How long does it take to heat up water in a water heater? The boiler does not heat the water well. Causes and methods of eliminating them

Have you started to notice that you are getting less hot water? Do you feel like your boiler is not heating the water well? Let's figure out what could be the matter:

Is your boiler not heating the water well? Call a repairman at the MIX-Service Service Center! We really have anti-crisis prices in Kyiv. Check out our price list:

# Price list of services Price
1 Call a technician (if you refuse to carry out repairs) 150 UAH
2 Call a technician (when performing repairs) For free
3 Minor repairs From 200 UAH.
4 Cleaning (prevention) 250-299 UAH.
5 Eliminating water leaks through connections and boiler elements From 200 UAH.
6 Electronic module repair From 549 UAH.
7 Replacement and repair of the thermostat From 200 UAH.
8 Replacing the check valve From 149 UAH.
9 Replacing the heating element From 299 UAH.
10 Flange replacement 250-399 UAH.
11 Electronic parts repair From 200 UAH.
12 Dismantling 200-249 UAH.

What other malfunctions can occur in cases where the boiler does not heat the water well?

We have listed the most common problems encountered when the boiler does not heat well. Naturally, sometimes there are unusual situations, and in order to reliably determine the problem, boiler diagnostics are necessary. Service center"MIX-SERVIS" has been working in Kyiv for several years, and it cleans and repairs the boiler not only promptly, but also affordable prices. Boiler diagnostics cost only 150 hryvnia. We are a leader in providing repair and maintenance services household appliances. Contact truly trusted specialists!

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Good day. I'm interested in this question. How long does it take to heat water in a 200 liter electric heater tank? It’s just that we have a large family, and the hot water is turned off almost all summer, so we decided to install a heater.

I’m interested in how long it takes to wait for the water to fully heat up and what the power of a 200-liter heater is. Will the wiring hold up?

Good afternoon. The power of all of them is approximately the same and is about 2000W. Almost any wiring can withstand.

The heating time is about 4-5 hours, depending on the required temperature. If we let it heat up overnight, then in the morning there will be enough for everyone to wash themselves. The only question is energy consumption.

Electric storage water heaters for 200 liters, how long does it take to heat the water?

Water heaters produce the same power because there are restrictions on the current in the network. For example, you cannot install a 10 kW water heater in an apartment - all the plugs will fly out. This is the power at which the current will go beyond 50A, which wires will withstand such a current? But a power of 2 kW is optimal.
You will have to wait 4.5 hours for 200 liters of heating, but you can heat the water once and then calmly wash the dishes and take a shower. 200 liters is a standard garden barrel.

Electric storage water heaters for 200 liters, how long does it take to heat the water?

It's a long wait anyway. But you can, for example, turn it off during the day and set it to heat at night. The heater is of high quality, there will be no fire or overheating. In the morning there will be a whole barrel of hot water, you can use it all day.
Everyone likes to shower differently. Someone sits for 5 minutes and that’s enough, but someone sits for 3 hours and it’s less and less. Shorter depending on needs. But in general, 200 liters should be enough for your needs

Electric storage water heaters for 200 liters, how long does it take to heat the water?

Believe me, for a storage heater it is absolutely unimportant how long it takes to heat the water. Such a heater is constantly connected to the network; this is its normal operating mode. Yes, indeed, the first heating may require some time. But then the water will be heated as it cools below the limit set by the regulator. At making the right choice tank capacity, the process is absolutely invisible to the consumer; hot water is always available. Extra expense energy in view high-quality thermal insulation Hardly ever.

It is very important that your expectations after purchasing an electric water heater are fully met, and that it serves you not only for a long time faithfully, but the operation of the electric water heater brought you maximum comfort.

Cumulative electric water heaters can be used all year round. But the time it takes for the water volume to fully warm up is influenced by three main factors:

— inlet temperature cold water. In winter it is colder, and the boiler warms up a little longer than in summer mode.

— Starting temperature of the water inside the water heater. After all, the boiler does not always heat up the water from the coldest point. Most often, heating elements are turned on to reheat already warm water, to compensate for heat loss through the body of the water heater.

— Power of the electric heating element. The more powerful a heating element, the faster the water warms up, naturally.

* Another implicit factor affects the operating time of the water heater and the rate of water heating. This is the design of the heating elements. The larger the heating element, the smaller the spot heating at each point of the element. This means that we minimize the formation of scale, and therefore, the heat transfer from the heating element will be better. The best source of heat is dry heating elements, since the flask in contact with water has a significant heat exchange area when compared with a conventional open heating element.

Calculation of water heater volume depending on the number of people.

Most the right approach When choosing a storage water heater, choose it not so much according to the construction space you have, but rather according to the useful output of heated water, according to the volume of the electric water heater.

To determine your individual hot water consumption, we will give you some important figures. The shower produces about 12 liters of water per minute. From the tap about 8 liters per minute. For example, you take a shower for about 5 minutes. During this time, about 50-60 liters of water will spill. A simple calculation shows that a 30-liter storage water heater will mix hot existing water with cold water in the mixer, and thus the heated 30 liters will be completely used.

In our store you can buy round and square water heaters, as well as narrow (34 cm) and regular cross-section (about 50 cm).

To organize autonomous provision country house hot water the most simple solution A storage water heater will be installed. Which heater is better to choose? What are these units? In this article we will try to figure this out.
Storage water heater- This is a heat-insulating tank with a heating element (heating element) located inside it. These water heaters operate on the principle of a thermos equipped with heating. They heat the water to a temperature of 50-85?, after which they maintain it in automatic mode. When the tap opens, heated water flows out of the tank, and cold water flows into the empty space in the tank.

Gas storage water heaters
Electric water heaters
Indirect water heaters
comparison table
Other useful tips by choice of water heater
Let's determine what types of storage water heaters there are.

Types of storage water heaters

Let's look at the main types of water heating storage devices offered today:

1. Gas storage water heaters

All water heaters can be divided into floor-standing, with a tank volume of 120 liters to 1000 liters, and wall-mounted, with a volume of 10-100 liters. The difference between them is how much water will be heated in them at a time. Typically, wall-mounted storage tanks are purchased for apartments where 3 or 4 people live, and floor-standing water heaters are more suitable for a small business or a country house, where the number of people is slightly larger than in the average family. It should be noted that most storage heaters use natural gas, however, many of them are quite easy to convert to liquefied gas.
Gas storage heaters are in much less demand among consumers than flow-through heaters. This is due to their high price, large dimensions and a kind of inertia, much greater than that of flow-type heaters. That is, the consumer will be able to get hot water some time after turning on the unit. Time interval different models can vary from half an hour to several hours, it mainly depends on the volume of the tank.
Gas storage water heater
However, gas storage heaters also have significant advantages. Firstly, there is little dependence on gas or water pressure. That is, if gas flow devices require a certain pressure in gas pipes In order to continuously heat water, the storage tanks can operate at the lowest pressure (of course, the heating time will increase). The same situation arises with water - almost all models of flow-through heaters cannot operate at low pressure, while storage heaters will uninterruptedly supply the user with water at the required temperature.
Secondly, the storage tanks have the ability to simultaneously serve 2-3 water intake points, even those that consume a large number of water (eg bathtub and kitchen sink).
Thirdly, such devices are much less prone to scale formation in them, whereas flow heaters people often suffer from this, especially where hard water is used.
It should be noted that the models gas water heaters storage type, having large volumes, can operate as flow-through ones, i.e., an operating mode is possible when you don’t have to wait long for the water to heat up.
Gas storage water heaters, as well as instantaneous heaters, are usually equipped with systems automatic shutdown gas if there is no draft in the chimney or the flame has gone out on the burner.
Pros. Does not depend on gas pressure or water pressure. It can provide sufficient water flow to several consumers at the same time. Resistant to corrosion and scale.
Minuses. Big sizes. High price. Limited tank volume. Long water heating time.
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2. Electric storage water heaters

In an electric storage heater, just like in a gas appliance, the water is heated for a certain time before it is ready for use. In such units, the duration of water heating depends both on the volume of the tank and on the power of the device (preheating takes from 0.5 to 8 hours).
The main elements of the electric storage device are the internal tank and the heating element (heating element). The volume of the tank in such a device varies from 10 to 200 liters, and the power of the heating element ranges from 1.2 to 2.5 kW. As mentioned above, the rate of water heating depends on these two indicators. For example, for a storage tank with a volume of 10-15 liters it is 30-40 minutes, for a storage tank with a 200 liter tank – from 5 to 8 hours. In addition to the main elements, the heater also includes a magnesium anode that prevents corrosion of the tank from the inside, a thermal insulation layer that ensures the preservation of the heat of already heated water, a thermostat that allows you to set the desired temperature, and a safety valve necessary to relieve excess pressure.
Electric storage water heater
The great advantage of storage electric heaters is characteristic feature work - once the water is heated to 55-75?, then they maintain the established temperature in automatic mode. Heating tap water occurs gradually and does not require large power consumption. Even water heaters with a tank volume of 150 liters consume only 1.5-2 kW of electricity. The use of such heaters is ideal for those consumers who require a significant amount of hot water, but the electrical wiring does not allow the installation of a powerful instantaneous water heater. Low power consumption, in comparison with other types of heaters, ensures quite high demand for electric storage devices.
If we talk about city apartments, then a heater with a large capacity does not always fit well into an ordinary high-rise bathroom. Moreover, it makes no sense to install such a “barrel” in an apartment just to ensure comfort during several weeks of summer hot water outages. In such cases, a 15 liter tank will become optimal solution. It should be said that the temperature of cold water in standard city apartments is always higher than in the countryside. Therefore, under all other identical conditions, the power of the heater in the city and outside it should be different. Drives are quite suitable for urban consumers low power, whereas a country cottage will require a high-power water heater.
Another advantage of electric storage tanks is their ability to simultaneously provide sufficient water flow to several consumers. The volume of water will, of course, remain limited, but a continuous flow of water is rarely needed for an extended period of time.
The disadvantage of these water heaters is the limited volume of their tanks, i.e. there is always a possibility that warm water will end unexpectedly. An increase in the volume of the tank leads to an increase in the dimensions of the entire heater, which is unacceptable for small rooms. However, now new models have appeared, some of which are installed directly under the ceiling, while others are assembled in such a narrow body that they fit into a standard cabinet with pipes located in the bathroom.
Currently, manufacturers produce electronic storage devices in both vertical and horizontal installation methods. And there are also models in which both options are possible. If your choice is not limited, it is best to purchase a vertical water heater model, since vertical models have a lower price.
Pros. Low power consumption. Does not require additional wiring. Simultaneously providing sufficient water flow to several consumers at once. Long-term maintenance constant temperature hot water.
Minuses. It takes a certain amount of time to heat up the water. The volume of water is limited. Large dimensions. High price.
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3. Indirect heating boilers

This type of heater is a steel container covered protective layer glass ceramics or enamel, or a container made of of stainless steel, placed in a casing with highly effective thermal insulation. Usually the boiler is installed together with a single-circuit heating boiler. The water in the boiler is heated through a heat exchanger made in the form of a coil. This happens as follows: the coil, using a controlled circuit with a pump, is connected to the heating boiler, then the coolant heating system(antifreeze, water) passes through the coil, thereby heating the water in the tank. These devices are equipped with a temperature indicator. When it is necessary to heat water, the boiler automatically switches from heating to water heating. Qualitative indirect water heater heats water from 0 to 60? in less than 0.5 hours.
Usually boilers floor type placed next to the heating boiler. Meet and wall models, however, they have limitations on tank capacity (up to 200 l). Sometimes floor boilers equipped with two heat exchangers. All boilers of this type They have a built-in “boiler safety group” that protects the device from excess pressure and overheating; the tank also has a magnesium anode, which ensures maximum operating life of the unit. If the boiler is idle for a long time, it is recommended to drain the water from the tank.
Pros. Low power consumption. Large reserves of hot water. Safety during operation thanks to the protection system built into the device. Doesn't need additional installation electrical wiring.
Minuses. The bulkiness of the equipment, because Can only be installed in conjunction with a heating boiler. Limited amount of water.

Selecting a storage water heater is a matter that cannot be approached without preparation. This device will become indispensable if it is not possible to connect to a centralized plumbing system. If you choose the right water heater, it means there will be enough hot water in your home.

In essence, a storage water heater is a tank in which a heating element, or heating element, is placed. Thanks to thermal insulation, such tanks operate on the same principle as a heated thermos. First, water accumulates in the tank and heats up to a set temperature, more often around 50-85 0 C. Then the heating is turned off and the temperature is maintained automatically. As soon as the water cools down, the heating is turned on, and after some time the temperature rises again.

When you open the tap, hot water flows out of the tank, and cold water takes up the vacated space. Then heating starts again.

There are not many design flaws. First of all, the dimensions of the structure are quite large, and the price is high. The volume of water in the tanks is limited, and it takes some time to heat the water. Nevertheless, electric heaters are now considered the most popular and easy-to-use devices.

How to choose the right electric heater

Having decided to purchase a storage boiler, you will have to take a responsible approach to choosing a specific device. Many buyers still have questions about how to choose electric storage water heaters. To do this, just follow some rules.

The main selection criterion is the volume of the boiler. First of all, it is necessary to determine for what purpose the device is being purchased and what the area of ​​​​the room is, and the required volume of the boiler will depend on this.

It is believed that the larger the living space, the more water is needed. But this statement is only half true. If it turns out that the heater chosen is too large and all the water is not consumed during the day, then the choice is most likely the wrong one. Energy costs will be high, and the device will not pay for itself.

Small storage water heaters of 15 liters are suitable for rooms where large volumes of water are not needed. For example, it can be installed in a country house and used for washing, washing hands and dishes. A 30-liter storage water heater is already suitable for installation in an apartment and allows you to use a shower. A heater with a capacity of 50-150 liters is enough to meet the needs of a small family, and large heaters with a volume of up to 400 liters are designed to supply water to the entire house.

It would be useful if the electric heater is equipped with a special water heating regulator. In cheaper models, this regulator is made in the form of a regular “wheel”. More expensive heaters have a display that shows the water temperature and buttons that allow you to adjust it.

IN ideal, the boiler must have a shutdown system. Thus, it will not work constantly, turning on at the slightest cooling of the water, but only when its temperature drops below a set point. This will significantly reduce energy costs.

Some models of electric storage water heaters have special taps that allow you to drain the water. In this case, you can empty the boiler before a long trip and not worry that in the absence of the owners the device will break down and flood the neighbors.

Design features of electric heaters

The question of what kind of boiler is needed arises especially among owners small apartments. Currently, there are two main types of boilers depending on their location: vertical and horizontal electric storage water heaters. The operating principle of both devices is somewhat different, so before choosing any model, you must have a clear understanding of how they work.

IN vertical design heating ones are located in the lower part of the structure, where cold water will flow. Due to this arrangement, the water heats up much faster than in horizontal heaters, where the heating element is installed on the side. This happens because hot water practically does not mix with cold water.

In vertical storage electric water heaters, when opening the tap to an existing hot water cold starts to flow. When analyzing water, this can lead to its temperature being significantly lower. In this case, you will have to adjust the temperature using a tap.

Vertical boilers are less advanced and easy to use. When water is heated, hot and cold water mix, creating a strong temperature difference.

Modern manufacturers also produce improved vertical flat heaters. Storage water heater An electric 50 liter flat would be a good way out. Such designs consist of 2 cylindrical tanks connected by tubes. Due to this, the depth of the boiler becomes greater. But this model also has its drawbacks:

  • higher price compared to simple vertical heaters,
  • more welding seams, therefore, if the welding is performed poorly or one of the seams begins to collapse, the service life of the device will be greatly reduced,
  • Due to the small thickness of the structure, the thermal insulation layer becomes smaller. As a result, to save high temperature water requires more energy.

In general, to provide water for a family of 3 people, it is recommended to buy a 50-liter vertical storage water heater, as they heat the water faster. But if you don’t like this model because it’s bulky or takes up too much space in the room, you can opt for a horizontal boiler.

Branded water heater manufacturers

When choosing a boiler, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. It is no secret that you need to choose only products from companies that have already proven themselves in the market, whose products have been tested by time and have many good reviews. Therefore, another important question that arises among buyers is: storage water heater, which company is better?

The Elvin company produces storage boilers, including liquid boilers. The quality of the products is quite high, and the company has long been known in Russian market. The boilers operate from a standard 220 V electrical network, so they do not create problems in operation.

All boilers, including storage boilers, are equipped with automation, which allows you to set the maximum heating temperature of the medium to 70 0 C. There is an indicator light on the body, which turns on as soon as the water heats up to the set temperature. A well-thought-out insulation system allows you to keep the water hot for quite a long time, even if the heating element is turned off.

Products manufactured under the Moydodyr brand, according to buyers, are optimally suited for installation in a country house or apartment. Storage boilers are small in size, so they can easily fit on the wall above the washbasin. The volume of the heater does not exceed 30 liters, which allows it to be used to heat water for household and personal hygiene needs. The price of products varies depending on the volume of the boiler, but usually does not exceed 4.5 thousand rubles.