Dollar tree name and homeland. Zamioculcas care at home, transplantation, reproduction

This flower is very popular among most people, as it does not require much attention to its person. The grateful people gave it the second name “Dollar Tree”, but it should not be confused with Crassula, which also has a second name “ Money Tree" They differ in their appearance.

Description of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas belongs to the Araceae family and has the appearance of Zamioculcas zamyefolia. South Africa is considered the homeland of this species. In desert lands, it grows together with cactus plants and therefore, in such arid conditions, the plant is able to accumulate the moisture necessary for its own life in fleshy stems and roots resembling the shape of an ordinary potato. When the rainy season ends, drought sets in and then the flower uses the accumulated moisture for its own purposes to maintain its own life.

The plant has a massive stem and fleshy underground tubers. The leaf blades are dark green, as if covered with a waxy coating, and grow from a basal rosette. The petioles are straight and fleshy, capable of accumulating moisture.

IN room conditions flowering is rare, but still proper cultivation it can be seen. A flower is a spadix of small, inconspicuous flowers. The cob covers the blanket white, besides, the flower is located at the bottom of the plant and therefore may not be visible. But even without flowering the plant has a beautiful appearance and enjoys deserved popularity among flower growers.

In adulthood it grows to large sizes up to 150 cm in height and with the same diameter, since the leaves are quite spreading. With its appearance, Zamiokulkas will decorate any room, be it an office or a home interior.

Types and varieties of Zamioculcas

There are not so many plant species, therefore, in addition to the described Zamioculcas zamyefolia, there are other options.

Zamioculcas variegated (white variegated) - belongs to the aroid family and was brought from the island of Madagascar. The plant is large and indoors can grow up to 1.5 in height and the same diameter. It differs from its main variety in the color of its leaf blades. They may have white stripes along the main green tint.

Zamioculcas variegated (lemon variegated) - the leaf plate is thinner and elongated, unlike its green counterpart. There are lemon-colored spots on the leaves. Plant care is standard.

Zamioculcas dark purple (black leave) - young shoots grow light green, but over time they become almost black. It was first brought from Korea. It is considered the most compact of the described species.

Home care

This plant appeared in our stores recently, no more than 20 years ago, but has already spread among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness. It's quite hot in our apartments in summer, and winter time very dry air is added to the heat from heating radiators. The plant easily tolerates:

  • Blackout;
  • Lack of timely watering;
  • Direct sunlight;
  • The temperature where the flower will be grown can range from +12 to +35 degrees;
  • Does not require air humidification devices.

Therefore, having purchased a flower, you need to display it in a place where it is warm and light and try not to flood the plant, since it can rot from excessive watering.

The best place would be a window with a southern or eastern orientation, but if there are no such windows, a northern window will do, just in this case in winter there will be slow growth or there will be no growth at all. On the north side, watering practically stops in winter, especially if the temperature in the apartment is low.

In the warm season, the plant prefers to spend outdoors. But it is better not to expose it to direct sunlight in the middle of the day, since even though this is a plant of African origin, without the habit of direct sun the flower can burn - the leaves will become thinner and become ugly brown spots and will disappear after a while. Burns on leaf blades cannot be treated.

TO soil mixture the flower is absolutely not demanding, and you can purchase ready-made soil in garden centers or specialized stores. Suitable soil:

  • For ficus;
  • For decorative foliage plants;
  • For forest cacti.

But then you will need to add nutritious soil from compost heap or rotted humus.

The plant grows quite slowly and therefore does not need frequent replanting. It follows from this that the land must be of high quality.

Content temperature

The summer cultivation temperature is suitable up to 38 degrees Celsius. But in this case, watering is stopped, since when strong increase temperature, the plant stops absorbing moisture by the root system. And with excess moisture in the soil, a plus heat the roots begin to rot.

In winter, the air temperature should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

This plant can be propagated in various ways:

  • Using seeds;
  • Vegetative way;
  • Dividing an adult bush.

Seed propagation is not suitable for us, since flowering is very rare, and there is nowhere to get seeds from here.

Vegetative propagation is often used, since the flower is propagated by any part of the plant. You can separate the leaf with part of the potato and immediately plant it in a separate pot. Then place the young seedling in the shade and care for it like an adult plant.

You can propagate Zamioculcas using its compound leaf. It is separated and dried for a couple of hours to heal the wounds on the cut leaf. After which you can put it in settled water and wait for the root system to appear.

To prevent the moist environment from causing rotting of the cuttings, add wood or Activated carbon(the second can be purchased at a human pharmacy). Or you can plant it directly in calcined sand and cover it with transparent plastic bag. This will help create greenhouse conditions for the cutting, which will contribute to faster formation of the root mass in the cutting.

The process of forming your own root system can last for for a long time up to six months. But if there is no other way, and the grower only got a leaf, it’s certainly worth trying this propagation method.

Adult division mother bush that's pretty easy way divide the flower. To do this, you need to have a flower with a large number of leaf blades. It is carefully removed from the ground and the old soil is removed.

Using a sharp knife, divide the old rhizome in such a way that each divided part contains roots and the vegetative green part of the plant. Allow the zamioculcas seedlings to dry for 2 hours, leaving parts of the plant in the air. After which the flower is ready for planting in separate containers. Do not forget about drainage holes for water drainage after watering, otherwise the flower is at risk of a disease called “gray rot”.

Whatever method the gardener chooses, you should try to propagate Zamioculcas, and it will delight you with its beautiful leathery leaf plates.

Planting Zamioculcas

In order for the plant to grow well and vegetate, when planting, you must correctly follow all the recommendations:


The plant is replanted annually, inspecting the roots and deciding whether to increase the volume of the pot. The best time The year for this is the first months of spring until hot weather sets in. At this time, the plant begins to grow and will more easily withstand trauma to the root system that will occur during transplantation.

If the plant is huge in size, then it is replanted once every four years, the rest of the time it is simply changed upper layer soil in the container in which it is planted.

Watering Zamioculcas

In spring and summer, watering should only take place when the top part of the soil dries. Winter watering occurs a couple of times a month, if in the room where the flower is grown the air temperature is +25 degrees, then water it twice a month. If the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees, then watering is done once a month.

In this case, the water that flows into the pan must be removed 15 minutes after watering, otherwise there is a possibility of death of the root system from constant wetting. In winter, it is better to spray the plant than to flood it, since drought is familiar to the flower, and overwatering, done systematically, leads to the death of the plant.

Therefore, the conclusion is drawn that it is better to overdry the plant than to overwater it.


Prefers bright sunlight, but you should avoid direct sunlight in summer when midday sun. This will burn the foliage and it will not recover and will dry out. In summer, it is good to take the plant out into the air and place it in the lacy shade of trees.

Diseases and pests of Zamioculcas

This is practically the hardiest flower, as it is able to survive various difficult natural phenomena. But it can be “loved” before the plant dies. First of all, watering beyond measure is very dangerous. Since the plant first accumulates moisture in its parts, and then its excess can lead to rot of the root system. If this happens, then the flower is removed from the soil and all soft parts are removed, the rest can be sprinkled:

  • Charcoal;
  • Crushed activated carbon tablets;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Cover with brilliant green (but this is applied only after the parts of the plant have dried).

After processing the cuts, the plants are treated with any fungicide that can stop rotting and left to dry for 4-5 hours. After all these manipulations, the plant is planted in a new pot of a size that matches the size of the root system. And regulate the watering of the flower. Since it is obvious that it has been flooded, the intensity of watering is reduced by half.

Don’t be alarmed if sometimes a leaf on a plant turns yellow, because new shoots and leaves grow in its place. But if the intensity of yellowing is high, you should carefully examine the flower for the presence of pests. The following harmful insects can be seen on the flower:

  1. Spider mite.
  2. Shield.

Spider mite easy to spot as it is a small red spider that envelops the axils of plants. To get rid of it, the cobweb itself is removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol; if this does not help, then it is treated (washed) with a weak infusion of tobacco or laundry soap(72%). If there are a lot of cobwebs, then it is worth treating with Actellik solution. Actellik is diluted as described on the package and everything is thoroughly sprayed sheet plates, after which the remaining solution is spilled onto the ground. Such treatments are carried out three times with an interval of 5-6 days. Treatments are carried out outdoors, where there are no children or animals, as the drug is toxic.

Shchitovka It's hard to figure out, but you can try. First, all the scutes that cover small organisms sucking the plant juice are removed, and only then they are treated with Actellik, as described on the packaging. Treat three times with an interval of 7 days. To get rid of the pest, you need to remove all the shields, otherwise they will protect the insect from the chemical.

Aphid may be black or gray in color. It feeds on the sap of the plant and destroys it over time. Therefore, they get rid of it with any fungicide.

To prevent the plant from being completely infected by pests, it must be inspected at least once every 10 days, because it is easier to get rid of a small lesion than if the entire flower is affected.

Choosing a container and soil for zamioculcas

The pot must, first of all, match the size of the root system and have drainage holes. Any soil will do, but in order for the plant to vegetate well, it needs nutritious soil. Therefore, even in good purchased soil it would be good to add humus. For looseness, small fractions of expanded clay are added to the soil.

Feeding and fertilizing Zamioculcas

The plant loves feeding with nutritious nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, during the warm season it is fed twice a month with fertilizing containing nitrogen. In the cold season, fertilizing is removed and watered only with lukewarm water.

By purchasing this exotic flower, he needs to recreate it correctly natural conditions and give him the opportunity to grow. Sometimes he confuses the seasons and grows in winter period. Then he needs to provide additional lighting lamps for plants and water in summer mode, sometimes fertilizing the soil. This is due to the fact that at the time when winter begins in our homeland, spring begins in its homeland and therefore Zamioculcas begins to grow - this happens due to its genetic memory. The flower itself is problem-free and planted in a beautiful outdoor pot will delight the people around it with its foliage.

Zamioculcas is exotic plant With unusual name appeared in flower shops relatively recently and immediately became a fashionable indoor plant. Zamioculcas gained popularity thanks to its spectacular decorative appearance and ease of cultivation, This unpretentious plant well adapted to grow at home without much hassle.

Zamioculcas is excellent for landscaping residential and office premises. Zamioculcas is popularly nicknamed " dollar tree» similar to the Crassula This may be why this plant can often be seen in the lobbies of banks or financial institutions.

Zamioculcas is native to East Africa; this plant belongs to the araceae family. . Unlike other species of this family, which mainly live in topics - these are anthurium, philodendrum, spathiphyllum and others, zamioculcas is used to growing in other conditions. In Africa, the plant is forced to endure dry periods, and for this it needs to have a supply of moisture and nutrients in the tubers and in the thickened bases of the leaves. Zamioculcas in nature lives under the scorching sun; the dry atmosphere is significantly different from tropical rainforests. According to all characteristics, Zamioculcas can be classified as a succulent. Of all the indoor plants similar rules in the cultivation and maintenance of Zamioculcas and Crassula.

Zamioculcas belongs to the decorative foliage group of indoor plants . The dollar tree has no shoots or main stem; large compound leaves that are mistaken for branches grow directly from the tubers. Zamioculcas tubers are located near the surface of the earth, they look like potatoes, they accumulate water and nutrients in case of drought. The bases of compound leaves also swell from stored moisture. Oval shiny leaves - sparkle with a waxy surface; this coating is necessary to reduce moisture evaporation.

The dollar tree does not grow quickly, but in 3-4 years a plant consisting of 2-3 leaves can turn into a lush bush with large leaves about a meter high . The larger the tubers and the stronger the plant, the more powerful and higher its new leaves grow. Each leaf can live for several years. An adult zamioculcas is a rather large plant, it is more suitable for spacious rooms - halls, halls.

Zamioculcas blooms rarely and is not noticeable when it reaches a certain age. During the flowering period, a small ear appears with a green cover, which dries out after a few days.

Zamioculcas - poisonous plant , like all members of the araceae family, so make sure that children and pets do not have access to this flower. When replanting and caring for a plant that contains poisonous sap, use protective equipment to prevent the sap from getting into your eyes or skin.

Caring for your Dollar Tree at home:

Lighting. When choosing a place in the apartment where to place zamioculcas, keep in mind that this plant is sun-loving, so it prefers southern windows that receive direct sunlight. Zamioculcas will grow well in bright, diffused light, but in the depths of the room, with a lack of light, it produces long, thin, elongated, pale leaves. green color, the plant loses its decorative appearance.

Temperature. Zamioculcas in the African climate has adapted to a dry and hot atmosphere, so in winter, when most indoor plants suffer from hot heating devices drying out the air in rooms, the “dollar tree” tolerates these unfavorable factors without damage. Zamioculcas loves fresh air and in summer it develops more actively outside in the garden or on the balcony.

In summer, temperatures from +24 to +29 degrees are favorable for Zamioculcas; in winter, the plant can tolerate cold temperatures down to +15 degrees, but no more. Zamioculcas tolerates temperature changes.

Watering and fertilizing . This is a drought-resistant plant, which means that moderate or infrequent watering is preferable to it than frequent and abundant soil moisture. Lack of moisture can lead to yellowing of the lower leaves, but even if they all fall off, after watering is resumed, new leaves from the tubers will begin to grow. Frequent watering leads to stagnation of moisture in the soil and rotting of the tubers, and the plant dies.

Water the zamulcas in spring and summer after the soil in the pot has dried 2-3 cm from the top, and in winter after the earthen clod has completely dried out.

Dollar tree clumps are made only from spring to summer. , once every 2-3 weeks, using universal fertilizer for indoor plants.

Replant Zamioculcas when the leaves and tubers fill the entire pot . Replant Zamioculcas better method transshipment without separating the tubers and without removing the old soil, otherwise you will damage the roots, the risk of developing rot on the wounds will increase and the plant will need time to recover. When replanting, place the lump of tubers in a larger pot and add soil around the edges; do not bury the plant. Separate tubers only for the purpose of propagating the plant or reducing the size of the bush.

Zamioculcas has beautiful shiny leaves; when they become covered with dust, to restore their shine, you can wash them in a warm shower or wipe them with a damp cloth.

Zamioculcas can be found among many lovers of living plants. It is popular because it does not require special content. There is also a secondary name “money tree”; it received this nickname thanks to the existing version that Zamioculcas attracts additional cash. Zamioculcas will certainly create coziness in your home and complement the interior.


Zamioculcas is ornamental plant. It has erect and hard leaves, covered with a waxy coating. They have a characteristic shine and are located on a thick stem. There are very small, completely invisible flowers collected in a spadix. Zamioculcas has a large underground tuber. If you provide him necessary conditions, Zamioculcas at home can grow up to one meter in length, with the exception of low growing variety, it can reach a maximum of 45 - 55 centimeters. When breeding zamioculcas, you need to know that it is poisonous, so when transplanting or propagating the crop, wear gloves for safety, and also warn children and animals.

How Zamioculcas blooms

At home, it is very difficult to achieve full flowering of zamioculcas, in fact, as in wildlife. But still, such an event rarely happens. In fact, there is nothing beautiful in the flowering of Zamioculcas; all the beauty is taken over by the leaves of the flower. Flowering zamioculcas looks like an ear wrapped in a thick blanket; flowering usually occurs in adulthood. The flowers in the cob are divided into female and male, and grow separately from each other. The inflorescences are light green, on which small red berries soon appear. Its flowering is not particularly impressive, so it is better to take care of the brightness and health of the leaves.

Zamioculcas flower is not the main decoration

Care and cultivation

Caring for a flower at home is simple and understandable even for a novice gardener. To grow Zamioculcas with a healthy appearance and achieve maximum sizes it is enough to provide him with proper maintenance.

Watering. Because indoor zamioculcas belongs to the aroid family, water it regularly, but moderately. Watering is carried out as soon as the earthen ball begins to dry. In winter, watering is done much less frequently to prevent rotting of the root system.

Lighting. In order for Zamioculcas to feel good, it is recommended to place it in a brighter place with diffused lighting, also in summer period you can place the flower on the balcony. In the winter season, bring it into the house, placing it as close to the window as possible. For uniform growth, it is recommended to sometimes turn it over with the other side facing the window.

Air temperature and humidity. Zamioculcas loves warmth, optimal temperature contents 24 - 26 degrees. Temperatures below 16 degrees are considered critical for the plant. Air humidity is not important, but regular spraying or wiping is necessary; carry out activities once a week, alternating procedures.

Under the frozen open window In winter, the zamioculcas leaves in the photo darkened and drooped. After being moved to a warm place, the drooping leaves did not recover, but new shoots appeared (light green)

The soil. The zamioculcas flower feels comfortable in loose soil. It can be purchased ready-made at flower shops, or you can make it yourself. Usually used to loosen the soil river sand or small expanded clay. The finished soil should become well wet when in contact with water.

Fertilizers. It is recommended to feed Zamioculcas no more than once a month, from April to early autumn. Alternate organic and mineral fertilizers; fertilizers intended for cacti are also suitable for the flower. Can be used foliar fertilizers, spraying only the stem and leaves.

Transfer. Basically, young zamioculcas are transplanted; the transplantation is carried out during the growth of the tuber, when it begins to fill the pot. The pot must be spacious. Provide sufficient drainage before replanting.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas at home

Many home crops can be propagated in several ways, zamioculcas is no exception. Please note that with any propagation option you need to be patient, since the rooting process takes a very long time. Zamioculcas can be propagated in three ways:

Propagation by tubers. Remove the tuber from the pot and carefully divide it into several parts. Before planting the tubers in the pot, dry them thoroughly. You can sprinkle the tubers with charcoal.

Propagation using cuttings. To implement this method Zamioculcas reproduction, break off a small twig. Before planting the cuttings in the ground, dry them for 24 hours, after which you can plant the cuttings in the prepared soil. It is advisable to root the branches using greenhouse conditions.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaves

Reproduction by leaves. This option is the simplest; its implementation will not be difficult even for novice growers of ornamental crops. Only healthy leaves are suitable for such propagation. Carefully break off the leaf without damaging the stem, then stick it into the seedling substrate and all you have to do is wait until it takes root.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Unfortunately, any indoor plant susceptible to various diseases and ailments, one of them is yellowed leaves. Yellow leaves in Zamioculcas the phenomenon is quite common. If the leaves of a plant turn yellow, we will consider what to do below. Possible reasons appearance of the disease:

  • Excess moisture. There is no need to water the soil until the earthen lump is dry. In winter, you need to water the flower even less often than usual. Excess moisture in the soil causes yellowing of the leaves.
  • Do not place Zamioculcas in a place where direct sunlight hits it for more than five hours. Neglect important rule, can cause a burn, resulting in yellowing.
  • Since Zamioculcas grows rather slowly, many try to speed up growth with the help of various fertilizers. This should not be done, because with excessive feeding, the roots begin to rot, then the leaves turn yellow, and soon the flower dies completely.
  • Disease of the root system of Zamioculcus.

If this disease appears, first of all reduce watering and, if possible, replant the flower in fresh soil.

Zamioculcas pests

If the content is not correct decorative culture, the following unwanted guests may appear:

Spider mite. This pest is caused by too dry air. It appears in the form of small whitish cobwebs that affect the interleaves of the plant. For treatment, a soap solution is used; it is necessary to spray and wipe the indoor flower with it daily.


Shields. Zamioculcas becomes infected with scale insects from neighboring flowers; they are difficult to notice, but they multiply very quickly and infect the leaves in the form of dark spots. As a rule, large individuals are inactive and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. To remove the larvae, it is necessary to spray the plant with insecticides or soap solution.

Aphid. The defeat of aphids is especially important if the zamioculcas is standing on the balcony. The leaves first curl into a tube, dry out and fall off. Ready-made anti-insect sprays designed for indoor crops will help destroy aphids. You can purchase the product at any flower shop.

After any pest removal procedure, wash the flower in the shower a few days later, while covering the soil with a plastic bag.

Zamioculcas is rich in great virtues; even those who suffer from allergies can enjoy it. Stick to it some advice for caring for zamioculcas and forever green culture will delight you for a long time and serve as a decorative element.

Russian name: Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree)

Latin name: Zamioculcas

Family: Aroid

Motherland: Desert expanses of Africa, where it grows along with other succulents - plants capable of storing moisture in fleshy stems, leaves and roots, which these plants use during periods of drought.

general information: The genus Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas Schott.) according to various sources, contains from 1 to 4 species of plants of the aroid family growing in tropical Africa.

Representatives of the genus are short herbaceous plants with a tuberous rhizome and thick fleshy roots. The leaf axis (rachis) is thick, juicy and serves the plant to store moisture. The feathers are leathery and dense. The entire leaf resembles the leaf of plants from the genus Zamia, found on the American continent, which is reflected in the name of the plant. In dry times, Zamioculcas can shed top part leaf with feathery lobes, which protects against excessive evaporation, while the lower part of the petiole serves as a reservoir for water and remains on the plant. Zamioculcas also stores its water supply in a powerful underground tuber. The leaf length can reach a height of 1 m.

In indoor conditions, Zamioculcas will bloom when it grows well. The inflorescence is a light cream spadix with a greenish-white veil, on a short thick peduncle, formed at the base of the leaves.

Zamioculcas prefers bright and spacious rooms. Zamioculcas looks especially impressive in tall outdoor pots and vases.

Types, varieties: Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Synonym: Z. Loddigesii (Zamioculcas loddigesii).

The homeland of the species is East Africa. From the tuberous rhizome, the plant develops leaves 40-60 cm long, which - which is very rare for representatives of the aroid family - are divided into 8-12 separate pinnate leaves. The leaf axis (rachis) is thick, juicy and serves the plant to store moisture. The feathers are leathery and dense. The entire leaf resembles the leaf of plants from the genus Zamia, found on the American continent, which is reflected in the name of the plant. In dry times, Zamioculcas can shed the upper part of the leaf with pinnate lobes, which protects against excessive evaporation, while the lower part of the petiole serves as a reservoir for water and remains on the plant. Zamioculcas also stores its water supply in a powerful underground root. Over time, the plant can stretch and reach a height of 1 m.

Air humidity: Zamioculcas does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to wash it so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In summer, outdoor rainfall is sufficient.

From time to time you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Lighting: The light is bright. The plant can tolerate direct sunlight. If there is insufficient lighting, it can stretch out.

In summer he prefers accommodation on fresh air– on the balcony, in the garden, etc.

Priming: The substrate required is humus, with a pH of about 6. A mixture of equal parts of garden, garden, forest soil and sand is suitable, but take 2-3 parts of sand. You can add pieces charcoal, for 1 liter of finished substrate, take 1 small handful of coal; excessive amounts of coal can dry out the roots. Very important good drainage(at least a quarter of the height of the pot).

Watering: Moderate from spring to autumn, but no water should remain on the tray, watering is rare in winter, the soil should dry well before the next watering. Zamioculcas tolerates some dryness more easily than stagnant water in the soil - this can lead to rotting of the roots and the formation of stem rot.

Care: Zamoikulkas is very suitable for our apartments, where central heating creates dry air in apartments close to deserts. In addition, the Zamioculcas plant is very unpretentious.

Zamioculcas grows well in full sun and can withstand direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near windows facing south (however, in the summer during the midday heat with insufficient fresh air flow, the plant should be shaded from direct sun, creating diffused lighting). Grows well in a bright place near windows facing western and eastern directions. Keep in mind that after a cloudy winter, the purchased plant will go straight sun rays should be introduced gradually to avoid sunburn.

From spring to autumn, temperatures in the range of 20-25°C are suitable for Zamioculcas; In winter it is advisable to keep the plant at a temperature of about 16°C. The plant needs access to fresh air.

Zamioculcas is watered moderately from spring to autumn, after the substrate has dried to 1/2 the height of the pot. In the autumn-winter period and during cloudy periods, watering is reduced and the intervals between watering are increased.

If kept dry for too long, Zamioculcas can dry out the upper part of the leaves. For irrigation, use soft, settled water. At all times, care must be taken to ensure that water does not stagnate in the soil.

As they grow, Zamioculcas leaves, especially large and tall ones, need support, otherwise they may begin to collapse. Supports with rings are used as support.

Zamioculcas flowering at home occurs in adult and well-developed specimens. The spadix inflorescence, typical of araceae, bears a small greenish apical leaf (veil); it is located on a short peduncle.

Top dressing: You need to feed zamiakulkas with fertilizers for cacti and succulents very carefully, only once a month during the growing season. It is better not to feed at all than to overfeed. During the dormant period in winter there is no need to feed at all.

Reproduction: By dividing when transplanting and rooting a leaf or leaflets.

All parts of the plant can be used to produce a new plant. The easiest way is to divide an adult plant. In this case, the plant is removed from the pot, the rhizome is divided, dried, then each part is planted in a separate container. The second method is to separate a complex leaf-“branch” with a bud. The separated part is first dried and then planted in a permanent pot, while the tuber bud must be deepened into the ground only to the base of the leaf. Further - routine care. Finally, the longest way is propagation by a single leaf blade. The leaf separated from the plant is dried for a couple of days, then planted in a small pot, in a light sandy soil, deepening by 1/3, water and cover with a jar, ventilate regularly. The process of forming tuber roots is very long and you have to wait about six months for new leaves.

Transfer: Zamioculcas is replanted in spring or summer after about 2-4 years, or as needed. Rare transplants can inhibit the growth of Zamioculcas. Used for planting tall pots, and it is best to use clay pots as they are heavier. When planting in a too spacious and large pot, at first there is no growth of the above-ground part, as the roots are absorbing the substrate, but keep in mind that small plant should always be planted in a pot that is the size of the root, as there is a danger of flooding in an overly large pot.

Possible difficulties:

  • Leaf death can be caused by mechanical damage.
  • Lack of light causes the plant to stretch out.
  • The lower leaves on the stems sometimes fall off due to the natural development of the plant.
  • At low temperatures and cold drafts, as well as excessive watering, dark spots may appear on the leaves.
  • Excessive watering at low temperatures can cause root and stem rot.

Pests: Damaged: rarely by pests. Sometimes the plant is attacked by scale insects and aphids.

Spider mites are very small red spiders. Appears on the underside of leaves and envelops them in thin white cobwebs. It is destroyed by spraying and washing the leaves, especially on the underside, with water, weak tobacco infusion, pollination (in the fresh air, outside rooms) with ground sulfur, or the plant is treated with ready-made systemic insecticides.

The scale insect, or shield aphid, gets its name from the waxy shield that covers the body of the adult pest. At first, when young, the scale insect is hardly noticeable, but it multiplies quickly, covering the stems and leaves with dark spots. Adults are motionless and sit under shields, from under which larvae crawl out and spread throughout the plant. At this time, they are destroyed by spraying with a soap-tobacco solution, to which you can add a little kerosene or denatured alcohol. Adult pests along with their scutes are removed with a damp swab, but you still need to treat the entire plant with an insecticide or soap solution to remove the larvae.

Aphid – small insect may be green, gray or black in color. It settles on the underside of the leaf and feeds on plant sap, which leads to the leaves drying out and curling. Reproduces quickly. It is destroyed by ready-made preparations that are sold in stores or by solutions of nicotine sulfate in water and soap in a ratio of 1 g. nicotine - sulfate per 1 liter of soapy water.

After treatment, the plant should be washed thoroughly within 24 hours, covering the soil with polyethylene. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

Tips and tricks: If your zamioculcas has turned yellow and flower diseases are obvious, even if the entire above-ground part of the plant has disappeared, do not rush to throw it away. Remove the zamioculcas from the pot, inspect the roots and tubers, if they have not lost their elasticity and look healthy, wash them with a weak solution of manganese, dry them and plant them in new soil, start watering. It is quite possible that Zamioculcas, like in its homeland, when during drought the entire above-ground part of the plant disappears, when favorable conditions from the surviving tubers it will produce new shoots.

Attention! All parts of the plant contain very poisonous juice! Therefore, care must be taken when caring for it.


I grew two zamika sprouts from leaves, they stayed with me for a whole 1.5 years. And when I wanted to throw everything away, sprouts appeared. Which made me very happy.

This plant has become popular for its unpretentiousness and unusual appearance. And they have even come up with a popular name - “Dollar Tree”. Indeed, it is very similar to “Money Tree”. Although, in all its characteristics it is much larger and more massive. And since in our country currency used to be valued more than rubles, this means that a plant larger than Crassula should attract more valuable funds. This is how the responsibilities of these two plants were divided with the appearance of this unpretentious exotic in our homes: Crassula, that is, the “Money Tree” - increases family income, attracting rubles; and Zamioculcas, that is, the “Dollar Tree”, helps to earn and accumulate dollars.

Zamioculcas. © Alle Einträge Content:

Description of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - a monotypic genus of plants of the Aroid family (subfamily Aroideae, tribe Zamioculcadeae), represented by a single species - Zamioculcas zamifolia (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is native to tropical Africa.

The homeland of Zamioculcas is the desert expanses of Africa, where it grows along with other succulents - plants capable of storing moisture in fleshy stems, leaves and roots, which these plants use during periods of drought.

Zamioculcas has a large underground tuber, rather large leathery leaves covered with a waxy coating. The leaves of Zamioculcas are pinnate, erect, located on thick, fleshy petioles. All parts of this plant are adapted to create water reserves in case of prolonged drought. In the dollar tree, flowering is a rather rare phenomenon, especially in indoor conditions.

The Zamioculcas flower resembles a spadix containing light, small, inconspicuous flowers. The cob itself is formed in the lower part of the plant and is covered with a green blanket, so it is hardly noticeable. Zamioculcas grows slowly, but an adult plant grows up to one meter in height, so it is more suitable for large premises, although as a single plant it will decorate any interior.

Zamioculcas. © Elisabeths Way

Features of growing Zamioculcas

Temperature: Moderate, preferably 16..18 °C in winter, but not lower than 12 °C.

Lighting: Bright place with diffused light. In summer, he prefers to sit outdoors - on the balcony, in the garden, etc. In winter, you will have to move the zamioculcas closer to the window.

Watering: Moderate from spring to autumn, but no water should remain on the tray, watering is rare in winter, the soil should dry well before the next watering. Zamioculcas tolerates some dryness more easily than stagnant water in the soil - this can lead to rotting of the roots and the formation of stem rot.

Fertilizer: Usually, it does not need feeding.

Air humidity: Zamioculcas does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to wash it so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In summer, outdoor rainfall is sufficient.

Transfer: Every year in the spring. The soil should be quite nutritious. For young plants - 1 part turf soil, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand. You can add a little well-rotted humus soil. Old Zamioculcas specimens are replanted every two years in the spring. The pot for zamioculcas should be commensurate with the root system. Good drainage is a must.

Reproduction: By dividing the bush, leaves, cuttings. It is better to dry the leaf a little before planting. It is advisable to root cuttings or leaves with soil heating and the use of phytohormones for better root formation. Rooting can take up to 2 months.

Caring for Zamioculcas at home

Zamioculcas has been cultivated in our country relatively recently as a houseplant. This plant is very suitable for our apartments, where central heating creates dry air in the apartments close to deserts. In addition, the indoor plant Zamioculcas is very unpretentious. You can forget to water it, it tolerates bright sun and slight shading well, a fairly wide temperature range (from +12 °C degrees in winter, to +30 °C and above in summer). Zamioculcas does not need to be sprayed, although spraying does not cause any harm to Zamioculcas.

The answer to the question: “How to care for Zamioculcas?” simple - zamioculcas loves warmth, bright light, very moderate watering. It does not like dampness, especially at low temperatures, so zamioculcas should be watered in the summer as the earthen clod dries completely, and in the winter no more than 1-2 times a month.

The best place in an apartment for Zamioculcas is the window sill of a south window, but it will not wither away on the north side either. True, with this arrangement, the leaves of the plant will be somewhat smaller, and in this case it should be watered much less often. In summer, it is good to take the Zamioculcas flower out onto the balcony.

To the soil at the dollar tree too special requirements No. The soil in the pot can be anything except clay (you can use a ready-made soil mixture for cacti), but good drainage is required.

Zamioculcas grows slowly, so there is no need to replant it often, but still, when the entire space of the pot is filled with roots, replanting into a larger volume is very desirable for zamioculcas. When replanting, pay attention - the tubers do not need to be deepened into the ground. They should be slightly visible on the surface.

You need to feed zamiakulkas with fertilizers for cacti and succulents very carefully, only once a month during the growing season, and even then it is not necessary. It is better not to feed at all than to overfeed. During the dormant period in winter there is no need to feed at all.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

It is not possible to find Zamioculcas seeds in our latitudes, therefore, for Zamioculcas, reproduction in our area is possible only by vegetative means. All parts of the plant can be used to produce a new plant.

The easiest way is to divide an adult plant. In this case, the plant is removed from the pot, the rhizome is divided, dried, then each part is planted in a separate container.

The second method is to separate a complex leaf-“branch” with a bud. The separated part is first dried and then planted in a permanent pot, while the tuber bud must be deepened into the ground only to the base of the leaf. Next is the usual care.

Finally, the longest way is propagation by a single leaf blade. The leaf separated from the plant is dried for a couple of days, then planted in a small pot in light sandy soil, deepened by 1/3, watered and covered with a jar, and ventilated regularly. The process of forming tuber roots is very long and you have to wait about six months for new leaves.

Young seedlings of Zamioculcas. © potted nature

Description of Zamioculcas zamifolia

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, synonym - Zamioculcas loddigesii.

The homeland of the species is East Africa. From the tuberous rhizome, the plant develops leaves 40-60 cm long, which - which is very rare for representatives of the aroid family - are divided into 8-12 separate pinnate leaves. The leaf axis (rachis) is thick, juicy and serves the plant to store moisture. The feathers are leathery and dense. The entire leaf resembles the leaf of plants from the genus Zamia, found on the American continent, which is reflected in the name of the plant.

In dry times, Zamioculcas can shed the upper part of the leaf with pinnate lobes, which protects against excessive evaporation, while the lower part of the petiole serves as a reservoir for water and remains on the plant. Zamioculcas also stores its water supply in a powerful underground root. Over time, the plant can stretch and reach a height of 1 m.

Zamioculcas variegated. © Suz & Tell

Diseases and pests of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas gets sick and is rarely affected by pests. This is a very hardy plant, but it can also be “overrun” by inept care. The biggest mistake is overwatering. In this case, the roots begin to rot. If such a disaster occurs, you need to remove the plant from the pot, separate the rotten parts of the plant, and sprinkle the remaining part with crushed coal, dry it and replant it in new soil, and henceforth water the flower very sparingly.

If the leaves of a dollar tree turn yellow, this does not mean that the flower is sick. Zamioculcas, although slowly, grows, new leaves appear, and old ones turn yellow and die, while dark spots may appear on the stems.

If the leaves turn yellow, but new shoots are growing and the dark spots are dry, everything is in order, the plant is healthy. Yellowing leaves should be removed only after they have completely dried.

If the zamioculcas turns yellow and new shoots do not grow, then there are reasons for concern. Yellowing of leaves can be caused by sudden changes in temperature, drafts, insufficient watering and pest damage.

Zamioculcas. © titanium22

Zamioculcas can be affected spider mite, scale insects, aphids.

Spider mite- a very small red “spider”. Appears on the underside of leaves and envelops them in thin white cobwebs. It is destroyed by spraying and washing the leaves, especially on the underside, with water, weak tobacco infusion, pollination (in the fresh air, outside rooms) with ground sulfur, or the plant is treated with ready-made systemic insecticides.

Shchitovka, or shield aphid, gets its name from the waxy shield that covers the body of the adult pest. At first, when young, the scale insect is hardly noticeable, but it multiplies quickly, covering the stems and leaves with dark spots. Adults are motionless and sit under shields, from under which larvae crawl out and spread throughout the plant. At this time, they are destroyed by spraying with a soap-tobacco solution, to which you can add a little kerosene or denatured alcohol. Adult pests along with their scutes are removed with a damp swab, but you still need to treat the entire plant with an insecticide or soap solution to remove the larvae.

Aphid- a small insect can be green, gray or black in color. It settles on the underside of the leaf and feeds on plant sap, which leads to the leaves drying out and curling. Reproduces quickly. It is destroyed by ready-made preparations that are sold in stores or by solutions of nicotine sulfate in water and soap in a ratio of 1 g. nicotine - sulfate per 1 liter of soapy water.

After treatment, the dollar tree should be washed thoroughly after 24 hours, covering the soil with polyethylene. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

Zamioculcas. © Alle Einträge

In any case, if the zamioculcas turns yellow and flower diseases are obvious, even if the entire above-ground part of the plant has disappeared, do not rush to throw it away. Remove the zamioculcas from the pot, inspect the roots and tubers, if they have not lost their elasticity and look healthy, wash them with a weak solution of manganese, dry them and plant them in new soil, start watering.

It is quite possible that Zamioculcas, like in its homeland, when during a drought the entire above-ground part of the plant disappears, when favorable conditions arise, new shoots will emerge from the surviving tubers. Zamioculcas is hardy and persistent, like a real man.

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