Energy drinks red bull. Red Bull: composition and effect on the body

“Red Bull gives you wings” - this is exactly what the well-known slogan used by the Austrian manufacturer in its advertising campaign for more than 20 years says. Red Bull GmbH specializes in the production of non-alcoholic drinks, including the tonic of the same name, which we will talk about in more detail here.

History of origin

The history of Red Bull energy drink began when an Austrian businessman tried it for the first time in Thailand. During his visit to this country, he worked as director of international marketing for Blendax. The drink from which Red Bull originated is called Krating Daeng.

The energy tonic he tested helped cope with jet lag: this prompted the businessman to open his own production. The enterprising Austrian decided to purchase a license for the production and use of the local drink formula, and then began producing the product in his homeland in Austria. The product entered the European market in 1992, and two years later - into the American market.

What is Red Bull?

It does not contain alcohol, and when translated its name sounds like “red bull.” It is an energy carbonated drink. It has a light brown color, sweet and sour, somewhat tart taste, as well as a spicy smell. Like any carbonated drink, it is made by saturating a water mixture with carbon dioxide. Content of substances in 100 g of drink: proteins - 4.3%, carbohydrates - 95.7%, fats - 0%. Calorie content - 43 kK. Available in 0.25 and 0.5 liter cans. In addition, in some countries the drink is also produced in glass bottles.

Red Bull: lineup

The main active ingredients in this drink are caffeine and taurine. The first of these is an alkaloid that stimulates the central nervous system, the second is a biologically active substance, which is characterized by some as an amino acid, and by others as a vitamin-like substance. It should be noted that one can of Red Bull contains 80 ml of caffeine. This indicator corresponds to the amount of this substance in one cup of coffee.

According to the label, Red Bull contains the following substances: water, glucose, sucrose, caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, acidity regulators (sodium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, carbon dioxide, citric acid), glucuronolactone, inositol, B vitamins, natural and artificial flavors (sugar color and riboflavin).

The non-caloric sweetener acesulfame, contained in the Red Bull Sugarfree drink, is 130-200 times sweeter than sugar. According to some reports, it is safe for the body, but according to others, it leads to leukemia and tumors of the mammary glands. The same applies to aspartame: there are also opposing opinions about it. Inositol is and does not cause harm to the body; the substances sodium citrate and xanthan gum were found to be equally safe. The energy contained in this can have a negative effect on the stomach and liver. Thus, Red Bull is an energy drink, the composition of which is typical for most tonics, but at the same time it is distinguished by a high content of B vitamins.

Effect on the body

The formula of the drink itself is approved for use, and it has been noted that in moderate doses it has tonic properties. However, Red Bull is a drink that has received opposing reviews due to its controversial composition. As a result, there are both supporters and opponents of this energy tonic.

Caffeine affects the excitation of the brain, which helps to activate conditioned reflexes and increase motor activity. Taurine has a broad effect on the human body and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. According to a study conducted in France, caffeine is present in the drink in excessive quantities. However, toxicologists say the opposite in this regard: the content of this substance in energy drinks is within normal limits. Drinking the drink, especially if it turns out to be excessive, has a negative effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system and leads to severe dehydration of the body.

The manufacturer states that Red Bull is a drink that creates an invigorating effect, increases performance, improves the emotional state, attention becomes more concentrated, however, according to observations, this feeling occurs quite quickly and, moreover, with frequent consumption of the drink, this effect no longer occurs .

If you drink, then it's right

There are cases where excessive or improper use of Red Bull led to death. Thus, the young Irish basketball player Ros Cooney died during a game after drinking several cans of energy tonic. In addition, there was a recorded case where drinking two cans of this drink with alcohol caused the death of one girl who was dancing at a disco. And this is not the only case when, when combined with alcohol, this explosive mixture led to death.

By the way, about glucuronolactone: there is a version that this substance, recognized from a medical point of view as a stimulant, was used by the US Department of Defense in the 60s of the last century to increase the morale of troops based at that time in Vietnam. It had a calming effect in stressful situations, but the remedy had many side symptoms, such as hallucinations, prolonged headaches, liver disease, and brain tumors. Glucuronolactone is a metabolite formed from glucose and is present in some quantities in the human body.

Banned in some countries

German health authorities found traces of cocaine in the drink, which is due to the use of a flavoring made from coca bush leaf extract. In this regard, a ban was also introduced in France on Red Bull, the composition of which caused distrust, and this also happened in some states of Germany and even in Thailand - the homeland of this energy drink, where Red Bull Cola also fell out of favor. Later in France, the ban on the sale of the drink was lifted due to the lack of sufficient evidence of its harm to health. The energy drink was banned in this country also because the taurine it contained was considered harmful to the nervous system.

Instead of taurine, arginine began to be used in the production of the drink in France - this is the only country for which the company allowed changes to the recipe. In some countries, Red Bull is sold exclusively in pharmacies, as it is considered a medicinal product there.


One way or another, Red Bull, which contains stimulants, has become widespread throughout the world: it is represented in more than 140 countries. In our country it is sold in several forms, namely Energy Drink, Sugafree, Energy Shot, Energy Shot Sugafree, Cola. The varieties of this drink differ somewhat from each other in composition. Thus, Red Bull Cola is rich in caffeine from coffee beans, but Sugafree contains aspartame and acesulfame, but does not contain sucrose and glucose.

According to experts, if you use Red Bull, which includes caffeine, then only during periods of mental and physical activity, of course, subject to moderate use. It should be remembered that it should not be drunk in combination with alcohol, or for people suffering from certain diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven that even a healthy person, after consuming it, experiences symptoms indicating a negative effect of the Red Bull energy tonic on the heart. Its price is about 70 rubles for a 0.25 liter jar.

A type of carbonated energy drink that is light brown in color. It has a sweet and sour, slightly tart taste and a spicy aroma.


Energy drinks, like any other carbonated drinks, are produced by saturating the water mixture with carbon dioxide to a content of 0.4 - 0.5%.


The Red Bull GmbH company produces Red Bull drink in cans of 0.25 and 0.5 liters. Also, in some countries, the drink is produced in glass bottles. Some of the varieties of Red Bull are Red Bull Сola and Red Bull Sugarfree. The first is saturated with caffeine from coffee beans, and natural flavors giving a characteristic taste, the second contains acesulfame and aspartame, and does not contain glucose and sucrose.

Calorie content

One hundred grams of drink: 45 kcal.


According to the label, Red Bull contains water, sucrose, glucose, acidity regulators - magnesium carbonate, sodium citrate, magnesium carbonate, carbon dioxide, citric acid, taurine, caffeine, glucuronolactone, inositol, guarana and ginseng, as well as B vitamins.

Beneficial features

Stimulates the functioning of the nervous system, activates brain function, and helps improve performance.

Restrictions on use

You should not drink more than two cans of the drink per day, as the high caffeine content can cause increased nervousness, arrhythmia and tremors of the limbs. Also, caffeine is a diuretic, so Red Bull should be taken with caution by people after exercise and with kidney disease. Large amounts of B vitamins can cause an allergic reaction. Long-term caffeine intoxication leads to sleep disturbances, significant loss of body weight, arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, and tachycardia.


The Red Bull Energy Drink brand was founded by Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz in 1984, who took energy drinks produced in Thailand as a basis. Red Bull GmbH was founded in 1987. Its founders were Dietrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Juvidya. The product entered the European market in 1992, and the American market in 1997.

In Denmark, Norway and France, Red Bull is sold exclusively in pharmacies, as it is considered a drug. In France, arginine is used in the drink instead of taurine. In 2009, the sale of Red Bull Cola was banned in Germany and Taiwan.

Graphics from Personalise show what happens 10 minutes, 15-45 minutes, 30-50 minutes, 1 hour, 5-6 hours, 12 hours and 12-24 hours after drinking a can of Red Bull. From the first ten minutes, when pressure increases and heart rate increases, to the last 12-24 hours, when your body begins to experience side symptoms - headaches, irritability and constipation.

First 10 minutes: As caffeine begins to be absorbed into your bloodstream, your body responds by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure.

15-45 minutes: At some point during these minutes, caffeine levels peak and feelings of increased alertness and concentration occur. This is due to the fact that caffeine is a stimulant. That is why the drink is recommended for tired drivers to stay alert.

After 30-50 minutes: When you finish your drink and the body has completely absorbed the caffeine, the liver will respond by increasing the absorption of sugar, which will cause your blood pressure levels to rise. Caffeine, for example, can lead to a critical drop in blood sugar in diabetics and increase the amount of insulin.

The caffeine in the drink temporarily blocks adenosine pathways, providing a boost and speeding up the production of feel-good molecules in the brain (such as dopamine). Concentration increases, drowsiness disappears, and general condition improves.

After 60 minutes: After an hour, you will most likely begin to feel a “sugar crash” - during this period, your blood sugar levels begin to decrease, and the effect of caffeine subsides. There is a feeling of fatigue. Within an hour, all the water that was in the drink comes out with urine.

There is also a feeling of a certain decline when the effect of the happiness hormones circulating in the brain stops.

After 5-6 hours: This is how long it takes for your body to reduce the concentration of caffeine in your blood by 50%. For women taking oral contraceptives, this time is doubled.

Pregnancy, liver damage, and other medications may slow the rate at which caffeine is eliminated from the body.

Very important: for children and adolescents the half-life is longer. This is why caffeinated drinks often cause behavioral problems and anxiety in children.

After 12 o'clock After drinking Red Bull, most people clear caffeine completely from their blood, the exact rate or time depends on the individual.

As mentioned earlier, this does not apply to children and teenagers.

After 12-24 hours: a loss of strength sets in and the need for another dose of caffeine occurs. If you used energy drinks regularly, then the dependence and need of the body are more noticeable. Other symptoms include headaches, irritability and constipation.

After 7-12 days: Studies have shown that during this period of time the body becomes tolerant to daily doses of caffeine. Over time, the human body gets used to caffeine. This means that after getting used to it, you will not feel the expected effect and boost of energy.

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In order to keep up with everything at the modern pace of life, a person needs to constantly be in good shape. But where can the body get an additional source of energy? Energetic drinks- a popular and inexpensive option that helps get rid of drowsiness and gives a boost.

In today's article we will talk about how energetic drinks affect the human body.

Energy drinks and their composition

In 1938, the first stimulant drink was created for athletes Lukozade. However, its use led to poisoning of people.

Today the most popular invigorating drink in the world is RedBull. With its slogan " RedBull gives you wings“The manufacturing company convinces that their energy drinks are a great way to “recharge” your strength, especially in moments of strong physical or mental stress.

Energy drinks can prolong the body's stamina and give it the necessary energy. But there are also side effects.

All energy drinks have almost the same composition, which includes:

  • Caffeine- a substance that stimulates brain function and increases heart rate
  • Melatonin- an antioxidant that regulates the human circadian rhythm
  • Taurine- an antioxidant that speeds up metabolism in the body
  • Matein dulls feelings of hunger
  • Medicinal plant extracts(ginseng or guarana) cleanse the liver and remove lactic acid from cells
  • Phenylanine added to energy drinks to add flavor
  • Sweeteneraspartame (sugar substitute E951) has psychogenic, metabolic and carcinogenic properties
  • B vitamins that influence the functioning of the human nervous system

Some countries have banned the sale of RedBull and other energy drinks.

Currently, the sale of energy drinks is prohibited in Denmark, Turkey, Uruguay, Iceland and some US states. Since 2014, European regulations require labeling that warns against the undesirable use of this drink by pregnant and lactating women. We are talking about energy drinks with a high caffeine content (over 150 mg per liter).

In Sweden, the sale of energy drinks to persons under 15 years of age is prohibited.

In Hungary, in 2012, energy drinks were included in the list of potentially harmful products subject to a “health tax.”

As for Russia, a ban on the sale of low-alcohol energy drinks is already in effect in some regions of the country. However, it is planned to introduce at the legislative level a complete ban on the retail sale of alcoholic energy drinks in Russia.

Energy drinks: what are their dangers?

It is a mistake to think that an invigorating drink gives you extra energy - in fact, it depletes the body even more. Since the energy drink artificially stimulates the work of all organs and systems in the human body.

Side effects of excessive consumption of this drink:

  • Heart dysfunction
  • Headaches and migraines
  • A state of causeless anxiety, fear and stress
  • Development of diabetes mellitus
  • addictive
  • Nervousness
  • Allergy
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Overdose of B vitamins

To summarize, we can say that the consumption of energy drinks has a negative impact on human health. However, to improve performance, you can do without the use of artificial stimulants. To do this, you need to maintain an adequate work and rest schedule, eat right and exercise.

Hello. I first saw Organics Simply Cola by Red Bull in Austria. The journey there turned out to be quite difficult - 7 hours by train, on my feet all day, getting up at three in the morning in the hostel, a taxi that didn’t show up, waiting at the airport, 2 hours by plane, 2 hours by car, and now we ended up in Vienna with my husband, sister, A 7-year-old child and a 65-year-old grandfather. And it’s only 10 am, but there’s no way to sleep.

We went to the InterSpar store to do some shopping and saw Cola from Red Bull.

I don’t drink energy drinks at all (no need). Who is surprised that there are natural energy drinks, has simply never thought that all food and drink somehow affects our body - for example, mint, valerian, motherwort calm, and honey, chocolate, sweets, nuts, black tea, coffee give strength and a little invigorating. Although, of course, everything is individual and often we simply do not pay attention to what we eat and how it affects us.

Red Bull Simply Cola is strong and natural. Of course, I also don’t believe that there can be something 100% natural on the store counter. And even the harmless oatmeal is not clear where it grew, what it was fertilized with and watered with. But let's return to the composition of Red Bull Cola.

Water, sugar, caramel simple syrup, carbon dioxide, natural flavors from plant extracts (0.33%: caffeine from coffee beans (0.013%), lemon, ginger, lime, vanilla, licorice, galangal, cinnamon, kola nut, cocoa, orange, coca leaves, cardamom, mint, pine, nutmeg, cloves), lemon juice concentrate.

The lime in the composition is a little confusing. But if you remember the school chemistry course, it is just calcium oxide - CaO. There is no need to abuse it in food. I think that it can cause harm if you drink energy drink every day and in large quantities.

The second component that surprised me was coca leaves. Yes, yes, the same coca from which cocaine is made. But don’t be afraid, you won’t get high from just one can of Cola.

The third component that interested me was cola. I never wondered why the drink has this name. It turns out that cola is a plant. Kola nuts contain caffeine and are natural energy stimulants.

In general, I didn’t see anything deadly scary in the composition. Everything is quite natural and looks harmless.

I was also pleased with the taste of Cola. Firstly, because in Europe all drinks are carbonated in moderation. When opened, the Cola does not splash, and when drinking it does not irritate the throat with crazy bubbles. Secondly, the Cola Red Bull drink has a mild taste. She's sweet, but not cloying. It quenches thirst well and after it you don’t want to drink again and again.

This energy drink has also given me strength several times. You understand that after a long journey I only wanted to eat and sleep. I drank Coke at about 3 pm and went to bed at 11 pm. In between, I went shopping, swam in the pool, read a book and had small talk. Of course, it’s not like carrying bricks, but after a long journey it’s also exhausting. Without this Coke, I would hardly have spent the extra 8 hours in a good mood.

After that, we drank Cola several times just like that. I won’t say that I feel overexcited after it. I just like the taste of it. But I won’t go heavy on it, because it contains coca leaves.

Overall, I recommend Simply Cola by Red Bull to anyone who needs a boost. But I do not advise you to abuse any energy drinks, because caffeine in large quantities is harmful to the heart. By the way, because of this, in Austria, teachers and doctors do not even recommend giving children black tea, let alone coffee. Children drink weak chamomile tea and mineral water.

I wish everyone health, happiness and good mood! See you again in new reviews