Why do you dream about big purchases? Why do you dream about shopping?

Purchase, purchasing, purchasing, buying up, snapping up, folding, Hoarding, shopping, stocking, buying up, Renewal, New thing

Purchase at Ukrainian dream book:

  • Buying something (except iron products) is a joy.
  • Interpretation in Miller's Dream Book sleep Purchase:

  • Making purchases in a dream usually serves as a harbinger of some kind of profit, accompanied by pleasant events.
  • Why do you dream about shopping at Loff's Dream Book?

  • For many, shopping is important element life. If you don’t believe it, think of those people you know who feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in the process of acquiring something. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of assertion of a person’s personal autonomy. But such participation can also be deplorable and destructive. Many in our consumer society are mired in debt, and when debt hangs over your head like the sword of Damocles, it is not only draining financially, but also emotionally draining. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be seen either as a warning or as self-affirmation.
  • If you manage to purchase a product without money, then this is a sign of control, universal recognition, or the realization that you deserve special honor. In this case, both the personality of the seller and the items being purchased will be decisive for the interpretation of the dream.
  • What, for whom and from whom are you buying? If you know the seller (spouse, work colleague, etc.), the product is extremely important to you and you are the end consumer - therefore, you feel that on your part you are not fulfilling any obligations in interpersonal relationships.
  • To interpret such a dream, you need to consider the following points: what you are buying and why, how you pay for the purchase - in cash, by credit card, by check or with your own charm. Buying on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control. When doing this kind of action, you should take a close look at the object of purchase. Purchasing everyday items signals a feeling of uncertainty about the present or future. Purchasing luxury goods indicates a desire to compensate for low self-esteem or strengthen authority in society. If you buy something, but money is not included, then this indicates your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not met.
  • – a necessary part of every person’s life. As a rule, the purchase of food, clothing, household items and even cute trinkets is a positive event that indicates the necessary level of security, the opportunity to give oneself positive emotions, and to a certain extent is an act of self-affirmation. In accordance with this, the dream in which you make purchases is, in most cases, favorable. First of all, this applies to purchases such as bread, sweets, fresh, beautiful clothes nice colors and decorations. At the same time, some objects have negative symbolism - in this case, such a dream is a bad harbinger that warns of caution and caution. The place where the purchase was made, the seller and the method of payment are also of great importance for correct interpretation.

    Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. What does shopping mean in a dream?

    A dream in which you make purchases in a small shop most likely foreshadows losses and losses. Buy something in a big store - expect profit; in the market - you will become the subject of gossip. Buying valuable things can result in disrespect from others, and precious stones- financial failures.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea. What does the dream “Buy” predict?

    Shopping in a store - you'll have to do it soon important choice which may lead to lifestyle changes. Buy something at the market or from random person– do not be tempted by the possibility of easy luck and do not accept dubious offers. If in a dream you wander around a store or market without buying anything, your claims may lead to a quarrel or painful proceedings.

    Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does it mean to buy in a dream?

    A dream in which you buy something symbolizes your sexual tone and desire for intimate relationships. If you walk around a store or market without buying anything, or the purchased items have fallen apart, your sexual desire has decreased, and you need to take measures to restore it.

    Dream book of Gustav Hindemann Miller. What do the dreamed purchases symbolize?

    Shopping is a good dream that portends profit or pleasant events in life.


    Buying something in a dream means bringing into your life those circumstances symbolized by the purchased items. If you buy a beautiful item with positive symbolism, good luck awaits you. Unpleasant purchases are all small things (quarrels, squabbles), any iron products, especially weapons (danger), black clothes (sadness), stale or spoiled food (), dry bread (poverty).

    A dream about buying a house, which foreshadows a change in lifestyle, is ambiguous. An old, neglected or completely empty house is an ominous prediction, as is a dream about buying boards. An elegant house or dacha means changes for the better; buying a car is a great success.

    The most best sleep is the one in which you did not see how you pay for purchases. In a dream, transferring money to someone for a purchased product - expect unexpected expenses in reality.

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    Every person’s morning begins with memories and analysis of the stories he dreamed during the night. It's so exciting to pick up correct interpretation a dream. We begin to look for a decoding of the dream and think intensely, analyze this or that dreamed event. If you dream of buying clothes or groceries, for example, this is an ordinary action, but it can mean something special.

    Trying to understand their dreams, people most often want to look into the future, lift the veil and try to outsmart fate. This is not bad, because a correctly interpreted dream can become both a good harbinger and a warning against illness, trouble, or even death. There have always been many options for interpreting dreams, all of them are collected in dream books and dream interpreters.

    There is a theory that all night visions are our experiences in the present. Some of our dreams are truly a reflection of the present, but what about dreams in which the events do not fit into everyday life? For example, buying a new expensive car at a car dealership, if you haven’t even thought that it’s time to change your car. What could this mean?

    Dream Interpretations of Miller and Medea

    There are many dream books in which you can see the interpretation depending on what exactly you saw, where and what purchases you made. All dream books are united in one thing: shopping is always good, it signifies profit or your indomitable desire to acquire some thing, to get some kind of emotion.

    Interpretation of popular dream books:

    Interpretation by psychologists

    Famous psychologists always say that dreams are a reflection of our inner Ego, of what we are afraid of or passionately desire, but are afraid to reveal to ourselves:

    Unraveling the details and plot of the dream

    It is of great importance what exactly you bought in your dream and how you felt about it. Whether you need this item in your life or not, it may be an everyday item or a luxury item.

    The details of the dream are great importance:

    • If you buy groceries, this means pleasant events and meetings.
    • Buy bread - good sign, especially if you are in business: it's time to make deals and take risks, everything will pay off.
    • If you buy eggs in a dream, this is an alarming sign that danger awaits you.
    • Buying meat and fish - you will have an unpleasant conversation with an annoying person.
    • If you buy sweets - positive emotions.
    • Buying vegetables - financial flows await you, especially if you dreamed about cabbage.
    • Buying fruits, especially apples, means good health awaits you.
    • Buying things in a dream, clothes - you will find yourself in a situation where it is very difficult to be yourself.
    • See purchase wedding dress- a quarrel will happen that you will greatly regret.
    • To pay for such a trifle as socks or underwear - you are very concerned about your reputation, you are afraid of appearing in an unfavorable light.
    • Purchasing a fur coat indicates your desire to close yourself off from the outside world.
    • Purchasing shoes is good luck, success, new exciting acquaintances.
    • Buying an engagement ring means romantic encounters await you in reality.
    • Paying for any gold jewelry means prosperity. If the gold you purchased turns out to be fake, beware of deception and strangers.
    • If you purchased non-precious jewelry, misunderstandings and gossip await you in life.
    • Buy a weapon - your behavior will cause a negative attitude towards yourself.
    • Purchasing a long-awaited car - you lack freedom, speed, prestige. The more expensive and prestigious the car in your dream, the more favorable it is for you. If the car is old and does not inspire confidence, you should be very careful in reality.
    • Buying a motorcycle characterizes you as an overly confident person, you should be more careful.
    • Buy a stroller in a dream, especially for expectant mother- indicates the harmony of your world. This is a favorable sign indicating that you are completely ready for a child.
    • Buying books - inspiration, discoveries, travel.
    • IN church shop buy an icon - you are very afraid of something, you are in a difficult situation.
    • Buying a coffin means long-term prosperity.
    • Making major real estate purchases means serious changes await you.
    • If you are buying a new elegant home, this means a change in life priorities that will certainly please you.
    • If you bought gloomy damp house- you should expect a catch.
    • Buying land is a favorable sign; radical changes await you not only in personal life, but also in work, worldview.
    • Buying a cramped apartment, especially for a girl - beware of an unsuccessful marriage, you may end up in a “golden cage”.
    • Buy furniture - your income is growing quickly. If you break up with old furniture, the situation - you will have to sacrifice something.
    • Bed - you need to rest and soon a long-awaited proposal awaits you.
    • Buy a TV, computer or tablet in a dream - you are tired of monotony, you want change.
    • Buying a phone - you lack communication in reality.
    • Purchasing dishes for the family - success in work, improving the well-being of your family.
    • Buying a knife - you are used to keeping everything under control, give your loved ones more freedom.
    • You bought a watch - a new time is coming for you, new opportunities will open up for you.
    • If you buy an animal in a dream, this is not a very good sign. Buying a dog - you will make new acquaintances; kitten - you are being heavily controlled, you have a competitor.
    • In a dream you bought a ticket - you need a change of scenery.
    • Buying flowers - for a date, you will have hope for love and the opportunity to change your life.
    • If you have a nice little new thing (jewelry, a bag, a belt) - soon you will have to show off yourself in all its glory.

    Famous author of the book " Happy dreams“Evgeniy Tsvetkov insists that the overall impression of sleep is of great importance. In the morning after waking up, try to remember your dream in detail. If the picture is complete, you clearly saw the details and remember it well, you can even convey the mood that you felt in the dream - such a dream needs to be analyzed. If the dream is cloudy, you remember only fragments - this empty dream, and it is not worth interpreting.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    For many people, shopping is an important element of life. If you don’t believe it, think of those people you know who feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in the process of acquiring something. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of assertion of a person’s personal autonomy. But such participation can also be deplorable and destructive. Many in our consumer society are mired in debt, and when debt hangs over your head like the sword of Damocles, it can be draining not only financially, but also emotionally. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be seen either as a warning or as self-affirmation.

    To interpret such a dream, you need to consider the following points: what you are buying and why, how you pay for the purchase - in cash, by credit card, by check or with your own charm. Buying on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control. When doing this kind of action, you should take a close look at the object of purchase. Purchasing everyday items signals a feeling of uncertainty about the present or future. Purchasing luxury goods indicates a desire to compensate for low self-esteem or strengthen authority in society. If you buy something, but money is not included, then this indicates your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not met.

    What, for whom and from whom are you buying? If you know the seller (spouse, work colleague, etc.), the product is extremely important to you and you are the final consumer - therefore, you feel that on your part you are not fulfilling any obligations in interpersonal relationships.

    If you manage to purchase a product without money, then this is a sign of control, universal recognition, or the realization that you deserve special honor. In this case, both the personality of the seller and the items being purchased will be decisive for the interpretation of the dream.

    Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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    Dream Interpretation - Shopping to do

    Buying something in a store or market is a good sign, but only if you have enough money to buy it. If you dream that you want to buy something, but you don’t have enough money, the dream means that your wishes will not come true.

    Neutralize Negative influence You can have such a dream by imagining that in a store you meet best friend and he lends you the required amount.

    Wandering around a market or store, choosing the right product, you will be faced with a difficult choice. If you do buy something, the dream means that you will make the right decision.

    Imagine that you are buying something you have long dreamed of.

    Buying something on the market and bargaining at the same time means you will hear some gossip, which will nevertheless give you food for thought.

    If you were able to get a good discount as a result, this means that you will be able to use the news to your advantage.

    Overpaying for a product, paying exorbitant prices - a dream means unforeseen expenses.

    Imagine that you start haggling and get a good discount. Moreover, the seller gives you an additional gift.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Dream interpretation of buying clothes

    Appearance is always important not only in reality. The way a person looks in a dream can say even more than appearance during wakefulness. This includes the state of health, the progress of financial affairs, and relationships with others.

    It’s quite simple to understand why you dream about buying clothes. This is an internal readiness for change and lifestyle adjustments. Perhaps you want to change your job or complete additional training courses. Or it’s time to start a family and have a child.

    Making any purchases in a comfortable environment means being an active creator of your own destiny and getting great pleasure from it. If you purchased clothes not only for yourself, but also for your family members, it is quite possible that you will soon be able to purchase your own home.

    In order to get the most exact interpretation such dreams, it is important to remember the following points:

    Place where purchases were made

    The general environment of the place where you had to buy clothes plays an almost key role in obtaining a reliable interpretation.

    Thus, a spontaneous market or even an indoor pavilion seen in a dream means that a decision to change your own life will come to you after long-term communication with different people. But buy new clothes in a store, especially if it is spacious, bright and beautiful, means that your life plan you have already planned it for a long time, and are just waiting the right moment

    to bring it to life.

    Make your choice on the market

    • If you dreamed that you were buying new clothes at the market, then you need to remember what the sales trays looked like, whether you talked with the sellers and whether the fitting process was visible.
    • Walking along the sun-drenched rows is a successful coincidence.
    • Choosing new clothes for yourself among different bright fabrics is the beginning of a special period in your life, when one bright event will follow immediately after another.
    • Bargaining in the market, asking for a lower price - you will have to show maximum persistence in resolving bureaucratic issues.
    • Trying on children's clothes is obviously a losing proposition.
    • Broken trays, destroyed market - you will be seen doing unsightly things.
    • Looking for clothes for a dead person is bad news.

    Trying on dirty or torn clothes is gossip.

    Buying clothes in a store

    If you bought it in a store See yourself in a bright, large spacious store with high ceilings

    and huge mirrors - get into a society that will favorably influence the fruitfulness of your work. Walking through the departments, choosing clothes for yourself - you will receive several offers to participate in very interesting projects . Getting into the department where they sell children's clothing is for married woman

    • may mean pregnancy. Flooded with bright a store full of different clothes - profit, choosing a new project or business.
    • Paying at the checkout means you will have to invest a lot of work to master a new business.
    • Receiving change in small coins means tears, warns the family dream book.
    • Looking for children's clothing - your talents are still dormant. There is another interpretation: you are chasing material wealth and the fictitious prestige of the position, so you have no satisfaction from doing your job.
    • Notice that the purchased clothes are dirty or torn - gossip, intrigue.

    What did the clothes look like?

    The interpretation of dreams in which clothing appears directly depends on its quality characteristics. It is important to remember as much as possible possible quantity details: color, style, whether it was comfortable, whether the clothes chosen in the dream suited your face.

    Almost every dream book says that bright and beautiful clothes are dreamed of high position in society or appointment to a new position. And if it is dirty or patched, it means deception. There are practically no opposing opinions from different sources. But each dream book pays attention to some important details.

    Ancient and modern opinion

    In the days of our distant ancestors, clothing was given much more higher value than now. Because it was she who revealed the main characteristics of personality, unlike modern times. Characteristics such as fabric quality, cut and additional accessories were shown social status and the position of a person - this was only possible for the upper classes.

    But with the poor, everything was much simpler: clothes had to be clean and tidy, holes patched, and they had to be selected according to age (when people got married, they were no longer allowed to wear youthful clothes).

    IN modern world these conventions are practically exhausted, leaving free rein only to the individual taste and creativity of a person.

    Ancient Velesov's dream book

    what the clothes looked like

    Our distant ancestors believed that we meet people based on their clothes, and see them off based on their minds. And at that time it was more correct than ever. It was the clothes that highlighted the material condition of the interlocutor, so the first non-verbal acquaintance took place even before the greeting.

    And the behavior was appropriate. Only wealthy people could buy clothes for themselves, and those who could not afford it had to make them themselves. Therefore, the interpretation of night dreams that this dream book gives is appropriate.

    • Buying too expensive clothes for yourself means significant profits and increased social status.
    • Not in size - you should abandon your plan.
    • Trying on red is a shame.
    • Buying white means illness.
    • Wearing all black means visiting a deceased person.
    • Finding a torn hem on a dress you just bought is for unmarried girl shame, loss of maiden honor.
    • Dirty, tattered clothes - poverty.

    Miller's psychological dream book

    The main reason for the popularity that Miller’s dream book has received is that his interpretations are absolutely clear even on an intuitive level. This dream book believes that buying clothes in a dream means trying to change your relationship with the outside world. The main thing is that this is not just a desire, it is activity, the first actions that the dreamer is ready to take to receive a response from his own environment.

    • Buying in the most expensive store, which has never been available to the dreamer, means a sharp rise in career ladder, getting what you want with interest.
    • Trying on in a beautiful, bright fitting room means new knowledge that will definitely come in handy.
    • If you don’t have enough money to pay, you will find yourself in an awkward position because you have taken on a business that you do not know at all.
    • Buying beautiful clothes that have long gone out of fashion means that you will be afraid to take risks and learn something new, so you will suffer a little financially.
    • When leaving the store, if you see that what you bought is dirty or torn, you will be publicly humiliated.

    Interpretation based on your own feelings

    It is very important to pay attention to whether the clothes purchased or selected suited you. A dream can slightly distort the features of a figure or face, so even styles that are very unsuccessful in reality will look great. That is why dreams in which the dreamer is transported to another era or ethnic area are perceived organically.

    • Clothing bought in a store fits your figure perfectly - you will be able to achieve significant success, says the esoteric dream book.
    • Doubt your choice while your companion convinces you that your clothes suit you well and that they fit well - you can succumb to someone’s flattery.
    • Too small - you are wasting time on stupid activities.
    • Too big - you won’t be able to carry out a serious project.
    • Fit, but not fashionable - you are used to solving established problems using a familiar algorithm. Your ill-wishers will take advantage of this.
    • Too bright - for public speaking.

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