Facades of German style houses of the organization. German style house

Difference between Germany and Italy

Everything that the Germans build is economical, rational and comfortable, and therefore beautiful! Anyone who has been to Germany is probably first of all struck by the impressions of the streets of residential areas of the private sector. Clean, neat, very clear and somehow very new, even if old, they seem to be built from Lego.

Even in beautiful Italy, houses are alive, talking about their history. It is also very clean and there is no dust on the streets, which is hard to believe until you see it for yourself. Next to brand new and freshly renovated buildings, you can see a peeling facade, on which the past, the year before, and the very ancient ones are visible through the top layers of paint, all - different colors. Or suddenly you catch your eye with beautiful hundred-year-old shutters - taparellas... And the plants, which are flooded by the sea, feel free and bloom wildly and joyfully everywhere. In Italy, by comparison, the cleanliness and beauty of houses and yards is very natural and natural.

A peeling patio is not uncommon. Any artist would die of happiness to paint this plaster with a brick and a flowerpot... But in Germany, no matter how you look, you can’t find walls like this ANYWHERE. Love of order is above all. Everything, literally everything, is strictly to the line.

If the Italians, with their seventh sense of harmony, verify the appropriateness of this or that detail of architecture, interior and landscape, then the Germans calculate everything. As the classic says, “Verify harmony with algebra.” The flowers bloom as expected according to the instructions. Only in Germany are even plants amenable to discipline. Whoever designed the small loggias allowed himself too much emotion and love for Gaudi...

The wild, untamed, barbaric plant in the photo allowed itself to grow as it wanted. In the center of Bavaria, in the city of Hitler, it seems to be growing in a free curve! Naive, it only seems so. Even wild grapes ordered. It is pinned to the wall with numerous brackets that support it and keep it framed at the same time. It’s like this everywhere in Germany: both inside and outside houses. For comparison: Italian plants even break out of frames. Do you feel the difference in the discipline-discipline category?

The cleanliness in Italian homes is simply brilliant. In Germany it is sterile. The photos could not be processed. On the streets you really won’t find a single candy wrapper or a single piece of garbage with a microscope. And in the house of every respectable citizen, cleanliness is like in an operating room. At first my Slavic creative soul was touched by this, then tired. And I constantly wanted to create at least some kind of artistic chaos. It will always remain a mystery how, with a love for all sorts of little things, souvenirs, coasters and ruffles, one can keep the house in such impeccability. In our country, any life activity gives rise to slight chaos. And chaos is a horror word for the Germans, the antonym of order, almost death.

Conditions for creating a German house

So, is it possible to make your home “a la Germany” here and right now? Well, nothing is impossible under the sun... Only a number of conditions must be met.

The first condition, the second and the third are fanatical accuracy reaching the point of mania. You should be annoyed by a door mat that is not at a ninety-degree angle to the door, but is slightly offset. You cannot go to bed if the dishes in the kitchen are not all wiped with a linen towel and laid out in slender, sparkling rows on the shelves, if the linen is not starched and ironed. Hardworking German women have long resorted to the services of specialists, maintaining order in the house, and at the same time managing to earn no less than their husbands.

The fourth condition is a separate territory. The Germans love individual houses, even if they are located right next to their neighbors, they have their own personal territory. Every true Aryan living in a metropolis works to save up for a hut.

The fifth condition is fences and fences, everything is clearly divided by partitions. This signals to the sentimental soul of the German that the border is locked and order will not spread anywhere. If there are no visible fences, clear lines and strict morals will replace them.

The sixth condition is that everything is very well built and built to last at least for centuries. I deliberately and meticulously peered into every square centimeter of the buildings. And I didn’t find a single dangling curtain, not a single nail head sticking out crookedly. If the boards are knocked down, then they are tightly aligned, the wallpaper is firmly stuck to the wall. Even brick and stone masonry, nothing crumbles and is not on its last legs. If any impudent screw decides to come loose, it is immediately put back in place. The ripped seam is sewn up without leaving a trace. And they rarely break anything, because it was originally made with very high quality. And furniture or equipment is thrown away when it is morally outdated, but still works. This is all “used from Germany” that is picked up and brought to us, ending up in “Everything from Germany” stores.

The seventh condition follows from the sixth and states only high-quality materials. If you are ready to follow these seven points, everything is fine. You may well have a real German house.

Stylistic features

Now we can talk about stylistic features. Form at home is as close to a square as possible. That is, the width and height are equal or almost equal. The foundation is quite high, and ground floor It is customary to veneer it with stone or imitate this cladding. The reason for this is not only beauty criteria. Bavaria and Saxony are prone to flooding. A German-style house must withstand the onslaught of the elements. In Bavaria they like to raise the stonework right up to the roof in the corners, and even in the center of the façade.

Sami walls plastered and painted almost everywhere in light colors. Almost always in shades of milk, less often in pale pastels. As you already noticed, facade must be lined with wood. It could be just a simple lattice, or it could be a real work of art. Wooden parts- always dark, that, and the stonework below makes them look alike. And everything would be like in the army, but! The Germans love to decorate their homes with protruding elements - balconies and bay windows. Bay windows and balconies are always different, they are like a highlight, like a decoration. They are what make the houses individual and unique.

In the right corner of the photo, where there are bay windows and balconies, we have the rare happiness of seeing a fragment of an old, old house. Now he is completely different... Roofs The houses are complex, multi-sloped, with attics and attics. Often an entire apartment fits under the roof itself. Previously, they were covered with fabulously beautiful real ceramic tiles. Today, almost all of it has been replaced with metal tiles. And almost always traditional terracotta colors.

The entrance to the house is always organized by a small ladder- five to seven steps, wooden door with windows and a canopy over it. Entrance doors are indeed quite fragile everywhere. I have not seen iron or armored ones anywhere. Window- rectangular, with a proportion of 2/3, or arched. Partitions traditionally divide a window into six parts. Practical Germans today have replaced almost all traditional ones with plastic ones, with white or still brown frames.

Understand the Germans' love for plants almost impossible. It’s a strange kind of love, but many people like such clarity. Yes, yes, almost always, almost everywhere - red flowers. And in Austria it’s the same. It is not possible to find out exactly why this is so; the secrets are kept under an iron lock. And why bother digging when all the details together create an incredibly calm, cozy atmosphere!

Layout of German houses

A German-style house is primarily rational. Every inch of space should exist with meaning, and not just for the sake of it. Therefore in German house There are no rubble anywhere, no corners that you stumble upon.

It’s a strange thing, no matter how cramped the Slavic “soul is wide open” in the clear confines of a German home, this soul gradually gets used to the convenience, comfort and ergonomics of every inch. He begins to understand the expediency that always guides the Germans. And when you return home, and chaos covers you from the first kilometers native land, you understand that this is somehow not very cool. And then for a long time you organize, organize and organize everything in your life, until the boundaries are erased and spiritual comfort comes. So the lifestyle that a German-style house is subject to is not the worst in the world.

It’s really nice to live in a house like the one in the photo. You planned everything well, thought it through and did a great job. And now no unpleasant surprises await you. Everything is provided: comfort, stability and tranquility. This is what you can feel living in such a house.

Projects of German houses are especially popular among private customers. The catalog contains more than 60 ready-made solutions for construction, among which there are examples, both traditional in style and in a more modern interpretation. The most attractive features of such cottages: a strict elegant appearance and rational planning decisions.

Architectural features

As in all European countries, German architects were strongly influenced by Italian and later French culture. The practicality of the national character won. A clear, well-recognized appearance of the building has formed, which distinguishes all the projects of German houses and cottages with photos in our catalogue. It is characterized by the following features.

  1. Square or rectangular, with a slight difference in sides, base shape. Clear geometric shapes, emphasized by decorative trim.
  2. Combining additional volumes in one ensemble, acting as multi-level extensions: outbuilding, summer kitchen, swimming pool, garage.
  3. Horizontal remote structures on the upper floors with a terrace and large balconies.
  4. Gable (less often 4) roofs covered with red, cherry, Brown, attics with windows.
  5. Lack of small decor on the facades - classic look form dark beams that form a “cage” and contrast with the light plaster on the walls.

Most architectural projects in Germany bear the legacy of Gothic culture. This is the general tendency of the building upward (towards the sky), acute angular outlines, vertical glazed bay windows and narrow windows.

Various German-style cottages

Modern houses in Germany are built mainly from stone; frame structures are common. They are usually built on several levels; single-story buildings are less common. Among the finished projects, there are several that are popular.

  • Old German brick houses- differ in solid appearance and functionality. Large areas of glazing give the façade a stylish look, and decorative beams on the gables - a tribute to tradition.
  • Cottages with pronounced half-timbered timber- are built from the most different materials. An imitation of intersecting vertical and inclined racks is created using polyurethane foam materials, chipboard, and wood. An example in the catalog is a building made of aerated concrete blocks (No. 53-96).

Clients often ask for a project for a German-style house with an attic - this is a traditional construction method in many areas of Germany, where rational use of each square meter area starting from basements, and ending with the attic space.

Our company has been developing ready-made architectural solutions, including designs for German houses, for more than 15 years. By choosing the option he likes, the customer receives a full package of documentation with working drawings, diagrams and specifications of building materials.

Since ancient times, German architecture has been famous for its beauty and practicality. As in other countries, it has come a long way from the Romanesque and gothic style to high-tech, from castles and half-timbered buildings to ultra-modern buildings. Thanks to its solidity and economy, German architecture has become the epitome of High Quality and rationality. Some elements of ancient houses - for example, half-timbered timber - are still used in the construction of modern buildings. And university students study the works of the famous German designer Ernst Neufert and follow in their works the standards and patterns he found.

House with imitation half-timbered facade

The 20th century was a turning point in the history of Germany in general, and in particular in design and architecture, marking a consistent departure from the classics. With the advent of the Bauhaus school in the 1920s, modernism gradually replaced the rest architectural styles. Architects abandoned ornamentation on the facades and simplified the shape of buildings, subordinating it to function. These principles were reflected in post-war architecture, when designers deliberately avoided any historical analogies and preferred to create “from scratch.” The practicality of the building and its efficiency came first - both during construction and during operation. Architects are actively exploring new materials and technologies to improve energy efficiency and ease of home management. In recent decades, smart home projects using automation and computer technology have increasingly been developed.

The architecture of a private house combines traditional and modern elements: simple form buildings and gable roof appeared in a new interpretation, and zinc, long known in construction roof covering spread to the entire surface of the house. Klaus Schlossen Architekten

1. Distinctive features of a German house

Private architecture in Germany is quite diverse. As in Russia, here you can find both ultra-modern buildings and quite traditional buildings. In addition, throughout the country many cities with old houses, which were reconstructed in connection with the new realities of everyday life. If we talk about newly constructed buildings, most of them are being built according to standard designs.

Many German residents live in individual cottages in small towns, and go to work to the nearest metropolis. There are both single-family houses (Einfamilienhaus) and duplexes (Zweifamilienhaus). Having studied German catalogs of private residential buildings for the middle class, we can note the general principles of designing modern suburban housing in Germany. Practicality, economy, rationality - these features that distinguish all German architecture as a whole lie at the basis of every private project. This approach is manifested in both planning and façade solutions.

The structure of a German house is simple and concise. No frills, no impractical and economically unjustified decorations and architectural elements:

The shape of the houses is close to a square; additional volumes are often added to it. This could be an entrance group forming a balcony on the second floor, or a garage attached to the house or connected to it by a covered terrace;

The building consists of two floors, or one floor with an attic;

The roof is most often gable (sometimes hipped);

There are no turrets in the architecture of the house, but there are bay windows and balconies.

The building plan forms a rectangle. It is complemented by volume entrance group, serving as a balcony on the second floor. Kampa

Project from ABC of Construction. Architect Alexey Kilevnik.

Stylistics modern house relies heavily on the principles inherent in functionalism and minimalism. In contrast to traditional German half-timbered architecture, functionalism presupposes the complete absence of rigid canons and the use of new possibilities of modern building materials. The main attention is paid to the function of a particular element. Form is determined by function, and façade by form.

Similar principles are declared in minimalism. Buildings in this style are usually built according to individual projects, and are more expressive. Simplicity of execution, lack of decor and embellishments, natural materials in decoration, a single color scheme, simple geometric shapes - these are the distinctive features of the style. Special attention focuses on effects associated with natural lighting. Therefore, cottages in this style are characterized by the presence of windows on the entire wall and flat roofs with glass fragments.

All this is reflected in the facade solutions of German houses, among which common features can be identified:

- balconies, terraces, canopies, large roof extensions, which provide a variety of facade solutions that give the building individuality;

The additional volume of the loggia adds expressiveness to the simple building. Juretzka Architekten

- large areas glazing, corner and panoramic windows, double-height glazing;

A large glazing area makes a typical rural house a bright representative of modern private architecture. Landau+Kindelbacher

Lack of decor on the facade;

The use of large undivided planes of a homogeneous material or one color;

Light textured plaster and black wooden planks form an expressive contrast. Drevohaus

Space-planning solutions correspond to the structure of the house and are built according to general principles:

The living room and dining room are usually combined into a single space;

The kitchen is most often not insulated solid partitions, but is separated from the general space by a piece of furniture (bar counter, shelving) or a decorative partition. The absence of partitions and corridors, the combination of several functional areas in one space creates a feeling of spaciousness, saves usable area. As a result, the prerequisites for interesting interior solutions arise;

Single space of kitchen-living room in the interior. Landau+Kindelbacher

The total area of ​​the three main functional areas of the main room (living room + dining room + kitchen) is approximately 40-70 m2;

The entrance block is separated by partitions (hallway, toilet, wardrobe, staircase);

Ground floor plan in typical house. Kampa

The apparent dryness of rectangular spaces is often enriched with rectangular bay windows - both on one floor and double-height;

On the second floor there are traditionally personal apartments (bedrooms, office, bathroom, wardrobe);

All rooms are separated by partitions, most often of a broken shape, for the functional arrangement of furniture, equipment and more. effective use space;

Everything can be found in the building layout character traits German house. Most The first floor is occupied by the combined space of the kitchen, dining room and living room. A single flight of stairs leads to the second floor. The complex shape of the bedroom and bathroom allows you to divide the rooms into functional zones. Drevohaus

To move between floors, a single-flight staircase is often used, and a spacious illuminated staircase hall is arranged on the second floor.

A single-flight staircase leads to the illuminated hall on the second floor. Klaus Schlossen Architekten

2. Construction of a house according to a German project

German practicality and rationality often attracts future homeowners from Russia. Simple and discreet, and at the same time very functional houses in the German style are very popular. How promising foreign projects are and how they take root on Russian soil is clearly demonstrated by the history of the construction of a “German” house by the ABC Construction company.

House project

Cottage project with total area 219 m2, created by a German architectural and construction bureau, interested our potential customer. In 2009, he took photographs of the exterior and interior of an exhibition model in Germany and contacted ABC of Construction with a request to develop an AR (architectural section) and a KR (structural section) and subsequently build a house according to this project.

After studying the photographic materials, our specialists analyzed the architectural and space-planning solutions of the cottage, which the customer liked so much. The cottage, rectangular in plan, is crowned with a traditional gable hip roof. Symmetrical facades attract with their purity and clarity. The French windows of the first and second floors, lined up in one line, add lightness to the end facades with hipped gables. On the second floor, the windows are decorated with metal balcony railings.

Exhibition example of a German house. Corner rustics in the color of white front boards, window and door frames make the facades festive and elegant.

The “business card” of the project is two symmetrically located volumes that adjoin the rear façade and together create U-shaped composition. This is a glass room winter garden, combined with the living room, and a covered terrace, access to which is designed from the dining room. With their proportions and the shape of the roof, the extensions repeat the canopy over the porch of the main entrance and form a small courtyard between them - isolated cozy space for family holidays in the open air.

Distinctive feature planning solution cottage is a light translucent staircase located in the center of the house. This planning “zest” attracted the customer’s attention.

As the main compositional dominant, the staircase conventionally lines the boundaries of the main functional areas: hall, kitchen, dining room, living room, while providing a view of the entire space. Thanks to the light and openwork structures and the wide staircase hatch, the second floor hall is clearly visible and becomes part of the overall volume, visually expanding it.

An openwork staircase located in the center of the building provides a through view of the entire front space.

According to the designers, the staircase is not adjacent to the load-bearing structures and partitions of the building. Like a sculpture, it can be freely walked around from all sides. Thus, the functional object has turned into a kind of core of the house, around which life processes revolve in the literal and figurative sense.

Lightness, airiness and additional volume give the double-height living room space five window openings cut into the truncated gable of the roof. These windows also illuminate the staircase hall on the second floor. This detail makes the interior more diverse, and the façade of the building rich and interesting.

The second floor is an attic, but thanks to the sufficient height of the walls up to the roof slope, the space is cozy and functional. In living areas and bathrooms there are inclined skylights, which not only saturate the space with daylight, but also significantly enliven the interior.

Dormer windows make the second floor space bright and cozy.

History of construction

By various reasons The “German” project was not implemented. But the photos of the cottage attracted our other customer. These design solutions almost fully met his requirements and wishes regarding the organization of the internal space, the composition of the premises and the architecture of the building.

However, the customer wished to make some changes to the design and layout of the building to adapt the project to his needs, Russian climatic conditions and the existing building materials market. The construction process was preceded by a design stage, as a result of which the house underwent a number of changes.

The cold climate required the construction of a warm vestibule, which turned into a covered terrace of the main entrance. For the same reason, they abandoned the stained glass glazing of the winter garden, replacing it with walls with a large window opening. To increase the living space, we had to abandon the second light in the living room. In its place, an office appeared in the attic. For better lighting five windows were combined into a continuous strip block.

Ribbon windows in the attic provide the office with good insolation.

The terrace adjacent to the dining room has also become warm. A home cinema was installed in this room. At the customer’s request, in place of the living room on the first floor, our specialists designed a relaxation room with a steam room, shower room and toilet. A small redevelopment also affected the group of technical rooms.

Standard windows with sill heights of 0.9 m instead of French ones - from floor to ceiling - helped improve the heating technology of the house, which is important in winter. On the second floor, the height of the windows remained the same, but there was a balcony with a wooden fence and an exit from two rooms. A ventilation block lined with stone appeared on the façade of the house - it goes through external wall technical room.

The front façade of the house has undergone changes: the height of the windows on the first floor has been reduced, and a balcony has appeared on the second.

For economic reasons and the aesthetic preferences of the customer, our architects shifted the decorative accents in the exterior of the house. Snow-white rustications and platbands were abandoned, and the expensive dark facing brick of the external walls was replaced with light-colored brick. At the same time, to maintain contrast window frames, frontal boards and drainage systems were made in dark colors. For more reliable operation of the roof with a large number of valleys and ribs, it was decided to replace the metal tiles with bitumen shingles.

Despite all these changes, our designers retained the artistic image of the cottage, the space-planning structure and, of course, main feature interior space - a sculptural staircase in the very center of the house. The construction of the building for this project was carried out by our company in 2010.

The front façade of the house has undergone changes: the height of the windows on the first floor has been reduced, and a balcony has appeared on the second.

We are currently actively cooperating with the German architectural and construction bureau Anke Disterheft. Leading specialists and management of the ABC Construction company often visit Germany, where they exchange experiences with German colleagues, improve their skills, and study new technologies and materials in construction.

We have accumulated a large number of ideas for design and construction country houses based on German standards and technologies. Our office has a lot of original literature on German architecture. If you are interested in the material in this article, we are always waiting for you at the ABC of Construction.

Among all existing architectural trends, the German style attracts strong attention, which is often used in today's construction when decorating the facade parts of a building. This style is characterized by restraint and grace, uncomplicated forms.

Looking at such a facade, there is an unfeigned sense of the fundamental nature of the house and home comfort. The demand for the German style is greatly facilitated by the fact that it can be decorated even on a finished building. Recalling the thrift and meticulousness of the Germans, we can say that to design a facade in the German style it will not be necessary large quantity materials. The German style can be noted as very economical, but at the same time it is known for its rationality and originality of decoration.

Its decorative details are distinguished by their simplicity and restraint. German style should not be used bright colors, statues, intricate jewelry and designs. Rationality will be the main principle. Color palette German style is also quite limited.

How to make a facade in the German style.

How to form a wall and roof in the German style? The figure of the mansion should become classic - square or rectangular. However, some protruding elements will also be quite possible, thanks to which the living space of the building will be increased. The texture of German-style walls should be smooth. Regarding the roof, it is usually formed with a gable roof, the recommended colors are brown. If you intend to copy the German style as accurately as possible on the facade of your own home, then it is better to lay tiles on the roof. The base is decorated with natural stone. German-style attics are rare. Small balconies are considered a replacement option. Taking into account these technological factors, you have the opportunity to add a thoroughbred and representative look to the facade of your home.

Decoration of windows and doors. The conditions in this segment are quite considerable. First of all, you need to remember that the German-style front door is the “highlight” of the facade. She must attract attention and stand out from the general background. German style windows are traditionally rectangular, although in some cases they can be arched. In addition, a distinctive feature will be the formation of multi-section windows, when the glass is connected to each other by numerous jumpers. Additionally, the windows are decorated with wooden shutters, which serve only a decorative function, giving the cottage a lived-in and furnished look.

Types of house facades: Gothic house and half-timbered house.

Half-timbered houses. Half-timbered architecture is a famous style of architecture in Germany. Characteristic feature such buildings will create a vertical frame with longitudinal beams and diagonal braces. It is also characterized by figured beam structures. They are painted in colors that contrast with the shade of the walls, giving the building an impressive and aesthetic appearance. Curved beams in combination with natural stone cladding or plaster look exceptionally aesthetically pleasing on walls.

Gothic houses. Houses that are stylized as Gothic always stand out for their originality. In photographs, such buildings look like real medieval castles. This is facilitated by the cone-shaped roof and vertically elongated windows, which visually make the entire structure taller and more representative. Brick columns complete the image of the Gothic house. They will be needed not just for decoration, but also perform a utilitarian function - they hold the roof of the veranda.

A German-style cottage is fashionable, original, and elegant. Each building will be unique, but at the same time so recognizable!