How to glue wallpaper on a wooden panel. Wallpaper on plywood: technology, preparation of the base, selection and wallpapering How to prepare plywood for wallpapering

Many people still live in old houses that have framed walls and plywood. Conduct major renovation All walls will be very expensive in this case, so finishing is carried out on top of the old coating.

And in a new building it is much cheaper to build a partition from plasterboard or plywood than from brick. This option is budget-friendly, and the strength and insulating characteristics remain at a high level.

Any homeowner asks the question: “How to put wallpaper on plywood?” and “Is it possible to glue wallpaper on plywood?” after all, the material from which it is made has its own characteristics.

Preparatory work

Try to ensure that the plywood sheets are rolled smoothly and without flaws

Gluing wallpaper onto plywood is quite a problematic task. Before gluing wallpaper onto plywood, it is necessary to prepare the walls. It will be easier if the wall surface is initially flat. This is possible during the construction of the partition. It is important to ensure that the surface for the wallpaper is prepared smooth and without flaws. A similar task faces the gluing of walls made of,.

This will allow you to glue the strips without additional processing and alterations. The frame must be smooth, they must fit together closely without differences. If you do not follow the recommendations, then after pasting the stripes will be clearly visible on the wall. If the walls are made with differences, the first step is to put them in order.

Sandpaper will help to sand the putty surface

Will be required following materials: serpyanka, putty, sandpaper and spatulas. The recommendation for preliminary work is as follows. The joints of the sheets must first be treated to remove dust, dirt, old wallpaper, etc. If this is not done, then over time cracks will form at the joints.

As soon as the surface is freed from all unnecessary things, the joints are glued with sickle tape. It is important that the line of symmetry of the grid runs along the joint of adjacent panels. Only after this do they begin to level the surface.

For this purpose it is used for wooden products. With the help of the ready-made solution, the differences will be smoothed out, and common plane the walls will be much smoother.

For best results, putty the wall in two layers.

Once the solution has dried, use sandpaper the surface needs to be sanded.

In order for the canvases to stick more securely to the wall, dust must be removed from the surface. A wet broom is best for this. After thorough cleaning, the treated surface should be primed. Deep penetration soil is perfect for this.

Choose thick wallpaper that hides uneven walls

So that after pasting appearance the premises looked decent, it is important to use only suitable look wallpaper Since the paper sheet is very thin, all the unevenness of the wall will be visible through it and the joints of adjacent sheets will stand out, so use paper wallpaper Not recommended for such walls. There is an alternative replacement - duplex wallpaper.

This type of coating consists of two layers of paper with a pronounced relief. The canvases have an attractive appearance. They are resistant to dampness, changes in humidity and temperature, and do not fade in the sun. Duplex wallpaper has excellent thermal insulation and strength, so it is difficult to scratch or damage it.

Non-woven fabrics stretch well under load

The next suitable coating for plywood can be considered vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis. They have an even more pronounced surface relief than duplex wallpaper. Non-woven fabric is much stronger than regular paper and can stretch under load.

Consequently, when the wall deforms or shrinks, the joints between the sheets will be hidden and visually invisible. Also suitable for plywood is wallpaper made from high price category. For example, textile coverings, jute or velor fabrics. It is not recommended to use silk fabrics in this case. They convey all surface imperfections, just like paper ones.

Can it be applied to plywood? Answer: “Yes, you can.” Liquid wallpaper for plywood is ideal, as well as vinyl. However, when installing them, you will need to properly prepare the surface.

This material will help hide surface defects; they will not tear. Nowadays the construction market offers many types of wallpaper. With their help you can create unique interiors in your house or apartment.

To further decorate the papered walls, you can use separately sold decorative stickers. Canvases with pasted pictures will look very aesthetically pleasing and unusual, and lined walls with plywood will help create the most unusual images.

After completing all preparatory work and shopping the right type wallpaper proceed to the actual pasting. How to do it yourself? To do this, you will need the following materials and tools: wallpaper glue, a bucket for diluting, rollers, clean rags, a wide brush, stationery knife, usually a level, a pencil and the wallpaper itself.

Quickly and conveniently apply glue with a roller

In the process of how to properly glue wallpaper, wallpapering should begin with preparing the glue. You need to work with special wallpaper glue. It is necessary to dilute the dry mixture with water in precise proportions. If this is not followed, the adhesive characteristics of the finished solution will be reduced.

Usually the glue is mixed with a drill with an attachment. After thoroughly mixing the solution, it should not be used immediately. It takes 2 to 5 minutes for it to acquire all its basic functions. Then knead again.

Before wallpapering, in order not to stain the floor, it must be covered with old newspapers or film. Please note that the newspaper should not end up stuck to the wallpaper itself.

Wallpapering should begin with measuring and cutting. Then use a tape measure to measure the height from floor to ceiling. Required dimensions transfer to a roll of wallpaper. We cut off a piece of canvas according to the rule using a stationery knife.

Mark a vertical line on the wall using a level and a pencil. Now you can paint the wall. Use a roller or wide brush to coat the strip on the wall. It should be slightly larger than the width of the roll. If vinyl or non-woven materials are selected, then the adhesive is applied only to the wall. If paper ones are used, a layer of glue should also be applied to the cut piece.

Scheme for wallpapering a corner

Wallpapering on plywood begins from the ceiling along a broken vertical line. Then the middle of the canvas is rolled with a foam roller. As soon as the piece is in place, it is pressed tightly against the wall along the entire plane, expelling excess glue and air. Movements with the roller must be made from the middle of the piece to the sides. For more information about wallpapering, watch this video:

Join the fabrics closely

If fresh glue gets on outer layer wallpaper, then it must be removed immediately. A wet rag is suitable for this. The next piece is also cut to size. The panels should be joined closely together.

All other pieces are glued to the wall in the same way. After gluing, it is recommended to wipe the glued sheets once again with a wet cloth so that there is no unseen spot of glue left on it.

It is not recommended to glue the canvases overlapping each other. Since after drying the joints will be very noticeable. The corners and joints of the wallpaper should be properly coated. Otherwise, the wallpaper will begin to peel off and slide over time.

Many of us live in old houses, in which the walls are upholstered wood veneer. Repairing walls in such residential premises is quite problematic. But there is one method that you definitely need to take note of. This article will talk about how to hang wallpaper on plywood. It is with it that the surfaces in the described rooms are leveled. The difficulties lie in the fact that for leveling in the old days, sheets of plywood were used that were different in width and length, and also different in thickness. Therefore, advice from experts who know how to solve such a problem is useful and can be relevant.

How to properly glue wallpaper onto an old base

You can glue wallpaper onto plywood if you choose the right canvas.

For example, paper wallpaper is the simplest and most affordable option, but it has a very thin base that is not strong enough. For this reason this option not suitable for solving the identified problem. They will not allow you to mask and align the joints formed at the junction of two wooden sheets. Sooner or later, in these places, if paper wallpaper is pasted, tears will form. They will become clearly visible, which is considered bad from an aesthetic point of view.

If you want to stick wallpaper on plywood, it is better to give preference to vinyl or non-woven rolls. They boast good durability. The base of vinyl and non-woven fabric has a thick base, which is why such wallpapers well hide small irregularities, cracks and chips that always form over time on wooden sheets.

In addition to vinyl and non-woven rolls, you can glue them to plywood textile wallpaper. They are expensive, but they provide desired effect. Another alternative is bamboo sheets. They are environmentally friendly, practical, very decorative, but also quite expensive. If you want to save a little, you can give preference liquid wallpaper. Their texture is perfectly suited for masking all the imperfections that a wall covered with old plywood has. If necessary, such finishing is easy to repair and continue to use the finishing of the room for a long time.

Fiberglass wallpaper is also an excellent option for finishing plywood walls. You should choose them when you want to make repairs and not return to them for a very long time.

Solving the problem with an uneven base

You can glue wallpaper onto plywood, but it is important to properly prepare the base. It is different everywhere. For some, plywood may crumble, become cracked, or swell from dampness. On a wooden surface there may be knots, resin pockets, and any other similar defects, which are best eliminated first using a sanding machine and coarse-grained sandpaper.

Another difficult problem is uneven, crumbling joints located on different surfaces walls. They also need to be aligned correctly. Serpyanka is best suited for this - a special molar tape with a mesh structure. On the one hand it has sticky surface, so it won’t be difficult to stick the serpyanka onto the surface of the wood. After gluing the serpyanka, its surface is covered with a thick layer of putty. After drying, the seams are sanded with sandpaper.

Note! Such operations make it possible to eliminate minor differences in height and deep seams on the surface of a wall finished with old plywood. The stages of applying the wallpaper themselves will be explained in the video and instructions, described in detail in the next section.

Stages of wallpapering

So, processing the seams and sanding the surface of the plywood will help prepare the base for wallpapering. Such operations must be carried out, but first it is useful to pull out all the protruding rusty nails from the wooden base. If the heads of nails and screws are torn off, if there is no need to remove them using a nail puller or a screwdriver, then the protruding pieces of iron should be driven deeper into the plywood sheet with a hammer, and the hole formed should be filled with putty.

The stage of gluing wallpaper onto plywood is not much different from gluing rolls on an ordinary wall. The main thing in solving the problem is to choose the right glue. It must match the wallpaper chosen for gluing the plywood. More detailed information is covered in the following video:

Recommendations have been described above to answer the question of how to stick wallpaper on an old wooden surface. But there are times when there is a need to use new plywood to level the walls for wallpapering. The following tips will help you avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Plywood is a material that absorbs moisture well. To avoid the possibility of deformation of the future wooden base, it is important to choose moisture-resistant sheets. Their price is higher than the usual price sheet material, but savings in this case are unacceptable. Otherwise, you will have to change the entire wall decoration again. Such a need will cost much more than purchasing moisture-resistant plywood.

    Note! The purchase of moisture-resistant sheets is required if liquid wallpaper is chosen for wall decoration. In their production, dry compounds are used, which are then dissolved in water. The consistency is similar to sour cream. Until such a composition dries completely, all moisture will exert Negative influence on a plywood base. Therefore, there remains a risk of deformation of wooden sheets.

Generalization on the topic

It is possible to glue wallpaper onto plywood, but it is important to take into account that this is a hygroscopic material, it expands significantly under the influence of moisture, and if it is heavily moistened, the seams quickly delaminate. If glued to plywood thin wallpaper, the structure of the sheets will definitely show through, so when choosing rolls it is better to give preference to wallpaper with a dense texture.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper to plywood? What pitfalls await an inexperienced builder when performing this work? How to get around them? Our article is about all this.

The next stage is finishing.


How, in fact, does a plywood base differ from plasterboard or putty concrete?

There are several problems.

  1. Joints. Due to production technology, the thickness of sheets from one batch may vary significantly. A difference in thickness of just half a millimeter will be more than noticeable.
  2. Hygroscopicity. Depending on humidity linear dimensions sheets may change noticeably; in this case, the wallpaper will wrinkle or, conversely, stretch - until tears appear.
  3. Texture. The surface is embossed and can be seen through the layer of paper covering.

A nuance: first grade sanded plywood has an almost ideal surface and is completely free of the described problem.


Is it possible to stick wallpaper on plywood, despite the problems described?

Without a doubt. However, surface features will have to be taken into account.

Wallpaper selection

Thin paper wallpaper without embossing is very popular. Their price is more than low; For stickers, any adhesive can be used, including flour paste.

However, for our case they are extremely undesirable:

  • The paper will make visible all surface defects - joints and veneer texture.
  • Paper has low elasticity and can tear and wrinkle when humidity fluctuates.

So which wallpaper should you choose? The instructions are obvious:

  • Preferred Material— vinyl. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride will not only become reliable protection from moisture: due to its elasticity, the wallpaper will not tear at the joints of the sheets. However, non-woven wallpaper for painting They are not much inferior to vinyl in terms of elasticity.
  • Embossed, textured wallpaper Unlike thin ones, they will hide both the joints and unevenness of the veneer.

Surface preparation

It comes down to three steps:

  • Grinding. First of all, the joints of the sheets are carefully sanded: even if there are differences in thickness, then in the absence of a clear boundary, the seams will not be noticeable.

Tip: A sander will save you a lot of time and effort. Manual processing of joints will be extremely tedious, especially at a great height above the floor.

The photo shows one of the simplest vibration grinding machines. Its modest capabilities are quite sufficient for our purposes.
  • Putty. How to putty plywood under wallpaper? Acrylic composition intended for wooden surfaces. Be sure to putty the seams; at the same time it won’t hurt to get rid of minor defects surfaces and recesses from screws.

An important point: if the plywood is nailed with ordinary nails, the caps should be coated with varnish or drying oil. At high humidity air rust can appear through any wallpaper.

  • Primer. Before wallpapering, the entire surface must be primed. A typical solution is to use wallpaper paste diluted with water; however, any acrylic-based penetrating primer for wood surfaces will work.

Is it necessary to glue the joints with serpyanka? The answer depends on the type of wallpaper:

  • If, contrary to the recommendations given above, you have chosen thin paper, the serpyanka will somewhat reduce the likelihood of the wallpaper tearing along the joint. However, be prepared for the fact that the puttied strip of serpyanka will stand out on flat wall.
  • Vinyl and non-woven fabric do not require reinforcement of seams. The mesh won't do any good; however, no harm can be expected from it either.


How to paste wallpaper on plywood with your own hands? Just like on any other surface.

  • In case of severe thick wallpaper It’s better to coat both the wallpaper and the wall with glue. The roller, by the way, will save you a lot of time compared to the brush.
  • Thin wallpaper is always glued in the direction from the light source (usually from the window). Otherwise, the overlaps of the strips, despite their small thickness, will be noticeable due to the cast shadow.
  • How to hang wallpaper on plywood if you have chosen vinyl or non-woven fabric? Of course, end-to-end, without overlapping stripes.
  • When sticking, air bubbles from under the strip of wallpaper are removed with a dry cloth; The glue that appears at the edges is removed with a sponge.
  • Avoid drafts while drying. Wallpaper should dry at constant humidity and temperature.

Liquid wallpaper

We’ve basically figured out how to glue wallpaper onto plywood. However, along with the usual paper or relatively new polymer wallpaper, there is another solution. But the hygroscopicity of veneer raises doubts: is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to plywood?

An attempt to apply a wet mixture that takes a long time to dry on dry birch veneer will give a completely predictable result - deformation of the surface. The plywood will begin to delaminate; Chips may rise in some places. So this option is no longer available?

Nothing like this. It is enough to simply protect the veneer from moisture with a primer. Traditionally, ordinary oil paint was used for this purpose; however, liquid wallpaper on water based Without preliminary polishing they stick to it very poorly.

It is enough just to drown and putty the nails or screws, apply it in one layer and wait for it to dry.

With this small amendment, the question “can liquid wallpaper be applied to plywood” can be answered unequivocally in the affirmative.


Wallpaper is glued to thin walls in the same way, i.e. without any complications, however, quite serious attention will have to be paid to surface preparation. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Good luck with the renovation!

Similar materials

One of the frequently used materials for wall decoration is wallpaper. They are low cost, look attractive, and gluing them is not particularly difficult. You can decorate the walls in this way even when the renovation is completed. However, there is no need to fear that Decoration Materials the ceiling and floor will become unusable. However, the canvases are demanding on the surface. They can only be glued to a leveled base, since the small thickness will highlight any defects.

One of the popular options for leveling walls is plywood. It has high rigidity, stability, strength, and makes the surface as smooth as possible. However, many people wonder whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to plywood. If your walls cannot be called ideal, then perhaps you will also be interested in knowing about it.

Wallpaper selection

If you are wondering whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto plywood without putty, then you should know that the answer is no. The walls must be carefully prepared before such repairs. But in order to get good results, it is also important to choose the right material for wall cladding. Textile wallpaper, for example, is perfect. They cost more than others, but are able to provide the desired effect. Great alternative There are also bamboo canvases, which are practical, environmentally friendly and exceptionally decorative. However, you will also have to pay a tidy sum for them.

How to save money

If you want to save money, then you may also be faced with the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto plywood without a primer. The answer to this question is a clear “No”. At this stage it is better not to skimp. But if your budget is limited, then to save money you may prefer liquid wallpaper. Their texture is great for hiding any imperfections a wall may have.

Is plywood suitable as a base?

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto plywood at the dacha? If you also asked this question, you should know that the answer is yes. However, you should know that wood is subject to moisture and temperature expansion, therefore, to level the walls for the purpose of further wallpapering, you should choose only moisture-resistant slabs, and during installation you will need to provide special gaps. The wallpaper can be anything, but its texture will affect the quality of the walls.

The best solution would be non-woven wallpaper, which will mask joints and irregularities. Whereas with the paper variety you will have to tinker a little. The plywood wall will need to be well prepared to give it the perfect look. Afterwards you can begin work. Special attention should be given to the glue - it must be designed to work with wooden bases. Now you have figured out whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to plywood. But before starting the renovation, you must apply a primer to the walls.

Preparation of tools and materials

In order to achieve the desired effect, you must prepare the following tools and materials:

  • primer;
  • rollers;
  • brushes;
  • sickle tape;
  • wallpaper;
  • knife with replaceable blades;
  • a simple pencil;
  • metal ruler;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • metal spatula;
  • putty.

The primer must be waterproof. As for putty, alkyd enamel is suitable for non-waterproof or rough plywood. To carry out the work, you will also need steel perforated corners.

Preparation of plywood

Quite often, novice home craftsmen wonder whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to plywood. But you already know that it is permissible to carry out such work, but only if proper preparation walls This is due to the fact that the coating described has some features that can cause the wallpaper to begin to bubble, warp and lag behind the surface.

For wall cladding, it is better to purchase American or Bakelite plywood. These sheets are not subject to temperature changes as intensely as other types. The ends of the slabs are painted before covering oil paint, which will eliminate the deformation of the material. You should not purchase low-grade plywood, because it has visible defects and delaminations on the end part. All these disadvantages will quickly become apparent after wallpapering.

Preparing the walls

If you are no longer wondering whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto plywood, you can safely get to work. In the process of fastening the sheets, the screws are recessed into the wood so that the caps do not protrude above the surface. All fasteners should then be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. If you don't do this, then rust spots appear on the surface of the canvas.

After leveling, the walls should be treated with a primer. The composition must contain anti-mold additives. This is especially important for vinyl wallpaper. The joints between the slabs are sealed with putty, otherwise they will be visible through the finish. This is especially true for paper webs. The same is true for any defects such as knots, microcracks and nail marks.

As soon as the putty has dried, the surface is sanded and coated with primer again. If you are interested in the question of how to hang wallpaper on plywood in wooden house, then you must follow the instructions described in the article. It provides recommendations for purchasing non-woven wallpaper, which is better suited for these manipulations than others. With their help you can mask defects, because the layer turns out to be quite thick. There will be spaces between the individual slabs of plywood after sheathing. All joints and fastening points are sealed.

If you used rough plywood for work, it should first be sanded and then cleaned of dust. Next, the canvases are covered with a moisture-resistant primer, and the joints and fastening points are puttied. The surface should be made perfectly smooth and even. If you used non-moisture resistant plywood for cladding, then it is painted with alkyd enamel, whereas it is better to avoid using water-based enamel. If you purchased moisture-resistant plywood, then after all the mixtures have dried, the walls are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, with which you can collect all the dust that may interfere with the adhesion of the glue.

If you are wondering how to glue wallpaper onto plywood, the recommendations presented below will help you solve this issue. For example, during the preparation process, the walls must be covered with putty using a waterproof compound and sickle tape. Fastening plywood to the wall is carried out with self-tapping screws, which must be galvanized. The hats are further processed. If this is not done, then over time you will see rusty spots on the surface that will appear through the wallpaper. It will be impossible to remove such defects.

As soon as the putty has been applied to the joints and fasteners, it is leveled with a spatula, and then the sickle is embedded in the composition. For internal and external corners Perforated steel angles should be used. The surface is then again covered with a layer of putty, which is left until it dries. Then you can start gluing the wallpaper.

Wallpaper gluing technology

Many home craftsmen are thinking about how to glue wallpaper onto plywood without primer and putty. Experts do not recommend doing this, as you risk losing a lot of effort and time. This is due to the fact that the desired effect will not be achieved, and the walls will then require repeated repairs. If you did everything correctly, you can lay wallpaper on the floor, but first protect the surface plastic film. diluted with water.

The gluing process will depend on what kind of wallpaper you purchased. For example, in the case of non-woven fabrics, the glue is applied exclusively to the wall, while in the case of other materials, it is applied to the canvas. If this recommendation is not taken into account, the material may swell, warp or become blistered. With a slight indentation from far corner you need to start gluing wallpaper onto plywood. This part of the room will be glued separately using trimmings. The same applies to the places above the doors and window openings. They are glued last, along with complex parts and niches. As soon as the wallpaper is glued to the plywood, you should leave the walls to dry. There should be no drafts in the room during this time.

As you know, the smoother the surface, the easier it is to wallpaper it, and the best option, undoubtedly, is plasterboard. But this pleasure is expensive, and not everyone can afford it, because in addition to the sheets of wall covering made on the basis of gypsum, special profiles will be required, and, of course, considerable professionalism during installation. Therefore, many today take a simpler route, upholstering walls with plywood. And often there is no one to warn about the difficulties ahead. Which ones? Quite serious, but quite surmountable.

The main problem that you have to face before gluing wallpaper onto plywood is uneven joints between the sheets. It is very difficult to cover walls with plywood to create a perfect, uniform surface. This means that the upholstery will “play” with differences at the seams. Best option To combat such disgrace, glue the joints of the sheets with serpyanka, then prime the top with high-quality putty and sand. Rest assured, the differences will become almost unnoticeable, especially if the plywood is of high quality and the walls are relatively smooth.

Pasting wallpaper onto plywood, choosing the covering material

If you look at the dacha, built at the dawn Soviet power and run your hand along the wall, you will be able to feel the texture of high-quality multi-layer plywood under the darkened paper wallpaper. And if suddenly you want to clean the walls from the old faded coating, then make sure that even ordinary poor paper wallpaper sticks tightly to plywood. Maybe it's the glue? It is very doubtful, since only modern industry pampers us with a wide variety of adhesive compositions, and previously we made do with the usual starch infusion, called paste. So, is paper wallpaper best? But wait with premature conclusions, because you need to be careful when gluing wallpaper on plywood.

To begin with, paper is not the most durable material, and today vinyl is much more popular. In addition, vinyl wallpapers can be embossed, which perfectly masks uneven joints if you were not able to completely smooth them out. But most the best option It is considered to be gluing non-woven wallpaper, which holds its shape perfectly, even if the plywood is slightly deformed over time. As for masking completely unflattering joints, reed wallpaper will help you here, the rough surface of which will perfectly hide any unevenness.

Keep in mind that wallpapering on plywood is carried out only after priming with glue, after which, after a short period of time, the canvas can be applied.

How to hang wallpaper on plywood with a guarantee of durability

Of course, it is difficult to predict in advance how plywood will behave after the wallpaper pasted on it has dried, but one thing is certain - over time, this product of the wood industry may well become deformed. And it’s good if this almost inevitable deformation occurs somewhere in the middle of the sheet, but the edges can also “play”, aggravating the unevenness of the joint. How to glue wallpaper on plywood in this case? We can say with confidence that glass wallpaper and a composition specially designed for gluing it will provide you high-quality surface for decades. The same can be said about metallized fabric. But, let’s say, how to cover walls with wallpaper so that forever...

There is such a wonderful composition as liquid wallpaper. They do not require glue, but the surface must be appropriate - since liquid wallpaper contains water among its components, wooden surface must be sufficiently resistant to high humidity. In other words, either choose waterproof plywood (there is such a thing), or it must be carefully secured so that the deformation already mentioned repeatedly above does not occur. But after finishing decorative finishing You don’t have to worry about the coating, any damage to the applied composition can be corrected in no time, just moisten the desired area and rub the mixture with a spatula, or in case of significant damage, apply a new layer.

Needless to say, plywood is good for everyone, but as a basis for wall decoration it is rated a solid four; it is much better to use plasterboard.