How to take full-length photographs. Full-length portrait in the interior

Whether you are a professional or an amateur photographer, in almost all photo shoots your models want to look better than they actually are. What to do if there is a need to shoot full man?

How to shoot in order to get that “flattering effect” that everyone talks about, and a person likes the pictures?

Below are some tips on how to photograph fat people. Make sure you know how to deal with fatness in photography.

  • Cloth.

Advise your model to prepare for the session by choosing dark tones with vertical patterns or stripes from her wardrobe. Bright clothes, although beautiful and cheerful, too harshly emphasize the dimensions of the figure in photographs and make the person’s body wide and voluminous. It's unlikely that the people you're photographing will like this effect.

  • Posing.

Be careful that the model's body is not completely illuminated. Make sure that part of the torso is in the shadow or falls on it most of shade if you are outside.

Also, if you are filming an overweight person in a sitting position, ask them to straighten their back well. This position will straighten the folds on the stomach and visually elongate the figure, which will help create desired effect tightening and will effectively remove weight.

  • Lighting.

The decisive factor, as in every photograph, is . Just like all other models, from skinny and lanky teenagers to small and fidgety babies, plus size models require a certain type of lighting.

It is advisable that the model be illuminated in “parts” - i.e. use side lighting, leaving some part of the subject’s body in shadow.

An overhead light will also help you. With this setting, a shadow is formed below the chin, which will visually make the face thinner. Overweight people are rarely illuminated with contrast, because their skin itself often has a pronounced texture, and hard light picks out this. , but directed, will become your best and most reliable assistant in shooting.

To get an additional slimming effect in your photo, you should choose a high shooting angle.

If the shooting angle is too low, the model's face will appear disproportionate. The neck will look shorter and thicker. Plump models are simply created to be photographed from a high point. This shooting angle will highlight facial features and make all body lines slimmer and, as a result, more attractive to the viewer and the model herself.

  • Group photo.

It is very important to remember one small thing to do. When taking a group photo, try to position overweight people so that their figures overlap with others.

Make sure that part of the person’s body still enters the frame, and does not loom in the background as a disembodied head of indistinct origin. The heads should have visible arms and legs (at least one at a time) and part of the torso.

  • Makeup.

One of the key factors for losing weight on your face is, oddly enough, simple makeup. With its help, you can perfectly “shape” your face in such a way that no one will even guess about it. extra folds, which usually make your model despondent when she looks at herself in the mirror.

If you don’t know how, contact professional makeup artists. They know exactly what to do with their face.

AND the most important advice for those who are about to have a photo shoot with a full model.
Never! Never criticize a person for their body type.

Be kind, attentive and appreciate all the efforts of the model, who is also worried and also wants to get the most attractive pictures. Remember - a good photographer will always be able to find the best aspect for a model, try to be a good photographer!

Translation by S. Zavodov.

Be extraordinary. if you have good camera, then buy a tripod and experiment with photography. Lighting is important; it must be daylight or come from a fluorescent lamp. Distorts the complexion, the shape of the eyes and the roundness of the forehead - flash. But it is good if the photo is in twilight and the room is equipped with diffusers. Don't try to put on a smart face: improvisation is good, but in moderation. Work with lighting - photograph yourself from different angles, but if you stand near a window sunny weather and place the lens opposite, the photo will be overexposed. Don’t be shy about the camera – you are alone, and no one can see you, let loose and have fun. The correct exposure, and in this case the angle of the lens, can radically change the picture. The photo above will make you a tadpole and short, the photo below will add a double chin, the rectangular ratio will add several kilograms to the outline of the figure. Take photos against a contrasting background without using zoom. Consider remote focusing if you want to see the background blurred, but your reflection clear. In this case, you need to install the camera on a plane or use a tripod, see how the photo is displayed at the selected distance, and use the automatic shutter after a specified period of time. If you have a new generation digital camera and is equipped with a variety of functions, then play with positioning. Set the number of shots and click frequency on the camera, press delayed start, and when you start shooting, change your poses, facial expressions, gaze, and posing style. Viewing photos on your computer screen will certainly captivate you: some can be efficiently processed in Photoshop if, for example, you have problem skin on your face or extra pounds on your waist and hips. When planning a photo shoot, take care of your makeup and hair styling. Come up with poses and style. The most successful styles of self-photographing are reflections in a mirror or at arm's length. When taking pictures in the mirror, turn off the flash and wipe the surface if it is dirty or marked with marks. Provide a clean background: nothing superfluous, no scattered things, beds or clutter. Evaluate the future frame and setting, look up and take a photo. The mistake of amateurs is in lowered eyes or a fixed gaze at the camera - you need to look straight or maintain the planned style: the languid look of a temptress with a parted mouth, surprise, fear, ridicule, etc. Take a photo of your illegible reflection, for example, in sunny weather, capture the shadow of your own silhouette. At the same time, you can come up with weird shape: stand on one leg, rise on your toes, spread your skirt to the sides, take the pose of Marilyn Monroe, etc. Fortunately, digital technology does not limit us in the number of pictures, and you can at least “take a photo”.

Do not use flash; it distorts the image. Experiment, collect photo collections and make collages, soon your fans will bombard you with likes and make friends, and you will feel like a real star.

Just recently, about ten years ago, no one really thought about the question: “”. If you wanted to capture your person, you could always go to a specialized photo salon and there, entrusting the perpetuation of your person to a professional, experienced photographer, take high-quality, professional photographs. As a rule, masters of their craft themselves tell their models where to look, how to stand, and how to fold or remove their hands most effectively. Of course, the model itself should not have any special knowledge.

But today, when the situation has changed radically and serious, professional and very expensive photographic equipment has become available to almost everyone, there is no longer any need to look for a photo studio to take a beautiful photograph. The Internet, having become accessible to everyone, now contains any knowledge in any subject, including the art of photography. In addition, all kinds social media, having become a truly huge photo album, constantly encourage us to create new photo masterpieces.

In this article we tried to give as much advice as possible to those who want to learn how to take photographs correctly, go for it and everything will work out!

How to take photos correctly: photogenic lessons

Smile beautifully!

“A smile makes a gloomy day brighter” - don’t forget this, smile more often! In photographs, smiling people look much more attractive than frowning ones. But how to smile correctly?

  • Practice in front of a mirror, it's better when no one sees. Draw different smiles - soft, thoughtful, cheerful, flirty... Remember the one you like the most and try to reproduce it at the moment when you are being photographed.
  • Looking into the lens, imagine that in front of you is a very good person you know. Smile at him warmly and openly, such a smile will look very attractive!
  • Try to remember something funny or cheerful, this way your smile will look more natural, because not only your lips, but also your eyes will laugh. Nothing decorates more than a sparkle in the eyes!
  • Practice making funny faces in front of the mirror. If you appear in a photo with a mischievous face, such a photo will look much better than if you took on a respectable appearance.

Selecting clothes for photography

When you decide to take a photo, choose yours best clothes. There are a few small rules, in what clothes it is better to take photographs: remember the old truth that clothes should fulfill their main artistic function - to emphasize advantages and hide shortcomings. Surely each of you knows what suits him and what doesn’t, let’s recall the main points:

  • for photography you will have to give up baggy clothes; it is better to choose one that can favorably emphasize your figure - loose-fitting;
  • if you have full hands, exclude short sleeves and, even more so, sleeveless clothes;
  • high heels can visually make your silhouette slimmer and your legs longer (with the exception of a very full figure);
  • avoid excessive amounts of jewelry, and if you are taking a photo for a dating site, avoid them altogether;
  • in clothes with buttons in two rows, the figure will appear more massive;
  • a small pattern on clothes is better than a large one, and a plain fabric is better than a variegated one;
  • Clothes in dark blue and beige look very good in photographs;
  • try not to be photographed in clothes light shades, they can be unnecessarily fat (with the exception of older people, for whom dark clothing can add extra age);
  • Blouses, sweaters and turtlenecks that completely hide the neck are excluded; also avoid jewelry and scarves that can visually separate the head from the body;
  • Always be mindful of your age and don't dress like you're in your twenties if you're forty, even if you look thirty!

Hairstyle in the photo

Here are some tips on how to make the hairstyle in your photo the most attractive:

  • Wet wavy or curly hair and let it dry without a hairdryer, shaking the wet strands periodically to prevent them from sticking together too much. This hairstyle looks very natural!
  • if you are the lucky owner of long hair, take pictures with your hair down, don’t hide your treasure;
  • Do not over-smooth your hair; it may not be visible at all in the photo, and your head will turn out bald;
  • Don't backcomb your hair if you're going to take a photo. close-up– the backcomb may be visible, and it can also visually increase the overall size of the head;
  • Comb even and straight hair and spray a little hairspray to add shine;
  • Avoid complex and intricate hairstyles, otherwise all attention will be focused on the hairstyle, and not on you (exception if you are a model and demonstrate some kind of hairstyle or styling).

How to do makeup correctly to look better in photos

The best option is to use the services of a professional makeup artist. If you need high-quality, made in artistic style photography, then it is best to do so, however, if you are determined to take a photograph yourself or with the help of friends, our advice can help you with this.

Best Poses for Photos

Practice in front of a mirror, taking various poses - standing, sitting, profile and full face. Remember the most advantageous ones, they should hide the flaws of the figure and emphasize its attractiveness. Here are our tips for choosing the right photography pose:

  • try several poses while imagining yourself different people- a strict teacher, femme fatale, tough business woman, romantic girl. Try to achieve relaxation in the movements and positions of your arms, legs and whole body. Remember - in the photo you need to look as natural and free as possible;
  • the best photos turn out half-turned: slightly turn one shoulder towards the photographer, and now, if you turn your head a little in the same direction, you will get a photo with a proud look, in the other direction - with a thoughtful look;
  • taking pictures in full height, try not to stand straight, at attention, this pose looks tense and unnatural. It’s better if you transfer your body weight from one leg to the other, you can also put one leg forward a little;

  • do not cross your arms over your chest, it is better to lower them freely, you can put your hands on your hips, this, by the way, will help hide excessive fullness;
  • try to pull your shoulders back and straighten your back, thereby presenting your chest in the most advantageous light;
  • If you decide to be photographed while sitting, you need to choose a pose that does not emphasize unnecessary folds at the waist or a protruding tummy. While shooting, inhale, pull in your stomach as much as possible, this will help you look more attractive;
  • avoid clenching your hands into fists, and also do not point your arms or legs towards the photographer - this may distort the proportions;
  • very attractive photographs are obtained if you raise your hands to your head, lightly touching your hair; the head is slightly turned to the side, you can look both at the photographer and past him. This photo is very suitable for young, romantic girls, giving them a flirty and playful look.

Correct lighting for a photo shoot

Follow the rule: there should be a lot of light! If the weather is cloudy, add artificial sources, just try not to let the light give unnatural shades to the skin.

Don’t take pictures in bright sunshine if you don’t want to get squinted, slitted eyes; try not to take pictures in sunny weather under foliage, which can cause shadow spots on your face.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of a simple rule: a photograph is not a painting; it can reveal all the flaws in appearance and even enhance them. To prevent this from happening to you, follow our advice and see you on the web pages of your talented photo albums!

How to pose for a photo

In order to receive nice photos, several conditions are necessary at once: the proper environment, a skilled photographer, etc. But poses for a photo shoot on the street also play a special role, as they allow you to favorably emphasize bright, memorable features of your appearance and cleverly hide those small flaws that do not suit you. It is clear that you need to pose even when shooting takes place indoors. But today we will only talk about street poses.

Basic poses for girls

Poses for an outdoor photo shoot for girls are presented in several options:

1) "Triumphant".

This pose emphasizes that the girl is the center of attention. You need to bend one leg at the knee and lift it slightly, while raising your arms up or spreading them to the sides. The chest should be tucked up and slightly tilted forward, and the chin should be slightly tucked.

2) "Supermodel".

This good example poses for an outdoor photo shoot in the fall, for example: you need to redistribute your body weight onto one hip, placing it slightly to the side. The hand should also be placed on the thigh. It is also possible various options with this pose: so, you can just stand half-turned, but this will already significantly change the overall picture.

3) “Criss-cross”.

Another good option a beautiful pose for an outdoor photo shoot, which allows you to achieve a simultaneous combination of audacity and sophistication. General technology The execution is no different from the previous pose, but in this case the legs should be crossed. This means that one leg, bent at the knee, is put forward, and the second - straight - acts as a support for the first. At the same time, your hands should be relaxed; you can put one hand on your thigh.

4) Based on an object.

This pose allows the girl to look absolutely at ease. For execution, you will need to find a certain support point (any surface can play its role, be it a door or an architectural column). You can cross your legs or use the technique from the previous pose;

5) "Defile".

As the name of the pose suggests, it was borrowed from the model's arsenal. The most significant advantage of this pose for an outdoor photo shoot is various photos will confirm this - giving the image dynamics. Correct technique The execution of the pose in question is as follows:

  1. head slightly lowered;
  2. the back is rounded;
  3. the body, as well as the toes of the shoes, are directed away from the camera, as if the girl is about to leave.

It is only important not to tilt your head too low, otherwise you will get the feeling that the girl is looking at her own shoes or hiding her face.

“What if I’m with a friend?”

Photos of two girlfriends turn out to be very attractive: brightly playful or mysteriously passionate images can give the picture an indescribable liveliness. And if you have a real girlfriend, then why not have a great photo shoot?

Let's talk about what poses there might be for a photo shoot on the street with a friend. First, you can start with portraits. Especially interesting options obtained in the warm season, when you can lie down on the grass.

Those photos look unusual in which one of the girls turned out to be sharp, and the second one was somewhat blurry.

As an interesting pose for an outdoor photo shoot in winter, you can use this option: two friends stand holding hands. The full strength of their friendship can be reflected if they are captured in the picture without outerwear, moreover, during a snowfall.

You can also create a dramatic image: then two friends simply have to stand behind each other, and in clothes and on background Dark shades should predominate.

Now about the guys

Let's not forget to mention the poses for a photo shoot on the street for guys. There may also be many options here, but we will look at the most affordable and popular ones.

So, the simplest pose is standing man, who crossed his arms over his chest. It is only important to take into account two nuances: the shoulders should be pulled back slightly, and the stomach should be pulled in.

A relaxed pose also looks great - when a man puts his hands completely or partially into his pockets.

As best pose for a photo shoot on the street for men, the following can be called: a man sits with his legs crossed. In this case, you also get a fairly relaxed pose.

Let's give another example of a relaxed pose for a guy: he stands with his back against the wall. In this case, let your hands be in your pockets, and let one leg, bent at the knee, rest against the wall.

In conclusion, we can note the following: there are a great many options for different poses for a photo shoot. Some of them are rarely used, while others are ubiquitous. Take, for example, poses for an outdoor photo shoot in the fall: almost every girl has a photo with leaves or against a background of leaves. Therefore, any pose can be diversified if you add some of your own unique elements to it.

How to pose correctly: Video

Firstly, such photographs are of poor quality, and secondly, it means that you don’t even have friends who could take your picture.

2. Photo as for a passport

Girls usually show only two emotions in photographs – “I’m smiling” and “I’m mega sexy with a serious look.” The guys in the photo generally have one emotion - “I’m a very serious guy.” It is much better to have a photo of poorer quality, but with interesting emotions, than to take a photo with a good DSLR with a neutral facial expression. Few people are interested in such photographs.

3. Banal poses and plots

Another one of common mistakes take photos like “I’m in front of a monument”, “I’m standing with the sea behind me” or “I’m in front of a car”. Who do you want to impress with your Ford Focus?

4. Wrong angle

There is one joke: “The model has two good angles and she knows them, and common man there is only one angle and he never gets into it.”

Be aware of the flaws in your appearance and figure and try not to show them in the photo. Know your winning angles and poses, and show them off in your photos. Big nose, thin face, short stature, fatness or thinness - for each of the shortcomings there is ready-made solutions how to hide them.

5. Too many photos of the same type

Many people put several photos on their avatar from one photo shoot, event or party. For the viewer, such a sequence of similar photographs looks boring. It’s better to post two or three best photos from each event than many identical ones (the law of psychology!).

6. Lack of photos with friends

The lack of photos of you with friends indicates that you are an uninteresting and unsociable person. Even complete sociopaths have close people with whom they communicate, study, relax and work. Take photos with friends every chance you get.

7. Cropped limbs - arms and legs

The cropped limbs in the photos give her a very casual amateur look. When taking full-length photographs, warn the photographer that you will tear off his arms if he cuts off your legs in the photo. When photographing from the waist up, make sure your arms are fully included in the frame.

8. (At a party) Taking pictures in an “imperfect” state

If you take photos while the party is in full swing, you run the risk of appearing red-eyed and looking rather shabby. Therefore, if you would like to have attractive photos that you can put on your avatar or post on social networks, then take photos at the beginning of the party, as soon as you arrive.

9. Cut yourself out of a photo

Let's say you turned out well in the photo, but in this photo you are not alone, but with a friend or a group of people. However, you take this photograph and carefully cut yourself out of it. The end result is a photograph where part of your shoulder or arm is cut off, and other people's arms and legs protrude from the edge of the photograph. The question is WHY?

If you like a photo and you are not alone in it, then post the photo with your friends. See point 6.

10. Taking photos in poor light

If you take photographs under the light of an ordinary lamp, the photographs will have an unsightly yellowish tint. This, of course, can be corrected in Photoshop, if you know how to do it. But it is much easier to take photographs in daylight. Or make friends with Photoshop and the “white balance” function in your camera.