Why dream of potatoes in a bucket. Boiled potatoes according to the dream book

Many years have passed since the restless Tsar Peter brought potatoes to Rus'. Overseas delicacy ceased to be a curiosity and turned into the most banal garden plant. Even if a person fundamentally does not eat potatoes, brown tubers of various sizes now and then catch his eye in the vegetable departments of stores, in the market, behind the fence of a neighbor gardener ... In a word, there is nothing more natural than seeing a vegetable that has become familiar in a dream. However, there are dreams so vivid and memorable that you involuntarily think - this is no accident! So why dream of potatoes?

Why do potatoes dream according to various dream books

It is not in vain that the glory of the “second bread” was entrenched in potatoes. Fruitful, tasty, allowing you to cook dozens of varied and satisfying dishes, it very quickly attracted our ancestors, who at first accepted the novelty with hostility. And over time, he even ousted the turnip, more familiar to the Slavs, from the gardens! It is not surprising that dreams about an unpretentious tuber began to be perceived as a good omen.

Definitely a good sign!

  • Dream Interpretation of the New Era:

The potato that appeared in night dreams serves as a kind of advice to take a closer look around. What looks gray and unpresentable - a random event, a new acquaintance, an idea that flashed through your head - can actually be of great value.

  • General dream book:

Soon all your difficulties will end, worries will dissipate, and a period of calm and harmony will come in life.

  • Modern dream book:

Changes are coming that will please you.

  • Jewish dream book:

Seeing potato tubers in a dream - make a profit.

  • Esoteric dream book:

Potatoes dream of prosperity.

  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter:

Happiness is already rushing to your home, but it will not come by itself. It will take a lot of effort to provide comfort and prosperity to your family.

Lush green bush potatoes - a hint of "dig deeper." Trying to deal with some problem, you focus on its visible, "above-ground" part, not noticing that the roots of your troubles are hidden in a completely different place.

However, not every person has pleasant associations with potatoes. For some, this vegetable is associated primarily with hard work, which will not necessarily be followed by a reward - after all, no one has canceled lean years.

Rotten potatoes are considered one of the most unpleasant signs.

  • Miller's dream book:

If change does come, it will be rather unpleasant.

  • Eastern female dream book:

Alas, all your undertakings planned during this period will turn out to be a waste of time and effort.

  • Dream Interpretation of Solomon:

The potato symbolizes tears.

  • Children's dream book:

Gain courage and patience, you have a difficult period ahead of you.

  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer:

You will have to deal with difficult and tedious work, which will leave behind only a feeling of dissatisfaction. Your obligations will not bring you money or respect.

Can't decide which of the interpretations to take at your own expense, and intuition is treacherously silent? Then try to remember the state of the root crops you saw in a dream. Whole, even and smooth promise peace and prosperity. Rotten and clumsy dream only of negative events: they prophesy separation and loneliness to those in love, and to everyone else - bad news, losses and a long black streak in life.

Who had a dream: interpretations for a woman or a man

If none of the general explanations satisfies you, try looking at your dream from a different angle. For example, many interpreters will definitely find it necessary to clarify who exactly dreamed of potatoes - a man or a woman?

I wonder if there will be a promotion, an increase or marriage?

For a woman, an eternal gatherer, a dream about strong, beautiful potato tubers almost always means positive changes. An unexpected, albeit honestly deserved, promotion or a tangible increase in salary is predicted for you. Or it may also happen that your success will be noticed in a competing organization and they will try to lure you over by offering both a new higher position and an attractive salary.

Is your career stalling for the time being? So, lucky in love. Expect a marriage proposal. Most likely, it will come from an old admirer or your current partner - in other words, a person with whom you have already invested a lot of effort in a relationship. It remains only to "harvest" with pleasure.

The most successful dreams are those in which a woman had to collect or eat potatoes.

For a man, a hunter and a getter, the dream of fussing with tubers draws less rosy prospects. Faced with another problem, you will be tempted to use old connections to solve it. But do not rely too much on useful acquaintances and friends - this time they will let you down. However, there are two favorable moments: firstly, you are quite capable of coping with difficulties on your own, and secondly, the “problem” period will not last long.

By quantity and size: large or small, many or one tuber

They say that a small change of money dreams of tears. This statement is also true for dreams about potatoes.

Small tubers are considered a prototype of future disorders and troubles. And if, moreover, they were plastered with mud, the streak of bad luck threatens to turn into a wide black streak, which will be oh so difficult to overcome! It is especially bad to see such a dream during the period of nurturing important plans: there is a great chance that on the way to their implementation you will encounter many different obstacles, and when you make your way to the desired goal, find out - and you don’t need it as it seemed!

For lovers, small potatoes prophesy quarrels caused by a lack of attention from a partner.

Looks like someone is going to be lucky

Large, clean, neat tubers are a sign of an upcoming triumph. If you are currently busy working on any project, do not doubt its success; your efforts will be noticed, appreciated and rewarded. If you are planning a change in your life, do not hesitate to get down to business. The result will exceed the wildest expectations! True, dreamers who decide in advance to rest on their laurels will not succeed: potatoes do not pop out of the ground by themselves.

AT this moment you do not build grandiose plans, and therefore do not expect victories? But you can count on the growth of well-being, probably due to the emergence of new sources of income.

But even when the dreamed potato does not strike the imagination in size, it is too early to get upset. Maybe he will take the amount? For example, a large pile of tubers, regardless of their size, has long been considered a harbinger of a rich harvest, which “translated” into the language of modernity can mean material profit.

The Ukrainian dream book connects a bunch of potatoes with a lot of people that you will have to see in the near future. Let's say at a party, wedding or conference.

The meaning of actions with potatoes: dig, plant, collect, etc.

  • Picking flowers from a potato bush.

This seemingly insignificant event predicts a wedding celebration.

Great fun is expected!

  • Plant potatoes.

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to sweat a lot: the work that you have to do is neither easy nor pleasant. But the profit from it will cover and repeatedly block the efforts expended! Everything conceived will be fulfilled “perfectly well”, things will be arranged in the most beautiful way, and if you have a secret desire that has been nurtured in your soul for a long time, it can come true during this period. A good dream is also for those who are thinking of starting their own business. Everything that you put into it now will eventually grow into an unprecedented harvest!

If in a dream someone else planted potato seeds for you, success will come to this person, but you will also get a weighty piece of his luck.

Occasionally, a dream about planting or digging up potatoes is interpreted as a sign of an intimate relationship that dreamers will enter into with a new partner.

  • Spud.

You have taken on a rather risky business, which can turn into both a take-off and a painful fall to the asphalt. True, sometimes interpreters promise dreamers born from January to April good profit; birthdays in May, June, July and August - hard work, and for those who celebrate their birthday in the fall or in the first month of winter, they predict ... a good potato harvest.

  • Dig.

In a general sense, this dream speaks of success in business and love, small joys and big successes. Especially for those who, digging potatoes, rejoiced bountiful harvest! However, the dreamer, who managed to exhaust himself during imaginary garden work, has health problems - even in a dream, his body cannot get rid of fatigue, which is a hidden sign of malaise. Well, watching someone digging potatoes in front of you predicts a good deal and a trusting relationship with loved ones.

It matters when and how you harvest your crops

It also matters how exactly you removed the tubers from the ground. If with a shovel, soon new, previously unknown circumstances or someone's secret will be revealed to you, which will have a beneficial effect on your future life. It is worse when a person goes out to harvest with bare hands: this means that you are imprudent and tend to trust your secret thoughts to the wrong people. Keep your mouth shut, someone from your environment hangs on every word, hoping to trip you up.

A fantastic dream about searching for potatoes under the snow predicts numerous pleasant events related to finances to the lucky one. Working in the garden under the warm autumn sun is a sign of harmony in family life. But the one who tossed with a shovel wet clods land in the pouring rain, is unlikely to be able to bring the work begun to a victorious end.

The lunar dream book assures that the person who dug up the potatoes will have to do a thankless job, and Ivanov's dream book frightens the unlucky dreamer with illness.

  • Buy and sell.

Buy potatoes - earn respect. Sell ​​- get rid of something negative, perhaps by going against your beliefs. Carrying potatoes in bags is experiencing tremendous stress that will deprive you of strength for a long time. Often, such dreams are harbingers of illness, so be more attentive to your well-being. Perhaps the disease is already hosting in your body.

  • Prepare.

The one who peeled the vegetable in a dream will be subjected to pressure, but will be able to resist it. Or maybe you will be able to get rid of a cunning manipulator who has long been trying to subjugate you to his influence. In a word, a dream with peeling potato tubers symbolizes liberation from something unpleasant associated with violence, physical or psychological.

Pleasure served!

Boiled potatoes are associated in dream books - and not only in them - with gatherings in warm company or a visit from an unexpected guest. Fried predicts a lot of pleasure, but at the same time calls not to forget about moderation, so that the pursuit of sensual pleasures does not lead to problems. For some lucky ones, she can even predict a wedding!

Cooking potatoes without specifying the details, in a general sense, means a change of job, and in the most favorable way for the dreamer. A new business will captivate you, allow you to enjoy the process itself and please you with the results.

If another person fried and steamed potatoes in your dream, the gingerbread promised by dream books will go to him. But you can show nobility and be happy for a friend.

The first interpretation is the most common: you will make a big profit. Second, less popular: you will be invited on a date. The third, most unpleasant: the event that caused you great expectations will eventually turn into a dummy. Which interpretation to believe? Naturally, the best!

When trying to interpret a dream, one should “start dancing” not from the dream book and its predictions, but from the person himself. Ask yourself what associations do you have with potatoes? And what feelings did the dream leave behind? After analyzing both, you can easily find the correct answer. Naturally, if the day before you did not spend several hours in a row in the country, harvesting a new crop. In this case, mysticism does not work, only visual memory.

A potato from a dream is a very meaningful symbol, which can be difficult to interpret. It is advisable to try to remember all the details and circumstances of the plot immediately after waking up. The following are examples of interpretations of what potatoes dream of in different situations.

Why do potatoes dream - interpretation from dream books

In Miller's dream book, potatoes turn out to be a warning about accidents in real life dreamer, which will lead him to positive changes. If the sleeping person himself tasted delicious potato dishes with pleasure, then you can prepare for a major financial gain. Such a plot may also portend a worthy proposal regarding a new job.

In the work of the soothsayer Vanga, flowering potato bushes promise the dreamer good good news in reality. There is a possibility that he will finally be able to reconcile with an old friend whom a man or woman really misses. If a person cooks potatoes on his own in any form, then this promises him the return of old debts. Such a cash flow will be completely unexpected and no less pleasant.

According to Hase's dream book, rotting foul-smelling potatoes are a sign that an easy successful period in the life of a sleeping person will soon end. You need to enjoy the happy moments while you can. Otherwise, then you will have to use all your strength to deal with the difficulties that arise. But huge harvest in bags in the work of the same interpreter promises a cloudless future financially.

Planting, digging, picking potatoes

Did you have to plant potatoes in a dream? In the very near future, the dreamer's cherished dream will come true. If in a dream one of his acquaintances assisted him in planting a vegetable, the situation will develop in a similar way in reality - it will be possible to achieve the goal with the support of others.

Digging potatoes in night dreams - to successful undertakings in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. The plot suggests that you can safely take on unfamiliar cases and try yourself in new areas. All experiments will be successful.

Picking potatoes in a dream is a clear sign that soon the sleeper will finally receive a reward for his labors and efforts. The more he tried in reality, the more worthy the reward will be.

I dreamed of a black, rotten potato

Black potatoes from sleep most often become a harbinger of a difficult life period. A sleeping person will have a "black streak". Such a plot will allow you to prepare for it in advance and complete all business before it starts.

A rotten potato is not a very good sign either. She promises a man or woman large expenses, which in the end will cause disappointment. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, in the near future you need to "turn on" the austerity mode.

Clean, boil, fry the root crop

If the sleeper had to deal with the preparation of the root crop, then when interpreting, it is necessary to take into account which method of processing the vegetable he chose:

  • Peeling potatoes in a dream - to change your mind about some friend. It is difficult to predict in advance in which direction this will happen, but most often - in a positive direction.
  • Boiling potatoes in their uniforms portends unexpected guests to a man or woman. If the dish looks appetizing or the sleeping person likes it at all, it means that friends or relatives who have come will bring him only positive emotions.
  • Potatoes boiled in large pieces promise the dreamer an impressive profit in a business whose success he no longer hoped for.
  • Did you have fried potatoes with onions in a dream? This means that you cannot trust unfamiliar people in reality. Excessive openness will bring many problems.

See large or small potatoes in the garden

The harvest of very large potatoes in the garden in a dream is a great sign. He suggests that the dreamer's work will soon allow him to achieve the desired success. If, however, it was necessary to dig out small potatoes with great difficulty, it means that, despite all the efforts made, the sleeper will still not succeed in becoming a successful sleeper.

In general, the size of the root crop has a great influence on the interpretation. Small potatoes in a bag portend unpleasant sad events in a person’s life that will make him cry. And a vegetable of the same size in the pockets symbolizes the pettiness of friends and relatives.

Large beautiful vegetables promise a man or woman material well-being or even real wealth. How larger size root crops, the larger the profit the sleeper will receive. If a whole field appears in a dream, covered with large potatoes, this is a clear sign that in the near future a person will definitely not need to think about money.

The meaning of sleep depending on the dreamer's gender

It happens that the meaning of sleep even depends on the gender of the one who saw it. So, if a man dreams of thoroughly washed potato tubers, it means that he will make an erroneous opinion about someone. At first, the sleeping person will not like the person, but in the future it will become close to him true friend. Such a dream suggests to a woman that she accuses her soulmate of treason in vain. A similar plot may indicate that the young lady does not notice signs of attention from a very worthy interesting representative strong sex. Perhaps he is currently in the status of her friend.

A potato with sprouts for a man symbolizes useless work. Its results will not bring the dreamer any profit or moral satisfaction. If a young lady digs up tubers with sprouts, most likely, subconsciously, she is already completely ready to create a family and even procreate.

A flowering vegetable tells the representative of the stronger sex that in the near future he will become the owner of a valuable expensive gift or even receive an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative. A similar plot promises a woman an acquaintance with a wealthy man who will be ready to fulfill all her whims and desires. But there will be no sincere warm feelings in such a pair.

Dreams about potatoes are considered auspicious. But why do potatoes dream, each dream book tells differently. It is important to take into account all the nuances in order to define management as accurately as possible.
Potatoes in a dream most often portend pleasant events and changes for the better. But in some cases, the prognosis is not so favorable.

Eat the fruits

In a dream, a woman eating potatoes portends financial stability as a result of obtaining a new position and raising her salary.
The lunar dream book warns: harvesting potatoes means that in reality you will have to deal with unpleasant things. empty work which will not bring satisfaction.

There are root crops in a dream - to the need to closely monitor the quality of products. Problems with the stomach and digestive system are possible.

Simon Kananit, deciphering what dreams of seeing tubers or eating potatoes, talks about good harvest fruit and a profitable enterprise.

Miller's interpretation

What is the dream of potatoes according to the prediction of a psychologist?

  • Planting potatoes in a dream - to the fulfillment of dreams and desires, as well as the speedy resolution of global problems.
  • Digging - success in business with significant benefits.
  • A rotten potato means that the joyful period of life is ending and hard times are coming.
  • Cooking potatoes is a new good job.
  • Small fruits - expect a lack.
  • Selling - getting rid of annoying guests.
  • Eating boiled potatoes means a modest life, but hospitality will always be at the highest level.
  • In addition, Miller promises to meet with old acquaintances.


Cooking food from potatoes in a dream - to receive an offer to move to a new high-paying position that you have long dreamed of.

But if the vegetable is not the main ingredient in the dish, the dream book warns: an unpleasant visit awaits you.

Did the dream tubers look more like peas in size? This indicates that there are moments in life that upset you.


Why dream of planting potatoes in the ground? So, get a tempting offer. It will come from superiors or a loved one.

However, if the roots rotted in the ground - get ready for financial losses. As long as you can, enjoy life.


The universal dream book prophesies: digging potatoes in a dream - in reality, doing painstaking work for which you will not receive gratitude. Sometimes a vision warns of a deterioration in well-being.

According to another version, getting tubers out of the ground in a dream symbolizes good luck and wealth. And to plant, to the realization of cherished dreams.

Shereminskaya is sure that picking potatoes is a favorable sign, the situation will turn out in your favor.


But sometimes these events in a dream portend failure. The work on which you have spent a lot of time and effort will be useless and will not bring success.

The 21st century dream book, if the tubers were spoiled or gnawed by pests, warns that pleasant surprises and joy are over. In the near future, life will be full of fulfilling duties and solving problems.


The dream book, if you cut off the peel of a potato in a dream, is encouraging: you will get rid of coercion, humiliation, mockery.

Aesop deciphers a similar plot as an opportunity to recognize a friend or relative from an unexpected side. As a result, the opinion of him will improve significantly.

Various interpretations

The Eastern dream book prophesies the onset of a difficult time, but thanks to foresight, you can cope with difficulties. The situation is not as dire as it seemed at first.

Longo, compiling a dream book, gives a different interpretation. He believes that potato tubers mean an increase in salary, a bonus, or the appearance of additional opportunity earn.

By Muslim dream book the root crop seen portends interesting acquaintances. In addition, a lot of trouble awaits you, some of which will be a joy. But getting a vegetable out of storage or digging out of the ground means an early illness.

A huge pile of potatoes in a dream for gardeners is a symbol of a rich harvest; for the rest, this image promises high profits, an interesting profitable business.

If you sell tubers in a dream, it means that your dreams and desires will come true to get rid of annoying acquaintances or delayed relatives.

Vanga said that if you dream of potatoes, then new events await the person. There are potatoes - soon attention from the authorities. Planting - opening up new perspectives. This may be a promotion at work or it may mean that your loved one will notice you soon.

Freud explained the potato vision with prosperity in life. A person who sees potatoes in a dream will not need anything. Plant or dig - a new sexual partner.

If you eat potatoes in a dream, then according to Loff's Dream Interpretation, the body needs to consume more vegetables.

If you dreamed that you were digging potatoes, then you need to change jobs, says Tsvetkov's dream book. In this place you are underestimated.

Potatoes in Russia are a sign of well-being. If you dreamed about potatoes, then you will have an early profit, the Russian dream book prophesies.

Dream Interpretation Hasse. Eat potato dishes - well-being financial condition. The more food on the plate, the more profit is expected.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti promises an imminent event that will disappoint you in the end. To clean is a change in opinion about a person for the better.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting sleep, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what and what lunar day.

Comparing data on lunar day and by the day of the week it can be assumed whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. abundance happy events and pleasant experience given by Morpheus, says...

Dreams about potatoes usually mean getting daily bread by honest, hard work. Therefore, planting potatoes in a dream, collecting or cooking for food means the profit that you will spend on your basic needs.

Handing out, selling, or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of loss, debt, and waste of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant customers.

Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and get additional profit. Fry potatoes in a dream - to a marriage union.

To see a lot of potatoes in a dream - to big profits earned with blood and sweat.

Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; big see - to good income.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing potatoes in a dream

Such a dream is fraught with accidents not best property;
digging potatoes is a future success;
eating potatoes is a significant benefit;
cooking is a job that suits you;
plant - fulfillment of desires;
rotten potatoes - your joys and pleasures will come to an end, your future does not bode well.
See also Cooking.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about potatoes

Dig - have a thankless job; to eat - a slight upset stomach; liberate - free from violence; cook - an unpleasant visit; to see a lot - a good income or increase; to see small is a disadvantage; sell - get rid of guests

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

Meaning of dreams Potatoes

Potatoes - see or eat - harvest, profit - dig - have a thankless job - eat - slight indigestion - peel - get rid of violence - cook - unpleasant visit - see a lot - good income or harvest - see small - lack - sell - get rid of the guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does Potato mean in a dream

Potatoes - you will dream of potatoes - you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are chores. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you took potatoes in the barn or dug in the field, then you will get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

The meaning of sleep Potato

Eating potatoes in a dream portends an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes is a change in opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes - to intimacy with a new partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What in a dream predicts Potato

Dreaming before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon she will professional activity will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary, or in promotion through the ranks. She plants potatoes - in the near future she will find an interesting offer, if not hands and hearts, then a highly paid job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you don’t have to rejoice at all for long. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

What does it mean to see potatoes in a dream

Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes - to the fulfillment of desires. However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Potato

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality arrange your affairs the most in the best way and you can count on the successful implementation of the plan. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself so that you will be reckoned with. Boil potatoes - for an unpleasant visit, fry - for pleasure, imminent marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream portends a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream portend insufficient attention to you from a loved one just when you will especially need it. Large and flawless potatoes - to good income and additional cash receipts. Rotten potatoes portend the onset of a black streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream - to compromise with your conscience, to buy - you will be honored with a high honor. Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream - to overstrain, fatigue and illness during an epidemic of colds.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing potatoes in a dream

Find the right job.

Imagine that you are cooking some very tasty potato. tasty dish. For example, fry potatoes with mushrooms.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Sleep Prediction Potato

To harvest or to tears.

Cooking potatoes is a pleasure.

Digging potatoes is fun.

Eating potatoes - bye.

Fry potatoes with a friend - to get married.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What is the dream of Potato

Planting potatoes or digging (if the harvest is good, there are a lot of potatoes and it looks good) is a dream that marks the fulfillment of desires, success in your endeavors.

Rotten potatoes - the collapse of hopes.

Peel potatoes - you will change your mind about someone and begin to think better about him.

There are potatoes - for the harvest, profit, date, and sometimes - just for ordinary things.

Cooking - for pleasure, frying - for the wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

What does sleep Potato mean

Boiling potatoes is fun.

There is a date with a friend.

Digging is fun.

You see now! And you keep whining: “It’s hard! I won't dig!

Interpretation of dreams from

Potato entered the diet of Russians relatively recently - at the beginning of the 18th century. However, as one of the most popular vegetable crops rightfully considered the second bread. A potato in a dream may well be a reflection of the daily chores of growing, caring for and harvesting this delicious root crop, but at the same time of interpretation various dream books this is a rather expressive character. So why dream of potatoes?

Dream Interpretation: to see potatoes in a dream

Miller's dream book suggests that when potatoes dream, profits can be expected. Dig it up - achieve success.

If you dreamed of potatoes with sprouts, which the dreamer plants in the ground, this good sign. All dreams will come true soon.

According to Vanga's dream book potatoes are dreaming of the completion of the long-awaited event. This could be getting a marriage proposal or a pay raise.

Ahead of a new acquaintance - that's what potatoes dream of, according to Ukrainian dream book. But getting tubers from a barn or cellar is a danger of getting sick.

Dream Interpretation of Azar predicts that a large potato on earth means making a profit.

By Eastern dream book if you dream of potatoes in the ground, it will be difficult life stage. However, thanks to the presence of the spirit, it will be possible to survive it.

Family dream book warns that Colorado potato beetles on potatoes means damage. It could be loss or loss in business.

Why does a woman dream of potatoes

Potatoes unmarried woman portends successful development in business area. Very soon, in the professional field, the dreamer will receive recognition.

Dreaming Potato Flowers girl, are a harbinger of a romantic adventure. It is even possible to receive an offer to marry.

Dreamed small potatoes married the lady signals temporary material problems. Large tubers promise a harmonious atmosphere in the house and good security.

When do potatoes dream pregnant woman, she's got to go through enough difficult process childbirth. However, the dream carries a positive omen - with the woman in labor and the baby, everything will be fine in the end.

An interesting offer will come soon if you had to plant potatoes in a dream into the ground. It may refer to personal life and business cooperation. It is also worth remembering what color it was possible to plant potatoes in a dream. Pink tubers delight lonely dreamers with news of a successful romance, and for family ones they portend a happy period of living together. planting material nearly white color predicts the emergence of new prospects. Yellow tubers suggest unexpected support from friends. Relationships will help to carry out the planned transaction very profitably.

Stable career predicts a dream in which he had to plant potatoes in pots. The dreamer himself limits the possibilities of his own development.

Plant potatoes winter or burying obviously rotten tubers in the ground is a warning sign. You can lose some of the income if you act imprudently.

The plot of a dream in which it happened to plant potatoes warns of a threat to the material condition in someone else's garden. Works with good mood on their own plot they promise an indispensable receipt of remuneration for their work. If the landing was carried out through force and reluctance, you should pay attention to other people's claims. Someone decided to take away a tidbit, and you will have to make an effort to maintain your own income.

Why dream of digging potatoes

In order to correctly interpret what dig potatoes out of the ground in a dream, it is necessary to remember which tool was used. If it was a shovel, in reality you have to find out information that for a long time was a secret to the sleeper, but crucial to his well-being. The use of a rake and a pitchfork suggests the need to fight vanity. Digging potatoes with a toy scoop indicates ill-considered actions. Digging up root crops with fingers symbolizes hard work, sticks or other improvised means, hints that it is time to compare own desires with opportunities, and adjust aspirations.

It is also worth considering what gather potatoes in a dream Smooth beautiful tubers portend a rise in strength and the successful solution of all tasks. If the potatoes turn out to be rotten, the joyful period in reality is coming to an end, and you will have to wait a little with the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of potatoes

As a sign of the pleasant hassle associated with acquiring significant capital, potatoes are dreaming large and even. Entrepreneurs expect very lucrative contracts, and it is worth paying attention to all incoming offers.

Big potatoes symbolize excellent profits. Everything will work out soon.

If you dreamed shallow potatoes, small but empty chores await ahead. It also reflects the dissatisfaction of the sleeper with insufficient attention to his person from others.

Receiving good news means clean dream potatoes. It is to be rejoiced.

Against, dirty potatoes portend the onset of difficulties. Trouble ahead.

The dreamed one also has a bad meaning. rotten potatoes. There comes a difficult life stage when you have to fight for your own happiness.

A new source of income portends young potato. It is worth looking around, and it will turn out to find a benefit in such a case, which was not even thought about.

To important events appears in dreams old potatoes. Its quality will tell whether they will be sad or favorable.

Great sign - raw potatoes. It signals joyful events in reality.

If you dream purified potatoes are good. Such a vision promises good luck.

has a positive symbolism fried dream potatoes. It is possible to receive a tempting offer for a new project or even a change of job.

boiled a potato in a dream warns that in reality the sleeping person fulfills the desires of others. You have to make time for your own life aspirations.

Why dream a lot of potatoes

Bucket potatoes means the successful completion of the case. The main thing is that the roots are even and strong.

Bag potatoes of excellent quality means well-being. Spoiled or very small tubers warn of financial troubles.

It's good when you dream garden with potato. In reality, good prospects will appear.

Straight lines in field with potatoes without weeds portend the successful implementation of ideas. Projects will develop according to plan.

Lots of potatoes in the cellar symbolically represents an attempt to hide a secret.

Interpretation of sleep by actions with potatoes

In order to find out what the potato is dreaming of, you definitely need to remember your actions. It is also worth considering the occupation in reality.

Farmers and gardeners spud potatoes - a sign to prepare for a rich harvest. For businessmen, such a dream prophesies a significant profit.

weed potatoes - a double symbol. This is a fun meeting with friends, and the danger of skin disease.

Hard work ahead in reality, if you dreamed picking potatoes in the garden. But the material return will please.

iterate over potatoes - worry about distrust of someone around. There is reason to doubt if there is a rotten tuber.

You will be able to cope with bullying and malicious ridicule of yourself, if you had a dream clean potatoes. Too small tubers indicate dissatisfaction with oneself.

Soon there will be guests in the house, if you dream cook potatoes. Most likely, the visitors will be from afar.

Fry potatoes - a prosperous stage of life is coming. But if it is burnt, you should keep your plans with you.

good sign - prepare a dish of potatoes in a dream. These are positive events and decent pay for work in reality.

Soon you will be able to meet with friends, if you had a dream there is dream potatoes. Get great fun. To feast on baked tubers - good luck accompanies everything.

To envy, a dream appears in which it is brought steal potatoes. It is worth fighting this negative feeling.

If you dream sell potatoes, in reality someone is very tired of the sleeping person. The dream suggests that soon it will be possible to part with sticky guests and acquaintances.

Ahead of an unexpected find, if you had a dream buy potatoes. The smoother and larger the tubers, the more expensive it will be.

A potato in a dream is a multi-valued symbol, but mostly it has a positive meaning.