Ready house for 2 million. Turnkey house for a million: “black” and “white” savings, at what stages of construction you can save

We present to your attention our new project entitled "Two for two" .

- What is it?- you ask.

If you own a plot of land intended for individual construction, have been thinking about building a private house for a long time, but don’t know the cost of the issue, the duration and complexity of construction activities, then this project is great option for you.


Two for two- this is a full-fledged double decker cottage, size 10*10m, with terrace and porch- cost 2 million rubles! And all this within a period of 3 to 4 months.

our company Negos LLC has been studying the peculiarities of demand for country houses and at the same time improves his skills in the field of private real estate construction. We built original projects, according to which no one built, we built projects taking into account all the nuances and wishes of the customer, using all our practical experience.

The basis of the project "Two for two" is a controlled and predictable process of building a house. Negos LLC You can trust the construction of a turnkey house, as well as individual stages of repair, construction and landscaping work:

  • civil works and engineering networks
  • facade and interior decoration of the house

The first and defining stage was called TWO for TWO. Why " TWO for TWO"? Because it two-story cottage , With two"extensions" and cost 2 million rubles!

Many years of activity in the field of private construction, taking into account the criteria of reliability, comfort, functionality and economic feasibility, validity of design decisions, allowed us to develop optimal project country house.

In other words, this is a two-story cottage, the size 10x10 m, With open terrace and the porch, and with total area - 170 m2. Based on our analysis, this is optimal size home, including the cost necessary materials and construction and installation work for its construction:

  1. Foundation (grillage on piles)
  2. House walls ( gas silicate block 400mm)
  3. Interfloor ceiling (wooden beam)
  4. Roofing (metal tiles)

You can get acquainted with the range of materials in detail below; the final cost is determined on the basis of an estimate, taking into account changes in the specifications of materials.

Now you know where to order professional construction services. Good luck in building your own home.

The main materials used in the construction of the Capital Individual Residential Building of the “TWO for TWO” PROJECT

1 Pile-grillage foundation

1.1 - Piles: every 1.5 meters along the length of the foundation there is a pile buried 1.5 meters into the ground. Its diameter is 250 mm. The reinforcement consists of 4 reinforcements with a diameter of 12 mm. Filled with M300 concrete with granite filler.
1.2 - Grillage (ribbon): its length is 70 m.p. (main house of 5 load-bearing walls, terrace and porch). Its thickness is 350 mm, section height is 450 mm. The reinforcement consists of 5 longitudinal reinforcements with a diameter of 12 mm. Concrete is used grade M300 with granite filler.

2 The walls of the house on the 1st floor (as well as the second) are made of 400 mm gas silicate blocks.

2.1 - Walls of the 1st floor (as well as the second): gas silicate block with glue, 400 mm thick. Block density D500.
2.2 - Window and door lintels: U-shaped block (tray). Reinforcement with 4 longitudinal reinforcements with a diameter of 12 mm. Concrete grade M300 with granite filler.
2.3 - Arm. Belt: Longitudinal reinforcement, concrete grade M300 with granite filler.

3 Covering the 1st (as well as the second) floor.

Wooden beams: A beam with a section of h200x100 mm is used. Twisted together with studs, mounting to arm. the belt is made with special anchors.

4 Roof.

4.1 - Rafter system: Complete installation of wooden rafter system roofs. Waterproofing. Counter-sheathing, sheathing.
4.2 - Finishing roofing: Metal tiles. Color at customer's choice.

5 Terrace and porch.

5.1 - Support pillars: Brickwork 1.5 bricks (pillar diameter is 380 mm.)
5.2 - Roof: see clauses 4.1, 4.2.

*All materials used are exclusively proven brands, of appropriate quality and environmental friendliness.

Floor layout of the project Two for Two

First floor:

Second floor:

Now you can find quite a lot of advertisements from construction companies, offering to rebuild a turnkey house for just a million rubles. Some of them, unfortunately, are outright deception, since only the frame of the house will be built for you on a turnkey basis, and everything else is for an additional fee. But the other part is still real proposals. Let's figure out how you can build a house for a million, what it can be like, and what saving strategies you can use during construction.

What is hidden behind such a generous offer?

“Black” and “white” saving strategies

No matter how trite it may sound, everything in the world has its price and there are always certain boundaries that cannot be crossed. For example, even if new records are set in sports competitions, it is unlikely that a person will be able to run at the speed of sound - well, unless the dreams of science fiction writers about teleportation someday become a reality. The same can be said about construction:

There is a certain price for materials and the cost of work, below which it is simply pointless to go.

From here there is an unequivocal conclusion - you will be able to save either on materials and technology (which will make the house at least uncomfortable to live in), or the savings will be “legal” - based on reducing costs by removing unnecessary elements and maximizing the simplification of everything else.

House for a million: what it could be

Proper construction of any house is carried out in several stages. First of all, it is selected land plot and a project is drawn up. Then, based on the project, the foundation is developed, walls and roof are erected, utilities are laid out, Finishing work.

Now that we've divided general construction houses into several parts, you can understand where you can save money and build a house for a million rubles.

We select a plot of land

Even if you have found an excellent site that seems to be completely satisfactory in terms of location, communications and other aspects, you need to evaluate it from the point of view of further savings:

    Soil quality. This is the most important thing that can affect the cost of a house, since not every foundation is suitable for some types of soil. The quality of the soil is determined exclusively by geological examination. It costs little to carry out, but you will have comprehensive data on hand, based on which specialists will be able to calculate the foundation and determine optimal place for a house on the site.

    Driveways. Typically, economical projects are built without the use of heavy equipment, but in any case it will be necessary to deliver construction materials to the site.

    Connection cost to the gas main, electricity, water supply. In some cases, it may turn out that, for example, the water supply was shared, and the previous owner of the site did not participate in the work, and now the connection will cost a lot of money.

It is necessary to evaluate a site not only by its beauty

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

What will the house project be like?

Any architectural delights lead to an increase in the cost of the project. To get an economical house design for a million, you will have to give up bay windows and diverse architecture. You also need to remember that an internal load-bearing wall costs extra money. As a result, you will have to settle on house layouts of 6x6 or 6x8 - standard “boxes”. However, the comfort of a house does not depend on its size, and without internal load-bearing walls the layout can be anything.

If you contact a reputable construction company, then when you order turnkey construction, they will design your house for free. This is another way of “white” saving - the house is not built at random, which means that troubles with soil displacement and the like are excluded in the future.

Choosing a foundation

Preliminarily, all that can be said here is that the most economical option- This pile-screw foundation. But usually such a base is made for frame or other wooden houses– for buildings made of aerated concrete or brick, you will have to lay a monolithic or strip foundation. It is impossible to say in advance which foundation to choose - it all depends on the type of soil on the site and the selected material for building the house.

Regarding the pile-screw foundation, it should also be noted that sometimes, for the sake of economy, the distance between the supports on the pile field is increased - instead of 2 meters, they make 2.5-3. Indeed, there is a certain percentage of buildings in which the piles are located at such a distance and they have been standing for quite a long time. But many videos have been made about these houses. which show how the floor can "walk" a little when you walk on it. Therefore, this type of saving is very dubious - everyone uses it at their own peril and risk.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Choosing a construction technology

There are several dozen construction technologies, but not all are suitable for building a turnkey house for a million rubles.

We must immediately dispel the myth - brick house You can't build it for a million.

Brick is a fairly heavy material - even if on the site ideal conditions to lay a shallow foundation, then the most little house 6x6 will cost more. If there are other proposals, it means that at some stage the technology is broken or we are talking only about the construction of a “box”.

Brick house for a million - some are even trying to make money on interest in this issue

The next option is foam blocks or aerated concrete. These materials are quite similar to each other - their cost is less than that of brick, and their weight is quite big sizes blocks make labor costs when installing below. The main point to pay attention to is the finishing. If foam concrete simply has an unpresentable appearance, then a ventilated façade must be installed for a house made of aerated concrete. But whether or not it will be possible to build a house from aerated concrete for a million rubles depends primarily on the foundation and size of the building - if it will be small house standard project 6x6, then there is such a probability.

But most often, if you want to build a turnkey house for 1,000,000 rubles, you still choose one of the technologies frame house construction, for example, SIP panels or houses made of timber. The meaning of the technology is that house parts are manufactured at the factory, and at the construction site they are simply assembled like a construction set. A separate plus is the timing. In some cases, you can completely complete all the work in a few days - a maximum of a couple of weeks.

Roof shape and roofing material

The same principle applies here as for the project - the simpler, the cheaper. If you focus only on performance characteristics and remove all decorations, then the best option there was and remains a gable roof.

Under gable roof you can arrange an attic

In some cases, the option is considered flat roof, and at first glance it may indeed seem that it is cheaper. But we must take into account that the economical option here is roofing felt, which in five years will begin to leak and require replacement.

The optimal roofing material is most often modern bitumen shingles. Its main drawback is the high requirements for the qualifications of the roofer - otherwise, after some time, leaks may begin. But when ordering turnkey construction, this is the concern of the construction company.

Engineering Communication

This mainly includes electrical, water supply and sewerage. There are only two rules for saving:

    All work must be carried out qualified specialists. We must remember that poor quality installation can lead not only to rework, but also to provoke an emergency situation.

    The price of materials and components is directly dependent on their quality. If you save here and now, then there is a high probability that repairs will soon be needed, and a million-dollar house will cost a pretty penny.

There is only one conclusion here - you can save on utilities mainly only by installing automation.

We need to think through all types of connections

Finishing work

Finishing work will not be needed in only one case - if the house is built from laminated veneer lumber. In all other cases, the estimate should include siding or a ventilated façade. Even the house from ordinary timber natural or chamber drying It is advisable to insulate it. And the result will be, at a minimum, a turnkey house for 1,500,000 rubles.

In general, there is no particular difference in finishing methods - you can evaluate them according to the cost of materials and work, so as not to go beyond the estimate.

Video description

In the video, see an example of calculating how realistic it is to build a brick house for a million:

To build or not to build

Without an analysis of the site, it is difficult to say unambiguously whether or not it will be within the planned estimate. You can fully calculate, for example, how to build a house for a million rubles from foam blocks, but fail to take into account some of the nuances that will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the entire construction project.

Generally speaking, in terms of price and quality ratio, it is best to choose a house made from SIP panels - this technology allows you to quickly and relatively inexpensively build a full-fledged house, and you will only have to purchase 5 types of materials for construction, which allows you to accurately calculate the entire estimate in advance.

But at the same time, we must remember the main thing - everything has its price. If you set a goal, you can build a house for a million. But what its size and quality will be is a completely different question.

When you want to become the owner of a spacious home and your budget allows it, dozens of options appear on how you can improve your life and realize the dream of owning your own home without any restrictions.

House projects priced up to 2 million, presented in the Marisrub catalog, are a clear illustration of how many options there can be. However, we should not forget about individual design, opening up even more possibilities.

Features of wooden houses up to 2 million

  • Spacious layout. IN ready-made solutions You will find many options for combining the living room and dining room, kitchen and dining room, as well as the hall and other rooms of the house. All this allows you to create a feeling of space and use unusual interior solutions that will only emphasize the comfort of your home.
  • Availability of many household premises, useful in the household. We are talking not only about storage rooms, balconies and verandas, but also about special boiler rooms in which all water heating equipment can be placed.
  • Designed extensions. You can always choose a project in which the veranda or summer terrace is located outside the house, but is connected to it by a hall or a small hallway.
  • Unusual planning solutions. Spacious houses allow you to implement very interesting ideas from a design point of view. Always dreamed of winter garden V own home? No problem.

How is the cost calculated?

By choosing ready-made projects, Marisrub clients will be able to calculate how much they will see in the final estimate. No hidden fees construction work allows you to know exactly how much to expect.

The cost of each house indicated in the catalog includes all the work necessary to assemble the building under the roof. This means that the only service not included in the price is pouring the foundation.

Finishing work is also an additional part of the service, which you may not need, because the rounded log, which is the basis of the proposed housing options, has an aesthetic texture that fits perfectly into interiors of different styles.

Finally one more good news consists of a staged payment system. Marisrub customers pay for the work in installments, which allows them to track construction costs and plan their own budget.