Problem event name appcrash windows 7. Causes and methods of fixing the APPCRASH error in Windows

Windows OS version 7, as well as its predecessor Vista, is prone to crash when launching some games and resource-intensive programs, abbreviated as AppCrash (error). How to fix it (let's take Windows 7 as an example)? Let's first consider the reasons that cause such a failure, and then apply the appropriate methods to eliminate it.

Why does the AppCrash error appear: reasons and main directions for fixing it

In most cases, such failures occur precisely when launching modern games, which may indicate that the system hardware does not meet the requirements of the game.

On the other hand, the game itself, downloaded as an unofficial repack, may simply be hacked or, as they say, “cracked”.

However, problems can also arise with standard programs built into the system shell. Here, too, a crash may appear even in Explorer with a message in the logs with the abbreviation AppCrash (error). How to fix Windows 7 "File Explorer"?

To do this, you just need to restart it, which can be done from the “Run” console by entering the explorer command or use the “Task Manager” for these purposes by creating a new task, after which you again need to enter the command to launch the application you are looking for.

AppCrash (error). How to fix (Windows 7, 64 and 32 bit): virus test

But as a rule, a failure indicates an abnormal termination of the program. This is where the AppCrash (error) indication appears. How to fix Windows 7 Internet Explorer? Sometimes, as in the previous case, it will be enough to restart the application. But the program itself is most susceptible to viruses, so first you should carry out a comprehensive scan.

It is not recommended to use standard scanners, because if they have already missed the threat and allowed it to penetrate the system, there is absolutely no guarantee that they will detect or neutralize it in the on-demand custom scanning mode. Therefore, in the question of how to fix this (the AppCrash Windows 7 error appears constantly, and rebooting does not help), first of all you should use portable disk antiviruses like Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which have their own boot sector similar to the system installation disks and allow you to load your own interface even before it starts. And it is these utilities that can even find threats deeply embedded in RAM.

AppCrash (error). How to fix (Windows 7, 32 and 64 bits): checking drivers

But viruses are not always the root cause. Very often, it consists of drivers installed in the system that do not match the hardware (most often this applies to graphics accelerators). This is where many people think: “How can I fix the drivers?” The AppCrash Windows 7 error may also be associated with a conflict between driver versions that were installed over the existing ones when trying to update.

In the simplest case, you need to use the “Device Manager”, in which you should find all the components marked with a yellow icon, which indicates problems with their operation. Then you can update the driver, but it is better to completely remove it and then install it again, but use not the system database, but specialized catalogs like the latest version of Driver Pack Solution, or better yet, download the latest driver from the equipment manufacturer’s website.

You can also use automated programs, such as Driver Booster, which can find and integrate the latest driver versions into the system without user intervention.

System update

Now let’s look at another question: “How can I fix system conflicts?” The AppCrash Windows 7 error may also appear due to conflicts with installed software. The situation here is that Windows does not have the latest system updates, which affects the installed programs.

If the updates were not installed automatically or they are simply disabled, you should use the update center section, where the search for available critical updates must be done manually. Once they are found, they simply need to be integrated into the system and a full reboot is performed.

Installing the DirectX platform

Now a few words about games. How can I fix them? The AppCrash Windows 7 error may also appear if the latest version of the DirectX platform is missing, the presence of which is one of the most important conditions for launching modern computer games.

To install DirectX, the platform should be downloaded as an installation distribution from the official Microsoft resource (from the Downloads section), and then go through the standard installation procedure.

Update .NET Framework and Visual C++

As with DirectX, outdated versions of Visual C++ and the .NET Framework can also cause the error. The same technique is used to update them.

First, the distribution is downloaded, and after that the installation is done manually. But here it’s worth paying attention to installed updates, because in official update packages both platforms are integrated without user participation. Therefore, before downloading new versions, you first need to check the packages present in the installed updates section of Windows Update on your computer, and only then decide whether to integrate new ones. But you don’t have to worry too much here, because if you try to install an outdated version over a new one, the system will issue a corresponding warning. And although you can still install the old version instead of the updated one, it is not recommended.

In some cases, before installing new modifications, you may need to remove old ones, which is done in the programs and components section or using special uninstaller applications like iObit Uninstaller.


Based on the foregoing, it is not difficult to conclude that the AppCrash failure is a forced shutdown of programs. It will be difficult to immediately say what exactly caused the appearance of such an error, therefore, as a suggested sequence of actions to eliminate the problem, it is best for the average user to go through all the stages one by one.

If the user understands at least a little about the nature of such failures, it will be enough to look at the description of the error in the log to instantly draw a conclusion about which component is faulty, and then apply one or another technique without performing other unnecessary actions.

Finally, you can also try to neutralize failures associated with damage to system files, although they are rare. As one option, you can first scan the system disk or perform an online recovery procedure, and then use the command console with the line sfc /scannow, which will restore all damaged Windows components. But as a rule, the use of these means is not required, since the error can be associated with them to a very low extent.

And in this situation, the use of optimizer programs is completely unjustified, otherwise many users try to correct the situation with their help. If you really want to simplify the process a little, it is better to use applications from Microsoft, such as Fix It!, or restore missing libraries in the DLL Suite program. But to be honest, this will give a short-term effect, or even have no effect at all (it all depends on the situation). Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to only the above methods.

Probably, any avid gamer, one way or another, at least once in his life has encountered his favorite game crashing with a crash message at the most inopportune moment. How can the situation itself be corrected? The APPCRASH error (we take Windows 7 as an example of an operating system), unfortunately, is one of the most common phenomena.

What is the APPCRASH error?

First, let's look at the nature of this failure and the possible reasons for its occurrence. Well, out of the blue a message appeared containing in the description something like “APPCRASH. Error". How to fix it (Windows 7) will become clear after understanding the sources of its occurrence.

If we consider the interpretation of such a failure, we can proceed from the very acronym Application Crash. Roughly speaking, this is a crash of the application being used. As is already clear, most often it is games with high system requirements and a fairly high load on computer resources at all levels that are susceptible to such failures: both in the hardware configuration and in the software environment.

Possible reasons for the failure

In general, such a failure can manifest itself in situations with hardware conflicts, and in case of failures in the software environment, and in case of infection with viruses, and in many other circumstances. However, several main aspects can be highlighted:

  • incorrectly installed or hacked program;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • lack of system update;
  • outdated drivers;
  • no DirectX updates;
  • outdated NET version. Framework;
  • outdated version of the Microsoft Visual C++ package.

Now let's look at the message containing an indication of the failure "APPCRASH. Error". How to fix (Windows 7 64 or 32 bit)? For this, as is probably already clear, several basic solutions are provided.

Virus check

Let’s make a reservation right away: questions regarding the installation of unofficial or “cracked” versions of the same games will not be considered now. The only thing that can be recommended is to just purchase a licensed game and check it for compatibility with your computer system.

But the first step is to check the system for the presence of viruses, which quite often disguise themselves as system processes, and Windows, either “out of the goodness of its heart” or “out of naivety,” turns not to the original process, but to the virus.

At the same time, if such a disaster has happened and the standard antivirus did not recognize the threat in time, it is recommended to use portable scanners like Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, Dr. Web Cure It! or something similar. In general, by and large, the best solution would be to boot from a special anti-virus disk such as Kaspersky Secure Disc, when the anti-virus is loaded before Windows starts and scans at all levels, including RAM.

Game crash. How to fix (APPCRASH error Windows 7)? The simplest solution

Now let's move directly to solving the problem. We have a crash message "APPCRASH. Error". How to fix it (Windows 7 32 bit or 64 bit does not matter in this case)?

The most reasonable thing to do is to roll back the system to a previous state when everything worked. To do this, if anyone doesn’t know, you need to use the standard recovery procedure from the corresponding section in the Control Panel. Accordingly, you need to select the recovery point that preceded the occurrence of the failure. But this is the simplest solution, which, alas, does not always work. The problem may be much deeper.

APPCRASH failed. Error: how to fix (Windows 7 64 and 32 bit)?

Now let's look at all the other options. If all else fails, you can try to disable one component, but more on that later.

So, we have a failure with a description of the failure, and we need to figure out what to do with it and how to fix it. The Windows 7 APPCRASH error (in the sense of the operating system) is interpreted as an incorrect response to launching the game, if only because the system does not have critical update packages required for installation. This situation can occur even when the automatic update system is disabled. The system will still monitor them (that’s how it’s built into it).

Let's say this doesn't help, and the so-called APPCRASH error appears again. Windows 7 is silent on how to fix it, but it can be assumed that some devices involved in launching the game simply have outdated drivers. Please note that Windows does not provide any instructions or warnings regarding out-of-date driver versions, and updating them manually is a very labor-intensive task, especially since it is completely unclear what exactly needs to be updated.

Utilities like Driver Booster come to the rescue, which are powerful (and also free) packages with the function of automatically searching and updating drivers and downloading content directly from the official website of the equipment manufacturer.

Go ahead. Another failure. After everything that has been done, how can this situation be corrected? The Windows 7 APPCRASH error appears with enviable consistency. What to do? We go to the official Microsoft website and download the latest updates for DirectX, NET. Framework and Microsoft Visual C++. Firstly, they are required for normal operation in the Windows environment for any modern game. And secondly, you can download them completely free of charge, after which all that remains is to install the packages, albeit manually. There is no automatic update provided here.

Finally, disable the DEP service

If none of the above helps, all that remains is to take the most decisive and final step (well, why not delete the game if it worked like a charm before?).

Unfortunately, for some reason such a failure most often manifests itself in the “seven”. It is extremely rare in other versions of Windows OS. It is believed that the cause may be a slightly flawed DEP module that prevents some operations from being completed. It is he who can recognize the launch of a game as an attempt of unauthorized access to memory. If so, you just need to turn it off.

We launch the command line as administrator, and then write in it bcedit /set (current) nx AlwaysOff.

You can disable the service in the performance settings, but using the command line is a faster and more reliable method.


Here, in fact, are all the recommendations that allow you to understand how to resolve the APPCRASH error. Windows 7, unfortunately, does not look its best in this regard, although if you consistently apply all the methods described above, it is very likely that you can achieve a positive result, and games will no longer “crash” or, as they say, “glitch.” Yes, the games were taken solely as the most general example, but this glitch can also appear when launching other programs and applications.

One of the errors that Windows 7 users may encounter when starting or installing programs is "Problem Event Name APPCRASH". It often occurs when using games and other “heavy” applications. Let's find out the causes and ways to resolve this computer problem.

The immediate root causes of “APPCRASH” may be different, but they are all connected by the fact that this error occurs when the power or characteristics of the computer’s hardware or software components do not meet the minimum required to run a particular application. That is why this error most often occurs when activating applications with high system requirements.

In some cases, the problem can be resolved only by replacing the computer hardware components (processor, RAM, etc.) that are below the minimum requirements of the application. But often you can correct the situation without such radical actions, simply by installing the necessary software component, setting up the system correctly, removing excess load, or performing other manipulations within the OS. It is precisely these methods of solving this problem that will be discussed in this article.

Method 1: Install the required components

Quite often, the “APPCRASH” error occurs because some Microsoft components required to run a particular application are not installed on the computer. Most often, this problem is caused by the lack of current versions of the following components:

Before downloading "Visual C++2013 redist" You will need to select your type of operating system (32 or 64 bit) on the Microsoft website, respectively, by checking the box next to the option "vcredist_x86.exe" or "vcredist_x64.exe".

After installing each component, restart your computer and check how the problematic application starts. For convenience, we have arranged the download links in order of decreasing frequency of occurrence of “APPCRASH” due to the absence of a specific element. That is, most often the problem occurs due to the lack of the latest version of DirectX on the PC.

Method 2: Disable the service

"APPCRASH" may occur when starting some applications if the service is enabled . In this case, the specified service must be deactivated.

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Click "System and safety".
  3. Look for the section "Administration" and go into it.
  4. In the window "Administration" A list of various Windows tools opens. You should find the item "Services" and follow the indicated inscription.
  5. Starts "Service Manager". To make it easier to find the required component, arrange all the elements of the list according to the alphabet. To do this, click on the column name "Name". Finding a name in the list "Windows Management Instrumentation", please pay attention to the status of this service. If opposite it in the column "State" attribute set "Works", then you should disable the specified component. To do this, double-click on the element name.
  6. The service properties window opens. Click on the field "Startup type". Select an option from the list that appears "Disabled". Then click "Suspend", "Apply" And "OK".
  7. Returns to "Service Manager". As you can see, now opposite the name "Windows Management Instrumentation" attribute "Works" is missing, and the attribute will be placed instead "Suspense". Restart your computer and try running the problematic application again.

Method 3: Checking the integrity of Windows system files

One of the reasons for the occurrence of “APPCRASH” may be damage to the integrity of Windows system files. Then you need to scan the system with the built-in utility "SFC" for the presence of the above problem and, if necessary, correct it.

  1. If you have a Windows 7 installation disk with the same instance of the OS that is installed on your computer, be sure to insert it into the drive before starting the procedure. This will not only detect violations of the integrity of system files, but also correct errors if they are identified.
  2. Next click "Start". Follow the inscription "All programs".
  3. Go to the folder "Standard".
  4. Find an item "Command line" and right-click ( RMB) click on it. From the list, select "Run as administrator".
  5. The interface opens "Command line". Enter this expression:

    Click Enter.

  6. The utility starts "SFC", which scans system files for their integrity and errors. The progress of this operation is displayed immediately in the window "Command line" as a percentage of the total volume of the task.
  7. After completing the operation in "Command line" either a message appears stating that no violation of the integrity of system files was detected, or information about errors with their detailed decryption. If you previously inserted the installation disk with the OS into the drive, then all problems detected will be automatically corrected. Be sure to restart your computer after this.

There are other ways to check the integrity of system files, which are discussed in a separate lesson.

Method 4: Solving Compatibility Issues

Sometimes the "APPCRASH" error can occur due to compatibility issues, that is, simply put, if the program you are running is not suitable for the version of your operating system. If a newer version of the OS is required to run the problematic application, for example, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, then nothing can be done about it. In order to launch, you will have to install either the required type of OS, or at least its emulator. But if the application is intended for earlier operating systems and therefore conflicts with the “seven”, then the problem is quite easy to fix.

Method 5: Update Drivers

One of the reasons for “APPCRASH” may be the fact that outdated video card drivers or, which happens much less frequently, sound card drivers are installed on the PC. Then you need to update the corresponding components.

Sound card drivers are updated in the same way. Just to do this you need to go to the section "Sound, video and gaming devices" and update each object of this group one by one.

If you do not consider yourself a sufficiently experienced user to update drivers in this way, then to perform this procedure you can use specialized software - DriverPack Solution. This application will scan your computer for outdated drivers and offer to install the latest versions. In this case, you will not only make the task easier, but also save yourself from having to search in "Device Manager" specific element that requires updating. The program will do all this automatically.

Method 6: Eliminating Cyrillic characters from the path to the program folder

Sometimes it happens that the cause of the "APPCRASH" error is an attempt to install a program in a directory whose path contains characters not included in the Latin alphabet. For example, in our country, users often write directory names in Cyrillic, but not all objects placed in such a directory can work correctly. In this case, you need to reinstall them in a folder whose path does not contain Cyrillic characters or characters of another alphabet other than Latin.

Method 7: Cleaning the registry

Sometimes such a banal method as cleaning the system registry helps resolve the “APPCRASH” error. There are quite a lot of different software for these purposes, but one of the best solutions is CCleaner.

  1. Launch CCleaner. Go to section "Registry" and click on the button "Search for problems".
  2. The system registry scanning procedure will be launched.
  3. After the process is completed, the CCleaner window displays erroneous registry entries. To remove them, click "To correct…".
  4. A window opens asking you to create a backup copy of the registry. This is done in case the program mistakenly deletes some important entry. Then it will be possible to restore it again. Therefore, we recommend clicking the button in the indicated window "Yes".
  5. A window for saving a backup copy opens. Go to the directory where you want to store the copy and click "Save".
  6. In the next window, click on the button "Correct marked".
  7. After this, all registry errors will be corrected, and a message will be displayed in CCleaner.

There are other registry cleaning tools that are described in a separate article.

One particularly common problem that Windows users encounter is the APPCRACH error. It manifests itself like this: you run the program you need through an executable file, but you do not achieve the desired result, however, you see a window with an error, an example of which is presented above. It contains basic information about the error, and also suggests finding a solution on the Internet or turning off the program. In the tab below you can see the details of the error: the name of the problem event is APPCRASH and the exception code, or error. In addition, the module with which the program conflicts is displayed; they are often esent.dll, ntdll.dll and others. Users often encounter this problem when launching games. There are known cases with Assassin’s Creed, Dead Rising, Sims, Resident Evil 4, Fifa. But besides games, programs are also susceptible to the problem. These may include Skype, browsers, and in rare cases even the system explorer Explorer.exe.

So what are the factors that cause the APPCRASH error and how to get rid of them?

Appcrash error how to fix on Windows 7 (64/84)

Reason #1

It is not news that a large percentage of paid applications installed on the territory of the Russian Federation originate from repacks with built-in “tablets”. In order for a game or program to launch correctly without any problems with license verification, developers write a specialized module. During the creation process, the programmer has at hand modified versions of libraries, such as: .NET Framework and DirectX.

Therefore, if the APPCRASH error appears on Windows 7 when you turn on the game, you should first pay attention to DirectX. To fix the error you should update and install the latest version of the packages. In this case, it would be a good idea to take into account the application's requirements for the DirectX version. In the case of DirectX 9, errors appear in the range from d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_43.dll. How to fix them has already been described earlier.

If we take into account NET. Framework, then feel free to update to the latest version of this component. However, if you are a Windows XP user, your limit is 4.0. But sometimes the game uses version 3.5 and when used on Windows 8 or 8.1 it must be enabled through installing and uninstalling Windows components, which can be accessed through the control panel.

Many errors are directly related to Microsoft Visual C++ Redist, so this package is recommended for installation. Sometimes, in order to fix an error, it will not be superfluous to download the Runtime Pack library extension. It includes dozens of useful library files (.dll) and all updates to the Redistributable Package.

Reason #2

The next most common reason for APPCRASH on Windows 7 is Cyrillic (Russian) characters. They may be contained in the name of the folder with the application or on the path to it. Unfortunately, most software developers do not take into account the Russian language, so users will have to adapt to this situation and change the names.

Reason #3

If this problem occurs when running system applications such as Explorer.exe or the module conflicts with the kernelbase.dll or ntdll.dll libraries, then the possible cause is damage to Windows system files. To solve it, you need to check them for integrity. This is done via the command line. When you enable it, select the “Run as administrator” option.

Fixing APPCRASH error for Windows 7

Enter the command sfc /scannow into the console

Press enter.

Wait for the result and restart your computer.

Additionally, APPCRASH may be associated with Windows updates. In this case, the solution is simple. If you recently installed any updates through the built-in utility for updating Windows 7, then one of them could be “crooked”. Usually they are fixed by developers in the near future. On the other hand, the problem may be due to outdated files. In this case, try installing all the latest updates and check the result in the desired application.

In some cases, rolling back the system to a restore point helps fix the error. This is done through the utility built into Windows 7.

You just need to select the desired point and start the recovery. The computer will restart. Next, check if the application you need works.

Reason #4

Another factor in which the APPCRASH error appears may be compatibility problems between the application and your OS.

The solution in this case is this: RMB on the program shortcut, you need the “Compatibility” tab. You can change it in relation to previous versions of the OS. It would also be a good idea to check the box “Run this program as an administrator.”

Reason #5

Sometimes it happens that a program or library is blocked by OS or antivirus protection. This is the most rare option, but it is worth paying attention to. Most often, the antivirus takes into account the modified library and recognizes it as modified, thereby identifying it as a virus. However, this does not always mean that the file is malicious. It fell under the antivirus algorithms and, following specific properties, was blocked. The solution to this reason is to disable the antivirus and Windows Firewall while the program is running.

In addition, try to include the program as a firewall exception.

P.S This publication describes the most well-known factors in the occurrence and solution of the APPCRASH error. Following the instructions given in the article should have a result in the overwhelming number of circumstances that arise. But we must not lose sight of other factors, so if you have your own version, write about it in the comments in order to expand the material already given.

Windows 7 users often come across an unpleasant error that crashes when launching some games. The problem event name APPCRASH usually indicates that you tried to run an application that was too heavy for your system. Let's take a closer look at why the APPCRASH error appears and how to get rid of it.

The problem occurs when using office applications and heavy games.

The problem event name APPCRASH is known to occur when launching some new office utilities, games and complex applications. An ordinary user is sure that to work normally with the program it is enough to download the installation files, carry out the installation and click on the exe file. However, if your computer does not have high enough specifications, then even after successful installation you will not be able to evaluate the new product.

This problem is widely known to everyone who actively used the version of Vista, which the developers released rather crudely. The same can be said about Windows 8, which was hastily redesigned to offer the user 8.1. Ultimately, on new operating systems you can forget about the error; it does not appear, but in Windows 7 the defect continues to appear from time to time.

When an error occurs, the system prompts you to study the details: the signature indicates the name of the problem event APPCRASH, there is also information about the name of the program that crashed, the version of the module with the error, and .

So, such a notification may appear due to various factors. The following are highlighted:

  • driver problems;
  • hardware damage;
  • outdated DirectX;
  • malfunction in the system unit;
  • incompatibility of the application with the OS version;
  • blocking by PC security system.

Problem launching games

Gamers are well aware that in our country most games are installed using various tablets, repack and crack. To bypass the license and run the application, programmers write a special module. This is often done by one person who can “twist” anything: use improved versions of libraries, different versions of DirectX and .NET with their own language libraries.

Did the error appear after starting a new game? Try reinstalling the following components:

  • .NET Framework. For XP owners, version 4.0 is suitable; more advanced users are recommended to install the newest version;
  • Microsoft XNA framework. The application is often used by developers, it is closely related to .NET and can play an important role in launching a game;
  • DirectX. Download the most current version for your OS;
  • Visual C++2013 redist.

Interestingly, some games use the .NET Framework version 3.5. If you have a system 8.1 or 8, then you will have to enable the component manually. To do this, you need to find a shortcut for installing system components in the “Programs” item on the control panel.

Incorrect PATH

PATH (path to file) often contains Cyrillic characters, which is sometimes not taken into account by programmers. If the name of the game folder or the path to this folder contains Russian letters, we strongly recommend renaming them to Latin.

Windows system files

If the APPCRASH error appears when launching the Google Chrome browser and even IE, this indicates that system components are not working properly. Checking these components via the command line will help resolve the issue. The procedure looks like this:

  • press Win+R, type cmd and press Enter;
  • type sfc /scannow;
  • wait for the procedure to complete;
  • perform reboot.

The problem may also appear after updating the OS. Microsoft employees sometimes release insufficiently tested software that does more harm than good. In such cases, returning to the restore point helps get rid of the defect. To do this, use the built-in Windows wizard (System Properties - System Protection - Recovery). You just need to select the period you are interested in and click “Next”. Once the process is finished, restart your PC and try running the problematic utility again.

Program incompatibility

Some games are simply not designed for you to play them from a particular OS. To understand whether the game fits your settings, open the “Compatibility” tab in the properties of the *.exe file (through which you launch). Here you can configure rights and mode (checkboxes opposite “Run in compatibility mode”, as well as “Run as administrator”).

PC security system

A library or utility may not work correctly due to blocking by an antivirus. In rare cases, games and applications are perceived by antiviruses as malware after updating. This does not mean at all that you need to delete the program, it just comes under suspicion for some reason. If the antivirus is really to blame, disable it and try again. Disabling farewall also helps.


The APPCRASH error most often appears when launching games. To get rid of the defect, it is recommended to reinstall the DirectX and .NET Framework software components. We also looked at other reasons why the error may appear. We hope one of the options will help you get rid of the defect and enjoy your favorite game. Good luck!