Which literary movement does Mayakovsky's poetry belong to? Test on creativity B

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Test 1. To which literary direction can the early work of V.V. be attributed? Mayakovsky? 1. To Acmeism 2. To Symbolism 3. To Futurism 4. To Imagism 2. To whom are the lines of the letter dedicated: “Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems and deeds and so on unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything..." 1.V. Polonskaya 2.L.Brik 3.T.Yakovleva

3. Identify the artistic means of language in the following lines of Mayakovsky: The hundred-headed louse bristles with its legs 1. Simile 2. Litotes 3. Hyperbole 4. Personification On the scales of a tin fish I read the calls of new lips 1. Metaphor 2. Simile 3. Epithet 4. Metaphorical epithet A Afterwards he walks around anxious, but outwardly calm. 1. Synecdoche 2. Litotes 3. Antithesis 4. Hyperbole Listen! 1. Rhetorical question 2. Rhetorical exclamation 3. Verb 4. Word

Test answers 1.3 – to futurism L. Brik 3.3- hyperbole 4- metaphorical epithet 3- antithesis 2- rhetorical exclamation 2-3 points – “3” 4- 5 points – “4” 6 points – “5”

“Cloud in Pants” “...I consider it a catechism of today’s art” (V.V. Mayakovsky) Vocabulary work: CATECHISIS 1) religious book; presentation of Christian doctrine in the form of questions and answers. 2) Presentation of the basics of any teaching in the form of questions and answers.

Work with text …. - the range of phenomena and events that form the basis of the work….- the author’s attitude towards what is depicted………. - construction of a work of art ..... - repetition of sounds, endings of two or more lines of verse ...... - diagram of the construction of a poetic line (iamb, trochee ...)

I thought - you are an all-powerful god, but you are a half-educated, tiny god. You see, I bend over and take out a shoe knife from behind my boot.

Option 1

Match the years of life and the names of the poets.

Match the biographical facts and the names of the poets.

Match the characteristics-aphorisms and the names of the poets.

Correlate the features of the expressive system and the names of the poets.

Correlate the attitude towards the revolution and the names of the poets.

Match the literary movement and the names of the poets.

Match the means of artistic expression:

8. Identify the artistic means of expression with which S. Yesenin creates the image of nature:

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
A) epithets;

B) metaphor;

Comparing to;

D) metaphorical comparison

I'll be back when the branches spread out
In spring our white garden,
Only you have me already at dawn
Don't wake up like you did many years ago.
A) A.A. Fet;

B) A.S. Pushkin;

B) S.A. Yesenin;

D) A.A. Block.

10. Which of Mayakovsky’s friends discovered his poetic gift, calling him a “genius poet”?

a).D.D. Burliuk;

b).V.V. Kamensky;

c) V. Khlebnikov;

d).A. Twisted;

11 . Identify modernist trends in literature based on their characteristic features:

1) A movement that denied the artistic and moral heritage, preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art for the sake of merging it with the accelerated life process.

2) A movement that considered the goal of art to be an intuitive comprehension of world unity; Art was seen as the unifying principle of such unity. Characterized by the “secret writing of the ineffable,” understatement, and replacement of the image.

3) A movement that proclaimed the “inherent value” of the phenomena of life, the cult of art as mastery; rejection of mystical nebula; creating a visible, concrete image.

12. Which poet does not belong to the Silver Age?

1) K. Balmont

3) N. Gumilev

4) V. Bryusov

13. What literary movement were the following poets close to: Akhmatova, Gumilyov, Gorodetsky, Mandelstam?

1) symbolism

2) acmeism

3) futurism

14. Modernist movement, affirming individualism, subjectivism. The basic principles of aesthetics are “art for art’s sake”, understatement, replacement of the image:

1) symbolism

2) acmeism

3) futurism

1) D. Burliuk, V. Kamensky, V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky.

2) N. Gumilev, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam.

3)B. Bryusov, D. Merezhkovsky, A. Blok, K. Balmont, A. Bely.

16. Fix the error: symbolism - symbol, acmeism - beauty, futurism - future

Option 2

1. Match the biographical facts and the names of the poets.

2. Match the portraits and names of the poets.

Match the key images and the names of the poets.

Match the key images of the Motherland and the names of the poets.

Match the works and names.

Match the literary movement of the beginning XX century with “key” words:

7. C. Yesenin used an artistic device - antithesis - in his address to the theme of the Motherland. Antithesis is:

A) an artistic device that consists in using a transparent allusion to some well-known everyday, literary or historical fact instead of mentioning the fact itself;
B) artistic contrast of character, circumstances, concepts, images, etc., creating the effect of sharp contrast;
C) a technique of sound recording that consists of repetitions of identical or similar-sounding consonant sounds.

8. About which of his poems V.V. Mayakovsky said: "Four screams of four parts."

A) “Cloud in pants”;

B) “Left March”;

B) “V.I. Lenin";

D) “Okay!”

9. Name Yesenin’s poem, which is his kind of testament:

A) “Flowers say goodbye to me...”

B) “Soviet Rus'”;

B) “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye”;

D) “The golden grove dissuaded me...”

Oh, spring without end and without edge -

An endless and endless dream!

I recognize you, life! I accept!

And I greet you with the ringing of the shield!
A) A.A. Fet;

B) A.S. Pushkin;

B) S.A. Yesenin;

D) A.A. Block.

11. Based on their characteristic features, identify modernist trends in literature:

1) A movement that considered the goal of art to be an intuitive comprehension of world unity; Art was seen as the unifying principle of such unity. Characterized by “secret writing of the ineffable,” understatement, and replacement of the image.

2) A movement that proclaimed the “inherent value” of the phenomena of life, the cult of art as mastery; rejection of mystical nebula; creating a visible, concrete image.

3) A movement that denied the artistic and moral heritage, preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art for the sake of merging it with the accelerated life process.

12. Which modernist movement appeared first in Russia?





13. Which poet does not belong to the Silver Age of Russian poetry?

1) B. Pasternak

2) V. Khlebnikov

3) K. Balmont

14. Which literary movement were the following poets close to: Merezhkovsky, Gippius, Balmont, Bryusov, Blok, Bely?

1) symbolism

2) acmeism

3) futurism

15. Which movement did the poets belong to:

1) V. Bryusov, D. Merezhkovsky, A. Blok, K. Balmont, A. Bely.

2) D. Burliuk, V. Kamensky, V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky.

3) N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam.

16. Fix the error: symbolism - symbol, acmeism - future, futurism - flourishing

In Russian literary criticism there is a real confusion with the concepts of “direction” and “current”. What can be said with absolute certainty - he was an avant-garde poet, one of the brightest representatives of the poetic and artistic avant-garde (the poet was also an interesting painter, the author of the famous posters for “Windows of GROWTH”). If avant-gardeism is considered an artistic movement, then Mayakovsky belonged to such a movement as Russian futurism - in its cubo-futurist variety.

However, the very name “Cubo-Futurists”, or simply “Futurists”, was adopted by Mayakovsky and his group comrades (Aleksey Kruchenykh, David Burliuk, Benedikt Livshits and others) only at the end of 1913, largely due to the fact that they were called so by analogy with the Italian futurists. The members of the group themselves, wanting to avoid such a comparison, preferred to call themselves “Budetlyans.” This word, coined by Velimir Khlebnikov, was a carbon copy of the word “futurists” and literally meant “inhabitants of the future.” The Futurists were also called the “Gilea” group, from the Greek “forest”, which is how the ancient Greeks called the area inhabited by the legendary Scythians. And the futurists felt like “Scythians”, threatening modern bourgeois civilization.

For the sake of distinction from the Italian futurists, as well as from other domestic futurist groups (primarily ego-futurists), the prefix “cubo” was invented - a sign of solidarity with European cubist artists, primarily Georges Braque and.

However, futurism existed only until the revolution, after which it broke up into many small avant-garde groups that stole its discoveries and undertakings (comfutists, fuists, formlibrists, expressionists, nichevoks and others). Mayakovsky himself founded at the end of 1922 another completely avant-garde literary group - “Lef” (“Left Front”), as well as a magazine of the same name. But by the end of the 1920s, avant-garde art, primarily due to powerful pressure from the authorities, was gradually forced out of the artistic field of the USSR, and Lef itself turned out to be an unviable association. He survived several crises, dissolution and reorganization in 1929 under a new name - “Ref” (“Revolutionary Front”), and a year later Mayakovsky made a decision that was in many ways fatal both for “Ref” and for himself personally: and wrote in 1930 application for membership in the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers. The poet expressed his wish: “I believe that all active ref members should draw the same conclusion, dictated by all our previous work”. The poet’s comrades did not approve or support his decision, and in RAPP itself Mayakovsky never found new like-minded people, which was one of the reasons for the tragic ending of his life.

Test on the creativity of N. S. Gumilyov

Option I

1. To which poetic movement does the work of N. S. Gumilyov belong?

a) futurism b) acmeism c) imagism d) symbolism.

2. Define Acmeism.

3. Who, together with N. S. Gumilyov, led the “Workshop of Poets”?

4. What traditions of Russian literature does Acmeism develop?

5. How do you understand S. Gorodetsky’s statement: “The struggle between Acmeism and symbolism... is, first of all, a struggle for this world, sounding, colorful, having shapes, weight and time..”

6. Do you agree with the opinion of literary critic V. M. Zhirmunsky: “Gumilyov does not embody spiritual tension... in a lyrical song that directly reflects the emotionality of the poet. His poems are poor in emotional and musical content; he rarely talks about intimate and personal experiences, like most of the poets of Hyperborea; he avoids the lyrics of love and the lyrics of nature, too individual confessions and too heavy self-absorption.” Justify your opinion.

7. About which poet did S. Gorodetsky say:

He believes in weight, he honors space

He loves material dearly

He didn’t blame the substances

For slowness and consistency.

Stanzas of the obedient quadriga

He loves - violently dispersed -

Stop. And he's right about that

That in eternity is submissive to the moment.

Option 2

1. What is “Adamism”?

2. Name the literary association headed by N. S. Gumilyov.

3. Which of the poets did not belong to Acmeism:

a) A. A. Akhmatova c) O. E. Mandelstam

b) K. D. Balmont d) G. Ivanov.

4. Who wrote the declaration “Some trends in modern Russian poetry”?

5. What is the meaning of the title of N. S. Gumilev’s cycle “Captains”?

6. In the article “Overcoming Symbolism,” literary critic V. M. Zhirmunsky writes about N. S. Gumilyov: “To express his mood, he creates an objective world of visual images, intense and vivid, he introduces a narrative element into his poems and gives them a semi-epic character - ballad form." Give examples from Gumilyov's works that confirm this point of view.

7. Whose exploits does S. Gorodetsky write about?

Name, find out, tear off the covers

And idle secrets, and old darkness -

Here is the first feat. New feat -

Sing praises to the living earth.

Test on the early lyrics of A. A. Akhmatova

Option I

1. What is the real name and place of birth of A. A. Akhmatova.

2. To which poetic movement of the early twentieth century does A. Akhmatova’s work belong?

a) futurism c) acmeism

b) symbolism d) modernism

3. Show your understanding of the meaning of detail in A. Akhmatova’s lyrics by analyzing the following lines as an example:

I put it on my right hand

The glove from the left hand...

In this gray, casual dress

In worn out heels...

4. What compositional features of A. Akhmatova’s poems allow us to call them “short stories” or “little stories”?

5. Explain the meaning of the term “polyphonism” in relation to the poetry of A. Akhmatova. In which work by A. Akhmatova does polyphonism become the main structural element?

Option II

1. What is the name of the first collection of poems by A. Akhmatova, and in what year was it published?

a) “Romantic Flowers” ​​a) 1911

b) “Evening” b) 1912

c) “Rosary beads” c) 1914

2. How do you understand the definition of “femininity” in relation to the poetry of A. Akhmatova?

3. Give several examples of the transmission of mental states through an object of the material world or a psychological gesture in the lyrics of A. Akhmatova.

4. What are the similarities and differences between A. Akhmatova’s lyrical heroines? Is it possible to say that in A. Akhmatova’s lyrics there is only one female image of the poetess herself?

5. Is it possible to agree with the statement that A. Akhmatova’s lyrics can replace reading a novel? What brings A. Akhmatova’s lyrics closer to the novel form?

Exercise 1

Which literary movement did S. Yesenin belong to at one time?

1. Symbolism 3. Imagism

2. Futurism 4. Acmeism

Task 2

Determine the artistic means of expression that Yesenin used in this example to create an image of nature:

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

1. Epithet 3. Comparison

2. Metaphor 4. Metaphorical comparison

Task 3

Determine the artistic means of expression used by Yesenin to create the image:

1. “Dawn with the hand of dewy coolness / Knocks down the apples of dawn.”

2. “Xin sometimes dozes, then sighs.”

3. “Like earrings, a girl’s laughter will ring”

4. “The poplars are dying loudly”

a) personification c) metaphorical comparisons

b) sound writing d) metaphors.

Task 4

In which poem does Yesenin give a version of the biblical story of the prodigal son?

1. “Soviet Rus'” 3. “Sorokoust”

2. “The golden grove dissuaded me...” 4. “Letter to mother”

Task 5

Which work of Yesenin are these lines from?

We all loved during these years,

But that means

They loved us too.

1. “To Kachalov’s Dog” 3. “Letter to a Woman”

2. “Anna Snegina” 4. “Persian motives”

Task 6

Is it true that the image of the “black man” from the poem of the same name is the second “I” of the lyrical hero?

1. yes

2. no.

Exercise 1

To which literary movement did Mayakovsky belong?

1. Futurism

2. Acmeism

3. Egofuturism

Task 2

What technique does Mayakovsky use in the following example: “Mushroom. / Rob./ Coffin. / Rude"?

1. Metaphor

2. Assonance

3. Comparison

4. Epithet

Task 3

The poem that loudly announced the birth of the poetry of the revolution was Mayakovsky’s poem:

1. "Left March"

2. "Jubilee"

3. “Sitting Over”

Task 4

About which of his poems did Mayakovsky say: “Four screams of four parts”?

1. "Left March"

2. "V. I. Lenin"

3. “Okay!”

4. "Cloud in Pants"

Task 5

Mayakovsky often uses the grotesque in his poetry. Grotesque is:

1. An artistic technique of deliberate distortion of something, a bizarre combination of the fantastic with the life-like.

2. One of the tropes, artistic exaggeration.

3. One of the types of comic, caustic, evil, mocking ridicule.

Task 6

Mayakovsky said about the purpose of the poet and poetry

1. In the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”

2. In the introduction to the poem “At the top of my voice”

3. In the poem “About Rubbish”

4. In the poem “Good!”


Test on creativity of A. Akhmatova

Option I

1 - Gorenko; Big Fountain (near Odessa).

2 - in

Option II

1 - b, b

Test on the works of S. A. Yesenin

13; 2 - 4; 3: 1 - A, 2 - D, 3 - B, 4 - B; 4 - 4; 5 - 2; 6 - 1.

Test on the works of V. V. Mayakovsky

1 - 1; 2 - 2; 3 - 1; 4 - 4; 5 - 1; 6 - 2.


1. How do you understand the highlighted line in this passage?

I am a Cossack grandfather,

to others - a compatriot,

And Georgian by birth.

a) one of Mayakovsky’s parents was Georgian

b) Mayakovsky’s teacher was Georgian

c) Mayakovsky was born in Georgia

d) Mayakovsky was brought up on Georgian culture

2. Which party did Mayakovsky join in 1906?

a) Russian Telegraph Association

b) Russian Telegraph Agency

c) Russian Broadcasting Association

d) Russian television agency

9. Indicate in which work Mayakovsky appears as a sensitive lyricist, and not as an “agitator, loudmouth, leader.”

a) "Left March"

b) "Komsomolskaya"

c) “To Comrade Netta, the ship and the man”

d) “Lilya! Instead of a letter..."

10. Name a traditional theme for Russian literature that is touched upon by the poet in the following works: “The Poet is a Worker”, “Anniversary”, the introduction to the poem “At the top of my voice”.

a) love theme b) anti-bourgeois theme

c) the theme of the poet and poetry d) a satire on philistinism and bureaucracy

11. In the highlighted lines, indicate the artistic technique

All of you on the butterfly of the poet's heart

Perch up, dirty, in galoshes and without galoshes,

The crowd will go wild and fight.

The hundred-headed louse will bristle its legs.

c) the poet’s hatred of the imperialist war d) denial of God

8. To whom was Mayakovsky’s poem “I Love” dedicated?

a) Tatyana Yakovleva b) Veronica Polonskaya

c) Lilya Brik d) Maria Denisova

9. How did Mayakovsky perceive the revolution of 1917?

a) doubted which side to take

b) indignantly rejected the revolution

c) enthusiastically accepted, calling the revolution his own

d) was confused

10. Which of the listed works by Mayakovsky is not satirical?

a) “Oh rubbish”

b) “Sitting over”

d) "Jubilee"

11. Indicate what artistic device Mayakovsky used in the poem “The Sitting Ones”

a) hyperbole

b) allegory

c) grotesque

d) metaphor

12. Continue the lines of the first column, finding matches for them in the second

a) Oh, at least one more meeting...

b) Listen! After all, if the stars light up -

c) There is blood in our veins, not water

We are walking through the barking of revolvers...

d) I hate all kinds of dead things!

A) So someone needs it

B) To die, to be embodied in steamships, lines and other long-term affairs

C) I love all kinds of life!

D) Regarding the eradication of all meetings

13. In which theater were Mayakovsky’s plays “The Bedbug” and “Bathhouse” staged?

a) at the Moscow Art Theater

b) at the Meyerhold Theater

c) at the Maly Theater

d) in the theater. Vakhtangov

14. In which play by Mayakovsky does the scientist create a time machine?

a) “Mystery-buff” b) “Bath” c) “Bedbug”

15. To which literary movement does Mayakovsky belong?

a) futurism b) acmeism c) symbolism d) egofuturism

16. What technique does Mayakovsky use in the following example: “Mushroom/ Rob./ Coffin/ Rough?

A) metaphor b) sound writing c) simile d) epithet

17. A poem that loudly announced the birth of the poetry of the revolution appeared.

a) "Left March"

b) "Jubilee"

c) “Sitting over”


12. a – D, b – A, c – B, d – C


1. Textbook “Literature 11th grade (parts 1,2) for general education. institutions, edited, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013.

2. Collected works in 13 volumes. Moscow, State Publishing House of Fiction, 1955.

3. Literature tests. – 2nd ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2003.