DIY tire figurines for the garden. Types of tire cars for playgrounds

Decorating a summer cottage is a creative and exciting task. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive sculptures or other ready-made works of art. It is enough to show ingenuity, imagination and perseverance to get beautiful figures from scrap materials. In this article we will look at how to make garden crafts from tires.

Ideas for decorating your garden

Using old tires allows you to decorate the interior of your garden with virtually no investment. The price of the finished product will be negligible, and family budget could be spent, for example, on improving living conditions. So, what can be created from the mentioned material?

Example #1: swan

For all crafts you will need approximately the same list of materials:

And tools:

Instructions for creating a swan:

  1. Draw chalk lines along which the tire should be cut. Do it as shown in the photo or find suitable patterns on the Internet.

  1. Carefully cut the rubber.

  1. Using a grinder, we cut the part that does not yield to the knife.
  2. We turn the product inside out, bending the cut edges.

Advice: if the craft is made for the children's part of the garden, then it is necessary to carefully handle the sharp edges of the cut elements, otherwise the child may be injured by them.

  1. We paint the swan in the desired colors.

Using various patterns, you can get not only swans, but also a wide variety of other garden crafts from car tires.

Example #2: caterpillar

In this option, you don’t even have to cut anything, but you will need a little more materials:

We proceed as follows:

  1. We partially bury the tires in the ground, connecting them with self-tapping screws.
  2. We attach a bar bent in the shape of a mustache on top.
  3. We screw empty cans to the front.
  4. We paint the figure and get a slightly surprised, but quite attractive insect.

Example No. 3: teddy bear

To get a clubfooted beast you will need:

Work progress:

  1. We make holes in the large and small tires using a grinder so that they can be connected with a pipe.
  2. We close the tire holes with pieces of plywood, which we fix with self-tapping screws.
  3. We glue linoleum onto the plywood.
  4. We cut out ears and paws from thick rubber, and then fasten them in the right places.
  5. We place the resulting figure on two small wheels, which will play the role of original legs.
  6. We paint the craft in two layers.

Example #4: giraffe

Not enough exoticism at your dacha? Build a giraffe! For this you will need:

You won't have to work too hard:

  1. Bury the tire halfway into the ground.
  2. We knock down a log and a block of wood with nails into a semblance of a neck and head.
  3. We bury the resulting structure next to the tire.
  4. We cut out the ears from plastic and attach them to the head using nails or glue.
  5. Glue the eyes from the toy onto the face of the resulting animal.
  6. At the back we fix a piece of watering can as a tail.
  7. We use paint to give the craft the appearance of a giraffe.

Example #5: crocodile

A toothy predator will also be able to perfectly decorate your area. For this we use:

Some carpentry skills will be required here:

  1. We cut out the tire, cutting out the body of the crocodile.
  2. We cut out the shapes of the back and abdomen from the boards, fix the slats as spacers as shown in the following photo:

  1. We insert the resulting frame inside the back and secure it with screws.
  2. From below, we fix the belly of the future crocodile in the same way.

  1. We screw plastic teeth into the “mouth”.
  2. Glue the scales.
  3. We insert table tennis balls into the eye sockets.
  4. We paint the craft in a green color.

Practical use of tires

Products made from tires for the garden can, in addition to having a decorative value, also have a practical value.

Here are some options for using them:

  1. Vases for flowers. The tire is cut and turned inside out, after which it is filled with soil and plants.

  1. Swing . Here you can experiment from the banal hanging of a whole product to cutting fancy shapes. (See also article.)

  1. Arrangement sewer wells . Tightness and moisture resistance make tires an excellent cheap material for creating the walls of septic tanks or other similar structures.

  1. Children's sandboxes. To do this, just dig the tire and fill it with sand. The costs are minimal, and the child will already have a place to play.

  1. Steps. If the terrain on your site has a slope, then it can be equipped with tires, which will greatly simplify overcoming it.

  1. Bicycle racks. Bury the tires halfway into the ground next to each other, and you can easily stack your bikes between them.

  1. Fencing. With tires you can easily fence off the desired area and divide its zones.

  1. Sports and game equipment. This could be an obstacle course or just a product dug into the playground that children will happily climb on.


As you can see, you shouldn’t rush to throw away old car tires. With their help country cottage area can be turned into a real amusement park. It could be like decorative crafts in the form of various animals, and completely functional objects.

The main thing is to use your imagination correctly and put some effort into arranging your garden. Below are some solutions to this problem.

The video in this article will provide you with Additional information, which is directly related to the materials presented. Creative thinking and old wheels will allow you to improve your own dacha almost free of charge.

A dacha is not only an area where you need to take care of the beds every day and harvest on time. This is a place that can unleash the owner's creativity. In this article we will talk about what crafts from tires for the garden you can make with your own hands.

There is no point in throwing away such valuable material for various crafts. There are enough options for how they can be disposed of in a mutually beneficial manner. You can not only decorate the yard or make children's corner interesting obstacles, DIY tire garden crafts can also bring practical benefits.

Usefulness of the material

A used car tire in in capable hands can become anything. All you need to do is have a sharp knife and chalk in your hands for marking. You are unlikely to experience a shortage of material, since it accumulates at the tire shop sufficient quantity constantly.

Let's consider positive properties crafts from them:

Price Usually the price of used tires is either very low, or they are simply given away for free.
Time and tool Tools you will need:
  • sharp knife;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • chalk for marking.

The work usually does not take much time, since all crafts are quite simple to make.

Durability of structures The car tire is designed in such a way that it can withstand any weather conditions. The only negative is that it gets very hot in the sun. Therefore, take this circumstance into account when you make products from tires for the garden, for example, furniture and elements for the playground.
Care and service life They require virtually no maintenance; you can simply wash them with soapy water. The service life of such products is quite long.

Tip: before starting work, draw the outlines of the future product on paper and you can immediately begin marking and cutting the tire.

Which garden crafts With your own hands you can make from tires:

  • garden furniture;
  • base for a flower bed;
  • flowerpots;
  • elements for decorating a vegetable garden;
  • multi-level slides for plants;
  • interesting projectiles and obstacles for the playground;
  • swing;
  • low fences.

Making a flower bed

This is perhaps the most common product made from old car tires. You can simply lay it on the ground and cover it with soil on which to plant your favorite ones. We invite you to approach this process creatively.


  • used tire and rim;
  • file;
  • sharp knife;
  • paint of your favorite color.

The instructions below will help you understand the process:

  1. Lay the tire flat and draw the desired shape on it with chalk.
  2. Start cutting along the outline, periodically wetting the knife with water to make the job easier.
  3. Rotate the tire, which is often difficult to do, especially if the tire is made of thick rubber.

Advice: it is better to invite an assistant for this work.

Gradually turning it in a circle, immediately fix the bent elements.

  1. Take soap and a brush and wash the tire well.
  2. Apply paint for exterior use on it, or in the form of a pattern.

If it is assumed that the flowerbed will not have a stand, cover the lower part with plywood or tin, then the earth will not leak out of it. Give it to her interesting view Various additional accessories can be used, for example, old shoes painted in the same color and installed nearby.

When you have some old tires different sizes, you will be able to make a multi-story flower bed. In this case, the top could be an old basin or a large flowerpot.

Before assembling the bookcase, paint the tires in advance, because this will be difficult to do later, and after that assemble the tiers. Also make a bottom for each tire, otherwise the soil will sag. This flowerbed can be used for flowers or for growing strawberries.

Tires laid in a checkerboard pattern will be interesting. A bright and rich color can be obtained after priming the surface and applying paint in two layers.

Practical crafts

Practical garden crafts made from old tires will also be of interest.

Let's consider two options:

  1. Non-slip track-she can become good help in the garden. Thanks to it, you will not have grass on the paths, and protect the tread from falling. In addition, by the time you get to the house, all the dirt will have already fallen off your shoes.

Making them is not difficult - cut off the protectors and nail them or screw them with self-tapping screws to several cross sticks.

  1. Another practical option is reliable country steps that will prevent you from falling down the stairs. The rubber coating will create maximum friction.

Making an ottoman

A cheap and practical option is a garden ottoman made of car tire, which has already served its time. Although they turn out to be somewhat hard and heavy, they are quite simple to make. In order not to have to worry about dragging, choose a place for them on the site in advance.


The use of outdated old items, in particular car tires, allows you to transform your summer cottage. The models presented today are only a small fraction of what can be done from them. Stock up on creativity, patience and invent an original item for your site. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Sometimes for car owners, recycling old tires becomes a real problem. But creative designers know exactly how to solve this problem and offer great amount creative ideas on the use of old tires. This review contains two dozen, but what original and practical ideas they are!

1. Small sandbox

Car tire large diameter can be used to create a mini sandbox for children. To do this, you just need to attach a plywood bottom to the tire and fill it with sand. Also, for convenience, a sandbox can be equipped wooden lid, which will protect its contents from wind and rain.

2. Bedside table

From a small tire, a couple of circles of plywood and wooden legs you can make a wonderful cabinet. To make the product look aesthetically pleasing, wrap the tire tightly with coarse rope and paint the legs in a bright color.

3. Pet bed

A thoroughly washed and neatly trimmed car tire of any diameter will be an excellent basis for creating a comfortable bed for a cat or small dog. Complete the product with a homemade mattress made from a circle of plywood, foam rubber and a cover made of bright fabric.

4. Decorative well

Worn out old tires can be used to create wonderful garden composition in the form of a well. To do this, paint the tires any bright color and attach a circle of plywood to one of the tires. Stack the tires on top of each other so that the one with the plywood bottom ends up last. From wooden planks make a frame for the roof from slate or corrugated board. Place pots of flowers inside the well, and also hang one of the pots on the central beam of the roof.

5. Pouf with a secret

An original ottoman made from old tire, painted in a bright color, with a plywood bottom and a wooden lid that functions as a seat and turns this pouf into a storage system.

6. Flower beds

Unnecessary tires, with a bottom screwed to them and wooden legs, are perfect for creating wonderful flower beds that will become original decoration garden

7. Toy rack

A small wall rack that can easily be made from a scrap tire painted brightly and a few wooden shelves, fits perfectly into the interior of a nursery and is suitable for storing small toys.

8. Path

A path of several car tires dug into the ground and planted with a lawn will become an exquisite decoration of the garden and its practical detail.

9. Hanging pot

A car tire painted in a bright color can be used to create an original hanging planter, which can be used to decorate a door or a tree in the garden.

10. Mirror frame

From a bicycle tire, carefully painted in White color, you will get a very unusual frame for a mirror in the bathroom or hallway.

11. Set

Wonderful furniture set, which consists of four armchairs and a coffee table made from discarded car tires.

Video bonus:

12. Shelves

Small shelves made from pieces of car tires will fit perfectly into the interior of a child’s room or a teenage boy’s room.

13. Table

Charming coffee table with space for storing various small items, made from a car tire with a soft fabric trim and a plywood lid covered with the same fabric, it will fit perfectly into the interior of a women's living room.

14. Stool

Low stool with bright pom-poms, which can be made from one single tire, two circles of plywood and the most ordinary wooden legs, will become a creative detail in any interior.

15. Armchair

Several unnecessary car tires can be used to create a comfortable chair, and a braid of twine will help give it a noble and attractive look.

Video bonus:

16. High table

A chair made from car tire parts.

Car tire parts can be used for transformation wooden frames old chairs. The new chairs are perfect for arranging a summer patio, and will also fit into the interior of a city apartment decorated in an industrial or rustic style.

19. Upgrade steps

To ensure that the stairs to the street remain safe in winter, its steps can be decorated with pieces of rubber cut from unnecessary car tires.

Video bonus:

Especially for those who haven’t found theirs among these ideas yet.

Used car tires do not need to be thrown away. After using them for their intended purpose, you can use the tires to decorate the yard or garden plot. More interesting ideas you can see it in others, but why not try to do the same near your home? After all, the process of making many crafts is very simple.
For this interesting figure, you need to dig one large tire into the ground, up to the middle of the circle. Secure the high part with self-tapping screws in front round log. You need to attach a muzzle to it - a small frame of a tree. Eyes and ears can be cut out from plastic bottle or a piece of linoleum. All that remains is to paint everything yellow and make brown spots.

This figure is made in exactly the same way as the giraffe, only the paint needed is white and black.

To make this you need 2 tires of the same size. Fix them together with self-tapping screws and attach them to the board (base). The elephant's head is a 10 liter plastic canister, ears are ovals from the same canister. The trunk is a piece of old corrugated pipe, the eyes are lids from canisters. Eyelashes can be cut from a plastic bottle. It is better to paint the elephant gray, or you can turn it into a cartoon orange character.

This figure is made from two tires of different sizes connected to each other. The large tire is the body, and the small one is the head. To make the structure more stable than a tire, you can put it on a thin metal rod. You cut out the ears from plastic or linoleum. To cover the circles in the middle of the tires, you can use hardboard. If desired, the figurine can also have paws cut out of linoleum. After painting the bear becomes attractive decorative decoration garden

An original Russian toy – matryoshka. It can also be made from used tires. A total of 7 tires will be required. Five of them are attached to one another in a horizontal position - this is the torso. For greater fixation, you can place a tall log buried in the ground inside. A tire is attached vertically to the edge of this log - this is the head, the hollow holes are closed with circles of hardboard. On the sides you can place hands from a tire cut in half. Afterwards everything needs to be painted bright colors and draw a face. It turns out to be an interesting lady-madam.

Mickey Mouse
You can make two cartoon characters: a boy and a girl. Each character requires 4 tires. Two bearings are placed on the ground in a horizontal position, and two figure-eight tires are attached to them. The entire structure is supported by wood. Mickey Mouse's ears are made from plastic bucket lids, and his arms are made from pieces of plastic pipes. The bows, skirt, palms and faces must be cut out of linoleum. The lower tires are filled with fertile soil and can be used as mini-flower beds.
After painting, the characters look simply gorgeous and attractive!