“If poverty is the mother of crimes, then lack of intelligence is their father” (folk wisdom). (Unified State Examination Social Studies)

When we received the assignment to write an essay on the topic “Poverty,” I thought about it. What is poverty? At first glance, the word seems so simple and clear that its meaning is beyond doubt. But if you dig deep, it turns out differently. Poverty, as an indicator of a person’s material well-being, is only one of the meanings of the word.

Firstly, poverty can be different: material, spiritual, poverty natural resources. Most people associate poverty with the lack of basic necessities and therefore causes negative emotions, such as fear, disgust, etc. But is the devil as scary as he is painted? Many creative people have addressed the topic of poverty in their works.

“Whoever is capable of being poor is incapable of being free” - this is what the great French writer Victor Hugo said about poverty. These words can be confirmed by the fates of many great people who went through poverty: T. Shevchenko, M. V. Lomonosov, C. Chaplin and others . All of them went through poverty at one time or another, but they did not give up and did not give up, but reached their peaks. People living in a land with poor nature have learned to be content with little and rejoice simple things, which we, residents of cities provided with all amenities, often do not notice.

Returning to the question of whether poverty is terrible in reality, I thought: terrible, but not material, but spiritual. After all, the path to the top of the mountain starts from the bottom. But only a strong-willed, spiritually rich person has the opportunity to go through it to the end.

Poverty is a standard of living that is the exact opposite of wealth. Those affected by poverty have no or minimal opportunity to acquire required attributes for life, to support a family, to pay for important services.

People faced with poverty are tormented by need, hunger, and this pushes them to many negative actions, such as theft. In some people, poverty can develop evil feelings and envy, and lead to despair. But, on the other hand, sometimes a poor person turns out to be much kinder, more honest and more generous than a rich person.

Causes of poverty:

  • Lifestyle - there is a category of people who are satisfied with their situation and do not want to change anything, due to their unwillingness to work;
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction - a person who is addicted often loses all valuables and money to satisfy unnecessary needs;
  • Low wage- the most common reason;
  • Unemployment.

Wealth is the material well-being of a person or a certain population. A rich person is considered to be a person who owns real estate, has large savings, and has more than the necessary income.

IN modern world With the help of wealth, you can solve many problems, allow yourself to satisfy your needs and not have to suffer from want. The richer a person is, the more society shows respect for him. Basically, wealth spoils people; people endowed with power and money often become greedy and arrogant.

Possessing significant financial assets, a person can begin to go crazy; this becomes less and less enough for him; a desire appears to get even more at any cost, committing various crimes. A good example This is illustrated by the famous fairy tale “About the Goldfish”. But among them there are also people with kind souls. There are often cases when a rich person is involved in charity and donates large sums money to various funds and shelters, thereby helping the poor. This suggests that there is good and bad in everything, what matters is what the person chooses.

In my opinion, it doesn’t matter whether a person is poor or rich, the main thing is to preserve only the best moral qualities in oneself and not allow bad ones to develop. Many great people have been both poor and rich.

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This topic of the essay interested me very much, I thought about it for a long time and realized that I could both agree with this statement of Jean de La Bruyère and give arguments that could partially refute it.
I agree with this statement, because if we turn to the statistical data of such a science of crime as criminology, we will notice that crimes, most often, are born in an environment of socio-economic poverty in society, which is the motive for their commission. For example, when the investigative authorities begin to investigate any act that is classified as criminal, it takes into account the motive and all the circumstances of the commission of this crime. This is necessary, first of all, to understand the issue of what leads people to commit a crime. Petty thefts are most often committed to fulfill their initial needs (food, basic clothing). That is, a person committing a crime is not able, due to his poverty and living conditions, to provide himself with the necessary items for his existence. In Russia, a huge social bottom has long been formed, into which beggars, tramps, prostitutes, and street children have fallen. What pushes them to commit crimes? In my opinion, the answer is simple: their poverty and, as a consequence, social failure. And as for the mind... Why can we say that lack of intelligence is the father of crime? But because the mind includes, in my opinion, moral, ethical, stable principles of the individual, which must first of all be brought up in following conditions life: first of all, this is the presence of such social institutions as a prosperous family, and then the dependence comes, again in my opinion, on one’s own self-education and on personal views on objective reality.
As for my arguments regarding the fact that I partially disagree with this statement of the author, I can give an example: Jesus Christ walked around in one shirt, however, this did not motivate him to commit a crime. Why? Here again I consider it necessary to return to the concept of self-education. It is possible that Jesus Christ had stable moral and religious values ​​that did not allow him to commit crimes and, as a result, cause harm to other people. He was content with all that he had and he did not see the need to get more. It is not for nothing that the following aphorism has the right to exist: “There are two ways to avoid suffering from poverty: increase your wealth or reduce your needs.” Thus, we can conclude that people who are smart and stable in their moral views are content with what they have... And they do not have the need or desire to have something more, especially by means of committing crimes.
Thus, I believe that our state must create such conditions to avoid crime that even poor and socially insolvent people, due to their origin and other circumstances, should have the opportunity to realize themselves as a successful citizen of our country, have their own objective views on reality, moral principles and high morality.

In this statement, the ancient Greek philosopher discusses the topic of social inequality in society, or rather the essence of the problem of poverty and wealth. This problem has haunted humanity throughout its existence. Nowadays, due to the ongoing global financial crisis, it has worsened with renewed vigor.

People differ in gender, age, height, hair color, level of intelligence and many other characteristics. In his statement, Democritus does not divide people, but points to the content of the problem.

That is, it examines the essence of poverty and wealth through awareness of the degree of satisfaction of human needs.

Let us turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement. The concepts of “poverty” and “wealth” are mutually inverse. Poverty is a condition in which a person is unable to satisfy his biological needs. Poverty is relative concept and depends on the general standard of living in a given society. Wealth is an abundance of values ​​in a person that exceed the vital needs of a person.

A person can be the owner of several cars, have Vacation home and still not be satisfied.

The other one has a big one Friendly family, an inexpensive car and for him it’s abundance. It is important that a person does not set himself the task of acquiring all material goods, but one cannot live like an ascetic. The purpose of life should be broader than personal; it should come from the desire to do good to people. Only then will a person be truly rich and happy.

This problem has been addressed in many literary works. Thus, in “Crime and Punishment” Dostoevsky contrasts the magnificent and luxurious Petersburg with the poor and doomed Raskolnikov. And showing what actions poverty prompts people to do: Sonya works in a “brothel” to help her family, but the author focuses not only on the material condition of the heroes, but also shows us that a person, without having a penny behind him, can be -truly mentally rich.

There is a big gap between wealth and poverty. And the material condition certainly has great importance in a person’s life, but one should never forget about the development of one’s inner world, acquiring material values ​​for the development and well-being of your life.

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Updated: 2017-05-11

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