Ethical standards of behavior. Rules of ethics in the organization and the code of ethics as the main set of rules of ethics of the organization

Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness or incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating in business cooperation with their subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone, one way or another, consciously or spontaneously relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he puts into them, and to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even impossible. I would like to hope that this section will, to a certain extent, help you not only understand those, often hidden from first glance, problems that arise in the process of business communication and serve as an obstacle to it, but also successfully cope with them.

Each people accumulates its own life experience, gets used to looking at the world in its own way and, as a rule, does not realize that it is not able to go beyond the limits of its habits. If we understand how people in other countries act and look at the world, then our communication with them will be much more successful, no matter what it involves: a business partnership, a visit foreign countries, during private meetings.

In order to navigate the global cultural shift well, you need to learn the basics of behavior. Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs of business ethics. IN different cultures the concept of norm is different. It depends on national, religious and other characteristics.

(from Greek ethos - custom, disposition) - the doctrine of morality, morality. The term “ethics” was first used by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to denote practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we should do in order to perform the right, moral actions. The most important categories of ethics are: good, evil, justice, benefit, responsibility, duty, conscience, etc.

Morality(from Latin moralis - moral) - it is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by a person. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation of social relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life - family, everyday life, politics, science, work, etc. 1

Morality is a set of rules, regulations, commandments, including taboos, prohibitions on certain actions, words and deeds of people. With the help of these rules, society influences its members, directs their actions in a direction that benefits the given society and protects its well-being as a whole. Morality prohibits some actions and encourages others. Morality is a product of social agreements developed as a result of the entire history of man 2 .

An integral quality of human activity is its organization and orderliness. Effective regulators of this activity are those developed in the process of evolution moral rules and norms aimed at maintaining and preserving human life and well-being. Ethical Standards permeate all forms of human activity, they are universal, but in each sphere these unwritten laws acquire a specific character 3.

Regulation moral relations, not specified in legislation, occurs in organizations using ethical standards.

Ethical Standards
- these are the values ​​and rules of ethics that employees of an organization must adhere to in their activities. The rules contain rights, duties and liability for failure to fulfill duties or exceeding rights.

The rules prohibit discrimination on the following grounds: race, language, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, disability, length of service, beliefs, party affiliation, education, social origin, property status, etc.

It is no coincidence that the morality of civilized peoples has codes that coincide in the main principles and paradigms - “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” “thou shalt not bear false witness,” etc. Let us emphasize that these principles constitute the universal basis of moral values. The main difference between morality and other rules of conduct is that it has an aura of sacredness. In other words, to give morality the highest authority and indisputability, they point to its divine origin. An example is the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses from above, and which he carved on tablets (stones), symbolizing their eternity.

Moral norms receive their ideological expression in general ideas, commandments, principles about how one should behave. Morality always presupposes the presence of a certain moral ideal, a role model, the content and meaning of which change in historical time and social space, i.e. in different historical eras and different nations. However, in morality, what should be should not always coincide with what exists, with the actually existing moral reality, with the actual norms of human behavior. Moreover, throughout the development of moral consciousness, the internal core and structure of its changes is the “contradictory and tense relationship between the concepts of what is and what should be” 4.

Ethics of business communication can be defined as a set of moral norms, rules and ideas that regulate the behavior and relationships of people in the process of their production activities.

Concepts like justice, honor, dignity, freedom, responsibility have a vital meaning for human existence and are filled not with abstract, but with real life content. People often sacrificed their lives to affirm these values.

Confucius (often referred to in literature as Kun Tzu - teacher Kun) was one of the first to formulate in a negative form the categorical imperative of behavior, which has universal meaning and is applicable also in business communication: « don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself" 5

The positive form of this classical formulation is given by Immanuel Kant. However, Confucius contains a large number of sayings devoted to the ethics of communication and business behavior. First of all, they relate to the principles of communication between a manager and a subordinate and the disclosure of those norms and principles of communication that make it the most effective and efficient from an ethical point of view. Here are some of them that are very worthy of reflection 6 .

· “A ruler must be a ruler, and a subject must be a subject, a father must be a father, and a son must be a son.”

· “When a ruler loves justice, no one dares to be disobedient; when a ruler loves truth, no one among the people dares to be dishonest.”

· “Have a reverent attitude and deal fairly with others.”

· “I listen to people’s words and look at their actions.”

· “Keep the two ends, but use the middle.”

· “A noble man, when he leads people, uses everyone’s talents; a small man, when he leads people, he demands universals from them.”

· “Leading untrained people into battle means abandoning them.”

· “Noble men are in harmony when they disagree; Small people cannot have harmony even with consent.”

· “When you don’t talk to someone you can talk to, you miss out on talents; when you speak to someone with whom you cannot speak, you waste your words in vain. But a smart person doesn’t leave anyone out and doesn’t waste words in vain.”

· “Next to a noble husband, three mistakes are made: speaking when it is not the time to speak is rashness; not speaking when it is time to speak is secrecy; and speaking without noticing his facial expressions is blindness.”

· “A noble man... when he looks, he thinks whether he saw clearly; but he hears - he thinks whether he heard correctly; he thinks whether the expression on his face is gentle, whether his manners are respectful, whether his speech is sincere, whether his attitude to business is reverent; when in doubt, thinks about seeking advice; when he gets angry, he thinks about negative consequences; and before acquiring anything, he thinks about justice.”

· “He will be humane who can embody the five virtues everywhere in the Celestial Empire... Respect, generosity, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness. Respect does not bring humiliation, generosity conquers everyone, truthfulness inspires confidence in people, intelligence allows you to achieve success, and kindness makes it possible to command people.” “If for people who were forced to work, they choose feasible work, then which of them develops anger?”

· “To execute those who were not instructed means to be cruel; to demand execution without warning in advance means to show violence; delaying an order and at the same time seeking urgency means causing damage; and in any case, to be stingy when issuing, giving something to people, means to act in a government manner.”

· “Without knowing the ritual, you cannot establish yourself.”

· “When you cannot correct yourself, how will you correct others?”

The sayings of the great philosopher regarding ethical standards of communication have not lost their relevance today. Following them will undoubtedly be of great help in establishing effective interaction and will help avoid many mistakes in business communication. In fact, how can that “ the path of the golden mean" - the path of compromise that Teacher Kun preached, asserting the need for " Keep the two ends and use the middle"? His aphorism, “I listen to people’s words and look at their actions,” sounds no less relevant today, expressing the need to maintain the unity of word and deed, the need to verify the word with deeds. Is it possible to disagree with the thinker’s opinion that in business communication everyone must correspond to their status and take into account the status of the other, etc. 7

The activities of each employee and the organization as a whole become effective when it is regulated by certain special ethical rules, which are not only based on universal moral values, but also take into account the specific conditions of a given organization or working group. Sets of such rules are usually called professional ethics. The ethics of business communication has also become one of the most important forms of professional ethics, since the main factor here is people!

The ethics of business communication are based on such moral rules and norms of behavior of partners, which ultimately contribute to the development of their cooperation. The meaning of these rules and norms is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about one’s intentions and actions, and avoid deception and disorientation of the partner. In this regard, many professional codes of honor have been developed.

Business ethics- this is a system of principles and rules of behavior of business entities, their communication and work style, manifested at the micro and macro levels of market relations 8.

Micro level of business ethics- these are moral and moral relations within business organization, between the employer, managers, employees, and between the organization and shareholders.

Macro level of business ethics- these are moral and moral relations between macro-subjects of a market economy.

Objectives of business ethics are:

1. Study historical experience in the field of business relations.
2. Analysis of the influence of religious and cultural values on the economic behavior of subjects.
3. Study of the mutual influence of corporate and universal ethics.
4. Integration with the international culture of entrepreneurship, with its moral and psychological standards.
5. Studying the problem of social responsibility of business.
6. Moral and ethical education of business entities.
7. Development of ethical principles for certain business situations.

Corporate ethics may consist in corporate traditions, symbols, legends, transmitted orally to each newcomer of a given work team. It is now common practice to formulate corporate ethics in writing. Here are the rules of behavior of a member of a corporation in relation to employees “horizontally” and “vertically”, to the organization’s partners and its clients, to the media and authorities.

The general moral principle of human communication is contained in the categorical imperative of I. Kant: “ Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation." In relation to business communication basic ethical principle can be formulated as follows: in business communication, when deciding which values ​​should be preferred in a given situation, act in such a way that the maxim of your will is compatible with the moral values ​​of the other parties participating in the communication, and allows for the coordination of the interests of all parties.

The ethics of business communication should be based on coordination and, if possible, harmonization of interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals. Therefore, business communication must be constantly checked by ethical reflection, justifying the motives for entering into it. At the same time, do it ethically right choice and making an individual decision is often not an easy task.

Once again I would like to draw your attention to Golden Rule communication ethics: treat others as you would like to be treated. This rule also applies to business communication, but in relation to its individual types: “top-down” (manager-subordinate), “bottom-up” (subordinate-manager), “horizontally” (employee-employee) requires specification. In business communication “top-down”, i.e. In relation to a manager towards a subordinate, the golden rule of ethics can be formulated as follows: “Treat your subordinate as you would like to be treated by a manager.”

The art and success of business communication are largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that a manager uses in relation to his subordinates.

The art and success of business communication are largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that a manager uses in relation to his subordinates. Norms and principles refer to what behavior in the workplace is ethically acceptable and what is not. These norms relate, first of all, to how and on what basis orders are given in the management process, in which the official discipline that determines business communication is expressed; without observing the ethics of business communication between a manager and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable and morally unprotected in the team.

The attitude of the leader towards subordinates (“top-down”)
influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines its moral and psychological climate.
It is at this level that they are primarily formed. moral standards and patterns of behavior .

1. Strive to turn your organization into a cohesive team with high moral standards of communication. Involve employees in the organization's goals. A person will only feel morally and psychologically comfortable when he identifies with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who they are.

2. If problems and difficulties associated with dishonesty arise, the manager should find out its reasons. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate with his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on the strengths of his personality.

3. If an employee does not follow your instructions, you must let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may decide that he deceived you. Moreover, if the manager has not made an appropriate remark to the subordinate, then he is simply not fulfilling his duties and is acting unethically.

4. A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Collect all information about this case. Select correct form communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task; perhaps he will cite facts unknown to you. Make your comments one on one: the person's dignity and feelings must be respected.

5. Criticize actions and actions, not the person’s personality.

6. When appropriate, use the “sandwich” technique - hide criticism between two compliments. End the conversation on a friendly note and take the time to talk to the person soon to show them that you don't hold a grudge.

7. Never advise a subordinate on what to do in personal matters. If the advice helps, you probably won't be thanked. If it doesn’t help, all responsibility will fall on you.

8. Don't play favorites. Treat employees as equal members and treat everyone with the same standards.

9. Never give employees the opportunity to notice that you are not in control of the situation if you want to maintain their respect.

10. Observe the principle of distributive justice: the greater the merit, the greater the reward should be.

11. Encourage your team even if success is achieved mainly due to the success of the leader himself.

12. Strengthen your subordinate's self-esteem. A job well done deserves not only material, but also moral encouragement. Don’t be lazy to praise your employee once again.

13. The privileges you give yourself should extend to other members of the team.

14. Trust your employees and admit your own mistakes in your work. Members of the team will still find out about them, one way or another. But concealing mistakes is a manifestation of weakness and dishonesty.

15. Protect your subordinates and be loyal to them. They will answer you in kind.

16. Choose the correct form of order, taking into account, first of all, two factors:
1) the situation, the availability of time for nuances,
2) the personality of the subordinate - who is in front of you, a conscientious and qualified worker or a person who needs to be pushed at every step. Depending on this, one should choose the most ethically acceptable norms of behavior and forms of command.

Order forms can be: order, request, request and the so-called “volunteer”.
« Volunteer” (“Who wants to do it?”) is suitable for a situation where no one wants to do the work, but, nevertheless, it must be done. In this case, the volunteer hopes that his enthusiasm will be appropriately appreciated in future work.

Order. Most often it should be used in emergency, as well as in relation to unscrupulous employees.

Request. It is used if the situation is ordinary, and the relationship between the manager and the subordinate is based on trust and goodwill. This form allows the employee to express his opinion on the problem if for some reason it cannot be solved. And if you pronounce the phrase appropriately, then the employee will have no doubt that this is an order.

Ethics of business communication “bottom-up”. In business communication “bottom-up”, i.e. in the relation of a subordinate to his superior, the general ethical rule of behavior can be formulated as follows: “ Treat your manager the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates».

Knowing how you should approach and treat your leader is no less important than what moral requirements you should make of your subordinates. Without this it is difficult to find " mutual language"both with the boss and with the subordinates. Using certain ethical standards, you can attract a leader to your side, make him your ally, but you can also turn him against you, make him your ill-wisher.

Here are a few necessary ethical standards and principles that can be used in business communication with a manager.

1. Try to help the manager in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team and strengthening fair relationships. Remember that your manager needs this first.

2. Do not try to impose your point of view on the manager or command him. Make your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely. You cannot directly order him to do anything, but you can say: “How would you feel if..?” etc.

3. If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then the manager must be informed about it. In case of trouble, try to help ease the way out of this situation and offer your solution.

4. Do not talk to your boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always says yes becomes annoying and comes across as a flatterer. A person who always says “no” is a constant irritant.

5. Be loyal and reliable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own character and principles. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon; his actions cannot be foreseen.

6. You should not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. “over the head”, directly to your manager’s manager, except in emergency cases. Otherwise, your behavior may be perceived as disrespect or disregard for your boss's opinion or as doubting his competence. In any case, your immediate supervisor in this case loses authority and dignity.

7. If you are given responsibility, delicately raise the question of your rights. Remember that responsibility cannot be realized without an appropriate degree of freedom of action.

Next we will look at ethics of business communication “horizontally”. The general ethical principle of communication is “horizontal”, i.e. between colleagues (managers or ordinary members of the group), can be formulated as follows: “ In business communications, treat your colleague the way you would like to be treated." If you find it difficult how to behave in a particular situation, put yourself in the shoes of your colleague.

In relation to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult matter. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within one enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the general management team. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal to each other.

Here are a few principles of ethics for business communication between colleagues:
1. Do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from another.

2. Try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in performing common work.

3. If your responsibilities overlap with your colleagues, this is a very dangerous situation. If the manager does not differentiate your duties and responsibilities from others, try to do it yourself.

4. In relations between colleagues from other departments, you should be responsible for your department yourself, and not blame your subordinates.

5. If you are asked to temporarily transfer your employee to another department, do not send unscrupulous and unqualified employees there - after all, they will judge you and your department as a whole by him. Remember, it may happen that you will be treated in the same immoral way.

6. Don't be biased towards your colleagues. As much as possible, discard prejudices and gossip when communicating with them.

7. Call your interlocutors by name and try to do this more often.

8. Smile, be friendly and use a variety of techniques and means to show a kind attitude towards your interlocutor. Remember - what goes around comes around.

9. Don't make promises you can't keep. Do not exaggerate your importance and business opportunities. If they don't come true, you will be uncomfortable, even if there were objective reasons for this.

10. Don’t get into a person’s soul. At work, it is not customary to ask about personal matters, much less problems.

11. Try to listen not to yourself, but to others.

12. Don’t try to seem better, smarter, more interesting than you really are. Sooner or later it will come out and fall into place.

13. Send impulses of your sympathy - with a word, a look, a gesture, let the participant in the conversation understand that you are interested in him. Smile, look straight into the eyes.

14. View your colleague as a person to be respected in his own right, and not as a means to achieve your own goals 9 .

Most of the above recommendations, norms and principles of business communication ethics are widely accepted and fairly standard. However, in real life Many situations of business communication and behavior are very contradictory and are not easy to qualify from the point of view of “moral-immoral”, “right-wrong”. It's all up to you. And yet I would like to highlight once again structure-forming components of business ethics :

1. Honesty and integrity in business communications. Deception cannot serve as the basis of a normal economic process. Every entrepreneur is tempted to be a little less ethical than his competitors - not so much that he goes beyond the limits. moral code, but enough to gain advantages and remain competitive. An entrepreneur has to balance on the brink of what is morally and legally permissible. Reputation is expensive not only in monetary terms, but also in social and psychological dimensions.

2. Liberty. Respect for freedom should be considered the highest virtue. Everyone should value the freedom not only of their own actions, but also of their partner, competitor, which is expressed in the inadmissibility of interference in their affairs or infringement of their interests. The principle of freedom becomes one of the fundamental ones in relationships with subordinates. Competent employees are usually free and independent in solving problems and take pride in their activities.

3. Conflict-free communication(We will consider this topic separately, devoting an entire section to it). This component assumes:

Tolerance for the weaknesses and shortcomings of partners, clients, and subordinates. Tolerance creates mutual trust, understanding and frankness, and also helps to “extinguish” conflict situations in their very bud. You should develop a sense of self-control of emotions, develop the habit of restraining yourself and not losing your composure;
- tactfulness is, first of all, an orientation towards humanity and nobility, attentiveness and courtesy. To be tactful means in any situation to recognize your subordinate, partner or client as a valuable human person, taking into account her gender, age, nationality, temperament, etc.;
- delicacy - a sensitive, subtle attitude towards colleagues, subordinates, partners, and their feelings. Delicacy is a special form of manifestation of correctness and sincerity in communication, characteristic only of highly professional managers and entrepreneurs. It helps solve business problems with the least moral and psychological costs.

4. Justice- Objective assessment personal and business qualities partners, clients, subordinates, recognition of their individuality, openness to criticism, self-criticism. Injustice towards subordinates and colleagues with better abilities leads to a loss of respect and the transformation of the leader's power from actual to nominal.

Ethical rules and regulations establish generally accepted criteria for “right” and “wrong” behavior. Just like rituals, ethical standards have been developed by humanity in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and find mutual understanding for survival and comfortable well-being. “Correct” behavior is socially approved and guarantees a person’s acceptance by others and the provision of help and support. Society punishes “wrong” behavior with indifference, isolation, refusal of help, contempt, and ridicule.

Violation of ethics can occur either from ignorance of generally accepted norms, bad upbringing, or a fundamental violation of them. In the latter case, this type puts himself outside the rules and is not socially approved.

To increase the level of ethical behavior of managers and employees, organizations are currently developing ethical codes, describing the system of general values ​​and rules of ethics of the organization that employees must adhere to. They are necessary to describe the goals of the organization, create a sound ethical atmosphere and define ethical guidelines in the decision-making process. A code of ethics can be developed for the organization as a whole. It can also be created for certain functional units in order to solve specific ethical problems.

See Appendix: Open Code of Business Ethics joint stock company“Russian Railways”, approved by the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways on November 16, 2006.

Codes clarify what personal qualities employees should have; principles of interaction “superior - subordinate”, principles of interaction with external organizations; positions of organization representatives during negotiations; features of the activities of employees in other states; use of proprietary information by employees of the organization and much more.

For the rules of the code of ethics to be valid, they must actually meet the following requirements:
- they should be somewhat higher than existing practice, orient employees towards something more than is currently accepted, while remaining feasible for execution;

Deviation from their execution by someone should be actually visible and easily assessed by others, i.e. the rules must be such that their violation is immediately recorded.

It should be noted that the complexity of professional activity is always associated with high professional responsibility of employees. In this regard, not only the role of technological and labor discipline, but the importance of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the work team is also increasing 10.

In achieving a moral effect in the communication of employees, the moral behavior of their leader is of leading importance. The advice of N. Machiavelli is well known when he taught that the relationship between the people and the sovereign is never unambiguous, because love for him rarely coexists with fear of him, and therefore it is better for a wise sovereign to rely on the fear of people. For this statement he has the following justification: “... they love sovereigns at their own discretion, and they are afraid - at the discretion of sovereigns...”. Psychologically, it is difficult to disagree with the author of the above words, but from an ethical point of view, this is a civilized solution to the problem. Any government requires morally healthy relationships between those in power and those who carry out their decisions. “The most important capital of a nation,” wrote N.G. Chernyshevsky, “is the moral qualities of the people.”

The choice of behavior and methods of communication is often determined by the presence of heterogeneous situational factors and personality characteristics. To demonstrate the complex of moral dilemmas that await a business person in communication, we will use the following test. After passing the test “Assessing the level of ethics of an organization” 11, determine your value system in the following situations, using the following code: completely agree - SS; agree with; I don’t agree - NS, I completely disagree - SNS.

Ethical standards of communication

The ability to quickly and correctly determine nationality - psychological

type your interlocutor, then establishing a trusting relationship and successfully interacting with him will not be difficult for you. Knowing the characteristics of each psychological type, you will be able to control the course of the conversation and reduce the risk of a conflict situation.

Psychology of business communication – component complex psychological sciences, it is based on the basic categories and principles developed by general psychology.

The most important principles that guide general psychology and all its branches are the following:

The principle of causality, determinism, i.e. recognition of the relationship and interdependence of mental phenomena with both other and material phenomena;

The principle of consistency, i.e. interpretation of individual mental phenomena as elements of an integral mental organization;

Principle of development, recognition of transformation, change mental processes, their dynamics, transition from one level to another.

Based on the analysis of the psychology of the personality of the work group, the norms of business ethics, national psychological types solve two main interrelated problems:

Mastery of psychological diagnostic methods and description techniques psychological states subjects of production activities, individual workers, managers, working groups;

Developing skills and abilities to change the psychological states of a particular subject through the use of special psychological technologies.

Ethics (from the Greek ethos - custom, disposition) - the doctrine of morality, morality. The term “ethics” was first used by Aristotle (384–322 BC) to denote practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we must do in order to perform the right, moral actions.

Morality (from the Latin moralis - moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by man. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation of social relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life - family, everyday life, politics, science, work, etc.

In a traditional society (a society of “mechanical solidarity” according to Emile Durkheim), based on a common social life, collective ideas, mythological consciousness and interpersonal relationships, the main mechanism of business communication is ritual, tradition and custom. They are consistent with the norms, values ​​and standards of ethical business communication.

This nature of the ethics of business communication is found already in Ancient India. All human behavior and communication, including in the business sphere, are subordinated here to higher (religious) values. The above is also typical for traditional Buddhist teachings.

The primary role is given to the ethical norms of ritual and custom in business communication and ancient Chinese society. It is no coincidence that the famous Confucius (551–479 BC) puts duty, justice, and virtue in first place in relations between people, subordinating profit and benefit to them, although he does not oppose them to each other.

As in the East, in Western Europe of ancient times, great attention is paid to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication, and their influence on the efficiency of business is constantly emphasized. So, already Socrates (470 - 399 BC) says that “whoever knows how to deal with people manages both private and general affairs well, and whoever does not know how, makes mistakes here and there.”

However, unlike the Eastern, Western European, especially

Christian cultural tradition is more pragmatic. Economic, material interest comes to the fore here, and at the same time, much attention is paid to the status nature of communication. At the same time, the status of the superior is considered as more privileged than that of the subordinate. Hence, ethical norms, such as justice, goodness, goodness, etc., are filled with economic content and also acquire a status character. The criterion of morality in business communication moves to the economic sphere. Therefore, a person with a “market character” (as defined by Erich Fromm) is constantly in a state of contradiction and is characterized by a split consciousness.

An attempt to overcome this contradiction in moral consciousness was made within the framework of Protestantism during the Reformation in the 16th–17th centuries. Protestantism has contributed a lot of positive things to the ethics of business communication and has achieved certain successes in its establishment.

In the era of “wild capitalism” (Western Europe, the USA in the 19th - mid-20th centuries), the thirst for profit began to come to the fore in the ethics of business communication and, in particular, business conversation.

In modern developed countries, compliance with ethical standards in business communication and during business conversations is recognized as important not only from the point of view of the responsibility of businessmen to society and themselves, but also necessary for production efficiency. In this case, ethics is seen not only as a necessary moral imperative of behavior, but also as a means (tool) to help increase profitability, strengthen business ties and improve business communication.

Communication is the process of communication and interaction of public entities: social groups, communities or individuals in which information, experience, abilities and performance results are exchanged. The specificity of business communication is due to the fact that it arises on the basis and

regarding a specific type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. His distinguishing feature– it does not have a self-sufficient meaning, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve some other goals. In market conditions, this is, first of all, obtaining maximum profit. Practice shows that in any business, success is more than 50% dependent on the ability to establish contacts and properly build business communication.

Business ethics is also a system of knowledge about labor and professional morality, its history and practice; about how people are used to relating to their work, what meaning they attach to it, what place it occupies in their lives, how relationships develop between people in the process of work, what inclinations and ideals ensure effective work, and what interfere with it.

Business people all over the world have a strict concept of business ethics and commitment. Abroad, partners who have been proven over the years are highly valued, but newcomers are scrutinized with suspicion, often crossing out from their notebooks the names of those who did not behave according to the rules from the first meeting. Therefore, newly-minted entrepreneurs, who with all their behavior violate the elementary foundations of business ethics, cannot hope for success.

Ethics and etiquette of business relations require that the manager has the following qualities:

Ability to coordinate;

Decisiveness and justified compliance;

Demandingness towards oneself and others;

Ability to work in a stressful environment.

Business relationship - this is one of the types of social relations, such as the relationship between partners, colleagues and even competitors, that arises in the process joint activities in the market and in the team.

At the level of business relationships in a business, employees must be

focused on the partner, on the consumer, which increases interest in the work. In order to successfully carry out any enterprise (conclude a deal), you should strive to understand your business partner. In business relationships, you need to be the master of the situation, take the initiative and responsibility. Participants in business relationships have the opportunity to influence each other’s knowledge, skills, relationships, and feelings. In the research of Professor B.F. Lomov, who paid quite a lot of attention to the aspects of the socio-psychological phenomenon of communication, clearly presented the idea: when we study the lifestyle of a particular individual, we cannot limit ourselves to analyzing only what and how he does, we must also examine with whom and how he communicates. This knowledge of a communication partner is no less important in professional life than in everyday life. That is, the sphere of business relations can reveal the essence of our partner, as well as a business competitor. Business relationships involve many aspects, including communication.

Communication - This is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

Ethical principles - a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

Ethical standards - a system of shared values ​​and ethical rules that an organization requires its employees to observe.

Psychological norms and principles contain the necessary list of psychological characteristics of a business person.

Principles of ethics in business communication is a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

There are six basic ethical principles of business


1. Punctuality (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all work assignments. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work. Violation of this principle is considered disrespect for the recipient, which may affect the course of the subsequent conversation.

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much). Secrets of an institution, corporation, or specific transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. You should not retell to anyone what you have heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3. Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, clients, customers and co-workers politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Consideration for others (think about others, not just yourself) should apply to co-workers, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have a particular point of view.

Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is

fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. It is necessary to look your best, that is, dress with taste, choosing a color scheme that suits your face. Carefully selected accessories are of great importance.

6. Literacy (speak and write good language). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names must be conveyed without errors. You cannot use swear words; Even if you just quote the words of another person, those around you will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

These principles are present to varying degrees and recognized as valid in various business cultures. The fundamental principles in the business world are: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business.

The ethics of business communication should be taken into account in its various manifestations: in the relationship between the enterprise and social environment; between enterprises; within one enterprise - between a manager and subordinates, between a subordinate and a manager, between people of the same status. There are specifics between the parties to one or another type of business communication. The task is to formulate principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each of its types, but also would not contradict the general moral principles of human behavior. At the same time, they should serve as a reliable tool for coordinating the activities of people involved in business communication.

The general moral principle of human communication is contained in the categorical imperative of I. Kant: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation.” In relation to business communication, the basic ethical principle can be formulated as follows: in business communication, when making decisions about

When deciding which values ​​should be preferred in a given situation, act in such a way that the maxim of your will is compatible with the moral values ​​of the other parties involved in communication, and allows for the coordination of the interests of all parties.

Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be coordination, and, if possible, harmonization of interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals. Therefore, business communication must be constantly checked by ethical reflection, justifying the motives for entering into it. At the same time, making an ethically correct choice and making an individual decision is often not an easy task. Market relations provide freedom of choice, but at the same time increase the number of decision options and give rise to a set of moral dilemmas that await business people at every step in the process of their activities and communication.

Despite all the problematic nature and difficulty of choosing a moral position, there are a number of provisions in communication, following which you can greatly facilitate it, increase its effectiveness and avoid mistakes in the process of interaction with others in business. Remember, that:

There is no morality absolute truth and the highest judge among men.

When it comes to the ethical failures of others, one should not make “moral elephants” out of “moral flies.”

When it comes to your mistakes, you should do the opposite.

In morality, one should praise others and make claims against oneself.

The moral attitude of others towards us ultimately depends only on ourselves.

When it comes to the practical approval of moral standards, the main imperative of behavior is: “start with yourself.”

Particular attention should be paid to the golden rule of communication ethics: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” IN

in the negative form in the formulation of Confucius, it says: “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” This rule also applies to business communication, but in relation to its individual types: “top-down” (manager – subordinate), “bottom-up” (subordinate – manager), “horizontally” (employee – employee) requires specification.

Ethics of business communication “top-down”. In business communication “from top to bottom,” i.e., in relation to a manager to a subordinate, the golden rule of ethics can be formulated as follows: “Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by a manager.” The art and success of business communication are largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that a manager uses in relation to his subordinates. By norms and principles we mean what behavior in the workplace is ethically acceptable and what is not. These norms relate, first of all, to how and on what basis orders are given in the management process, how the official discipline that determines business communication is expressed. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a manager and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable and morally unprotected in the team. The attitude of a manager towards his subordinates influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines its moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that moral standards and patterns of behavior are primarily formed. Let's note some of them.

Strive to transform your organization into a cohesive team with high moral standards of communication. Involve employees in the organization's goals. A person will only feel morally and psychologically comfortable when he identifies with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who they are.

If problems or difficulties arise related to

dishonesty, the manager should find out its reasons. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate with his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on the strengths of his personality.

If an employee does not follow your instructions, you need to let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may think that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager has not made an appropriate remark to the subordinate, then he is simply not fulfilling his duties and is acting unethically.

A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Collect all information about this case. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task; perhaps he will cite facts unknown to you. Make your comments one on one: the person's dignity and feelings must be respected.

Criticize actions and actions, not the person's personality.

Ethics of business communication “bottom-up”. In business communication “from bottom to top,” i.e., in relation to a subordinate to his boss, the general ethical rule of behavior can be formulated as follows: “Treat your boss the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates.”

Knowing how you should approach and treat your leader is no less important than what moral requirements you should make of your subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a “common language” with both the boss and subordinates. Using certain ethical standards, you can attract a leader to your side, make him an ally, but you can also turn him against you, make him your ill-wisher.

Here are some essential ethical standards and principles that you can use in your business communication with your manager.

Try to help the manager in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team, strengthening fair

relationships. Remember that your manager needs this first.

Do not try to impose your point of view on the manager or command him. Make your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely. You cannot directly order him to do anything, but you can say: “How would you feel about...?” etc.

If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then the manager must be informed about it. In case of trouble, try to help ease the way out of this situation and offer your solution.

Do not talk to your boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always says yes becomes annoying and comes across as a flatterer. A person who always says “no” is a constant irritant.

Be loyal and reliable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own principles and character. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon; his actions cannot be foreseen.

You should not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. “over your head”, directly to your manager’s manager, except in emergency cases. Otherwise, your behavior may be regarded as disrespect or disregard for the opinion of your immediate superior or as doubting his competence. In any case, your manager loses authority and dignity.

Ethics of business communication “horizontally”. The general ethical principle of communication “horizontally,” that is, between colleagues (managers or ordinary members of the group), can be formulated as follows: “In business communication, treat your colleague the way you would like him to treat you.” If you find it difficult how to behave in a particular situation, put yourself in the shoes of your colleague.

In relation to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult matter. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within one enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the general management team. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal to each other.

Here are some principles of ethical business communication between colleagues.

Do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from another.

Try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in performing common work.

If your responsibilities overlap with those of your colleagues, this is a very dangerous situation. If the manager does not differentiate your duties and responsibilities from others, try to do it yourself.

In relationships between colleagues from other departments, you should be responsible for your department yourself, and not place the blame on your subordinates.

If you are asked to temporarily transfer your employee to another department, do not send unscrupulous and unqualified employees there - after all, they will judge you and your department as a whole by him. Remember, it may happen that you will be treated in the same immoral way.

Ethical standards are the values ​​and rules of ethics that employees of an organization must adhere to in their activities. The rules provide for rights, duties and liability for failure to fulfill duties or exceeding rights. Ethical standards act as a regulator of business relations. Universal ethical standards represent requirements for communication that are inextricably linked with the recognition of the uniqueness and value of each individual: politeness, correctness,

tact, modesty, accuracy, courtesy.

Politeness - This is an expression of respect for other people, their dignity, manifested in greetings and wishes, in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions and gestures. The opposite of politeness is rudeness. Rude relationships are not only an indicator of low culture, but also an economic category. It is estimated that as a result of rude treatment, employees lose on average about 17% in productivity.

Correctness - the ability to maintain oneself within the bounds of decency in any situation, especially conflict situations. Correct behavior is especially important in disputes, during which the search for truth is carried out, new constructive ideas appear, opinions and beliefs are tested.

Tact is also one of the important components of the culture of business communication. A sense of tact is, first of all, a sense of proportion, a sense of boundaries in communication, the violation of which can offend a person and put him in an awkward position. Remarks about appearance or action, sympathy expressed in the presence of others about the intimate side of a person’s life, etc.

Modesty in communication means restraint in assessments, respect for the tastes and affections of other people. The opposites of modesty are arrogance, swagger, and posturing.

Accuracy also has great importance for the success of business relationships. Without the exact fulfillment of promises made and obligations taken in any form of life, it is difficult to conduct business. Inaccuracy often borders on immoral behavior - deception, lies.

Courtesy - This is the desire to be the first to be kind, to save another person from inconvenience and trouble.

Ethical standards of official relations are based on universal human values, norms and rules of behavior, but have some features.
Business ethics in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of an organization in the field of management and entrepreneurship.

It includes elements of a different order: an ethical assessment of both the internal and external policies of the organization as a whole; moral principles of organization members: professional morality; moral climate of the team; business ethics standards are ritual external norms of behavior.
The level of moral development of both an individual and an organization as a whole is currently determined by an orientation towards the universal principles of justice, equality of human rights and respect for human dignity that emerged in the 20th century; the principle of goodness is the power of life.
Based on this, the organization is required to solve such social problems: improving the quality of life of employees, protecting the environment; charity. Common basis professional ethics is an understanding of work as moral value in contrast to the ancient idea of ​​labor as a measure of punishment, a curse.

Labor becomes a moral value if it is perceived not as a source of existence, but as a way of forming human dignity. Individual morality in the professional sphere also presupposes an awareness of professional duty. Achieving success in any profession is associated with the definition of self-restraint, without which professional realization of the individual is impossible and is expressed in the desire to develop in oneself such qualities as discipline, organization, efficiency, accuracy, and perseverance. Organizational leaders are responsible for realizing the professional capabilities of employees, their careers, and therefore for their social status and ethical standards of behavior.

For a personnel manager, the moral and business qualities of people are the object of professional activity. They should contribute to the development of the following qualities in their employees:
professional - professional level of knowledge, skills, abilities, knowledge of foreign languages;
moral and psychological as professional - determination, endurance, honesty, adherence to principles, exactingness;
moral - kindness, humanity, dignity, respect for others, decency, courage, honesty, justice.

The administration needs to know what ethical standards exist in the team. The work of the organization depends on their quality. The main task is to ensure that employees are not perceived as labor, but as an individual, with the same rights and dignity as managers, and labor relations were formed as a partnership. Labor relations require mental, physical and spiritual strength from a person. Many managers do not take into account the state of mind of their employees. In such cases, the employee cannot work long and effectively. All transnational corporations in the world pay great attention to issues of business ethics, and this is no coincidence, since corporate morals allows you to strengthen self-organization and self-discipline of employees.

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in Orsk

Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy and Law

Direction: "Psychology"


By discipline: " Professional ethics»

Topic: “Ethical standards in the activities of organizations”

Completed by: Rodvalt L.G.

Checked: _____________


1. The essence of ethical standards of behavior

2. Business ethics

3. Ethical standards in the activities of organizations




Communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness or incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating with other people, each person, one way or another, consciously or spontaneously relies on these ideas.

Depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he puts into them, and to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can make communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, so and make this communication difficult or even impossible. Therefore, it is important for every person to study ethical standards of behavior and their characteristics in various spheres of life.

The ethical component of behavior is the subject special attention, since it reflects the moral and motivational sphere of a person, which is the highest manifestation of human essence and main value. According to many, in our country, in connection with Russia’s transition to building market economic relations, problems associated with moral regulation in social relations and in organizational behavior have become particularly acute, which makes the study of the content and role of ethical standards especially relevant.

1. The essence of ethical standards of behavior

Ethics (from the Greek ethos - custom, custom) - the doctrine of morality, morality. The term “ethics” was first used by Aristotle to denote practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we should do in order to perform the right, moral actions.

Morality (from the Latin moralis - moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by man. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation of social relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life - family, everyday life, politics, science, work, etc. The most important categories of ethics are: “good”, “evil”, “justice”, “good”, “responsibility”, “duty”, “conscience”, etc.

In practice social development the peculiarity of morality was expressed in the “golden rule of morality”, which states: “(Do not) act towards others as you would (not) want others to act towards you.” The golden rule of morality arose in the middle of the first millennium BC and its emergence is associated with the humanistic revolution that during this period took place in the largest regions that acted as centers of world civilizations (ancient Chinese, ancient Indian, ancient Greek, ancient Semitic) in strikingly similar formulations. The golden rule of morality requires a person to be guided in his life by such norms that could be applied to himself, in relation to which he could want other people to be guided by them in relation to me.

Moral norms receive their ideological expression in general ideas, commandments, and principles about how one should behave. Morality always presupposes the presence of a certain moral ideal, a role model, the content and meaning of which change in historical time and social space, i.e. in different historical eras and among different peoples. However, in morality, what should be should not always coincide with what exists, with actually existing morality, with actual norms of human behavior. Moreover, throughout the development of moral consciousness, the internal core and structure of its changes is the “contradictory and tense relationship between the concepts of what is and what should be.”

This contradiction between what should be and what is is contains the contradictory essence of motivation for communication (including business communication and human behavior). On the one hand, he strives to behave in a morally appropriate manner, and on the other hand, he needs to satisfy his needs, the implementation of which is very often associated with a violation of moral norms.

This internal conflict between a sublime ideal and practical calculation, moral duty and immediate desire exists always and in all spheres of life.

Morality can be defined as:

1) the dominance of reason over affects;

2) striving for the highest good;

3) good will and unselfish motives;

4) the ability to cooperate and live together with other people in society;

5) humanity in relationships;

6) free will (autonomy);

7) reciprocity of relationships, expressed in the golden rule of morality.

All these aspects are closely interconnected. The multifaceted nature of morality as a phenomenon of individual and social life results in the polysemy of the concept of morality. Many existing definitions of morality are one-sided if they do not take into account any of these aspects.

Thus, the regulation of relations between people in the process of communication occurs with the help of ethical standards. Ethics in a broad sense is understood as a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in the process of social life. These norms are implemented in the relationship of people to each other and society as a whole. Ethical standards are based on general rules of behavior developed by people in the process of living together.

2. Business Ethics

business ethics morality norm

Ethics in business relations is one of the spheres of public life. Currently, the ethics of business communication is an applied science that studies the factors of formation and manifestation in the business sphere of certain moral criteria, norms, moral parameters in the relations between producers and consumers, employees and management of companies, traders and customers, companies and society, and the state.

The relationship between ethics in a broad sense and business ethics can be traced through the logical sequence of individual problems of people's perception of each other. A favorable basis for acquaintance and for further relationships is largely laid by the first moments of meeting. In this regard, a significant role is played appearance, its suitability to the situation, which demonstrates respect for the other person. An important role in this case is played by such a seemingly trivial detail as the ethics of greeting, shaking hands and introducing a person to a person. These initial nuances of relationships are important in both everyday and business life.

To establish pleasant and useful business relationships, you must be able to interest a person with your clear and at the same time figurative statements, attention to the essence of the issue. These problems are solved by practicing rhetoric skills, which are important both in Everyday life as well as in business relationships. These skills should be embodied in special rules for preparing and conducting a conversation, since we are faced with the need to use them everywhere. Achieving the desired result of the conversation, and in the correct form, is an important condition, both in everyday and business communication.

A private conversation option is a telephone conversation. General rules ethics (such as, for example, politeness, attentiveness to the interlocutor, the ability to direct a conversation, etc.) are supplemented in this case with some rules determined by the specifics telephone conversation. Using these rules will allow you to create a mutually positive impression on your interlocutors, regardless of what kind of conversation took place - personal or business.

Conducting any conversations includes the opportunity to express critical comments or judgments. General and corporate ethics of critical comments addressed to someone contain similar rules, which, in turn, are based on the main norms of ethical relationships.

So, almost all areas of business ethics have rules that apply to the ethics of conduct in a broad sense. In addition, without exception, all areas of business ethics are based on fundamental ethical standards. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, understanding the interests and motives of behavior of others, social responsibility for their psychological security, etc.

The very formulation of the question about the moral component of organizational activity is associated with the problem of survival in competition and commercial success while observing moral and ethical standards.

The work of the American sociologist L. Hosmer formulated modern ethical principles of business behavior, based on the axioms of world philosophical thought, which have passed centuries of testing by theory and practice.

There are ten such principles and, accordingly, axioms:

1. Never do anything that is not in your long-term interests or the interests of your company (the principle is based on the teachings of ancient Greek philosophers, in particular Protagoras, about personal interests combined with the interests of other people, and the difference between long-term and short-term interests).

2. Never do anything that cannot be said to be truly honest, open and true, which could be proudly announced throughout the country in the press and on television (the principle is based on the views of Aristotle and Plato on personal virtues - honesty, openness, moderation, etc.).

3. Never do anything that is not good, that does not contribute to the formation of a sense of comradeship, since we all work for one common goal (the principle is based on the commandments of world religions (St. Augustine), calling for kindness and compassion).

4. Never do anything that violates the law, because the law represents the minimum moral standards of society (the principle is based on the teachings of T. Hobbes and J. Locke about the role of the state as an arbiter in competition between people for the good).

5. Never do anything that does not lead to greater good than harm to the society in which you live - the principle is based on the ethics of utilitarianism (the practical benefits of moral behavior, developed by I. Bentham and J. S. Mill).

6. Never do anything that you would not like to recommend to others who find themselves in a similar situation (the principle is based on the categorical imperative of I. Kant, which declares the famous rule about a universal, universal norm).

7. Never do anything that infringes on the established rights of others (the principle is based on the views of J. J. Rousseau and T. Jefferson on individual rights).

8. Always act in a manner that maximizes profits within the limits of the law, market requirements and full consideration of costs. For the maximum profit, subject to these conditions, indicates the greatest production efficiency (the principle is based on the economic theory of A. Smith and the teachings of V. Pareto on the optimal transaction).

9. Never do anything that could harm the weakest in our society (the principle is based on Rawls's rule of distributive justice);

10. Never do anything that would interfere with another person’s right to self-development and self-realization (the principle is based on Nozick’s theory of expanding the degree of individual freedom necessary for the development of society).

These principles are present to varying degrees and recognized as valid in various business cultures.

One of the most important steps In this direction, one can consider the Co Declaration - “Business Principles” adopted in 1994 in the Swiss city of Caux. The Declaration attempted to unite the foundations of Eastern and Western business cultures; its initiators were the leaders of the largest national and transnational corporations in the United States, Western Europe and Japan.

The preamble to the Principles of Business states, in part: “Laws and driving forces markets are a necessary but not sufficient guide to action. The fundamental principles are: responsibility for policies and actions in business, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business. Shared values, including a commitment to promoting shared prosperity, are as important to the global community as they are to smaller communities.”

The following are identified as the main principles of international business:

* business responsibility: from the benefit of shareholders to the benefit of its key partners;

* economic and social impact of business: towards progress, justice and global community;

* business ethics: from the letter of the law to the spirit of trust;

* respect legal norms;

* support for multilateral trade relations;

* taking care of environment;

* refusal of illegal actions.

These principles determine the nature of the relationship between macro-subjects of the social and economic structures of society - organizations, the state, society as a whole. The macro-level approach is especially significant for an economy in transition, in which the main economic institutions are undergoing a transformation. Failure to comply with ethical principles at the macro level, as a rule, leads to useless efforts to solve private ethical problems at the level of the workforce.

Based on universal human norms and rules of behavior, ethical standards of official relations have some distinctive features. Let's look at them.

3. Ethical standards in the activities of the organization

Employers are paying increasing attention to issues of ethics in corporate and personal relationships when selecting and hiring personnel, as well as in the process of employees directly performing their professional roles. At the same time, the concept of “professional role” includes not only the ability to perform job duties, but also the skills of relationships with the external environment (colleagues, management, subordinates, clients, partners, etc.) in the process of implementing professional tasks or functions fixed for a specific position .

Ethical standards in organizations are the values ​​and rules of ethics that employees of the organization must adhere to in their activities. The rules contain rights, duties and liability for failure to fulfill duties or exceeding rights.

The rules prohibit discrimination on the following grounds: race; language; color of the skin; religion; floor; sexual orientation; age; nationality; disability; work experience; beliefs; party affiliation; education; social background; property status, etc.

The following are also prohibited:

* sexual harassment; making fun of workers;

* racial and religious contempt;

* remarks, jokes and other actions that create an aggressive environment in the workplace;

* threats, rudeness, violence;

* use, sale of drugs;

* appearing at work in an alcoholic, narcotic or toxic state;

* loss or theft of organization property;

* incorrect, ineffective use of the organization’s property;

* disclosure of information that is an official or commercial secret;

* storage of personal materials in the workplace;

* refusal to inspect their workplace and the information used by personnel services employees;

* usage Supplies and means of communication of the organization for personal purposes;

* transfer of inaccurate, distorted information to the administration;

* deception by inflating your expenses, for example, on travel, food, accommodation, and other expenses;

* deception of state and government bodies, external organizations;

* false statements on behalf of the organization;

* abuse of power and influence of one’s organization and threats towards another;

* execution of orders that are a violation of the law;

* disparaging statements, humiliation of competitors, their goods and services;

* conversations with outsiders about the terms of contracts and thereby making these terms public;

* conversations with persons not working in the organization about inventions used in organizations, about production plans, about market research, about production capacity, about private information; the use of also unworthy methods and services, such as industrial espionage, illegal entry into someone else's territory, theft, eavesdropping, hiring employees to obtain private information about employees.

The rules of ethics adopted in a particular organization are adopted at a general meeting of the team so that they are perceived by employees as their own. They can be adopted by the administration, but must be approved by the general meeting or conference of workers.

In the conditions of the formation of market relations in the country, compliance with ethical standards in the activities of an organization largely depends on the employer, whose actions in the pursuit of profit are not impeccable; without recognizing the rights of the person being hired, the employer grossly violates them and limits his freedom.

The following may be considered a violation of ethical standards in the actions of an employer:

* non-recognition of the rights of an employee, failure to fulfill one’s direct duties;

* introducing aggressiveness into labor relations;

* maintaining hazardous working conditions;

* low level labor organization;

* refusal to manage discipline;

* fear as the main method of managing the behavior of a hired employee;

* management of hired workers through arbitrariness;

* humiliation of a person’s honor and dignity, his business reputation;

* biased attitude towards a person;

* violation labor legislation and so on.

The means of protecting norms from violation is public opinion. These may also be courts of honor or divisions that deal with conflicts.

Ethics labor relations involves their assessment using such concepts as right - wrong, fair - unfair, humane - inhumane; humanely inhumane, legal - illegal, violates rights - does not violate rights, etc.

Compliance by employees of any organization with the norms and rules of ethical business relations becomes its " business card“and in many cases determines whether an external partner or client will deal with this organization in the future and how effectively their relationship will be built.

The use of norms and rules of ethics in corporate relations is perceived favorably by others in any case, even if a person does not have sufficiently developed skills in applying the rules of ethics. The effect of perception is enhanced many times over if ethical behavior becomes natural and unpretentious. This happens when the rules of ethics are an internal psychological need of a person.

The following are considered generally accepted ethical principles for both organizations and individual leaders:

* “golden rule of a manager” - within the framework of your official position, never allow such actions towards your subordinates, management, clients, etc. that you would not want to see towards yourself;

* advance with trust (favorable conditions are created in the team for making decisions and their implementation, when each person is given maximum trust - in his potential, qualifications, sense of responsibility);

* the right to freedom of official behavior, actions, actions of a manager or ordinary employee of the organization, not only within the framework of the law, but also within the limits that do not violate the freedom of other managers or ordinary employees (freedom that does not limit the freedom of others);

* fairness in ownership/acquisition of powers, responsibility, right to manage resources various types, in determining the timing of work, etc. (to the extent and to the extent that these powers, rights and responsibilities do not concern, do not affect, do not weaken the rights, responsibilities, powers of other managers, and do not go beyond the boundaries of the organization);

* fairness in the transfer of funds and resources, as well as rights, privileges and benefits (the voluntary transfer by a manager of all of the above is considered ethical, unethical is rude pressure on an employee, demands to violate the norms of universal ethics or the law);

* maximum progress (the actions of a manager or an organization as a whole are ethical if they contribute to the development of the organization or its individual parts without violating existing ethical standards);

* the manager’s tolerant attitude towards moral principles rooted in the management of other countries and regions;

* a reasonable combination of individual and collective principles in the work of a manager and in decision-making;

* consistency of impact, since ethical enforcement is primarily based on the use of social psychological methods, which usually require long-term use to obtain the desired result.

General ethical principles of business relationships should be used to develop any organization and managers of their own ethical systems.

Thus, compliance with the ethics of business relations is one of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole.


Thus, the ethical component of behavior is based on general rules of behavior developed by people in the process of joint life activities. Ethics in a broad sense is understood as a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in the process of social life.

One of the directions of shaping the moral climate in the country is giving moral norms an indirect indirect form - translation into the language of procedures and technologies. It is important to adopt professional codes, create ethical committees, and develop applied ethics. Ethical codes act in the form of normative ethics, designed to ensure the responsibility of the individual both within the community to which he belongs and to humanity as a whole. The positive significance of ethical codes lies, firstly, in the fact that they attract the attention of individuals to their moral status, and secondly, they provide ideas about the value content of ethical theory.

Ethical standards contribute to the normative regulation of social relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life.


1. Bakshtanovsky, V. I. Professional ethics: sociological perspectives / V. I. Bakshtanovsky, Yu. V. Sogomonov // Sociological research. - 2009.

2. Valeev, D.Zh. About models ethical behavior in various fields human activity/ D.J. Valeev // Socialist - humanities. knowledge. - 2008.

3. Kibanov, A. Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: textbook / A. Ya. Kibanov - M.: INFRA-M, 2011.

4. Mikhailina, S. A. Leader and ethical standards of organizational culture / S. A. Mikhailina // Power. - 2008.

5. Perevalov, V. Code of Ethics / V. Perevalov // State Service. - 2010.

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Human communication is based on certain ethical principles, norms and rules. Without their observance, communication will slide down to satisfying one’s own needs, which will lead to the destruction of relationships between people.

The purpose of all ethical norms and rules of conduct is to unite and unite all members of society.

The most important rule of communicating with strong people: you cannot publicly doubt their infallibility.
Jennifer Egan. Citadel

Every person has a need to communicate with others. Some are more sociable, others less so, but for the main two forms of human interaction - friendship and love - communication is necessary. Any human actions always have some kind of framework, boundaries and rules. What norms and rules govern our communication and determine the culture of speech?

The problem of communication ethics

The ethics of speech communication is determined by the culture of speech. Ethics prescribes rules of moral behavior for people, etiquette determines behavior in certain situations and specific formulas of politeness. A person who observes etiquette but violates ethical standards of communication is hypocritical and deceptive. Ethical and highly moral behavior with non-compliance with the rules of etiquette also looks rather strange from the outside and does not inspire confidence.

Thus, the concepts of ethics of speech communication and speech etiquette need to be considered together. Basic ethical principles and moral standards of communication are always considered along with specific rules for conducting a conversation: greeting, request, question, gratitude, farewell, etc. And if almost everyone is familiar with speech etiquette (methods of greeting, gratitude, congratulations, expressing gratitude and sympathy, etc. are familiar to many), then we often forget about ethical principles and norms.

Ethical principles of communication

There is a so-called golden rule of communication, the essence of which is that you should treat others the way you would like to be treated by others. This rule can be extended to any situation. Thus, the following basic ethical principles of communication are considered:

  • altruism (willingness to sacrifice something for another),
    virtue (establishing relationships with others from the standpoint of goodness and goodness),
    exactingness (making demands on oneself and others to fulfill a moral duty, responsibility),
    parity (equality between people), etc.

    Thanks to goodwill, sincerity and openness, trust arises between people, without which communication is impossible. Communication also reveals the following moral qualities of a person: honesty, truthfulness, kindness, respectful attitude towards others, caring for others, politeness, etc.

    Also, ethical principles of communication affect the content of the speech itself. It must be logical, understandable to both parties, polite, meaningful, truthful and expedient. Everyone decides for themselves whether brevity is the sister of talent. To some, short speech seems unnatural (this depends only on the person’s personal characteristics).

    Types of ethical standards

    Ethical standards of communication can be divided into mandatory and recommended. A mandatory ethical norm is adherence to the principle “Do no harm.” In order not to cause harm to a person through communication, it is important to restrain negative emotions, not to insult another, not to humiliate, not to be rude and not to be jealous.

    Ethical standards are also determined by the motives of communication: