Castle style houses. Castle style house designs

The word “castle” is familiar to everyone, but does everyone understand its meaning? This word is associated with fairy tales and princesses who lived in fairytale castles. And as you know, there is some truth in every fairy tale. Castles were built back in medieval Europe. These were structures or entire complexes of structures that were used for housing, but in addition to this function they also performed a defensive function. Thick and high stone walls, drawbridges, and ditches with water along the perimeter protected people from attacks. In Russia, the first fortresses were wooden. Their construction dates back to the 9th century. Later, fortresses began to be built of stone, and wooden ones were reinforced with stone walls. Russia has rich history. In its vastness there have been preserved to this day different locks. These are Kolomna, Zaraisky, Tula Kremlin, Smolensk, Staraya Ladoga, Porkhov fortresses, Shaaken Castle, Vyborg Castle and many others.

The castle designs are completely different, but they also have common features, namely:

Strong perimeter walls:

Small slits-windows in the walls for archers;

Towers along the entire perimeter of the castle, including corner ones;

Pointed hip roofs towers

All these architectural features were formed under the influence of harsh times. Frequent attacks by enemies and internecine wars forced people to be ready for battle at any moment. Even the settlements of farmers and cattle breeders tried to be located near such castles, so that in case of trouble they would have time to take refuge behind its walls. So the fortresses grew and gradually turned into entire cities.

Fortunately, today there is no need for such locks. Those buildings that have survived to this day are museums under open air and attract tourists. Their beauty fascinates and delights. Therefore, the features of their architecture are reflected in modern houses. Private houses built in the form of castles have the same sharp roof towers, may have arched openings for windows and doors, and a stone or stone-imitated façade. But that's where all their similarities end. Today there is no need to build high stone walls, observation windows for archers, or drawbridges and gates. And if someone is really afraid of robbery or attack, then it’s enough to buy and install the system burglar alarm. Ready project The lock will take this feature into account. The main thing is to order project documentation from a good company. And specialists will take care of all engineering systems.

Modern castle project

A modern castle is a warm, convenient and comfortable private home with beautiful architecture and well-thought-out functionality. Such a house does not have to be large. The main thing is that its appearance really resembles a castle. At the same time, all turrets also have their own functionality. It can beat the usual semicircular bay window, which will look like a tower from the outside, but inside will simply increase the space of the living room. Instead of a stable - a garage, instead of guards - video cameras, instead of a drawbridge - automatic gates, and instead of a moat around the castle there are flowers and a green lawn. At the same time, castle projects are freely available for everyone.

To make the dream of any princess come true, it is enough to small area. A castle of two or three floors with a small perimeter will fit perfectly even on 4-6 acres. And the castle project is the first step towards a dream. Of course, the architecture must be complemented by appropriate interior and design. Furniture, textiles, and decorative elements should complement the home with chic and sophistication. Only in this way will the architect’s idea be achieved as accurately as possible.

Having read fairy tales about beautiful princesses and courageous knights of the Middle Ages in childhood, many cherish fairytale dream about your own palace. Over time, everything is forgotten, but, for example, after a holiday abroad, inspiration is reborn. Many are fascinated by ancient architecture, because sometimes even hotels are created in a palace style.

England, Romania, and France are often saturated with such buildings. So our customers bring with them the dream of building a cottage-castle on their site.

Do you value luxury? Do you want to live in a real castle without sacrificing comfort? Building a house in the form of a palace will be an exceptional option. It will not only look majestic, but also exclusive, because it will be quite difficult to find someone similar. This is a huge plus of such a castle-cottage. But it is necessary to follow according to personal developments.

In fact, the castle will look majestic and representative on an area of ​​at least 300 square meters. But it all depends on the planning decisions that have to be made inside the structure. Without such architectural elements as towers, windows of a certain shape, and appropriate design, it is impossible to imagine a castle house.

You have the opportunity to make your childhood dream come true! InnovaStroy specialists will help you build a country house in castle style in any performance.

Projects of elite cottages and estates can be very diverse. They conquer hearts with their pomp, scale and original design castles-cottages. Have proven themselves successfully following styles, in which majestic buildings are erected.

Classic castle style house

The architectural direction of the 18th-19th centuries was Classicism. Here the emphasis is on natural forms, the vault becomes low and flat, and modeling is used. Often buildings take the shape of U, W, U, and there must be a beautifully designed garden with a tiled path. It is quite difficult to arrange a courtyard when choosing a square-shaped structure, but it all depends on the terrain.

The roof must be flat, there is a parapet that serves as decorative element. Straightness, proportionality of forms, majestic columns and stucco at the corners of the building are the basis of an elite house in the castle style of the Classical era. That at that time, as now, the design largely depended on the capabilities and wishes of the owner, it showed his wealth, position in society, and taste.

The building has 2 or 3 floors with stained glass windows. And it is not at all necessary to plan the construction of a pompous structure for it to look like a real castle. Having withstood all the moments, experienced specialists will be able to convey everything on small buildings. Previously, castles were built from earthen blocks (soil block, earthen construction). The choice was justified - it was cheap and cheerful, the soil located right on the site could be used. In addition, earth is an environmentally friendly material, it does not burn, and this became a compelling argument in favor of this type of construction.

Today, the basis for construction can be brick, foam block, aerated concrete or shell rock. They all have excellent strength and fireproof characteristics.

Luxury houses in Gothic castle style

Bright, unusual, significantly different from the classic ones. Incredible decoration with gilding, glass, natural stone, stained glass, as well as spiers towering above the buildings - a feature that is necessarily taken into account in the Gothic projects of elite houses in the castle style.

Such buildings are characterized by semicircular windows, sometimes the size of the floor. The design is characterized by stained glass windows, the palace-cottage becomes unusual, the rooms inside are bright and spacious. For exterior decoration, it is customary to use purple, blue-black, gold, ruby, and silver shades; for interior decoration, brown, blue, yellow, green, and red colors are used.

Previously, each country was characterized by its own special direction in Gothic. But later the direction of construction of the palaces acquired one single direction; the buildings were distinguished by their pointed tops and the direction of all lines upward. Stained glass windows had a lancet appearance, popular distinctive feature- “stained glass rose”.

Today, the scale of construction in this style is small. D oma in castle style Gothic styles have pointed roofs and stained glass windows. For the latter, metal or wood were previously used, but nowadays it is already possible to install metal-plastic. All architectural forms are capable of conveying modern durable materials (foam and aerated concrete, brick, monolith).

Maybe your option is a country house in a Baroque castle style?

Do you want your “palace” to radiate power, luxury, and amaze with its whimsical, unusual shapes? It is the houses built in this style that differ:

  • dynamism;
  • solemnity;
  • pomp;
  • pomp.

Sometimes they meet color mixtures, contrasts, which was previously particularly evident in large-scale construction.

And if, for example, in houses of the Classical era everything is clear and understandable, then elite houses in the Baroque castle style are distinguished by interesting ensembles. This is especially true for the uneven distribution of floors throughout the palace. In a two-story building there could be a terrace on the second floor, comfortably located on the “ceiling” of the first.

Baroque is characterized by fuzzy lines, both during construction and the design itself (active use of sculpture and modeling).

Original designs of houses in the Renaissance castle style

A feature of Renaissance palaces is the emphasis on decorative aspects to a greater extent than on the constructive part. The decoration has always amazed us with its unusualness and luxury. For example, the following was actively used in this case:

  • marble for laying outside;
  • sandstone;
  • black or white wood;
  • Ivory;
  • a natural stone.

All ornaments applied to the walls are carefully thought out and taken from ancient culture. A wide variety of colors can be preferred, both contrasting, bright, rich, dark, and soft, light. Previously, pastel, cool shades were mainly used. The forms of the palaces from the Renaissance are similar to those built in Classicism.

House project in a castle style as a decoration for any site

Thanks to the massive roof, carefully thought-out facade decorations and other architectural details, your home can become a unique creation. Specialists in process cottage design will make a clear calculation of future loads on the foundation. Based on this, the most suitable type of foundation and building materials will be selected. And the latter should not only ensure the reliability, durability, and stability of the building, but also maximally correspond to the given image - the castle style of the residential building you have chosen.

Interesting silhouettes of towers, elaborate architectural forms together with massive and majestic walls create incredible charm and add a “zest” to your palace home.

Plus, the layout will be well thought out, modern engineering solutions. In the house, energy-efficient systems will work harmoniously and only in your favor, the microclimate is guaranteed to be as comfortable as possible, and the atmosphere will be cozy and inviting.

A garage, a boiler room, essential spaces for daytime use, as well as evening gatherings for the whole family - every detail will be carefully thought out. These are, for example, premises that can be located on the ground floor. The second one is quite suitable for personal rooms, an office, a bathroom and a spacious bathroom. The attic, which is designed in the form of turrets, will perfectly serve as a playroom, a relaxation room, or a winter garden.

Whatever style you choose for your castle cottage, the common features of such houses are massive walls and a minimum of external decorations. A feature of this direction in construction is strength and stability.

It is important to consider that the appearance of the building must be combined and match the style in the interior and in the design of the landscape around it. For interior design often wall paintings, mosaics and other elements are used that the client deems necessary to recreate in his home.

Before you is everything your heart desires

Projects of elite mansions by InnovaStroy are carried out according to personal developments for the customer. Do you want to build a house from durable and stable brick or from modern, sustainable foam concrete? We will offer best options, let's accept optimal solutions, let's create balance in everything. For you, such a cottage-castle will become a comfortable home that will favorably represent your family in the eyes of others. It will embody the excellent taste of the homeowner.

Experienced specialists are able to realize your dream - to complete a house in different styles(Modern, Classicism, Renaissance, Baroque, Middle Ages, Gothic, etc.). Maybe you want the cottage to look like Dracula's castle in Romania or the Templars' castle in France? Nothing is impossible for us!

Professionals will save general style such a structure, features reflecting historical reality. Thanks to proper use modern materials(aged wood, stone, etc.), it is possible to recreate various elements inside and outside the building that speak for themselves.

Before starting design, specialists will thoroughly study the topic and understand the style that will interest you. Thanks to a responsible approach and strict adherence to everything legislative norms and requirements construction of turnkey cottages carried out competently and on time.

Not everyone, even the richest people, is lucky enough to live in a real ancient castle. But many are trying to turn their ordinary home into one. Sometimes it looks very stylish, but more often it looks funny. And today we will tell you about the 10 most unusual modern buildings in the form of a castle.

Sleeping Beauty Castle is the symbol of the Disney studio and the most famous object of the Disneyland amusement park. There is fierce debate as to which structure was the basis for the appearance of this building. Among the prototypes are Neuschweinstein Castle in Bavaria, the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris and the almost completely destroyed Castle of St. Hilarion in Cyprus.

Of course, no Sleeping Beauty lives in this castle. This structure, built in 1955, is purely decorative and is the gateway between two different parts of the Disneyland park.

There are families on backyard who have a tree house. And a social unit from Great Britain has not a house, but a whole castle, consisting of several towers and bastions connected to each other by rope bridges.

Moreover, this is not just a place for children's fun and entertainment, it is a full-fledged living space where the above-mentioned family lives on a permanent basis. Inside there are several bedrooms, common rooms, toilets, bathrooms, a kitchen and a dining room. But all this does not stand on the ground, but is attached to trees at a height of several meters.

In the village of Akimovka, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine, there is one of the most unusual residential buildings in the entire country. The fact is that this building with a total area of ​​330 square meters looks like a real medieval castle with blank outer walls and defensive towers.

It was originally planned that this modern castle would be a children's entertainment center, but the idea could not be agreed upon with local authorities. As a result, the entrepreneur who built it decided to convert the building into his own residential building.

A residential building in the form of a castle looks much more harmonious in Italy, where, unlike the steppes of Southern Ukraine, there is a tradition of such buildings. But a family from Milan, wanting to live in a castle, decided not to buy one of the many real ancient defensive fortresses, but to build it anew. Moreover, in such a way that this stylization does not look vulgar and tasteless.

The result is a very stylish cottage, one of the volumes of which is very reminiscent of the square tower of an ancient castle. It contains bedrooms for the owners and their guests. And all this stands on the shores of Lake Como, in one of the most picturesque corners of Italy, located 40 kilometers from Milan.

California's Napa Valley has very European - Italian or Spanish landscapes. Alternating hills and flat spaces, endless vineyards and wineries. What is missing is a knight's castle, a centuries-old stronghold protecting the local population from raids by neighboring feudal lords.

But in 2007, a castle also appeared there - a complex called Castello di Amorosa, which houses a winery, tasting room, hotel and tourist center. This building, with an area of ​​more than 11 thousand square meters, is stylized as a European defensive structure.

At the same time, the interior spaces also have a corresponding style - Castello di Amorosa has art galleries, a wine cellar, a Catholic chapel and even a torture room. This pseudo-castle regularly hosts festivals of medieval European culture and history.

It is difficult to say what is more present in a private residential building with the name located in Piedmont - modernity or history. It would seem that this building clearly has the appearance of a castle. Moreover, its two towers are original, they remained from a medieval Italian fortress.

But the rest of the towers and premises have absolutely modern look, albeit a little stylized to reflect historical realities. And the pool, equipped in the courtyard of this castle house, completely takes us from the times of the knights to the twenty-first century - safe and comfortable.

Looking at this Gothic building and the green spaces surrounding it, it is easy to believe that it is located somewhere in Britain or Ireland. In any case, from the outside it looks like a centuries-old defensive structure from that region. But, in fact, this castle is located in the village of Khryashchevka Samara region Russia.

The Garibaldi Castle Hotel was built in this area in 2012, and the opening of the VIP hotel inside is planned for 2014. Despite its appearance, this is a new building - the facing stones, darkened by time, were artificially aged.

Surprisingly, Garibaldi Castle does not look like tasteless kitsch - it fits very harmoniously into the surrounding landscape of the Samara region.

And if the castle-hotel Garibaldi in Khryashchevka looks very decent, it is clear that good architects worked on it, and used expensive materials, then a similar structure with the name Excalibur is obvious kitsch.

Otherwise, it’s not surprising. After all, this castle is located in Las Vegas - the world capital of kitsch. Inside Excalibur there is a hotel, casino and shopping and entertainment center. People go there to spend money in exchange for pleasure and excitement, and not in anticipation of seeing something real, historical.

Chinese copy of a French castle

The Chinese managed to copy not only the appearance of this elegant structure, but also its interiors. So visitors to the fake castle can admire the same frescoes and paintings that hang in its original, French version.

Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world travel to Lapland every year during the winter holidays to visit Santa Claus. And it is natural that even the castle of this mythical character appeared there, made, of course, of snow and ice.

Snow Castle houses a twenty-room hotel, as well as a restaurant and family entertainment center. Inside all the rooms of this unusual structure, the temperature froze at -5 degrees Celsius. So for visitors to sleep comfortably on a snow bed, they have to cover themselves with several layers of blankets and skins of wild animals.

Snow Castle opens its doors to visitors from December to April.

Country houses, stylized as castles, combine the accumulated experience of generations and modern solutions architects. These include small turrets, thin spiers, and forged decorative elements. They are distinguished by massive structures, complex layouts and fundamental nature. The appearance is based on a combination of the Romanesque style with others: from Gothic to Art Nouveau.

The architects of ABC Construction developed the concept of a house in this majestic style. You have the opportunity to become the sole owner of the house in this unique project.

Castles in the Middle Ages

The history of the castle style dates back to the 10th century. During times of frequent internecine wars, the main purpose of the castle was to be inaccessible to enemies. It was built on a hill, surrounded by a deep ditch. The facades were built without frills, so the enemy did not have the opportunity to catch on to the ledges and climb the wall. The towers provided an overview of the adjacent properties of the castle owner, and surveillance was carried out for possible enemy attacks.

The most protected and inaccessible place The castle had a donjon - the main tower. It was located inside the walls, representing a fortress within a fortress. Close interior space was not intended for habitation. It often housed important strategic objects - weapons warehouses and food supplies, a well. From the point of view of protection against shells, round or polygonal towers were most suitable.

The majestic fortress with its size inspired fear and respect and showed the power of the owner.

Gothic style castles

In subsequent centuries, castles lost their defensive significance. Owners have become more attention give them appearance, expressing through them their influence and wealth. The most popular were the Gothic and Neo-Romanesque styles, which created a special lyrical mood. Gothic castles are distinguished by high walls, their towers and vaults seem to rush upward. Decorative decoration appeared on the facades: pointed arches, openwork pediments, crenellated turrets.

A striking example of a Gothic castle is Pierrefonds, located in France. In the 12th century it was conceived as a military castle. Pierrefonds was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt until Napoleon Bonaparte noticed these lands. The restoration was entrusted to the famous French architect Viollet de Luc, whose working methods caused much controversy at the time. He believed that the building needed to be restored to a complete state, which it might never have had, and rejected generally accepted methods of restoration. Napoleon approved of Viollet de Luc's approach, this corresponded to Bonaparte's desire to breathe life into the castle new life, make it more modern. The restoration of the castle took about 40 years. Pierrefonds became rectangular in shape, measuring 89x104 m, the walls were up to 7 m thick. The courtyard got its name - the Court of Honor.

Castles in the style of classicism and renaissance

In classicism and renaissance style castles, solemn grandeur was expressed through simplicity. Character traits: harmony and practicality of layout, symmetry and geometric shapes, light color palette. The architects drew inspiration for the decor from ancient culture: porticos, reliefs on the surface of the walls.

Many historians consider Litomysl Castle to be the best example of Renaissance architecture. It was built in the city of the same name in the Czech Republic in the 16th century. The walls of the facade are painted using the most complex sgraffito technique. Layers of plaster were applied, differing in color from the base, and then scraped until the desired pattern was obtained.

Castles in Russia

In Rus', castles did not become widespread; instead, fortresses and kremlins were built, more late time- palaces. However, there are rare examples of castles. Mikhailovsky Castle (Engineering) was erected by Paul I in St. Petersburg. The design took 12 years, and in the end the emperor chose from 13 design options. It was distinguished from palaces by its location and security. The castle was surrounded by water on all sides: the Moika and Fontanka rivers, the Voznesensky and Tserkovny canals. In style, the castle belongs to romantic classicism; its architecture stands out from the background of other buildings made in strict classicism and baroque.

The main entrance is on the south side, richly decorated with red marble columns made in the ancient Greek style. On the upper part of the façade there are sculptural figures and a quotation from the Bible: “To your house shall be the holiness of the Lord throughout the length of days.”

The western part was decorated with white marble medallions with the faces of the apostles. On the decorative wall, erected above the cornice, there were marble sculptures. The overall picture of the apses was complemented by a semicircular projection of the building with a gilded cross.

From the northern part of the castle there is a view of Summer garden. Open terrace with a wide staircase and paired marble columns, it resembles an Italian villa.

The eastern facade looks modest in comparison with the others; it is decorated with a central risalit - the part of the building protruding from the facade.

Styling a house like a castle in modern country houses

The facade of a modern mansion can evoke thoughts of romantic times of yesteryear or look like a modern mini-fortress in the spirit of the Middle Ages. The choice of the type of future home depends on the preferences of the owner.

An irreplaceable element of a castle is one turret or several. Its thin spiers and battlements are harmoniously combined with the original roofing and the external appearance of the mansion. The shape of the turret can be rectangular, round or multifaceted.

IN forged elements on the stairs or gates, a bas-relief depicting the heads of animals or an acanthus leaf looks harmonious.

Bay windows bring special comfort and sophistication - projections of the room that expand the interior space and add light. Balcony and terrace serve extra space for relaxation and fit harmoniously into the overall appearance of the house.

Little knights and princesses will be interested in playing hide and seek in the attic rooms or looking for “royal treasures.” A castle-style house will satisfy the aesthetic needs of even the most sophisticated customer.

Castle style house from the ABC of Construction

The ABC of Construction company successfully implemented the design and construction of a castle-style house for our customers in Peterhof. The materials used in construction embody the reliability and good quality characteristic of castles. The walls are made of RAUF porous stone.

Foundation and ceilings - monolithic reinforced concrete slab. The façade is lined with Belgian solid brick. The roof is covered soft tiles from the American manufacturer GAF. Her dark color gives the house color, in the spirit of past centuries.

“ABC of Construction”, following the canons of castle architecture, projects include a large tower, which is the pride of the current and future owners and the main decoration of the building.

The turret projections on the second floor harmoniously complement the overall appearance of the house.

Dormers - species dormer windows, also stylized as turrets. They add dynamism to the appearance of the building and add lighting to the interior space.

The castle style assumes maximum simplicity in decoration. Details should emphasize and complement the solid appearance of the building. In the built house in Peterhof, the architects together with the customers chose a combination of calm colors in the cladding, copper elements on the roof and interesting solution in the choice of materials for decorating gates.

The fence is made of Belgian ceramic brick. Its decorative frame is made of Polish brick, “polar night” color. The accent on the gate was the bas-relief located in the center.

The main tower is crowned with an elegant copper spire, and stone chimneys are completed with caps made of the same material. The building is framed on all sides by galvanized steel gutters with copper coating. The selected type of drain is aesthetically attractive due to the absence of joints on the external surface and has increased strength.

Production order decorative items For this purpose, the houses were completed in a specialized art workshop, with which our company has been cooperating for many years.

According to the architects' plan, the facade is distinguished by rusticated stones on the windows and corners of the house, with clear straight lines. The southern wing is decorated with a bay window with panoramic windows.

Natural stone “Alexandrovsky” was used for cladding the base.

Many thanks to our customer for their trust and painstaking joint work for the design and construction of this unique facility!

The castle style is one of those that cannot be recognized as ordinary and ordinary. If, when choosing a project, you put the castle style at the forefront, it is very likely that in childhood your favorite books were about brave knights and charming princesses, and your favorite games were robbers, tournaments and battles. A house project in the style of a medieval castle will allow your home to become a unique decoration of a village or street. It is impossible not to notice the castle house - the heavy roof, the elaborate facades, the monumentality of the fortress - medieval romance is obvious. Castle-style house designs can be simple or complex, depending on the direction. Some people like it calm classic style, designed in familiar neutral tones and not burdened with clutter. Materials – natural: stone, wood, metal, natural fabrics. Colors – pastels, delicate shades and calm colors. Details include antiques, mirrors in beautiful frames, paintings on the walls. Nowadays, mini castle projects have become popular, used in the construction of cottages and projects big house in the shape of a castle.

Castle projects

House area (m2)

House size (m2)


  • Any
  • Modern
  • High tech
  • Minimalism
  • Lloyd Wright (Prairie)
  • Classical
  • American
  • European
  • English
  • Finnish
  • Ethnic
  • Baroque
  • Palace
  • Russian
  • Mediterranean
  • Italian
  • Spanish style
  • Gothic
  • German
  • Norwegian
  • Castle
  • Manor
  • Rustic
  • Chinese
  • Colonial
  • Swedish
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Scandinavian
  • Alpine
  • Vanguard
  • Greek
  • Swiss
  • Dutch
  • Victorian
  • Country
  • Provence
  • Canadian
  • Empire style
  • Constructivism
  • Georgian
  • Modern
  • Modern classic
  • Half-timbered

Type of building

  • Any
  • House
  • Alcove
  • Duplex
  • Townhouse
  • Quadhouse
  • Apartment house

Roof type

  • Any
  • Flat
  • Single-pitch
  • Gable
  • Tent (4 pitched)
  • Multi-slope
  • Hip (4 pitched)
  • Bubnovaya (4 slopes)
  • Attic (2 pitched)
  • Semi-hip (2 pitched)
  • Complex

By novelty

  • By novelty
  • By area
  • By popularity


Second light

Show projects    

House project in the style of a medieval castle

Vacation home, a summer cottage for a weekend or cottages - there is enough castle style for everyone. The construction of castles has long been in fashion and has already acquired dozens and hundreds of supporters, whose houses proudly rise above the rest. And neighbors and acquaintances, having seen enough, also decide to choose castle-style projects. A castle project can also acquire Romanesque features. And then the abundance of large forms, massive walls and meager decorations will become commonplace in it. Mosaics and wall paintings are what is used to decorate the inside of Romanesque castles. However, stained glass is generally popular among lovers of the castle style.

IN last years More and more people are moving outside the city, preferring nature and own house. There are many among them who like medieval romance. And in the villages, castle-style houses and cottages are increasingly springing up, sometimes representing full-fledged masterpieces that you can even go on a tour to. However, representatives of the middle class can also afford houses in a medieval style. Their homes are not pompous, but nevertheless look like castles. During the time of the knights there were both huge fortresses and small castles on the outskirts. So a house in the style of a medieval castle is not always a fortress of enormous proportions, but may well be cozy, where there is no risk of getting lost in the corridors. And it is not necessary to build an analogue of a medieval fortress. For fans of the style who do not want to get bogged down in monumental construction, there are house designs with an attic. They have no less castle style. It is quite possible to build one or two-storey house in full accordance with the laws of the Middle Ages. After all, not all castles then were as majestic as Versailles or the Loire. There were also small fortresses on the outskirts, which had no less rights to be called castles. So feel free to scroll through the projects of houses with a castle-style attic, without fear of being branded as violators of medieval architecture.

Castle project - modern interpretation

But wealthy people think differently. They won't allow themselves a house that looks like someone else's. They need uniqueness, respect, or even envy in the eyes of their friends. These people can spend considerable sums to build a house that no one else has. The designs of houses in the medieval style amaze the imagination: sometimes, when you see such a castle, you involuntarily decide that you are on the set of a film.

Designers, when developing projects for houses in the style of a castle, can expand to the full extent of their imagination, remembering all the chivalric novels and films they have read, in which styles of castle architecture were mentioned in one way or another.

Medieval-style houses are a celebration of history. The Middle Ages with its gloomy Gothic or elaborate baroque are advancing into the 21st century with the heavy tread of regiments clad in knightly armor. Not everyone can live in a castle; it requires... special style thinking and not an ordinary character. Therefore, projects in the style of medieval castles are chosen by those who want to distinguish themselves and stand out from others. And how to do it? It’s simple - choose castle-style house designs. His photo is amazing. And the embodiment...

If you don’t have your own ideas, and the design of a house in the style of a medieval castle haunts you and requires implementation, you can take the path of borrowing and build a copy of an ancient castle. The architect will help adapt the idea to the terrain and soil, but at the same time make the project of a house in the style of a medieval castle easily recognizable in appearance.

For example, you can create a project for a small mansion in the style of a medieval castle in a lightweight version: not from real old wood or stone, but create an imitation. This is both cheaper and easier to implement. Polyurethane foam allows you to create other imitations. Why not, if you want a castle, but you don’t have the strength to wait for a real fortress or don’t have enough funds for its full implementation?


Castle project in the style of a medieval castle

Projects of houses in the medieval style are no less popular than ordinary, modern ones. You can’t help but wonder why customers love castle-style house designs? The reasons for its popularity are understandable and at the same time incomprehensible. Yes, unique. Yes, it's beautiful. But to live in the scenery of a film - probably there must be a special character or taste that is unlike anything else. However, everyone chooses for themselves - projects in the style of medieval castles or wooden houses, classicism or baroque. The main thing is that living in the house is comfortable. And if you have chosen castle-style cottage projects, it means that your thinking and character coincide with the general melody of the style. And in the monumental building you will feel cozy and comfortable.

Sophistication, simplicity and monumentality are surprisingly combined in projects that depict houses in the medieval style. The photo looks like it was taken from a movie set - a reliable fortress... and the home of a modern family. Amazing combination! It’s nice to look at houses in the castle style; looking at photos is no less a pleasure. I just want to ask for a tour. It is possible that after such an excursion you will also want to build yourself a house in the style of a medieval castle. Not less than external view at home, the castle style in the interior is important. Well, you must admit that if from the outside the house looks like a classic castle, but on the inside it resembles a luxurious oriental palace, this is at least strange. The image should be uniform, and if a medieval fortress was built, then the same style should be observed inside.

Choosing a castle style design is not an easy task. What to prefer: an up-and-coming castle project in gothic style or an option with strict, imperturbable classicism? Luxurious and elaborate baroque or tender romantic renaissance? Gothic seems too dark to many, and they choose the Renaissance with its simple forms, visually limited rational space, a courtyard and the beauty of nature around. And if you want more celebration and solemnity in life, feel free to choose Baroque. Projects in the style of a castle also exist. A mixture of confusion and reality, gilding and bright colors, rich drapery and upholstery, impressive statues in the corridors and paintings on the walls - welcome to the time of Louis XIV, it's time to choose house designs in the medieval style. The wealth of choice makes castle-style design a gift for potential residents of a future castle. Luxury or austerity, puritanism or pomp - there is an option for every taste. And it doesn’t matter whether a huge, impressive fortress is being built or the project of a small mansion in the style of a medieval castle is chosen for implementation. The main thing is that those who will live there like it.

But no matter what the potential castle owner chooses - projects in the style of medieval castles or projects of houses in the castle style - the choice is excellent. All houses can be completed in the most different options. The main thing is to respect the spirit of the era, and then the castle will look like a fairy tale. And its inhabitants are like queens and knights, princesses and wizards. A house project in the style of a medieval castle is practically a spell that liberates your imagination and allows you to soar to the very heights of inspiration. Especially if, before you start building, you read a couple of dozen chivalric novels or rewatch some “Ivanhoe.” After this, it’s not just about developing a house project in the style of a medieval castle - it’s not difficult to build it. You can practice in the sandbox with children. Who will not be at a loss while enthusiastically sculpting out of sand a house project in the style of a medieval castle. It is quite possible that some of the ideas generated by children's imagination will be useful to adults - adjusted for the laws of physics, of course. And in terms of imagination, children sometimes give adults a head start if they are asked to come up with designs for houses in a castle style. And then you can arrange a competition best houses in medieval style. Photos will be an excellent remedy compare and choose a winner.

There are also projects of cottages in the style of castles. A country house can be built in any form, the main thing is to maintain the general style. It is especially interesting to consider designs of houses with a castle-style attic. I just want to remember the famous fairy tales about princesses imprisoned in towers by evil wizards or dragons. But there is no need to escape from these towers. On the contrary, you want to spend as much time as possible in them. If you follow the style and furnish the room in the spirit of the Middle Ages. And what a view opens from the window lined with stained glass! Projects of houses with a castle-style attic are the embodiment of a real young princesses! What girl or girl would refuse to sleep on a wide four-poster bed, comb her hair in front of a mirror decorated with wood and decorations, fold clothes in antique wardrobes and write at a bureau that looks like it was pulled out of the chambers of a medieval countess! It’s no wonder that castle-style houses are so popular among adults and children; their photos speak for themselves.

Few people will remain indifferent when they see castle-style house designs. Photos, even the most skillful ones, are not able to convey the magnificence, luxury and monumentality of these buildings. You have to be a talented architect to be able to embody the castle style. A photo of such a castle is already a masterpiece. Oh yes, the owners of the castle should acquire a family ghost - in order to strictly adhere to the letter of the era.

Castle construction consultation.

If you decide to choose a castle-style house for construction and you have questions, you can ask us or leave a request, we will contact you as soon as possible and answer all your questions.