Where was Jesus Christ born? Birth of Jesus Christ.

Bethlehem is a holy city for Christianity, which is the second most important city after Jerusalem; here, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born. It was also in Bethlehem that David was born and anointed king.

From 1967 until 1995, the city was under Israeli control. As a result of negotiations in 1995, it was given to the Palestinian Authority, where it remains to this day.

The city is located 8 km from Jerusalem and practically borders it. To get to this city, you need to pass a checkpoint. Israeli cars are not allowed here, and according to the rules of rental companies, you cannot bring a rental car here.

A bus runs from Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem to Bethlehem without stopping at the border crossing. Mini buses run to the border point from Damascus Gate and back. There are no restrictions for tourists to enter this territory.

Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem for a census, because to facilitate the work of census takers, residents came to register in the city where their family came from. Moreover, the city was not native to either the Virgin Mary (who, according to one version, was from Nazarene, according to the second, from Jerusalem), nor to Joseph, who lived in Nazareth.

The birth of the Savior in Bethlehem was predicted by the prophet Micah more than seven centuries before the event itself: “And you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah, are you small among the thousands of Judah? from you will come to me one who is to be a ruler, and whose origin was from the beginning, from the days of eternity” (Mic. 2:5). King Herod, excited by the message of the Magi about the birth of the King of the Jews, demands the experts of Scripture to indicate the city in which He should be born. In response, they give him an inaccurate quotation from Micah: “Thus it is written through the prophet: And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means the least of the governors of Judah, for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel” (Matthew 2:5-6 ).

Manger Square - takes its name from the manger in which Jesus Christ was born where the Church of the Nativity is located today. In the photo you can see the Mosque of Omar (the only mosque in the city) and the Palestinian Peace Center. The names of the streets leading to the square are also associated with Jesus: the streets of the Star and the Nativity.

Church of the Nativity. The first temple on this site was built by the holy Queen Helen, but burned down in 529. The same building was built in the 6th-7th centuries, which is considered the only Christian temple in the Holy Land that has survived intact from the pre-Muslim period.

“Gate of Humility” - the entrance to the temple is very modest and has a height of only 120 cm. In the Middle Ages, to protect the temple from nomads who had the habit of riding inside on horseback, the entrance was made low and narrow. Since then, everyone who enters must bow before the Savior born here.

The mosaic floors are the only thing that has survived from the first temple. They are now covered with boardwalk and open in one place for inspection.

On one of the columns in this church there are several recesses that form a cross. It is believed that these are traces of a miracle that occurred in the temple several centuries ago. During one of their surprise raids, the Arabs broke into the temple. There was nowhere to wait for help, and then they began to pray. Their requests were heard, and a swarm of wasps suddenly flew out of one column and began to sting the Arabs and their horses. As a result, the invaders had to leave the temple and leave the people in it alone.

Always in the temple great amount tourists and pilgrims. At the time we arrived there, a service was going on in the Nativity Cave and we stood for about an hour and a half waiting for it to end. How unpleasant it was to hear the indignation of people standing around about this. It's amazing that coming to this Holy place, people have the courage to complain and criticize the temple workers.

Near the entrance to the Cave of the Nativity there is a miraculous Bethlehem icon Mother of God. This is the only icon in which the Virgin Mary smiles.

And here is the main shrine of the temple - the cave of the Nativity of Christ.

In those days, there was a tradition of building houses over caves or building on caves so that the cave itself became the first floor where livestock was kept. The cave is quite narrow and long, its ceilings are heavily smoked.

The birthplace of Christ is marked by a silver star, which is set into the floor and was once gilded and decorated precious stones. The star has 14 rays and symbolizes Star of Bethlehem, inside the circle there is an inscription in Latin: “Hic de virgine Maria Iesus Christus Natus est” (Here Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin Mary). Above this star, in a semicircular niche, hang 16 lamps, of which 6 belong to the Orthodox, 6 to the Armenians and 4 to the Catholics.

“And she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). Actually, the Manger is a feeding trough for domestic animals, which was in a cave, their Holy Mother of God used as a cradle if necessary.

That is why the Virgin Mary, after the birth of Jesus Christ, together with the Magi, is depicted in a stable next to the animals.

Small sculptures of St. George the Victorious are displayed in the niches of the walls; he was brought up in Bethlehem and is the patron saint of the city.

Next to the basilica is the main Catholic church of the city - the Church of St. Catherine.

Another interesting thing is the Milk Cave white, which is a 5-minute walk from Bethlehem's Manger Square. Above the cave stands a Franciscan church from 1871.

According to legend, the Virgin Mary stopped to feed Jesus in this cave on the way from Bethlehem to Egypt and spilled a few drops on the walls. The powder scraped from the cave walls helps women with pregnancy problems.

The Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem were irreconcilable in their hostility to the teachings of Christ. Does this mean that Jesus was not a Jew? Is it ethical to question the Virgin Mary?

Jesus Christ often called himself the Son of Man. The nationality of the parents, according to theologians, will shed light on the Savior’s belonging to one or another ethnic group.

According to the Bible, all humanity came from Adam. Later, people themselves divided themselves into races and nationalities. And Christ, during his lifetime, taking into account the Gospels of the Apostles, did not comment on his nationality in any way.

Birth of Christ

The country of Judea, the Son of God, in those ancient times was a province of Rome. Emperor Augustus ordered a study. He wanted to find out how many inhabitants there were in each of the cities of Judea.

Mary and Joseph, the parents of Christ, lived in the city of Nazareth. But they had to return to their ancestral homeland, Bethlehem, to add their names to the lists. Once in Bethlehem, the couple could not find shelter - so many people came to the census. They decided to stop outside the city, in a cave that served as a refuge for shepherds during bad weather.

That night Mary gave birth to a son. Having wrapped the baby in swaddling clothes, she put him to sleep where they put feed for livestock - in the manger.

The shepherds were the first to know about the birth of the Messiah. They were tending flocks in the vicinity of Bethlehem when an angel appeared to them. He broadcast that the savior of humanity had been born. This is a joy for all people, and the sign for identifying the baby will be that he lies in a manger.

The shepherds immediately went to Bethlehem and came across a cave, in which they saw the future Savior. They told Mary and Joseph about the angel's words. On the 8th day, the couple gave the child a name - Jesus, which translated means “savior” or “God saves.”

Was Jesus Christ a Jew? Was nationality determined by father or mother at that time?

Star of Bethlehem

On the very night when Christ was born, a bright, unusual star appeared in the sky. Magi who studied the movements celestial bodies, went after her. They knew that the appearance of such a star spoke of the birth of the Messiah.

The Magi began their journey from eastern country(Babylonia or Persia). The star, moving across the sky, showed the sages the way.

Meanwhile, the numerous people who came to Bethlehem for the census dispersed. And Jesus' parents returned to the city. The star stopped over the place where the baby was, and the wise men went into the house to present gifts to the future Messiah.

They offered gold as tribute to the future king. They gave incense as a gift to God (incense was still used in worship back then). And myrrh (fragrant oil with which they rubbed the dead), as for a mortal person.

King Herod

The local king, subordinate to Rome, knew about the great prophecy - a bright star in the sky marks the birth of a new king of the Jews. He called to him the magicians, priests, and soothsayers. Herod wanted to know where the baby Messiah was.

With deceitful speeches and deceit, he tried to find out the whereabouts of Christ. Having not received an answer, King Herod decided to exterminate all the babies in the area. 14 thousand children under the age of 2 were killed in and around Bethlehem.

However, ancient historians, among others, do not mention this bloody event. This may be due to the fact that the number of children killed was much smaller.

It is believed that after such an atrocity, the wrath of God punished the king. He died a painful death, eaten alive by worms in his luxurious palace. After his terrible death, power passed to the three sons of Herod. The lands were also divided. The regions of Perea and Galilee went to Herod the Younger. Christ spent his life in these lands for about 30 years.

Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, beheaded his wife Herodias to please the sons of Herod the Great did not receive the royal title. Judea was ruled by a Roman procurator. Herod Antipas and other local rulers obeyed him.

Mother of the Savior

Parents of the Virgin Mary for a long time were childless. At that time it was considered a sin; such a union was a sign of God's wrath.

Joachim and Anna lived in the city of Nazareth. They prayed and believed that they would definitely have a child. Decades later, an angel appeared to them and announced that the couple would soon become parents.

According to legend, the Virgin Mary The happy parents swore that this child would belong to God. Until the age of 14, Maria, mother, was raised Jesus Christ, in temple. Already with youth she saw angels. According to legend, the Archangel Gabriel looked after and protected the future Mother of God.

Mary's parents died by the time the Virgin had to leave the temple. The priests could not keep her. But they also felt sorry for letting the orphan go. Then the priests betrothed her to the carpenter Joseph. He was more of the Virgo's guardian than her husband. Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, remained a virgin.

What was the nationality of the Mother of God? Her parents were natives of Galilee. This means that the Virgin Mary was not a Jew, but a Galilean. By confession, she belonged to the Law of Moses. Her life in the temple also points to her upbringing in the faith of Moses. So who was Jesus Christ? The nationality of the mother, who lived as a pagan in Galilee, remains unknown. The mixed population of the region was dominated by Scythians. It is possible that Christ inherited his appearance from his mother.

Father of the Savior

For a long time, theologians have been debating whether Joseph should be considered the biological father of Christ? He had a fatherly attitude towards Mary, he knew that she was innocent. Therefore, the news of her pregnancy shocked the carpenter Joseph. The Law of Moses severely punished women for adultery. Joseph was supposed to stone his young wife.

He prayed for a long time and decided to let Mary go and not keep her near him. But an angel appeared to Joseph, announcing an ancient prophecy. The carpenter realized how much responsibility he had for the safety of the mother and child.

Joseph is Jewish by nationality. Can he be considered the biological father if Mary had an immaculate conception? Who is the father of Jesus Christ?

There is a version that the Roman soldier Pantira became the Messiah. In addition, there is a possibility that Christ was of Aramaic origin. This assumption is due to the fact that the Savior preached in Aramaic. However, at that time the language was widespread throughout the Middle East.

The Jews of Jerusalem had no doubt that the real father of Jesus Christ existed somewhere. But all versions are too dubious to be true.

Image of Christ

The document of those times, describing the appearance of Christ, is called “The Epistle of Leptulus.” This is a report to the Roman Senate, written by the proconsul of Palestine, Leptulus. He claims that Christ was of medium height with a noble face and good figure. He has expressive blue-green eyes. The hair, the color of a ripe walnut, is combed in the middle. The lines of the mouth and nose are impeccable. In conversation he is serious and modest. He teaches gently and in a friendly manner. Scary in anger. Sometimes she cries, but never laughs. A face without wrinkles, calm and strong.

At the Seventh Ecumenical Council (8th century), the official image of Jesus Christ was approved. The Savior should be painted on the icons in accordance with his human appearance. After the Council, painstaking work began. It consisted of reconstructing a verbal portrait, on the basis of which a recognizable image of Jesus Christ was created.

Anthropologists claim that the icon painting uses not the Semitic, but the Greco-Syrian thin, straight nose and deep-set, large eyes.

In early Christian icon painting they were able to accurately convey the individual, ethnic features of a portrait. The earliest image of Christ was found on an icon dating from the beginning of the 6th century. It is kept in Sinai, in the monastery of St. Catherine. The face of the icon is similar to the canonized image of the Savior. Apparently, the early Christians considered Christ a European type.

Nationality of Christ

There are still people who claim that Jesus Christ is a Jew. At the same time, a huge number of works have been published on the topic of the non-Jewish origin of the Savior.

At the beginning of the 1st century AD, as Hebraic scholars found out, Palestine split into 3 regions, which differed in their confessional and ethnic characteristics.

  1. Judea, led by the city of Jerusalem, was inhabited by Orthodox Jews. They obeyed the law of Moses.
  2. Samaria was closer to Mediterranean Sea. The Jews and Samaritans were long-time enemies. Even mixed marriages between them were prohibited. In Samaria there were no more than 15% of the Jews from total number residents.
  3. Galilee consisted of a mixed population, some of whom remained faithful to Judaism.

Some theologians claim that the typical Jew was Jesus Christ. His nationality is beyond doubt, since he did not deny the entire system of Judaism. But he just disagreed with some of the tenets of the Mosaic Law. Then why did Christ react so calmly to the fact that the Jews of Jerusalem called him a Samaritan? This word was an insult to a true Jew.

God or man?

So who is right? Those who claim that Jesus Christ is God? But then what nationality can one demand from God? He is beyond ethnicity. If God is the basis of all things, including people, there is no need to talk about nationality at all.

What if Jesus Christ is a man? Who is his biological father? Why did he get Greek name Christ, which means "anointed one"?

Jesus never claimed to be God. But he is not a person in the usual sense of the word. Its dual nature was to gain human body and the divine essence within this body. Therefore, as a man, Christ could feel hunger, pain, anger. And as a vessel of God - to create miracles, filling the space around you with love. Christ said that he does not perform healings on his own, but only with the help of a Divine gift.

Jesus worshiped and prayed to the Father. He completely submitted himself to His will last years life and called on the people to believe in One God in heaven.

As the Son of Man, he was crucified for the salvation of people. As the Son of God, he was resurrected and incarnated in the trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Miracles of Jesus Christ

About 40 miracles are described in the Gospels. The first happened in the city of Cana, where Christ, his mother and the apostles were invited to a wedding. He turned water into wine.

Christ performed the second miracle by curing a patient whose illness lasted 38 years. The Jews of Jerusalem became embittered with the Savior - he violated the rule about the Sabbath. It was on this day that Christ worked himself (he healed the sick) and forced another to work (the sick man carried his own bed).

The Savior raised the dead girl, Lazarus and the widow's son. He healed a demoniac and calmed a storm on Lake Galilee. Christ fed the people with five loaves after the sermon - about 5 thousand of them gathered, not counting children and women. Walked on water, healed ten lepers and the blind of Jericho.

The miracles of Jesus Christ prove his Divine essence. He had power over demons, illness, death. But he never performed miracles for his own glory or to collect offerings. Even during interrogation by Herod, Christ did not show a sign as evidence of his power. He did not try to defend himself, but asked only for sincere faith.

Resurrection of Jesus Christ

It was the resurrection of the Savior that became the basis for a new faith - Christianity. The facts about him are reliable: they appeared at a time when eyewitnesses of the events were still alive. All recorded episodes have slight discrepancies, but do not contradict each other as a whole.

The empty tomb of Christ indicates that the body was taken (by enemies, friends) or Jesus rose from the dead.

If the body had been taken by enemies, they would not have failed to mock the disciples, thus stopping the emerging new faith. Friends had little faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ; they were disappointed and depressed by his tragic death.

Honorary Roman citizen and Jewish historian Josephus mentions the spread of Christianity in his book. He confirms that on the third day Christ appeared alive to his disciples.

Even modern scientists do not deny that Jesus appeared to some followers after death. But they attribute this to hallucinations or other phenomena, without challenging the authenticity of the evidence.

The appearance of Christ after death, the empty tomb, the rapid development of a new faith are proof of his resurrection. There is not one known fact, denying this information.

Appointment by God

Already from the first Ecumenical Councils, the Church unites the human and divine nature of the Savior. He is one of the 3 hypostases of the One God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This form of Christianity was recorded and declared official version at the Council of Nicaea (in 325), Constantinople (in 381), Ephesus (in 431) and Chalcedon (in 451).

However, disputes about the Savior did not stop. Some Christians argued that Jesus Christ is God. Others argued that he is only the Son of God and is completely subject to his will. The basic idea of ​​the trinity of God is often compared to paganism. Therefore, disputes about the essence of Christ, as well as about his nationality, do not subside to this day.

The cross of Jesus Christ is a symbol martyrdom in the name of atonement for human sins. Does it make sense to discuss the nationality of the Savior if faith in him can unite different ethnic groups? All people on the planet are children of God. Human nature Christ stands above national characteristics and classifications.

The birth of Jesus Christ changed human history. The modern civilizational paradigm became possible thanks to this event. The achievements of modern humanity: scientific, cultural, economic - have deep Christian roots. It was Christmas that became Starting point formation of a new way of life for people.

Unfortunately, detailed information not so much. The Holy Gospel gives its listeners the main message - the Lord has appeared, the Redeemer of the world has been born. Everything else is of secondary importance.

Evangelists practically do not focus on these facts. However, the inquisitive human mind tries to study grains of knowledge in order to expand the scope of its knowledge.

For 2,000 years, scientists have been studying the texts of the New Testament, Apocrypha, Tradition, carrying out scrupulous work and trying to clarify and increase their existing knowledge.

Biography and Nativity of Jesus Christ in the New Testament

Today we will answer the main questions that interested people often ask.

When was Jesus Christ born?

According to the Holy Fathers of the Church, the appearance of the Lord into the world came at the most opportune time for the existence of society. Greek wisdom, adopted by the Roman Empire, no longer satisfied the needs of the people.

Jesus Christ was born at a time of general disappointment among people about the meaning of life. A striking example This is due to the emergence of various mystical sects and trends in philosophy (skepticism).

Where was Jesus Christ born?

Jesus Christ was born among the people who had been chosen by God many years ago for this great event. The territorially chosen people lived in the territory of modern Israel and Palestine.

After the death of King Solomon in 930 BC, the united kingdom of Israel split into Israel and Judah. It was on the territory of the latter that the Savior was born.

In what year was Jesus Christ born?

The New Testament does not contain the exact date of birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Evangelist Luke in the second chapter writes that the Savior was born during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus. Historical science dates His reign to 27–14 BC. However, Emperor Augustus is mentioned only by the Evangelist Luke.

Matthew links the birth of the Lord to the period of the reign of one of the Herod dynasty. Most scholars agree that the evangelist is talking about Herod the Great. It is reliably known that he died in 4 BC, after him his son ascended the throne. These events are also reflected in Scripture.

In the 8th century, Deacon Dionysius the Small made astronomical calculations that confirmed the possibility of a miracle and guiding star, and came to the conclusion that Christmas occurred in the period from 5 BC to 20 AD.

On this moment most scholars agree that this event occurred in 4-6 AD. At one of the conferences at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Professor V.V. Bolotov proved that modern science unable to specify the date of the Lord’s birth.

In what city was Jesus Christ born?

The Holy Scriptures clearly indicate the place of birth of the Savior. The city of Bethlehem is ten kilometers from Jerusalem and is geographically located on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

According to Old Testament prophecies, the Savior of the human race was to be born here. According to the gospel story, the wise men also came here and brought various gifts to the King of kings.

The Most Holy Theotokos - Mother of the Born Child

The Books of the New Testament describe rather sparingly the biographical data concerning the Ever-Virgin Mary. It is known that the mother of Jesus Christ came from a royal tribe and was a descendant of King David.

She was born into a family that long time had no children. At the age of three she was sent to the temple.

Sacred Tradition gives a little more information. After meeting with the high priest on the steps of the temple, the Virgin Mary was led into the Holy of Holies - the altar. She was very beautiful and from infancy she saw the Angels who served Her.

Righteous Joseph - father of Jesus Christ

Scripture tells Christians that the parents of Jesus Christ were Mary and Elder Joseph. The issue of paternity is quite complex for human understanding. Christians insist that the conception took place mysteriously and supernaturally.

Therefore, one cannot talk about the biological father of Jesus Christ in the literal sense. He is the hypostasis of the Holy Trinity and therefore He is the true God.

At the same time, Scripture says that the Holy Spirit entered the Virgin Mary and she became pregnant. The Holy Spirit is also a hypostasis of the Trinity and therefore it turns out that the Lord entered the womb of the Virgin with one nature, but different hypostases.

How old was Joseph the Betrothed when Baby Jesus Christ was born?

The question of how old Joseph was when Jesus was born is quite open. In Protestantism, there is an opinion that Mary’s betrothed was quite young.

More conservative Christian denominations claim that Joseph was many years old. In addition, Holy Tradition and the teachings of the Fathers confirm Joseph’s advanced age.

When is the birthday of Jesus Christ?

The New Testament does not indicate the exact birthday of Jesus Christ. There is a Church tradition according to which this happened in the month of Tubi, which is analogous to the month of January.

It was not until the fourth century that the practice of celebrating Christmas on December 25th was introduced. Gregorian calendar and January 7 - Julian.

What is the name of God the Father of Jesus Christ?

IN holy scripture meet different names God the Father of Jesus Christ. Adanoi is translated as my God, Hosts is the Lord of Hosts, El-Shaddai is the Lord Almighty, El-Olam is the Eternal Lord, Jehovah is the Jehovah, El-Gibor is the Mighty Lord. There are other names of God found in the text.

However, this is not a reflection of His essence, but only indications of the manifestations of God in the world.

How to find the birthplace of Jesus on a map?

The Gospel narrative pinpoints the birthplace of Jesus. When His parents came for the census, there was no room in the hotel. They had to seek refuge outside the city.

Many commentators point out that, despite Joseph’s working profession, the family’s income was quite meager, so renting a separate home was not possible. The family had to spend the night in a cave where the shepherds hid their cattle for the night.

In what country was Jesus Christ born?

Jesus Christ was born in the country of Galilee, which was part of the Israeli province and was under the authority of local kings subject to the authority of Rome. At the moment this is northern Palestine.

How many years ago was Jesus Christ born?

Jesus Christ was born approximately 2015 - 2020 years ago. Unfortunately, more the exact date impossible to install.

How to briefly tell children the story of the Nativity of Christ?

A short history of the Nativity of Christ for children tells about next events. Saint Joseph became the betrothed of the Virgin Mary. Having gone to the census, they could not find a place to stay for the night in the town of Bethlehem. They had to spend the night in a cave.

The Savior of the world was born there. After His birth, three wise men came to the Holy Family and brought gifts to the King of Kings.


Evangelists describe the events of the Nativity of the Lord in short, pithy phrases. Of course, I would like to have more information about this great miracle.

However, it is not so important to find out in what specific year this great miracle occurred. The most important thing is that the Lord came into the world to save humanity.

And, of course, I couldn’t miss this opportunity and not go to the city of Bethlehem, sacred to all Christians.

This city is only 6 square meters. km. is one of the most ancient cities on Earth - it was founded more than 3,500 years ago. Today Bethlehem belongs to the Palestinian Authority and actually borders Jerusalem.

According to the Gospel, it was here in a cave that Jesus Christ was born. The Church (Basilica) of the Nativity of Christ, one of the oldest continuously operating churches in the world, was erected above the place of his birth.

Do not be surprised that the second most important shrine of Christians has such an unsightly appearance. The first temple over the cave of the Nativity of Christ was built back in 330 AD. BC, but it was destroyed during the Samaria uprising. The basilica, which each of us can visit today, and which you see in the photograph, was built around 529 (almost 1500 years ago!) immediately after the suppression of the uprising. Since Muslims also revere Jesus Christ as a prophet, the Basilica was not destroyed during their reign over Bethlehem. This is exactly what the Church of the Nativity of Christ looked like 1500 years ago, and its servants jealously guard every stone, every icon from any changes.

Even the entrance to the Church of the Nativity of Christ is unusual and reminds you of what an amazing place you are in.

Under the pulpit of the Basilica of the Nativity there is a cave (grotto) in which Jesus Christ was born.

Pilgrims descend into the Cave along the stairs from the time of Justinian the Great (it is about 1500 years old).

Descent to the Cave of the Nativity:

The cave itself is quite narrow and long (approximately 12x3.5 m).

It is difficult to describe the feelings that a person experiences while in this sacred place. Incredible spiritual awe, reverence and joy... Perhaps, no matter how hard I try, I cannot describe it in words. I can just say that I am happy that life has given me the opportunity to touch the shrine.

The birthplace of Jesus Christ is marked by an unusual silver star embedded in the floor. The star has 14 rays and symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem. Above it, in a niche, hang 16 lamps: 6 belong to the Orthodox, 6 to the Armenians and 4 to the Catholics. Pilgrims can touch the Star.

Directly above the place of the Nativity of Christ there is an Orthodox throne, where only Orthodox and Armenians can perform divine services.

Icon over the Nativity site:

In the southern part of the cave, there is a chapel of the Manger - the only part administered by Catholics. Christians believe that this is where the manger stood. Where Jesus was laid immediately after his birth. Part of the manger was taken to Rome, the rest was lined with marble and now represents a recess in the floor.

Even if you do not consider yourself a strongly religious person, or believe only in a certain absolute spirit, Bethlehem is a place definitely worthy of a visit. For 2000 years it has been so prayed for by millions of Christians that it is impossible not to feel its amazing energy.

Bethlehem is a holy city for Christianity, which is the second most important city after Jerusalem; here, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born. It was also in Bethlehem that David was born and anointed king.

From 1967 until 1995, the city was under Israeli control. As a result of negotiations in 1995, it was given to the Palestinian Authority, where it remains to this day.

The city is located 8 km from Jerusalem and practically borders it. To get to this city, you need to pass a checkpoint. Israeli cars are not allowed here, and according to the rules of rental companies, you cannot bring a rental car here.

A bus runs from Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem to Bethlehem without stopping at the border crossing. Mini buses run to the border point from Damascus Gate and back. There are no restrictions for tourists to enter this territory.

Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem for a census, because to facilitate the work of census takers, residents came to register in the city where their family came from. Moreover, the city was not native to either the Virgin Mary (who, according to one version, was from Nazarene, according to the second, from Jerusalem), nor to Joseph, who lived in Nazareth.

The birth of the Savior in Bethlehem was predicted by the prophet Micah more than seven centuries before the event itself: “And you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah, are you small among the thousands of Judah? from you will come to me one who is to be a ruler, and whose origin was from the beginning, from the days of eternity” (Mic. 2:5). King Herod, excited by the message of the Magi about the birth of the King of the Jews, demands the experts of Scripture to indicate the city in which He should be born. In response, they give him an inaccurate quotation from Micah: “Thus it is written through the prophet: And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means the least of the governors of Judah, for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel” (Matthew 2:5-6 ).

Manger Square - takes its name from the manger in which Jesus Christ was born where the Church of the Nativity is located today. In the photo you can see the Mosque of Omar (the only mosque in the city) and the Palestinian Peace Center. The names of the streets leading to the square are also associated with Jesus: the streets of the Star and the Nativity.

Church of the Nativity. The first temple on this site was built by the holy Queen Helen, but burned down in 529. The same building was built in the 6th-7th centuries, which is considered the only Christian temple in the Holy Land that has survived intact from the pre-Muslim period.

“Gate of Humility” - the entrance to the temple is very modest and has a height of only 120 cm. In the Middle Ages, to protect the temple from nomads who had the habit of riding inside on horseback, the entrance was made low and narrow. Since then, everyone who enters must bow before the Savior born here.

The mosaic floors are the only thing that has survived from the first temple. They are now covered with boardwalk and open in one place for inspection.

On one of the columns in this church there are several recesses that form a cross. It is believed that these are traces of a miracle that occurred in the temple several centuries ago. During one of their surprise raids, the Arabs broke into the temple. There was nowhere to wait for help, and then they began to pray. Their requests were heard, and a swarm of wasps suddenly flew out of one column and began to sting the Arabs and their horses. As a result, the invaders had to leave the temple and leave the people in it alone.

There are always a huge number of tourists and pilgrims in the temple. At the time we arrived there, a service was going on in the Nativity Cave and we stood for about an hour and a half waiting for it to end. How unpleasant it was to hear the indignation of people standing around about this. It is surprising that when people come to such a holy place, they have the courage to complain and criticize the temple workers.

Near the entrance to the Cave of the Nativity there is the miraculous Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God. This is the only icon in which the Virgin Mary smiles.

And here is the main shrine of the temple - the cave of the Nativity of Christ.

In those days, there was a tradition of building houses over caves or building on caves so that the cave itself became the first floor where livestock was kept. The cave is quite narrow and long, its ceilings are heavily smoked.

The birthplace of Christ is marked by a silver star, which is set into the floor and was once gilded and decorated with precious stones. The star has 14 rays and symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, inside a circle there is an inscription in Latin: “Hic de virgine Maria Iesus Christus Natus est” (Here Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin Mary). Above this star, in a semicircular niche, hang 16 lamps, of which 6 belong to the Orthodox, 6 to the Armenians and 4 to the Catholics.

“And she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). Actually, the Manger is a feeding trough for domestic animals, which was in a cave; the Most Holy Theotokos, of necessity, used it as a cradle.

That is why the Virgin Mary, after the birth of Jesus Christ, together with the Magi, is depicted in a stable next to the animals.

Small sculptures of St. George the Victorious are displayed in the niches of the walls; he was brought up in Bethlehem and is the patron saint of the city.

Next to the basilica is the main Catholic church of the city - the Church of St. Catherine.

Also of interest is the absolutely white Milk Cave, which is located a 5-minute walk from Bethlehem’s Manger Square. Above the cave stands a Franciscan church from 1871.

According to legend, the Virgin Mary stopped to feed Jesus in this cave on the way from Bethlehem to Egypt and spilled a few drops on the walls. The powder scraped from the cave walls helps women with pregnancy problems.