Ideas for ld first page. Ideas for LD photos: your personal diary

The design of the diary, like its contents, has great importance for the owner. The information stored in a personal notebook is related to the age of the “writer” and the ways of decorating the pages are similar. The article describes different ideas, which are suitable for young and adult girls.

A personal diary is more than a life chronology of events. People, regardless of age, write down their experiences, plans, dreams, thoughts. Of course, the contents of the memorial notebook differ depending on the age of the owner. The appearance of the diary and pages is important, so many people try to decorate it in something special. The article will tell you original ideas For personal diary, the main thing is to bring a good mood.

You can give a second life to any notebook or notebook; for this you will need imagination and free time.

Even if you initially buy a beautiful notebook, you can add a little bit of yourself:

  • paste photographs of different ages;
  • print out your favorite aphorisms, laminate the sheet, cut out quotes and stick them on the cover in a chaotic manner;
  • sew on multi-colored scraps of fabric and embroider the owner’s initials on one of them;
  • cover with openwork fabric;
  • Apply gouache paint to your hand, make an imprint, carefully cut it out, glue it, and write your life credo in the middle of your palm.

If a regular notebook serves the role of a diary, it can be remade along with the title page. Make a blank cover from cardboard, stitch it with fabric, sew on a pocket for special notes and reminders. Using a hole punch, punch holes in the title and sheets, then tie with thick thread or burlap. Ready!

Page Decoration

It’s more interesting to reread memories when they are against some kind of background. Decoration makes the diary more beautiful and conveys the mood of the past.

Help to decorate the pages:

  • stickers;
  • magazine clippings/postcards;
  • patterned stamps;
  • the imprint of a kiss with painted lips;
  • own drawings.

What can you draw in your personal diary? Whatever artistic talent is enough for! Draw patterns, favorite things, silhouettes of people, flowers, animals, abstraction. Illustrate the described trip to a cafe with a cup of coffee, a trip to the sea with a shell or a dolphin, or a date with hearts. Personal fantasy has no horizons.

A leaf painted with watercolor paint or shaded with a pencil of your favorite color looks bright. Good mood convey with multi-colored blots of paint. Use rich gouache colors to outline the contours of the page. The main thing is to wait until the paint is completely dry. Felt-tip pens are appropriate on thick paper, otherwise they will print on the other side. If this happens, circle the drawing, you will get a double mirror image.

Diary ideas for ladies of different ages

You can keep a diary at any age, as soon as you learn to write. For little girls under 10 years old, mothers, classmates, and the Internet can give ideas for entries.

Possible information in a personal diary for girls:

  • daily mood indicated using emoticons;
  • a questionnaire for yourself with questions about the present and future;
  • wish list;
  • every year describe the birthday celebration, names of congratulators, gifts;
  • maintain a page of achievements related to your hobby;
  • drawing your favorite cartoon characters;
  • description important dates, events;
  • write down your favorite poems, songs, jokes.

Teenage girls can partially use the ideas described above for a personal diary. They can be asked to make annual notes, dividing the page into two columns - good, negative events. In the header you should write the current year, which animal according to eastern calendar applies. It’s interesting on New Year’s Eve to write a list of to-dos/goals for the coming year, then mark off the item accomplished and set a date for achievement.

It’s a good idea to organize a fashion page and paste magazine clippings of your favorite outfits. After 5–10 years, you will analyze the changes own feelings style. Write questions for your friends on separate sheets of paper, let them fill out the form, then tape them to personal notebook, write your own comments about each friend.

It will be very interesting to tell a story about how you see yourself at 20, 30, 40 years old. Describe in detail the life of each age category, be sure to leave two clean slates For future entries, compare the number of matches.

Make thematic sections, for example, “Life Lessons,” where you write down personal conclusions and situations that taught you something new. Topic options:

  • advice from mother, grandmother, relatives;
  • personal idea of ​​love, quotes from wise people;
  • the best messages from friends, loved ones, relatives;
  • personal achievements;
  • descriptions of dates, first boyfriends, gifts;
  • important numbers page;
  • character advantages/disadvantages.

A personal diary is the private property of a girl, where she can express thoughts of any nature and varying degrees of secrecy.

Visualization of desires

Finally, I would like to talk about the visualization of desires, the power of which has been proven over the years. The meaning of visualization is that a person cuts out pictures from magazines/newspapers depicting what he dreams of. This could be anything, from a Dalmatian dog to dishes that you would like to have in the future. The secret of the technique is simple - look at the pictures more often, your dreams will come true faster.

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Visualization requires a serious approach; it is not enough to glue a house, a car, a man, children. Cut out not the luxurious house of the president, but the one in which you would like to live, where exactly you will feel cozy and comfortable. If you dream of having a son and a daughter, cut out the two most beautiful children, in your opinion - a boy and a girl. If you want to work as a flight attendant, find pictures of an airplane, a flight attendant, but instead of her head, cut out your face from the photo and paste it on so that you can imagine yourself in this role.

If you dream of getting coffee in bed in the morning, it’s easy. Fireplace in the house? Please! Do you like to travel? Cut out flags or landmarks of the countries you want to visit. If you want to be slim, paste a picture perfect figure. Don't be afraid to dream!

Now, you know how to design a personal diary for beautiful ladies of any age. The information you entrust to paper now will gain greater power over time, and you will never regret the time spent on your diary.


Today, due to the development of technology, many do not remember that there used to be personal diaries that kept the secrets, mysteries and desires of the owner.

Today, many people blog on the Internet, but everyone understands that even a well-visited, popular blog cannot replace a treasured little book with personal information.

Yes, personal diaries are a thing of the past for people. But there are people for whom keeping a personal diary is not a hobby or an interesting activity, but a way of life.

The most secret things are recorded in a personal diary, what you don’t want to disclose to the public, what you want to keep forever in your memory and heart.

There are no boundaries or rules in keeping a diary. This is a reflection of the feelings, desires and soul of a person. A book like this, after years, reminds us of the most important events life, retains touching moments and experiences in memory.

IN Western countries Psychologists advise keeping such notebooks and books that absorb a person’s mood.

Keeping a diary helps you understand your desires and aspirations and understand better own ego and accept yourself as you are.

A personal diary can easily be called an encyclopedia of one’s own life. By reading it, you will understand mistakes and omissions, learn to act correctly and avoid mistakes in the future.

In order for a book to evoke such emotions in the future, it is worth keeping a personal diary correctly, reflecting in it the experiences, mood, details and subtleties of your life.

Note! The first step towards keeping a notebook of secrets is to choose that very notebook. For beginners, it is better to start with books with a small number of pages.

Don't be afraid that you won't write them down. Life is diverse, joy is replaced by sadness, and a smile is replaced by tears, so you will always have something to tell your paper friend.

Table: rules for maintaining a “paper friend”

Appearance To delight your book in the future, choose a beautiful notebook. It is worth paying attention to the density of the paper product.

A journal is meant to accompany you throughout your life, so it's best to invest in a good quality written book.

Decor You need to design the book yourself, based on the person’s hobbies and character.
Information Write down all your emotions and experiences in the book: from anger and unexpected outbursts of anger to unprecedented joy.

This will diversify the diary and make it thematically beautiful. Share your secrets with him, because later this information will be needed for self-analysis.

Written visualization of emotions helps to find harmony and correctly set priorities and goals in life.

Storage Keep your “paper friend” in a place inaccessible to other family members. If you have a separate room, then it is better to put it under your pillow and access it as needed.
Frequency of reference You shouldn’t think that if you have such a notebook, you need to write something down in it every day. The information entered must come from the soul.

Leading is the desire to speak out and convey emotions, because many have no one to share their joy or sorrow with.

Therefore, for them, a personal notebook with experiences, fears and hobbies is just a godsend. Write down everything that amazed, captivated, delighted or worried you.

It doesn't matter how often you write. The main thing is to pour out real emotions on paper, and not an artistic essay about your life.

What to write You need to write down in your diary all the events that you want to remember. They are different for each person.

Many people write about romance novels, suffering and experiences. Others prefer to describe trips to the theater and express their admiration for the world around them.

Confidentiality It is advisable to keep a diary alone. Only one on one with himself a person opens up and admits to himself what he was previously silent about. You shouldn't tell anyone about keeping a book.

Ideas for a personal diary

What is the idea of ​​keeping a personal diary? This is the topic to which this creation will be devoted.

There are many ideas for keeping such things, but most often girls start diaries with the following goals:

  1. Imprint important points in life.
  2. Writing down goals you want to achieve in the future.
  3. Description of desires.
  4. Recording impressions of theater scenes or films watched.
  5. Capturing only joyful moments.
  6. Description of a love story.
  7. Writing down your favorite recipes.
  8. Description of emotions from travel.
  9. Writing down inspirational quotes.

Important! More often, people create personal notebooks for the purpose of jotting down their feelings that they do not show to other people.

After all, on the pages you can be weak and vulnerable, but in reality not everyone can allow themselves to do this.

Making a personal diary

As statistics show, girls are more likely to trust their experiences to paper than boys. Therefore, in this article we will look at ideas for designing a personal diary for the fair sex.

First page. On the main page display:

  • Desires.
  • Aspirations.
  • Character description.
  • Goals.
  • Portrait.
  • Personality

Describe yourself, honestly admit to your diary what you want from life and write it on the main page so you never forget about it.

First page design:

  • If the notebook with secret desires is intended for a girl, Then draw pictures with your own hands in the form of cupids, hearts, butterflies or your favorite prints.

    You can cut out printouts from magazines or print pre-selected and favorite drawings on a printer.

    The design depends on the character and temperament of the girl. If he is calm, then decorate the book in soft pastel colors.

    If a girl has an explosive character, then color scheme It doesn’t hurt to add burgundy, red, gray or purple colors.

  • The book for girls is designed in a more gentle, calm and a little children's style. It is recommended to draw sketches of your favorite cartoon characters or characters from a fairy tale or book.

    A personal diary for a little girl should be full of beautiful and bright drawings.

Cover. To make the diary cool, unique and beautiful, you will need to make a cover for it.

Ideas for creating a case:

  • Crochet a book cover from threads.
  • Wrap the notebook tightly colored paper.
  • Sew a fabric cover. This is the most practical option, because it can always be removed and washed if necessary.

Design of other pages. There is no clear answer to what to write down in a notebook.

But what can be drawn depends on the theme and idea of ​​the intended paper creation:

  • A publication for recording love experiences. Fill the pages with designs of hearts, love arrows, and wedding rings.
  • Book intended for writing happy events and travel, should be decorated brightly and casually. Draw the sun, sea, shells, mountains, people’s smiles, cheerful faces, various thematic drawings.

Ideas for designing other pages:

  1. A page with a secret inside. Cut a small piece of paper and glue it onto the pages at just one edge, imitating a door. Write a secret or wish in a secret place.
  2. The book is an organizer. Cut out the sides of the notebook pages by date to resemble an alphabet notebook. This way you can always find an event by the desired date.

You can fill out your diary using the following design techniques:

  1. Scrapbooking. This is a technology for decorating with craft paper, twine, lace, satin ribbons, etc.
  2. An applique is a cut-out element glued to paper with glue.
  3. Doodling is a detailed painting of abstractions in the cells of a page.
  4. Photo collage. The book will contain written memories of youth and photographs where the owner of this diary looks at ease, young and happy.
  5. Quilling - decorating with thin paper strips.
  6. Gluing rhinestones and stickers.

A personal diary that is made and decorated with your own hands is much more valuable than a purchased one.

Of course, you can buy any diary; now there are a lot of the most popular ones in stores. variety of options for any age. There are ones for little princesses and older girls. Some come with intricate designs and graphics, and some even have a key that will hide any girl's secrets from prying eyes. But you can make a storage of thoughts with your own hands.

What can such a diary be made from:

  • take advantage already finished product and just adjust it to suit you;
  • remake any notebook;
  • use an envelope and put sheets of paper written with your thoughts into it;
  • fasten pages of blank office paper in any way and make your own personal repository for secrets;
  • print blanks with the desired design and connect them together.

Personal diary for a girl plus box (video)

How to make a personal diary with your own hands: a few ideas

Crafts are always interesting and individual. Just what you need for a personal diary. Ideas for creating it can be very diverse.

Office paper

The diaries from it are light and simple, and each girl chooses the design for herself. The paper can be left in A4 format and simply stitched with beautiful threads or ribbon. It is enough to make holes in it with a hole punch and connect. Decorate title page Can beautiful inscription, and to give it a shape, either make it out of cardboard, or glue several sheets together.

You can also decorate it with origami or print out beautiful and interesting drawings that suit your mood. At the beginning or end of the product, attach an envelope into which you can put memorable and expensive things.

These diaries are easy to make.

The title and final pages of the diary can be laminated, so the printouts will not lose their appearance, and the product itself will be stronger.

Notepad redesign

Even if you have the opportunity to buy the most beautiful notebook that will become a repository of secrets, you always need to customize it to suit yourself.

The modification options directly depend on the original, but they can be done as follows:

  • transfer to the pages the sweetest and most expensive pictures and clippings from your favorite magazines or newspapers;
  • make bright bookmarks that will make it easier to find the necessary information;
  • for older girls you can make a schedule menstrual cycle to control this process, because now it may be unstable;
  • glue envelopes that will store your favorite little things or even your first decorations;
  • pages can be decorated to suit your mood, with paint, colored paper or even colored tape;
  • rewrite your favorite poems or catchphrases that reflect feelings or thoughts.

Origami for decorating a personal diary

Pictures from your favorite diary can be made using the origami technique. It could be an envelope or more complex figure which will not be easy decorative element, but a secret that keeps a secret.

You can give them any shape to suit your mood:

  • flower;
  • animal;
  • fan;
  • box;
  • waterfall and the like.

Making a fan

It is most often placed either between the title and home page, or you can decorate with it the page that is most important. For a fan you need to take colored paper, a glue stick or Double-sided tape, ruler.

The rest of the decorations can be done as desired, starting from the base, which is formed like this:

  1. Cut out a sheet of such a width that will not exceed 2/3 of the main sheets of the diary.
  2. Its length should be at least 3-4 times greater than its width.
  3. Using a ruler, bend the sheet into a fan.
  4. Connect its lower part with glue.

Making a fan

Glue the edges of the fan to the diary pages, as close to their connection as possible.

Making a waterfall

In fact this beautiful sheets for notes that are pasted on the main sheet. In this case, the lower leaf should be half covered by the upper one. The number of such sheets can be anything. Most often on top sheets they write something general, but the secret on the part that will be closed to them.

They can be made from colored paper, plain paper, and decorated the way you like.

You can make some sheets colored and some white, alternating them in a checkerboard pattern.

Crafts for a personal diary

Here you are also limited only by your imagination, but the following options are considered the most popular:

  • a beautiful bow or heart, which can be made using the origami technique or in its natural form, or ribbons or other decorative elements;
  • bookmarks of any shape and color, both from paper and other available materials;
  • palm-shaped heart;
  • pumpkin head for Halloween;
  • funny postcard;
  • a drawing of your favorite character from a cartoon, book or film;
  • envelope.

When it comes to diary crafts, the only limit is your imagination.

How to make an envelope for a personal diary?

There are a lot of options here too. You can use a beautiful ready-made envelope from the office, which will need to be glued to the diary on one side.

Sometimes a sheet of colored paper folded into an envelope can become an excellent alternative store product.

You can also sew it, knit it like a pocket, which will need to be attached to the diary in any way. The easiest way is to take a square sheet and fold its edges towards the center, carefully going over them with a ruler.

For a diary, you can make not only an envelope, but also a pocket

You can make a pocket, which you will not only need to glue to the diary, but also make a top flap for it so that things do not spill out if the diary is turned over.

Page designs and cute printables for your diary

It is best to make diary pages themed. For example, one of them will be dedicated to friends, the second to your favorite book or movie.

Secret information can be marked with a special design. So, love moments can be decorated in pink and red colors, with different hearts or floral elements.

Information about the school and its successes can also be highlighted with thematic elements. This could be a notebook sheet, a drawn ruler or desk, a printout or sticker with a school theme.

Everything related to health can be marked with a red cross or a doctor’s clipping. Whatever is chosen is personal and should be dear to the heart.

Ideas for a personal diary for a girl (video)

The girl's personal diary is the keeper of her past. Years will pass, and all experiences can be “updated” by re-reading the diary. More often than not, what was so serious and global at a young age only brings a smile. Little secrets, big secrets - everything that is so important to the heart of a little princess. Therefore, do not skimp on ideas for your personal diary, because it will personal portal to the past.

A personal diary is a silent friend for a girl who will listen and understand all her experiences and joys. In the 19th century, each young lady had her own notebook for personal notes, making it with her own hands and decorating it with pearls, feathers or rags. So let's get started making our diary as soon as possible!

How to make a personal diary with your own hands

It has become a fashionable trend to write personal notes in a notebook diary, try making one with my own hands– it will turn out interesting and unusual. Stock up on a large amount of different paper - multi-colored, office, for scrapbooking, as well as a folder with rings, pieces of bright felt, thick decorative paper, cardboard, a hole punch and instant glue.

  • Punch the sheets with a hole punch and arrange them in random order in a folder.
  • Making the cover - select 2 sheets of cardboard, they should be 1.5-2 cm larger than the base.
  • Cut out the felt, adding a 1 cm allowance along each edge. Then lay the material on the cardboard and glue the edges under.
  • To make a beautiful edging, you need to stitch on sewing machine felt, on the front side of the cardboard.
  • In order to hide internal seams, cover the endpaper with decorative paper and glue on a pocket in which you can store memorable little things. You can take a sample of the pocket in the photos provided.
  • You can decorate the cover with rhinestones, sequins, buttons, and so on. Be sure to manually stitch the puncture sites.
  • You can decorate the edges of the sheets in the diary with curly scissors, glue various clippings from magazines and newspapers, or attach various tapes.

2) How to make a personal diary with your own hands like Violetta’s

The originality of the heroine's diary lies in the iridescent colors purple, in fashionable floral patterns and an unusual cover design. We offer you 2 methods on how to make a personal diary:

  • The first method is to copy the front template below and print it. Cut out the sample and glue it with stationery glue to the front side of a notebook selected by size. Separately, cut out and glue an openwork flower made of felt or thin cardboard.
  • The second method is to cut out a cover template from purple cardboard and draw the lines of the floral design with a pencil. Then color the drawing with gouache or colored pens with glitter. To decorate your diary, use interesting tips, given below.
  • If you draw on purple cardboard with white gouache, you will get pink color, as in the original.
  • To ensure that the flower lock firmly closes your secrets, glue it to reverse side magnet or button with clasp.
  • Transparent nail polish will help you make the lock shiny.
  • It is better to choose a notebook with a thick cardboard base, so as not to use an additional layer of cardboard.
  • For long term To use the finished diary, laminate the cover or use “hot” film, which is attached to the front side with an iron.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands from a shared notebook

To turn an ordinary notebook into a luxurious personal diary, you will need a little time and imagination.

  • Choose a notebook of any size; for long-term use, opt for a notebook with 96 sheets.
  • Get outdoors and interior design diary - sign the diary, draw pictures and aphorisms on the pages, color the background of the white sheets with multi-colored pencils.
  • To protect your personal notes, buy a small padlock. Keep the key in a secret place.
  • For convenience, make a bookmark, so you will always find the page you stopped on. We bring to your attention the transformation of an ordinary notebook into a personal diary using pens and pencils.

How to design a personal diary inside for girls

Twenty years ago, a personal diary was kept in a common notebook. And for decoration we used multi-colored pens, cut out colorful illustrations from magazines, as well as candy wrappers from chewing gum and glued them into the diary. And of course they drew by hand. Thus they gave their true friend beauty. Now everything is of course different. And so, I suggest you consider the following options for decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands.

It also looks quite nice to design your events in the form of small images. This way you make notes for yourself that you want to remember. The same small illustrations in a personal diary can be used for a specific topic.

The design of a personal diary in the form looks very nice different forms cards made from colored paper or cardboard. Write your thoughts, quotes, events, etc. on the cards.

You can glue two leaflets together and decorate the leaflet with watercolors. Smear, blur, splash, draw! In general, use your imagination and create!

Give beauty to your faithful friend using simple and colored pencils, gel colored pens and, in addition to all this, also clippings from magazines, newspapers, books, etc.

For recording small events, notes, etc. in a diary. You can write with multi-colored pastes in capital letters in different inclinations and directions.

Use your imagination and come up with beautiful pockets. Glue or pin them. They are very convenient for storing small items. For example: small photos.

Well, we’ve sorted out the design of a personal diary inside! These were just some examples; in fact, how to decorate a personal diary is, of course, a purely personal matter for each girl. Imagine and you will succeed. Now let’s look at the design of the personal diary from the outside, that is, its cover.

How to design the cover of a personal diary

If you have not yet kept a personal diary, but are just planning to, then you can choose either a notebook with a beautiful illustration to suit your taste. But, if you are already keeping a diary in full swing and you have a desire to change or color its cover, then I hope a couple of simple tips will help you.