Personalized weapons at a cement plant. Personalized weapons at a cement plant Walkthrough of sigerous mod 2.2 thundercutter

SGM v. 2.2

1. Start. Cordon / Swamps

Never shoot from AKSU! At the first opportunity, take the AK-74, a good machine for close combat.

Take down the first opponents with grenades, because even a high-class shooter/Country veteran will not really hit anything with a standard weapon. Hands have nothing to do with it, neither does the mouse. The weapon is like that... It hits weakly. And, mostly, by.

Take a sawn-off shotgun in your second hand at the start - it’s perfect for close combat. Headshots are great.

Together with you, the village (on the first quest) will be stormed by 1...2 stalkers from L85. The barrel is undoubtedly not the best, and there isn’t much ammunition for it, but it does have built-in optics... Why not a sniper for the first few hours?

Tamerlan, in addition to two flash drives, may have one more random item. I suspect that this is only a “drink”, but there have been other precedents...
This item is generated at the time the quest is automatically accepted, i.e., at the time the last “fugitive” is killed. If you are not lazy about playing with randomness, we start doing this BEFORE killing the last of the fugitives.

All stalkers carry a “Weapon Repair Kit” with them, but some do not have time to use it...
In other words, a “useful” trunk can be thrown away - someone will pick it up. Then, if this “someone” takes the trunk in his hands and dies, then we will select a trunk that has already been “repaired” to the default state.
Using this technique, of course, is a gimmick, but in the first quest - to capture a village and then protect it from mutants, it is quite possible.
That is, we “drop” the used trunk to the “needed” stalker, “feed” it to the boars brought to the village, take out the boars, loot the carcass - oops... The trunk is “repaired.”

1.7. Stalkers take better care of their weapons than bandits: the condition of captured weapons of bandits is ~80%. Stalkers - 95%.

Until 22-00 the ATP on Cordon is empty. Afterwards, the bandits will spawn. But, before talking with Mohammed (senior assault of the ATP group), they are all immortal...

Stalker Magomed, (leading the assault group at the ATP), has a flash drive and an AK-74 M1. Something tells me that he won’t survive this battle...

Immediately clear as many “points” as possible, all sorts of useful things in the boxes will respawn there. Preliminary clearing does not affect the completion of quests (“Military Rests,” for example). The military carcasses will be in their places.
Only ATP is critical, but it has “built-in fool protection.”

Use anomalies and grenades against “quest” monsters. The cartridges will still come in handy.

Clearing monsters can also be carried out using alternative weapons, such as captured pistols, by methodically shooting from afar. And the cartridges are cheap, and the AK-74 does not wear out.

In the very north there is a checkpoint with bandits. So the main one is the AK-74 M1 (in Rate of Fire). Pick it up as soon as possible. Its DPS is noticeably higher than standard, and Ermak makes the most immediate sense to upgrade this barrel. Will last a long time.

Upgrade at the Cordon by technician Ermak - according to the first “line”, all three shooting ranges.
There is +30 Accuracy in Tier 3, and if you grade the AK-74 M2 (+50 in Accuracy), then 1 upgrade “goes out the window” (duplicated), and the rate of fire still cannot be raised yet.

Hens hiding in hard-to-reach places lay golden eggs (500 each). Unfortunately, birds are disposable. And mortals...

In the tunnel under the railway embankment there is a light armored vehicle of Mercenaries. Take it, nothing will be better for a long time anyway. In terms of bulletproof properties, it is not inferior to “Seva” from a dredger. And “Seva” can be sold for 12K...

At the vegetable base, at the very end of the left building, behind the boxes, there are (always!) Kevlar plates-1 (+5%). The thing is heavy (1 kg) and practically useless. In the Swamps / Cordon, the weight is not critical (we don’t collect trunks), but then... Total: you can safely sell for 6.4K...

If there are no anti-radiation artefacts (Jellyfish) in the Cordon/Swamps, then it’s okay. These locations (with a minimum of hemorrhoids) can be completed without artifacts at all, using “blue” bandages, vodka and anti-radins.

Until you turn in Medvedev’s 2nd quest (for clearing monsters) and take the quest for “Shapoklyak” from the merchant, there will be no art. That is, it won’t happen at all.

The village with a water tower in the Swamps is rich in hiding places: on the roof of the tower there is an RPG-7 + 2 charges, and on the roof of the barn - L85. True, both of them are absolutely unnecessary... But a little medicine in the cellar is quite appropriate.

Do not take captured weapons; in the Cordon and the Swamps this makes no sense. Well, maybe MF, and then... Unload and stuff into corpses. Clean up after yourself...

Alternative opinion: collect everything carefully and carefully. Drag it to the exit from the Swamps to the Center of the Zone, where it is dismantled by Cardana.
You can try “fo fan” - to see the pointlessness of such expenditure of personal time. At first, the tolerable weight is too small - 50 “useful” kg; then, when the weight reaches 150 “useful” kg, no one needs all this anymore.

Cordon and Swamps do not require the use of a 4 kg gas mask. You can safely leave it in the box. Why carry extra weight?
By the way, on Zaton and Jupiter this “rule” for starting the game also applies.

At first, do not use the “default” boxes for storing equipment (only in the Southern Cordon there are two of them): all sorts of useful things will spawn in them. Install the bag...

2. Zaton and beyond...

The caches of the original ZP have undergone minor changes in content, but the number of SGM caches has decreased by almost 2 times. Those that are most difficult to reach have the greatest benefits.

At the entrance to Zaton, under the Christmas tree on the left, right next to the road, there is a pack of 7.62?53. There used to be an SVD there...

A cache with an AK-74, cartridges and a grenade launcher is under another Christmas tree, to the right of the road and further to the Sawmill - just like in the original.

An underbarrel grenade launcher is a device of dubious usefulness not only at the start. Because it's heavy. There are no situations in which you cannot do without it. Plus, the explosion severely damages dropped weapons. Feel free to sell.

Instead of Vintorez in the original (on the wall of the house in Burnt Khutor), the new Abakan is in fashion.
For sale.
It's a pity... The launch version with a sniper chambered for the 9?39 cartridge, which is found much more often on Zaton, would have a right to exist... On the first day.
Then - “Lynx”, definitely. Although at first there are only so many cartridges for it. And in order to use “Lynx” effectively, you need not only a steady hand, but also “you need to know the places.”

You will have to buy the first really good weapon. This will be a unique sniper rifle “Lynx”. Ordered for 4,000 from Shustroy on the 3rd floor of Skadovsk. The first thing we do when we get there and have 4,000 in our pocket is to run to order. You will have to wait about a day for delivery.

The appearance of “custom” barrels at Shustrik is random, and the barrel is generated at the time of order.
That's why:
- we will save BEFORE ordering;
- make an order;
- save to another slot;
- we sleep 24 hours.
Let's check what Shustry will bring us.
We load from the last one, if it is “Lynx”, and continue the game.

You should only take “Lynx” from Shustroy; the other two options (unique SVU and Vintorez “Surf”) are so poor without tier-3 grades that they can only be used to start the Snags quest line. Not suitable for effective shooting.

By the way. Don’t forget to take the quest to find MAS-10 BEFORE ordering the barrel (this is in the Zaton location, the rest is on Jupiter), otherwise Shustrik will run away for a day. Without accepting the quest, the trunk will not be generated.

Until you buy a barrel (any kind) from Shustroy and go down with it “over your shoulder” to the bar (the barrel is in the active slot, not in the Inventory), the Snags line will not start.

A hire with an RPG-7 (“monkey with a grenade”) in Izumrudny, overwhelmed by a headshot not in the default position, does not have time to devour his shaitan pipe, in which case it can be obtained. This won't work at the Substation...

The camper on the Dredger's boom (Vobla's friend; on the quest "The Steering Wheel"), armed with the AN-94 M1, manages to eat his cannon... That is, in SGM 2.2. There is no way to get his machine gun: neither on the boom, nor by “setting” it on the ground.

The Krug VNZ, delicious with its abundance of hiding places, is completely deserted until the conversation with Capercaillie at Skadovsk. After accepting his quest, both bloodsuckers are in place, but Capercaillie is not yet.
But don’t forget to get 20 rounds for “Lynx” (top of the rack), 10 rounds for Gaussk (on the right in the left “electrical panel” above Myron’s swag) at the VNZ. And also a hundred 9?39 (under the stairs).

Be sure to loot all 4 corpses in the basement of the VNZ in front of the “bedroom”. The capercaillie will wait for you a little.
The first corpse (behind bars, far away, opposite the elevator) always has a Night Star. Not particularly relevant on a “two-hole” suit (for a “three-hole” suit with a Twist, not MF makes some sense), but can be sold.

We save unique bullets, with pieces of the “Carousel” artifact, aka Dum-Dum (although this is completely different... :-)) for “Lynx” and Alpha.

If at the Sawmill there is a SGM cache on the roof (where you jump from the pipe), then there will be a couple of arts there, including Gravity.

The “Acid Ciliate” artifact for the scientist’s quest is no longer hidden in the “backpack”.
To detect it, like Shapoklyak, a detector is not required. When approaching the anomaly near Lesnichestvo at 150 m, the artillery rolls down the hill straight onto the road. Scooter...

If the passage line “allows”, then a canister of gas for bloodsuckers (10 kg) can be picked up on the bridge and taken to the place in advance (without taking on any quests), where it can be dropped on the ground. He won't disappear.

It’s better to switch to Yanov for the first time as early as possible, but it is advisable to do the gentleman’s minimum: get the “Detective” (let the medications drip), defeat the Bloodsuckers and the Chimera (for Magpie).

While in “Bandits”, you can get to Yanov for the first time for free, through Chapaya’s quest.

To expose Trevor and get the “Detective”, you DO NOT need to destroy the nest of bloodsuckers in VNZ. It's enough to scout him. Then, after a couple of hours of sleep, the Capercaillie's body will be in place. I even once managed to find Capercaillie alive and well there, behind the still locked door...

Below the “Rudder” on the Dredger (on the SECOND visit - behind the swag from the flash drive) lies the “Seva” overalls. For the losers...

When you first leave Skadovsk, visit the bandits in Lesnichestvo and pay the entrance fee. Otherwise, the dogs of the “checkpoint duty officer” will gobble it up, and you’ll have to replay the game. At the same time, you can check several hiding places (AK-74, Chaser). For sale.

I recommend taking the Driftwood container right at the start. With the AK-74 M1 this will not be difficult: if you enter the caves from the “back door”, from the “Claw” anomaly (although you can jump from the gas station, with some CS experience and excellent spinal reflexes - no problem).
The first sweet couple of snorks are carried out of the “gap”, from a height inaccessible to them, like in a shooting gallery. There will be 2 more left in the cave and the last, fifth, at the exit. Hit the KGB usually - with short shots to the head.
Please note that the “chumadan” from “Zaporozhets” weighs as much as 12 kg...

It’s quite roleplaying that you don’t have to give the case to Koryaga at all (we found the container before we found out about Koryaga, right?): Cardan will open it for 500 rubles. There is little benefit from the driftwood swag: we will get two items in any way during the division (if we give it on the quest), what remains is a helmet, a pistol and an AKSU. The latter are slightly MF. In a word - uncritical.

It’s better to come to the Substation to the mercenaries and Cleaver the first time with six rations: take the quest, pass the quest. And then there were cases when the game jammed a little when this quest was taken but not completed.

3. How not to be poor? And also about technicians and upgrades

First of all, you need to reduce regular expenses (for repairs not only of equipment, but “in general”). To do this, we get the maximum possible discount on repairs/upgrades from Cardan and Azot.

The task of handing over a large number of weapons for dismantling looks primitive. Carry it and hand it over. However...

It is more profitable to hand over 1 barrel in >90% condition than 2 of the same at 45%. This means, starting from a certain stage, we repair the cheapest barrels (PM and Fort) up to 100%. And only after that we take them “for disassembly”.

It is more profitable to “disassemble” 2 PM (price 100+100=200) than 1 rifle (price 1000); a pair of PM will yield more spare parts.

Having reached the minimum payment for repairs, we repair all barrels before selling / dismantling.
“This is where the trick hit me...”: from one Alpha you can “shave off” up to 50K of money.

At the beginning of the game, it is more profitable to sell armor, devices, gas masks and helmets to the Merchant than to Sych. Some cartridges do too, but they're pennies. But in terms of armor, sights, detectors (“Response”, not “Bear”), Kevlar plates and grenade launchers, the difference is noticeable.

In general: check the purchase price of the device from Merchants before selling it to Sych/Hawaiian.

The more spare parts you have in your equipment stash, the lower the prices for repairs and upgrades. Therefore, first we hand over broken barrels for disassembly, and then we repair them.

Maximum “freebie” - 0 rub. - achieved in the region of 90 pieces of “spare parts”. Then prices... rise. A little... :-)

Do not sell weapons to Sych and Hawaiian after each “walk”. Keep it until you need money for upgrades/purchases. The later you sell, the more you will earn. Maybe it will become profitable to repair weapons before selling them, but this is a completely different story.

Do not store armor (and weapons) in Zaton.
Firstly, it’s expensive (Azot will make it cheaper at Yanov), and secondly, it simply makes no sense: the benefit of the armor grade from tier-1 is very doubtful (there are percentages, and +50% to 10 is only 15...) , but the costs are noticeable at first. Only, perhaps, it makes sense to make simple armor for 3+k - in weight. That's all. If the Tools land successfully ("rough"x2 on Zaton)...

Tools drop out very randomly, but there are definitely a couple of sets at the ZP location. There is a high probability that the nearest set for “delicate work” can only be found on Jupiter. Therefore, the Cardan is supplied on a residual basis, with priority given to Nitrogen.

This applies, first of all, to a set for “rough work”, a duplicate of which can “carry” all the way to Pripyat... Until (one way or another) we decide on the presence of a duplicate, we will not give the tool to Cardan. And we don’t use Cardan’s upgrade services. This means we don’t drink vodka on him either.

The location of the tools can be found out from Sych, 10 - 20 - 30 kilorubles. Free on reboot...

The Exoskeleton grade for running, so desired in the original, performed exclusively by Cardan, is no longer relevant.

Azoth’s unique upgrade to the “Sphere” helmet does not bring much benefit. But, when choosing a helmet for “Ekza”, you can stop at 60% protection + grade from Nitrogen (IR scanner).
The difference in protective properties between the Sphere and Sphere M is essentially minimal (60% vs 65%). But the usefulness of the “IR scanner” is quite doubtful...

Some armor upgrades will only be available in Pripyat, from a military technician. Not earlier. True, they are not particularly relevant.

The Novikov scientists’ technology no longer has any advantages in terms of upgrades over Azot / Cardan.

Never, never eat mushrooms... oh... don't upgrade the Lynx SVD to a NVD unit! You'll be tormented during the day... :-)

4. Optimal weapons in SGM 2.2: selection, upgrades, finding. Recommendations.

The choice of the optimal weapon is determined, without a doubt, by the preferred combat tactics.
Since “stealth missions” are not provided for in SGM, the available tactical formations can be conditionally divided into 2 “poles”:

- pure “camping”, with shooting enemies from an ambush from maximum range;
- assault actions - close combat on spinal cords.
Accordingly, 2 types of weapons are used:
- sniper (high-precision, with optics) for shooting from a long distance;
- assault (with high DPS (Damage per second, damage per second)).

The optimal tactics, as a rule, “lie approximately in the middle”:
- first, take out everything available from afar, preferably with headshots,
- then pick the carcasses,
- save,
- after that, storm the remaining opponents.
This order is determined by the features of the game, and, in particular, by the work of the Corpse Cleaner. To get all the loot, he “encourages” players to carry out the battle “in one breath”, without reboots.

In accordance with the chosen tactics, weapons are selected at each stage of the game.

A few words about the basics of a well-aimed shot in the game.
Each barrel has its own “Accuracy” characteristic. But the final “accuracy” of a single shot consists of three parameters: “subjective” (“Convenience” - “spreading cross” of the sight) and “objective” - the actual “Accuracy” + the influence of weapon wear.
The type of ammunition seems to only affect the transfer of the aiming point during long- and ultra-long-range shooting.

The following barrels are available at launch:
1. AK-74.
2. L85.
3. AN-94 "Abakan".
4. L-300 (the guard of the Northern checkpoint has it at the Cordon, you can “achieve” his death from monsters, and, in principle, get it).
5. Shotguns.
6. Double-barreled shotguns, sawn-off shotguns.
7. Submachine guns (MP-5 and, similar to it, AKSU).
8. Pistols.

At the very beginning of the game, not a single barrel is suitable for the role of a sniper weapon... Only the Tula sideflint, with a bullet, provides decent accuracy. But the firing range is absolutely insufficient.

Pistols - machine guns (including AKSU, regardless) do not have any advantages compared to other types of weapons. Only shortcomings... ;-)

Shotguns (TOZ, Chaser) are quite good against monsters, quite comparable to the AK-74. The sawn-off shotgun is excellent at headshotting single bandits in ultra-close combat indoors and “from around the corner.”

Pistols at the start should only be used as an alternative against monsters, for shooting quests from a long distance, for example. There are a lot of cartridges for them, and the accuracy of some models is quite satisfactory.

At the very beginning, you can probably use the L85 - because of the built-in optics, shooting single shots. This turns out to be quite enough against the “blind” bandits at Cordon. And then the result will have to be achieved with a large number of shots, and there are still very few NATO 5.56x45.
When receiving the PSO-1 for the AK-74, if not earlier, the L85 weighing 5 kg is happily thrown into the trash.

With all the “wealth of choice,” there is still no alternative to the AK-74:
1. Until repair becomes possible, replacing the AK-74 with a “new” one is the least problematic.
2. The 5.45×39 cartridge is the most affordable and widespread.
3. High DPS.

Yes, before the appearance of the SVD “Lynx”, the AK-74 will be “And a Swede, and a reaper, and a player on the pipe.”

AN-94 "Abakan" in SGM 2.2. turns out to be completely unclaimed.
The AN-94 M2 (+50% Accuracy) becomes available too late (at Zaton, the Lynx is already on the way or in the backpack), and the simple Abakan is noticeably inferior in Accuracy to the AK-74 M1 + MF in Accuracy from the first line Ermak.
The fact is that the bases for modernization of the AK-74 and AN-94 are different, and with all the desire, Ermak will not be able to modify the AN-94 into Precision.
Ermak can still modify the L85 into Tier-3 Accuracy, but the result in the end will still be much worse than for the AK-74.

Thus, on the Cordon and the Swamps we use the AK-74 (M1 in “Rate of Fire”), upgraded by Ermak, both as a sniper and as an assault weapon.

An optical sight for VD assault rifles can be found with a fairly high degree of probability when checking “updating chests” back on the Cordon, and 100% - in a box on the tower near the Fisherman's Farm (Swamp).

On the very first day on Zaton we will receive the Lynx, but for now it should be used only in especially important cases, since there are few cartridges for it. Only Alpha-3 has them (x15 reward per major head), maximum 20 pieces per group.
You can get a good hold of 7.62x53 cartridges for SVD at Cordon, when checking chests for optics. There is a certain amount (30 pcs.) on Zaton, in caches.

This means that in “ordinary” battles, you will still have to use the AK-74 as a “sniper”.

Another thing is that with the correct structure, there will be practically no “sniper” battles on the first day on Zaton.
Before receiving the “Lynx” from serious battles it is assumed:
- removal of zombies at the Sawmill (performed in the house, “from around the corner”);
- bringing hires to the SPO (Waste Recycling Station) according to Sych’s quest, also indoors, “from around the corner”;
- taking out hires to the Substation according to Chapaya’s quest - in the house, “around the corner.”
In all these cases (and I don’t recommend taking the Tesak quest: it’s glitchy and noticeably slows down the progression, adding unnecessary fuss with the transitions “Skadovsk” - Yanov, but for me it also “breaks” the roleplay :-)) exceptional “assault” characteristics AK-74 (due to the highest rate of fire in SGM 2.2) will be in full demand.

And only on Jupiter the AK-74 will be replaced by the SGI-5K Strelka.
The best “honest” barrel in SGM 2.2.

Dry residue.

I recommend the following “honest” range of weapons:
- AK-74 (Cordon).
- AK-74 M1 (“Rate of Fire”), captured, from the Northern checkpoint or from Magomet (leader of the ATP assault group) repaired by Ermak (Cordon).
- AK-74 M1 (“Rate of Fire”), modified according to the first line by Ermak (Cordon).
- AK-74 M1 (“Rate of Fire”) MF Ermak + PSO-1 (Cordon - Swamps - Backwater (1st day)).
- AK-74 M1 (“Rate of Fire”) MF Ermak with PSO-1, possibly with a tier-1 upgrade from Cardan + SVD “Lynx” (Zaton).*
- SGI-5K Arrow with x4 optics + SVD “Lynx” (Jupiter).
- SGI-5K Strelka (MF) + SVD “Lynx”, MF “to the full” (until the end of the game).

*- if you don’t buy the imbalanced “Storm” gun from Shustroy.

You can solve almost all your problems for further progress on weapons at Skadovsk, if you immediately buy from Shustrik the OTs-14M “Storm” - simply the best ShV in the game.
But this, in my opinion, is “cheating” and a bummer of balance. "Storm" is TOO good to be true.

Ever since the original, I would like to see an alternative “line” of snipers - chambered for the 9×39 cartridge (I have discussed this option in other materials).
Unfortunately, the line turns out to be unbalanced: Vintorez’s damage is too low - only 55 (if you don’t use the alternative “Dum-Dum” ammunition, and with them at the start it’s a disaster...).

Yes, there will be a lot of SP 9x39 cartridges on Zaton - if you know the place.
But there are several nuances:

1. The damage with standard ammunition is poor for a sniper (only 55, i.e. it’s not always possible to get a one-shot when hit in the head), and even the high rate of fire of the Vintorez does not compensate for this shortcoming.
Because “sniping” is required primarily against a well-armored Alpha, whose fighters even the “Lynx” with its 130 damage does not kill when hit in the head in 100% of cases.
And with “softer” targets it is quite possible to deal with campers from assault weapons (AK-74, SGI-5k - with optics). Let me remind you that even an AK-74 with Tactics (we get it on Zaton for the first quest) deals 51...52 damage, although with less armor-piercing standard ammunition.
Try to perform a headshot with a Vintorez on a mined carcass of a recruit wearing an exoskeleton and a Sphere helmet, and you will understand what I mean...
And “Lynx”... The popular proverb of spinal nerds: “One shot - one kill, not luck - just skill” can be supplemented with one more line. "My gun - my FUN!" ;-)

2. Shooting at a moving target, compared to the Lynx/SVD, turns into sheer torture: the flight speed of the Vintorez bullet is low, subsonic “by definition”:
- for VSS Vintorez...... ~290/350 m/s (in real life / in game);
- against SVD "Lynx" .........830/900 m/s
For VSS Vintorez it is necessary to take a large lead, which requires a “successful” forecast of the target’s trajectory and taking into account additional parameters when firing. This does not contribute to shooting performance in any way.

3. “Ha-ha” three times, but the basic accuracy of the Vintorez without an upgrade and the AK-74 with an upgrade to Ermak’s Accuracy are quite comparable.

4. As the name suggests, “Vintorez” is a “special sniper rifle,” i.e., it is designed to solve SPECIAL tasks, namely, silently eliminating the enemy at short and medium distances.
It was already mentioned above: there are no “stealth missions” in the game (but as we would like...).

5. The “honest” way to get the “VSS Vintorez” (it’s lying on the ground, opposite the passage between the cars to the transition point to the Center of the Zone) will bring you a trashed rifle, the repair of which will cost a pretty penny: about 20 thousand...
And in the cache on the Zatonovsky Burnt Farm, “Vintorez” is no longer there...

To sum it up: this SPECIAL (even HIGH SPECIAL) rifle is not designed to solve the problems that a Major will face.
It's a pity...

Rejected for other reasons quest Vintar of Thunderbolt. Yes, the barrel is amazingly good, but...
The first reason is unique ammunition, which cannot be collected at the start of more than three dozen. At this stage, cartridges for the barrel are only available in SGM caches, and they are in 2.2. decreased noticeably. Ammunition appears on the public market late and still in extremely limited quantities.
This means that Vintar’s rate of fire will be unclaimed. We will only hit singles.
The second reason is the weight (9+ kg), which means we will “lose” 3 guns at the start for each trip.
The barrel is certainly good - but at the end of the game. In the beginning - middle it is practically useless.
The barrel is so good that it is quite comparable to the SVD “Lynx”... :-)
Yes, there are situations when he will be better than “Lynx” (Pseudo-giants and, to some extent, Chimeras), but carrying such a heavy load with him (and upsetting Thunderbolt)...

An alternative to the SGI-5k Strelka is the Storm or FN 2k.

The OTs14 “Groza” is not even considered, because as an SHV “workhorse” it is of little use: the high damage does not compensate for the too small magazine. Yes, plus it’s also quite “rare” ammunition.
I already mentioned the imba - OTs14M “Storm”, I’ll tell you about the FN F2000 now.

The FN F2000 has two nice features: very good combat (high base Accuracy) and a large magazine, but it fits well within the balance of the weapon. And all this with a good rate of fire + higher bullet speed than the SGI-550.
With slightly less power than the SGI-2k Strelka, equal to the power of the standard SGI, the FN F2000 will be preferable, perhaps, only in situations where it is necessary to work on especially tenacious or especially numerous targets. That is, in situations that require long-term continuous fire, when one, albeit enlarged, SGI 5k Strelka (or Storm) magazine is not enough, and a reload is required to destroy the target (which sharply reduces the final DPS).
These cases are extremely rare in the game (we bring down the Half-Giant with bullets... or complete the “meat” quest on Noah’s barge).
In all other situations, the FN F2000 does not have any special advantages over the same “standard” SGI-550, and the SGI-5k Strelka, in the end, is somewhat inferior.
Another “disadvantage” of the FN F2000 is the inaccessible “Tactics”. Unlike “Tactics” for the SGI, which is already available through Uncle Yar’s quest, “Tactics” for the FN F2000 will have to wait until Pripyat itself.

And the last thing about the “model range”.
As already indicated in other materials, the use of an under-barrel grenade launcher is not very rational. Therefore, the presence of a built-in grenade launcher only reduces the overall “usefulness” of the weapon: “grenade launcher” = extra weight.
But, if you have a “multi-button” mouse with the ability to bind keyboard macros to certain buttons, and you are absolutely sure that you won’t hit friendly NPCs with fragments of under-barrel grenades, then why not?..
In general terms... Games with a grenade launcher are not worth the candle, in my opinion. To solve “tasks for a grenade launcher” in 99% of cases, ordinary grenades will be sufficient.

5. Armor

"Model range" pre-a-porter:
- basic stalker;
- light armor of Mercenaries (in the tunnel under the embankment) - Cordon/Swamps/Backwater, gas mask - optional;
- SS-99 / SS-99M in the Bunker from the Scientists merchant for 50/125k - you will definitely need an insulating suit for a trip to Pripyat (although you can even go there naked: the gas is “heavy”, and, if you go on horseback, then ordinary pills / first aid kits enough “for the eyes”... But “they won’t let you in”) - Jupiter;
- or “Seva”, as a “simplified version of the SS-99” - if you really want to, but you can fight much more successfully in the SS-99M;
- Svobodovsky Exoskeleton from the Merchant on Yanov for 250+k and rating 560 + Helmet “Sphere” from the Hawaiian;
- Monolith exoskeleton (optional).
Options are possible, of course. Some successfully find the Mercenaries' exoskeleton, although it does not protect enough from anomalous influences.

The more containers for artifacts in costumes, the better.
The rest is quite secondary.

The optimal suit for combat and freeplay is the Monolith exoskeleton. With “Basilisk” we have a cap on almost all protection parameters (including secondary damage: heat, psi, toxic, etc.).

Rassvetovsky will provide the maximum bearable weight.

Maximum protection from bullets - Military.
But. Since there are no problems with modernization, the Rassvetovsky and Military exoskeletons are not optimal: the Military one goes too far into overcapping the armor (and there are simply no situations in which there is a chance to overdo it SO much that, due to wear, it becomes relevant) and There are not enough containers.
Rassvetovsky... Again, there are no situations in which “Eye” + “Fish MF” in a five-slot combo did not provide the required carrying capacity. It comes out to about 350 kg...

For my taste, using exos at an early stage is very expensive to repair, the price is high (=> upgrading guns/suits will cost money), plus exoskeletons do not provide normal protection from anomalous influences (with the “Golden Fish” mf you can carry two sets of equipment : for anomalies and for shootouts).

The priority of armor upgrades is the installation of additional containers for artifacts.
Then - physical protection (Bullet resistance, Shock absorption), then everything else depending on the situation.

6. About the use of artifacts in the Zone

There is not the slightest sense in selling “Shapoklyak” to a quest giver. They will pay mere pennies, but the artifact is very useful: it heals (+2) and gives weight (+8). At first, for two-slot suits, and even on Zaton/Jupiter, it will be very relevant. It's a pity that it won't be upgraded.

Likewise - “Heart of the Oasis”. Very useful for three-slot costumes, complete with “Twist” and “Shapoklyak”. And for “eternal satiety” it will be usable until the very end. By the way, when the major is “undressed” in freeplay, it does not disappear.

In general, a different set of artifacts is preferable for each situation. But there are also general rules. Moreover, at the Cordon/Swamp they are alone (high radiation), and at the base locations of the ZP they are different.

There are a lot of “jellyfish” at Cordon. And you will find them in hiding places, and you will steal them from corpses. Carry two in containers at once: the radiation around is strong. In battle or after it, it is better to replace one “Medusa” with “Shapoklyak”. So we'll take away more. Don’t forget that you can run around “glowing” for some time (with incomplete neutralization of radiation), and drink “Rad Antiradins”.

On Jupiter: we take 1 Bubble, “select” it, ugh, mf it to “-9” to radiation (according to the first type).
This will give us 4 windows for the “payload”. Until the appearance of 5 slots (i.e., a full MF suit), the “Bubble” is not particularly relevant; 2 Twists with MFs of different types will be enough.

When composing a “bouquet”, we take into account that it is not always possible to believe what is written: “-9” Radiation, for example, comes out in a rounded manner, and by filling the cells exactly at “+9”, we will glow a little. It’s a small thing, but they won’t let you sleep.

For normal conditions of survival in the Zone, we use a set of MF in Restoration (type 3) artifacts “Kolobok” (they are more profitable than “Fireflies”: with almost equal regeneration we have +2 radiation (instead of +3)) + “Heart of the Oasis” + “ Shapoklyak." Or “Basilisk” mf in Recovery (type 3) in freeplay.
“Svetlyak” comes out practically unclaimed and can only be sold.

In the event of a clash, it is possible to replace part of the “Koloboks” with “Kevlar plates” or “Monolith” (if you received it), to increase bullet resistance to the maximum on insufficiently well-protected suits.

When collecting loot, we replace part of the “Koloboks” with “Goldfish” or “Gravy” as necessary. We, of course, modify “weight” artifacts into weight (+10 kg), if possible.

“Eye of the Dragon” mf according to the first type, in “radiation”. Because the rest gives a penny increase by the time you receive the artifact, and +6 radioactivity is terrible. But by the time you receive the “Eye,” it is already somewhat irrelevant.

All artifacts have their own “type of anomaly.” There are only three types, as well as “Selection Specialists”.
That is, each “scientist” modifies only his own type:
- at Skadovsk - type 1 (only “Vyvert” is interesting);
- on Yanov - type 2 (“Gravy”)
- in the bunker - type 3 (“Fish”, “Kolobok”).
Quest art (both in the main game and in freeplay) is not subject to “selection”.

To penetrate acidic or thermal anomalies, we carry with us 1...3 artifacts (2 is enough, in fact) with protection from chemical or thermal influences (“Piece of Meat”, “Fireball”).

Protection from electricity is meaningless: in 99.9% of situations it is possible not to fall under electrical influence. There are few exceptions: get the teleporter at the exit of the pipeline in Zaton near Skadovsk, pick up the Gnome’s stash in the tunnel (there’s no way to get through there cleanly in principle). But these cases can also be solved without additional help. protection against artifacts.

Psi protection is also practically irrelevant. Serious psi-impact occurs in only two... three situations (“Scar”, the first quest of scientists, the Hires quest on “Jupiter”), which is solved either by using the “Stone Flower”, or without it - through a psi-blocker. And in Pripyat you can already use “Brain”. Although against the “New Controllers” it helps relatively.

Protection from radiation is carried out by temporarily freeing some of the containers from artifacts. There is no Basilisk yet with its +100 protection against Radiation.

Before finding the “Bubble”, you can also use “Twists”: in three-slot overalls, but in five-slot ones, “Twists” are not optimal.
Not a bad solution: 2 “Twists”, applied according to different types: one for weight, the other for radiation.

One “Twist” is now 100% in Koryagi’s case.

You can’t get the “jellyfish” from the cave at the Refueling Station (in the wall above the anomaly, take a running jump, from the dome) in light defense “head-on” - you can’t go through the “meat grinder”, because there is no place in front of it and you have to jump over it . However, the cave with the “Medusa” has a “U” shape and you need to jump into the right entrance. Then the art can be taken without difficulty.

The caves near Khutor are also an option, “Vyvert” is almost certainly there, but with the initial detector (without at least a “Bear”), it’s better not to go there (if you haven’t “mastered” the caves in previous playthroughs), “Vyvert” is the simplest detector just "does not see". In addition, art is detected at an unattainable height, but you can shoot at it and it will go down.

Without a doubt, it is possible to create super-optimal combinations of artifacts for each specific case, but does this make any sense... The “standard schemes” described above are simple, accessible and easy to use.

Immediately upon appearing on Yanov, do not forget to take the quest to rescue the hostage - and receive the “Golden Fish”. The quest can be completed much later - and “Fish” will already be working with all its might.

7. "Tactics"

A feature of SGM is the presence of the so-called. “Tactics”, which, after reading, increase damage from a certain type of weapon. They can only be obtained by completing quests. You can’t sell it, you can only “use it.”

“Tactics”, along with other rewards, are issued for quests in the following locations:
- protozoa (pistols, PP, AK-74, AKSU, AN-94, L85, L-300) - Zaton;
- advanced (SiG-550, OTs-14, NK G36, SVU, Bulldog, Avalanche, Vintorez, etc.) - Jupiter;
- the most delicious (SVD, FN-2000, RP-74, etc.) - Pripyat.

“Tactics” makes sense to “knock out” through F9 only on assault weapons (ShV, machine guns and machine guns). Moreover, the higher the rate of fire, the more meaning it makes.
Tactics for sniper weapons, with their already solid damage and low rate of fire, are practically (99%) devoid of any sense.

The first tactic (+10 to Damage) until 12.03 (and a fix from this date) was received from Beard for the quest “The Steering Wheel”.
The train has left: now Beard only gives money for the “Steering Wheel”...

“Tactics” for weapons from Tier 1 (the simplest: pistols, SMGs, primitive guns) will be available when you submit the quest to Spartak for Shevchenko. Through F9 I suggest taking the AK-74, the choice is limited.
Another “Tactics” can be obtained from Sych, for Leon’s walkie-talkie.
The next one is for the quest to blow up Kanevsky.
The quest is given by the Avenger (Rank after the Swamps/Cordon is more than sufficient), and the piece of paper is given by Kanevsky himself before his death.

“Tactics” for decent tier-2 barrels (SiG, OTs-14, etc.) can be obtained from Uncle Yar, through F9. Not earlier.

“Tactics” from tier-3 (SVD, RPK, F2000, etc.) can be obtained in Pripyat, when examining the antenna in the “Books” store, before the video with the report to P. Kovalsky. Moreover, this fact is not always stated before the video (getting “Tactics” “out of nowhere”). The documents just end up in the inventory.
Another option is to hand over Leon's case, along with a reward, from the Monolith merchant.

“Tactics” also “work” on unique barrels:
- for SiG 5k Strelka you need “Tactics” on SiG 550;
- for “Lynx” - on SVD;
- for Vintar Gromoboy - at VSS "Vintorez";
- for "Storm" - on OTs-14;

where can I get a personalized weapon at the cement plant in the game Stalker Call of Pripyat? and got the best answer

Reply from Grigory ?[guru]
Description: Find stalker Thunderbolt's personalized weapon
Quest given by: Yanov, water tower (to the right of the entrance), Thunderbolt
Walkthrough: stalker Gromoboy has lost his personal “Vintar” and asks to find it in Kopachi. Let's go with Uncle Yar to Kopachi. We eliminate the mercenaries and take the PDA from the corpse in the attic, which we carry to Thunderbolt. After studying the PDA, Thunderbolt asks to find his weapon on the territory of the cement plant. We go to the factory, inspect 5 possible gun spawn points:
-on the tower, from where there is a transition to the building, where the parts for Nitrogen are. At the very top, where the original cache with the helmet is.
- in the basement directly at the exit without stairs (in a middle building, such as a garage)
- on the ramp above the railway tracks - entrance from the second floor of the station.
- on the street next to the tank on the grille of a broken ventilation box.
- on the observation tower

Answer from Ivan Lyuty[guru]
I can also copy and paste.... Just climb through the locations according to the instructions and at the end there should be his location marked (approximate, so you'll have to look)

Answer from Vasily Yakovlev[newbie]

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: where can you get personalized weapons at the cement plant in the game Stalker Call of Pripyat?

Modification guide for Sigerous Mod CoP 2.2. This article discusses all aspects of passing this modification on the location: Jupiter, and also presents maps of caches of these locations. (Author of the walkthrough: Stalker77Alex)

Quests on Jupiter are divided into blocks:
1 Original quests + quests of original characters on Yanov, not affecting the chain of other quests
2 Scientists' quests
3 Dawn Quests
4 Quests of Mercenaries and SBU

Original quests. Quests of original characters on Yanov, which do not affect the chain of other quests.

1.The first three sorties
After arriving at Yanov, you must complete three sorties.
First- This is an outing associated with Morgan's PDA, where it is necessary to recapture/defend the Debt warehouse. We choose the side we will sympathize with (at our discretion, it will be useful to us) and complete an easy quest. We sell swag from the cache to the Hawaiian.
Second- an outing with Uncle Yar to Kopachi. Be sure to take the quest for Vintorez from Thunderbolt (who sits under the Zulu tower) before the outing. There we kill the hirelings, collect swag from them, and take the Monolith’s PDA.


Swag: in the village of Kopachi you can find many caches.
Firstly, this is a cache in the excavator (Veles, valuable to us, lies there)
Secondly, this is a hiding place under an iron sheet. We are looking for an iron sheet in the west of the village. There lies AS VAL. Along the fence on the western border of the location, not far from there, you can try to find a GPS guide.
Thirdly, a hiding place in the attic of one of the houses where Groza lies.

Third- a night foray on the quest of Neon (Freedom Trader) for the quest “Night Snipers”
Know that one fugitive bandit is immortal until you reach the Eastern Tunnel. When you go back to search all the snipers, immediately jump over the tree onto the excavator and take Strelka No. 1’s cache from the bag in the room - medicines. Also in close proximity to the excavator lies the stalker Sliver. It is he who will help us uncover the betrayal of Magpie/Flint.

Interesting fact - three Strelok caches on Jupiter have random swag. Regardless of which cache you take first, it will contain medicines, the second - ammunition, and the third - a SIG 550 Strelka assault rifle

2. First walk (part 1)

The walk will be very intense, so I advise you to take the best equipment and upgrade your weapons if possible. Take quests:
Stalker Bear has a quest for Mitya (choose a peaceful solution to the conflict, take the artifact)

  • From St. John's wort we take the quest for Bloodsuckers
  • From Azoth we take the quest for Radio Materials
  • At Thunderbolt we continue the quest for Vintorez.
  • Uncle Yar has a quest for the Camera

So let's get started. First we move towards the Plavni anomaly. We are looking for art. Then we go a little east, there are bloodsuckers on the St. John's wort quest. We take it out. We go under the cement plant, from the place where the bloodsuckers were farmed by water, we climb into the tunnel behind Strelok’s hiding place. Next we go up to the Tsemzavod itself. We go up the stairs outside to the roof of the northern building, on the roof we take a cache with a Helmet and a PSO (there is also the spawn point of Vintorez Thunderbolt), we go down below. There may be an artifact here, as well as two radio materials for Azoth. Then even lower (we don’t remove the detector) - three more materials. Below are two more materials. There are two more on the lowest floor. There should be a total of 9 materials

Next, you can begin searching the southern building. There may be a GPS on the floor (metal floor in the form of a grid), and below under the pipe you can find a Monolith cache with cassettes for Gauss. It's time to start searching for the Named Vintar, if it hasn't been found yet. You can find the spawn points below.

Now we move to the Quarry. Along the way, there are SVD and cartridges for it on the locomotive. The Career may have GPS. If you didn’t take Strelok’s cache and didn’t talk to Sliver, go for it. Don't forget about the arts. Afterwards you can go to the Eastern Tunnel. On the ledge (directly above the gate, above it) you can find a GPS. Use binoculars. The Burers in the tunnel can be killed immediately (you need to enter the tunnel through the entrance to the left of the tracks. If you look south). The quest will still count. After killing the dwarfs, we go to Bitumen and look for art.
Jupiter Plant
Combing the Jupiter Plant is a difficult task. But doable. We use the gate on the right to enter (northwestern part of the plant). We turn left along the road. On the left side is a basement. There's a hiding place there. Next you need to comb the hulls adjacent to the air bridge. There are two documents - the Folder with the order and the Notebook Sheet. Further, through the entrance of the plant you can get to the Administrative building. We go up the stairs and find documents in one of the rooms. But don't rush to take them. Get ready. Take the stash with the Breaker in the table. After taking the documents, Hires led by Black will appear. Let's take it

PDAs, flash drives, the leader has a G36. Under the northern stairs there is a cache with a Thunderstorm.

Further, without leaving the building, on the first floor, in the area of ​​the elevators and the southern staircase, looking south, there is a transition to another building. There is another document - the Delivery Schedule. Now we go out into the street and move further through the plant. We shoot the dogs. There is an excavator on the left side. We approach him from behind and take the L85. Next, we go down to Strelok’s hiding place and pick up random swag. We get out and go to the building to the south. There, on the second floor there is an important document - the Pripyat-1 overpass diagram. We leave and go to the largest building by area. As you enter, keep to the right and go down to the basement. Then we walk through the basement, go up the stairs, and walk along the walkway. Take the document “Papers with records”. We go down the stairs to the next room. Psi-dogs will meet us there. Under the shelves there is a cache with an AK74. You can take another document on the table. Let's examine the helicopter. You can find a GPS nearby (see screenshot below)

We leave the factory.

2. First walk (part 2)

After leaving the factory, our first goal is to search the Concrete Bath anomaly. To do this without consequences, you need to leave the Jupiter plant, turn 180 degrees to the left and walk along the fence of the plant outside. Then it will be possible to get to the very platform where the artifact lies.
Opposite the anomaly there are “Aggressive Bandits”. They just need to be eliminated. We’re not going to the hiring base yet, they won’t let us through. Behind the garages and under the road you can find two caches with a SIG 550 and a Winchester.

Next we go to the helipad - the place where the minefield does not allow passage and where Skat-1 landed. Along the way, don’t forget about Uncle Yar’s quest. It’s easy to get to the site from the right along the fence. We take the black box from the helicopter. At the other end of the minefield, where the concrete wall is, a GPS may appear. After a wave of mutants who have blown up the lion's share of the mines, click the bolt to check for the presence of mines and take away the GPS.

Oasis is actually easy to complete. The entrance to it is located near the platform near the railway. There's a building there. We pass, we bring down jerboas and zombies. We destroy the boards blocking the passage. Don't go down (although there is a spawn point for tools) but go straight.

Then all the way and to the right along the pipes. We walk along the pipes until they “run out.” Then left. A hall with columns will appear before us.

To unblock the passage and turn off the teleport you need to:
1. Walk straight through all five rows of columns five times as shown in the figure. You can start from left to right or from right to left - the order of passes can be changed directly.

2.Then go through this hall strictly under snowflakes. The teleport is unlocked, we take the artifact.
On the instructions of Mityai's friends Torba and Bear, it is necessary to rescue Mityai's bandits from captivity. The best option is to take the artifact from Mityai’s friends and kill the bandits. The fact is that this artifact will be very useful. The easiest way to kill from the inside is to go to the mound itself, and from there start taking out the bandits. Or from the outside - with a sniper rifle. We are not going to Yanov with Mityai.
We will receive two Bandit flash drives. You can also find a GPS guide near the fence at the western end of the sublocation. On the way to the Volkhov air defense system, we speak with the surviving Monolith led by the Tramp.
Point B205
We approach the Volkhov air defense system. We take out the zombies. We don’t go down into the tunnel yet, we go into the building. There we take Sokolov’s note. But now you can go down. We open the door and move on. Through the holes in the wall we go around the pile of shelves, take out the jerboas and the burer. We go upstairs and pick up a new weapon. RPGs can be put in a drawer for now. On the way to Yanov, we hand over the quest to Oasis to Ozersky. You can give Garik the pieces of Meat and Kolobok. Sokolov - his note. German - quest for Administrative Documents. Now it's time for Yanov.

  • We hand in the quest for Mitya.
  • We hand over the materials and the black box to Azot
  • Handing over quests to St. John's wort
  • We rent out Vintar to Thunderbolt
  • If you talked to Sliver at the Quarry, then we talk to Flint, then we hand him over to either Shulga or Loki, and then to Gonta.
  • You can submit documents from Jupiter or Shulga or Loki. There is another option - Sychu.
  • We sell unnecessary artifacts to the Hawaiian. It's worth leaving only the art worth its weight (Gravy and Goldfish)
  • We hand over the quest to Uncle Yar.
  • We are trying to attach the Monoliths to one of the groups by talking with the clan leaders.

3. St. John's wort's quests
We complete the remaining quests of St. John's wort:
1.Quest for 5 bloodsucker tentacles. Should have stayed with Zaton. We give, we receive a reward. (in the build that Shkrek went through, the quest was not issued, perhaps this is due to a fix from makdm)
2.Quest for groups of snorkels. I won’t explain, they just need to be taken out.
3.Quest for the Chimera. We go to the ventilation complex at night and kill the Chimera.

4. Quest with Snag
One fine day, things disappear from our drawer. We interview St. John's wort, Chiropractor, then Zulu. At the stop, we kill the bandit. You can kill Snag. You can leave him alive. In any case, we will get things back.
4.2 Scientist Quests
1. Variable Psi radiation
The first and very important task is “Alternating psi radiation from Herman.” It should only be completed with a sniper rifle. With Topol's group we go into the tunnel. There we take out jerboas and three zombies. Go ahead. In the room with anomalies you can find a GPS guide.

Save before taking the "Altered Isolator". When leaving the room where he was lying in the tunnel, a controller will appear. If we don’t have time to remove it right away, Topol’s group will start firing at us. Therefore, we use Lynx to the fullest (if there is no sniper rifle, then we go point blank to him and extinguish him with a shotgun). We return to the bunker.
2. Arrangement of scanners
We take the quest from Herman to arrange three scanners. We arrange it, then two more will be available. You need to pick them up from Novikov. The placement of scanners will allow you to display artifacts available in the anomalies on the map.

3. Measurements with the Poplar group.
We take a shotgun - this is important - and a sniper. Let's go first to Plavni - it will be more difficult there. Our task. So that all members of the Topol group remain alive. We wait for the mutants to approach and destroy them. Then we go to the Ashes. There you need to shoot the Zombies approaching from the side of the Kopachi. I think even a machine gun will be enough.
4. Ozersky's hypothesis
We speak with Ozersky about the activity of mutants during measurements. We get a scanner from him and go to Bitumen. We install a scanner there, we see the activity of mutants (snorks have appeared) - we take the scanner. We bring the scanner to Ozersky and receive a reward.
5. History of Debt
You can complete it even without taking the quest from Herman, if you have the Svarog detector. Svarog can be given out either by Beard during the Owl quest, or by Topol after completing all the quests associated with his group. We go to the Cooling Tower, climb up, take out the detector. The anomaly drops “Dead” debtors with weapons in excellent condition. One of them has a PDA. You can give it to the leader of Duty or Freedom.
6. Security for scientists
On Herman's instructions, you need to find security for the Scientists. There are several options - Debt, Freedom or stalkers led by Spartak from Zaton.
7. Novikov’s quests to modernize detectors.
7.1 Anomaly scanners.
You just need to simply collect scanners for Novikov on Zaton from all the anomalies. Additional profit in the form of art on Zaton.
7.2 Special information
We need to find drawings for Novikov at the Cement Plant and the air defense missile system. Screenshots to help.

7.3. Special tools.
At Novikov’s request, we find tools to upgrade the detectors.
8. Accompaniment of scientists

We take the quest from the scientists standing near the bunker. We accompany them to the Ventilation Complex. We receive a reward.
4.3 Dawn Quests
1. Base defense
Throughout the entire passage, in all quests related to Dawn, we will be concerned about mutants. In the first quest (it is issued automatically when you first approach the Dawn base), you need to repel the attack of mutants. Take a shotgun - there will be a pseudo-giant there. After completing the quest, you can join the Dawn group. This is what we will do.
Advice - immediately order the “Dawn Exoskeleton” from the Dawn merchant. This will provide the maximum weight that can be carried in the game.
2. Clearing the territory of mutants.
Description: The Rassvetites need territory to expand their group. We need to free her from mutants.
Issued by: Jupiter, leader of the Rassvetites Nazar. We move along the mark on the map (to the stop) and shoot the snorks. We return for a reward.
3. Clearing the area near the holes.
Issued by: Jupiter, leader of the Dawners Nazar
Description: we move along the marks on the map and shoot the mutants:
1. at a cement plant (snorkie, chimera)
2. at the Jupiter factory (dogs, pseudodogs)
3. in the South (between the container warehouse and the helipad) - wild boars, flesh, controller
4. near the railway (jerboas, burer, 3 pseudogiants)
5. near the Volkhov air defense system - snorks, pseudo-giant
We return for a reward.
4. Clan priorities
Issued by the leader of dawn Nazar. First, take the armored suits to the technician at the Scientists' base to Novikov.
There are several options for passing - the longer you wait, the less you pay. Then take the armored suits from the technician. Next comes the hardest part - you need to fill all five prepared caches
It is necessary to fill all five caches of the group, marked on the map, with the following components according to the list:
1) Weapon: AN-94 "Abakan" or Chaser-
2) One magazine for the corresponding weapon.
3) Veles class anomaly detector.
4) ChN-3A armored suit.
5) Any first aid kit, any bandage.
6) Choice of anti-radiation drug or psychedelin.
Call for the PDA signal. Check the first point marked in the patrol group’s route, then the second and third. Let's accompany Miguel to the base and inform Nazar about the results of the check.
5. Devil's Flowers.
The quest is given by the same Miguel from the previous quest - the scout. First, talk to the scientists in the Bunker. Then ask the leaders of the groups on Yanov, St. John's Wort, Kostoprav. If the chiropractor said that we need to look in thermal anomalies, we look on Zaton in An. Circus, in the Burnt Farm, as well as on Jupiter in the Ashes. Then we give the Devil's Flowers to Miguel.
4.4 Quests of Mercenaries and SBU
1. Interception
We use the flash drive from the SBU hidden in the backpack from the cache on Zaton. We follow the marker to the Jupiter plant area. There we take out all the mercenaries. We accompany the agent to Yanov. Now at night another agent is available who will give us another task.
IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to pick up a PDA from one of the Hires with a password to enter the Mercenary base. You also need to remove either the Mercenary Exoskeleton or the Mercenary Suit from one of the mercenaries.
2. Agent on the helipad and Professor Tyagnibok.
At night we go to a meeting with the Agent. He will give us the task of searching for Professor Tyagnibok, who disappeared in Pripyat, with his report.3
3. Joining the Mercenaries.
Attention, at the mercenary base there is a dress code - entry only in the hire suit, we approach the goalkeeper (hire Evil), tell him the password - we go to the base. You need to buy the drug psychedelin in advance from a doctor or scientists, or save it, when you collect swag from corpses you need 5 cylinders.
Approach the leader of the hirelings, Molfar, and take on the quest - searching for the missing squad.
The quest is completed in two passes: with the first group we go to the Jupiter plant, we do not run far from the squad, because the task will fail. We clean the perimeter, go up to the second floor, there will be a surprise waiting there. On the first visit of the controller, we don’t bring down the controller because then there will be no spawning of snorks. When the controller appears, we take our hands to our feet and run headlong into the street. We receive the task to talk with the hiring leader. We return, take the task for the second round, this is where psychedelin comes in handy, and distribute it to the participants in the assault. At the factory we are clearing the perimeter, about 10 zombies and three controllers. Once you kill 3 controllers, 3 snorks will spawn near the garage, and two at the exit of the factory. After shooting them, you will receive an invitation to chat with the leader, who will invite the GG to join the mercenaries.
4. Broken caravan.
On the way to the base, the mercenary caravan ran into a large pseudo-giant. They are now near the ventilation complex. They need help. We kill the giant, take the cargo and give it to Molfar.
5. Assassination of Knave: kill Knave
Molfar decided to break with his bosom enemy - Jack. We need to shoot him.
(in the build that Shkrek went through, the quest was not issued, since the Jack died earlier)
6. Weak beacon: find a cache on the territory of the plant
Mercenaries long ago established a hiding place on the territory of the Jupiter plant. The one who installed it died long ago. No one knows where exactly this cache is hidden. The GPS beacon signal at the cache is very weak. For it to work you need to get close to it. The task is to comb the plant. We find a cache there - we can’t take it - we try to search it - it’s closed. We inform Molfar, accompany the squad to the cache, and return to the base.

Delivery to Markovich

Issued by: Zaton, Petka Razmandyai

Description: everything is simple here: we go to Skadovsk and give the parcel to the saver.

Talk to Makovetsky

Issued by: Skadovsk, Markovich

Condition: parcel delivered

Description: go under the stairs, talk to Makovetsky

Unknown artifact

Issued by: Skadovsk, Makovetsky

Description: get to the Sawmill and pick up the artifact from the backpack in the anomaly. The Sawmill is inhabited by Zombies - a good chance to raise your rank and get some swag. We bring everyone down and take the trophies. We return to Skadovsk, give the art to Makovetsky and talk about helicopters. We learn that the surviving pilot went to Yanov.

Gimbal Tools

Issued by: Skadovsk, mechanic Cardan

Description: Tool tips can be purchased from Sych. We bring tools to Cardan and carry out repairs and modifications at a discount.

Journey to Jupiter

Issued by: Skadovsk, Makovetsky, Beard

Condition: artifact brought

Description: We pay 3000 rubles to Pilot and move to Yanov. We speak with Azoth.

Radio components for Azot

Issued by: Yanov, Azot

Description: We go to the cement plant. We go up the stairs to the water tower that stands next to the building, then to the roof of the building, through the hatch we get to the top floor. Now I will describe in order where everything is, since there is a lot of materials there.

Top floor: Transistor box, coil of copper wire,

Third floor: Textolite base 2 pcs., can of rosin.

Second floor: Packing of capacitors, a coil of copper wire.

First floor: Textolite base, can of rosin.

Reward: Repairs and modifications at cost

Nitrogen Tools

Issued by: Yanov, mechanic Azot

Description: Tool tips can be bought from Sych in Skadovsk. We bring tools to Azot and carry out repairs and modifications at a discount


Description: Stalkers Mityai and Bear were attacked by bandits, but they fought back and parted peacefully. Mityai decided that the incident was over and, through negligence, got out of Yanov alone. Bandits were already waiting for him in ambush. Now Mitya’s comrades, Bear and Torba, are racking their brains over how to rescue their friend from captivity.

Quest given by: Yanov, Bear

Reward: 5000, 2 leads to hiding places, friendship with Bear and Bag + flash drives of the bandits Shishak and Gnome (if you kill everyone). + For the quest to free Mityai, the bear gives out tactics on the SIG-550. Attention! tactics are given if you choose the branches in dialogue with the Bear: We must negotiate or Forceful decision; if you choose I will deal with the scum, there will be no tactics!

Walkthrough: We approach the stalker in the exoskeleton (Bear) at the Yanov station. He tells us about the grief that happened to Mityai. The Bear himself believes that it is necessary to gather a squad of stalkers and rush to the bandits’ base. In Torba’s opinion, it is worth giving the Gopniks a ransom in the form of the Goldfish artifact. Noble Degtyarev can also offer his help and go deal with the bandits himself. Let's consider a peaceful option with the payment of a ransom. The Bear himself does not want to go, because he is afraid that the bandits will raise the price. Therefore, he invites us to go to the marauders. He gives us an artifact and sends us on our way. We are heading to the Container Landfill. A security guard greets us at the entrance. We explain to him that we need to talk to the leader about the prisoner and get a pass. We find the leader and talk with him. There is a choice to give him an artifact or 15,000. A goldfish, of course, is not worth that kind of money, so it is better to give it. The leader is satisfied, Mityai is released. Together with him, you follow a maze of containers and suddenly stumble upon a bandit. He, naturally, is dissatisfied with Shishaku, who gave him money, but what about us? You can solve everything quietly and peacefully and pay off the Gopnik. He only charges 2900. You can be rude to him, but then you can’t avoid a storm or price gouging. We go further and talk with Mityai. There is a choice: travel with him to Yanov, or get there yourself. Once on Yanov, we approach the Bear, who is now a friend, like Torba. He thanks us, gives us a reward and from now on respectfully calls us master. The quest is completed.

Advice: It makes more sense to resolve everything peacefully, since there are a lot of bandits at the base. Not a single group of stalkers is enough to take them out, and crushing them alone is a difficult task. The quest must be completed when you first arrive at Yanov, otherwise Mitya will be killed and the quest will be lost.

The quest must be completed when you first arrive on Yanov, otherwise Mitya will be killed and the quest will not necessarily be lost! the main thing is not to approach them and not talk

Surviving Pilot

Issued by: Yanov, Azot

Description: we go to the bunker to the scientists and talk to the pilot. He gives the key card to the helicopters. We immediately talk to Garik (sitting in the same room with the pilot Sokolov). We take on a task from him to search for artifacts. After this, we return with the Pilot to Skadovsk.

Artifacts for Garik

Issued by: Scientists Bunker, Garik

Description: find the artifacts “Hunk of Meat” and “Kolobok” for Garik. You can take it in the anomalies SWAMP (Hunk of Meat) and at the top of the anomaly SOSNODUB (Kolobok).

Meet with the contact

Issues: stalker at the door of Skadovsk

Condition: first transition from Yanov to Zaton

Description: The messenger is waiting in the basement at the very edge of the map to the South-West, right next to the Iron Forest anomaly. The messenger gives the task to inspect the SBU cache, where further instructions are located.

Scat 2 Explore the helicopter crash site

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-23 helicopter

Passage: To the very edge of the map to the South-West, right next to the Iron Forest anomaly. A poltergeist is flying near our target, so we move slowly, as it reacts to the movements of the GG. We kill the poltergeist and can search the Helicopter. Another screensaver on the engine, in which Degtyarev (GG) discovers that the crew of this helicopter died in the air, but on the on-board computer it was possible to find maps of the area between Zaton and Jupiter.

Tips: We search the nearby corpses of military personnel, collect cartridges, etc. If a poltergeist notices you and throws objects, hide behind corners and various shelters.

Area maps: Find interested people

Description: Find someone who will be interested in the cards you find

Conditions of issue: The Skat-23 helicopter was found and inspected

Reward: Discount on transfer between locations

Walkthrough: We go to the cargo ship Skadovsk, talk to a stalker named Pilot, offer him to take the cards. He copies them onto his PDA. Now we know that there is a shortcut between Yanov station and Skadovsk. They gave us maps of the area and got the opportunity to travel cheaply between locations.

SBU cache

Issued by: liaison officer in the Iron Forest anomaly

Reward: mercenary jumpsuit, flash drive with data, etc.

Description: we go to the plateau, there we will have to fight with a pseudo-giant, so arm yourself accordingly. We take things from the cache.

Advice: First, do not rush to activate the flash drive; it is better to do this near the Jupiter plant in the appropriate location. And secondly, don’t sell the mercenary’s overalls, it will still be useful for completing the task recorded on a flash drive and for joining the mercenaries

Save Petrukha

Description: after examining the cache, we move to Skadovsk, near the anomaly we see two stalkers, one of whom fell into the anomaly, we give him a first aid kit and as a reward we receive an artifact and friendship.

He can also give you a Bear detector

Strange glow on the Dredge

Description: A particularly strange glow was noticed on the dredger. Beard asks to find his source.

Quest given by: Skadovsk, Beard

Reward: 3000 + cache coordinates + flash drive with Vobla’s cache

Walkthrough: We go to the Dredger, inside of which you can see a pleasant bluish glow. We climb onto the ship, carefully, so as not to get into anomalies, we go around the side to the stern, there we climb inside using the stairs, we go to the control cabin, where instead of the usual steering wheel hangs a glowing artifact, the Modified Steering Wheel. After that, we leave, but then a stalker meets us. He says that in order to cure his friend, a rare artifact is needed. We can give the Changed helm to the stalker, or we can take it to Beard. There is little point in leaving it to yourself, since this artifact only gives an increase in radiation. If we give it away, then after following the deceiver, we will see that in fact he will go and simply sell the artifact to Beard. Therefore, we leave the artifact for ourselves, but the stalker obviously will not like this situation, so his three friends will be waiting for us in ambush. We kill everyone and go to Beard to take the quest.

In Search of Magpie Retribution

Description: Find the traitor

Reward: 1000 + Achievement Messenger of Justice.

Walkthrough: A stalker nicknamed Soroka exposed Gonta's group to a chimera attack. They ask to find the scumbag. But even if you ask every stalker you meet, they won’t give you the answer you need. In order to find Magpie, you need to go to the Jupiter location, namely the quarry, find the wounded stalker Sliver there, offer him help, and when he dies, we automatically receive the task of avenging Sliver. We go to Yanov, and we hear from Svoboda member Flint a new story, this time about how he got an artifact from a quarry. We talk to him, it emerges from the conversation that it was he who framed Sliver and Gonta’s team. Now you need to go to Zaton to report the situation to the customer. But before that, let’s go to Loki to tell him about Soroka. As a result, we get the achievement Messenger of Justice

Scat 5 Explore the crash site

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-53 helicopter

Walkthrough: One of the story quests. Everything is simple here, we need to get to the helicopter, which is located inside the Swamp anomaly and search it. I don't think anyone will have any particular difficulties. Access to the Anomaly is free, the main thing is not to run into hungry dogs or anyone else. After searching the helicopter, it is discovered that all the electronics inside have burned out and now we need to find the cause of the burned out electronics. We will find the reason by completing another quest, so we're done with this for now.

Capercaillie and the disappearance of stalkers

Description: Capercaillie asked for help in finding a missing hunter. The hunter had to find the lair of the bloodsuckers. Judging by the available information, it is the bloodsuckers who are involved in all the recent disappearances of stalkers.

Quest gives: Zaton, Skadovsk, Capercaillie

Reward: Title Detective, 10,000 and coordinates of two caches, flash drive with Capercaillie’s cache + medications

Walkthrough: Before completing it, you can go talk to Tremor, who examined the bodies of the dead, he will tell you some details. You can find it on the second floor of Skadovsk. After the conversation, we go to the Sosnodub Anomaly, where we need to find the stalker. There was only a dead bloodsucker on the spot, and no trace of Hunter Danila, but Capercaillie reports that he found something interesting and asks to join him.

We are heading to the VNZ Krug. The Capercaillie is waiting for us there and reports that he saw the bloodsucker enter the building. The lair of the bloodsuckers is supposedly located there. We go after the stalker, first we fight off two bloodsuckers in turn. After this, we go down through the elevator shaft to the basement. There lie three corpses with marks from the claws of monsters, but Danila is not among them. Next, our companion opens a closed door, behind which a whole flock of monsters sleeps. The main thing here is not to make noise, move in a crouch or at a slow pace, and certainly not to catch the Sleeping Beauties, because then a fatal outcome is guaranteed.

Even if you are in the best equipment and with the best weapons, I am not sure that you will get out of there safely. If you didn't wake anyone up, you'll go through the tunnel to the surface near the swamp. We never found Danila, but Capercaillie has one idea, and for now we are offered to tell the people about the discovered lair of bloodsuckers. About a day later, the PDA receives a signal to meet with Capercaillie, but he is not in Skadovsk, we approach Beard, he says that Capercaillie left a message and we should meet at the port cranes. We arrive at the place and find Danila’s corpse in the house nearby. We go into the room and find Tremor, who is standing over the corpse of Capercaillie.

Tremor admits that it was he who killed all those stalkers. And here we can choose options:

1) We don’t want to listen to him, he shoots himself in the head very beautifully, and we need to go to Skadovsk and tell him that Trevor is to blame for everything, not the bloodsuckers. We tell everything to the beard and receive recognition for helping out the entire camp, 10,000 and the coordinates of two caches to boot. And on top of that, he also has the title Detective in his PDA. It sounds proud, but let's see what the second option gives us.

2) And in the second case it’s the same, but we also learn interesting information about him and his strange illness. (Perhaps not all conditions were met, and the option was not fully disclosed)

Tips: Search Tremor's corpse and the safe in the room, he was a medic in Skadovsk, there is a whole week's supply of medicine there. Take the flash drive from the corpse of the Capercaillie.

Lair of bloodsuckers

Description: Deal with the bloodsuckers who, according to rumors, are the cause of the latest deaths of stalkers.

Quest given by: Zaton, Capercaillie, Beard

Issue conditions: Bloodsuckers' lair discovered

Reward: Veles anomaly detector, cache coordinates, 5000 rubles.

Walkthrough: We have discovered a lair of bloodsuckers, now we go to Beard in Skadovsk to outline the situation. He says that the lair can be destroyed by connecting poison gas to the VNZ ventilation system.

Sych knows where the gas cylinders are, so we go to him. It’s good that you don’t have to run far; we go up to the second floor of the cargo ship. But we will get the information only for 2000 local money. So if you haven’t earned it yet, then the quest will wait, and if you have the money, then we get information about the location of the poison gas and go after it to the bridge named after it. Preobrazhensky, where the military convoy is located. We walk carefully along the bridge, around the anomaly, climb into the back of a truck that stands between two armored personnel carriers and discover that to open the box you need two keys. In the Cabin of the same truck we find Order No. 4233, which says about the keys. Ahead of the truck, the bridge has collapsed. We go down there and find Key B in the overturned car. And the second Key A is located at the beginning of the bridge in the trunk of the car (standing right at the edge of the bridge).

After that, we go and take out the cylinders from the box. After this, we return to the VNZ Circle in order to find the ventilation shaft. Go to the mark, install the cylinder. Now you need to turn the valve, but keep in mind that after you do this, two bloodsuckers will run out.

Tips: There is a lot of ammunition in the cars on the bridge. Collect all the documents you find, you can then sell them to Sych and recoup the money spent.

Leon's case

Description: while looking for gas in cars on the bridge, we find a wounded Monolith citizen Leon. You need to immediately approach him and talk, otherwise he will die, and then the corpse cleaner script will work and the quest will become unavailable. After talking with Leon, pick up the case on the bridge and take it to Pripyat to give to the leader of the Monolith.

Issues: Zaton, wounded Monolithic Leon on the bridge

Fulfillment: Don’t rush to Pripyat right away... Put it in your personal box for storage until you assemble a team for the trip to Pripyat. Subsequently, you can transfer the case to Yanov and leave it there for the time being. When we go to Pripyat, we take the case with us. (For continuation, see part 2)

Three comrades

Description: Drunken technician Cardan sadly remembers two of his comrades with whom he once quarreled. We are invited to find the lost stalkers and apologize to them on behalf of Cardan.

Quest issued by: Skadovsk, Cardan

Conditions of issue: Give Cardan 2 bottles of vodka (it is possible that the quest cannot be completed after completing the story quest Unknown Weapon)

Reward: Cardan discounts + Barge flash drive

Walkthrough: After drinking vodka, Cardan tells us about his lost comrades Joker and Barge. We go to the Sosnodub anomaly and find a skeleton on its southern side. A pumped-up gas mask and a PDA are lying nearby, from which we learn that the skeleton belongs to the late Joker. Then we go to the Burnt Farm. We go down into the cave below it, through which Comets fly. In the cave we find the corpse of a stalker. It turns out that this is a Barge. We take his PDA and run to Cardan. We give him both PDAs and listen to the laments of the unfortunate technician. The quest is completed.

Shustrogo's Quest

Nimble takes orders for rare and expensive items. You can buy an exoskeleton from him for 60,000 rubles. In addition, you can order rare guns from him, for example, the Lynx sniper rifle (a modernized version of the SVD), the FT-200M assault rifle, Otboynik, SVU2-A, Priboy (a modernized version of the Vintorez assault rifle), GP37, Karabiner (a modernized version of the SPSA-14 shotgun), Storm (a modernized version of the Grom-S14 assault rifle), Frazer (a modernized version of the Viper-5 assault rifle). After ordering, you need to wait one day, after which a message will appear that the order can be picked up.

Description: Nimble, who sits on the upper deck of Skadovsk, gives out quests to find weapons.

Quest given by: Skadovsk, Shustry

Conditions for issuing quest 4: After completing the first three quests, a few days later


1) Find a captured Ingram Mak 10. It lies on the roof of the gas station, you can climb there from the side of the fault along the fence or on the roof of the forestry.

2) Find a captured AK-47. It lies in the room, next to the documents, at the Jupiter plant.

3) Find a captured Mossberg 590 Mk.L. Lies in a container warehouse on Jupiter.

4) Find the captured Steyr AUG SS190. Lies in Pripyat

Reward: after completing quest 4 L96A1

Mercenary camp

Description: Merchant Sych promised to pay well for any storage medium found in the mercenary camp at the waste treatment station. He is interested in the plans of the mercenaries.

Quest issued by: Skadovsk, Sych

Walkthrough: We go to the waste recycling station in the south of Zaton. I advise you to take more first aid kits and ammo.

Mercenaries are excellent opponents, especially with improved AI, they have turned into insidious killers, I think they bypass enemies, use different attack tactics, use grenades and so on.

Therefore, I advise you to use the same tactics: move a lot and not take a break. It’s better to go around the building from the back entrance, and then deal with the enemies there. After all the mercenaries are dead, we remove the PDA from the two main mercenaries, and also take the laptop on the second floor and take all this stuff to Sych.

Food for mercenaries

Description: At the entrance to the substation workshops, Tesak asks to bring food to the hungry mercenaries.

Quest given by: Zaton, mercenary Tesak

Reward: unhindered access to the workshop territory

Walkthrough: Bring the mercenaries 2 loaves of bread, 2 sticks of sausage and 2 cans of canned food.

Or 6 cans

Scat 33 Explore the crash site

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-3 helicopter

Reward: Lieutenant Smolyak's flash drive

Walkthrough: You can’t just get to the third helicopter, so we’ll go to Stalker Noah, who lives in his ark, just south of the port cranes. In his ship he keeps a tamed dog, Lassie. We talk to him, ask about helicopters and agree that he will take us to the Plateau. We appear on a burnt out farm, there are a lot of anomalies around Zharka, we follow which road Noah is walking on, then we follow him. Don't forget about the bolts! We reach the edge, push off and jump into the Teleport. (Attention, accelerate well, otherwise you will have to jump again). We teleport near the Circus anomaly and go to the Plateau. There is a lair of snorks near the target, so it’s better to destroy them first before they do this to us). In the cave, we take the flash drive with his swag from the corpse of Lieutenant Smolyak. After that, we go to inspect the Skat-3 helicopter. We receive information that both engines failed during the flight, and in the on-board computer we find a map with marks of evacuation points B23, B283, B2053.

Evacuation locations: Check point B23

Description: On the map found in one of the helicopters, evacuation points were marked. You should check to see if the military was there.

Conditions of issue: Skat-3 inspected

Walkthrough: We return to Skadovsk, talk with Beard, who refutes the information about the appearance of the military here.


Inaccessible cache

Description: Stalker Koryaga left a container with swag in Zaporozhets, but during the recent earthquake, the car fell into the ground. He doesn’t want to go himself, because he’s more afraid of the snorks that live there than the inspector

Quest issued by: Skadovsk, Koryaga

Reward: Your choice

Walkthrough: We go to the gas station, next to which there is a fault in the ground. Take plenty of ammunition and first aid kits with you, as you will have to fight off monsters. We approach the fault, along the ledges in the ground, carefully descend to Zaporozhets and get what the customer needs. Now let's go upstairs. The main thing here is not to get lost (look at the map) and to repel the attacks of suddenly jumping snorks in time. If you want more adrenaline, then complete the quest at night, although almost nothing is visible underground, you need to use a flashlight.

We come to the stalker to give the steel box, and here the first pleasant surprise awaits us: in a brotherly way, he invites us to choose for ourselves from what is in the box. In stock Handicap, Medical set, Improved AKM/2U, Soul artifact, Army steel Helmet. You can choose a few not very valuable things, or you can be patient and take the helmet for yourself. Well, it’s whatever you want.

You can take the box not to Koryaga himself, but go to Cardan and ask him to break into the case, then the GG will have all its contents and the quest with Koryaga will open


Description: After ordering any gun from Shustroy and during your next visit to Skadovsk, at the entrance at the table on the right, Koryaga will accost you, demanding that you give up his gun.

Reward: flash drive of the bandit leader, return of your belongings, flash drive of Koryaga (optional)

Walkthrough: We go to Shustromy, he will say that that stalker is chasing him, so tell him, we go down and there is no trace of him. The beard will say that the person we are looking for has left, a mark will appear on the map where he went, there we will be met by bandits who will demand money or things. It's better to kill everyone. We go to Yanov and meet Koryaga there, he tries to excuse himself, as if he had nothing to do with it. After spending several nights in Yanov, you will see that everything you kept in your chest is gone, and although St. John's Wort hangs around around the clock, he will say that he did not see anything, who stole the things. A local doctor saw him, he will send you to Zulu, Zulu will indicate the place where to look for the thief. On the spot we will find an aggressive bandit and our half-dead thief. We shoot the bandit, take a PDA from the corpse, which can then be sold, give the half-dead first aid kit, torture where our junk is, he admits that he hid it nearby in the sewer. If you shoot Koryagu, you can take his flash drive with swag.

Kill the chimera

Description: Kill a wounded chimera.

Quest issued by: Skadovsk, Gonta

Conditions of issue: There was contact with St. John's wort

Walkthrough: At three o'clock in the morning we meet with Gonta in a bar in Skadovsk and move to the emerald one. Here you need to quietly approach and quickly take her down. After successful completion, we approach Gonta, and then hand over the task to St. John's Wort.

Parcel to Kanevsky

Description: In Skadovsk, in the sleeping quarters, the stalker Avenger is sitting, who asks to hand over a parcel with fireworks to the debtor Kanevsky.

Quest given by: Skadovsk, Avenger

Reward: Kanevsky flash drive

Walkthrough: We take the package (which looks very much like an explosive) and carry it to its destination. Having given the parcel, immediately run back and hide behind the stones, and after the explosion, return and take the flash drive and trophies

Bandit Quests

Introduction: To join, you need a GG rank of at least 65, go to the forestry bandits’ base, pay 4500 for entry, approach Chapai (under no circumstances look into the box under the shelving, the bandits will become enemies), take the trust quest (bring a personalized trunk). We go to the substation workshops. It is advisable to bring food to the mercenaries after completing the quest, as passage to the substation workshops will be free. We go to the base, go to the containers, there are 3 mercenaries sitting there, set a mine, go into the house with the Jackal, detonate the charge, take down the Jackal and the bodyguard, stand in the doorway and shoot the Sailors who are coming from the front, then we go in from the rear and take down the grenade launchers. We take the trunk from the Jackal's carcass and collect the swag. We return to Chapa, give the weapon, voila GG is enrolled in a group of bandits. I strongly advise those who like to sit on two chairs not to take money from the Jackal because you will ruin relations not only with mercenaries, but also with bandits.

Reward: Tesak flash drive

Quest to find binoculars: Chapai asks to bring his binoculars from Jupiter.

Fulfillment: we go to the guide of the bandits, Le Havre, and with him we go to Yanov. We are heading to the Volkhov air defense system. (For one thing, let’s check point B2053)

Evacuation locations: Check point B2053

Description: On the map found in one of the helicopters, evacuation points were marked. You should check to see if the military was there.

Walkthrough: We head to the Volkhov air defense missile system in the location of the Vicinity of Jupiter. There are a lot of zombies in that area, so it is better to take a shotgun or other effective weapon. We go into the building, in one of the rooms we find on the table a note from Sokolov with the content: An old piece of paper with a schedule of posts; Four numbers are visible on the bottom: “1421”. On top of the old notes it is written in marker: “Lieutenant Sokolov V.I. Due to the helicopter crash, he proceeded to evacuation point B205. The evacuation did not take place within two days; further stay at the point is associated with an unjustified risk. I decided to leave the point and proceed to the mobile laboratory of the scientific expedition. The laboratory is located northeast of the evacuation point." Chapai's binoculars are also on the table. Let's take him too. Code 1421 will be useful to us, we go down to the basement, to the closed door, enter the code. (although we don't actually need to enter the code). Below there will be a flock of jerboas, and in the large room there will be a fight with Burrer. Try to dodge the objects he throws, and also hide behind large boxes. Next, you go up the stairs and find yourself in a room, closed from the inside with a small arsenal. The task is completed, all that remains is to search point B28.

Bring a flashlight

Description: A bandit merchant needs his flashlight, which he lost at a gas station.

Quest given by: Zaton, Forestry, merchant at the bandit base

Walkthrough: Nothing complicated, let's go and bring it

Sword Quests

Description: Help deal with a group of bandits in the forestry area.

Quest gives: Backwater, Sword

Walkthrough: The sword stands near the merchant on Zaton and asks for help in dealing with a group of bandits in the forestry area. To do this, you need to meet with the Elbrus group near the port cranes and, together with them, carry out a cleanup. We go to the port cranes, lead the group and lead it to the forestry, where we carry out a cleanup. The main task is to kill the bandit leader Chapai, the Elbrus stalkers will take care of the rest. After clearing, we approach Edbrus - we talk, then go to Skadovsk, turn in the quest to the Sword, and receive a reward.

Before the task, place a mine at Chapai’s feet and it will be easier for you to complete the quest

If Edbrus is killed during the shootout, remove the flash drive from his corpse. If he remains alive, you can take the flash drive later. When the “DEAL” quest is activated, Elbrus and his comrades go towards the anomaly on the plateau (where the SBU cache was), he can be found there and shot as a deserter, no harm will happen.

Hitting stalkers

Description: A group of stalkers decided to become a gang and rob their own stalkers. We need to decide what to do: take part in the attack, warn the stalkers, or not interfere

Quest given by: Zaton, Sultan

Reward: Optional

Walkthrough: Talk to Sultan, get information, talk to Beard or not (see options), talk to Brass knuckles, wait for midnight and go to T. Shevchenko’s barge.


1) We help the bandits: we get 2100, the coordinates of the cache and the recognition of the gang, a consequence of the quest Deal from the Sultan.

2) We help the Stalkers: Antirad 5 pcs., Bandage 4 pcs., Vodka 4 pcs., First Aid Kit - 2 pcs., cache coordinates. Consequence quest Deal from Beard and entry into Freedom or Debt

Lesnichestvo deal

Description: Meet with stalkers near the forestry and help them stop a deal between bandits and a weapons seller.

Quest gives: Zaton, Beard

Conditions of issue: Completed the quest to help stalkers on the Shevchenko barge

Reward: 2500, cache coordinates, + 3500, + Morgan's flash drive

Walkthrough: We take the quest, go to the forestry, meet with free stalkers. We quietly make our way to the round building, overhear a conversation between the bandits and Dolgovets about the supply of weapons. We kill everyone, remove the PDA from the long-serving Morgan in the exoskeleton. We talk to the main one, get a reward, and for the main reward we go to the bartender.

If you do nothing in the Assault quest, then Owl will offer to go to the Deal quest on the side of the mercenaries hired by Morgan. Afterwards, on Yanov, he will meet again (if he successfully repels the attack of the stalkers and eliminates the bandits), there will be another quest that will end with his betrayal. I can’t describe it more precisely,

Tips: The PDA can be sold to Sych, but it is better to take it not to Yanov and give it to the debt leader Shulga or the freedom leader Loki (optional).

After completing the Sword quest, you can plant a mine in the middle of the hangar + a couple of barrels of fuel and, after overhearing a conversation, blow it all up. Minus - nothing will be counted towards the rank.

Cardan's birthday

Description: It's Cardan's birthday and he needs to find a gift.

Quest given by: Zaton, Beard, Zhulyabsky

Walkthrough: We speak with Beard, then we check the coordinates with Zhulyabsky. We go to Yanov from Pilots, go to the checkpoint, pick up the Baileys drink, return to Zaton and give it to Beard.

There is a small nuance. If you go for the bottle before completing the quest with Vano, you won’t get inside the building; the bandit won’t let you in. First, pay off debts, and then get a bottle

Wave of mutants

Description: Noah sent a message and asks for help.

Quest gives: Zaton, Beard

Walkthrough: I recommend immediately having a sniper rifle with you, there was a jamb: I come to Noah, there is a detachment of stalkers, and Noah asks - Do you have a sniper? - the quest does not continue without it. I had to return to Skadovsk, buy a rifle, and upon returning I discovered that the stalkers were squatting in the barge, blocking the passages to the deck, and did not allow me to take a firing position to continue the quest. In addition to the sniper rifle, I recommend stocking up on a lot of ammunition because... You will have to shoot a lot and use explosives. A couple of repair kits for repairing armor and weapons wouldn't hurt. Also, before completing the quest, if you play with mines turned on, you must shoot the mine that is located on the left side of the barge, otherwise one of the stalkers or their commander David may be blown up on it, which automatically leads to failure of the quest. We completely clear the perimeter from the port cranes, Shevchenko to the container site from bandits, because stalkers can be distracted by them, which will lead to failure of the quest.

After occupying a firing position on the deck, the first wave of mutants, consisting of blind dogs, flesh and boars, comes on the bow of the barge. If the door to Noah is closed, then it is necessary to protect the stalkers who are located at the hole that is closer to the bow on the left side, the mutants will not get to Noah, but they can kill David. Having shot all the mutants, a message comes that a controller has been spotted at the port cranes. We shoot him with a sniper rifle or go into hand-to-hand combat with a knife. We kill, the first wave has been repulsed. If you have repair kits, patched up weapons and armor, put explosives so that they don’t accidentally hit your own, somewhere in front of the barge in the open and wait for the second wave of mutants which consists of blind dogs, flesh, wild boars, pseudo-dogs, snorks and one chimera. We cover David again and make sure that the door to Noah is closed. Having killed all the creatures, a message comes in about a controller in the Shevchenko area (until we kill the controller there will be no next wave), we go there, bring down the controller, the second wave is repulsed. Reloading, repairs, explosives, the third wave again, all mutants plus bloodsuckers, two chimeras. Let's bring everyone down. Message about the controller at the containers, by the way, you can immediately install explosives there, if not, we go up the hill, there are also bureaucrats, we bring down everyone, the quest is completed. We collect the reward

tempting business Three detectors

Description: Merchant Sych offered to participate in a profitable business. To do this, you need to find three Veles detectors, take them to the scientists’ bunker and give them to Novikov.

Quest given by: Zaton, Sych

Conditions of issue: Completed quests of the Sultan or Beard

Reward: Svarog Detector + optional

Walkthrough: One Veles is given to us for the Lair of Bloodsuckers quest, the other two can be bought from Sych or taken from corpses in Pripyat. After we have taken out three detectors, we take them to Novikov to the scientists’ camp at the Jupiter location and wait for Novikov to transfer the goods to Sych through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that Beard is not paying his share, and sends us to talk to him. The bartender gives us a prototype of the Svarog detector, which is necessary to complete the quest for the scientists. And he offers to demand his share from Sych. As you know, they don’t get along with each other, so the information dealer suggests turning to the Sultan to deal with Beard. Here you need to make a choice to demand your share now or go to the Sultan. If we take the money now we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the bandits we get the quest Dark Business, with the opportunity to ruin Beard’s affairs

Dark Business

Description: Work for the Sultan, make Beard pay interest.

Quest given by: Sultan

Conditions of issue: A tempting business has been completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Reward: 10,000, cache coordinates + percentage of the beard (800 per day) + 2 Svarog detectors

Walkthrough: Let's find out for the Sultan about Beard's latest affairs. At the moment, he has an order for a rare Compass artifact. You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. He's completely lost his mind due to the flood and he gives away the artifact just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he reports that we need to start working for Beard and get detectors, which he distributes to his stalkers. We take the task from Beard to obtain an artifact, wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the markers, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it’s up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. All that remains is to make Beard work for the Sultan.


Description: There are always enough customers for a rare artifact. You should find him.

Quest given by: Beard

Conditions of issue: Completed the task Tempting Business

Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + achievement Your Boyfriend

Walkthrough: “Compass”: find out from Noah where you can get the artifact. We go to the ark to the Psycho and his dog. He gives us the artifact, without even asking for money. We take the Compass to Beard and receive a reward.

Tips: if after receiving the first “Compass” you go out and walk away after closing the door and turn to Noah again, you can get a second piece of art (also for free).

Or you can shoot Noah, take his PDA, artifacts and flash drive.

Scat 1

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter

Walkthrough: Location Neighborhood of Jupiter. We go to the helipad. The passage is blocked by a minefield. But you can get to the helicopter along the fence and look at the screen, there if you have a mine detector in your backpack they will be displayed. We approach, inspect, pick up the Black Box and take it to Azot on Yanov. He says that decryption can take about three hours, and the money will come out to a decent amount. So, we wait three hours and approach Azot. We give him three thousand and listen to the received audio recording, which says that in the event of an accident, everyone should go to evacuation point B28.

Vano's debts

Description: Vano asks to pay off his debt of 5,000 rubles. group of bandits.

Quest given by: Yanov, Vano

Reward: 5000 and friendship with Vano, go with him to Pripyat

Walkthrough: approach Vano at Yanov station, take the quest. We are heading towards the bandits. After talking with the guard of their leader, we approach him (the leader). The leader's name is Valet. Let's start a conversation. This person brazenly demands, along with the 5,000 given to us by Vano, another 2,000 (allegedly interest). Depending on the strength of our weapons, we can threaten this bandit. He will hastily say that he was joking and is ready to take it without interest. We give the money, go to Vano, talk and behold, he is our friend.

If your armor and weapons are not very impressive, pay them back with interest, and go back to Vano.

But if a toad is strangling you and you feel like a Terminator, you can choose the answer option It will be cheaper to shoot you. Immediately fire at the bandit, and get ready to fight to leave the camp. If Fortune smiles on you and you get to Vano, in addition to your friendship with him, you will also receive five thousand, which he will allow you not to give to him.

There is a fourth answer option (except it will be cheaper to shoot you, there was no agreement about percentages and here you go) - if you are in a group of bandits, an answer option appears: Chapai won’t like it, to which Knave replies Calm down, brother! Why can't we, two boys, figure it out ourselves? Tell Vano I've written off the debt.

Tips: Beware of grenades. Also, on the way to Janov, look at the parking lot. There you can find the Moonlight artifact. You can sell it or put it on your belt. But there are a lot of Electras near the artifact, be careful!

Personalized Vintar

Description: Find stalker Thunderbolt's personalized weapon

Quest given by: Yanov, water tower (to the right of the entrance), Thunderbreaker

Walkthrough: stalker Gromoboy has lost his personal “Vintar” and asks to find it in Kopachi. Let's go with Uncle Yar to Kopachi. We eliminate the mercenaries and take the PDA from the corpse in the attic, which we carry to Thunderbolt. After studying the PDA, Thunderbolt asks to find his weapon on the territory of the cement plant. We go to the factory, inspect 5 possible gun spawn points:

On the tower, from where there is a transition to the building, where the parts for Nitrogen are. At the very top, where the original cache with the helmet is.

In the basement directly at the exit without stairs (in a middle building, like a garage)

On the ramp above the railway tracks is the entrance from the second floor of the station.

On the street next to the tank there is a broken ventilation box on the grate.

On the observation tower

Uncle Yar

Description: Help Uncle Yar deal with the mercenaries

Quest given by: Yanov, Uncle Yar

Reward: 6000 + cache coordinates

Walkthrough: Uncle Yar leads us to the place, we only need to kill the mercenaries.

There is a cache with a Veles detector in the cabin

In this mission, the zombies will not touch you, so don’t touch them either, so that there are no unnecessary problems.


Quest given by: Yanov, Uncle Yar

Walkthrough: Uncle Yar asks you to find a lost camera near the ventilation complex.

Tips: Two bloodsuckers and a pseudo-giant are hanging out near the lost camera, arm yourself accordingly.

Lair of bloodsuckers

Description: Destroy the swamp bloodsuckers

Quest given by: St. John's wort

Reward: 3000 + coordinates of three caches

Walkthrough: We go to the swamp (near the Cement Plant), kill three bloodsuckers and return to St. John's wort

Tip: Go up to the observation deck and take them out with a sniper rifle

Jupiter 2 Burer

Description: Destroy the mutants north of the Jupiter plant

Quest given by: St. John's wort

Conditions of issue: Swamp bloodsuckers destroyed

Reward: 5000 + coordinates of three caches

Walkthrough: We go to the indicated place, through the side entrance we make our way into the hangar, kill two burrers and return to St. John's wort.

Night hunt for chimera

Description: Destroy the Chimera that killed the Fox

Quest given by: St. John's wort

Conditions of issue: The previous 2 quests have been completed

Reward: 10,000 + unique Predator shotgun + achievement Mutant Hunter

Walkthrough: We wait for the night, take more ammunition and more powerful weapons, and go to the ventilation complex. The Chimera is one of the most dangerous mutants in the zone, so be better prepared.

Tips: It is much easier to hunt the Chimera with NVGs. You can install a mine on the hatch, and climb to the top yourself; when a chimera appears, we detonate it and go for the reward.

Night snipers

Description: Destroy the bandits who rob stalkers at night

Quest given by: Yanov, merchant Neon

Terms of issue: after 22.00 hours

Walkthrough: After 22.00, approach Neon and we receive the task of destroying the bandits on the dredger. We go to the place and knock everyone down. It’s not possible to kill the last one right away; we get closer to him and he starts to run away. Quickly follow him, he runs to the railway tunnel (you can cut across and overtake him), if you fail to catch up, we bring him and his accomplice down in the tunnel. Let's go and collect the reward

Liberty Warehouse

Quest given by: Yanov, Loki

Conditions of release: bring Morgan's PDA to the leader of Liberty

Walkthrough: After reviewing the data on Morgan's PDA, Loki gives the command to seize the warehouse near the dredger. You can go and help shoot Debt and take everything that is in the warehouse for yourself, but you will become an enemy of Debt.

What should we do? Let’s go in, grab it and leave to figure it out ourselves.

Free the Hostage

Quest gives: flash drive from SBU cache on Zaton

Reward: bag of money

Walkthrough: activate the flash drive, put on a mercenary suit (it’s better to pump it up to the maximum beforehand) and go to the Jupiter plant. The hostage is in the trailer (between the central entrance to the plant territory and the anomaly.

Option 1. You can come up in a suit and shoot all the mercenaries.

Option 2. Climb onto the concrete base of the railway tunnel and from there kill everyone with a sniper rifle

Option 3. Go up to the Administrative Building and kill everyone with a sniper.

Option 4. There is a mine in the SBU cache, use it, place it in front of the entrance to the trailer, and use the fuse instead of canned food or a bandage of your choice, approach Black, shoot him in the head and at the same time detonate the mine, there will be only one mercenary in the trailer and this is no longer a problem

Once you have cleared the territory, we search the mercenaries, remove the PDA from the leader Cherny (don’t even think about selling it, like the suit: they will come in handy when joining the mercenaries). After this, we approach the hostage, talk and lead him to Yanov. On Yanov he gives coordinates for a meeting with the SBU contact.

Meeting with SBU liaison officer

Quest issued by: freed agent

Condition: completed the quest “Release the hostage”

Walkthrough: after 20.00 we go to the helipad, go around the mines (you can use the GPS guide). We talk to the contact and receive the task to find Professor Tyagnibok in Pripyat.

Scat 4

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter

Walkthrough: We enter the factory building through the southern gate, along underground corridors we find ourselves in a hall with a destroyed roof. It will be difficult not to notice a fallen helicopter. We examine it, but don’t find out anything particularly valuable.

Path to Pripyat

Description: The military were supposed to gather at the evacuation point “B28”, in Pripyat. You will have to look for an opportunity to get there, you need to talk about it with the conductor.

Quest issued by: Pilot

Conditions of release: The black box of the Skat-4 helicopter was found and decrypted

Passage: The guide does not know the road to Pripyat, and sends us to the Jupiter plant for documents. In the administrative building in a room on the third floor we find a folder with an order. Documents found in the administrative workshop speak of the evacuation of the production complex from the plant territory. Information about this should be sought in the laboratory building. There, on the third floor, there is a corridor-transition to another building, after which we turn left and find on a shelf a notebook sheet that talks about a certain product No. 62. Judging by the recording from the laboratory workshop, the evacuation should have been carried out by the delivery department. Need to check this place out. We leave the building and move further from the entrance. In the next building on the ground floor there will be a supply sheet for this very product. Now we go to the repair shop. We go around the main building and go through the southern gate, go down into small underground corridors and exit into the main building. There will be two Chernobyl dogs. On the table we find another document, which says that we need to go to the first department, where we find evidence that the underground route to Pripyat exists. The chemical compounds workshop should have information about the conservation of the Pripyat-1 underground overpass using some kind of gas. Therefore, we return the same way we went to the repair shop. The entrance to the underground overpass is located behind the transport gateway. Need to check this place out. We collected all the documents, we go to Azot on Yanov, where he will tell us about the underground passage to Pripyat.

Tips: Go to the third floor of the administrative building to get more documents. They carry purely administrative information, but they are guarded by mercenaries, whose leader on the PDA has some interesting information. .

Abnormal plant

Description: Ozersky offers a suit with a closed breathing system in exchange for a sample of an anomalous plant.

Conditions: you must start the Path to Pripyat quest

Reward: closed breathing suit

Walkthrough: the most basic quest. We take the task, track it on the map and go to the anomalous grove. We approach the base of the tree and look for this same sample nearby. We return to the bunker, talk with Ozersky, then with the pilot. All!

Advice: the only problem that can arise around the sample is chemical contamination. So it is better to have a suit with good chemical protection, and then there will be no problems

Abnormal Activity

Description: Scientists' scanners have detected anomalous activity north of the bunker. It is necessary to explore the area using a perfect detector.

Quest given by: Herman

Reward: Grom-S14, cartridges, charges for an under-barrel grenade launcher, 4000

Walkthrough: In order to complete this task, you will need the Svarog detector (see the quest Tempting Business). Once you have an improved detector, you can go to the cooling tower, north of Yanov. If you've been there before, you might have heard snippets of calls for help over the radio. But it was impossible to find an entrance or any clue. We go to the indicated mark, take out the detector and the Spatial Bubble anomaly appears in front of us. A few seconds later, a dead squad of duty flies out of it. We find their commander, General Tkachenko, take the PDA, listen to the recording. Now you need to convey information about the founder of Debt to Shchulga on Yanov or give it to Loki and Freedom will tease Debt and laugh at him.

Surviving Monolith

Description: A detachment of “Monoliths”, formerly fanatical fighters, emerged from under obsessive suggestion. Now these people are looking for shelter from emissions and monsters. It is necessary to come to an agreement with the inhabitants of the Yanov station so that the Monoliths can take refuge there

Quest given by: Tramp

Reward: Liberty Suit

Walkthrough: In order to take on the task, you need to find a detachment of Monoliths. It is located just south of the Volkhov air defense missile system, closer to the container warehouse. We approach the Leader Vagabond and agree to talk with the stalkers. To successfully complete the Quest, you must have good relations with one of the factions. So, we go to the leader of Svyuboda Loki (the PDA of Morgan, the PDA of the founder of debt, the traitor Flint-Magpie was transferred to him) and in the dialogue he sends you to bring the monolith to Freedom. If you did everything correctly, then he should agree to shelter the Monoliths. We take the Freedom squad and return to the fanatics. Next we look at an interesting picture of how the Monolith is accepted into Freedom

Advice: if the Monoliths start shooting at Freedom/Duty fighters (which turns out to be not so rare), load from an early save, examine all the fighters of the Vagabond squad, perhaps one of them is wounded or killed, give a first aid kit, and only then speak with the Tramp

Detachment for a trip to Pripyat

Quest given by: Azoth, Zulu

Condition: completed the quest “The Path to Pripyat”

Walkthrough: Zulu says that at least three people are needed for the hike. In total there were 5 people: Vano, Tramp, Lieutenant Sokolov, Zulu, Azot. In the dialogue with Zulu there is also a thread that talks about Noah, but if you come to him on Zaton, he will not have a dialogue related to the trip to Pripyat. Let's start gathering the team. Every stalker will need a suit with a closed breathing system. Let's go to Vano first, although it makes no difference who we take first. Need to borrow 5000 for a suit.

The Tramp has no problems with the suit, since he still has the old monolith suit.

But Lieutenant Sokolov doesn’t have a suit and will have to ask Ozersky. But as always, you won’t get anything just like that. You need to complete the task and bring the scientists a sample of an anomalous plant at the edge of the quarry.

We take everyone to Zulu.

Variable psi radiation

Description: Explore the tunnel in search of some anomalous formation. Scientists believe that the variable psi-field has a source and predict that it may be an artifact.

Quest gives: Bunker of scientists, Herman

Conditions of issue: Having a helmet with Psi resistance. (Can be found on the roof of the cement plant)

Reward: 6000 + Cache coordinates

Walkthrough: We meet with Poplar's group, then we move to the tunnel, west of the Cooling Tower. We go inside and take the artifact.

In order to pick up the artifact and save the stalkers, walk through the room with the anomaly, and exit only when you hear the roar of the controller. And now it’s a matter of technology. After you kill him, talk to the stalkers, they will thank you and go to the scientists' bunker.

Tips: Alternatively, you can lay a mine near the carriage from the side of the tunnel and when you hear the roar of the controller, detonate it.

Society of Scientists

Description: Find new guards for the scientist camp

Quest given by: Herman

Conditions of extradition: Provided that administrative documents are found at the Jupiter plant, the mercenaries who were in the same building are killed, the documents and PDA are delivered to Herman.

Reward: 4000 + medicines

Walkthrough: You can find Spartak’s detachment on Zaton, but go closer to the leader of Svoboda on Yanov and negotiate with him about protecting the scientists. After this, we must return to Herman.


Description: Prove the existence of the Oasis, a local legend among stalkers. Ozersky, a scientist from the bunker, asked to try to find the legendary Oasis. If rumors are to be believed, there should be a pond with healing water there. However, no one knows for sure whether this place actually exists.

Quest issued by: Ozersky

Reward: 7000

Walkthrough: Just like the quest with Magpie, this is a quest for an independent search. But here the situation is even more complicated. So, let's go to the Ventilation Complex. But the entrance itself is located a little to the north-west, right next to the railway.

We go into the room and go underground. There will be several zombies and jerboas on the way, we are heading through the pipes towards the ventilation complex (we are guided by the map). After you get to the corridor with the red lamp, the most interesting part begins. A teleport is installed in the next hall. (The principle of its operation simply throws us back to the entrance to the hall) To go further, you need to run like this several times until three arches appear in the hall between the columns. There are four rows of columns. In the first, third and fourth, luminous arches should appear, similar in effect to burning fluff. After all the arches have appeared, we need to turn off the teleport. To do this, we pass between those columns where there are arches, and in the row where there is no arch, we must guess between which pillars we need to pass. (pillars are chosen randomly each time). After turning off the teleport, we find ourselves in the ventilation room, where the Heart of the Oasis artifact hangs. We take it, fight off the pseudo-dogs, and take the artifact to the camp to the scientists, go up the stairs.

Scanners for Scientists

Description: Herman wants to collect statistics on the appearance of artifacts.

Quest given by: Herman

Conditions for issuance: Completed the task Variable Psi Radiation

Reward: 5000

Walkthrough: We go to Novikov, take three scanners of anomalous activity. Next, we install scanners in turn at the three indicated anomalies. I think there shouldn't be any difficulties. After this, we return to the scientist for a reward. Now we can find out whether these anomalies contain artifacts, and also install such scanners in other anomalies.

Measurements for scientists

Description: Help stalkers take measurements.

Quest given by: Herman

Conditions of issue: previous scientific quests completed

Reward: 7000 + Veles Detector + title Researcher

Walkthrough: The task of measuring anomalous fields is divided into 2 parts. Slough anomaly and ash anomaly. No matter where you go, take as much ammo as possible. On the floodplains you will have to shoot from large flocks of wild boars and flesh, so it is more advisable to take a chipper or any other shotgun. And in the ashes it is better to take a sniper weapon, since the attacks will mainly be zombies coming from Kopachi, which are located just within the distance of a sniper shot. After all the measurements have been carried out, we return to Herman and receive an award and the title of researcher.

Tips: Try to keep animals away from stalkers while they are standing with detectors; they, like dolls, die from one touch. If the stalkers have finally given up, don’t worry, you can hire Gonta’s team from Zaton to work with the scientists.


Description: Ozersky has another interesting hypothesis

Quest issued by: Ozersky

Conditions of issue: Previous scientific assignments have been completed.

Walkthrough: To test Ozersky’s hypothesis, you need to install a scanner approximately in the center of the collapse. After you install the scanner, mutants will attack this place in a wave. You go out to a safe place and watch the snorks of the Discoverer rank burn.

Take the Scientists away

Quest given by: Scientist near the bunker

Walkthrough: Everything is simple here - we go and clean up along the route. First there are zombies, a flow controller on the bridge, at the end there are zombies on the territory of the ventilation complex

Tools for Novikov

Quest given by: scientists' bunker, Novikov

Walkthrough: It’s just as simple - we go to the factory, find the tools and bring them to Novikov.

Reward: improvement of existing detectors.

Strelka group documents

You can look for the documents of Strelok's group when you meet him, and give these records to him, he can repay you well. You can also get the Keeper of Secrets achievement.

Leads to the caches can be obtained by deciphering the black box from the drone, which lies above the Ashes anomaly in the ravine. It’s better to take it to Novikov in the bunker for decryption. If you take it to Azot, then the boy who sleeps near Azot - Senka, will go looking for hiding places himself and will die (although he does not affect the plot)

1) Document Note from Strelok to the Ghost

Location: Tunnel under the Cement Plant, in a box

2) Note to Strelok

Location: Drilling machine in the quarry, in the cabin. You can climb through a tree

3) Note from Strelok to Fang

Location: Jupiter Plant, Back side, where the huge bowl-shaped buildings are, in the pipe. You can also find SGI there

Join the Dawn

Description: We approach the railway tunnel, where the scientists were completing a quest to find an artifact. The message “Help in repelling the monster attack” arrives.

Execution: we move a little forward, but not further than the platform (they can hit you with a grenade launcher) and begin to cut down the mutants, and there are many of them (dogs, snorks, boars, pseudo-flesh and one pseudo-giant). The main thing is to kill the pseudo-giant. When you kill all the mutants, a message comes: “Talk to the leader.” Let's go, let's talk. Nazar offers to join their group. It's up to us to agree or not.

Tip: go to the concrete ledge and kill everyone on top of the pseudogiant with a grenade launcher

Clear from mutants

Description: The Rassvetites need territory to expand their group. We need to free her from mutants.

Issued by: Jupiter, leader of the Dawners Nazar

Description: we move along the mark on the map (to the stop) and shoot the snorks. We return for a reward.

Clear the area near the holes

Issued by: Jupiter, leader of the Dawners Nazar

Description: we move along the marks on the map and shoot the mutants:

1. at a cement plant (snorkie, chimera)

2. at the Jupiter factory (dogs, pseudodogs)

3. in the South (between the container warehouse and the helipad) wild boars, flesh, controller

4. near the railway (jerboas, burer, 3 pseudogiants)

5. near the Volkhov air defense missile system there are snorks, a pseudo-giant

We return for a reward.

Pripyat 1 check point B 28

Description: We need to get to Pripyat

Quest given by: Pilot, Zulu, Azoth

Conditions of issue: Completed the Path to Pripyat quest

Walkthrough: when you lead everyone to Zulu, another Leader achievement awaits you. When everyone is assembled, Azoth opens the door to the Jupiter subway. Next, the most important thing is to make sure that no one from your team dies. You will remember this underground passage for a long time. All the way to the large hall, snorks will attack. Use the grenade launcher and use both weapon slots. Next, you will need to turn on the power to the door. We climb onto the transformer using the stairs and turn on the power. Monoliths will run out from the side of the containers. The power is on, but the door is still locked. We need to go to the Control Room.

When we enter, two snipers appear on opposite sides of the hall, and several more Monoliths come from the direction from which we came. We press the lever and go to the opened door. Then we go along the corridor, shooting jerboas, zombies and snorkels. It's impossible to get lost. We reach the stairs that lead to the ventilation hatch upstairs, and here we are in Pripyat. After loading the location, watch a short video on the engine, after which we appear in front of Kowalski.

Tips: in the large hall on one of the containers there is an SGM cache containing L96A1

Unknown weapon

Description: Find the weapon that the Monoliths used to shoot down the helicopter with the military.

Quest issued by: Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky.

Reward: Gauss Cannon, Yellow Key Card

Walkthrough: Together with Captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We take our places in the building and wait for the three Monoliths to walk into the center of the courtyard. We quickly take them off and go search the bodies. At this moment, the rest of the Monoliths, who ambushed us, begin to attack. Our goal is to kill the Monolith, on the edge of the roof of a five-story building, which stands with a gauss cannon. After all the Fanatics are dead, we take the secret weapon and return to Kowalski.

Advice: When three Monolithians are about to go outside. shoot from a grenade launcher,

You quickly examine three corpses and in the next room 5 more people are praying, you take them to the stairs to the 2nd floor, there the sniper takes him out, at the exit there is another one, then to the left and to the left at the entrance to the room you kill the next one, two on the roof of the passage, up the stairs there is the last Monolithic man there. Do not go out onto the roof and take out the leader with a sniper rifle

Don't forget the gauss gun.

Military Tools

Issued by: Pripyat, laundry technician

Fulfillment: don’t press yourself and buy tips for two sets of tools from Sych on Zaton.

Reward: Performing full weapon and armor upgrades (plus those that Cardan and Azoth don't do)

Leon's case in Prometheus

Description: before going to Pripyat, we take Leon’s case with us from his personal box to give to the leader of the Monolith.

Issues: Zaton, wounded Monolithic Leon on the bridge

Execution: We go to the Prometheus cinema, at the entrance from the KBO side there is the head of the Monolith’s security and he does not let us see the leader Cyborg, we talk to him and give him the case. For the reward we go to the Monolith merchant.

Condition to fulfill: having the achievement marked by the zone, survive the release three times in an open area using an anabiotic.

Advice: if you enter the cinema from the main entrance and go into the hall, there will be three Monoliths hostile to the GG, you can shoot them, only carefully, so as not to hurt the rest; the squad will not notice the loss of a fighter

Zulu and the Snorks

Description: We return from the Prometheus cinema past the school, there we meet Zulus, who is shooting back at the snorks

Issued by: Pripyat, Zulu

Completion: Help the Zulu stalker fight off the snorks. After completing the task, go with him to the laundry. In the laundry room, talk to Zulu and get his cool RPK for his help.

Serum for bloodsucker

Description: we go up to the fourth floor of the building near the laundry (later the quest “One Shot” will be completed from this room, but if you come after it, this quest will not be available due to the death of the quest giver from a military bullet)

Issues: Pripyat, bloodsucker

Fulfillment: upon entering the room we are stunned, upon coming to our senses we find a “strange note” on the nightstand in which the bloodsucker asks us to bring him a vaccine. The vaccine can be obtained from the scientists' bunker. We bring it, the bloodsucker is dead, read the second note, take the reward from the box

Advice: take this quest before going to Zaton with a faulty gauss.

Product 62

Description: The sample Gauss gun is damaged, you need to find a mechanic to fix it.

Issued by: Pripyat, Colonel Kovalsky

Fulfillment: We go to Cardan on Zaton. When we tell him about product No. 62, he passes out and we go to sleep for a day; insert he has already come to his senses.

During the dialogue, we learn that Cardan previously worked at the Jupiter plant, with this particular product. For repairs, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the Iron Forest anomaly, there will be a coded door in the building nearby. This is where the key card comes in handy. We go down to the testing workshop, there will be about 5 zombie stalkers in the corridor, we go down even lower, we find ourselves in a hall with a huge shield mounted on rails. Stock up on armor-piercing, shotgun and grenade launcher charges. But it's better if you take something heavier. Or a Zulu machine gun using a Dum-Dum charge

We go up the stairs, then along the upper pipe we climb through the hole into the ventilation shaft and climb out into the second hall. The necessary documents will be on the table, and next to it is a sample of product number 62. We receive a yellow key card from Laboratory X8. Now you need to get out and return to Cardan in Skadovsk. We give the documents, wait until he figures it out and at the same time repairs the Gaussian. At this time you can sleep. We get up, take the weapons and documentation and go to Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.

Tips: In the testing workshop you will find AK cartridges on the shelves.

Missing reconnaissance group

Description: The reconnaissance group sent by Kowalski disappeared after a strange communication session