Games for the New Year's party with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Intellectual game “Who is the most observant here”

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Favorite holiday for children and adults New Year It’s impossible to imagine without a decorated Christmas tree, a rich table and Santa Claus. Without exaggeration, everyone is looking forward to the main guest of all New Year's parties and matinees in kindergartens and schools! And it’s not just about the gifts and sweets that the fairy-tale grandfather’s bag is generously filled with. Fun games and funny competitions from Father Frost and Snow Maiden always lift your spirits and provide a festive atmosphere for the evening. It is not surprising that cool short competitions with Santa Claus are relevant both at home, on the street, and at corporate events. Of course, games and competitions for Santa Claus at different events differ depending on the age of the audience gathered there. But often they are all filled with good humor, fiery energy and carefree joy. In today's article we tried to collect the most interesting and fun games and competitions for the New Year 2018 for Santa Claus with children and adults. We hope they help you have an unforgettable New Year's Eve!

Fun and funny games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home, ideas with descriptions

If your budget is limited, but you want to hold a fun holiday for your children at home, then it is quite possible to use the options funny games for Father Frost and Snow Maiden. In this case, the main guests of the holiday can be the parents themselves, uncles and aunts, and grandparents. Simple makeup and a characteristic outfit will help them quickly transform into famous New Year's characters. And to create a joyful atmosphere and give children a real holiday at home, cheerful and funny games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, ideas described below, will help.

Ideas for fun and funny games for Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home

New Year's bags

The essence of this game is to help Santa Claus decorate the New Year tree. Each participant is blindfolded and given a small bag. Then, from a heap of various small objects, participants are asked to select by touch only those that can decorate the Christmas tree. This is a timed game that can be played to a cheerful tune. The participant whose bag contains the most correct decorations wins.

New Year's dances

To play this game, all participants stand in a circle. The Snow Maiden says that all children temporarily become participants in an unusual New Year's masquerade. While cheerful music is playing, the Snow Maiden will name different animals from time to time. The participants' task, upon hearing the name of a certain animal, is to quickly show how it could dance at a New Year's ball.

Decorating the Christmas tree

For this game you will need a large stencil with the image of a Christmas tree. It can be easily made from a cardboard box household appliances. Instead of toys in such a stencil you need to do round holes different sizes. The task of the participants is to hit the corresponding holes with balls of different diameters from a certain distance. The winner is the most accurate player.

Short games for the New Year for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home, ideas and examples

When there are many children at home and little time, then short games for the New Year from Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Such mini-games allow the whole child to participate, and at the same time the holiday with Santa Claus itself will not drag on, it will be dynamic and fun. In addition, short games for the New Year for children at home with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are also relevant if you want to have as many different entertainments as possible without tiring the children. Best ideas and examples of short games for Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and children at home for the New Year 2018 will be found below.

Examples of short games for the New Year for Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home with children

Hammer, milk, well done

All participants stand in a circle, and Father Frost or Snow Maiden - in the center of the circle. The presenter in the center announces the rules: when he says “well done” - the participants jump, “milk” - meow, “hammer” - clap their hands. All this happens to the accompaniment of fast music, and the presenter himself tries to confuse the participants, drawing out words and confusing them in places.

Dog and bone

This short game is especially relevant for the upcoming 2018 Year of the Dog. Santa Claus gives each participant a hat with dog ears and a long stick with a rope. A fake bone is tied to the end of the rope. The task of each participant is to wind the rope around the stick as quickly as possible in order to get the coveted bone.

For a walk

This game can be played by up to 2 players. For each participant, the Snow Maiden prepares a chair with winter clothes (jacket, hat, mittens, scarf) turned inside out. Everyone’s task is to dress properly for a winter walk as quickly as possible.

Funny games for Santa Claus with children for New Year 2018 in kindergarten, options

Not a single New Year's party in kindergarten does not pass without Santa Claus and funny games for children. The level of difficulty of tasks for such games depends on the age of the kids. But as practice shows, funny games with short and moving tasks are most popular among children of all age categories. Several options for interesting, funny and active games for the New Year with Grandfather Frost in the following selection.

Options for the funniest games with Santa Claus and children for the New Year 2018 for kindergarten

New Year's relay race

Children are divided into two teams. Opposite the participants on good distance There are two small Christmas trees. Between the trees and the teams there are boxes with Christmas tree decorations. After Santa Claus gives the command to start, one participant from each group runs out to get Christmas tree decorations. Then they return and the next participant must hang the decoration on their Christmas tree. The game continues until one of the teams has completely decorated their New Year's tree.


Pairs of participants sit opposite each other at a long table. A small snowball made of cotton wool is placed in the middle of the table. The task of each participant is to blow away the snow as quickly as possible to the enemy.

Christmas story

Grandfather Frost complains of bad memory. Therefore, he asks the children to help him remember the plots of popular fairy tales. He begins to tell a story, and then falls silent and asks the kids to help him continue. You can also ask the children, together with the Snow Maiden, to come up with their own fairy tale about the New Year.

Fun New Year competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at school, options with descriptions

Fun competitions for the New Year with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are also relevant in elementary schools. Their level may already be more difficult and even reflect the educational success of the participants. You will find some options for such entertainment for the New Year at school in the following selection with fun competitions.

Options for fun competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for New Year's school

New Year's ABC

This game is suitable for grades 2-5 primary school. Task: add up the answer to the riddle of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden from balloons with letters. Children should be divided into two teams, each of which should be given a set of balls. After the teams guess the word, they need to line up with the letters in the correct order as quickly as possible.

The holiday comes to us!

Father Frost or Snow Maiden invites children to draw the main attributes of the New Year. You can divide the children into teams or select several participants. Their task is to quickly draw the symbols of the New Year on a large Whatman paper, while repeating after their opponent is prohibited.

Collecting snowballs

Two teams are participating. In each of them, one participant is selected, who climbs into a large bag and stands in the center. The others' task is to collect white Balloons and fill the bag with them. The team that collects the most balls wins.

Cool competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for corporate events, ideas and examples

Examples of cool corporate party competitions for Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Christmas mood

The Snow Maiden makes a wish for any letter, and each participant must name as many words as possible for it that are associated with the New Year. These could be dishes from the New Year's menu, traditions, characters, etc.

The masquerade is in full swing

Short games for the New Year 2018 for Santa Claus for a corporate party, different options with descriptions

Here are a few examples of short games with descriptions that are perfect for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Different options for short games for the New Year 2018 for Santa Claus at a corporate party

Dog barking

Each participant is given a New Year's song, the motive of which he must bark so that his teammates can guess.

Let's make a snowman

There are 3 people in a team, one of whom must act as a snowman. The task of the others is to quickly dress up their friend from the proposed props so that he looks as much like a snowman as possible.

Funny contests for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year 2018 for children, ideas with video

You will find funny competitions and games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year 2018 with children in the video below. Any of the presented options can be used for kindergarten, school, home or street. Some of these cool and short competitions, with a few minor modifications, are even suitable for a corporate event. We hope that the funny competitions from the video for the New Year 2018 with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for children will make your holiday brighter!

The scenario of fun entertaining events for the New Year necessarily includes games and competitions for Father Frost, Snow Maiden and children. If the holiday is held outside, preference is given to more active tasks, designed to keep the children from freezing and allowing them to demonstrate dexterity, strength and speed of reaction. When a matinee or party is organized at home, in a kindergarten or school, short blitz competitions for ingenuity, funny quizzes and cool games are added to the program, in which there is room to demonstrate creativity, imagination and creative thinking. This turns the celebration into a colorful event and brings a lot of joy and positive emotions to all participants.

Short, funny games for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home - examples and descriptions

Inviting New Year's characters to your home is a wonderful winter tradition that has existed for decades and brings a lot of joy and positive emotions to both kids and adults. Winter guests, appearing on the threshold of an apartment, bring with them a feeling of miracle and provide everyone with the opportunity to experience the magical winter's tale. And to receive a gift, Father Frost and Snow Maiden invite children to demonstrate their creative abilities or play short, funny games that test attention, speed and ingenuity.

Options for examples of children's New Year's games with Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home

Choice suitable games, which Father Frost and Snegurochka can offer, primarily depends on the age of the intended participants. For children 2-4 years old, the tasks are as simple and easy to understand as possible. For example, guess in which hand Santa Claus hid Christmas tree toy or collect in 1 minute all the snowflakes that the Snow Maiden scattered on the floor in the apartment.

Children aged 5-7 years are already capable of more complex tasks. They should be asked to read a thematic poem or sing a song, draw a portrait of Father Frost at speed, or solve several winter riddles prepared by the Snow Maiden.

If there is only one child in a family, there will be no competitive moment, but if there are two or more children, organizing mini-competitions is quite appropriate. However, all participants will need to be encouraged so that none of them is offended or feels forgotten or deprived. The holiday should evoke only positive emotions and remain in memory as a pleasant, bright and joyful event.

The best short games for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home - examples of team fun

Often, animators are invited to visit several children at once who are gathered in one apartment. For such a company, it is necessary to prepare in advance several interesting, short games that the children will play together with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. If the size of the room allows, you can divide the participants into teams or pairs and organize something like a simple competition, where boys and girls will demonstrate their creativity, artistic talents, attention and ingenuity.

Short team games and entertainment for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home

  • "Collect a snowflake"- a simple, fun and active game for two or more participants. To organize, you need to prepare several large paper snowflakes, first cutting them into 5-6 parts. Arrange all the fragments chaotically around the tree or in the center of the room. At the signal, the children will need to find and correctly connect pieces of snowflakes together as quickly as possible. The winner will be the one who completes the task faster than others and folds his snowflake as neatly as possible.
  • "Draw a picture"- a fun entertainment option for several people. All participants are first blindfolded with scarves, and then asked to draw the figure of Santa Claus on whatman paper. The trick is that each child must draw a separate detail of the figure. And since no one is told what has already been depicted, the end result is usually very unexpected. For example, a character will have three beards, two winter hats, or several bags of gifts at once.
  • "Flying Snow"light children's a game that does not require special training. Father Frost and Snow Maiden hand out weightless and thin snowflakes made of cotton wool to the participants. The children's task is to throw this New Year's attribute up and blow on it with all their might so that it remains in the air as long as possible. The winner will be the one whose cotton snowflake falls to the floor last.

Fun outdoor games for Santa Claus in kindergarten with children

At a matinee in kindergarten, Santa Claus should invite children to play fun, amusing outdoor games. This will pleasantly diversify the holiday scenario and give kids the opportunity to receive not only traditional gifts, but also small gifts for dexterity, attention, ingenuity, speed, creativity and creative talents.

What Santa Claus can play with children in kindergarten - examples of entertainment for younger and older groups

  • "Be always on alert"- a very simple and accessible attention game for little ones. The number of participants is not limited. The essence of the process is that the Snow Maiden and Father Frost take turns giving various commands in a loud voice, and the children carry them out, but only if the request is added Magic word"Please". The game takes place to rhythmic music and the commands sound quite quickly. You need to listen very carefully and immediately determine whether you need to perform an action or not. Children who make a mistake leave the game, and the victory goes to the one who remains last in the circle.
  • "Better two than one"- an easy version of the speed game. Minimal amount participants – 2, maximum – no restrictions. For organization, some free space is allocated and three toys are laid out on it. A couple of participants come to the center and dance around objects lying on the floor. As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command “Stop!”, the participants try to pick up two toys from the floor. The child left with one toy is considered a loser.
  • "Find Your Lucky Star"- entertainment for older children who are already familiar with the basics of arithmetic, numbers and the simplest mathematical operations type of addition and subtraction. The game requires some preliminary preparation. In the hall or room where the matinee will be held, they are attached to the ceiling in advance. big stars made of shiny paper. On each of them, numbers from 1 to 20 are written with a marker (or more, this is optional). All participants first simply dance in the hall to the music, and when it stops for a minute, Santa Claus announces the number of the lucky star. The first one to find it receives an incentive prize.
  • "Centipede Race"- a very cool and fun version of an active, outdoor game for children. The full group is invited to participate. The guys are divided into two teams, asked to line up at the back of the head and grab the person in front by the belt. Two chairs are placed at the opposite wall at some distance from each other. At a signal from Santa Claus, the teams of “centipedes” rush forward, go around the chair and return to the starting point. The main thing is to do everything as quickly as possible and not break the chain. To complicate the task, children are asked to move in a half-squat or squat. The winners are those who are the first to return to the starting point and do not lose anyone from the chain.

Interesting short games for Santa Claus on the street for New Year

If the weather is not too cold and snow has already fallen, part of the winter holiday party can be held outside. And to keep the kids from freezing, Santa Claus will have to organize several short, interesting New Year's games, in which the children will have the opportunity to actively move around and win nice, small gifts.

Examples of street games for the New Year for Santa Claus and children

  • "Sniper"- a game of precision and dexterity. Two teams are formed from a group of children. Two not too deep baskets are placed on the playground and children are invited to make snowballs and throw them into these containers. The team that fills its basket as quickly as possible wins. To complicate the task, you can limit the time for completing the task and invite the children to throw as many snowballs as possible, for example, in 1 minute.
  • "Sculptor"- entertainment aimed at showing imagination and creativity. Children are divided into 2-3 teams, then Santa Claus names any letter from the alphabet. The participants’ task is to fashion an object out of snow that corresponds to the named letter. Whoever completes the task first and does everything as carefully as possible will receive a tasty and pleasant prize.
  • "Get a surprise gift" is a simple game in which participants are asked to independently choose a suitable New Year's gift. To organize, adults wrap soft toys, large candies, chocolate, gingerbread, tangerines and oranges in opaque colorful paper. Each item is hung on a string from a low tree or a specially installed post. Participants are blindfolded and asked to cut an item they like for themselves. The choice is made only by touch and each of the children can become the owner of a completely unexpected thing.

Funny competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for children for the New Year 2018

Since the patron saint of the upcoming New Year 2018 is the Dog, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden should organize funny competitions for children dedicated to this magical animal. You can give the children the task of drawing as many dogs as possible on a landscape sheet within 1 minute or counting how many toy puppies decorate the New Year tree.

No less good idea– arrange a recitation competition, in which the children will recite poems dedicated to dogs or sing funny, beautiful songs about them to melodious musical accompaniment.

For a team competition, you should pick up two large toy dogs and invite the children to quickly put on the animals the clothes they need for a winter walk. Victory will go to the team that completes the task first.

Cool competitions for Father Frost and Snow Maiden at a school matinee

In order for the school New Year's party to be fun, bright and long-lasting in the memory, the script must include cool competitions with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Children will take part in them with pleasure, complete all tasks perfectly and receive nice prizes.

Examples of cool children's competitions with Father Frost and Snow Maiden

  • "Scooter"- a fun competition for any age category. Children are divided into teams and line up one after another. Two Christmas trees are placed on the opposite wall. At a signal from Santa Claus, the first participant rides a scooter, goes around the Christmas tree, returns to his place and passes the scooter to the next participant. The winner is the team whose players manage to do everything faster and never knock down the New Year's tree.
  • "Lock"- a simple competition for attention and observation. Santa Claus distributes sets of padlocks and bundles with different keys. Within a certain amount of time, participants must find the right key and open the lock. Whoever does this first will be the winner.
  • "Snowball Catcher"- agility competition. Two teams are formed from the children. The Snow Maiden hands the captains empty paper bags, and offers the rest of the participants to crumple 4 thick balls from sheets of paper. At a sign from Santa Claus, the guys try to throw the balls into their captain's bag. Victory is awarded to those in whose bag it ends up maximum amount snowflakes.

Competitions for Father Frost and Snow Maiden for corporate events for adults - video examples

Not a single New Year's corporate party is complete without fun games and funny competitions with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. For such numbers they use cool plots and complement them with some piquant accents. Interesting ideas can be gleaned from the video examples below. It is not necessary to repeat everything exactly. New Year is always a little fairy tale and it is quite appropriate to play it out according to your own rules.

Games with Santa Claus

SANTA CLAUS: How big you have become! Grew up in a year. Let me measure your height. (Santa Claus changes the child’s height with a mitten. Usually, oddly enough, how old the child is, the number of mittens determines his height)

Oh, what a beautiful Christmas tree you have! But she's standing in the corner. How are we going to dance in a circle?

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather Frost, let our parents help us!

One of the adults is put on a cape (or it can be an apron). The bag contains toys made of fabric. Santa Claus asks riddles. For correct answers, he hands the child a toy. Then we decorate the “Christmas tree” with these toys.

Riddles from Santa Claus

  • Who likes to run around on branches? Of course, red... fox (squirrel)
  • Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by a nightingale (pig)
  • Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf (of course, a bear
  • On the fence in the morning... a kangaroo (rooster) crowed
  • The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head. There is no bird more beautiful than... a crow (peacock)
  • In its warm puddle, a nightingale or an ant (frog) croaked loudly
  • A simple question for kids: who is the cat afraid of?.. The dog

Game with Santa Claus Steam Locomotive

SANTA CLAUS: Now let's go on a Christmas tree journey!

children become a train and walk with Santa Claus in a circle. Music plays, where the text says: “Poprykaykino station”, “throwing snowballs at kino”, etc.

New Year's game with Santa Claus

Let's play snowballs with my snowmen... where are they? Oh, they ran away, scattered. We need to collect them (tantamaresque with Velcro) We throw snowballs into the tunnels, the child brings

New Year's warm-up with Santa Claus

My deer were sleeping at night (squatting, the children were sleeping)
Stretched, (show) yawned (show)
and decided to go for a run (running in place)
along the forest to warm up (running in place).

They shook their horns (we show our horns with our hands, we shake our hands)
They waved their tail (we pretend to be a tail with our hand)
tapped with a hoof (we stamp our foot)
and got into the harness (we use our hands to represent the harness)

We jumped through the snowdrifts (we jump over imaginary snowdrifts)
They crawled under the branches (depict)
swam across the river (we swim with our hands)
and on holiday to va

Game Terem of Santa Claus

Santa Claus talks about his mansion, and the children
show what he is like.
Among the fir trees and birches
Tower of Grandfather Frost.
In a clearing between snowdrifts
Try to find him.
How tall is he?
He reaches the moon. (They get up

How wide is it?
You can't reach the wall. (Wide
spread their arms to the sides.)

Look, the ceilings are icy
High, high, lace! (They get up
on your toes, reaching your arms up.)

We're walking up the stairs
Above the legs - stomp stomp. (They are walking
in place, raising your legs high,
m hit (bow gesture).
knees bent.)
We open the doors of the rooms. (Depict
opening the door.)

Right - clap, left - clap. (Alternately
clap their hands on the right and left sides.)

Since you have come, don’t be lazy,
Bow to your grandfather at the waist. (All

Musical games with Santa Claus

Santa Claus sits in a chair and listens to poems from children. Gives gifts. Says goodbye to children

Very soon a bright holiday awaits us all - New Year! Just a little more, and the whole area will be transformed: the lights of the garlands will sparkle against the background of a white snow carpet, pedestrians running past will become more smiling and inspired by anxious anticipation. Gifts, delicious treats, and bright home decorations await us. Every house will have a beautiful Christmas tree, every adult will have a party, every child will have a children's party, a fantastic costume and a fabulous performance. Welcome to our magical winter country! Here we will tell you how to make the most extraordinary and unforgettable New Year 2018 at home, on the street, at school and kindergarten. We will tell you how to choose short, cool games for Santa Claus and fun competitions for children and the Snow Maiden.

Short games for the Snow Maiden and Father Frost for the New Year 2018 at home with children

Usually the honorary role of Santa Claus goes to dad, grandfather, godfather or older brother. Sometimes such a mission is awarded to a guest who fits the parameters. But lately, more and more often at home New Year's holiday Father Frost the animator appears with his granddaughter Snegurochka and a full heap of fairy tales and entertainment for children. Be that as it may, and no matter who acts as a magical storyteller on the main winter night, he will not just give away the gifts, he will have to work hard! For example, recite a poem, sing a song, show a little dance, or play short New Year's games at home with children, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Such exciting and playful activities will definitely appease the generous grandfather and charge him with positive and great mood children and adults. Choose short games for the Snow Maiden and Father Frost for the New Year 2018 at home with your children, and have the most unforgettable party.

A selection of short home games for the New Year 2018 for children, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

We offer several “golden” versions of timeless games for the New Year’s holiday at home with Santa Claus, which are invariably popular with children of different ages. You can always make any changes to the listed competitions and entertainment, taking into account the props available at home and the number of people willing to take part.

  1. "Mitten." The children stand in a wide circle and Moroz Ivanovich is launched into the center. The Snow Maiden announces with a chuckle: “Grandfather, you lost your mitten.” The music starts and the participants pass a large mitten to each other, trying to confuse and drive Santa Claus. You can pass the mitten behind your back, squatting to the floor, throwing it across the circle.
  2. "We decorate the Christmas tree". The host of this competition is Santa Claus. Improvised Christmas trees - two children dressed in green capes prepared in advance (you can pull old green stockings or wide knitted sweaters over the upper half of the body). The participants are children divided into two teams. At the command of the presenter, blindfolded competition participants take Velcro toys (felt mugs, cotton pads, paper figures, beads, etc.) and decorate their team’s Christmas tree with them. Trees can turn and squat, but cannot speak. The winner is the team whose Christmas tree is more successfully decorated based on the applause of the audience.

Cool games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home

It is better to start the ideal party 2 hours before the New Year. This way, guests and owners of the house will have time to relax and soak in the magical atmosphere, but at the same time they will not get tired of food, drinks and have fun even before the chiming clock. The best way to open the festive celebration - hold an unexpected surprise competition: it will help unite the company and introduce previously unfamiliar children and their parents. Composing a cool game program for the Snow Maiden and Father Frost at a home New Year's party, it is worth alternating passive entertainment with active ones. This principle applies to both children and adults. Quiet competitions can be held simply for festive table, and cool games for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home - in the next room, in the hall with music or in the yard (private sector).

What cool games with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and children can you play at home during the New Year's holiday?

Round dances around a decorated Christmas tree, rhythmic and slow dances, lively theme songs and fairy tales based on roles are the basis of any high-quality New Year's program. With such entertainment the holiday will go off with a bang! But it’s still better to start the fun in the house with cool games for children with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Guys, as a rule, go to bed early, so it’s better to devote the first half of your home New Year’s party to them. Choose a few most fun competitions and invite the children to play with fabulous guests from distant Lapland.

On a note! Did you know that on New Year’s Eve, not only a well-chosen outfit or the right food on the table, but also suitable fun has special magic. For the New Year 2018, it’s definitely worth holding a “Dog Parody” competition. It will entertain children and adults and appease its patron, the Yellow Earth Dog.

The game “Dog Parody” for Father Frost, Snow Maiden and children is the funniest start to New Year’s Eve. To carry it out, it is necessary to prepare in advance cardboard cards with the most popular dog breeds: “poodle”, “bulldog”, “shepherd”, “shar pei”, “chihuahua”, “spaniel”, “pikinese”, “pit bull”, “sembernar”, "husky". The number of children who can participate in the competition is equal to the quantity cards. We invite each Santa Claus player to draw a card and parody the character he comes across. The winner is the most talented actor or the funniest performance in the opinion of the guests and the Snow Maiden.

Simple games for a cheerful Santa Claus with children for a holiday in kindergarten

Young children's knowledge, skills and experience are severely limited. They can’t read yet, they don’t count well, and their coordination and motor skills are somewhat less developed than in adults. But at the same time, children in kindergarten have an incredible and immense desire to move, fool around, have fun and have fun with simple games with Santa Claus at the New Year's holiday. They are happy to repeat the movements of their favorite characters and participate in fun winter relay races, guess simple riddles, and complete team tasks. Not a single matinee is complete without such glorious competitions, and you should choose in advance simple games for a cheerful Santa Claus with children for a holiday in kindergarten.

What games for Santa Claus and children to choose for a fun New Year's party in kindergarten

Before you play with Santa Claus at the New Year's party, you will have to call your dear guest carefully. And not just like that, but perky, unusual, interesting. The best way to invite Moroz Ivanovich is to play a short shouting game with the teacher. The presenter must recite three lines from each quatrain, and the children must complete them with the last line “...Grandfather Frost!” Surely the fairytale grandfather will hear such a cheerful cry and rush to the children, grabbing a bag of gifts.

Leading: He gave us fluffy snow and made a big drift, long-awaited and beloved by everyone...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: In a warm New Year's fur coat, rubbing his red nose, a kind child brings gifts...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: The gifts included a chocolate bar, a tangerine and an apricot - I did a nice job for the kids...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: He loves songs, round dances and makes people laugh to tears near the wonderful New Year tree...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading : After the daring dance, he will puff like a steam locomotive, who, tell me together, are the children? This…
Children : Santa Claus!
Leading : With a nimble hare at dawn, he crosses a snowy path, well, of course, your sporty, fast...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: He walks with a staff through the forest among the pines and birches, humming a song quietly. Who?
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: In the morning he braids his granddaughter a couple of snow-white braids, and then goes to the children’s party...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading : On the wonderful New Year’s holiday, he goes without a bouquet of roses to visit children and adults Only...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading : Who brought a coniferous Christmas tree to please you guys? Please answer quickly - this is...
Children: Santa Claus!

The first and most traditional entertainment for children with Santa Claus at the New Year's party in kindergarten is a round dance around the Christmas tree. But not the simple one, which has long been boring, but slightly modified. So, children can, at the command of their grandfather, walk in a circle, imitating the gait of different forest inhabitants: a timid hare, a cunning fox, a formidable bear, a dangerous wolf, a shy mouse. Or you can dance in a circle, holding each other not by the hand, as in the classic version, but by that part of the body that the Snow Maiden will show: first by the ear, then by the nose, then by the knee, etc.

Interesting competitions for Father Frost and Snow Maiden at school for the New Year 2018

The whole year has flown by unnoticed, and now we are already on the threshold of a grandiose magical celebration. Schoolchildren wait with bated breath for the New Year's party, because it is the first step in a long series of winter holidays with an abundance of gifts, sweet treats, fabulous outfits, pleasant traditions and so on. Trying to justify the hopes and anticipations of the children, the organizers and teachers of the school draw up interesting scenario, fill it with fun group games, bright performances by children and competitions for Father Frost and Snow Maiden for the New Year 2018. Entertainment includes:

  • newfangled round dances with changes in rhythm, direction, gait;
  • impromptu adaptations of fairy tales on a winter theme;
  • logic puzzles and riddles for attentiveness;
  • active relay races with “snowballs”, “Santa hats”, “pine cones”, etc.
  • playing with decorating a Christmas tree or dressing up the Snow Maiden;
  • fun competitions to music;
  • dance entertainment with parodies and impersonations;

On a note! The host of competitions at a school matinee can be not only a teacher, someone’s parent or a guest animator. It is better to give this role to the Snow Maiden, and invite Grandfather Frost to join the ranks of participants.

The best competitions from the Snow Maiden for children and Santa Claus at the New Year's party at school

Interesting competitions for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at school for the New Year 2018 should be selected taking into account the age category of the students. For example, first-graders will enjoy funny rhythmic games with throwing artificial snowballs, sticking paper snowflakes, and drawing a snowman with his eyes closed.

Children in grades 2-4 will be happy to take part in the Snow Maiden's poetry or music competitions. For example, continue a line with the phrase “…” or answer questions “yes” or “no” without paying attention to rhymes.

Option 1

You friends came here to have fun?.. Yes
Tell me a secret: were you waiting for Grandfather?.. Yes
Will frosts and cold scare you?.. No
Are you ready to dance by the Christmas tree sometimes?.. Yes
A holiday is nonsense, let's get bored instead?.. No
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?.. Yes
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden?.. Yes
Can we easily push everyone around? Of course yes
Grandfather never melts - do you believe this?.. Yes
Do you need to sing a verse in a round dance at the Christmas tree?.. Yes

Option 2

Everyone knows Santa Claus, right? Yes
He comes up with exactly that, right? No
Santa Claus is a good old man, right? Yes
Wears a hat and galoshes, right? No
Santa Claus will come soon, right? Yes
He will bring gifts, right? Yes
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right? Yes
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right? No
What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right? Yes
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right? No
Well, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right? Yes
There are red needles everywhere, right? No
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right? No
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right? Yes

Well, the questions have been answered,
You all know about Santa Claus.
And this means the time has come,
Which all the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Middle and high school students will not refuse funny games:

  • noise orchestra with assistants musical instruments(spoons, plastic bottles, wooden spatulas, coins, etc.);
  • festive karaoke with primitive children's songs that need to be barked, grunted or meowed;
  • dancing “on ice” with obstacles in the form of chairs, buckets and other things;
  • funny nominations for the roles: “the yellowest outfit”, “the most agile jumper”, “the loudest singer”, “the highest heel”;

Funny New Year's competitions for the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and children on the street

On the eve of the most anticipated holiday - the New Year - children are the most enthusiastic. After all, only to them all the magic of the New Year's fairy tale is fully revealed. And the task of parents at this time is to create that very fairy tale for the children through their own efforts. Not just buy gifts, decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the house, but think through the whole entertainment program with home games and fun New Year's competitions for the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and children on the street. Yes, yes, not only in warm apartment you can have a lot of fun with good wizard and his sweet granddaughter. Sometimes street games in the yard under a huge spruce tree give children much more pleasure and genuine joy.

A selection of New Year's street competitions for children, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus

But how to lure the kids into a fun frosty game and start a real New Year's adventure?

  • Firstly, you can organize a real Santa Claus draw to assign interesting roles to each child. Of course, you will have to stock up on the necessary attributes in advance (bunny ears, a snowflake cape, a snowman costume, Baba Yaga’s broom and hat, a fox mask, etc.), but the result is worth the effort. Children can take turns approaching Moroz Ivanovich and pulling out a card with a picture of their new image. And then - transform, trying on previously prepared costume elements.
  • Secondly, it is worth holding a series of quick and active street competitions, dividing children into teams of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. Having started jumping races in Santa's sacks or playing tug-of-war with tinsel, participants are unlikely to freeze even in the coldest weather.

On a note! Almost any summer game for a children's relay race you can change it to a winter theme. So, the role of a ball can be played well by a white “snow” globe, and instead of the rest of the equipment, you can use a variety of New Year’s attributes - a Santa Claus hat, bells, a snowman’s carrot nose, plastic snowflakes, snowballs made of cotton wool or polystyrene foam.

  • Thirdly, we recommend holding a win-win game, each participant of which will certainly receive a small gift. Most suitable option- "New Year's crocodile." Unlike the classic version of entertainment, children in this game are divided into 2 teams. Parents prepare a bag of notes in advance (“Christmas tree”, “serpentine”, “fireworks”, “candy”, “snowflake”, etc.), and Santa Claus plays the role of presenter. Participants take out forfeits one by one and show their word with facial expressions and gestures. The first person to guess correctly receives a piece of candy or a small souvenir and is the next to take the piece of paper.

Short street games for adults and Santa Claus for the New Year

New Year's holidays bring even adults back to the bright and carefree time of childhood. During the winter holidays, moms and dads happily build snowmen with their children, entire families slide down the icy mountain, and throw snowballs at their loved ones. And during the New Year's party, adults with the same passion and inspiration take part in short street games with Santa Claus. Such fun allows you to plunge at least a little into the magic and forget about the accumulated problems. Yes and cheer adult company just as easy as for kids.

A selection of fun street games for Santa Claus and adults for the New Year's party at the Christmas tree

Short street games for adults and Santa Claus for the New Year are certainly different from children's. Among them there is no place for primitive riddles, easy relay races and traditional round dances. Men and women 18+ with great pleasure will take part in humorous performances on a New Year's theme, in funny parodies of popular characters, in quick funny competitions with bright paraphernalia and ambiguous subtext. One of the most popular competitions recently is “Everything is the other way around.” He is both active and funny, which means he won’t let you get cold or get bored!

"The game is reversed." The presenter, aka Santa Claus, shows to rhythmic music physical exercise, and adult guests do the opposite. If grandfather lowers his hands at his sides, the rest raise them. When the grandfather spreads his legs, everyone closes them tightly. If the leader quickly waves from right to left, the others move their hand slowly, from left to right. And when Frost jumps high, guests should crouch low. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The last participant is the winner.

To the touch". This game for adults on the street under the Christmas tree is no less fun and popular. Wearing thick mittens (you can use fishing mittens for ice fishing), blindfolded participants must determine by touch what kind of person is standing in front of them. Guys try to recognize girls, girls, of course, guys.

Funny competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for corporate events

New Year's corporate parties- that's still fun! At such events, management and employees find themselves at the same table, pushing aside all stereotypes and prejudices, trying to say goodbye to the old year as cheerfully as possible and calling on a new one - more successful and fertile. An integral part of New Year's corporate events are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: they supervise the festive toasts, amuse the guests and actively introduce funny competitions into the bright program of the evening. Moreover, such characters help to defuse the atmosphere and set the right tone for the party from the very beginning. For example, they organize and conduct the beloved game “Gift of Fate”. Rest assured, in such a competition for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at a corporate party there are no winners or losers. Everyone will be satisfied!

"A gift of fate". At the threshold of the hall where the team celebrates the New Year, they hang a large red bag of Santa Claus. Each invited guest brings an interesting gift to the party and “secretly” puts it in a bag, without signing or leaving any identifying marks. As soon as all the corporate party participants gather, the bag will be filled with gifts. At the height of the evening, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden take turns taking out presents and handing them out to the guests. And whoever gets what is a matter of fate!
But before receiving his gift, the guest must read a poem, standing on a stool, sing a song, perform a magic trick, make the rest of the guests laugh, or perform another task of Santa Claus.

The best funny competitions for adults for a New Year's corporate party with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

According to psychologists, short games and competitions for Santa Claus are the most good option children's leisure during the holiday holidays and at winter matinees at school and kindergarten. They develop a sense of responsibility, ingenuity, empathy, imagination, and speed of reaction. In addition, there are simply countless options for a fun New Year's game for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. You can always choose the most suitable ones depending on the number of participants and their age. Undoubtedly, all the above proposed entertainment for home and street for the New Year 2018 will appeal to children if parents take charge of their preparation in advance.

Games for the New Year's party with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are considered one of the most fun and memorable fun. I have collected in this article the most Interesting games, which can be used in the New Year's celebration program. Some of them are suitable for the little ones, while others are fun and active and will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Snowball game

To play you will need snowballs - cotton balls and 2 buckets.
Santa Claus tells the children that winter cannot happen without snow (Santa Claus walks and scatters snowballs around the hall) and invites them to play snowballs. The Snow Maiden divides the children into 2 teams: the Snow Maiden team and the Santa Claus team.

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus are holding a bucket or hoop. Children, on command, begin to collect snowballs and throw them into buckets. Whose team will collect more snowballs, she won.

You can diversify or complicate the game by counting snowballs hitting the hoop. To do this, children must stand at a certain distance from the hoops.

Game "I'll freeze"

Santa Claus tells the children that he is already tired, the old man is completely tired, his legs are tired, he walks with a stick, but he offers to play the game “I’ll Freeze.”
This game is similar to catch-up. Santa Claus, pretending to be an old man, barely moves around the hall, and the children run away from him. But at a certain moment, the old man shows miracles of dexterity and dexterity and grabs one of the kids. Those whom Santa Claus caught sit on the bench next to the Snow Maiden.

This game is always popular with children; it can be played with both toddlers and older children.

Game "It's me, it's me!"

This game is calm and perfect for children to take a little break from active fun. Grandfather Frost asks the children if they know what winter is, frost and if they have seen winter cold. The children answer in unison that of course they know. Then Santa Claus tells the children that he and Snegurochka will ask them questions. And they will have to answer all in unison. But you need to answer with only one phrase - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Grandfather and Snow Maiden take turns asking the children questions, and they answer. You can come up with any questions, as long as they are funny. To do this, you should combine questions.

For kids, questions might be:

Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?
- Which of you, when you grow up, will become Santa Claus?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you, such good ones, came to the skating rink in galoshes?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you threw snowballs and hit a passerby?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

For schoolchildren, you can make approximately the following list of questions:

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Who completes their homework on time?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends! !
-Which of you, I want to know, has an A+ in diligence?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
-It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

The game lifts the spirits of all participants. Surely parents, teachers, and even Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will laugh.

Game "What's in Santa Claus's Bag"

Santa Claus tells the kids how much he has to do, how much he has to walk and deliver gifts to the kids. And time is very short, so if grandpa forgot something, then that’s it, you can’t go back, there’s no time. This is how Santa Claus leads the children to the game “What’s in the Bag.” He says that he forgot his glasses and cannot understand what kind of gifts he has in the bag.
Santa Claus takes out a bag in which there are various objects (you can put various small toys): cubes, pencils, small cars, mosaics.

Santa Claus invites children to guess by touch what is in the bag. Children take turns approaching the bag, putting their hand in and by touch trying to guess what kind of object they caught. If they guess right, they take this gift for themselves.

Game "Frost Breath"

Grandfather Frost walks around the hall in an important manner, knocking with his staff, and Snow Maiden asks the guys if they know that Frost can freeze water with ice, freeze laundry to ropes, freeze stones and other objects. The children answer that they know and have seen this more than once. Then the Snow Maiden tells the kids that Grandfather loves snowflakes very much, but he can’t play with them, as soon as he blows, he freezes everything. Frost will watch how children play with snowflakes.

Children are given ready-made cut out small snowflakes (older ones can be given scissors and a diagram for cutting out a snowflake). After this, each participant places his snowflake on the table and must blow on it until the snowflake flies to the other end of the table. While the children are blowing, Santa Claus actively runs around the table and cheers for the losers, saying that they have the frostiest breath.

Those who lose are awarded the title of “Santa Claus’s granddaughters.”

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"

It's movable fun game. It will require artificial Christmas trees according to the number of teams and unbreakable New Year's toys on strings. Children are divided into two teams. At the opposite end of the hall, Christmas trees are placed on chairs. Each team player must take a New Year's toy (ball) with a spoon and carry it without dropping it to the Christmas tree and hang it. Whose team completes the task the fastest wins victory and a festive fireworks display (you can detonate a firecracker with confetti).

Game "Forgetful Santa Claus"

Grandfather Frost is capricious, says that he has become old and forgets everything. The Snow Maiden brings a chair to grandfather, trying to calm him down and get him to talk. Snegurochka says:
- Grandfather, tell the children what animals live in your forest.
Santa Claus becomes active and begins to tell the children:
- Yes, yes, there lives such an animal in my forest, it is gray, big with sharp teeth. Oh, I forgot his name.
Children guess the beast and tell Santa Claus:
- Grandfather, we know it’s a wolf!

You can pick up many different riddles in our article.

Game “Repeat after Grandpa”

This is an active and fun game, and both children and adults can play it. This game is about attentiveness. Santa Claus stands in front of the children and says that he will teach them to dance in the Santa Moroz style. The children are interested in what kind of dance this is. The Snow Maiden explains that you just need to repeat the movements of Santa Claus.

- Clap those parts of the body that I show you.
For example, Santa Claus says:
- Palms!
The children clap their hands. And then suddenly Grandfather calls the head and slaps himself on the shoulders. Children should not get confused. All movements are performed to the music.

Game "Who has the hat"

This game is less traumatic and more interesting than the option of removing one chair and pushing children around it.

So, the children sit in a circle on chairs. Santa Claus gives them his hat and then turns on the music. Children pass the hat to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who happens to have a hat at that moment puts it on himself and walks in a circle. The child must portray one of the animals, and the children guess who exactly the child portrayed.

Game "Attach the Snowman's Nose"

This game will delight both kids and teenagers and even Santa Claus. The Snow Maiden brings whatman paper with a Snowman drawn on it, but without a nose. The nose sculpted from plasticine needs to be placed on the Snowman. The child is blindfolded, spun around several times and directed towards a Whatman paper with a Snowman attached to the wall. It is very rare that someone manages to put their nose in the right place. The game continues until the nose is placed correctly.