The main center for reproduction and family planning. TsPSiR on Sevastopol (Family Planning and Reproduction Center)

Excellent maternity ward!

Indifference of children's nurses in the postpartum ward.

Finally got around to writing a review about TsPSIR. I gave birth in November 2019 without a contract. This is my first birth, so I had nothing to compare with. She was admitted to the maternity hospital by ambulance early in the morning of 11/19/19. At 40 weeks and 3 days. Although at the residential complex at 38 weeks I received a referral to another maternity hospital. The contractions were not strong, the water did not break. Of course, we could have stayed at home for a couple more hours, but we were scared by the bleeding and decided with my husband that it was time! At the emergency department I was greeted by a stern, silent woman who, with a dissatisfied look, asked the emergency doctor why I was brought to them. To my joy, after 15 minutes of my arrival, the sleep-deprived woman was replaced by another, more friendly one. They filled out all the documents, changed my clothes, did the necessary procedures and ultrasound, and about 1.5-2 hours after my arrival I was taken to the maternity ward. The rooms are separate, clean, comfortable and this made me very happy. I would like to say a special thank you to the doctor who delivered the baby - Marinich Alexander Anatolyevich, very attentive, came to me almost every half hour, asked about my well-being, told me about further actions. I still remember how, thanks to his words, I pulled myself together during strong contractions in order to do everything right. And I would like to express special gratitude to the midwife of the maternity ward, Ostankova Svetlana Vladimirovna, very friendly, sensitive, understanding, she treated me like her own daughter, after the birth she surrounded me with attention and care, helped me put the baby to the breast, thank you very much for that! After giving birth, I was transferred to the postpartum ward only after more than 3 hours, due to the fact that the wards were overcrowded. Therefore, after giving birth, I had to lie in the corridor of the maternity ward for almost 1.5 hours. Well, these are trifles... The postpartum ward also looks decent, a ward for two, the food is normal. The babies can be taken to the ward right away, but the first night I decided to come to my senses and get a good night’s sleep, so my daughter was brought in early the next morning from the children’s department, and from that moment we never left. The only thing that upset me was the indifference of the nurses in the children's department, absolute indifference, some answered questions by rolling their eyes. The pediatrician examined me in the morning, very quickly. I understand that the maternity hospital is overcrowded and there are a lot of children, but I would still like a more sympathetic attitude on the part of children’s doctors and nurses! But in general, I would like to thank the doctors again for their sensitive approach and attentive attitude! I didn’t regret that I gave birth to you! Best regards, Ksenia.

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility, planning and management of pregnancy, effective contraception are the leading areas of the Reproduction Center at the International Life Center on Taganka. The clinic is the scientific base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov, and its staff consists of the best specialists in Moscow.

Each patient or couple who contacts the Family Planning Center can count on an individual approach, confidentiality and maximum interest on the part of our doctors in restoring their reproductive health.

Price list for family planning clinic services

  • from 2 000 R Treatment of male infertility (appointment with a specialist)
  • from 2 000 R Treatment of female infertility (appointment with a specialist)
  • 4 000 R 7 000 R Artificial insemination with husband's sperm
  • 5 000 R Postcoital test (Shuvarsky test)
  • 5 000 R Kurzrock-Miller test
  • 2 000 R Initial consultation with a hirudotherapist
  • 1 500 R Hirudotherapy (up to 3 leeches)

Who should contact the Center for Reproduction and Family Planning?

We will be happy to help couples who are responsible about family planning and want to conceive a healthy child. All types of genetic, hematological, immunological and hormonal studies are available at the MLC, which will help eliminate the risk of obstetric and intrauterine pathologies.

Our doctors expect to see patients suffering from primary and secondary infertility of various origins. We are ready to provide competent support for pregnancy, including multiple and complicated ones, as well as select the optimal method of contraception.


obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in the field of clinical hemostasiology, professor, doctor of medical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-president of the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Honorary Professor of the University of Vienna (Austria)

Make an appointment

What services does the family planning clinic offer?

MLC has powerful diagnostic and clinical bases for successfully resolving problems:

  • male infertility - anatomical, endocrine, associated with inflammation, sexual and ejaculatory disorders;
  • female infertility caused by endometriosis, adhesions, acquired pathologies of the uterus and diseases of the immune system;
  • pregnancy pathologies - recurrent miscarriage, gestosis, eclampsia, fetoplacental insufficiency, caused by hereditary factors.

Available at our Family Planning Center

  • safe, innovative methods of contraception - installation of progestin and copper-containing intrauterine devices, Essure hysteroscopic sterilization and individual selection of oral contraceptives;
  • preparation and support of pregnancy in patients of different age groups;
  • extensive prenatal diagnostics at all stages of gestation;
  • a wide range of hardware and laboratory tests for future parents;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • classes at the School of Motherhood.

About the doctors of the Family Planning Institute

The medical staff of the Reproduction Center at the MLC has remained unchanged for more than 20 years - these are the best specialists in Moscow and the region: obstetricians-gynecologists and urologists-andrologists with solid practical experience, hemostasiologists, qualified geneticists, endocrinologists and ultrasound specialists.

Doctors of the highest category deal with family planning issues at our Center. Most of them have the degree of candidates and doctors of medical sciences - Evgeniy Rafailovich Petreikov, Tatyana Vladimirovna Kuznetsova and others.

Why should you contact the MLC?

The Women's Medical Center on Zemlyanoy Val is a clinic that will help you overcome the problem of infertility, prepare for conception and eliminate risk factors for pregnancy pathologies. And in the future, plan the time of appearance and the number of members of your family using reliable methods of contraception.

Make an appointment with us right now, do not delay the happiness of being parents and take care of the health of your children!

The Center includes:

modern obstetric hospital (maternity hospital with 190 beds);

gynecological hospital with 60 beds;

consultative and diagnostic department;

clinical diagnostic laboratory.

Obstetric hospital The center is one of the largest maternity hospitals in Moscow, where more than 8,000 births take place annually. The maternity hospital is specialized in providing obstetric care to patients with premature birth, with group and Rh (Rhesus) blood incompatibility between mother and fetus, as well as patients with blood diseases.

TsPSiR has created a powerful consultative and diagnostic department(KDO), which concentrates highly qualified personnel and modern equipment. More than 150,000 patients are consulted annually in the Consultative and Diagnostic Department. The main tasks of the consultative and diagnostic department are:

Family planning;

Preparing for pregnancy and childbirth;

Medical genetic counseling;

Management of pregnancy in case of various pathologies of mother and fetus;

Use of assisted reproductive technologies;

Comprehensive examination of patients with various gynecological pathologies

Preparation for surgical treatment methods

One of the most difficult tasks solved in the prenatal care center is to determine the cause of hereditary and external factors that influence the development of the fetus, and timely diagnosis of severe defects incompatible with life. These issues are dealt with in the departments of functional and prenatal diagnostics.

IN gynecological department All types of gynecological operations are performed using endoscopic methods. At the CPSR it is possible to use a modern angiographic method for the treatment of uterine fibroids - embolization of the uterine arteries. This method is also used for massive obstetric hemorrhage.

The Family Planning and Reproduction Center has a unique department of in vitro fertilization, which applies the latest achievements of world science in the treatment of infertility caused by both male and female factors.

The Center has blood transfusion department, designed to collect 700 liters of whole donor blood per year. The department collects blood and prepares drugs (erythrocyte mass, plasma) and stores them in a special mode.

In all operations with a high risk of bleeding, the technique of hardware reinfusion of autologous blood using a cell-saver device is used. The combination of hardware reinfusion with transfusion of prepared blood products allows, in most cases, to compensate for surgical blood loss. And specially prepared packages with fresh frozen autoplasma and autoerythromass make it possible to minimize transfusions of donor blood components.

The Center for Public Relations and Responsibility has organized magnetic resonance imaging department and densitometry room, equipped with a modern apparatus that allows both timely detection of loss of bone mineral density and conducting research on the composition of the body, which is very important for the competent selection of sports training for those wishing to lose excess weight and gain muscle mass.