Schedule of next vacations. Drawing up a vacation schedule: step-by-step instructions and sample

Vacation schedule- this is a local regulatory act that determines the procedure for granting vacations.

The vacation schedule is approved by the head of the enterprise.

The vacation schedule contains information about the time of provision of paid vacations to employees of all departments of the organization for the upcoming calendar year, broken down by month.

The vacation schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee (Part 2 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The vacation schedule gives employees the right to annual rest and helps the employer:

    arrange your vacation in advance and pay it in full on time, which is issued no less than three days before the start of the vacation in accordance with Part 9 of Art. 136 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

    if necessary, find a suitable replacement for an employee going on vacation;

    monitor the timely provision of vacations to employees and prevent the accumulation of unused vacation days.

If an employee has unused annual leave for previous periods of work, then the employee retains the right to use these leaves.

The employer must include such vacations in the vacation schedule for the next calendar year or provide them by agreement with the employee.

The approved vacation schedule is brought to the attention of all employees against signature.

In addition, the employer must notify each employee about the start time of his vacation no later than two weeks in advance (Part 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for drawing up and approving a vacation schedule

The vacation schedule is drawn up according to the unified form N T-7 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1).

The vacation schedule must be approved no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year (Part 1 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As a rule, the employer receives from employees the necessary information about planned vacation dates.

Taking into account the information received from employees, a vacation schedule is drawn up.

The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the personnel service and approved by the head of the organization or an authorized person by signing the vacation schedule.

In addition to the main annual paid vacations, the schedule also indicates additional vacations and vacations that were not used by employees during the current year and therefore were transferred to the next year.

If a new employee is hired into the organization during a calendar year, then such an employee must also be included in the vacation schedule for the current or next calendar year. This can be done by filling out an addition to form No. T-7.

At the same time, vacations on which employees go without pay are not indicated in the vacation schedule, since Form N T-7 is used to reflect information about the time of distribution of only annual paid vacations of employees of all structural divisions of the organization for the calendar year, broken down by month.

The schedule may also indicate vacations of external part-time workers.

To do this, the employer needs to obtain information from an external part-time worker about vacation dates at the main place of work.

The vacation schedule is drawn up as follows.

    Column 1 – the name of the structural unit must be indicated here.

    Column 2 – the position (specialty, profession) of the employee must be indicated here according to the staffing table.

In columns 1 and 2, information is indicated in accordance with the staffing table.

    Column 3 – the full name of the employee must be indicated here.

    Column 4 – the personnel number must be indicated here. This column is filled in if the organization assigns personnel numbers to employees.

    Column 5 - the number of calendar days of vacation that the employee is entitled to should be indicated here.

    Column 6 should indicate the planned date of vacation.

At the time of approval of the schedule, columns 1 - 6 of form N T-7 must be completed.

Columns 7, 8 and 9 are filled in by hand.

During the year, column 7 indicates the actual start date of the vacation.

Columns 8 and 9 are filled in if the vacation is postponed to another period, indicating its expected date.

In column 8, you must indicate the document on the basis of which the vacation was postponed (for example, this could be an order from the manager, if the vacation is postponed due to production needs, an employee statement).

And in column 9 you need to indicate the expected date of vacation.

Column 10 is filled in if:

    this year the employee was not provided with leave (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    the employee was recalled from vacation, and part of it will be transferred to the next year (part 2 of article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    the vacation was extended (part 1 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

This column also indicates the grounds for recall from vacation, extension or transfer of vacation.

In the “I approve” column the signature of the head of the organization is placed.

The vacation schedule is approved for a year.

In the “Document number” column, its serial number is indicated in accordance with the numbering accepted in the organization for such documents.

The vacation schedule must be drawn up in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year, i.e. in mid-December of this year.

The date of compilation of the vacation schedule must be indicated in the "Date of compilation" column.

The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the personnel service and certified by the head of the employer organization.

All employees of the organization must be familiarized with the approved vacation schedule. This can be done in two ways:

    supplement form No. T-7 with column 11 “I am familiar with the schedule (date, signature)” or “Notified of the start time of vacation (date, signature)”;

    attach an introductory sheet to the vacation schedule, in which each employee will indicate the date of familiarization with the document and sign.

In addition, the employer must once again individually inform each employee about the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks in advance.

For these purposes, you can keep a log of notifying employees about the start time of vacation.

The employee notification log is usually compiled for one month.

The vacation schedule is the document that is always checked, since the absence of a vacation schedule violates the rights of employees and does not allow employees of the organization to plan their vacation.

If an organization does not have a vacation schedule, then the employer may be fined or the company’s activities suspended for non-compliance with labor laws.

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Vacation schedule: details for an accountant

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In November, HR officers have a new concern - drawing up a vacation schedule for the next calendar year. A well-designed vacation schedule will ensure not only the smooth operation of all services of the organization, but will also prevent conflicts in the team. In the article you will find a sample of filling out the vacation schedule for 2018.

Column “Number of calendar days”

When filling out this column, please note:

  • The duration of the main vacation cannot be less than 28 calendar days. And there are categories of workers who are entitled to more. In addition to teachers, civil servants and doctors, extended basic leave must be provided to minors (31 calendar days, Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and disabled people (at least 30 calendar days).
  • In the vacation schedule, we plan not only the employee’s main vacation, but also additional (if any). After all, Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that these holidays are provided together and are summed up. Therefore, be sure to add additional days to the number of days of main vacation.
  • Unused vacations from previous years can also be scheduled.

The vacation schedule does not include:

  1. Study holidays.
  2. Leave for child care, pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. Leave without pay.

Column “Vacation start date (planned)”

In this column you need to indicate the exact date - day and month. If you add only a month, then you will not have a clear plan for employees to go on vacation. You will inevitably encounter overlaps. It is the non-specific dates in vacation schedules that give rise to most disputes and conflicts.

Column "Name"

In what order should employees' names be placed in the vacation schedule? There is no clear answer to this question in the law. The employer can choose it himself and register it in the local act of the organization (Article 8 of the Labor Code). In practice, 2 design options are used:

  1. Alphabet order. It is used by small organizations.
  2. Chronological order. That is, the first entries in the schedule will be about employees who go on vacation in January, and the last ones will be about those who go on vacation in December.

If the company has structural divisions, then a schedule can be drawn up for each of them. This option is suitable for organizations with a large number of employees.

Important! The vacation schedule is a mandatory document. It should be in any company that has hired employees. If it is not there or the procedure for drawing up the vacation schedule for the next year is violated, the company will be held administratively liable (Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In this case, the official will be fined from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, and for the organization from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

The experts at Sistema Personnel tried to make the HR officer’s job a little easier. To plan employee vacations for the next year, use their development - smart vacation schedule in Excel spreadsheet . It will calculate the end of vacation taking into account holidays, warn when an employee needs to be notified about the start of vacation, show the overlap of employee vacations and generate a unified schedule form.

How to make a vacation schedule: use an electronic assistant

To create a graph, use unified form No. T-7 or a self-developed form. In the schedule, indicate the order in which employees go on annual paid leave.

Take into account the specifics of the organization’s activities and the wishes of certain categories of employees when creating a schedule.

When filling out the vacation schedule, indicate the total number of vacation days for each employee and the specific dates when he plans to go on vacation next year (Article 123 of the Labor Code).

After you draw up a draft vacation schedule: sample, check it carefully. Will help you with this special table , which was developed by HR System experts. It will clearly show all your mistakes.

Question answer

Is it necessary to indicate information about unused vacations for previous years in the vacation schedule?

Days for unused vacation for the previous year can be included in the vacation schedule for the current year or provided by agreement between the employee and the employer, that is, without including it in the current schedule. The validity of this approach is confirmed...

When an employee must write an application for a vacation schedule: sample

If an employee takes another vacation according to the vacation schedule, which indicates the exact start date of the vacation, it is not necessary to write a vacation application. This should only be done in one of 3 situations:

  1. An employee wants to go on vacation on days other than those indicated in the vacation schedule.
  2. The schedule does not have exact start and end dates for the vacation.
  3. The vacation is taken by a new employee who was hired after the schedule was approved.

The employee writes a vacation application in any form.

Application for vacation schedule (sample)

How many days before the leave the employee must submit an application is not specified in the law. The employer can set a minimum period in the company's local act.

The time of its start and return to work is documented in the vacation schedule, which is mandatory for both the employee and the employer. This norm applies not only to large enterprises, where preliminary planning of employee rest is determined, first of all, by the need for rational organization of the work process, but also to small companies without a trade union body.

Absence of this document at the enterprise may be a reason for a fairly substantial fine: from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, according to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Rules for scheduling vacations

The schedule is drawn up by the personnel service of the enterprise or by the person performing the functions of personnel records management, taking into account the wishes of the employees. It is especially important to comply with the requirement of voluntariness when determining the timing of the next vacation for categories of employees who have the right to use it at any time convenient for them.

  • employees whose age has not reached 18 years (Article 178 of the Labor Code);
  • mothers of two or more children under 12 years of age, regardless of the presence of a father and his participation in raising children, fathers, guardians or trustees raising 2 or more children under 12 years of age without the participation of the mother (Article 1721 of the Labor Code);
  • husbands during the stay of his wife (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • honorary donors of Russia (Law No. 5142-I of 06/09/1993);
  • persons injured as a result of the Chernobyl accident or who received a total radiation dose of more than 25 cSv (Law No. 1244-I of May 15, 1991 and Law No. 2-FZ of January 10, 2002, respectively);
  • labor and war veterans (including war invalids);
  • veterans of hostilities that took place on the territory of other countries (including those who received disabilities as a result of their participation in hostilities);
  • persons who received the honorary title of Hero of War or Labor both in the USSR and in the Russian Federation, full holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory.
In order to document the employee’s agreement with the vacation periods established for him, a questionnaire is filled out, where the wishes of the employee himself are noted or the pre-planned period of absence is indicated, and his personal signature is also affixed. In some cases, the preparation of this document may be carried out without the participation of the employee, but then it is necessary to notify him in writing (no later than 14 days in advance) and obtain a signature of consent within the established deadlines.

This does not mean that the employee is free to dictate the terms when choosing a vacation period. The management of the enterprise has the right to set rest times for employees in such a way as to ensure the fulfillment of production tasks. Thus, restrictions on the number of employees simultaneously absent from work must be taken into account in the vacation schedule.

Responsibilities for drawing up a schedule are assigned to the personnel department by a separate order of the manager. According to the same order, in the absence of personnel officers, their function can be performed by any employee who has the necessary qualifications and access to information.

The vacation summary table must indicate all employees on the organization's payroll at the time of its approval. Thus, a person hired before the order to approve the schedule must be included in it, even if during the period of determining the priority of the annual vacation he was absent from the staff.


Vacation schedule: deadlines for drawing up for all employees in accordance with the current standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 123) must be approved no later than December 16 of the previous year. The larger the enterprise, the earlier this process should begin.

Large enterprises begin to compile preliminary holiday tables from the end of September to the beginning of October. Small organizations with up to 20-30 employees can begin distributing rest days two to three weeks before the approval deadline.

What are the features of scheduling?


First, you need to issue an order on drawing up a vacation schedule, its preparation and assign this responsibility to a specific person responsible for personnel records. The next stage is an analysis of the number of days of unused vacation in previous years, days of rest and the right to receive them at a time convenient for the employee. It is important that the schedule includes all vacation days for the year for which it is being drawn up, including unused days for the current and previous years.

To find out the wishes of the employees themselves, you can use a questionnaire (a sheet for agreeing on deadlines). In the event of controversial situations (when several employees simultaneously apply for leave, or the absence of a member of the workforce during the period of active work of the enterprise may threaten a decrease in the required level of production) final deadlines can be set by the administration. In this case, written notice or consent of the employee is required.

To document the vacation schedule, Form No. T-7, approved by Resolution of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation No. 26 of 04/06/2001, can be used, however, from January 1, 2013, its use is not mandatory. It is important that the following details are indicated in the summary table-graph:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • his position, structural unit (at large enterprises, schedules can be generated for each unit);
  • number of vacation days in the plan year;
  • the approximate duration of the employee’s vacation;
  • actual rest period.

The planned duration can be specified either by exact dates or by months. And all the time for rest provided by law, at the request of the employee, can be divided into several parts, but taking into account the fact that one of them must be at least 14 days.

After drawing up a draft vacation schedule, this document is endorsed by the head of the personnel service and the heads of the relevant departments, after which it is approved by the head of the organization.

Is a separate order needed?

The question is whether a separate order should be issued in this regard has not yet been clearly settled. The stamp “I approve” on a document is sometimes considered as a self-sufficient confirmation of agreement with management.

However, in order to avoid disputes with inspectors, although the procedure for drawing up a vacation schedule will be followed without this, it is advisable to include such an order (in free form, “On approval of the vacation schedule for year xxxx”) in the document flow.

Changes may be made to the document due to various circumstances. This:

  • hiring or dismissal of employees;
  • the employee’s request for leave due to personal circumstances (usually for a later period);
  • the possibility that the absence of an employee will negatively affect the work of the organization (production necessity);
  • monetary compensation for several unused days as agreed with the employee.

Any changes to the schedule are made on the basis of a separate order leader. Newly admitted employees can be included both in the main list (based on the order on changes in the order of provision of rest) and in the additional one, which is attached to the main one.

The rules of compilation are also described in the video below.

Common mistakes

Scheduling vacations: typical mistakes are:

  • incorrect calculation of the duration of the main and;
  • non-coordination of vacation dates for part-time workers with the main place of work;
  • when the employee’s right to leave at a time convenient for him is not taken into account (preferential categories) or there are no documents confirming the right to this benefit;
  • lack of employee consent to the deadlines specified in the schedule in writing.

As a rule, if an error is discovered on your own, it can be corrected in agreement with the administration of the enterprise.

Every working person has the right to receive annual leave with monetary compensation. To ensure the possibility of going on vacation while maintaining the required level of enterprise productivity, it is practiced to create a special vacation schedule.

What is the purpose of the vacation schedule?

At its core, the vacation schedule is document regulating the time for employees of the organization to go on vacation. It is drawn up to form a specific rest queue for workers, so that maintain full functionality the entire structure of the company.

Certain regulations have been developed for drawing up such a schedule. He compiled once a year without the possibility of making any adjustments. The only exception can be considered possibility of making changes in the duration of vacations and only on the basis of an order issued by the head of a commercial organization. Similar document must be agreed upon with the administrative staff the company and the workers' union, if, of course, there is one.

The vacation schedule must be formed taking into account the existing wishes of employees and in accordance with the specifics of the functioning of the organization itself. Various regulations including collective agreements may regulate the maximum number of employees of the same structural unit of the organization that can simultaneously go on vacation. It is important to follow these steps so that the annual monthly rest of employees does not negatively affect the company’s work process.

Often It is recommended to start planning in November. This is due to the fact that it is important to hand it over to management two weeks before the start of the New Year. Such requirements are put forward by the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When new workers are hired during the year, they should not be included in this schedule. Going on vacation for such employees is carried out in agreement with the head of the organization.

Existing rules for drawing up the T-7 form

At its core, the graph is local document specific organization, according to which its employees go on annual leave. It is compiled according to a specific form called T-7. Each individual structural unit of the company has its own schedule. This is how most enterprises act. First, the management of each department creates its own schedule and then transfers it to the personnel department. Further, HR department employees make their own adjustments to these acts, based on the personnel potential of the enterprise and the specifics of his work.

After this happens coordination of adjustments made with employees, whose holidays were corrected. In addition, it is important to get consent from the immediate head of the department, because it is he who knows the needs of production and understands the need for the presence of this or that employee at the enterprise. In addition, it is important to coordinate all possible transfers of vacations, because even changing the date and period of rest of one employee can move the vacation of several employees, which is fraught with internal conflicts in the organization in the absence of approvals.

After all approvals are completed, the final document is transferred again to the human resources department to form a final consolidated schedule for the entire organization.

Certain nuances of document preparation

In addition to the requirements of company employees, when drawing up a vacation schedule, it is extremely it is important to take into account the requirements of current legislation:

  • Regardless of length of service, certain categories of workers can count on receiving annual rest with financial benefits. Such employees include: citizens under 18 years of age, female representatives before and after going on maternity leave, persons who have adopted children under 3 years of age. For this reason, when drawing up such a schedule, it is necessary to take into account the presence of pregnant women and minors on staff.

Rest is provided to the employee until he reaches six months of work in the organization only with the agreement of the management of the enterprise and the writing of a corresponding application.

Until the employee completes his six-month period of work in the organization, when he is granted leave, he must be paid vacation pay and provided with rest in full.

  • receiving two vacations are acceptable for those employees who joined the organization at the end of the previous calendar year, for example, in early October. In such situations, the employee has the opportunity to take a vacation in May, and the next one for the previous year at any other time throughout the rest of the year. Such a possibility should be taken into account in the vacation schedule when drawing it up and included in the relevant act;
  • The priority of employees when going on vacation is established taking into account the presence of people on the staff who belong to a certain category of citizens who have the priority right to receive vacation.

Situations that allow for the possibility of making adjustments to the schedule

In some situations, after drawing up a vacation schedule a new employee is hired to join the organization's staff. In such conditions, a problem arises with the formation of such an act. The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not impose an obligation on the employer to make any adjustments into an already established schedule.

In other words, new employees can go on vacation only after writing a corresponding application addressed to the head of the enterprise and with his consent.

However, it is worth noting the fact that the current legislation does not prohibit drawing up an additional document, where information about the vacations of all new employees will be displayed. Such a procedure involves drawing up an additional act in which data will be entered on the dates and timing of the provision of rest to such employees of a commercial structure. Such a document is certified by the signature of the immediate head of the organization.

All changes must be reflected in separate columns 7-10 of the unified form of the T-7 vacation schedule:

  • V column 7 information is entered on the date of the organization’s employees going on vacation;
  • V box 8 It is required to indicate the name and number of the document according to which changes will be made to the timing and dates of departure of employees for annual vacation. Such documents include a person’s application to postpone his vacation, which is certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise. This is provided for by Article 124 of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • V 9 column the expected date of sending the citizen on vacation is indicated. This is allowed, for example, when writing an application with a request to postpone the holiday to the date when his wife will be on maternity leave;
  • V 10th column A variety of comments and notes are made.

Who can check this form?

Regardless of the size of the company's staff, such It is extremely important to create a schedule. According to the Labor Code, this document is a necessary condition for observing the rights and obligations of both the organization’s employees and its management. In addition, this the act regulates the order of going on vacation employees, which makes it possible to eliminate the possibility of various disagreements and internal conflicts within the team. In the event that the parties to the labor relationship directly violate the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by their actions, then the regulatory authorities have the opportunity impose financial penalties as penalties.

This document is one of those that is mandatory undergoes inspection by labor inspectorate. This is due to the fact that in the absence of such a schedule at the enterprise, the rights of workers are violated, and also does not give them the opportunity to plan their well-deserved rest in advance.

If facts of non-compliance with labor legislation are revealed, in addition to a fine against the head of the organization, regulatory authorities may initiate the suspension of its activities.

This video provides detailed information on how to create a vacation schedule without errors. Detailed instructions.

Let's look at how to correctly draw up, fill out and approve a vacation schedule according to the new rules. In the article you will also find a sample and form of this document for 2019, which can be downloaded in excel format.

Attention! We have prepared documents that will help you create a vacation schedule for 2019. Download for free:

The vacation schedule is a document that every employer must approve. Organization or individual entrepreneur, it doesn’t matter. The BukhSoft program fills it out automatically on an official and current form. All you need to do is download, print and sign the document. Try it for free:

Download vacation schedule

Labor legislation provides for employers the obligation to draw up an annual vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The document must be prepared no later than two weeks before the start of the corresponding calendar year.

The importance of the vacation schedule for the company and the employee

The document is a local regulatory act that establishes the priority for personnel to go on annual paid leave. It contains information about vacation periods broken down by month.

The vacation schedule allows the company to notify its employees in advance about the start time of the vacation. The notification is made against signature no later than two weeks before the start of the holiday.

In addition, with the help of the document, the company can:

  • pay the employee vacation pay on time (at least three days before the start of the vacation);
  • find a replacement employee during his absence;
  • monitor compliance with vacation deadlines and unused vacation days.

Days unused in previous periods are taken into account when drawing up a new schedule. The employee has the right to use accumulated unused days by agreeing on the rest time with management.