the following tool is used:

  • wood saw;
  • manual frezer;
  • Sander;
  • corner;
  • screwdriver.

If necessary, we clean the shields over the entire surface.

After the bed is assembled, it needs to be decorated. To do this, all the cracks between the connected parts are covered with putty. When the putty is completely dry, the treated areas are sanded with fine sandpaper. Next, the assembled structure is treated with stain. This will protect the tree from negative influence moisture. After the stain has dried, a layer of varnish is applied. Since the furniture is intended for a baby, all impregnations must be natural, not containing toxic or aggressive substances.

The only drawback of wooden furniture sold in most stores is its sky-high cost.

During assembly work, the mounting screws should be screwed in to the maximum possible depth so that they are completely recessed. The resulting depressions are later closed with plugs or covered with putty. Assembled structure must be reinforced with special corners. Next, the finished product is coated with varnish or wood wax. If you decide to add wheels to the crib, then do not forget to make locks for them.

A DIY children's bed will cost parents a maximum of 17 thousand.

Advantages of hand-made children's furniture

If the baby's room has small sizes, the crib can be made with drawers. They are convenient for storing toys, bedding and baby clothes. Such functional furniture saves space and eliminates the need to clutter the room with additional cabinets or chests of drawers. The advantages of a homemade children's bed are:

  • the ability to design a model that fits perfectly into the interior of the room;
  • confidence in the quality and reliability of the product;
  • the ability to use only materials that are safe for health;
  • relatively low cost.

Designing and making a crib yourself has advantages over buying a finished product in a furniture store

When all the parts and working tools are prepared, you need to carefully consider the process of making the bed itself. This type of work is best done outside the home, as there will be a lot of sawdust and dust. If it is not possible to work outside, indoor furniture should be covered with plastic wrap and the carpet should be removed from the floor. For a small room, you can make a bed, the sleeping place of which is on the second tier. Below, instead of a bed, a soft carpet is laid on the floor. This option will be convenient if you have only one child.

The best option is two large drawers so that you can put large toys and bedding in them.

On the first floor, the baby will spend time playing games, and on the second tier he will climb a ladder to relax. Usually the process of climbing to the second floor gives children great pleasure. If a child likes to draw, you can put a small table and a chair on the ground floor. For two children the usual bunk bed. Structurally, such products are designed differently. The lower floor can be located exactly under the upper tier, or located perpendicularly.

For beauty, the crib can be opened with primer and varnish.

Sometimes steps are also used as lids for boxes underneath them. In each such box you can put children's toys, linen, and clothes. Before you start making a bunk bed, you need to decide on the place where it will stand. You also need to decide which side is best to mount the stairs to the second floor. If the room has low ceiling, the upper tier should not be very high.

Once you have decided on the sizes and appearance beds for a child, look through photos of popular models on the Internet and find the necessary drawings, you can start making a royal bed for your baby

The closer the child is to the ceiling, the more stuffy air he will have to breathe. On the other hand, it is advisable to take into account that an adult should not rest his head on the second tier when he sits down with the baby. The height of the first tier is associated with the comfort of sitting on the bed, as well as with the fact that it is possible to build a drawer for bed linen. Relying on this information, we can conclude what dimensions the furniture being constructed should have. The most popular options for cribs are as follows:

  • transformer;
  • sliding;
  • one-story;
  • two-tier;
  • rocking chair

To ensure that the dimensions of the mattress and crib match, it is better to first buy a mattress, and only after that proceed to drawings of the crib.

The transformer usually folds up during the day, thereby freeing up space in the room. For this model, a special frame is attached to the wall, where the folded product is removed. So that the visible front of the bed fits into general style room, it should be decorated. The extendable bed is made of two parts. As the child grows, it can be lengthened. For this purpose, special wheels are located at the bottom. A two-tier model is most often made for two children.

The tools you will need are a drill, a jigsaw and a grinder.

Manufacturing conditions for bed parts

If you purchased wood material straight from the sawmill, then before you start making parts, the bars and boards need to be kept for about a week in the room in which the manufactured furniture will be located. This is necessary so that the humidity of the room is equal to the humidity of the materials. Otherwise, in the future, some parts of the bed may crack or warp. When the material acquires the required parameters, the boards and bars must be planed and thoroughly sanded.

All materials can be easily purchased at a hardware store.

The vertical beams of the bed should be of such a height that sides and backrests can be built above the top bed. The front side of the lower tier is most often made removable. A crib guard is an important safety feature. Its reliability should be given special attention. The fencing boards are screwed to the support beams with self-tapping screws. inside. The caps must be completely screwed into the wood. During the manufacture of the fence, you need to leave an opening for the steps.

For a small room, a similar version of a crib with a second floor would be perfect, but there would be no first floor.

Stairs are usually made strictly vertical or inclined. First, two beams are attached, which will act as guides. Then the steps are screwed on. The top step and the ladder itself are attached to the bed with long bolts. After the fence and steps are installed, plywood sheets are laid on which the mattresses will be placed. Since all parts of this product are attached with screws and bolts, it can be easily disassembled and moved to another location.

This process usually gives children a lot of pleasure, and sleeping on the second floor is much more interesting.

This bunk bed is very durable and reliably serves for many years. If you paint it beautifully and then cover it with matte nitro varnish, it will not reflect the glare of the sun and will retain the naturalness of the designs for a long time. Inner part sides can be trimmed soft cloth, which will protect the baby from drafts and bruises.

If the child goes to school, or just likes to draw a lot, the space under the bed can be equipped with a desk.

Thus, even in a small children's room there will be more space for games and other entertainment.

VIDEO: DIY crib.