How different zodiac signs cheat on their partners. Secrets of astrologers: how to change your birth horoscope

Many people would like to change their destiny. It is believed that it largely depends on the qualities of a person’s character, which are largely determined by the location of the planets at the time of his birth. If you are a convinced fatalist and believe that your character is predetermined in the horoscope, you may have a natural question: how can you change your zodiac sign? After all, in this way you can change your character and your life.

Not very good at first good news: You won't be able to do that. Unless to be born again, in another time and place. This is because you cannot change the position of the planets at the moment of your birth. However, it's not all bad. The fact is that although planets influence character, it, in turn, also influences destiny. If we take the description of the signs of the Zodiac, then each of them has both positive and negative qualities.

Positive quality in its excessive manifestation it can become negative. For example, excessive frugality can develop into stinginess, excessive seriousness into gloominess, and sociability into talkativeness. Accordingly, by restraining your negative qualities and raising your level of consciousness, you thereby directly influence your destiny. Whatever the location of the planets in the horoscope, reality is multivariate. This means that in life there is always a choice of what to do. And there may be several or even many of these choices. Another thing is that many people make choices unconsciously, mechanically. While conscious choice increases the likelihood of changing one's destiny in better side. Therefore, there is some truth in the expression “a person’s fate is in his hands.”

If there is something you don't like about your Zodiac sign, try to find out more about it. Perhaps you will learn a lot of interesting things about him, and your attitude towards him will change greatly.

If you were born at the junction of two zodiac signs, you may combine the qualities of each of them in the most unexpected way. Moreover, on the zodiac border (plus or minus one day between the signs) many famous and unusual personalities were born, as well as people “not of this world” who have magical abilities. The most famous of the "borderline" signs is Ophiuchus, but others also have their own interesting characteristics. There are also lunar signs of the Zodiac, which also influence fate and character. There is a version that people born at night are greatly influenced by moon sign. The time zone, year of birth, ascendant, and other factors also play a certain role. Therefore, sometimes it happens that when reading a description in a horoscope, a person sees that it is not very similar to him. And another sign may turn out to be identical to his behavior, character and nature.

You can determine who a person is based on a horoscope not only by the date of birth, but also by the date of conception (if, of course, you know it). It is believed that such a horoscope is more accurate, because At the moment of conception, the incarnation, or birth, of the soul occurs.

According to experts, monogamy is not a trait inherent in us at a biological level. Today we will look at how different zodiac signs deceive their significant other. We are not saying that your chosen one will definitely cheat on you, but it never hurts to find out what tricks he will resort to if this does happen.

So, how do representatives of different zodiac signs cheat?


Capricorns, by their nature, are very carefree and carefree, and therefore do not attach any importance to cheating. of great importance. They will not regret betraying their partner, and they will not care about the impact their action had on the other person. In addition, they are extremely smart and resourceful, and will do anything to hide their lies and go unpunished. When Capricorn is caught red-handed, he will try to find excuses for his actions and try to make amends for his guilt. However, in Capricorns' defense, it should be said that they do not cheat emotionally, but only physically, so their love for you can be sincere and truly strong.


Aquarians cheat emotionally. They end up becoming attached and falling in love with their mistresses. They resemble children for whom one piece of candy is not enough and who tearfully beg for another every time they go to the store. And their conscience and willpower are not strong enough not to succumb to temptation. Aquarians are very selfish, they cheat on their partners because they crave new sensations and impressions, which are always not enough for them.


Pisces - very smart people who resort to a variety of tricks to hide their lies. Thanks to these skills, they almost never get caught until it's too late. They are like scammers who think through their scam to the smallest detail, however, even in their case, everything secret becomes clear. Cheating Pisces are also selfish and manipulators in relation to their partners. Now they are telling you how much they love you, and in half an hour they will be having fun with their mistress.


Aries are adventurous individuals, so they very often cheat on their partners. They will not miss the opportunity to have an affair on the side, and if they are caught cheating, they will blame their chosen one for everything and look for excuses for their actions in order to subconsciously reduce the feeling of guilt. People born under this sign have a strong defense mechanism. As long as they believe that they cheated for some reason good reason, nothing will convince them to stop doing it. They love to learn the world, and deception or betrayal is part of this knowledge.


Taurus most often remain faithful to their partners and are unlikely to ever decide to take the path of betrayal. But if a Taurus cheated on you, this may indicate that he fell in love with someone. It can be incredibly difficult and painful for a partner to come to terms with the betrayal of a Taurus, because a real idyll can reign in a relationship with him, and the mere thought that you are about to lose this drives you into real melancholy. And Taurus usually sincerely regret what they have done.


Typically, Geminis cheat on their partners with those around them. In the case of representatives of this sign, the hackneyed phrase “You cheated on me with my best friend!” turns out to be very appropriate. Geminis find it very difficult to control their sex drive. Due to the fact that the mistress or lover of this sign most often turns out to be someone you know well, you will only be able to catch them in the act. Perhaps even during sexual intercourse.


Cancers don't have to change. They simply have no idea how to do it, so they get caught right away. They are very sensitive and loving people who are always looking for a suitable soul mate, but at the same time they are afraid of breaking your heart. Most likely, they will either immediately admit to you that they have fallen in love with someone else, or they will worry about how to keep this news from you. And they will sincerely regret having feelings for someone other than you.

a lion

Leos are unlikely to cheat on their partners - not because they are so devoted, but because they cannot stand the drama that accompanies cheating. They value their peace of mind and comfort and are ready to sleep with only one person for the rest of their lives. In addition, they are too lazy to cheat on their partners and resort to any tricks to hide their deception, so they immediately suppress any feelings they have for other people.


Virgos are real cheating gurus. They can hide their lies from their partner until the end of their days. Representatives of this sign think through everything down to the smallest detail and provide for everything. possible options how they can be caught in treason. If a Virgo cheats on you, most likely you will never know about it, unless your partner tells you about it. These people are excellent liars with whom you should always be on guard. At the same time, if Virgo cheats on you, you will not feel the lack of attention to yourself.


Libras also master the art of deception. They can date two or more people at the same time for a long time, and their main partner will not have the slightest suspicion. Libras believe that there is an explanation for everything, including betrayal. They do not feel strong remorse and are able to realize the pain they caused their significant other only if they are caught.


Scorpios value their relationships very much, so they are unlikely to decide to cheat. However, by their nature they are very amorous and trusting, therefore, if a representative of this sign nevertheless cheats on his partner, remorse will not give him peace for a long time. They understand how painful it is to lose a loved one, so in most cases they prefer to refrain from betrayal.


For Sagittarius, betrayal is exciting game. They never miss an opportunity to have some fun on the side, and they always have several meetings written down in their diary. For Sagittarius, betrayal is the only opportunity to relax and relieve stress, because they are real workaholics. It is not a problem for them to tell their significant other about everything and within a week meet their new chosen one or chosen one. Representatives of this sign are true heartthrobs and ladies' men who change partners like gloves.

As already written above, these characteristics do not mean that your partner will necessarily cheat on you, but it never hurts to know what you should be prepared for in a relationship with a particular astrological sign.


Sometimes people who want to “change their horoscope” tend to shift responsibility for the course of life events to circumstances, in particular, the combination of planets at the time of birth. Some believe that if you change these data, your life will become different - happier and more prosperous. However, it is impossible to change the horoscope, just as it is impossible to correct the date, place and time of birth, since this has already happened.

It is necessary to define what is meant by the word “horoscope”. Some, when mentioning this concept, mean the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Pisces, Taurus, etc.), others - Eastern affiliation, which is determined by the year of birth (for example, Snake, Boar or Rabbit). There are also those who speak in this way about the totality of the positions of all planets at the moment of birth, that is, which is compiled by astrologers taking into account the place, date and time of birth. All of the above definitions have the right to life, but more full description is the natal chart.

Before talking about changing the horoscope, it is important to note that the position of the Sun is not always decisive. For example, a person was born under the sign of Sagittarius, that is, his Sun was in this constellation at the time of birth. However, he could not associate himself with representatives of this sign by any character traits. After drawing up a complete chart in such cases, it may turn out that several influential planets at once, for example, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon, were in the sign of Cancer at the time of birth, and through some calculations it is possible to determine the so-called “leading” celestial body in a particular horoscope , the sign of which will be a priority for this person. Thus, before becoming dissatisfied with your own zodiac data, it is important to study your natal chart in detail.

According to many astrologers, even not the most favorable combinations of planets in the horoscope cannot be considered a verdict or diagnosis. After all, the natal chart does not yet determine life path a person, but only serves as a hint - in which direction, for example, it is worth moving in order to become more successful, or what dangers may lie in wait for this or that person. Forewarned is forearmed - this rule is perfectly suited for interpreting a horoscope. In particular, people who had Mars in the sign of Aries at the time of birth may be at risk of head injuries quite often throughout their lives. Parents, knowing this, can teach their child to be more careful in time, and in adulthood the person will be able to take care of himself, avoiding potentially dangerous activities or taking precautions.

Even if you change your passport details by going through the appropriate procedures and indicating a different place and date of birth, the factual information will remain unchanged. Just as the positions of the planets in one sign or another will not change, affecting the character, fate and life path of a person. It is impossible to change the horoscope. However, it is possible to analyze all combinations celestial bodies and change their influence, for example, by changing their place of residence. And then the position of the Moon (which has a particularly strong effect on women) or Mars will change in relation to the natal indicators of various planets, which can be interpreted as a “change in the horoscope”.

How they love and why they cheat different Signs Zodiac! It's all true! “I love you” can be said not only with words. Saying “I love you” is a big step in a relationship. But sometimes we don't even need to say anything to the other person for him to understand that we love him.

Each sign expresses their love differently, which can certainly be confusing, especially if you tend to overanalyze everything. So how do you find out if he loves you? Find out how his zodiac sign reacts, of course! Just promise us that you won't reveal all his secrets, okay? Let him continue to think that you have no idea about anything...

Of course, there is no recipe for being sure whether a person is going to cheat or be faithful, but some signs are more prone to affairs due to their adventurous nature. Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn are some of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, but Sagittarius and Libra find it difficult to resist temptation.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): Straightforward.

Aries are straightforward in almost everything and love is no exception. They approach any situation with logic, so if an Aries directly tells you that they love you, then this is a very deep feeling. If Aries doesn't say, "I love you," he will make fun of you. They love to be in a relationship with a person who understands their jokes. Morning texts are a favorite way to show that they care about you a lot.

Aries is a slave to passion.

If an Aries falls in love, those around him will quickly find out about it, because it is difficult for him to remain silent about his personal life. He is driven by passion; due to his temperament and recklessness, he can leave his regular partner because he has fallen in love. The most common reason for cheating is the search for new emotions. If an Aries is caught cheating, he will try to blame the other person who seduced him.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): passionate.

If there's one thing a Taurus loves more than food, it's passionate love. Taurus people fall in love very quickly. If you are not sure whether he loves you or not, pay attention to his actions. Taurus is traditional, which means he will pay for everything (and refuse to listen to you whenever you try) or simply open the door for you. They will even (begrudgingly) share food with you, which they usually don't do.

Taurus loves thrills, but is afraid of deception.

Taurus are big fans of stable relationships. As a rule, they are correct. If their partner satisfies them emotionally and sexually, then they will not jeopardize the relationship. They are also very loyal and expect the same from their partner. The most common reason for Taurus cheating is the lack of physical intimacy with their partner.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): intimate.

Geminis show love with words without actually saying, "I love you." Geminis love to flirt, which means you may not be the only one he texts (harsh, but true!). They are sociable and incorrigible romantics - this is a dangerous combination, but for some reason Geminis combine it very well. They can change lovers quite quickly, but if he really loves you, he will start asking more personal and intimate questions.

If a Gemini is truly in love, they will let you rant and won't interrupt. Geminis just love to hear you talk, to be honest.

Geminis cheat emotionally, not physically.

Gemini's restless spirit makes them flirt despite being in a serious relationship. However, they will not go further than compliments and messages. in social networks. This will not happen if your partner still needs to be won over. If Gemini cheated, then your relationship is definitely over and he will move on.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): serious.

When Cancer looks for love, they look for equality. Cancer is extremely attractive to those who have their own ambitions outside of relationships. A Cancer in love begins to be more protective of their partner. For example, he'll make sure you're having a good day, cook you lunch, or make sure you're comfortable while watching Netflix on the couch (that's so cute). When Cancer feels that things are serious between you, he will want to introduce you to his family. For them, it's just the next natural step.

Cancer cheats if he is unhappy.

Sensitive and empathetic Cancer is faithful in love, primarily because he follows the saying: “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want to do to yourself.”

If he has enough love and tenderness at home, Cancer will not cheat. Their partners know this very well, but should not take them for granted, because the cheating Cancer is the one who feels unloved and unhappy.

LEO (July 23 – August 22): Confident.

Leo's confidence and energy plays a big role in relationships. Leos love freedom very much, but when they fall in love, they stop thinking so much about themselves and begin to devote more time to you. Leos hate restrictive relationships, but you can be sure of his feelings if Leo is happy to just sit with you at home and does not want to go out. Love means always making time for your other half.

Leo loves attention and thrills.

Leos love drama and excitement in relationships. To keep your Leo all to yourself, don't forget to praise Him and also play the hot and cold game from time to time to spark his interest.

As a rule, they cheat with people younger than themselves because they are drawn to youthful energy.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Shy.

Virgo can be difficult to figure out. They don't like to be vulnerable. Patience will help develop a relationship with a Virgo, but be prepared for their shyness at the beginning of your relationship! Virgos are bad at expressing their feelings - they primarily love subtle actions.

Virgo cheats if she wants to end the relationship.

Virgo is a serious, down-to-earth zodiac sign, usually devoted to its partner. If Virgo is happy and satisfied, she will not think about the “forbidden fruit.” Cheating becomes normal if they feel that their partner does not respect them enough or does not give them everything they need.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): honest.

Libras have personal goals. They don't have time to wonder if you're the only one. They love to be friends with everyone, so it can be difficult to know if it's a crush or if you're just another friend. When a Libra is in love, they will make an effort to be honest with you. They will be more open about sharing personal information about themselves because you are special to them.

Libras talk a lot and do nothing.

Righteous and honest, Libras are serious in their commitment to their partner and are generally faithful. But they love new companies, compliments and flirting, which often leads to unusual situations.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Seductive.

Scorpio men are very passionate and seductive. Their love lasts as long as it involves sex and drama. Scorpio can be very stubborn at times, so easy-going people are ideal for them. Instead of saying, “I love you,” he will treat you like a goddess, sending loving glances and doing whatever you want in bed.

Scorpio is looking for new thrills in sex.

Dark, mysterious and erotic, Scorpio is often associated with cheating, but this is usually not the case. If they really love, they won't even think about cheating. This can happen if the relationship turns into a routine, especially in sex, so that they have one night where they never confess to their partner.

Antidote: Be innovative in the bedroom and make him jealous sometimes.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 19): adventurous.

Sagittarius is an enterprising sign. When they fall in love, they stop holding back, so it may seem that they are not serious. Sagittarians are most attracted to people who will allow them to maintain their freedom rather than tie them down in relationships. A Sagittarius in love will want you to laugh at his jokes. If he takes you with him on his next trip or adventure, know that he is yours.

Sagittarius loves forbidden fruit.

An open-minded, enterprising adventurer, Sagittarius is prone to deception. They may be in a long and serious relationship, but for them cheating will not be something dramatic. In addition, it is much easier for them to forgive betrayal than other signs.

CAPRICORN (December 20 - January 19): intellectual.

In love, Capricorn, first of all, needs best friend. They are not concerned about finding a passionate lover or novelty. For them, it is much more important to find someone who wants the same thing as them. Capricorn loves family and always plans for the future. If Capricorn is in love, he will try to impress you with his intelligence. They take great pride in their logic, so they may seem a little stiff during the first few dates, but over time they will begin to relax. Look for signs of his desire to develop your relationship. It could be getting to know his family or the fact that he remembers every little thing about you.

Capricorn is the pillar of fidelity.

People of this sign are among the most faithful in the Zodiac. First of all, because for them, betrayal is not a physical, but a spiritual betrayal. They may be fascinated by someone's intelligence, but this will not go beyond flirting. And if deception really happens, for them, as well as for Virgo, it is an escape from the relationship. They want the same loyalty in return, so they never forgive betrayal.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) - eccentric.

It can be difficult to tell right away whether an Aquarius loves you because people of this sign can seem aloof and unapproachable. And yet, when Aquarians are in love, they devote all their attention to their chosen one. For them, love is very serious. They want someone who can be as eccentric and intelligent as they are.

An Aquarius in love will show their feelings by laughing at all your terrible jokes and sharing their favorite books and places with you (this is a very intimate gesture on their part).

Aquarius has its own rules for cheating.

People of this sign often claim that they never cheat, but the truth is that their definition of cheating is very vague.

They hate routine, so they tend to cheat with someone who is different from their partner. They will explain to themselves that it was inevitable, so they will not feel remorse. Aquarius will not cheat only if he really loves and knows that his partner will not forgive this.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): emotional.

Pisces are shy and emotional people. The worst thing for them is to have their heart broken. Therefore, they can be very reserved in their feelings. If Pisces are in love, they will show affectionate care. For example, they will send you cute texts throughout the day or share their food with you. In a relationship with Pisces, little things like this are very important.

Pisces are the protagonists of their fantasies.

People of this sign live in a fantasy world; a romantic and passionate scenario always exists in their heads. If their relationship becomes boring and predictable, they will begin to fantasize about a colleague or someone else in their circle. Pisces partners need to try to maintain passion and liveliness in the relationship, then they will not even think about it. Have we told the truth about you and your lover? Tell us in the comments!

Is the birth horoscope a given that cannot be changed, or a flexible system that can be influenced if desired? Astro7 expert shares secrets.

As you know, each person has his own natal chart, his individual birth horoscope, which already contains certain information about his life, talents, characteristics and successes. Sometimes it happens that my clients get upset after hearing some information, and they have a question: how can I change this? Well, let's take a deeper look at this issue. If certain prerequisites are laid down in the horoscope, and we, of course, will never be able to change the date, place and time of our birth, then, purely technically and practically, make certain adjustments to the interpretations individual horoscope Maybe. The main thing is to do them for the good. So, I suggest you get acquainted with several options for correcting your horoscope.

First method: change of residence

In other words, moving. If you were born and live in a certain geographical latitude and longitude, then symbolically your grid of houses in natal chart does not change, but if you move a significant distance, the moving horoscope also begins to work. History knows a lot of examples when, after moving, people became famous, happy, discovered new talents, or, conversely, lost something. The fact is that when we move, our lifestyle and environment change significantly, and the second horoscope associated with the new place of residence begins to work. So then everything depends on the place you are moving to: on one side there may be some problems, and on the other - profit and well-being.

Second method: symbolic change in appearance and habits

The moment of birth is determined by the sign of the Zodiac, which gives us a predisposition to a certain physique, gait, manner of speaking, moving, and generally describes our appearance and habits. And by changing our appearance and habits to those characteristic of other signs, we symbolically “shift” our horoscope in one direction or another, and with it, for example, the type of relationships that we attract changes. So in this case, it is very important to clearly understand what results you want to achieve and change in accordance with this.

Third method: interaction with the planets of the horoscope

Another way is related to the interaction of planets in your horoscope. Technically, it looks like this: the astrologer calculates the periods (depending on your request and what you want to change) during which you will have to perform actions that will “mirror” your horoscope for the better. That is, so that it is not the planets that direct you in some direction, but you yourself act in advance according to the functions of the planet you need. Naturally, in a positive way.