Year of the Rabbit according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign. General and love horoscope: Rabbit man

Horoscope of the Cat: legend, character, money and career of the Cat; Compatibility horoscope Cat - zodiac sign

Cat (Rabbit)

1927 - fiery year

1939 – Earthen cat

1951 – metal

1963 – Water cat

1975 – wooden

1987 - fiery year

1999 – earthen

2011 – Metal cat

2023 – Water cat

Cat Horoscope: Legend

The second most popular Chinese legend tells: The Jade Emperor sent a servant from heaven to earth to bring 12 beautiful animals.

He invited various animals, but he could not find the Cat, whose beauty he had heard a lot about. Therefore, he instructed the Rat to convey the invitation to the Cat. She completed the assignment. However, the lazy Cat, who loved to sleep, asked the Rat to wake him up at the appointed time. The Rat promised this, but then changed her mind: the Cat was more beautiful, he could outshine her in front of the Emperor. The cat overslept and was late to the Emperor. His place in the twelve-year cycle was taken by the Rabbit. Therefore, since then there has been irreconcilable enmity between the Cat and the Rat.

However, those who disagree with the Emperor believe that the fourth year of the cycle still belongs to the handsome Cat, and not to the Rabbit. And people of this year are more likely to have a magical cat charm and a somewhat mystical look, rather than rabbit qualities.

Cat: character

These are bright individuals: ambitious, reserved, talented, virtuous, and have exquisite taste. Cats value themselves. Social events- their element, they hospitable, behave with dignity, dress with taste, modestly, know how to speak, know how to listen, can gossip, but subtly, tactfully, not evil.

They know how to make an impression and fit into virtually any group. The orderliness of their lives is entirely their own merit. They seem to accumulate the most positive things in themselves - goodwill, responsibility, good manners, sociability, delicacy - and apply them when necessary. This is not hypocrisy at all; Cats sincerely strive for harmony: in the impression they make, in relationships, in business. Cats succeed in this: they are trusted, accepted as their own everywhere, admired, even imitated.

Cats are gentle with those they love. However, they are rarely attached to their relatives: they can easily separate from relatives, even children, for the sake of friends whom they themselves have chosen.
Aggression is completely unusual for Cats, the desire for comfort - physical and mental - forces them to avoid unpleasant worries and complications: when communicating, Cats avoid sensitive topics, avoid conflicts, and do not watch news about wars, disasters, injustice. This is not indifference, not callousness: Cats simply believe that there is no need to add black colors to an already difficult life. It is better to try to create an aura of positivity around.

Diplomacy, ability to defuse conflict situation, willingness to compromise, easy-going nature, thoughtfulness and caution make them valuable workers in responsible, delicate positions. Cats also have a commercial streak: they are excellent businessmen, bankers, and heads of marketing departments. They have the valuable ability to make a profit without unnecessary risk. Therefore, in financial matters, Cats are dexterous and lucky. They should be lucky in the game, but they rarely play: Cats are conservative, cautious, and hate anything that can ruin their well-established life.

Ambitious, but friendly, not aggressive, tactful, Cats strive for world harmony, knowing exactly its secret: “In order to change better world around, you need to start with yourself.”

Cat - zodiac sign:

Capricorn - Longing. Very strict, much less sociable.

Aquarius - A cat with abilities. Valuable friend. He should write - he has talent.

Pisces - Very pleasant in company and communication. All Cats Cat!

Aries - Wild Forest Cat!

Taurus is the Most Tender Cat. Purrs by the fire, claws always hidden.

Gemini - The cat is domestic, calm. May be at risk in life.

Cancer - Cat on the master's lap. Laziness and inaction do not oppress him. Charming, although a little effeminate.

Leo is just a Tiger, not a Cat! Quite calm though. He will go through life with claws at the ready.

Virgo - Cat the Wise. However, he will do difficult things and take risks for free for the sake of others.

Libra - Cat Melancholic, charming, feminine, liked by many.

Scorpio is the Sorcerer Cat. You should be wary of damage...

Sagittarius is an exceptional cat! The most balanced, the best of the Cats.

Horoscope year of the Cat: money, career

Usually the Cat (Rabbit) does not rush to the very top of his career. His goal is many times more difficult: the need for a strong position that is unshakable either by changes in bosses, or changes in the country's politics, or economic crises, or wholesale layoffs. Often the Cat achieves this. He knows how to be a valuable personnel in the eyes of management, but for his colleagues he is almost a best friend. Together, this helps the Cat stay afloat.

In matters of money, the Cat (Rabbit) has no equal. Possessing commercial flair, as well as the invaluable ability to take moderate risks, he can make money from almost nothing. In everyday life, the Cat spends on himself as rationally as possible, always having a tidy sum in his accounts.

Celebrity Cats (Rabbits)

Queen Victoria, Confucius, Edvard Grieg, Henri Stendhal, Frank Sinatra, Marie Curie, Whitney Houston, Albert Einstein, Fidel Castro, Svyatoslav Richter, Georges Simenon, Mstislav Rostrapovich, Edith Piaf, Eldar Ryazanov, Garry Kasparov, Sergei Prokofiev, Walter Scott.

Compatibility Horoscope Cat

Excellent: Sheep (Goat), Boar (Pig), Dog

Not bad: Dragon, Rabbit (Cat)

Bad: Rat, Rooster

The Cat will get along wonderfully with the Goat (Sheep): the Cat’s whims do not bother her, he appreciates her artistry and taste, and will give her comfort. Everything is fine with the meticulous Pig (Boar) and the faithful Dog.

Relations with the Tiger are strained. But the Cat, not so strong, can always leave the game: he is of a common breed with the Tiger, the Cat is not afraid of him.
The Rooster enrages the Cat with his fanfare. The cat generally needs to beware of rats like cholera.


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In order for everything to be good in life, we are accustomed to following the advice of astrologers and reading horoscopes. By Chinese horoscope, each person, depending on the year of his birth, corresponds to a certain animal. It influences his character, relationships with people, choice of profession and even his future. Perhaps the most mysterious person calendar is a two-faced sign - Rabbit (Cat).

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) sign characteristics

The Year of the Rabbit and the Cat is imbued with mysticism and mystery. The double name of this sign causes mistrust. This is due to the fact that the Chinese tradition calls the sign a Cat, and the Japanese tradition calls it a Rabbit. At first glance, the animals have nothing in common, but this is far from the case. Both animals, even when falling, proudly stand on all four legs. The ability is transferred to a person; it is believed that he is not deprived of luck and fate always smiles on him.

Only both animals in the Asian tradition are not credible. They are credited magical abilities and talents. The cat and rabbit were associated with witches and sorcerers. Many of the representatives of dark forces, according to legend, could easily turn into cats. But it is precisely the dual personality of this sign that makes him both a positive and negative character.

Positive qualities of the sign

Either a magical connection with dark forces makes the cat (rabbit) special, or something else, but luck follows on his heels. He is smart and knows how to present himself to the public with dignity. Positive qualities and noticeable advantages do not prevent him from being modest. But even here the animal does not cross the line and never allows itself to be hurt. Behind the external “weakness” of the personality lies a strength that breaks out if the sign is in danger. If you “awaken the beast,” then it can safely fight back even strong signs.

One can only envy the cat's taste. It was as if nature itself had endowed him with a sense of inner dignity and the ability to behave in society. In addition, people love the rabbit because it is always open to new contacts and will happily receive guests in its luxurious home.

The animal doesn’t like to brag either, but it won’t hide its advantages either. He is a real explorer. The rabbit is interested in everything, he is interested in everything, loves to learn and can always demonstrate high level intellectual development. It is with his mind that he loves to shine.

The Cat (Rabbit) personality is optimistic, he is ready for difficulties and rarely loses his balance. But even among the representatives of this sign there are very sensitive people who take other people’s misfortunes as their own. In emergency situations, you can rely on the cat; he will definitely help, since he has a highly developed sense of duty. The sign is much more upset by its misfortunes; it may even cry and complain about fate. But the stress does not last long and the rabbit (cat) pulls himself together and gets down to business.

There must be full order and comfort. He thinks first and only then acts, but in case of danger he becomes very resourceful.

High intelligence makes a cat an indispensable employee. He can study at the same time different things and have time to do everything. The rabbit is especially lucky with money. But this is less a matter of luck than of calculations. He gets things done and is clearly focused on a positive result.

A rabbit is capable of creating a strong family. He loves children very much and is ready to sacrifice everything for them. Most often, financial support falls on the shoulders of the animal. The rabbit will not betray and will, but maintain peace within the family hearth.

Negative qualities of the sign

The year of the rabbit (cat) brings smart and observant people, but they also have hidden dark sides.

The rabbit often experiences fear that literally makes his heart jump out of his chest. To get rid of fear, he calculates everything and arranges everything in such a way that everything around him is calm and harmonious. The cat does not like to violate the usual order of actions, it unbalances him. He will not accept changes and will defend his interests.

The cat can be romantic, but does not often waste time on empty fantasies. He is the owner. And it is extremely difficult for him to build relationships with other people. He can terrorize his partner and constantly test him.

The most difficult character trait of a rabbit (cat) is excessive self-involvement.

Best birth dates, months and times

Very often we are tormented by questions: When is the year of the rabbit? year of the rabbit what years? year of the cat what years? year of the cat and rabbit what years? And this is not just like that. After all, it is in this year that talented and outstanding personalities are born. For example, Fidel Castro, Frank Sinatra, Confucius, Joseph Stalin, Catherine de Medici, Queen Victoria, Albert Einstein, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Henri Stendhal, Edith Piaf, Walter Scott, Leon Trotsky and many others.

The best time of year to give birth to a rabbit is summer. In summer he feels comfortable and does not like the winter cold at all. Rabbits born in summer are happier. But spring is considered the most favorable time, and best month March.

The cat rules early time. From five to seven in the morning. Lucky cats will be those born on 3, 4, 6. Or 26, 27 or 29.

Most suitable professions

A rabbit or cat has high intelligence and a huge thirst for knowledge. These qualities make him simply an irreplaceable employee. The cat never stops unless it's finished. He is strictly focused on positive results.

Representatives of this sign make real rich people. They are always ready to provide for their family and they do this very successfully. The rabbit's kind heart attracts people to him and he can easily establish partnerships with them, having calculated and weighed everything in advance.

But you shouldn't get hung up on it. The cat is not the only one who can boast of a rich mind. He just has golden hands. He can safely engage in creative activities or even tailoring.

He can make a good career in business, medicine, culture or law.

Love and relationships

Building a relationship with a person born in the year of the rabbit is not easy. A representative of the sign can be very attentive and gentle, or on the contrary, he can behave extremely selfishly. Rabbits are usually very good at communicating with others; they attract people with their excellent sense of humor.

The rabbit is always ready to provide for his loved ones, but his loved ones must reciprocate his feelings and support his comfort. He is used to living in his own world, in which order and comfort always reign. The cat's partner must sacrifice everything to build a relationship with him. strong relationships. If the cat does not feel mutual return, he will begin to terrorize his spouse.

Rabbits develop strong relationships with Dogs or Pigs, who are ready to keep the cat cozy in the house and shower it with love. Even if love doesn’t work out, the rabbit will never leave his partner and will be faithful to the end.

Which of the five types of rabbit is yours?

Depending on the year of birth, each cat or rabbit has a certain element that influences its character and personality:

  • Tree. This element applies to people who were born in 1915 and 1975. Of all the rabbits, they are the smartest and most savvy. They have a wonderful sense of humor and a very keen heart, which skillfully notices positive and negative character traits. But often such a cat feels too confident and sometimes selfish.
  • Fire. The element of fire left its mark on everyone who celebrated their date of birth in 1927 and 1987. Such rabbits are also not deprived of intelligence, but lack pride. They are easily ready to start learning and adapt to its features. And for this, nature rewarded them with a special view of the world.
  • Earth. Birth years 1939 and 1999 make the rabbit a down-to-earth materialist. He is open, hardworking and likes to speak directly, without embellishment.
  • Gold. The noble metal gave us real goodies in 1951 and 2011. These cats really don't like change.
  • Water. This element last time matched the rabbit sign in 1963. In 2023, water will again become the cat's companion. Such a cat is very gentle and light, but unlike the others, it lacks a strong mind. He strictly adheres to his principles and does not like to violate them.

Compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) with other signs

In order to build relationships with people correctly and harmoniously, you need to know how different signs are combined Chinese calendar. It is not recommended to even make friendly acquaintances with some, with others there is hope for wonderful and long-term relationships, and with others it is only possible to conduct business.

The likelihood of a relationship between a rabbit and a monkey developing is high, but it will not last long. But they will definitely be remembered by both for their sensuality and emotionality. The monkey will not be interested in getting to know his partner and trying to understand him, but the cat, on the contrary, will be looking for peace of mind, which she cannot give him. Only the Monkey can benefit from a relationship, revealing new facets in it. But there is still a chance to build friendly relations.

High development prospects love relationship between these signs. The basis of the relationship will be the mutual desire for wealth. The rooster will love the cat very much for his good taste and originality of personality. It is best if the Rooster is a man and the woman is a Cat. Then the man will be proud of his woman. If the cat is a man, then friendship can be crowned with greater success than love.

There is a possibility of a relationship, but not high. They can irritate each other and even drive each other crazy. In this case, conflicts and betrayals cannot be avoided. But if you still manage to build a relationship, then in such a marriage both partners will be happy.

A pig and a cat will make a wonderful couple. The pig will give him support. It is best to build a relationship between a cat woman and a pig man. A man will allow his woman to always feel safe. They will happily raise children.

Neither love nor friendship is possible between a rat and a rabbit. At the first meeting, they evoke only negative emotions in each other. The rat is not used to feeling sorry for others and likes to assert itself at their expense, which the cat really doesn’t like.

Ox and Cat are an ideal couple. And even time will not destroy their idyll. They look harmonious together and complement each other. They have a good time together and do things. There is usually no basis for conflict either, they are simply created for each other.

Relationships can arise and even have a positive outcome. The Tiger will appreciate the Cat and his intelligence. They will be happy to talk. But such an idyll, that in friendship, that in love will not last long. The tiger is very active and loves to travel; he is not ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the cat.

Rabbit. These two will be very good together. They will neither argue nor be jealous. Both cats will happily make their home cozy and learn new things. Together they can even take a risk and open a business, and achieve success.

The very first meeting will show that the dragon and the rabbit are well suited to each other. Partners have a chance to build a strong marriage if the Dragon’s pride does not interfere with them. But the Cat is happy to give up the championship if no one disturbs his comfort and coziness.

They have poor compatibility. They don't like each other right away. There is a chance of friendships arising, but very small. The cat will sense danger from the snake, so it will decide to avoid it and not take risks.

The Horse and Rabbit will be very comfortable together and not at all bored. Things will go well at work, in love, and in friendship. The cause of disagreement is different views. The cat is used to weighing everything, and the horse likes to act quickly and decisively. But if both partners reach an agreement, they will become an ideal couple or best friends. Goat. A goat and a rabbit are the best option for a relationship. But these two rarely marry and are usually attracted to completely different people.

Just like a cat, he also loves peace and comfort, and therefore together they most likely will not be able to achieve the peace that they so dream of. Things won't go well at work either. The Goat will spend everything that the Cat earns, and he will not like it. Between them there is understanding, tenderness and ease of communication. They understand each other well and will become best friends. To achieve success in family life, you need to decide in advance what your future life will be like and who will do what.

Final part

Years of the Rabbit

Start Date End Date Related Element Heavenly Branch

02/02/1927 01/22/1928 Yin Fire Ding Mao

02/19/1939 02/08/1940 Yin Earth Ji Mao

06/02/1951 01/26/1952 Yin Metal Xin Mao

The hare belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the fourth sign of the Chinese horoscope and rules from 5 to 7 am. The season that brings him luck is spring, and the peak period is March. Fixed element - Wood. According to the European Zodiac, he corresponds to the sign of Pisces.

The color that brings happiness and good fortune is white. Plants favorable for the Hare according to the Chinese horoscope are meadowsweet and fig tree. The most favorable countries for the Hare to live are Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Wales, Canada, and Singapore.

Character of the Hare according to the Chinese horoscope

A hare is happy if it is born in the summer. Then his fate is calmer and he experiences less cold disappointment. The Hare's early childhood and adolescence pass without any major outbursts. Maturity is filled with expectations and knowledge of the outside world.

Throughout his life, the Hare’s nature strives for one thing - to find peace. But this does not always work out, because in adulthood his life is replete with exceptional situations, dramatic turns and insurmountable obstacles.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the hare is not created for struggle and competition; he is very frightened by instability, and no matter how much he avoids change, it haunts him until he is very old. And if he does not get rid of this complex, then by the age of thirty he may go crazy or abandon his principles, which will throw him to the bottom of society.

The Hare's old age requires special care: it can pass in loneliness and sadness if at a certain point in his life he did not right choice. The Hare can have a quiet life if wars, revolutions and cataclysms do not happen. His fate depends on external circumstances, on the era and environment.

Years of the Hare according to the Chinese horoscope

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011. These years are characterized by peace. They proceed happily and are usually successful for diplomacy and international relations. This time is filled with joy and pleasure, but you should be wary of laziness and do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

People are Hares according to the Chinese horoscope

These people are sensitive, they have good manners, they know how to enjoy life and contemplate the world. They should be wary of superficial judgments, get overly carried away by dreams and plunge headlong into the world of their own dreams. In the year of the Hare such people were born famous people, like Albert Einstein, Queen Victoria of England, Jomo Kennyata.

Year A rabbit This is a year that is identified with two animals at once: the rabbit and the cat. In Japan it is the Year of the Rabbit, while in China it is the Year of the Cat. The attitude towards these animals is not very affectionate, especially towards the cat, which in distant countries (and here too) for a long time considered a servant of Satan and the Dark World. But the qualities of people born in the year of the Rabbit are not at all satanic. On the contrary, it is peace-loving, reasonable, non-conflict people. People born this year strive to live in harmony with the entire world around them. Do not get involved in any disputes or squabbles - distinguishing feature Rabbits. Even if they feel that the conversation has not taken a very good tone, they will tactfully change the topic. They know how to extinguish a conflict at the very first stage of a fire. Because of this, many consider Rabbits to be too soft; they argue that you need to be able to defend your rights. The Rabbits themselves are sure that life is short and already filled with all sorts of “horrors”, and if there is an opportunity to remain positive, you need to take advantage of it. Rabbits live with this statement all their lives.

Rabbits are considered excellent conversationalists, giving good advice. Their opinions are listened to, their words are taken into account. They are painfully sensitive to any criticism addressed to them, but they will never show it outwardly, remaining imperturbable and “impenetrable.”

Rabbits take care of their appearance. They are dressed and look impeccable. Rabbits also treat the decoration of their home with special attention. It is important for them that their home has all the best for a comfortable stay. They love order; they tactfully demand from their family that every item should be in its designated place.

Rabbits are socialites, they like big companies which consist of noble persons. In such a society they feel like fish in water. It is not a burden for them to carry on a conversation on any topic.

Rabbit Man

Rabbit men are said to be lucky. Indeed, they are often lucky in life, especially in material terms. But this is not just a matter of everyday luck. Just Rabbit Men very careful and thrifty. They do not tend to make risky transactions and waste money. The only thing they do not spare the money they earn on is the interior of their home. Home for them is a kingdom, and, according to Rabbit men, it should be luxurious.

As for work, the Rabbit is diligent in any direction. They often occupy leadership positions, but begin their career path from the very bottom. They take the most menial work with calm, knowing that soon they will definitely become bosses. And this really happens quite quickly, thanks to the Rabbits’ diligence, their calmness and endurance.

The personal life of Rabbit men is very stormy. Usually they have several novels at once, leaving women to literally fight for it themselves. He is too lazy to choose, so the one who “wins” is the best in the understanding of men of this Sign. However, if a Rabbit man ties the knot, he becomes a faithful life partner and a wonderful father.

Rabbit Woman

Charming, gentle, sexy and with excellent manners. She knows how to present herself so that everyone will pay admiring attention to her. Often the Rabbit woman lives for show. She can even master higher mathematics, if she needs to make an impression in the company of scientists.

The Rabbit Woman dresses beautifully and tastefully. She does not chase fashion, although she knows about all the changes in this direction. It is not so important for her that it is fashionable, but that it is comfortable and fits her figure.

Rabbit Woman not a careerist. It suits her better to be a housewife. She copes with this flawlessly. Her house is always clean, every thing is in its place. Just like a man, the Rabbit woman loves to own home she was surrounded by luxury. The Rabbit Woman is a good wife, housewife and mother.

Rabbit by zodiac sign

People born in the year of the Rabbit are careful and well-mannered, however, Zodiac horoscope sometimes makes significant adjustments to this image.


The Rabbit is soft and warm-hearted, Aries adds toughness, courage, boldness to him... The Aries Rabbit is a person with often changing moods. In life they are fixated on themselves, on their interests. They don't care about other people's problems.

But this does not mean that in difficult times they will not help. When you really need their help, they help with pleasure. They subtly feel the line between real need and the usual desire to simply take advantage of others. Their sense of justice is well developed. They worry not only about the individual, but also about the people and humanity as a whole.

Outwardly they are calm and reasonable. Good workers, in which there is no doubt. They prefer to relax at home. Moreover, they furnish their home in such a way that you can truly relax. The weakness of these people is their inability to say no. It is easier for them to agree, even with internal disagreement, so as not to bring the matter to a serious dispute.


He lives here and now. He prefers a crane in his hands than a tit offered by life. Material benefits are significant to him. It is to them that he strives, climbing the career ladder. To achieve financial stability, starts necessary connections and dating.

And there's nothing wrong with that. Yes, money and earthly goods are of paramount importance for Taurus Rabbits. But this does not mean that family and loved ones fade into the background. On the contrary, they work for their happy life.

Taurus Rabbits love to travel, collecting collections of vivid memories.

They are hard workers at work and honest in relationships. The downside to the character of these people is their inability to lose. When he fails in something, the Taurus Cat withdraws into himself, fencing himself off from the outside world. It’s better to just calmly analyze your mistakes in order to avoid “rake” in the future without stepping on them.

Rabbit Gemini

They are calm by nature, but active and enterprising. They skillfully make the necessary connections, are not afraid of responsibility, which is initially not characteristic of the Rabbit. Luck will favor them, also largely due to their perseverance.

They are wonderful and reliable friends. Family is like a paradise oasis for them, where they return after a difficult working day. Although a lot comes very easily to Gemini Rabbits. They have a special gift: they do not invent difficulties where there are none.

Gemini Rabbits are calculating. Every step they take is well calculated in order to benefit themselves.


Nice, kind, friendly, but very careful. They are a storehouse of wisdom. Outwardly they look confident, although inner confidence they often don't have enough. This causes depression.

They have excellent taste and sense of style, which manifests itself not only in appearance, but also in interior decoration dwellings. Cancer Rabbits do everything to live in a quiet and peaceful environment. Regardless of gender, Cancer Rabbits love home and family and can cope well with all household responsibilities.

These are talented people. They will benefit from the development of a creative streak, since the Cancer Rabbit is the cat that prefers to walk on its own without bosses or leaders.


Intellectually developed people with strong character. They like to take risks, they got this from Leo. In addition, the lion's essence is noticeable in aggressiveness, which manifests itself when something violates the plans of the Leo Rabbits. Basically, we can say that the character of representatives of this Sign is soft and compliant.

These people persistently move towards their dream until they achieve it. They have a lot of patience. They like to be the center of attention and enjoy socializing.

In personal relationships they are kind and attentive. Their peculiarity is that they do not like to do things halfway. If you relax, then on a grand scale, if you work, then to the point of exhaustion, and if you love, then to the depths of your soul.


Non-conflict people and slightly shy. But they love to communicate. They don’t stoop to gossip.

The Virgo Rabbit has everything planned out, and he tries to strictly adhere to the plan. Hardworking, does not like to waste time. He a true expert in the activity to which he gave preference. The Virgo Rabbit is unpretentious, his desires are more than modest. But what he is not modest about is helping his loved ones. He will go to great lengths for them. I don’t skimp on gifts for my family and friends.

As for the other half, the Rabbit-Virgo spends a long time searching and looking closely. He needs constancy in relationships and prefers not to waste time on romance.


Interesting people in all respects. They are attractive to the opposite sex due to their sexuality and charisma.

They don’t like responsibility; they prefer to get their work done quickly, without worrying too much about the overall result. But well organized. They know how to control their emotions They are cool-headed in conflicts.

They do not like to sit idle, but they also do not allow work to dominate other areas of life. The Libra Rabbit also loves to relax, preferring to have an interesting time.

The only negative is that, at times, the calm and composure of the Libra Rabbit is replaced by excessive anxiety, even nervousness.


A powerful combination of two horoscopes. People born under these Signs are endowed with excellent intuition, which helps in establishing relationships and climbing the career ladder.

The Scorpio Rabbit will never do something for nothing. Each of his actions is supported by benefit for himself. It is impossible to impose anything on him, it is useless to make plans for him if there is no gain for the Scorpio Rabbit.

They are businesslike. Maintaining own business They do it very well. However, it should be noted that they are excellent actors and external behavior can be radically different from his internal feelings. It is almost impossible to see the “mask”; the Scorpio Rabbit makes an indelible impression.

Rabbit Sagittarius

Such merry fellows with a calm, kind disposition. They have a lot of positive qualities. They adore their loved ones and friends. They have so much energy that they manage to combine all aspects of life, and not a single area is deprived of the necessary attention.

Sagittarius Rabbits balanced individuals. Communicate with them is a pleasure, they will never start a conflict or even an argument.

The Sagittarius Rabbit will find its place in any professional activity. He knows how to earn money. And although money does not have a large-scale meaning for him, he spends it carefully, and, as they say, wisely. But this does not apply to gifts. They love to spoil their family with little surprises. The family values ​​stability in relationships. And although Sagittarius is an overwhelming sign, in combination with the Cat they no longer want to fight for the place of leader. Equality in this case is more attractive.


In this Rabbit, due to the combination with Capricorn, outer side seems rude, callous, unceremonious. In fact, the Capricorn Rabbit is gentle and kind. Self-sufficient individuals who prefer to solve their affairs and problems alone without the help of others.

Very sociable. At work they are not greedy with ideas and thoughts about improving things. Although they don’t have many real friends. There are a maximum of two with whom the Capricorn Rabbit shares everything that is in his heart. He will gladly help anyone who asks for help.

In love they are sincere and reliable, they are attentive to their other half. They love to be pleasantly surprised. In a word, you won’t be bored with the Capricorn Rabbit.

Rabbit Aquarius

Good-natured romantics - this is how these people can be described. They have their own oddities, which, however, are noticeable only against the background of those around them who are constantly striving to enrich themselves. But the simple fact is that money is secondary for the Aquarius Rabbit. He does not strive to earn a lot, usually being content with little.

He is somewhat slow at work. Diplomatic acumen is not enough, although with age some of them manage to develop this quality. In love, these are gentle, sensual people.

He is attracted by everything unknown and unknown. The dream of many Aquarius Rabbits is to go on a trip around the world.


Charming, gentle, sensitive, with a quick reaction. He is a manipulator, and a skilled one at that. Not everyone will guess what is happening until they fall under the influence of the Rabbit-Pisces. He avoids the pitfalls, masterfully eliminating risk and creating the impression of a good-natured, non-conflict person.

They love peace. They need a job where their mind will be used. They don’t swim against the current and don’t strain too much, to provide better life. What is available is fine. If someone disturbs their measured life, then they will certainly encounter the stubbornness of the Rabbit-Pisces.

The Pisces Rabbit needs a person nearby who will provide him with comfort and strong relationships without deception and guile. Having found such a person, the Pisces Rabbit becomes obedient and pliable with him.

Years of the Cat, Hare, Rabbit:

1903,1915,1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999, 2011, 2023

The first year of the cycle, in different traditions under the protection of various animals. For the Chinese it is a Cat, for the Japanese it is a Rabbit or a Hare.

It is in vain that the hare is considered a weak-willed, weak-willed, cowardly animal. According to Eastern legends, he defeated the Dragon. The cunning Hare, planning to pacify the Dragon, spread a rumor that a terrible monster had appeared, claiming to be the king of beasts. When this reached the Dragon, he went to the shore of the lake to deal with the “competitor”. Seeing his reflection in the water, he rushed into the lake with a roar. The animals gathered around began to laugh loudly at the unlucky Dragon floundering in the mud, who out of shame changed five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black). Since then, the Hare became proud and began to bully other animals.

And the cat, and the rabbit, and the hare have one general property- these animals are distinguished by their ability to “land” on four paws after any fall. People born under this sign can rightfully be called lucky. The Cat's life flows easily and calmly without sudden ups and downs.

Fortune smiles on him in almost all areas. One can only envy his intellectual development and erudition. With his luck, you can safely gamble.

According to the eastern horoscope, the life of Cats depends on the era in which they are born. In times of peace and a stable life, representatives of this sign prosper. They always have everything, and in abundance. During these periods, everything is smooth and measured for the Cat, he knows how to weigh and calculate, never takes unnecessary risks and strives for comfort, coziness and stability.

The cat is a conservative. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business, he does not like to be anyone’s enemy. He hates everything that can cause complications in life. Anything that could shake his peace of mind is unbearable to him. The cat does not lose balance so quickly. He is calm, unperturbed.

The cat can speak and values ​​himself highly. But he has one significant drawback. The cat is a superficial person, and he best qualities superficial too.

The cat loves society, and society loves him. He loves meetings, sometimes gossips, but does it subtly, tactfully, witty and careful. However, Cats are very vulnerable; they are greatly upset by personal failures and troubles. But the misfortunes of others do not affect them, unless they themselves suffer from it. Cats can get upset on any occasion, even the most insignificant. They are easily brought to tears, which appear as quickly as they pass.

The cat loves to receive guests. Everything at his home is done tastefully. Great importance he gives the atmosphere to the house, spends a lot of money and time to make the house cozy. Every thing in his home should be in its place.

Being cautious and somewhat conscientious, this person does not undertake anything without first weighing the pros and cons - both in work and in entertainment. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

War and famine in the world touch and concern him only if he personally suffers from it. But this suffering will be so strong that he may not be able to stand it and die.

The cat is gifted, ambitious, moderately pleasant, modest, restrained, sophisticated and friendly. Exceptional observation, responsibility and efficiency help this person achieve good results in any chosen profession.

Affectionate, helpful to those he loves, capable of love and loyalty, the Cat easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He prefers to spend more time with his friends than with his relatives.

He will always find the right words for every person, and therefore communication with him evokes only pleasant emotions.

With such a positive character, the Cat, oddly enough, has a melancholic temperament.

He is always very concerned about the opinions of other people. Elegant, kind and well-mannered, he is an excellent diplomat, since from birth he is endowed with the ability to resolve the most complex conflicts peacefully and find mutual language with any interlocutor. When communicating with Cats, you need to remember that they try not to show their feelings. They would prefer to be born completely devoid of emotions, because they are sure that this would make them invulnerable and more adapted to life. But in fact, the Cat's heart is very sensitive, and main reason his success in society lies not in good upbringing or tact, but in sincere interest in the people around him.

There is an ancient belief that sorcerers turn into cats. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, cats were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. In Japanese tradition, this is also a demonic animal, possessing supernatural strength, and sometimes even the features of a vampire.

In China, despite the not very flattering attitude towards the Cat, they still believed in the ability of this beast to expel (dispel) evil spirits.

And to this day a cat, hare or rabbit is associated with evil spirits. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved.

God, sorcerer or man, but there is something mystical in the Cat’s gaze. Whether it is a Rabbit or a Cat, their apparent defenselessness, softness and weakness can easily transform into a rather dangerous force...

Despite the negative associations, these animals give a person born in the year under their auspices mainly positive features character.

Cat-man. Characteristic

Cats are not known for their desperate courage, and during dangerous situations or acute conflicts they prefer to sit in safety rather than engage in discussions.

At the same time, in a calm environment, the Cat can be active and hardworking; moreover, he willingly obeys the schedule, does not seek to eliminate a competitor at any cost, and does not complain about the monotony of work.

Even with worst enemies The cat is impeccably polite, however, being a rather cunning person, he is quite capable of taking revenge for an insult with the wrong hands.

Cats are extremely sensual, but they fall in love too easily to be faithful. In addition, the Cat is not inclined to trust anyone, not even his partner, and when communicating with family members he maintains a rather strict distance. When you decide to have an affair with the Cat, do not forget that he is extremely sensitive to criticism. If any of your remark is considered tactless, the Cat may not only break off the relationship, but will also try to take revenge.

The cat loves women and knows how to seduce with words. Although... he always has a lot of words, but little action. The personality is deceptively calm and seemingly well-mannered. In fact, he reveals the qualities of a man with nerves of steel, capable of playing any role - humility, gentleness, enthusiasm.

IN financially this person is always happy. He is smart in business, and whoever signs a contract with him will never go wrong.

This is a good speculator, he has a gift for trading. As a business person, the Cat is very lucky. All Cats are good financiers. And all operations related to money are successful for them. We can say that they have a “nose” for deals with a profitable outcome. These are dangerous competitors and excellent business partners. Professions in which Cats will be successful: lawyer, diplomat, salesman, antique store owner. The cat will be able to choose a diplomatic career, provided that his life is not at risk.

Such a person is capable of carefully and deftly choosing the right moment and acting firmly in his own interests. And in the end, he really achieves his goal.

Cat woman. Characteristic

Female Cats, as a rule, have a melancholic temperament, which gives them a special charm. This is one of their main trump cards.

Cats are very dreamy. Sometimes they become so immersed in their dreams that it takes them away from reality.

A woman of this sign can shine in all types of activities that require taste and hospitality. Politics or

the diplomat should choose a wife born in the year of the Cat - both secular and modest, she will be an excellent partner for him.

Her behavior meets all the norms of social life. Catwoman can study some subjects deeply, pursuing only one goal - to shine, and at the same time may not know anything about other more important things.

For the Cat, family is not the main thing; she can easily part with loved ones for the sake of friends or a loved one.

The maternal instinct of this sign is not too strongly expressed, but the Cat woman always fulfills her duty.

Types of Cat

Metal Cat (1951 2011,2071)

Water Cat (1903, 1963, 2023)

Wooden Cat (1915,1975, 2035)

Fire Cat (1927,1987, 2047)

Earthen Cat (1939, 1999, 2059)

Born in the year of the Cat

Epicurus, Walter Scott, Robert Owen, Vasily Zhukovsky, Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Stalin, Boris Savinkov, William Harriman, Lev Dovator, Igor Kurchatov, Albert Einstein, Andrei Grechko, Ilya Erenburg, Sergei Vavilov, Yuliy Raizman, Mikhail Svetlov, Konstantin Simonov, Julius Fucik.