Dragon age inquisition dragons by levels. Dragon Age: Inquisition - all about dragons

Dragon Age has such a sonorous name for a reason - the most interesting and memorable creatures in this game are, without a doubt, dragons. In the first part of the game, we remember Flemeth, the High Dragon on the Mountain Top and the Archdemon, besides them there were also smaller dragons. In the second part there was only one high dragon. The battles with these creatures were interesting and exciting, but in the third part it completely resembles a boss from some MMORPG.

Just the appearance of a dragon somewhere in the distance is an unforgettable sight, it’s done so well (unlike everything else). The behavior of the dragon and in general everything connected with it is done somehow vividly and realistically - they will let us know in advance where the dragon’s lair is, we will understand its approach by the mighty flapping of its wings, and finally the baby dragons will convince us of the correct path.

Yes, you can go at the dragon and die from one blow, or you can go too late and take this lizard to the lungs. When the difficulty and level match the required level, then the battle itself becomes truly interesting. The dragon doesn't just bite and flap its wings, it kicks with its hind legs, beats with its tail, recoils from too violent attacks, and sometimes uses its special abilities.

In the game Dragon Age: Inquisition, we will be given as many as 10 High Dragons to be torn to pieces. For their genocide you can get a lot of influence points, experience and loot (purple things fall from the dragons, not just one at a time, but several at a time). When fighting with dragons, you should remember that sometimes they will bomb from the air with their breath, causing quite a lot of damage when hit, and it will not necessarily be fire. It’s quite easy to dodge a flying projectile... with the character we’re playing for, but our nearby comrades will constantly come under fire.

All flying lizards can use the whirlwind ability (they begin to flap their wings and suck the entire group towards them). At the same time, the dragon does not do much damage, but it spoils the location quite a bit; it is better to retreat further away with your lightly equipped damage dealers. Well, let's say the archer has a wonderful rebound. In close combat, a dragon can painfully bite, hit with its paw or kick a cunning hero standing behind him; don’t forget about the tail, which the dragon also does not hesitate to use. In addition, when the dragon’s health is brought to a certain state, this same dragon can fly into the air, turn on protection, or use another of its abilities, depending on the type of dragon.

You can also attack individual parts of the dragon, but directing the damage of the entire group to a certain point is quite problematic. Despite this, having knocked out a limb, the dragon will lose some of its maneuvers, despite the fact that its overall life will also decrease,

Types of dragons

Fereldan hellebore

Level 12
Where to find: Inland, go from the camp near Sunset to the northeast into the passage between the rocks.
Element and resistance: Fire
Vulnerability: Cold

Tips: Frosty uses a mass stun for a short time, summons cubs running from different directions (I lured them towards myself and shot them with a bow). Periodically it takes off, bombarding a large area with fire; it is difficult to dodge this, because the earth will burn for quite some time. If you really get confused, it’s better to go downstairs, where there will be more space. The dragon has no defense, so when it lands, we take out the change and insert everything we can. The dragon will also sit on the ledges, where archers and magicians are useful, and when finished, it will sit on the large ledge in the north. The biggest danger is fire bombardment and small dragons, but if you dress against fire, take magicians' staves on the ice and take out the change in time, then the dragon is quite easy.

Northern hunter

Level 13
Where to find: Crestwood, southwest of the Three Trout Farm camp. Along the way, you will come across a manor at the top of the slope - from there you can see the ruins in which the dragon lives.

Vulnerability: Spirit Magic

Tips: The Northern Hunter attacks with lightning. There is no defense, it does not fly away. Distinctive ability: knows how to create an electrical “storm” on the field, which is attached to each of the party members and lasts for some time, periodically activating “chain lightning”.

Deep High Dragon

Level 14
Where to find: Western limit, southwest. To summon this beast, you need to complete the quest of the dragon master Frederick, who stands near the camp at the Nazer Pass. Having dealt with the bandits, we will have to find the Tevinter tome about dragons (this lies in the Windless Ruins in the left room on the pedestal). After translating the tome, you will need to place bait on the plateau south of the camp and the dragon will come to meet you.
Element and resistance: Fire
Vulnerability: Cold

Tips: The dragon loves her fiery breath very much and is not going to fly away from you anywhere. Sometimes uses defense, but is generally inactive.

Gamordan Buregon

Level 15
Where to find: Sacred Plain, go northeast. To open a passage to the desired area, you need to complete the operation at the headquarters to clear the passage. The dragon lives and enjoys life in the farthest part of the swamps.
Element and sustainability: Electricity
Vulnerability: Spirit Magic

Tips: He really likes to throw electric bombs, and if it hits the water, little damage will be done to you, even if you are standing at a sufficient distance from it, but in the same body of water (laws of physics about electrical conductivity, yeah). It also flies into the air at least three times to try to “fry” you with bombs from a distance. Doesn't use defense.

Great Mistral

Level 17
Where to find: Emerald graves, go north from the camp in Kamenzhuti to the cliff (landmark - a large white tree and ruins)
Element and resistance: Cold
Vulnerability: Fire

Tips: Our Mistral is a fan of flying. Ice bombs will fly at us from above, but they won’t do so much damage that we should be very afraid of them, and the small cubs won’t attack us, so we can run around a little. He uses defense, although rarely. Particularly dangerous is the ice breath, which can easily kill a dead archer, and a fairly simple dragon.


Level 17
Where to find: Storm Coast, first of all you need to storm the fortress of Derwin Mouth in the west. There will be a boat at the far pier that will take you to Dragon Island
Element and sustainability: Electricity
Vulnerability: Spirit Magic

Tips: He often engages defenses and generally behaves quite agile. Doesn't like to fly, there's no mass stunning either, instead there are electric bombs and breath. Can create an electrical storm on the field.

Sand Mourner

Level 20
Where to find: Whistling Wastes, west of the Sand Cliffs camp. The dragon sleeps peacefully in front of the entrance to Fairel's tomb. If you are completing a quest, it will be difficult to miss such an attraction.
Element and resistance: Fire
Vulnerability: Cold

Tips: The dragon does not fly away, but behaves very mobile. He actively engages the defense and often calls on his cubs. Uses fire breath and sets the area on fire with bombs.


Level 19
Where to find: Emprise du Lyon, west. The area becomes accessible after the completion of the operation at the command headquarters to restore the destroyed bridge - west of the camp at the Tower. In addition, the commandant of the fortress gives the task of killing three dragons (if you have already cleared it of Imshel and the red templars). Hivernal lives on top of the first of three colosseums.
Element and resistance: Cold
Vulnerability: Fire

Tips: Vyuga often uses a massive area attack that freezes and deals damage over time. Takes off at least 3 times, freezing your breath while descending. Doesn't use defense, no cubs.


Level 21
Where to find: Emprise du Lyon, second Colosseum.
Element and resistance: Cold
Vulnerability: Fire
Tips: Has a fairly strong mass attack, summons at least two cubs. Flies away several times and uses defense.

Highland Destroyer

Level 23
Where to find: Emprise du Lyon, third Colosseum.
Element and resistance: Fire
Vulnerability: Cold
Tips: This dragon can set fire to an area en masse; before starting, circles are drawn on the ground. Even if you managed to run away from the affected area, her cubs may overtake you, so be careful. The Highlandsbane is the most powerful dragon in the game. Kicks in the defense. Don't forget to change clothes, because... Unlike the previous two, this dragon is fiery.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - all about dragons was last modified: January 12, 2015 by admin

Date of publication: 01/05/2015 17:24:46

There are as many as 10 high dragons to meet in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and finding them isn't as easy as it might seem. And guides in text form, unfortunately, are sometimes not very clear. Therefore, it was decided to make a video instruction for those who thirst for the blood of dragons! This video acts as a menu that allows you to select exactly the location in which you are looking for a huge lizard, and after clicking, you will be transferred to the video you need, in general, this is the first interactive guide to finding dragons.

True, I would advise you to attack dragons after you reach level 14-15, otherwise even the weakest lizard will kill you.

Well, so that this post is not empty, I will also describe all the dragons separately, and we will start with the smallest!

Ferelden Frostback Level 12

It is located in the very first location - the Inner Lands, you can find it if you go northeast from the Sunset Camp. On the way to the big dragon, I advise you to avoid the small ones, as the big one constantly circles around your squad and shoots fire. I experienced first-hand what happens to those who don’t listen to this advice.

It is a fire lizard and does not tolerate cold well.

Northern Hunter level 13

Located in Crestwood, southwest of the Three Trout Farm camp. I advise you to destroy all living creatures in the area, if there is at least anyone near the dragon, otherwise while I was valiantly fighting the dragon, a bison attacked me and ruined the whole hunt.

The dragon is electric, and has a vulnerability to spirit magic.

Abyssal High Dragon level 14

Located in the location - Western Limit, in the southwest. In order to meet this dragon, you have to complete a series of tasks from a fellow named Frederick. He can be found near the camp at Nazer Pass. The tasks are not difficult and do not require any hints, so I think you can cope without any problems.

This dragon is a fire dragon, and as a result, it is vulnerable to cold!

Gamordan Stormrider level 15

Lives in the northeast of the Sacred Plain location. In order to get close to this little beast, you need to clear a passage on the command table, and then we go to the very end of the swamps.

Another electric animal, but a little unusual - it can electrify water, so be careful, or you will be in trouble. Resistant to electricity, but vulnerable to spirit magic.

The Greater Mistral level 17

This lizard settled in a location called Emerald Graves. You can find it far to the north, if you go from the camp in Kamenzhuti.

He prefers fire, is afraid of cold - go for it guys.

Vinsomer level 19

This dragon is located in the location - Storm Coast. In order to find him, you have to storm the fortress at the Mouth of Darwin in the west - where it is located, you can see in the video. As soon as you slaughter the entire population of this fortress, at the very end a boat will appear in front of you, approaching which you will go to Dragon Island.

Winsomer is vulnerable to spirit magic, resistant to electricity and, as a result, uses it.

Sandy Howler Level 20

Found in the Whistling Wastes location, far west of the Sand Cliffs camp. What’s remarkable is that when you find a reptile, it will sleep soundly!

When you wake her up, she will spit fire at you, but at the same time react very sharply to cold attacks. She also calls little dragons to help her.

With the next three players it is somewhat more difficult, because it seemed unreasonable to me to show them all at once on the first map! It was decided to make a separate submenu for them:

Well, now, to the dragons themselves:

Hivernal (Level 19)]

One of the weakest dragons in the Emprise du Lyon location. In order to gain access to it, you need to build a bridge, having given instructions for this at command headquarters. Be in the first coliseum you come across.

Kaltenzhan (Kaltenzan) level 21

Middle brother in Emprise du Lyon. In order to gain access to it, you need to build a bridge, having given instructions for this at command headquarters. Be in the second coliseum.

Loves the cold and is afraid of fire. The video clearly shows that against him you need to take magicians with the fire element into your squad, otherwise the magician will be of almost no use. Calls for help in the form of little dragons.

Highland Ravager level 23

The most powerful dragon in Emprise du Lyon. In order to gain access to it, you need to build a bridge, having given instructions for this at command headquarters. Be in the third coliseum.

He prefers fire and is afraid of cold, so feel free to take Vivien with you. Calls for help in the form of little dragons.

Honestly, this is my first experience in compiling guides of this kind, and guides in general. Therefore, criticism, and especially advice, is welcome.

Thank you for your attention.

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Avtor-avtora wrote:

I don’t know what kind of incident you had. I didn't have that. Sometimes you find a cave there, no matter what. It appears on the map as a “cave” icon, but it doesn’t.

Ah, well, yours is a little different =)

gypiend wrote:

In general, when I was walking in the Whistling Wastes, I had the following incident. I walked around one place. there was nothing, then I found a scroll (nothing was indicated on the map), I went through again, oops! The cave appeared. So it’s not a fact that they are all marked, usually those that you find using Astrarium are marked, or whatever it’s called =)

I don’t know what kind of incident you had. I didn't have that. Sometimes you find a cave there, no matter what. It appears on the map as a “cave” icon, but it doesn’t.

Avtor-avtora wrote:

Well, you asked, during the game you find so many scrolls and notes that you can’t remember everything. But even so, I read almost all the scrolls and notes, and if they contained information about a location, it was marked on the map with an exclamation/question mark. But not this cave for sure.

Actually, when I was walking in the Whistling Wastes, I had the following incident. I walked around one place. there was nothing, then I found a scroll (nothing was indicated on the map), I went through again, oops! The cave appeared. So it’s not a fact that they are all marked, usually those that you find using Astrarium are marked, or whatever it’s called =)

Message edited by user 01/06/2015 07:04:34

gypiend wrote:

isn't this one of the caves that opens after you find the scroll?

Well, you asked, during the game you find so many scrolls and notes that you can’t remember everything. But even so, I read almost all the scrolls and notes, and if they contained information about a location, it was marked on the map with an exclamation/question mark. But not this cave for sure.
p.s. Although it is possible that I found it before it was mentioned, I say by chance

Isn't this one of the caves that opens after you find the scroll?

You will encounter dragons from time to time anyway. There are ten of them in the game! And each High Dragon lives in a certain area and has its own unique characteristics: abilities/skills/talents, weaknesses and resistance. Below you can find out all the information about each dragon in the game.

First - Fereldan Fire High Dragon

This dragon lives/lives in the Hinterlands and in the Valley of Lady Shayla. It has resistance to fire, meaning you won't benefit from fire damage in battle. His main and main weakness is the opposite of fire - cold!

It will be generally useless to fight him if you do not have things with resistance to fire, since with one of her fireballs she can immediately kill your entire party. You must have a weapon with cold runes! It is very important! When you start fighting her in close combat, be sure to watch her paws - the attacks will be noticeable and not too difficult to avoid. In addition to hitting with its paw, it also hits with its tail. As it should be, she will spew out flames. Its small embryos (dragons) will attack your archers and magicians - keep this in mind. We recommend that you kill these little bastards right away. The main ability is to spread fire throughout the entire area (mass ability).

Second - High Dragon Winsomer

This dragon lives in the Storm Coast and Dragon Island locations. Has resistance to lightning attacks.

In a battle with this dragon, you better put on armor that will be resistant to electricity and insert runes into your weapon that will deal damage from the power of the Spirit. We recommend that you have a full focus scale before the start of the battle and stock up on jars of healing potions.

You need to keep a close eye on the smaller dragons. Vinsomer is a very active High Dragon who loves to kill magicians first along with robbers. Its powerful roar immediately deafens your entire group. In addition, Vinsomer has the ability to become covered in an electric field, so when he does this, we recommend that you stay as far away from him as possible.

Third - High Dragon Northern Hunter

The Northern Hunter lives only in Crestwood and, like Winsomer, has resistance to lightning, so based on this, his main weakness is spirit.

Just like in the fight against Winsomer, you will need lightning protection. This Supreme Dragon's behavior is almost the same as Winsomer's. He tries to attack robbers and magicians more, so again you have to make sure that he doesn’t kill them. In addition to the fact that he can hit you with any of his limbs, he can do a lightning breath, which is similar to a fire breath.

Otherwise, the battle will be more like the fight with Winsomer.

Fourth - High Void Dragon

The Abyss Dragon lives in a location called the Western Approaches. Has resistance to fire and, accordingly, weakness to cold.

This dragon has a great weakness to cold. We recommend that you make sure that your tank takes on all of its attacks. At this time, all your other party members and you (if you are not a tank) will have to hit him with cold magic.

He will also attack you with his limbs: tail, paws and wings. Your heroes who hit him in melee will have to avoid these attacks. In addition, with his wings he will be able to create barriers that will protect him from ranged attacks - at such moments it is best for you to quickly get close to him and hit him with a tank or a robber. But before that, make sure you have full focus.

Fifth - High Dragon Gamoran Stormrider

Gamoran is located in Crow Marsh and High Plains. Has resistance to lightning attacks and weakness to spiritual attacks.

You should use normal melee attacks. The pair randomly selects one target from your group and begins to constantly pursue it.

You definitely need armor with resistance to lightning; your magicians or the magician will have to support the entire group. As always, stock up on healing potions and try to stay in dry territory. As usual, all weapons must be sharpened for spiritual attacks.

Sixth - High Dragon Mistral

This High Dragon lives very deep in the Emerald Caves, so you still need to reach it. From the Stone of Terror, go north until you reach the very edge of the map.

Mistral is level seventeen and uses the element of cold. If you have rift skills, then use them as often as possible, since this causes the dragon to simply take a ton of damage from them. We recommend that you focus on one limb of the dragon.

Since the High Dragon Mistral deals cold damage, wear armor with protection against it. Just like previous dragons, he can attack you with his wings.

From time to time she will shoot you with her ice balls, so at this moment you will need to quickly switch to the hero at whom the ball is flying and move him to the side. If you don't do this manually, the AI ​​will slow down as always and silently accept the attack. Well, remember that the battle will not be quick, so stock up on healing potions (as much as possible).

Seventh - High Dragon Hivernal

To get to this dragon, you will first have to repair the bridge. The High Dragon Hivernal lives in a place called Emprise-Du-Lion. She is level nineteen. The dragon sits at the very top of the tower, which is located immediately behind the bridge.

Like Mistral, Hivernal is also an ice dragon, so wear armor that gives resistance to cold. Move the magicians and the archer to the back row. Hivernal constantly breathes in front of her with her icy breath, you will have to place a fat tank next to her. Otherwise, everything is the same as it was in the battle against the previous High Dragon. To deal significant damage to her, use fire spells and weapons. During a full battle with her, she will fly up only four times.

Eighth - High Dragon Kaltenzan

She will be sitting on the next tower after the first High Dragon, also behind the bridge. Kaltenzan is already level 21. Just like the previous ones - the ice High Dragon. To accumulate aggro (which is necessary) bring your tanks/tanks forward. In terms of combat type, she has the same behavior as Hivernal, only her ice breath will last much longer. She jumps very often and is extremely mobile, so your battle with her will drag on for a long time. Don't expect an easy fight, stock up on healing potions and regeneration potions.

Try to keep the tank in good shape so that he can hammer her. With the help of magicians, kill all the little things that came to you after her cry. You will go through this action two more times.

Ninth - High Dragon Ravager

This High Dragon is the final dragon of the Hatching Place quest. Go around the tower so you don't have to fight with low health. This monster is already level 23 and attacks with the fire element. We recommend that you charge the focus again (this must be done with all dragons). The Ravager constantly jumps and does jumping attacks, so try to avoid this.

She will constantly growl and call for reinforcements, attack you with her wings and create armor for herself. When little guests come to you, then quickly kill them with your magicians and quickly charge your focus!

Tenth - High Dragon Sand Howler

So, start from the Sand Crags camp and head further west. Eventually, you will find yourself near the wyverns and a small path that is located between the mountains. Follow this path and you'll soon come across a High Dragon. She is level twenty and at the time of meeting her, it turns out that she is sleeping.

Bring your tank forward and gain aggro. Deal as much damage to her as you can. Gradually start bringing out the magicians along with the robbers. This High Dragon is fire, so use ice weapons. She will breathe a fiery stream at you, beat with her wings and, like the previous ones, summon her unique armor.

She, like all previous dragons, will be extremely mobile, so watch her carefully and try to maintain control over your team.

In different universes, dragons are described differently: somewhere they represent ancient and noble creatures that help heroes in the fight against universal evil, in other realities they are greedy and cruel creatures who from time to time kidnap princesses and sleep on mountains of gold and gems. And sometimes they are completely presented as overgrown reptiles, deprived of intelligence. In the Dragon Age series, although dragons are close to the image of the third version, they play an important role in it, and in almost every part we had to kill one or two high dragons. But in Inquisition, the developers from BioWare added ten high dragons at once, which are quite difficult to find and even more difficult to kill. But first things first.

Guide to killing high dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Guide to killing high dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition

First of all, I will note that in the Dragon Age universe there are several age forms of dragons: hatchlings (dragonlings), drakes, dragons, mature dragons, high dragons and great dragons. Only females can become superior. They are considered the rarest and most legendary of living dragons. Very little is known about the greats - it is only clear that they lived during the time of Calenhad the Great.

Naturally, it makes no sense to describe battles with dragons lower than the highest ones, since defeating them is not at all difficult. Another thing is the high dragons. These huge creatures can cause you a lot of trouble. However, with proper preparation and knowledge of the enemy’s weak points, you can easily win these battles.

So, as I said earlier, Dragon Age: Inquisition features ten high dragons, each of which lives in its own region and has a number of characteristics - for example, resistance to cold, weakness to fire, and so on. It is best to attack high dragons with already leveled up characters, however, if you like hardcore, you can try your luck with low-level heroes (provided that you have already discovered the habitat of a particular high dragon).

Ferelden Hellebore

Our first trophy dragon could be the Ferelden Frostbite, which lives in the inner lands, in the Valley of Lady Shayna. She has resistance to fire, but is weak to cold attacks. Little dragons constantly run around her - you can kill them or ignore them. I recommend taking the Iron Bull to battle.

Since this high dragon has a weakness to cold, you should equip your party with weapons inscribed with cold runes. In close-range combat, watch the dragon's legs - the beginning of such attacks is easy to notice, and therefore it should not be difficult for you to dodge them. Better worry about the tail strike, which takes away a considerable amount of hp from your characters at a time. Beware of the high dragon's fiery breath. The Fereldan Frostbite will perform this attack quite often. However, her main offensive ability is to spray flames over a large area. It won't be easy to escape this attack.

Note: Spoilers show the location of the dragons on the map.


You can find this “baby” on the Storm Coast by visiting Dragon Island. In order to get to the desired area you will need a boat located in the Red Templars fortress. You can access it at the military table of the command headquarters. The female has resistance to lightning, but spiritual attacks cause her a lot of damage. If you want to win quickly and without losses in the group, then you cannot do without armor with resistance to electricity (lightning). Runes for Spirit damage must be applied to the weapon. For a successful battle, you need a full scale of concentration and a considerable number of healing elixirs.

When the battle begins, you should not concentrate all your attention only on “Vinsomer”, since its dragonets can also pretty much ruin your life. The damage from the dragoness's physical attacks is the same as that of the high dragon described above. Winsormer is a very active enemy, loving to attack less protected robbers and magicians. Her strong roar can deafen the entire party. After a certain period of time, the neck of this dragon will begin to become covered with an electric field - at this moment I recommend staying as far away from the Vinosmer as possible.

Deep High Dragon

The Deep High Dragon can be found in Western Reach. In Siberia, he would not last even a couple of days, so arm yourself with weapons with cold runes and boldly go into battle. Do not use fire magic under any circumstances, as it will be of little use, and you can spend a fair amount of time casting.

During the battle, try to ensure that the tank diverts all the attention of the high dragon to itself. It is advisable that he be dressed in armor with resistance to fire. The rest of the party must strike at the dragoness's limbs. Heroes who attack from a long distance are best positioned as far away from the target as possible, as the Abyssal High Dragon often launches fireballs at her opponents, which cause massive damage. She makes other attacks with her legs and tail.

During the battle, the high dragon beats its wings several times, creating air vortices and a kind of barrier that does not allow long-range attacks to pass. At this point, you can get closer to the “Deep High Dragon” and try to inflict maximum damage on it in a short period of time. But before attacking, make sure that the concentration gauge is completely filled.


Hivernal is translated from French as “winter,” so we will affectionately call this high dragon “Winter.” To get to her audience you will need to repair the bridge in Emprise du Lyon. Like Mistral, she is a level nineteen frost dragon, and therefore her attacks are ice. Don't forget to wear armor with resistance to cold. Archers and magicians should be moved as far away from the boss as possible in advance.

Note: in this area they give a quest to kill all the dragons in the area after capturing the fortress, it is possible that the high dragon appears only after receiving it. I don’t know exactly, since I went hunting after accepting the task.

Hivernal often exhales ice right in front of him, so you should choose stronger tanks, otherwise your entire party will fall down before you can count the number of spikes on the dragon's tail. Actively use fire magic, and runes with fire should be applied to your weapons. During the battle, this high dragon will rise into the air no more than four times.

Gamordan Buregon

You should begin your search for the "Gamordan Storm" in the High Plains in Crow Marsh. Like the Northern Hunter, this great dragon has resistance to electricity and a weakness to spiritual attacks. Melee attacks are typical (strikes with limbs and tail). Can randomly select any target from the party and pursue it until the end of the battle.

Sometimes it hits the water with an electric current, which causes considerable damage and stuns the character if he is in the body of water at that moment. Melee warriors must be tanks, since their attacks will be useless in most cases. Characters should be dressed in armor with resistance to electricity.

Stock up on healing elixirs, and also keep a mage in your party trained in support spells. Try to keep your group on dry ground. You can try to stun the female dragon with the Rift Mark. Be sure to use skills and abilities that cause damage over a certain period of time.

Great Mistral

Finding this cutie is quite difficult, but it’s worth it, and not only because of the loot - this “dragon” looks too beautiful. So, she lives in the northern part of the Emerald Graves and to get there, you need to move from the Direstone (Terror Stone) north almost to the very edge of the area.

Greater Mistral is a level seventeen dragon that uses ice attacks. If you already have the rift skill, be sure to use it in battle, as it can cause considerable damage to the high dragon. I advise you to concentrate your attack on one limb.

To reduce the damage received from the attacks of the “Big Mistral”, you need to equip your companions and the main character in armor that is resistant to cold. Like other high dragons, she sometimes creates vortices with her wings. She also has an ability called Ice Armor, which adds an extra life bar. While flying, the dragon can launch an ice ball at one of your party members. In this case, I recommend taking control of this character into your own hands, since Al sometimes slows down and does not try to dodge the attack. The battle with the “Great Mistral” can last a long time, so stock up on healing potions.

Northern Hunter

Our next high dragon lives in Crestwood. In terms of its parameters, this dragon is in many ways similar to “Vinosmera”, that is, she also has resistance to lightning and weakness to spirit. The armor of your heroes must have protection from electricity.

Keep an eye on your “damage dealers” (characters who deal maximum damage), as the Northern Hunter will often attack them first. Try to avoid her attacks with her tail and legs, and also try to change lanes when you see that the dragon is about to attack you with electric breath. I advise you to take two magicians into your party who can support their comrades and deal Spirit damage.

I note that this high dragon is thicker-skinned than Vinsomer, that is, if the latter could be killed with conventional weapons, then with the “Northern Hunter” this will no longer be enough.

Sand Mourner

To find the Sand Cryer, you should start in the Sand Crags and head east. After a few minutes of leisurely walking, you will reach the wyverns and a small passage between the mountains. Go through it and very soon you will see a sleeping high dragon of the twentieth level. Bring your tank to her and start dealing damage. Then connect archers and magicians.

The Sand Weeper is a fire dragon, so you should have armor with fire resistance and weapons with ice runes. This dragoness can beat her wings and summon additional armor for herself. Sometimes she will show that she is about to take off, but will immediately come down on one of your heroes. This high dragon is very mobile, so carefully monitor your party members.


This high dragon can be found on the second tower after crossing the bridge. She is also a frost dragon, but Kaltenzan is two levels higher than Hivernal. Immediately take your tanks to the front line so that it does not touch your magicians and archers.

Kaltenzan's attacks are similar to those of Hivernal, although her icy breath lasts a little longer. In addition, she often jumps and behaves very actively, so get ready for the battle to drag on for a long time. You will need not only healing elixirs in battle, but also regeneration potions and healing bombs.

You shouldn't get under Kaltenzan's belly. As soon as her health bar drops below fifty percent, she will let out a powerful roar, stunning the entire party and calling on the dragonets to help. It’s better to immediately destroy the kids, otherwise they will get to your magicians and then all hell breaks loose.

Highland Destroyer

Again the dragon has a French name. This time it means “to devastate,” so we will call it “Devastator.” Okay, just kidding. The Highland Destroyer sounds much better. If you don’t want to fight this level 23 dragon with beaten characters, then I recommend going around the tower from the other side.

The Highland Slayer is a fiery Great Dragon that requires maximum Focus to defeat. This hellish creature loves to jump and deliver its attacks while jumping. Its distinctive feature is the ability to summon a circle of fire right under the feet of the heroes. You will have no more than three seconds to get the character out of the attack.

Like Kaltenzan, this high dragon is capable of roaring loudly, calling for help. The dragon can also create additional armor for herself.

That's all. Good luck on the battlefields of Dragon Age: Inquisition!

IN Dragon Age: Inquisition You can meet as many as 10 high dragons, and finding them is not as easy as it might seem. And guides in text form, unfortunately, are sometimes not very clear. Therefore, it was decided to make a video instruction for those who thirst for the blood of dragons! This video acts as a menu that allows you to select exactly the location in which you are looking for a huge lizard, and after clicking, you will be transferred to the video you need, in general, this is the first interactive guide to finding dragons.

True, I would advise you to attack dragons after you reach level 14-15, otherwise even the weakest lizard will kill you. Well, the main tactic of killing these creatures is still not wild control of all your charges, but only the right choice of companions, and the weaknesses of the dragons, which are listed below, will help you with this.

Well, so that this post is not empty, I will also describe all the dragons separately, and we will start with the smallest!

Ferelden Frostback Level 12

It is located in the very first location - the Inner Lands, you can find it if you go northeast from the Sunset Camp. On the way to the big dragon, I advise you to avoid the small ones, as the big one constantly circles around your squad and shoots fire. I experienced first-hand what happens to those who don’t listen to this advice. It is a fire lizard and does not tolerate cold well.

Northern Hunter level 13

Located in Crestwood, southwest of the Three Trout Farm camp. I advise you to destroy all living creatures in the area, if there is at least anyone near the dragon, otherwise while I was valiantly fighting the dragon, a bison attacked me and ruined the whole hunt. The dragon is electric, and has a vulnerability to spirit magic.

Abyssal High Dragon level 14

Located in the location - Western Limit, in the southwest. In order to meet this dragon, you have to complete a series of tasks from a fellow named Frederick. He can be found near the camp at Nazer Pass. The tasks are not difficult and do not require any hints, so I think you can cope without any problems. This dragon is a fire dragon, and as a result, it is vulnerable to cold!

Gamordan Stormrider level 15

Lives in the northeast of the Sacred Plain location. In order to get close to this little beast, you need to clear a passage on the command table, and then we go to the very end of the swamps. Another electric animal, but a little unusual - it can electrify water, so be careful, or you will be in trouble. Resistant to electricity, but vulnerable to spirit magic.

The Greater Mistral level 17

This lizard settled in a location called Emerald Graves. You can find it far to the north, if you go from the camp in Kamenzhuti. He prefers fire, is afraid of cold - go for it guys.

Vinsomer level 19

This dragon is located in the location - Storm Coast. In order to find him, you have to storm the fortress at the Mouth of Darwin in the west - where it is located, you can see in the video. As soon as you slaughter the entire population of this fortress, at the very end a boat will appear in front of you, approaching which you will go to Dragon Island. Winsomer is vulnerable to spirit magic, resistant to electricity and, as a result, uses it.

Sandy Howler Level 20

Found in the Whistling Wastes location, far west of the Sand Cliffs camp. What’s remarkable is that when you find a reptile, it will sleep soundly! When you wake her up, she will spit fire at you, but at the same time react very sharply to cold attacks. She also calls little dragons to help her.

With the next three players it is somewhat more difficult, because it seemed unreasonable to me to show them all at once on the first map! It was decided to make a separate submenu for them:

Well, now, to the dragons themselves:

Hivernal level 19

One of the weakest dragons in the Emprise du Lyon location. In order to gain access to it, you need to build a bridge, having given instructions for this at command headquarters. Be in the first coliseum you come across. Loves the cold and is afraid of fire. The video clearly shows that against him you need to take magicians with the fire element into your squad, otherwise the magician will be of almost no use. Calls for help in the form of little dragons.

Kaltenzhan (Kaltenzan) level 21

Middle brother in Emprise du Lyon. In order to gain access to it, you need to build a bridge, having given instructions for this at command headquarters. Be in the second coliseum. Loves the cold and is afraid of fire. The video clearly shows that against him you need to take magicians with the fire element into your squad, otherwise the magician will be of almost no use. Calls for help in the form of little dragons.

Highland Ravager level 23

The most powerful dragon in Emprise du Lyon. In order to gain access to it, you need to build a bridge, having given instructions for this at command headquarters. Be in the third coliseum. He prefers fire and is afraid of cold, so feel free to take Vivien with you. Calls for help in the form of little dragons.

Honestly, this is my first experience in compiling guides of this kind, and guides in general. Therefore, criticism, and especially advice, is welcome.

Thank you for your attention.