The soul after death - scientific facts, evidence and real stories. Is there life after death - scientific evidence

Human nature will never be able to accept the fact that immortality is impossible. Moreover, the immortality of the soul is an indisputable fact for many. And more recently, scientists have discovered evidence that physical death is not the absolute end of human existence and that there is still something beyond the boundaries of life.

One can imagine how such a discovery delighted people. After all, death, like birth, is the most mysterious and unknown state of a person. There are a lot of questions associated with them. For example, why is a person born and begins life with clean slate, why he dies, etc.

A man with all his conscious life trying to deceive fate in order to prolong his existence in this world. Humanity is trying to calculate the formula for immortality in order to understand whether the words “death” and “end” are synonymous.

Scientists have found evidence that there is life after death

However, recent research has brought science and religion into one: death is not the end. After all, only beyond life can a person discover new uniform being. Moreover, scientists are sure that every person can remember his past life. And this means that death is not the end, and there, beyond the line, there is another life. Unknown to humanity, but life.

However, if the transmigration of souls exists, it means that a person must remember not only all his previous lives, but also deaths, while not everyone can survive this experience.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one physical shell to another has been exciting the minds of mankind for many centuries. The first mentions of reincarnation are found in the Vedas - the most ancient scriptures Hinduism.

According to the Vedas, any Living being resides in two material bodies - the gross and the subtle. And they function only due to the presence of the soul in them. When the gross body finally wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in another - the subtle body. This is death. And when the soul finds a new physical body that is suitable for its mentality, the miracle of birth occurs.

The transition from one body to another, moreover, the transfer of the same physical defects from one life to another, was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. He began studying the mysterious experience of reincarnation back in the sixties of the last century. Stevenson analyzed more than two thousand cases of unique transformation into different ends planets. While conducting research, the scientist came to a sensational conclusion. It turns out that those who have survived reincarnation will have the same defects in their new incarnations as they had in their previous life. These could be scars or moles, stuttering or another defect.

Incredibly, the scientist’s conclusions can only mean one thing: after death, everyone is destined to be born again, but in a different time. Moreover, a third of the children Stevenson studied had birth defects. Thus, a boy with a rough growth on the back of his head, under hypnosis, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death with an ax. Stevenson found a family where a man who had been killed with an ax actually once lived. And the nature of his wound was like a pattern for a scar on the boy’s head.

Another child, who seemed to have been born with chopped off fingers, said that he was injured during field work. And again there were people who confirmed to Stevenson that one day a man died in a field from loss of blood when his fingers got caught in a threshing machine.

Thanks to the research of Professor Stevenson, supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls consider reincarnation to be a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, they claim that almost every person is able to view their past lives even in their sleep.

And the state of déjà vu, when suddenly there is a feeling that somewhere this has already happened to a person, may well be a flash of memory of previous lives.

The first scientific explanation that life does not end with the physical death of a person was given by Tsiolkovsky. He argued that absolute death is impossible because the Universe is alive. And Tsiolkovsky described the souls that left their corruptible bodies as indivisible atoms wandering throughout the Universe. This was the first scientific theory about the immortality of the soul, according to which the death of the physical body does not mean the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the deceased person.

But modern science Mere belief in the immortality of the soul is, of course, not enough. Humanity still does not agree that physical death is invincible, and is strenuously looking for weapons against it.

Proof of life after death for some scientists is the unique experience of cryonics, when human body frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen until techniques can be found to repair any damaged cells and tissues in the body. And recent research by scientists proves that such technologies have already been found, although only a small part of these developments is publicly available. The results of the main studies are kept confidential. One could only dream of such technologies ten years ago.

Today, science can already freeze a person in order to revive him at the right moment, creates a controlled model of a robot-Avatar, but he still has no idea how to resettle a soul. This means that at one point humanity may face a huge problem - the creation of soulless machines that will never be able to replace humans.

Therefore, today, scientists are sure, cryonics is the only method for the revival of the human race.

In Russia, only three people used it. They are frozen and awaiting the future, eighteen more have signed a contract for cryopreservation after death.

Scientists began to think that the death of a living organism can be prevented by freezing several centuries ago. The first scientific experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the seventeenth century, but only three hundred years later, in 1962, the American physicist Robert Ettinger finally promised people what they had dreamed of throughout human history - immortality.

The professor proposed freezing people immediately after death and storing them in this state until science finds a way to resurrect the dead. Then the frozen ones can be thawed and revived. According to scientists, a person will retain absolutely everything, it will still be the same person who was before death. And the same thing will happen to his soul that happens to it in the hospital when the patient is resuscitated.

All that remains is to decide what age to enter in the new citizen’s passport. After all, resurrection can occur either after twenty or after a hundred or two hundred years.

The famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev suggests that the development of such technologies will take another fifty years. But the scientist has no doubt that immortality is a reality.

Today Gennady Berdyshev has built a pyramid at his dacha, an exact copy of the Egyptian one, but from logs, in which he is going to lose his years. According to Berdyshev, the pyramid is a unique hospital where time stops. Its proportions are strictly calculated according to the ancient formula. Gennady Dmitrievich assures: it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day inside such a pyramid, and the years will begin to count down.

But the pyramid is not the only ingredient in this eminent scientist’s recipe for longevity. He knows, if not everything, then almost everything about the secrets of youth. Back in 1977, he became one of the initiators of the opening of the Institute of Juvenology in Moscow. Gennady Dmitrievich led a group of Korean doctors who rejuvenated Kim Il Sung. He was even able to extend the life of the Korean leader to ninety-two years.

Just a few centuries ago, life expectancy on Earth, for example in Europe, did not exceed forty years. Modern man the average lifespan is sixty to seventy years, but even this time is catastrophically short. And in Lately The opinions of scientists agree: the biological program for a person is to live at least one hundred and twenty years. In this case, it turns out that humanity simply does not live to reach its true old age.

Some experts are confident that the processes occurring in the body at the age of seventy are premature old age. Russian scientists were the first A unique medicine has been developed in the world that prolongs life to one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years, which means it cures old age. The peptide bioregulators contained in the medicine restore damaged areas of cells, and a person’s biological age increases.

As reincarnation psychologists and therapists say, a person’s lived life is connected with his death. For example, a person who does not believe in God and leads a completely “earthly” life, which means he is afraid of death, most of does not realize that he is dying, and after death he finds himself in a “gray space”.

At the same time, the soul retains the memory of all its past incarnations. And this experience leaves its mark on new life. And training on memories from past lives helps to understand the causes of failures, problems and illnesses that people often cannot cope with on their own. Experts say that after seeing their mistakes in past lives, people in their present lives begin to be more conscious of their decisions.

Visions from a past life prove that there is a huge information field in the Universe. After all, the law of conservation of energy says that nothing in life disappears anywhere or appears from nothing, but only passes from one state to another.

This means that after death, each of us turns into something like a clot of energy, carrying all the information about past incarnations, which is then again embodied in a new form of life.

And it is quite possible that someday we will be born in another time and in another space. And remembering your past life is useful not only to remember past problems, but also to think about your purpose.

Death is still stronger than life, but under the pressure of scientific developments its defenses are weakening. And who knows, the time may come when death will open the way for us to another - eternal life.

This type of information interests most people. Previously, humanity only speculated whether there was life after death, scientific evidence provided by modern scientists using the latest technologies and research methods. The belief that life will continue in some other form, perhaps in another dimension, allows people to achieve their goals. If there is no such confidence, then there is no motivation for further development and improvement.

No one can draw final conclusions. Research continues and new evidence emerges various theories. When irrefutable evidence of the existence of life after death is provided, then philosophy human life will change completely.

Scientific theories and evidence

According to Tsiolkovsky's scientific explanation, physical death does not mean the end of life. In his theory, souls are presented in the form of indivisible atoms, therefore, saying goodbye to corruptible bodies, they do not disappear, but continue to wander in the Universe. Consciousness persists even after death. This was the first attempt to scientifically substantiate the assumption of whether there is life after death, although no evidence was presented.

English researchers working at the London Institute of Psychiatry managed to draw similar conclusions. Their patients' hearts stopped completely and clinical death occurred. At this time, the medical staff discussed various nuances. Some patients recounted the topics of these conversations very accurately.

According to Sam Parnia, the brain is an ordinary human organ, and its cells are in no way capable of generating thoughts. The entire thought process is organized by consciousness. The brain works as a receiver, receiving and processing ready-made information. If we turn off the receiver, the radio station will not stop broadcasting. The same can be said about physical body after death, when consciousness does not die.

Feelings of people who have experienced clinical death

The best proof of whether there is life after death is the testimony of people. Eyewitnesses own death there are quite a few. Scientists are trying to systematize their memories, find a scientific basis, and explain what is happening as an ordinary physical process.

The stories of people who have experienced clinical death differ sharply from each other. Not all patients had different visions. Many people don't remember anything at all. But some people shared their impressions after the unusual condition. These cases have their own characteristics.

During a complex operation, one patient experienced clinical death. He describes in detail the situation in the operating room, although he was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state. The hero saw all his saviors from the outside, as well as his body. Later, in the hospital, he recognized the doctors by sight, causing them to be surprised. After all, they left the operating room before the patient regained consciousness.

The woman had other visions. She felt a rapid movement in space, during which there were several stops. The heroine communicated with figures that did not have clear shapes, but she was still able to remember the essence of the conversation. There was a clear awareness that she was outside the body. I couldn’t call this state a dream or a vision, because everything looked too realistic.

It also remains inexplicable that some people who have experienced clinical death acquire new abilities, talents, and psychic abilities. Many potential dead people had a repeated vision in the form of a long light tunnel and bright flashes. There are a variety of states: from blissful peace to panic fear, shackling horror. This can only mean one thing: not all people are destined for the same fate. People's evidence of such phenomena can more accurately tell whether there is life after death.

Major religions about life after death

The question of life and death interested people in different times. This could not but be reflected in religious beliefs. Different religions have their own explanations for the possibility of continuing life after physical death.

Attitude to earthly life Christianity very dismissive. The real, true existence begins in another world, for which you need to prepare. The soul departs a few days after death, staying next to the body. In this case, there is no doubt about whether there is an afterlife after death. When moving to another state, thoughts remain the same. In another world, angels, demons and other souls await people. The degree of spirituality and sin determines the future fate of a particular soul. All this will be decided at the Last Judgment. Unrepentant and great sinners have no chance of going to heaven - they are destined for a place in hell.

IN Islam People who do not believe in the afterlife are considered malicious apostates. Also considered here earthly life, as a transitional stage before akhiret. Allah makes decisions regarding a person's lifespan. Having great faith and few sins, believers of Islam die with a light heart. Infidels and atheists do not have the opportunity to escape from hell, while believers of Islam can count on this.

They don't give of great importance matter of life or death Buddhism. The Buddha identified several other issues that are undesirable for consideration. Buddhists do not think about the soul because it does not exist. Although representatives of this religion believe in reincarnation and nirvana. Rebirth into different shapes continues until a person reaches nirvana. All believers in Buddhism strive for this state, because this is how an unhappy carnal existence ends.

IN Judaism there are no clear accents regarding the issue of interest. Exist different variants which sometimes contradict each other. This confusion is explained by the fact that other religious movements became the source.

Any religion has a mystical element, although many facts are taken from real life. The afterlife cannot be denied, otherwise the meaning of faith is lost. The use of human fears and experiences is quite normal for any religious movement. The sacred books clearly confirm the possibility of continuing one’s existence after earthly life. If you consider the number of believers on Earth, it becomes clear that most people believe in an afterlife.

Communication of mediums with the afterlife

The most compelling evidence of the continuation of life after death is the activity of mediums. This category of people has special abilities that allow them to establish contacts with deceased people. When there is nothing left of a person, it is impossible to communicate with him. Based on the opposite, it is easy to understand that another world exists. However, there are many charlatans among mediums.

No one will now doubt the abilities of the famous Bulgarian seer Vanga. She was visited a large number of famous people. The prophecies of the clairvoyant and the real medium are still relevant and important. Many were amazed by what Vanga said about life after death. This woman told her guests in great detail about their deceased relatives.

Vanga argued that death occurs only for the body. For the soul, everything continues. In another world a person looks the same. The seer even told us what clothes the deceased was wearing. Based on the description, relatives recognized the deceased’s favorite clothes. Souls glow. They have the same character as in life. Communication with the dead is not interrupted. People from the other world try to influence the course of events in the lives of friends and relatives, but this is not always possible. They experience the same feelings when trying to help. In another world, the existence of the soul continues with all the previous memories.

As soon as visitors came to Vanga, their deceased relatives immediately appeared in the room. The interest of living people in them is very great. People like Vanga can see ghosts and fully communicate with them. She had conversations with souls, learning future events from them. The woman served as a kind of bridge between the two worlds, with the help of which their representatives could communicate. The fear of death, according to Vanga, is too common among people. In fact, this is just another stage of existence when a person gets rid of the outer shell, although he experiences discomfort.

American Arthur Ford never tired of surprising people with his abilities for several decades. He communicated with people who had not been in this world for a long time. Some sessions could be seen by millions of television viewers. Various mediums spoke about life after death, based on own experience. Ford's psychic abilities first appeared during the war. From somewhere he received information about his colleagues who died in the coming days. Since that time, Arthur began studying parapsychology and developed his abilities.

There were many skeptics who explained Ford's phenomenon with his telepathic gift. That is, the information was provided to the medium by the people themselves. But too many facts refuted such a theory.

The example of the Englishman Leslie Flint became another confirmation of the existence of the afterlife. He began communicating with ghosts as a child. Leslie at a certain time agreed to collaborate with scientists. Research by psychologists, psychiatrists, and parapsychologists confirmed the extraordinary abilities of this person. More than once they tried to convict him of fraud, but such attempts were unsuccessful.

Sound recordings of the voices of famous personalities from different eras appeared through the medium. They reported themselves Interesting Facts. Many continued to work at what they loved. Leslie was able to prove that people who have moved to another world receive information about what is now happening in real life.

Psychics were able to use practical actions to prove the existence of the soul and the afterlife. Although the immaterial world is still shrouded in mystery. It is not entirely clear under what conditions the soul exists. Mediums work like receiving and transmitting devices without affecting the process itself.

Summarizing all the above facts, it can be argued that the human body is nothing more than a shell. The nature of the soul has not yet been studied, and it is unknown whether this is possible in principle. Perhaps there is a certain limit to human capabilities and knowledge that people will never cross. The existence of the soul inspires optimism in people, because they can realize themselves after death in a different capacity, and not just turn into ordinary fertilizer. After the above material, everyone must decide for themselves whether there is life after death; scientific evidence, however, is not yet very convincing.

I wonder what it takes to prove the existence of life after life? Comparison: What do I need to prove that you exist? Ideally, to see you and communicate with you. What if we are separated by many kilometers and it is impossible to see directly? You can find other ways to find out about you, for example, chat with you via the Internet, which is what we are doing now. How to understand that you are not a bot? Here you will already have to apply some analytical methods, ask you non-standard questions. Etc.

How did scientists know about the existence of dark matter? After all, it’s basically impossible to see or touch it? By calculating the speed at which galaxies are moving away, comparing it with the observed speed. The result is a contradiction: there is more gravity in the universe than originally expected. Where did she come from? Its source was called dark matter. Those. The methods are very indirect. And, at the same time, no one questions the conclusions of physicists.

So it is here: a lot of people have had the experience of post-mortem visions and experiences. And not all of them are explainable from the point of view of hallucinations. I myself had the opportunity to communicate several times with people who were “there”. There is more evidence than evidence for the existence of dark matter.

And for the most skeptical skeptic, I will cite Pascal’s famous wager. One of the greatest scientists in the entire history of science, who discovered the laws without which modern physics is unthinkable.


In conclusion, I will quote Pascal’s famous wager. We all studied the laws of the great scientist Pascal at school. Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman, is truly an outstanding man, ahead of the science of his time by a couple of centuries! He lived in the seventeenth century, in the era preceding the so-called Great French Revolution (late eighteenth century), when godless ideas were already corrupting elite and, unnoticed, they were preparing his sentence to the guillotine.

As a believer, he boldly defended religious ideas that were ridiculed and very unpopular at that time. Pascal's famous bet has been preserved: his dispute with unbelieving scientists. He argued something like this: You believe that there is no God and there is no Eternal Life, but I believe that there is God and there is Eternal Life! Let's argue?.. Argued? Now imagine yourself in the first second after death. If I was right, I get everything, I get it Eternal Life, and you lose everything. Even if you turn out to be right, you will not have any advantages over me, because everything will go into absolute oblivion! Thus, my faith gives me hope for Eternal Life, but yours deprives you of everything! Clever man there was Pascal!

Belief in the existence of an immortal soul gives us our greatest hope. After all, this is the hope of gaining immortality. Even if the probability of receiving an infinite prize were negligible, then in this case we are infinitely winning: any finite number multiplied by infinity is equal to infinity. What does atheism give a person? I believe in absolute zero! As one poet said: only meat in the pit. Everything that is born will die, everything that has been built will be destroyed, and the universe will collapse back to the point of singularity.

From the point of view of physics, it cannot appear out of nowhere and disappear without a trace. Energy must move to another state. It turns out that the soul does not disappear into nowhere. So maybe this law answers the question that has tormented humanity for many centuries: is there life after death?

What happens to a person after his death?

The Hindu Vedas say that every living creature has two bodies: subtle and gross, and the interaction between them occurs only thanks to the soul. And so, when the gross (that is, physical) body wears out, the soul passes into the subtle, therefore the gross dies, and the subtle seeks something new for itself. Therefore, rebirth occurs.

But sometimes it happens that the physical body seems to have died, but some of its fragments continue to live. A clear illustration of this phenomenon is the mummies of monks. Several of these exist in Tibet.

It's hard to believe, but, firstly, their bodies do not decompose, and, secondly, their hair and nails grow! Although, of course, there are no signs of breathing or heartbeat. It turns out that there is life in the mummy? But modern technology cannot capture these processes. But the energy-information field can be measured. And in such mummies it is many times higher than in ordinary person. So the soul is still alive? How to explain this?

Rector International Institute Social Ecology, Vyacheslav Gubanov, divides death into three types:

  • Physical;
  • Personal;
  • Spiritual.

In his opinion, a person is a combination of three elements: Spirit, Personality and physical body. If everything is clear about the body, then questions arise about the first two components.

Spirit– a subtle material object, which is presented on the causal plane of the existence of matter. That is, it is a certain substance that moves the physical body in order to fulfill certain karmic tasks and gain the necessary experience.

Personality– formation on the mental plane of existence of matter, which realizes free will. In other words, this is a complex of psychological qualities of our character.

When the physical body dies, consciousness, according to the scientist, is simply transferred to a higher level of existence of matter. It turns out that this is life after death. People who managed to move to the level of the Spirit for some time and then returned to their physical body exist. These are those who experienced “clinical death” or coma.

Real facts: how do people feel after leaving for another world?

Sam Parnia, a doctor from an English hospital, decided to conduct an experiment to find out how a person feels after death. On his instructions, in some operating rooms, several boards with color pictures painted on them were hung from the ceiling. And every time a patient’s heart, breathing and pulse stopped, and then they managed to bring him back to life, the doctors recorded all his sensations.

One of the participants in this experiment, a housewife from Southampton, said the following:

“I lost consciousness in one of the stores and went there to buy groceries. I woke up during the operation, but realized that I was floating above my own body. Doctors were crowded there, doing something, talking among themselves.

I looked to the right and saw a hospital corridor. My cousin was standing there talking on the phone. I heard him telling someone that I had bought too many groceries and the bags were so heavy that my aching heart could not stand it. When I woke up and my brother came to me, I told him what I had heard. He immediately turned pale and confirmed that he had spoken about this while I was unconscious.”

In the first seconds, slightly less than half of the patients perfectly remembered what happened to them when they were unconscious. But what’s surprising is that none of them saw the drawings! But the patients said that during the “clinical death” there was no pain at all, but they were immersed in calm and bliss. At some point they would come to the end of a tunnel or a gate where they would have to decide whether to cross that line or go back.

But how do you understand where this line is? And when does the soul pass from the physical body to the spiritual? Our compatriot, Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov, tried to answer this question.

He conducted an incredible experiment. The essence of it was to study the bodies just using Kirlian photographs. The deceased's hand was photographed every hour in a gas-discharge flash. Then the data was transferred to a computer, and analysis was carried out there according to the necessary indicators. This shooting took place over three to five days. The age, gender of the deceased and the manner of death were very different. As a result, all data was divided into three types:

  • The amplitude of the oscillation was very small;
  • The same, only with a pronounced peak;
  • Large amplitude with long oscillations.

And oddly enough, each type of death was matched by only one type of data obtained. If we correlate the nature of death and the amplitude of oscillations of the curves, it turns out that:

  • the first type corresponds natural death an elderly person;
  • the second is accidental death as a result of an accident;
  • the third is unexpected death or suicide.

But what struck Korotkov most of all was that he died, and there were still hesitations for some time! But this corresponds only to a living organism! It turns out that instruments showed vital activity according to all physical data of the deceased person.

The oscillation time was also divided into three groups:

  • In case of natural death – from 16 to 55 hours;
  • In case of accidental death, a visible jump occurs either after eight hours or at the end of the first day, and after two days the fluctuations disappear.
  • In case of unexpected death, the amplitude becomes smaller only at the end of the first day, and completely disappears at the end of the second. In addition, it was noticed that the most intense surges are observed in the period from nine in the evening to two or three in the morning.

Summarizing Korotkov's experiment, we can conclude that, indeed, even a physically dead body without breathing and heartbeat is not dead - astrally.

It’s not for nothing that in many traditional religions there is a certain period of time. In Christianity, for example, these are nine and forty days. But what does the soul do at this time? Here we can only guess. Perhaps she is traveling between two worlds, or her future fate is being decided. It’s probably not for nothing that there is a ritual of funeral services and prayers for the soul. People believe that a dead person must be spoken of either well or not at all. Most likely ours good words help the soul make the difficult transition from the physical body to the spiritual.

By the way, the same Korotkov tells a few more amazing facts. Every night he went down to the morgue to spend necessary measurements. And the first time he came there, it immediately seemed to him that someone was watching him. The scientist looked around, but saw no one. He never considered himself a coward, but at that moment it became truly scary.

Konstantin Georgievich felt a gaze on him, but there was no one in the room except him and the deceased! Then he decided to find out where this invisible someone was. He took steps around the room, and finally determined that the entity was located not far from the body of the deceased. The following nights were also scary, but Korotkov still curbed his emotions. He also said that, surprisingly, he got tired quite quickly during such measurements. Although during the day this work was not tiring for him. It felt like someone was sucking the energy out of him.

Does heaven and hell exist - confession of a dead man

But what happens to the soul after it finally leaves the physical body? It is worth citing the story of another eyewitness here. Sandra Ayling works as a nurse in Plymouth. One day she was watching TV at home and suddenly felt a squeezing pain in her chest. It later turned out that she had a blockage in her blood vessels and could have died. This is what Sandra said about her feelings at that moment:

“It seemed to me that I was flying at great speed through a vertical tunnel. Looking back, I saw great amount faces, only they were distorted into disgusting grimaces. I felt scared, but soon I flew past them, they were left behind. I flew towards the light, but still could not reach it. It was as if he was moving away from me more and more.

Suddenly, at one moment, it seemed to me that all the pain had gone away. I felt good and calm, a feeling of peace came over me. True, this did not last long. At one point, I suddenly felt my own body and returned to reality. I was taken to the hospital, but I kept thinking about the sensations that I experienced. The scary faces I saw were probably hell, but the light and feeling of bliss were heaven.”

But then how can one explain the theory of reincarnation? It has existed for many millennia.

Reincarnation is the rebirth of the soul in a new physical body. This process was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson.

He studied more than two thousand cases of reincarnation and came to the conclusion that a person in his new incarnation will have the same physical and physiological characteristics as in the past. For example, warts, scars, freckles. Even burring and stuttering can be carried through several reincarnations.

Stevenson chose hypnosis in order to find out what happened to his patients in past lives. One boy had a strange scar on his head. Thanks to hypnosis, he remembered that in a previous life his head was broken with an ax. Based on his descriptions, Stevenson went to look for people who might know about this boy in his past life. And luck smiled at him. But what was the scientist’s surprise when he learned that, indeed, in the place that the boy pointed out to him, lived before man. And he died precisely from an ax blow.

Another participant in the experiment was born with almost no fingers. Once again Stevenson put him under hypnosis. This is how he learned that in a previous incarnation a person was injured while working in the field. The psychiatrist found people who confirmed to him that there was a man who accidentally stuck his hand in a combine harvester and his fingers were cut off.

So how can you understand whether the soul, after the death of the physical body, will go to heaven or hell, or will be reborn? E. Barker proposes his theory in the book “Letters from a Living Deceased.” He compares the physical body of a person with a shitik (dragonfly larva), and the spiritual body with the dragonfly itself. According to the researcher, the physical body walks on the ground, like a larva along the bottom of a reservoir, and the subtle body hovers in the air like a dragonfly.

If a person has “worked out” all the necessary tasks in his physical body (shitik), then he “turns” into a dragonfly and receives a new list, only for more high level, level of matter. If he has not completed the previous tasks, then reincarnation occurs, and the person is reborn in another physical body.

At the same time, the soul retains memories of all its past lives and transfers mistakes to a new one. Therefore, in order to understand why certain failures occur, people go to hypnotists who help them remember what happened in those past lives. Thanks to this, people begin to take a more conscious approach to their actions and avoid old mistakes.

Perhaps, after death, one of us will go to the next, spiritual level, and there will solve some extraterrestrial problems. Others will be reborn and become human again. Only in a different time and physical body.

In any case, I want to believe that there is something else there, beyond the line. Some other life, about which we can now only build hypotheses and assumptions, explore it and conduct various experiments.

But still, the main thing is not to dwell on this issue, but to simply live. Here and now. And then death will no longer seem scary old woman with a scythe.

Death will come to everyone, it is impossible to escape from it, this is the law of nature. But we have the power to make this life bright, memorable and full of only positive memories.

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death. They discovered that consciousness can continue after death.
Although there is a lot of skepticism surrounding this topic, there are testimonies from people who have had this experience that will make you think about it.
Although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Parnia, a professor who has studied near-death experiences and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.
Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.
Based on the visions, conscious awareness persisted for up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20 to 30 seconds after the heart stops.

2. Out-of-body experience

You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.
She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.
Hovering above her body, she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say, “Her arteries are too small,” while the song “Hotel California” by The Eagles played in the background.
The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.
Researcher Bruce Grayson believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number who met living people. Moreover, there were several cases where people met dead relative on the other side, not knowing that this person had died.

4. Borderline Reality

Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Steven Laureys does not believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.
Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.
However, he discovered that memories of near-death experiences remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even outshine memories of actual events.

In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.
Of all the people surveyed, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12% cited classic example near-death experiences. This means that between 28 and 41 unrelated people from different hospitals recalled essentially the same experience.

6. Personality changes

Dutch researcher Pim van Lommel studied the memories of people who experienced clinical death.
According to the results, many people lost their fear of death and became happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

7. First-hand memories

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his opinion about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.
He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.
Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

8. Visions of the Blind

Authors Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper described that people born blind can regain their sight during clinical death.
They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.
However, they all described visual images during their experiences, whether it was a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or watching their bodies from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to Professor Robert Lanza, all possibilities in the Universe happen simultaneously. But when the “observer” decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world. Read also: Is there life after death? Quantum theory proves yes
Thus, time, space, matter and everything else exist only due to our perception.
If this is so, then things like “death” cease to be an incontrovertible fact and become just a part of perception. In reality, although it may seem that we are dying in this universe, according to Lanz's theory, our life becomes "an eternal flower that blooms again in the multiverse."

10. Children can remember their past lives.

Dr. Ian Stevenson researched and recorded more than 3,000 cases of children under the age of 5 who could remember their past lives.
In one case, a girl from Sri Lanka remembered the name of the city she was in and described her family and home in detail. Later, 27 out of 30 of her statements were confirmed. However, none of her family and acquaintances were in any way connected with this city.
Stevenson also documented cases of children who had phobias associated with past life, children who had birth defects that reflected the manner in which they died, and even children who went berserk when they recognized their “killers.”