Living room interior in vintage style. Vintage style in interior design

Literally everything connected with France has always attracted the attention of people who follow fashion trends both in clothing and in the design of their home. The vintage interior style has a unique charm, as it originates from France. It undoubtedly attracts especially close attention from owners of country houses.

From the history

It is known that the word vintage was not initially interpreted as a specific style of interior design. Since ancient times, French winemakers have called their excellent wines aged for many years this way. Somewhat later, this word became more widespread in the fields of clothing design, interior design, music and other areas of culture and fashion, which can be characterized by one feature - aging. Any item in the “retro” category can be safely called vintage. Today, everything antique has become incredibly popular and to meet such a huge demand, entire industries are being created for the production of things, furniture, clothing, trinkets and interior items, stylized as aged.

Interior features

  1. Charming, filled with warmth and soulfulness, the vintage style allows, along with antique items, the presence of modern things.
  2. Its inherent feature is the lack of luxury, simplicity of the interior.
  3. This style corresponds to slight negligence, a kind of creative disorder.
  4. Vintage is not devoid of romance and presupposes the predominance in the design of rooms of calm colors of gray-blue, light green, beige, soft pink and other noble, calm shades. If you want to make separate bright accents in the interior it is best to resort to the use of royal colors: burgundy and purple. A combination of nobility and warmth color palette will make the atmosphere of the house cozy and unusually inviting.
  5. A distinctive feature of vintage is the presence of subtle inscriptions on household items, as if they had been erased by time.
  6. Floral motifs must be present on wallpaper, curtains, bedspreads, and tablecloths.

It is unlikely that you will be able to create an interior in one day, because you can receive some thing as a gift from relatives or friends, buy something in a store, and for a certain cute little thing you may have to go to a flea market. Only over time will the atmosphere in your home become truly complete and harmonious.

Interior details and materials

To create a vintage interior, you should fill the room with things with traces of antiquity, for example:

  • hang a mirror or a picture with a bouquet of flowers on the wall in a shabby frame;
  • arrange antique copper figurines and boxes;
  • install wooden table, on which cracks are visible;
  • curtains with floral patterns will be no less relevant;
  • the presence of antiquity is well emphasized by the decor from layers of paint of various colors;
  • the beauty of a vintage interior is exquisitely emphasized by a watch with a pattern of bouquets of roses or lavender applied to it;
  • dried flowers or a bouquet made from fresh seasonal flowers looks good in a ceramic or metal vase; It is advisable to give the bouquet a somewhat disheveled and careless look; the flowers should not be perfectly selected and look strict in the vase.

  1. Under no circumstances should you select all objects and things in the same style to decorate a vintage interior. In this case, “museum-like” should be excluded, because created interior should be homely and cozy.
  2. This style allows for the most incredible combinations of ideas, flights of fancy, creativity, and experimentation. This is a free and multifaceted style in which you can reflect your taste and a piece of your soul.
  3. Old rag dolls, soft toys, porcelain figurines inherited from your grandmother, old blankets - all things that you may suddenly find abandoned in your attic country house, undoubtedly, will be wonderfully suitable for a vintage interior.
  4. Pay special attention to the aged design of the floor (must certainly be wooden - plank or parquet), ceiling (must be whitewashed or painted with white paint) and doors (must be painted with white paint).
  5. Always remember the details. The interior should look complete, and the details will help with this - vases, figurines, boxes, clocks, vintage photographs in frames, openwork napkins, tablecloths and many other cute little things.
  6. Despite the abundance of details, you should create in the interior a feeling of uncluttered, clean and airy space.



Many of us don't want to part with some of our old things. Some of them keep the memory of our loved ones. Others are associated with the memory of significant events, which is why sometimes old rubbish accumulates in a house or apartment, which is a pity to throw away, and you don’t want to live with it. If you want to do high-quality repairs, but leave some things that are inherited, suggest how the vintage style can find a compromise. Translated from French this strange word means wine that has been stored in a cellar for a long time. The things of our great-grandfathers, like strong grape drinks, become especially valuable over time, so rooms decorated with them easily become original and interesting from a design point of view.

Antiques and vintage are not the same thing, antiques are cultural value, vintage is something very simple, native, something that helps to improve your home without much investment. Thus, the vintage style that is popular today has characteristic features. These are the ones you should navigate if you want to do the repairs yourself.

Main features of an interior made in vintage style

So, how can you recreate the atmosphere of a warm, cozy vintage in your interior? It is important to follow certain principles:

  • Firstly, the interior must contain shabby furniture or original furniture made in the era of the 20-30s of the last century or stylized as it.
  • Secondly, you need to use items from the last century as accessories (vases, candlesticks, boxes, ceremonial dishes). It is important that all this is in good condition.
  • Thirdly, the vintage style is recreated against the backdrop of certain colors. Therefore, when painting walls or wallpapering, you should give preference to pastel shades, floral prints with small delicate patterns. Many manufacturers produce entire collections that are ideal for creating the described interiors.

If everything is in order with the wallpaper, what to do with other surfaces? Do not use when finishing the ceiling or floor. synthetic materials and plastic. In this case, you can choose laminate for floors; vintage allows the use of modern textures in the interior, provided that they are artificially aged. In addition, the described style in the interior can be read from small details. So, for example, it may be indicated by a soft blanket carelessly thrown on the back or photographs in aged frames placed on the chest of drawers, floor vases large sizes.

If you want to get more detailed instructions on creating interiors in a vintage style, you should read the article to the end and find out which wallpaper is best to choose for decorating the walls of a new interior, how to decorate the ceiling, what material to put on the floor.

The right wallpaper for a vintage-style interior

As mentioned above, the basis of a vintage-style interior is a correctly selected background. The walls can be painted in pleasant pastel colors, but it is better to hang wallpaper, which allows you to solve problems in more decorative ways.

To recreate the vintage style, three types of wallpaper are suitable for urban interiors:

  1. Canvases with contrasting patterns and paired with striped wallpaper.
  2. Wallpaper with characteristic Japanese motifs, rich colors with birds of paradise or pink flowers.
  3. Wallpaper that features patterned designs (can be flowers or intertwining branches) that look on the walls as if they have been slightly faded by the sun.

Note! The modern vintage style in the interior is created so that the walls or wallpaper do not catch the eye, and all attention is focused on the furniture and accessories characteristic of the style described.

Features of the design of the ceiling and floor

Experienced designers, when choosing a vintage style to create beautiful interiors, pay attention to the integrity of the overall picture, so special attention is paid not only to the correct design of the walls, but also the ceiling. It is covered with whitewash or painted, decorated with wallpaper, and framed with stucco. But they take in the one that is covered with small cracks, unevenness or small chips.

Ordinary boards are best suited for flooring; plank flooring has a number of advantages, but when creating high-status interiors, preference is given to classic parquet. It is important that these two materials look aged and used, but at the same time they can be completely new. Modern manufacturers are ready to offer a variety of collections of parquet, laminate, solid boards, artificially aged, which can be used to create a vintage style.

What furniture to choose

Repairs come to an end someday, so the need comes to equip the interior and fill it with furniture. What can and should be put in a room decorated in vintage style?

Items made from natural wood are allowed. It is good if they are made with forging elements or with metal parts made of brass and copper. Each object should have its own story; scratches, chips and abrasions tell a lot about it.

Note! Interior content in vintage style is arranged according to the principle of symmetry, so initially you need to purchase paired pieces of furniture. They are arranged around one large object (a bed and two nightstands, a chest of drawers and two display cases on the sides, a long table between two identical sofas).

Stylish tall cabinets with carved decor, patinated chests of drawers, forged metal couches, and coffee tables made of copper frames will look good in a vintage-style interior. Viennese chairs with peeling paint, massive wooden tables with mesh tops small cracks- finding similar pieces of furniture in your old interiors will not be difficult. They definitely need to be used in a new interior, they just have to be played out a little differently.

In the interior, decorated in vintage style, you can see many photo frames, ceramic figurines, open shelves, large and small mirrors, and classically shaped candlesticks. Look at the photo, all this together looks quite cozy.

Successful color combinations in the interior

When creating textile design, you need to remember that vintage, as an interior style, does not like dark or too bright colors. Everything around is subject to one principle - the formation of light airspace. Therefore, textiles are chosen to match the walls and wallpaper. And in order to prevent both components from merging with each other, close combinations of semi-shades or colors close to each other “in spirit” are allowed.

The most advantageous options in a vintage interior: pink wallpaper and upholstery made in the color of young grass, or blue wallpaper and curtains the color of ash rose. Look at the photo how well similar combinations made in vintage style work.

As you can see, the textiles do not merge with the overall palette, so the entire interior as a whole does not look like one merged spot.

Additional accessories

After the wallpaper on the walls is pasted, the renovation is completed, and the furniture is arranged, the final touch when creating interiors made in a vintage style will be the installation of correctly selected accessories. The more of them, the better, the main thing is not to overdo it and not turn the room into a junk shop. What accents will look best in a vintage-style interior?

  • An antique cuckoo clock hung on a decorated wall always works well to create a complete image. beautiful wallpaper, or massive chimes placed near a soft corner sofa.
  • Vintage interiors are almost always decorated with dried flowers and prickly inflorescences placed in large round vases. Similar objects can appear on a chest of drawers in the bedroom, in long vases on the floor in the hallway or in the living room.
  • We have already mentioned photographs in frames above, but let us once again say that it is best to place the faces of relatives and close people belonging to different generations in them. It will be good if among them there are black and white photographs.
  • Vintage-style interior decor often uses retro posters depicting movie characters from the 20s of the last century, as well as old theater posters glued directly to the wallpaper.
  • The final touch is openwork woolen bedspreads carelessly thrown on the back of the sofa, pillows of different textures, a carpet on the floor with a geometric pattern (previously these were hung on the walls). Look at next photo, This best example how the main accents of the described style are placed using the listed accessories.

To sum up, we can safely say that the vintage style of interior design is more relevant today than ever. Many people like the idea of ​​combining the spirit of modernity and old times, continuity of generations, implemented in decoration own apartment or at home. And wallpaper, and any other modern Decoration Materials make it easy to create an interior made in vintage style.

Beauty and elegance can be created in your home using vintage style. It is a reflection of the sublime and aesthetic, soothing and modern, embodied not only in the furnishings, vintage furniture, and decoration.

Vintage things - little things, accessories, textiles and decorative items - better than others will convey the unforgettable history and relevance of all the characteristic features of that distant era, even today, in modern interiors, apartments, houses.

A little history

What is vintage style, and what does it mean? Inspiration from old and new is what this chic and unique interior style represents.

The vintage style is quite young, it came to us from beautiful and unique France ten years ago and translated from French means “aged wine.”

Interior in vintage style, photo

It all started when the American architect Patrick Willis presented to the general public in 2002 an original house consisting of five-walled rooms (or honeycombs), emphasizing the nobility of old furniture in a modern interior. This vintage style was quickly picked up by the French, providing it with worldwide recognition and popularity.

This fashion trend, used for interior decoration, represents a harmonious unity of classic and modern style.

The main thing about vintage is antique lampshades and dishes, paintings and furniture, thanks to which a quiet and charming atmosphere of old times is created.

Modern designers, considering fashion trends, create chic furniture sets“to look like a rarity” using a huge range of decorative elements.

Vintage is characterized by the fact that old things become new life, creating an unforgettable picture of sophistication and luxury.

The most suitable option for a vintage-style interior are items that were produced more than three decades ago.

Remember! When decorating a room in vintage style, use exclusive and original items, rather than ordinary used items.

Characteristic signs

Considering the romance and sentimentality of the vintage style, the audience of its fans is growing every year. Not all of us have antique items, but true connoisseurs of this style do everything possible to purchase the necessary items and accessories to decorate their home in an antique style.

Vintage has become fashionable and popular. It is in demand by many who want to create a vintage interior in their home without using conventional factory furniture sets.

Thanks to its respectability and unsurpassed quality, the vintage style in the interior attracts the attention of people of different age categories and tastes. Any premises can be decorated in this style, including residential buildings and offices of high-ranking personalities, restaurants and banquet halls.

Attention! It is advisable not to use vintage style in small rooms, as this design takes up too much living space.

The main idea of ​​the vintage style is the use of outdated, outdated, recycled furniture, which is repainted, varnished or supplemented with new parts. Antique, expensive and museum furniture are not used in the above style.

Vintage style renovation

The characteristic features of the style are presented special requirements to the design of ceilings, floors, wall decor and the design of the room itself.

Floor. Tile and parquet boards are recommended for the floor. All others will not fit. Alternatively, you can try using old boards for the floor, although it is clear that parquet will look more aesthetically pleasing. Parquet boards should be worn and look as if the floor has been used for at least 30 years.

The tiles will fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. It can also be aged. A vintage kitchen definitely contains tiles.

Vintage style in the interior, photo

Ceiling. The ceiling surface should be painted. Stretch ceiling, suspended structures with spot LEDs will be inappropriate here. The ceiling is often decorated with stucco to give the room a special charm.

It’s great if small cracks appear in the paint: it means everything turns out as required by the vintage design. The cracks should not be too large: this is just stylization.

Walls. Decorating interior walls in vintage style is done mainly by gluing wallpaper.

You can, as an option, choose a light paint – painting the walls is appropriate if there is vintage furniture in the room.

Vintage interior, photo

When choosing wallpaper colors, give preference to contrasting prints. The walls look impeccable in a pink and pastel palette.

Note! Vintage is characterized by the presence of plant and floral patterns, so choose wallpaper of the appropriate type.

Coverings in oriental style with Chinese or Japanese designs. Various themes are welcome: leaves, twigs, butterflies, flowers - best choice. To create the appropriate atmosphere, choose a larger pattern pattern.

Antique wallpaper for walls, photo

Vintage furniture and decor

There are no clear time boundaries in this style. The interior should approximately contain furniture from the 19th-20th centuries. However, older items would also be quite appropriate. In the living room and bedroom you can place century-old wardrobes, patinated chests of drawers and other rare things. So, you can buy new tables, but you should additionally artificially age them.

The main feature of vintage furniture is its “wornness”, “scuffiness”. If you have truly authentic vintage items, be it a distressed leather chair, antique chest, sideboard or chest of drawers, you just have to correctly and successfully arrange them in the interior and already adjust the rest of the design to the furniture available in the room.

Vintage furniture, photo

If you don’t have vintage furniture, you can buy new or order, but “antique”.

For other examples of using vintage furniture in the interior, see the photo gallery below:

Materials and interior details

Among other materials, wood, wrought copper, and ceramics are very popular in vintage interiors. They should all look aged. A touch of patina is the most valuable thing that such things have.

An interior decorated in vintage style would be incomplete without some details. For example, this applies to dried flowers. Vintage rooms are specially decorated with dried flowers. All kinds of seasonal flowers would also be appropriate.

The design of bouquets and vases is somewhat different from the usual: it is preferable to play on contrasts by placing both large and small flowers. It is better if the bush is a little disheveled and careless: the flowers should not stand strictly.

Advice. Under flower arrangements Metal vases are perfect; crystal vessels can also be used.

Another one distinguishing feature style - barely readable inscriptions on objects, as another indicator of antiquity. You can purchase such items in special shops and on the market.

Vintage is a design style that develops gradually, so don’t rush things. If you can create a provincial country or high-tech look by simply visiting a store, then creating a full-fledged vintage interior will take time.

You can find one thing in a store, another in the market, and a third you can ask from friends. Over time, the decor will become complete and will look harmonious. You won't be able to create a flawless design in one day.

By the way, the presence of many different cute little things also contributes to the creation of vintage. Things dear to the heart have never been acquired quickly, have they?

To create a vintage style in the interior, many things “migrate” from the attic to the room, where they find a new life in a new environment.

Vintage is a way to give a second life to things. IN vintage design Many items have already served their purpose, and it is possible and necessary to give them a second life. Just think about where and what things would be appropriate. If an item does not fit into one of the rooms, perhaps it will find a place in another.

Vintage in the interior

Today, antique vintage in the interior is becoming increasingly popular and productive in the fashion world. Vintage furniture has a shelf life of 20 to 100 years.

This style is distinguished by its democratic value and allows for a harmonious juxtaposition with household items and modern furniture.

How to decorate your home in vintage style? Where to begin? The first step is to decide on the topic and period. Each owner selects these factors according to his tastes and interests. It could be classics or collectibles from the 50s and 60s of the last century.

Living room

Vintage in the living room is used quite often today. This style should reflect a certain period. So, for example, in the living room you can install leather sofa 1930s or use bright plastic furniture from the 1960s.

Original items from past years are complemented in the interior modern things, while maintaining the chic and attractiveness of the room.

Accessories are of great importance, without which it is impossible to create the planned project. To more fully and correctly create a vintage interior in the living room, you should study the era that you decided to display in this room.

Considered an excellent offer cushioned furniture V wood processing, which is durable and reliable.

Vintage things, photos

Embroidered napkins look amazing on the backs and armrests, and embroidery on the upholstery of chairs or armchairs is a wonderful addition to them.

Advice. You can decorate a table or bedside table in the living room with knitted or embroidered napkins.

Interior in old vintage style, photo

Photographs, pictures, toys, small items from the 40s to the 60s of the 20th century will highlight the exclusive image of your room.

For other ideas for decorating a vintage living room, see the photo:


To decorate a bedroom in vintage style, you should adhere to the basic rule - combine incompatible things, i.e. create a harmonious unity of what at first glance seems impossible.

A luxurious bed with forged backs, a mirror framed in an unusual frame, wooden box upholstered in fabric by the bed, a chic floor lamp or a fabric lampshade - all this will help create a vintage-style interior in a room where an atmosphere of calm, tranquility and privacy reigns.

A wicker chair in which you can read a book or just relax will be a great addition.

See the photo gallery for vintage variations in the bedroom interior:


Simplicity, bright hues and attractive elegance - this is how you can characterize the interior of a kitchen decorated in vintage style. The room breathes coziness, it’s pleasant to be in it and devote energy to creating special culinary masterpieces.

A light touch of antiquity allows you to create a special design for such a kitchen. Nostalgia, memory of the past, tribute to ancestors and respect for them are literally in the air, mixing with the aromas of delicious dishes.

Vintage interiors are created by those who always remember their roots and honor the memory of their great-grandfathers.

Vintage kitchen, photo

The main palette is light; dark tile floors can be natural wood. Decor - lamps, paintings, scales - is required. Light colors will be ideal for small kitchens with insufficient natural light.

The pastel palette includes white, shades of beige, milky, creamy can visually make the kitchen lighter, brighter, warmer. Milk and cream add tenderness and elegance to the interior.

Kitchen in vintage style, photo

It is possible to use natural wood furniture surfaces of dark brown or chocolate color. It is better to choose furniture with patina so that such a rich shade looks more organic.

Interesting ideas for decorating a kitchen in vintage style - pictured below:


"Shabby Elegance" characteristic style, is also present in the hallway or corridor. Old pieces of furniture, rare accessories and trinkets that create a slightly casual, with a touch of nostalgia, romantic atmosphere.

The choice of vintage furniture for the hallway pleases with a huge selection, thanks to which you can easily maintain and maintain the unity of style in any of the rooms of the apartment or private house.

Such a setting in the hallway will help you feel the spirit of that time and plunge into the chosen era. It is preferable to avoid large and bulky cabinets. A more suitable furniture option would be a soft pouffe and a wrought-iron hanger. You can leave a small cabinet, decorated with carvings and retaining traces of time on the surface - cracks and small abrasions.

Advice. Avoid bright and flashy colors: they will be clearly unnecessary in the corridor and hallway.

Complete the decor with a small painting on the wall or use a beautiful panel self made.

How else can you decorate the hallway and corridor in an old style - see the photo gallery:

The word “vintage” came to us from the French language, where it meant strong aged wine that had been waiting in wine cellars for decades. Then the concept was transferred to the interior to indicate the style direction, where modern home old things were moved. But the vintage style in the interior presupposes not only their presence in the house - the very atmosphere in it has its own specifics.


A vintage item is a truly period item that is at least 30 years old and was fashionable some time ago. Retro is a general concept of style, which is characterized by both antique items and modern, antique-style “remakes”.

Grandmother's chest, which once contained her dowry, is vintage item, as well as the cupboard in which she kept the service she received as a wedding gift. And the artificially aged table, crocheted rug, antique-style cross-stitched tablecloth - it's retro. Vintage uses things that were once fashionable and have become popular again. Retro does not depend on fashion, it simply belongs to its era or depicts it.

Apartment design in vintage style

The main features of the vintage style

Today, vintage interior style refers to the recreation of the furnishings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But we already live in a different century, so things dating back to the middle of the last century can already be considered vintage.

When choosing a vintage style direction for your interior, you need to decide which era is closer to your spirit and what you want to embody in your apartment. Do not forget that all rooms of the home should be decorated in the same style. Ultra-modern or, on the contrary, classic and, even more so, embodied luxury, baroque and other similar styles cannot be combined on the same territory with vintage that breathes antiquity.

Important! The main requirement when decorating an interior in a vintage style is the presence of objects belonging to the era being recreated.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

In fact, vintage in the interior is not a pile of old furniture, yellowed napkins and valances - things “with history” get along quite well with modern ones, and there are no strict requirements here. But there are no random objects here, so this design is created over a long period of time, gradually. You shouldn’t be like Plyushkin and bring into the house all the old things you come across - they should be carefully matched to each other.

It’s not difficult to create a vintage interior - you don’t have to buy antique furniture and household items - your older relatives or friends’ parents will happily give away what is lying idle in attics and garages. Some can be found at flea markets, some can be created with your own hands by artificially aging them.

Main features of a vintage interior:

  • a combination of antique and modern items;
  • simplicity of the interior;
  • some randomness, slight disorder - a blanket carelessly thrown on the sofa, magazines left on the table, a basket of handicrafts;
  • a touch of romance;
  • floral scenes - on wallpaper, textiles;
  • abrasions, barely visible inscriptions on things, as if (or actually) erased by time.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Features of room design

If you decide to decorate your apartment in vintage style, you will have to give up some fashionable ideas:

  • stretch, suspended ceilings;
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile;
  • plastic windows;
  • stone window sills, countertops;
  • built-in lamps and similar modern methods finishing.

Filling a room with antiques is not enough. We need to create an appropriate environment for them. Therefore, you need to start with repairs.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Wall decoration

The best material for wall decoration is wallpaper. They must be paper, with a small or large pattern. Floral, geometric patterns, always contrasting, look good in a vintage interior. You can choose wallpaper in oriental style - Chinese or Japanese: butterflies, twigs, flowers, birds. However, if you plan to saturate the room with many decorative details, it is better to choose plain wallpaper for the walls or simply paint them in one of the pastel colors.

As a finishing option, you can apply a roll-on pattern to painted walls using a rubber roller with a convex pattern: by applying paint to it, you can transfer the pattern to the wall. Stencils can be used for the same purpose.

Ceiling finishing

It's better to paint the ceiling. Get him a white one water-based paint. You can decorate the ceiling with stucco - just don’t use plastic imitations, only plaster rosettes and fillets are appropriate.

Important! Do not try to get rid of all the cracks on the surface of the ceiling and walls. This is vintage, and small unevenness and cracks will only emphasize the stylization, the main thing is that there are not many of them and they are not very deep.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Floor finishing

Laminate is not suitable for finishing the floor; it is better to use parquet or a regular wooden board. They will the best option for living room, bedroom, other living rooms.

You can lay linoleum on the floor, because it has been known since the end of the 19th century, although it was not so popular until the 1980s. It is best used for the kitchen, hallway, and bathroom. You can also use tiles for these rooms.

The choice of materials for decorating a vintage interior will depend on what you decide to focus on, what creates stylization - if furniture, then limit yourself to calm color scheme for walls, painting them in pastel colors or pasting them light wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern. If you want to create a bright environment for your furniture, then you can choose wallpaper with a bright ornament or a pastoral pattern, adding a small number of details to the interior.

Any finishing materials should be artificially aged to give the impression that they have stood the test of time.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Vintage style color palette

Vintage is a romantic style, so the color scheme characteristic of it consists of pastel shades - ash, beige, light pink and light blue, delicate green tones. White, milky colors can be used as the main ones, but against the background of soft warm colors, white, beige, shabby, patina-covered furniture will look harmonious, and the interior itself will be filled with light, warmth and comfort.

Important! The colors should appear faded with age.

Bright color accents can be burgundy, purple, blue. Brown and green colors are more often used in textiles. Decorative elements such as napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads are often chosen white or the color of unbleached linen.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Furniture that bears the stamp of time

Correct, harmonious vintage style is the obligatory presence of real antique, retro furniture against the background of antique-style walls. Suitable for interior:

  • tall wardrobes;
  • buffets with slightly peeling paint and scuffs;
  • forged furniture;
  • chests of drawers covered with patina;
  • low coffee tables with copper frames and large wooden tables;
  • whatnots, carved shelves.

If the furniture is wooden, it may have traces of cracked varnish, and painted surfaces may have cracks in the paint or abrasions.

Important! Do not create a “junk shop” out of a room - everything should be in moderation, although combine ultra-modern and antique furniture It's not worth it in the same room.

There should be harmony in everything: in the bedroom, a wooden chest of drawers with a cracked front will complement a wrought-iron bed covered with a lace bedspread; lay a knitted “grandmother’s” round rug on the floor. In the living room you can put round table with a white tablecloth, on him - simple vase with flowers. A cuckoo clock on the wall and black and white photographs on the shelf complete the styling.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Features of vintage room decor

To complete the stylization, you need to select lamps, textiles and other objects that fill the space in the same style.

Lamps in such a room can be as simple as possible, having strict geometric shapes, and complex, with numerous details, voluminous compositions:

  • chandeliers with shades made of thick glass, an abundance of screws, brackets, metal parts. They are attached to the ceiling using a strong chain;
  • lamps with wooden shades;
  • floor lamps with large lampshades;
  • handmade designer lamps - made of metal, wood. Their shape can be different: in the form of an old kerosene lamp, a dome-shaped cage.

Important! Both lamps and other decorative items should correspond to the era that you are stylizing.

That is why an antique copper samovar, a cast iron iron, a sewing machine from the Singer factory, or something belonging to Soviet era chandelier-fan, an abundance of glass and crystal in a lacquered sideboard.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

The following can complement the interior of a living room in a vintage style:

  • floor or Wall Clock with a cuckoo;
  • a mirror in a carved frame - if you find an old one with black spots on the amalgam - it will be perfect;
  • black and white photographs on the wall or on a closet shelf;
  • carpet on the floor (the same as they used to hang on the walls);
  • gramophone or reel-to-reel tape recorder - depending on the period that is embodied in your room.

On the walls of the bedroom, hallway, decorated in the spirit of the 50-60s of the last century, posters, posters, theater posters of that time can be placed, there is also a place for forged or wooden shelf, dressing table Place a floor lamp on a high leg with a fabric lampshade next to the bed.

Create a vintage interior in modern apartment- exciting, interesting. Decoration will not take much time and will not require significant expenses, but you and your friends and family will have the opportunity to plunge into past eras and take a break from the reactive rhythm of modern life.

Video: Vintage style in the interior

50 photos of interior design in vintage style:

The word vintage translated from in English means an old, noble wine made from seasonal fruits. Vintage struck the fashion world, then penetrated into interiors. Wine becomes better in quality over time, and the situation is similar with interiors. Concrete, glass, steel, which characterize modernity, in this style are combined with old wood, wicker furniture, giving environment noble look. All objects are interesting, have character and style.

Many people use vintage items because they love objects with history and soul. How to decorate a modern vintage style in an interior, photo interesting solutions, design ideas are presented in this article.

Vintage is suitable for those who love to create - beautiful furniture with soul, placed in the right place, painted, patinated. Aged details add charm to the interior. Ceramics with folk motifs, dishes from a flea market, old furniture brought from grandma’s house - these items will perfectly decorate an apartment and add to the interior distinctive character. Vintage can be called the style of collectors of features. Exceptional furniture, bedspreads, blankets are ideal for vintage style decoration. Sometimes these are ordinary old things, sometimes they are objects created famous people, designed in one color and design.

Spectacular vintage living rooms, photos

Uniqueness and originality

So, we have to create something original. Various tricks are allowed:

  • old bicycle hanging on the wall of the apartment,
  • woven striped carpet on the floor,
  • photos from grandma's album in the bathroom.

It is important that the whole creates harmony and has its own unique style.

Vintage boho, or the ancient style of French bohemia, living in the 19th century in Paris, is popular. Artists created unique interiors. Vintage will appeal to fans of the 19th century.

Work great:

  • stylized furniture from the 50s and 60s;
  • bedspreads from yesteryear;
  • Some photos;
  • trinkets.

Many people like the unconventional interior in the old style. Especially when the design is thought out independently to the smallest detail. It's not necessarily expensive, but it's definitely stylish.

Popular ideas can be gleaned from the 50s, 60s, 70s of the 20th century, and at the end of the 19th century. It is important to adhere to certain principles. Vintage is old-fashioned and belongs to the past. Vintage elements will make a unique journey into the past:

The walls should be covered with striped or polka dot wallpaper in the old style. In vintage interiors, the presence of an armchair from the 70s in combination with furniture with Scandinavian design is not surprising. In addition to antique furniture, it is customary to use:

  • richly decorated carpets,
  • family photos in plain or decorated frames.

Photo gallery – interiors decorated in antique vintage style

Vintage in the kitchen

Vintage means sentimentality, high class. Courage and creativity reflect the soul of the designer. In vintage fashion, it is necessary to break the clichés and accepted standards. The designs are unique and quirky. By inviting vintage into the kitchen, we open the door to childhood memories and aromas.

The main rule is no rules!

In such an interior we feel cozy and warm. The freedom to combine opposites in practice turns out to be a subtle, sweet, feminine combination.

Vintage kitchen, photo

  • red,
  • turquoise,
  • yellow.

Vintage in the making rounded corners furniture and household appliances, stylish handles, old buffers, accessories. A link to 50-60 years of the last century is presented in simple forms without unnecessary fantasies.

Ideal for helping you decorate a vintage apartment various fabrics:

  • velvet,
  • wool,
  • polyester.

An arrangement with soul, reminiscent of the past, contains:

  • old mirrors,
  • engravings,
  • schedule of previous years.

To find the necessary accessories you will have to visit antique stores, flea markets, grandma's attic, online auctions where you need to find unique items for decoration spectacular interior. Attics and grannies can be a real treasure trove - vintage items will definitely be present in these places.

In the kitchen you can place accessories typical of the 50-60s:

  • mustard jars,
  • water siphons,
  • stylish vases.

Vintage never gets old, it comes to objects with history, antiques, and unique ones. Attentive observers love the vintage interior. A great addition to a vintage kitchen glassware:

  • decanters,
  • glasses,
  • dishes.

The timeless look of glassware is ideal for kitchen decor. Unusual, original shapes will delight every guest; drinks served in decanters look interesting.

Vintage bedroom decoration

How to combine antique furniture, accessories, multimedia systems and standard bedroom functions is not an easy task. Vintage has no strict boundaries, no restrictions. The only obstacle is your own imagination. The registration process never ends. Vintage design lovers are constantly on the hunt for various pearls used to decorate interiors.

Spectacular vintage bedroom, photo

Antique bed

Bedroom design starts with the bed. The following models will fit:

  • metal bed,
  • forged metal,
  • wooden bed,
  • models with a soft headboard.

The choice depends on whether the bed will be the central element of the interior, or provides a background to other expressive decorative elements. The photo below shows a great bedroom decor idea that includes:

  • colorful wallpaper,
  • decorative bedside tables,
  • snow white vintage bedding,
  • beautiful bedside lamps.

Antique bed – the highlight of a vintage arrangement, photo

Beautiful forged metal elements fit perfectly into the atmosphere of a vintage bedroom. In combination with patterned wallpaper on the wall and a colorful bedspread, they create the perfect composition. The bedroom looks very atmospheric. A vintage bed can look unusual. They'll keep her company additional elements:

  • chests,
  • stools,
  • wooden cabinets.

Beds made of wood, deliberately aged, look harmonious with a variety of natural deficiencies, irregularities, visible rings.

Good option– acacia wood. Acacia is very durable, with a hardness similar to that of oak. A wooden bed on wheels looks quite original. The wheels do not move, ensuring the stability of the bed, they perform a decorative function, they look as if they were used and then cleaned of paint. The result is an extremely attractive visual effect.

Wooden beds, antique bedside tables, photo

Vintage textiles – bed, pillows

The bedding is important element bedroom design. There is no single rule that would say what pillows and linens should be used in an antique bedroom. Fabrics used are patterned and plain, smooth, with or without frills. The choice depends on other decorative elements:

  • in a bedroom with patterned wallpaper, patterned pillows will destroy the harmony,
  • against the background of a white, plain wall, patterned textiles look impressive.

Next to the modern bed you can put a lamp in the style of the 60s, a couple of rare suitcases. Suitcases appear quite often in vintage interiors; in bedrooms, suitcases play the role of bedside tables. This is an interesting idea, especially when you managed to purchase cool suitcases with fittings. An ordinary modern suitcase is completely unsuitable for decorating a vintage bedroom.

Grandma's curtains and pillowcases - spectacular style elements, photo

Other antique jewelry

There are many vintage jewelry ideas. Perfect for:

  • watch,
  • mirrors,
  • suitcases,
  • boxes.

Ideal choice - wooden clock, with a pendulum, cuckoo. It should not be a factory product from China. Different kinds mirrors will perfectly serve as decoration. You need to choose models with decorative frames, although mirrors have a huge impact on general perception interior are in a simple way visual expansion of the room, which is especially appreciated by owners of small bedrooms.

What can you do with your own hands?

Most vintage interior items can be made using the DIY method (from English - Do it yourself).

Below are a few interesting ideas:

  1. you can dress old poufs in pillowcases made of unusual patterned materials;
  2. It’s worth looking at your grandmother’s or buying old-fashioned curtains and bedspreads;
  3. an antique wooden table needs to be cleaned, sanded, varnished, painted;
  4. you can upholster chairs with fabric found from your grandmother, then there is a guarantee that the upholstery is unique;
  5. some things can be made with your own hands from old boxes and pallets;
  6. handmade photo frames;
  7. craftswomen will sew textile decor from small beads and grandmother’s pieces of fabric;
  8. wardrobe bought at the market, painted in pink color;
  9. colorful bedding from twenty years ago;
  10. homemade striped rug, knitted by hand;
  11. Old laundry baskets outlined in interesting patterns and placed in unexpected places will decorate a unique style full of charm.

Online auctions, flea markets, and specialty stores are where you can find gems. Sometimes it’s worth breaking the barrier of shame, reaching for a piece of furniture displayed by the previous owners next to the trash container, breathing in old furniture new life, restore the time to its former glory. If you can’t handle the repairs yourself, you can find a professional who will take care of this task.

Vintage style says that it really isn't afraid of change. He presents new equipment for old interiors, old equipment for new ones. Furniture found at the bazaar can be repainted in bold colors or pastels. It is important to balance combinations of patterns and colors so that they match. Creativity and skillful hands work wonders.

Vintage furniture, decorated yourself, photo


Sometimes it is enough to throw a blanket with history on a chair or an old armchair, or hang pictures from the past on the wall to create a unique interior. In vintage style, only the imagination sets the limits of fantasy.

How to restore the splendor of old objects so that they serve in a new incarnation long years, struck with charm? This is the key question of how to create a vintage atmosphere. In addition to vintage, old-fashioned elements, modern elements can be freely introduced into the interior. Loose combinations are a hallmark of vintage style.

The closest thing to Vintage style is retro style. This is not a temporary fashion statement, but a lifestyle, a love of family values ​​and history. A picture cannot reflect the true charm of a trend, because its irreplaceable elements are home aromas, unique sounds, and the warmth that comes from stylization.